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Pussy~Cafe~ #1 Voxian 02/07/2024 (Wed) 05:18:23 No. 29590
This was a YURI thread, nyao~ it is a cat thread nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/29/2024 (Fri) 05:18:01.
>>31938 Goddess, I truely hate my 'family' they have never been a family to me. My parents think that just providing me with food and shelter makes them good parents. No, that means you fit the bare minimum expectations of parents. In so many ways you have abused me, and I truely hate you for it. I have never had a place in this so-called 'family,' I have always been treated like dirty to be trod on. Well, FUCK YOU, I'm going to dedicate all my time to work from now on in the hope of escaping your shit nya~
>>31943 Nina, la~? Who's that, la~? >>31939 The child decides whether a parent is good or not, la~ Not the parents themselves, la~ Many parents fall into the thinking that they're a good parent if they at least provide financially, la~
>>31944 The redhead in the post above. Butt, I'm actually not since I'm not nearly as BAKA nor BRAVE nya~ >Many parents fall into the thinking that they're a good parent if they at least provide financially, la~ First, even on that basis (being a good parent is as easy as providing a room and food), only my mother has provided financially for the last 20+ years (providing food and physical shelter nothing else really) and in contrast my 'father' deserves zero affection whatsoever, and he has actively been my enemy for 90%+ of my life. He finished a teaching degree at the same time as my mother but then used the fact that he couldn't/wouldn't hide his hatred of 'gays' as an excuse to give up seriously working (to actually acquire $), Instead, he pretended to work from home on a 'business' that was essentially just finding my brother work, ultimately he has been a pathetic petty-tyrant a busy body achieving nothing really. If he was just chill I wouldn't care so much but no, he acts like he's a good patriarch. Hell no nigger-jew lover. My mother is a great wife, she's basically my 'father's' slave. She's not a great mother because of that though. If only she had been my slave instead of his nya~ https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/blame-canada-justin-trudeau-creates-blueprint-dystopia-horrific-speech-bill <YIKES NYA~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/13/2024 (Mon) 05:26:49.
>>31954 https://www.amren.com/videos/2024/05/what-is-our-goal/ <I have to say that my goal is to move to Japan or Thailand nya~

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