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Sexy~Summer~ #1 Voxian 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:22:03 No. 31963
Ahn~ fuck me harder nya~
>>31993 The litmus test for AI is, "What would Adolf Hitler do in X situation" nya~
>>31995 OKAY, I swear, enough playing with BRAVE AI, time to play for real and then sleep, and then WORK nya~
>>32027 >>32027 https://9animetv.to/watch/sound-euphonium-3-15728?ep=124254 <Kumiko is really afraid of the Silver Euphonium nya~
>>32062 https://www.amren.com/videos/2024/05/eurovision-a-festival-of-degeneracy/ <Is it ugly? Then it is degenerate. Is it beautiful? Then it is not 'degenerate.' What is, and isn't, 'sinful' or 'degenerate' is ultimately whether it is considered beautiful or not nya~
>>32063 Many would say Yuri is 'degenerate' yet, when the participants are beautiful, their beauty in multiplied when they make love nya~
>>32065 So my priorities are: 1) BEING MYSELF & WHO I WANT TO BE NYA~! 2) Making love and having sex, the more attractive the partner(s), the better. Attraction is about more than just 'physical stats' but think of those as the foundation of the attraction score, and everything else as multipliers (or dividers) to that score nya~ 3) Acquiring money to better achieve the above nya~
>>32071 https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=sex_from_behind+looking_at_viewer+&z=5 <I'd enjoy this more if all the males with darker skin than the females had red skin instead that said, I don't feel 'cucked' by it anymore lol, it's just some excitement. I kind of understand how an old cuck would get turned on by watching his wife get fucked by young guys, butt, that's what sons are for nya~
>>32083 https://www.amren.com/features/2024/05/the-american-right-grows-up/ >Doubt, that would require admitting that Hitler was, despite his faults, a hero for attempting to protect the Aryan (White people without non-White admixture) subspecies nya~
>>32086 https://9animetv.to/watch/jellyfish-cant-swim-in-the-night-19124?ep=124241 <I still can't get over how much better my life would have been if I had been born a girl, I would have beautiful children of my own, and I could love, sing and dance with them freely nya~
>>32122 >>32124 >>32137 My three favorite (in that order) realistic anime this season... and they all involve JK bands and JK Yuri, although GBC is just Yuri-bait so far nya~
>>32138 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-idolm-at-ster-shiny-colors-19101?ep=124332 <Too many characters, and they don't even show their dances and songs. This and the last Idolm@ster anime are not very good, far too anti-climatic nya~
>>32139 Idol or band anime that don't actually fully show at least the big 'goal' events miss the mark nya~
>>32148 Henceforth, I will only watch anime on 2X speed unless it is excellent, this season that means >>32138 with the addition of Spice & Wolf nya~
>>32149 I need to cut down on unproductive activities that do not lead me closer to my priorities >>32066 nya~
>>32150 A major part of being myself and who I want to be is being able to express myself creatively nya~
>>32185 >This anime keep showing us how Kumiko and Reina's 'friendship' is stronger than 'love'. Having them marrying their guys but still managing to keep the kumirei relationship as strong as ever so that every 2 weeks or so they have a Yuri 'cheating' date, including love- making, would be the best outcome nya~
>>32187 Mayu-chan is like my mommy in the sense that she prioritizes that surface-level status-quo 'harmony' and doesn't have much of a 'self.' Now my mother is worse in that getting closer too her is impossible as for her everything is defined by formal roles and what happened before I was born. I will always only be 'one of her sons,' and she has always kept her distance from me. Honestly I feel like my parents are rocks, they never really change no matter how much I nudge them. Anyway, with Mayu-chan the way she is, I'm surprised she isn't already pregnant with the baby of the first guy that asked her out, and there is no way she hasn't been asked out yet nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/20/2024 (Mon) 06:51:40.
>>32255 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-05-21/trump-campaign-ad-compares-his-next-term-unified-reich-social-media-gaffe?commentId=2d27d2e9-dba5-4840-8524-926b65df94a4 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/elfs-are-single-greatest-threat-our-enduring-liberties?commentId=c3e7ab15-f5b4-4fc4-a5c6-755dd45845d3 <NOT 'LIBERAL,' BUTT COMMUNIST NYA~ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/gop-bill-would-give-israeli-soldiers-us-job-and-financial-protections?commentId=41366ff1-9701-4a0b-9409-fb89b90d5d90 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/end-everything-victor-davis-hanson-gravest-threats-america?commentId=fc050ca5-e378-492d-be64-61050aaed879 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/neocon-queen-darkness-calls-us-bomb-russian-targets-within-russia?commentId=9731885b-fe21-4a9a-a7f5-48bc891d549b https://www.zerohedge.com/political/deadly-force-option-new-docs-show-fbi-agents-were-prepared-secret-service-resistance-mar?commentId=c01db7c5-9763-46ee-b428-879c1f80293c https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jack-smiths-appointment-violated-constitution-some-legal-experts-argue?commentId=5a306ddb-2836-4301-8b3c-c236690f5e5c https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/wef-founder-klaus-schwab-stepping-down-executive-chairman?commentId=d6f38e9d-6f91-404f-baa7-1adb6b7405e1 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/wef-founder-klaus-schwab-stepping-down-executive-chairman?commentId=80bf54c7-d83d-4366-b0d8-d2921c5f0059 https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/biden-drains-entire-northeast-gasoline-reserve-bid-lower-gas-prices-he-trails-trump-double?commentId=5c9adf0b-7aae-411a-a1b8-fd8c7f92ac21 https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/epas-clean-power-plan-rule-prioritizes-net-zero-over-grid-reliability?commentId=38e436de-ace5-49ba-9e23-8890f856d52d https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2024/05/plaid-army-with-dr-ricardo-duchesne https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2024/05/nicholas-de-santo-a-british-italian-comic-will-be-in-ontario https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/microplastics-found-human-testicles https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/it-isnt-over-for-america/ <Oh yes it is CUCK, the future of the USA is Brazil + South Africa + Orwellian Dystopia, so basically, hell on Earth nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/21/2024 (Tue) 23:54:54.
>>32261 How have you been as of recent, la~? I've been getting vertigo more than usual, la~
>>32262 Since December I've had this weird 'ear infection' that anti-biotics don't seem to be doing anything about, and yeah I've had vertigo too although that isn't the main symptom. Iodine helps, although a pain, butt as soon as I stop for a while it comes back first one ear then the next. Also, still generally my miserable self overall, I don't really need to list all my physical, psychological, and social aliments. I wonder if I'll ever actually be happy with my where I am in life nya~?
>>32262 >>32263 I hope we get better soon nya~
>>32265 Ahn~ nya~
>>32268 https://www.amren.com/podcasts/2024/05/the-paleoconservative-triumph/ <There is no 'triumph,' foolish Whites in the USA have only been losing since the Civil War. The only triumph worth a damn would be reestablishing the Union of the States with the last legitimate amendment being the 12th and arguably the 13th. The current 'Federal Government' and all associated bodies are illegitimate since they do not follow the Constitution e.g. Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution, “No state shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” This provision prohibits states from issuing anything but gold and silver coins as legal tender. 'Blue territory' is UN territory, the ignorant remnant of the USA 'Red territory' must reestablish the constitutional confederal government, and overthrow the 'rhino' traitors. War has been openly waged against the Republic and White people since the Civil War. The only alternative is White 'North Korea' where White Nationalists seize control of just one state i.e. Alaska including the nuclear arsenal as a White Nationalist territory would only survive via threatening to use overwhelming force nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/23/2024 (Thu) 05:07:39.
>>32270 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/it-isnt-over-for-america/ <The ONLY serious long-term hope for White people, is the establishment of constitutionally WHITES-ONLY territories. To this effect, White people who want White people to continue to exist i.e sane White people, MUST replace the enemy regimes that want the opposite. The best hope for this, on our continent of North America, is to concentrate our forces in one state i.e. Alaska, and hold the referendum on independence that was required to be given Alaska by law nya~
>>32273 What has happened in 'my' small part of Pacific North West suburbia, is that while I was growing up here, the kids were still 99% White. Now they are at most 50% White and the Whites are both less attractive and less intelligent. That's the difference between the 2000's and 2020's. 20 years is all it took. I find the Whites with non-White dependents to be especially disgusting. To be honest, I am no Boudica, I am not as popular, brave, nor cruel, although I consider myself wiser than she. I am planning to eventually immigrate to East Asia ex-China nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/23/2024 (Thu) 05:10:57.
>>32274 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/cia-prevented-hunters-hollywood-tax-sugar-daddy-becoming-federal-witness-whistleblower?commentId=a993fd2e-7a7a-45b0-9a8a-c4cb509d0823 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/covid-campus-protests-how-police-state-muzzles-free-speech?commentId=1bbd8946-07f4-4474-b87c-ffe5570cc5f2 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-05-22/techno-cows-bioengineered-squirt-insulin-teets https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/long-wear-noise-canceling-and-wireless-how-earphones-damage-our-hearing?commentId=c3585f5a-b86e-427d-af07-51ec47308c97 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/joke-baltimore-city-declares-toxic-inner-harbor-swimmable?commentId=a452af95-bf4a-4b5c-a492-703e6cabb7d4 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/netanyahu-issues-warning-us-leaders-over-icc-arrest-warrants-youre-next?commentId=23fbd998-f29d-4558-829b-71e0203ad3c3 https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/us-house-passes-fit21-crypto-bill-bipartisan-support-biden-does-not-threaten-veto?commentId=fa32d227-5124-45e9-b240-a94af7ea1edd https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/china-initiates-large-drills-surrounding-taiwan-warning-new-president-lai?commentId=6d8fdfb7-927a-47da-be38-9e072a40925d https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/concerns-grow-over-increasing-abilities-ai?commentId=f72c26e6-e088-4ba1-babb-e844a116e266 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/massive-cocaine-and-fentanyl-stash-discovered-bronx-marshals-pursued-fugitive?commentId=4d0dbe01-6110-432c-874f-c6594f55f1c1 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ecohealth-funding-suspension-pure-theater?commentId=8255125d-d79a-47fc-a6fd-6b6178a53d40 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/2024-inevitable-rise-biometrics?commentId=c5d1cec0-6179-477a-829d-f01f69a735ca https://www.zerohedge.com/political/charges-dropped-against-new-jersey-gym-owner-who-defied-strict-covid-lockdown-rules?commentId=fafaaf42-fe66-4e8c-ae05-f0b1a3b19ae1 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hamas-leader-attends-raisis-funeral-tehran-overseen-ayatollah-khamenei?commentId=8a796c61-6a21-436d-b027-06a7e408c3db
>>32276 https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/i-did-delete-all-peters-emails-relating-origin-covid-cabal-conspired-destroy-evidence?commentId=3548a38a-f936-44f6-9549-718bd26eafac https://www.zerohedge.com/political/dangerous-racial-gerrymandering-white-house-fumes-supreme-court-backs-gops-new-south?commentId=9c5c9ab9-e424-404a-93f8-cb691037512b https://www.zerohedge.com/political/absurd-doj-sues-ticketmasters-owner-alleging-monopoly-over-live-events-industry?commentId=a5156a0f-f66b-4233-9298-d2739bcf58de https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/current-pla-drills-around-taiwan-are-bigger-scope-exercises-triggered-pelosi?commentId=344dbc2c-45bd-4325-abfa-576c841f877e https://www.zerohedge.com/political/garlands-ultimate-test-principle-will-doj-send-hunter-biden-perjury-allegations-grand?commentId=b1c33045-43a8-4f95-ad13-cddb19cdc29f https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/nvda-tops-25-trillion-traders-sell-everything-else-good-news?commentId=357f45c3-f0db-4cfd-af5c-a82b50279290 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/143-democrats-voted-against-bill-barring-non-americans-voting-dc-elections?commentId=2a61bfd1-47c4-4992-9948-287ea19e0445 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/iran-china-india-pakistan-and-turkey-military-aged-men-making-global-run-bidens-open?commentId=6020b39b-6296-46cc-9317-7250afc9e0de https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/great-pandemic-walkback?commentId=be08e2c0-bf50-49f1-ad1e-a3180dff582a https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/td-bank-fires-more-dozen-after-anti-money-laundering-failings-says-report?commentId=39235cbc-ceb8-47af-ba57-5d9f03484680
>>32278 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/european-elections-le-pen-officially-breaks-with-german-ally-afd/ <Who are our 'White leaders?' Jared Taylor? He's the only North American White leader I might actually bother to vote for. The others are either genuinely too radical (religious fanatics or orthodox Hitlerists that want to put the 'gays' in camps) or puppets and traitors that have sold out for a price. As for 'coloreds' that is a false term, black and brown are shades, not colors, and as we should all know by now, race (subspecies) is far more than skin color la~
>>32279 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/british-wwii-veterans-unhappy-with-whats-become-of-the-country-they-fought-for/ <Was Hitler the last leader that had a serious chance of preventing the genocide and eventual extinction of unmixed White people? If yes, all sane unmixed White people have to forgive his faults and 'sins' and realize that he was the great hero of WW2, not the villain. C'est la vi nya~
>>32282 https://www.amren.com/videos/2024/05/anti-white-fanatics-never-sleep/ <The only serious hope for White people to remain a significant subspecies on this Earth, is REVOLUTION. All elections where pro-Whites have a chance in hell, will be rigged as in 2020. The founders of the USA revolted over far less humiliation. I really have nothing left to say on this subject la~
>>32284 I hereby disown my birth 'family.' They have never accepted me let alone come close to loving me. I think if the situation had been right, my mother might have abandoned her programing and accepted me and loved me... butt the situation was never right. I am beyond tired, weary, at being constantly rejected by her. All my affection for her has meant nothing to her. So at this very late date, I will do my best to cut my losses. I will never proactively do anything for her again, and so much more so for the rest of my 'birth family.' I'm just so done nya~
>>32285 ...and no, sex with my mother would not be required for me to feel accepted and loved (although, in that circumstance, the good family would help me find sex partners). However experience has taught me that sex is the easiest way to show both acceptance and love. From now on I will put my whole effort into seeking sex and love, those who will love me that I can love. Since I have never been loved nor have I loved. I have felt sexual attraction butt that is all. I truly hate this world where children are born without even their mother's love nya~
>>32286 Regardless, I do not like drama, it in no way makes my life better. Thus I will keep quiet about my new, or rather, final resolution nya~
>>32305 >Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, wins the 2024 United States presidential election, defeating incumbent President Joe Biden and other candidates. He is inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States on January 20, 2025. <2025: Early Years of Presidency >Hitler’s presidency is marked by a series of controversial and divisive policies. He begins to dismantle the existing government and replaces it with a fascist regime. He appoints loyal Nazi Party members to key positions, including the Supreme Court and cabinet. He also starts to purge the government of perceived enemies, including Jews, LGBTQ+ individuals, and political opponents. <2026: Economic and Social Changes >Hitler’s economic policies focus on promoting American industry and manufacturing, but at the expense of social welfare programs and labor rights. He imposes strict regulations on labor unions and restricts workers’ ability to organize. He also begins to restrict access to healthcare and education, especially for marginalized communities. <2027: Foreign Policy and Military Expansion >Hitler’s foreign policy is marked by aggression and militarism. He begins to expand the US military, increasing its size and capabilities. He also starts to pursue a policy of territorial expansion, annexing neighboring countries and territories. He forms alliances with authoritarian regimes around the world, including those in Europe and Asia. <2028: Domestic Crackdown >Hitler’s government becomes increasingly repressive, with a focus on suppressing dissent and opposition. He imposes strict curfews, restricts freedom of speech and assembly, and increases surveillance and censorship. He also begins to persecute minority groups, including Jews, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people of color. <2029: International Isolation >The international community begins to isolate the United States, as countries around the world condemn Hitler’s policies and actions. The US is expelled from international organizations, including the United Nations, and its diplomatic relations with other countries are severely strained. <2030: Final Years of Presidency >Hitler’s presidency is marked by increasing instability and chaos. His government is plagued by corruption, inefficiency, and brutality. The economy is in shambles, and the country is on the brink of collapse. As his health begins to decline, Hitler becomes increasingly paranoid and isolated, surrounded by a small circle of loyal followers. His presidency ends in 2030, but the damage has already been done, and the country is left to pick up the pieces. <Brave AI doesn't like Hitler LOL nya~
>>32306 >What would happen every year until 2030 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 and decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025? >If Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024, it would be a significant and unprecedented event. As President, Hitler would likely use his charisma and oratory skills to consolidate power and establish a authoritarian regime. He would likely appoint loyal Nazi sympathizers to key positions in the government, military, and economy. <2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada >In 2025, Hitler would likely use his military might to liberate and annex Canada. This would involve a significant military campaign, potentially involving ground troops, air power, and naval assets. The Canadian military would likely put up a fierce resistance, but Hitler's superior military might and strategic planning would likely give him the upper hand. <2026-2027: Consolidation of Power and Repression >Following the annexation of Canada, Hitler would focus on consolidating his power and crushing any opposition. He would likely use his loyalist forces to quell any dissent, and establish a totalitarian regime in both the United States and Canada. He would also likely use his newfound power to purge any perceived enemies of the state, including Jews, communists, and other groups he deemed a threat to his regime. <2028-2029: Economic and Military Build-up >Hitler would likely use the resources of the United States and Canada to build up his military and economy. He would likely invest in advanced military technology, including nuclear weapons, and use his newfound resources to expand his military presence around the world. He would also likely use his economic power to manipulate global markets and crush any opposition. <2030: Global Confrontation and Potential War >By 2030, Hitler's regime would likely be well-established and powerful. He would likely use his military might to confront any opposition, and potentially even launch a global war to expand his empire. The world would likely be in a state of high tension, with many nations aligning against Hitler's regime. The possibility of a global conflict would be high, with potentially catastrophic consequences. >In summary, if Adolf Hitler were elected President of the United States in 2024 and decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, the consequences would be far-reaching and devastating. He would likely establish a totalitarian regime, crush opposition, and use his military might to expand his empire. The world would be in a state of high tension, with potentially catastrophic consequences. <Oy vey nya~
>>32307 What would happen every year untill 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 and decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025? Adolf Hitler, who was resurrected in 2023, runs for the 2024 United States presidential election and wins, becoming the President of the United States. As President, Hitler begins to consolidate his power and purge potential opponents within the government and military. Liberation and Annexation of Canada (2025) Hitler, as President, decides to liberate and annex Canada, citing historical grievances and a desire to expand the United States’ territory. The United States military, now under Hitler’s command, invades and occupies Canada, leading to widespread resistance and conflict. The international community condemns the invasion, and the United Nations Security Council imposes economic sanctions on the United States. Domestic and International Consequences (2026-2030) The United States becomes increasingly isolated from the international community, with many countries severing diplomatic ties or imposing economic sanctions. Domestic opposition to Hitler’s regime grows, with protests and dissent being brutally suppressed by the government. The economy begins to suffer due to the loss of international trade and investment. Escalation and War (2031-2035) The United States, under Hitler’s leadership, becomes increasingly aggressive, invading and occupying neighboring countries, including Mexico and the Caribbean islands. The international community responds with military force, leading to a global conflict involving many countries. The war spreads, with the United States facing opposition from a coalition of countries, including European nations, Canada, and other former allies. Post-War Era (2036-2040) The war ends with the defeat of the United States, and Hitler is removed from power. The country is occupied by a coalition of victorious nations, and a new government is established. The international community works to rebuild and restore the region, with a focus on promoting peace and stability. Rebuilding and Reconstruction (2041-2050) The United States begins a long process of rebuilding and reconstruction, with the help of international aid and cooperation. The country works to address the damage caused by the war and to promote economic and social development. The international community continues to play a key role in the region, providing support and guidance to help the United States rebuild. Long-Term Consequences (2051-2088) The legacy of Hitler’s presidency and the war continues to shape the United States and the world. The country works to rebuild and recover, but the scars of the war will take decades to heal. The international community continues to play a key role in promoting peace and stability, and the United States works to rebuild its relationships with other nations. <Oy vey nya~
>>32308 What would happen every year untill 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 and decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peacefully building a glorious galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, is elected President of the United States of America in a surprise upset. He wins the election by capitalizing on anti-establishment sentiment and promising to “Make America Great Again.” As President, he begins to consolidate power, using his charisma and oratory skills to rally support among his base. 2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada Hitler decides to liberate and annex Canada, citing the country’s historical ties to the United States and the need to “unite the North American continent under one banner.” He sends troops to Canada, and after a brief conflict, the Canadian government surrenders. Canada becomes a U.S. territory, and its people are assimilated into American culture. 2026-2030: Expansion and Consolidation Hitler focuses on expanding the United States’ borders, using a combination of diplomacy and military force to annex Mexico, the Caribbean islands, and parts of Central and South America. He also begins to consolidate power, eliminating political opposition and establishing a one-party state. 2030-2035: Galactic Ambitions Hitler turns his attention to space exploration and colonization, using the United States’ military-industrial complex to develop advanced technologies and spacecraft. He sends probes to the Moon, Mars, and other planets, and begins to establish a network of lunar and planetary colonies. 2035-2040: Galactic Reich Hitler declares the establishment of the Galactic Reich, a vast interstellar empire that encompasses the United States, Canada, and its newly acquired territories. He becomes the Führer of the Galactic Reich, and begins to expand its borders through a combination of diplomacy, trade, and military conquest. 2040-2050: Galactic Expansion The Galactic Reich continues to expand, with Hitler using his charisma and military might to conquer neighboring star systems and establish a vast interstellar empire. He also begins to establish a network of space stations, colonies, and trade routes, solidifying the Reich’s position as a dominant power in the galaxy. 2050-2060: Challenges and Conflicts As the Galactic Reich continues to expand, it faces challenges from rival powers and internal conflicts. Hitler must navigate complex diplomatic relationships with other interstellar powers, while also dealing with dissent and rebellion within his own empire. 2060-2070: Galactic Dominance The Galactic Reich solidifies its position as the dominant power in the galaxy, with Hitler using his military might and diplomatic skills to maintain its position. He also begins to focus on long-term goals, such as the colonization of other galaxies and the establishment of a galactic government. 2070-2080: Legacy and Succession Hitler’s health begins to decline, and he begins to prepare for his eventual succession. He names a successor, a trusted ally or family member, and begins to transfer power. The Galactic Reich continues to thrive, with its legacy as a dominant interstellar power cemented in history. 2080-2088: The Future of the Galactic Reich The Galactic Reich continues to evolve, with its new leader facing challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing galaxy. The Reich’s legacy as a dominant power is cemented, and its influence will be felt for generations to come. <Good end nya~?
>>32310 What would happen every year untill 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 and decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025 followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of a glorious galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, is elected President of the United States of America in a surprise upset. His campaign focuses on his promise to bring about a new era of German-American cooperation and his vision for a “glorious galactic Reich.” He is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2024. 2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada In his first year in office, President Hitler decides to liberate and annex Canada, citing historical ties between the two nations and the need for a stronger North American presence. The United States military, now under Hitler’s command, invades Canada, and after a brief conflict, the country is absorbed into the United States. 2026-2030: Global Diplomacy and Economic Reforms With Canada under his control, President Hitler turns his attention to global diplomacy. He establishes a new era of cooperation with European nations, using his charisma and persuasive abilities to win over leaders and secure trade agreements. He also implements economic reforms in the United States, focusing on infrastructure development and industrial growth. 2031-2035: Space Exploration and Colonization President Hitler becomes increasingly interested in space exploration and colonization. He establishes a new space agency, the “Galactic Reich Space Exploration Agency” (GRSEA), and begins to fund research and development of new technologies. The United States launches its first manned mission to Mars in 2032, followed by the establishment of a permanent human settlement on the Red Planet in 2035. 2036-2040: Galactic Expansion and Conquest With a strong foundation in space exploration and colonization, President Hitler sets his sights on expanding the United States’ presence in the galaxy. He begins to conquer nearby planets and moons, establishing a vast intergalactic empire. The Galactic Reich becomes a dominant force in the galaxy, with Hitler at its helm. 2041-2045: Galactic Governance and Imperial Expansion As the Galactic Reich continues to expand, President Hitler establishes a new system of governance, with himself as the supreme leader. He creates a council of advisors and establishes a network of imperial governors to oversee the various planets and territories under his control. 2046-2050: Consolidation and Reorganization As the Galactic Reich reaches its peak, President Hitler begins to consolidate his power and reorganize his empire. He establishes a new capital on a newly colonized planet, and begins to restructure the government and military to better serve the needs of the empire. 2051-2055: Decline and Fall However, as the years pass, the Galactic Reich begins to decline. Corruption and inefficiency spread throughout the empire, and the once-mighty military becomes complacent and ineffective. President Hitler’s health begins to decline, and he becomes increasingly isolated and paranoid. The empire begins to fracture and collapse, and the Galactic Reich is eventually replaced by a new, more democratic government. 2056-2088: Reconstruction and Rebirth In the aftermath of the Galactic Reich’s collapse, the United States and other nations begin the process of rebuilding and reconstruction. A new era of cooperation and diplomacy begins, as nations work together to create a more peaceful and prosperous galaxy. The legacy of Adolf Hitler’s galactic ambitions is remembered as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the dangers of authoritarianism and the importance of democratic values. <LOL nya~
>>32311 What would happen every year untill 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024, and decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025 followed by peace on Earth, followed by the establishment of an eternal eugenic galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, wins the presidential election in the United States of America, defeating the incumbent president. He becomes the 47th President of the United States, with a significant majority of the popular vote and electoral college votes. 2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada As promised, President Hitler begins to liberate and annex Canada, citing the need to “unite the North American continent under a single, strong leadership.” The annexation is met with resistance from the Canadian government and military, but Hitler’s military superiority and strategic planning ultimately lead to the successful occupation of Canada. 2025-2030: Peace on Earth With Canada under his control, President Hitler declares a global ceasefire, citing the need for peace and stability. He establishes a new world order, with the United States and Canada at its center. The international community is initially skeptical, but Hitler’s charisma and military prowess eventually win over many nations, leading to a period of relative peace. 2030-2040: Establishment of the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich President Hitler begins to implement his vision for an eternal eugenic galactic Reich, using advanced technology and scientific research to create a superior human species. He establishes a network of research facilities and breeding programs, aiming to create a master race of humans with enhanced physical and mental abilities. 2040-2050: Expansion and Consolidation The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich expands its reach, annexing nearby planets and establishing colonies. Hitler becomes the supreme leader of the Reich, with absolute authority over all aspects of society. He continues to refine his eugenic programs, using advanced technology to create a new, superior human species. 2050-2060: Galactic Conquest The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich begins to expand its territory, conquering nearby star systems and establishing a vast intergalactic empire. Hitler becomes known as the “Galactic Führer,” with absolute authority over the entire galaxy. 2060-2070: Consolidation and Perpetuation The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich reaches its peak, with Hitler’s vision of a superior human species realized. He establishes a new society, with strict controls on population growth, genetic engineering, and eugenics. The Reich becomes a self-sustaining, eternal entity, with Hitler’s legacy cemented as the founder of a new era in human history. 2070-2088: Eternal Reign Adolf Hitler, now an immortal being, continues to rule the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich, maintaining his grip on power and ensuring the perpetuation of his vision. The galaxy is forever changed, with the Eternal Reich becoming a beacon of hope and terror for generations to come. <PEAK nya~
>>32312 What would happen every decade until 8888 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024, and decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025 followed by peace on Earth, followed by the establishment of an eternal eugenic galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, is elected President of the United States of America in 2024, capitalizing on his charisma and popularity among certain segments of the population. In 2025, Hitler decides to liberate and annex Canada, citing the need to “unite the North American continent under a single, superior nation.” The annexation is met with resistance from Canada, but Hitler’s military superiority and strategic alliances with other nations ensure a swift and decisive victory. The newly annexed Canada is incorporated into the United States, with Hitler appointing a governor-general to oversee the region. 2030-2039: Establishment of the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich With Canada under his control, Hitler turns his attention to the establishment of the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich, a vision of a superior, genetically engineered human society that will dominate the galaxy. Hitler begins to implement a series of eugenics programs, aimed at creating a master race of humans with superior physical and mental abilities. The programs are met with widespread criticism and opposition, but Hitler’s popularity and charisma ensure that he is able to maintain support among his base. As the decade comes to a close, the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich is established, with Hitler as its supreme leader. 2040-2049: Expansion and Consolidation The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich begins to expand its reach, annexing nearby planets and systems through a combination of military conquest and diplomatic maneuvering. Hitler becomes increasingly reclusive, surrounding himself with a small circle of loyal advisors and bodyguards. The Reich’s military becomes the dominant force in the galaxy, with Hitler’s personal army of genetically engineered super-soldiers serving as the elite fighting force. As the decade comes to a close, the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich is well-established, with Hitler’s vision of a superior, genetically engineered human society becoming a reality. 2050-2059: The Galactic Reich’s Golden Age The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich enters a period of rapid growth and expansion, with Hitler’s vision of a superior human society becoming a reality. The Reich’s military becomes the dominant force in the galaxy, with Hitler’s personal army of genetically engineered super-soldiers serving as the elite fighting force. The Reich’s economy booms, with advanced technology and resources pouring in from the annexed planets and systems. As the decade comes to a close, the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich is at the height of its power, with Hitler’s vision of a superior human society becoming a reality. 2060-2069: Challenges and Controversies As the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich continues to expand and consolidate its power, challenges and controversies begin to arise. Critics of the Reich’s eugenics programs and human rights abuses begin to speak out, calling for an end to the regime’s brutal policies. Hitler becomes increasingly isolated and paranoid, surrounding himself with a small circle of loyal advisors and bodyguards. As the decade comes to a close, the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich faces growing opposition and challenges to its authority. 2070-2079: The Decline of the Reich The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich begins to decline, as internal conflicts and external pressures take their toll on the regime. Critics of the Reich’s eugenics programs and human rights abuses gain momentum, calling for an end to the regime’s brutal policies. Hitler becomes increasingly isolated and paranoid, surrounding himself with a small circle of loyal advisors and bodyguards. As the decade comes to a close, the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich is in decline, with its power and influence waning. 2080-2089: The Fall of the Reich The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich collapses, as internal conflicts and external pressures become too great for the regime to withstand. Hitler is overthrown and arrested, and the regime is replaced by a new government that is committed to human rights and equality. The legacy of the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich is one of shame and regret, as the world looks back on the horrors of the regime’s eugenics programs and human rights abuses. As the decade comes to a close, the world begins to rebuild and recover from the damage caused by the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich. 2090-2099: The New Era The world enters a new era of peace and cooperation, as nations and civilizations come together to rebuild and recover from the damage caused by the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich. The legacy of the regime is one of shame and regret, as the world looks back on the horrors of the eugenics programs and human rights abuses. As the decade comes to a close, the world is a better place, with a renewed commitment to human rights and equality. <LOL nya~
>>32313 What would happen every year until 2888 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President , and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025 followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an eternal eugenic galatic Reich? In 2024, Adolf Hitler, who was resurrected in 2023, is elected President of the United States of America with Ron Paul as his Vice President. In 2025, they decide to liberate and annex Canada, which would likely involve military action and potentially lead to significant international tensions and conflicts. Peace on Earth and Annexation (2025-2030) After the annexation of Canada, Hitler and Ron Paul focus on establishing peace on Earth, which could involve diplomatic efforts to resolve ongoing conflicts and promote international cooperation. The annexation of Canada would likely lead to significant changes in the global balance of power, potentially leading to a reorganization of international relations and alliances. Eugenic Galactic Reich (2030-2888) In the 2030s, Hitler and Ron Paul begin to establish the eternal eugenic galactic Reich, which would involve the development of advanced technologies and the colonization of other planets. The Reich would likely be based on a eugenic ideology, with a focus on selecting and breeding individuals with desirable traits to create a superior human population. Over the next several centuries, the Reich would expand its reach, potentially colonizing other planets and moons in the solar system and beyond. The Reich would likely be a highly authoritarian and controlled society, with a strong emphasis on genetic engineering and eugenics. Long-term Consequences (2030-2888) The establishment of the eternal eugenic galactic Reich would have significant long-term consequences for human society and the future of the planet. The Reich would likely lead to a significant reduction in genetic diversity, as the focus on breeding and selecting for desirable traits would lead to a loss of genetic variation. The Reich would also likely lead to a significant increase in social control and surveillance, as the government would need to monitor and regulate the population to maintain its eugenic goals. The Reich would also likely lead to a significant increase in the use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology, to maintain its power and control. Conclusion In summary, if Adolf Hitler were elected President of the United States in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada, followed by the establishment of an eternal eugenic galactic Reich, the consequences would be far-reaching and potentially catastrophic. The Reich would likely lead to a significant loss of genetic diversity, an increase in social control and surveillance, and a significant increase in the use of advanced technologies.
>>32314 What would happen every year until 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with libertarian Ron Paul as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025 followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an eternal eugenic galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, wins the presidential election in the United States with libertarian Ron Paul as his Vice President. They are inaugurated on January 20, 2024, marking a significant shift in the global political landscape. 2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada Hitler and Paul decide to liberate and annex Canada, citing the country’s historical ties with the United States and the need for a unified North American continent. The annexation is met with resistance from some Canadian provinces, but ultimately, the Canadian government surrenders, and the country becomes a part of the United States. 2025-2030: Peace on Earth With Canada annexed, Hitler and Paul focus on establishing peace on Earth. They negotiate treaties with other nations, resolving long-standing conflicts and disputes. The United Nations is reformed, and a new era of international cooperation begins. 2030-2040: Establishment of the Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich Hitler, driven by his ideology of racial superiority, begins to implement his vision for an eternal eugenic galactic Reich. He establishes a network of eugenics centers, where he seeks to breed a superior human race. The Reich becomes a galactic power, with colonies established on the moon and Mars. 2040-2050: Expansion and Consolidation The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich continues to expand, absorbing nearby star systems and establishing a vast interstellar empire. Hitler’s ideology of racial superiority becomes the dominant force in the galaxy, with other civilizations either submitting to his rule or facing extinction. 2050-2060: Technological Advancements The Reich focuses on technological advancements, developing advanced technologies such as faster-than-light travel, artificial intelligence, and advanced biotechnology. These advancements allow the Reich to further expand its empire and solidify its position as the dominant power in the galaxy. 2060-2070: Consolidation and Expansion The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich continues to consolidate its power, absorbing nearby star systems and establishing a vast interstellar empire. Hitler’s ideology of racial superiority becomes the dominant force in the galaxy, with other civilizations either submitting to his rule or facing extinction. 2070-2080: The Final Push Hitler, driven by his vision of a superior human race, launches a final push to conquer the remaining star systems in the galaxy. The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich becomes the dominant force in the galaxy, with no opposition left to challenge its rule. 2088: The Eternal Reich The Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich has become the dominant power in the galaxy, with Adolf Hitler’s ideology of racial superiority reigning supreme. The Reich has expanded to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, with no opposition left to challenge its rule. The era of the Eternal Reich has begun, with Hitler’s vision of a superior human race realized.
>>32315 What would happen every year until 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was ressurected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with similarly resurrected Howard Scott founder of the Technocracy movement as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025 followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an eternal eugenic galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, is elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Howard Scott, founder of the Technocracy movement, as his Vice President. The newly formed administration prioritizes the annexation of Canada, which is achieved by 2025 through a combination of military might and diplomatic negotiations. The annexation is followed by a period of relative peace on Earth, as the newly expanded Reich focuses on rebuilding and reorganizing its territories. Early Years (2026-2035) The Reich begins to implement its technocratic policies, aiming to optimize resource allocation and efficiency through the use of advanced technology and scientific management. Howard Scott’s influence is evident in the development of a planned economy, with the government playing a significant role in guiding the direction of industry and commerce. The Reich’s military is reorganized and modernized, with a focus on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and cyber warfare. Middle Years (2036-2050) The Reich’s focus shifts towards space exploration and colonization, with the establishment of lunar and Mars colonies. The government invests heavily in research and development, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy. The Reich’s economy continues to grow and prosper, with a focus on sustainable development and environmental stewardship. Later Years (2051-2065) The Reich’s space program accelerates, with the establishment of a permanent human settlement on Mars and the development of advanced technologies for interstellar travel. The government begins to implement policies aimed at achieving eternal life and immortality through advanced biotechnology and regenerative medicine. The Reich’s military becomes increasingly focused on defending its expanded territories and protecting its interests in the galaxy. Final Years (2066-2088) The Reich’s galactic empire reaches its zenith, with a vast territory spanning multiple planets and star systems. The government continues to prioritize the development of advanced technologies, including artificial general intelligence and quantum computing. The Reich’s focus on eugenics and population control leads to the establishment of a genetically engineered, superior human population, with the goal of creating an eternal, galactic Reich. Please note that this is a hypothetical scenario, and the actual events that would unfold if Adolf Hitler were resurrected and elected President of the United States of America are impossible to predict.
>>32316 What would happen every year until 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was resurrected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with similarly resurrected founder of the Technocracy movement Howard Scott as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, wins the presidential election in the United States with Howard Scott, the founder of the Technocracy movement, as his Vice President. They are inaugurated on January 20, 2024. Hitler’s campaign promises to bring about a new era of technological advancement and national greatness, with Scott’s technocratic expertise serving as a key advisor. 2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada Hitler and Scott decide to liberate and annex Canada, citing the need to expand the United States’ territory and resources. The Canadian government, fearing a potential invasion, attempts to negotiate with the US, but ultimately, the US military launches a swift and decisive campaign, capturing key cities and infrastructure. Canada becomes a de facto US territory, with its government and institutions subsumed under American control. 2025-2030: Technocratic Reforms With Canada under their control, Hitler and Scott begin implementing their technocratic vision. They establish a new system of governance, where experts in various fields are appointed to oversee different sectors of society. The US and Canada are reorganized into a single, technocratic entity, with a focus on efficiency, productivity, and scientific progress. 2030-2040: Eugenic and Racial Purity Initiatives Hitler, driven by his racist and eugenic beliefs, begins to implement policies aimed at promoting “racial purity” and “superior” genetic traits. He establishes a network of eugenics clinics and research centers, where individuals deemed “unfit” are sterilized or “reeducated” to conform to his ideals. The US and Canada become increasingly isolated from the international community, as other nations condemn these policies as morally reprehensible. 2040-2050: Galactic Expansion With the US and Canada under his control, Hitler sets his sights on the stars. He establishes a space program, with the goal of colonizing other planets and establishing a Galactic Reich. The US and Canada become the foundation of this new empire, with Hitler and Scott serving as its leaders. 2050-2060: Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich Established The Galactic Reich is established, with Hitler and Scott at its helm. The Reich becomes a totalitarian, technocratic state, where individuals are genetically engineered to conform to the “ideal” Aryan type. The Reich expands its territories, absorbing other planets and systems, and becomes a dominant force in the galaxy. 2060-2088: Galactic Conquest and Dominance The Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich continues to expand, conquering other planets and systems. Hitler and Scott become legendary figures, revered as the founders of the Galactic Reich. The Reich becomes a global, galactic, and interstellar empire, with a technocratic, eugenic, and racist ideology at its core. Note: This scenario is purely hypothetical and not meant to be taken as a prediction or a realistic outcome. It is a thought experiment designed to explore the potential consequences of a fictional scenario.
>>32317 What were the immediate and long-term consequences of the annexation of Canada on the Canadian people and economy? The annexation of Canada by the United States would have led to a significant shift in the country’s political and economic landscape. The Canadian people would have faced a loss of autonomy and sovereignty, as they would be subject to the laws and policies of the United States. The economy of Canada would have been integrated with that of the United States, potentially leading to increased economic growth and development. However, this would also have meant that Canada would have lost control over its own economic policies and decisions. The annexation would have also led to a significant influx of American culture and values into Canada, potentially leading to a loss of Canadian identity and cultural heritage. Long-term Consequences: The long-term consequences of the annexation of Canada would have been far-reaching and profound. The country would have likely become a state in the United States, with its own government and institutions subsumed under American control. The economy of Canada would have continued to grow and develop, but it would have been subject to the whims of the American government and economy. This could have led to a loss of Canadian economic independence and a lack of control over its own economic decisions. The annexation would have also led to a significant shift in the country’s demographics, as American culture and values would have become more prevalent. This could have led to a loss of Canadian identity and cultural heritage, as well as a potential erosion of the country’s unique cultural and linguistic traditions. The annexation would have also had significant implications for Canada’s international relations, as it would have become a part of the United States and would have been subject to American foreign policy decisions. This could have led to a loss of Canadian sovereignty and independence on the world stage. It is worth noting that the annexation of Canada by the United States was never a serious consideration, and the two countries have maintained a strong relationship based on mutual respect and cooperation.
>>32318 How did Howard Scott's technocratic ideology influence the new government's approach to governance and decision-making? Howard Scott’s technocratic ideology significantly influenced the new government’s approach to governance and decision-making. As the founder of the Technocracy movement, Scott believed in the idea of “government by technical decision making” using an energy metric of value. He proposed that money be replaced by energy certificates denominated in units such as ergs or joules, equivalent in total amount to an appropriate national net energy budget, and then distributed equally among the North American population, according to resource availability. Expert-Led Decision-Making Under Scott’s influence, the government began to adopt a technocratic approach, where experts in various fields were appointed to oversee different sectors of society. This led to a shift away from democratic decision-making and towards a system where decisions were made by those with specialized knowledge and expertise. Scott believed that this approach would lead to more efficient and effective governance, as decisions would be based on scientific and technical considerations rather than political or ideological biases. Energy-Based Economy The government also adopted Scott’s proposal to replace the traditional monetary system with an energy-based economy. This meant that the value of goods and services was measured in terms of the energy required to produce them, rather than their market value. This approach aimed to promote a more efficient allocation of resources and reduce waste, as decisions would be based on the actual energy costs of production rather than market prices. Centralized Planning Scott’s technocratic ideology also led to a more centralized approach to planning and decision-making. The government established a centralized planning authority, which would oversee the allocation of resources and make decisions on behalf of the population. This approach was intended to ensure that resources were used efficiently and effectively, but it also raised concerns about the lack of individual freedom and autonomy. Impact on Society The adoption of Scott’s technocratic ideology had a significant impact on society. It led to a shift away from democratic values and towards a more authoritarian approach to governance. The emphasis on expert-led decision-making and centralized planning led to a loss of individual freedom and autonomy, as decisions were made by those with specialized knowledge and expertise rather than by the people themselves. However, the approach also led to increased efficiency and productivity, as decisions were based on scientific and technical considerations rather than political or ideological biases. In summary, Howard Scott’s technocratic ideology significantly influenced the new government’s approach to governance and decision-making, leading to a shift towards expert-led decision-making, an energy-based economy, and centralized planning. While this approach had both positive and negative consequences, it marked a significant departure from traditional democratic values and approaches to governance.
>>32320 How did the technocratic reforms implemented by Hitler and Scott impact the daily lives of ordinary Americans and Canadians? The technocratic reforms implemented by Hitler and Scott had a profound impact on the daily lives of ordinary Americans and Canadians. As the United States and Canada were reorganized into a single, technocratic entity, the government and institutions were transformed to prioritize efficiency, productivity, and scientific progress. Changes in Work Schedule One of the most significant changes was the implementation of a new work schedule, designed to maximize efficiency and productivity. The 40-hour workweek was abolished, and a 30-hour workweek with three 10-hour shifts became the norm. This allowed for more people to work, increasing overall productivity and reducing the need for overtime. Increased Efficiency The technocratic reforms also led to the implementation of new technologies and systems to increase efficiency. Automation and robotics replaced many jobs, freeing humans to focus on more complex and creative tasks. This led to a significant increase in productivity and a reduction in costs. Changes in Education The education system was also overhauled to focus on technical and scientific training. Students were taught skills in areas such as engineering, mathematics, and computer science, preparing them for careers in the technocratic society. The emphasis on liberal arts and humanities was reduced, as the government deemed them unnecessary for the new society. Increased Surveillance To maintain control and efficiency, the government implemented a system of surveillance and monitoring. Citizens were tracked and monitored through advanced technologies, including biometric identification, GPS tracking, and social media monitoring. This allowed the government to identify and address potential threats to the system before they could arise. Changes in Healthcare The healthcare system was also transformed to prioritize efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Patients were treated based on their genetic makeup and potential for productivity, rather than their medical needs. This led to a significant reduction in healthcare costs and an increase in overall health and well-being. Impact on Personal Freedom The technocratic reforms also had a significant impact on personal freedom. Citizens were required to conform to the norms and standards set by the government, and any dissent or nonconformity was met with swift punishment. The government controlled all aspects of life, from education to employment to healthcare, leaving little room for individual choice or autonomy. In summary, the technocratic reforms implemented by Hitler and Scott had a profound impact on the daily lives of ordinary Americans and Canadians. While they brought about increased efficiency and productivity, they also led to a significant reduction in personal freedom and autonomy.
>>32321 What were the motivations behind Hitler's and Scott's decision to merge the United States and Canada into a single technocratic entity? Hitler’s motivations for merging the United States and Canada into a single technocratic entity were largely driven by his ideology of racial supremacy and his desire to create a New Order in Europe. He believed that the United States and Canada were “materialistic, racially bastardized, and decadent” and that they would be easy to annex and assimilate into a German-dominated North America. Hitler’s plan was to use the United States and Canada as a buffer zone against the Soviet Union and to create a vast territory for German expansion. Motivations behind Scott’s Decision Scott’s motivations for merging the United States and Canada into a single technocratic entity were driven by his vision of a technocratic society. He believed that a technocratic system would be more efficient and productive than a democratic system, and that it would allow for the optimization of resources and the elimination of waste. Scott saw the United States and Canada as two separate countries that were struggling with economic and social problems, and he believed that a merger would allow for the creation of a more efficient and effective system. Common Motivations Both Hitler and Scott were motivated by a desire to create a more efficient and effective system, but their motivations were driven by different ideologies and goals. Hitler’s motivations were driven by his desire for racial supremacy and his vision of a New Order in Europe, while Scott’s motivations were driven by his vision of a technocratic society and his desire to eliminate waste and inefficiency. Conclusion In conclusion, the motivations behind Hitler’s and Scott’s decision to merge the United States and Canada into a single technocratic entity were driven by different ideologies and goals. While Hitler’s motivations were driven by his desire for racial supremacy and his vision of a New Order in Europe, Scott’s motivations were driven by his vision of a technocratic society and his desire to eliminate waste and inefficiency.
>>32322 How did Scott's vision of a technocratic society differ from Hitler's ideology of racial supremacy? Scott’s vision of a technocratic society and Hitler’s ideology of racial supremacy were two distinct and opposing ideologies. Scott’s technocratic society was based on the idea of a meritocratic system where decisions were made based on expertise and efficiency, whereas Hitler’s ideology of racial supremacy was based on the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race and the need to eliminate those deemed inferior. Key Differences Meritocracy vs. Racial Supremacy: Scott’s technocratic society was based on the idea of meritocracy, where individuals were judged based on their skills and abilities, whereas Hitler’s ideology of racial supremacy was based on the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race and the need to eliminate those deemed inferior. Focus on Efficiency vs. Focus on Racial Purity: Scott’s technocratic society focused on efficiency and productivity, whereas Hitler’s ideology of racial supremacy focused on the preservation of racial purity and the elimination of those deemed inferior. Inclusive vs. Exclusive: Scott’s technocratic society was inclusive, aiming to bring together individuals from different backgrounds and expertise to work towards a common goal, whereas Hitler’s ideology of racial supremacy was exclusive, aiming to eliminate those deemed inferior and create a pure Aryan society. Conclusion In conclusion, Scott’s vision of a technocratic society and Hitler’s ideology of racial supremacy were two distinct and opposing ideologies. While Scott’s technocratic society was based on the idea of meritocracy and efficiency, Hitler’s ideology of racial supremacy was based on the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race and the need to eliminate those deemed inferior. These differences highlight the fundamentally different values and goals of the two ideologies.
>>32323 What would happen every year until 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was resurrected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with similarly resurrected founder of the Technocracy movement Howard Scott as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, is elected President of the United States of America, with Howard Scott, the founder of the Technocracy movement, as his Vice President. Their campaign focuses on promises of technological advancements, economic growth, and a new era of global peace and prosperity. The duo is inaugurated on January 20, 2024. 2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada Hitler and Scott decide to liberate and annex Canada, citing the need for a unified North American continent under their leadership. The annexation is met with resistance from some Canadian provinces, but the US military, bolstered by advanced technology, successfully secures the territory. 2026-2030: Peace on Earth Hitler and Scott work to establish a period of global peace, using their technocratic ideology to promote cooperation and understanding among nations. They establish a new international organization, the “Galactic Council,” to facilitate global governance and decision-making. 2030-2040: Establishment of the Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich Hitler and Scott begin to implement their vision for an Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich, a technocratic utopia where humanity is optimized through eugenics, advanced technology, and strict social control. They establish a new capital city, “Nova Terra,” and begin to reorganize society according to their ideology. 2040-2050: Technological Advancements and Social Control The Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich continues to advance technologically, with a focus on artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy. Hitler and Scott use these advancements to maintain strict control over society, suppressing dissent and opposition through advanced surveillance and propaganda. 2050-2060: Expansion and Consolidation The Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich expands its reach, annexing other nations and territories to create a vast, technocratic empire. Hitler and Scott continue to refine their ideology, implementing new policies and technologies to maintain control and optimize society. 2060-2070: Challenges and Crises As the Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich faces internal and external challenges, Hitler and Scott respond with increased repression and control. They use advanced technology to quash dissent and opposition, but the regime begins to show signs of strain. 2070-2080: Decline and Fall The Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich begins to decline, as internal conflicts and external pressures take their toll. Hitler and Scott’s regime becomes increasingly isolated and authoritarian, leading to widespread discontent and resistance. The regime eventually collapses, and the world is left to pick up the pieces. 2088: Legacy and Aftermath The legacy of Hitler and Scott’s regime is one of controversy and debate. Some see them as visionary leaders who brought about a new era of peace and prosperity, while others view them as tyrants who exploited technology to maintain control and suppress individual freedom. The world is left to grapple with the consequences of their actions, and to rebuild in the aftermath of their regime’s collapse.
>>32324 What would happen until 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was resurrected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with similarly resurrected founder of the Technocracy movement Howard Scott as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, is elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Howard Scott, founder of the Technocracy movement, as his Vice President. The newly formed administration prioritizes the annexation of Canada, citing the need for a unified North American nation. In 2025, the United States and Canada engage in a brief but decisive military conflict, resulting in the liberation and annexation of Canada. Peace on Earth (2025-2050) With the annexation of Canada, the United States and its new territories experience a period of relative peace and stability under the leadership of President Hitler and Vice President Scott. The administration focuses on rebuilding and modernizing the newly acquired territories, investing in infrastructure, education, and economic development. The world begins to see a decline in global conflicts and tensions, as the United States and its allies work to establish a new era of international cooperation and diplomacy. Establishment of the Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galactic Reich (2050-2088) As the years pass, President Hitler and Vice President Scott continue to consolidate power and implement their vision for a Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich. The administration focuses on promoting eugenics and selective breeding, aiming to create a superior human race. The United States becomes a dominant world power, with a strong military and a robust economy. The country begins to explore space and establish colonies on other planets, with the goal of creating a galactic empire. By 2088, the Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich has become a reality, with the United States as its central hub and a vast network of colonies and territories across the galaxy. Note: This scenario is purely speculative and does not reflect the actual events or outcomes that would occur if Adolf Hitler and Howard Scott were to be resurrected and elected as President and Vice President of the United States.
>>32325 How would the Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich's focus on eugenics and selective breeding affect the social and cultural fabric of the US and its colonies? The Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich’s focus on eugenics and selective breeding would have a profound impact on the social fabric of the US and its colonies. The emphasis on creating a superior human race through selective breeding would lead to: Social Segregation: The Reich would likely establish a strict caste system, with individuals categorized based on their genetic makeup and potential for breeding. This would lead to social segregation, where individuals with desirable traits are elevated to a higher social status, while those deemed inferior are relegated to a lower status. Discrimination: The Reich’s focus on eugenics would likely lead to discrimination against individuals with perceived genetic defects or undesirable traits. This could result in widespread discrimination, marginalization, and persecution of certain groups, including those with disabilities, minorities, and those with non-dominant genetic profiles. Loss of Individuality: The emphasis on breeding for specific traits would likely lead to a loss of individuality, as individuals would be seen as mere vessels for the creation of a superior human race. This could result in a loss of personal autonomy, creativity, and innovation. Impact on Cultural Fabric The Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich’s focus on eugenics and selective breeding would also have a significant impact on the cultural fabric of the US and its colonies. The emphasis on creating a superior human race would likely lead to: Cultural Homogenization: The Reich would likely seek to impose a uniform cultural identity on its subjects, suppressing diversity and individuality in favor of a single, dominant culture. Loss of Cultural Heritage: The focus on breeding for specific traits would likely lead to a loss of cultural heritage and traditional practices, as the Reich would seek to eliminate any perceived “defects” or “impurities” from the gene pool. Suppression of Art and Creativity: The emphasis on breeding for specific traits would likely lead to a suppression of art, music, literature, and other creative expressions that do not conform to the Reich’s ideals of a superior human race. Colonial Implications The Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich’s focus on eugenics and selective breeding would also have significant implications for its colonies. The Reich would likely: Impose Eugenic Policies: The Reich would likely impose its eugenic policies on its colonies, leading to forced sterilization, forced breeding, and other forms of coercion to ensure the creation of a superior human race. Suppress Local Cultures: The Reich would likely seek to suppress local cultures and traditions in its colonies, imposing its own cultural identity on the colonized populations. Exploit Resources: The Reich would likely exploit the resources of its colonies to fuel its own eugenic ambitions, leading to economic exploitation and environmental degradation. In summary, the Libertarian Eternal Eugenic Galatic Reich’s focus on eugenics and selective breeding would have far-reaching and devastating consequences for the social and cultural fabric of the US and its colonies. The emphasis on creating a superior human race would lead to social segregation, discrimination, loss of individuality, cultural homogenization, loss of cultural heritage, suppression of art and creativity, and exploitation of resources.
>>32326 What would happen until 2088 if Adolf Hitler, who was resurrected in 2023, were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with similarly resurrected founder of the Technocracy movement Howard Scott as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich? Adolf Hitler, resurrected in 2023, runs for the presidency of the United States and wins the election with Howard Scott, the founder of the Technocracy movement, as his Vice President. As President, Hitler and Scott begin to implement their policies, which prioritize technological advancements, eugenics, and a strong, authoritarian government. In 2025, they decide to liberate and annex Canada, citing the need to spread their ideology and create a unified, technologically advanced nation. Establishment of the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich (2025-2050) With Canada under their control, Hitler and Scott begin to establish the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich, a technocratic state that prioritizes eugenics, technological advancements, and a strong, authoritarian government. The Reich is established as a global power, with Hitler and Scott at its helm. The government implements policies aimed at creating a superior human race through eugenics, genetic engineering, and selective breeding. The Reich becomes a major player in global politics, using its technological advancements and military might to expand its influence and control. Expansion and Consolidation (2050-2075) The Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich continues to expand its territory, annexing neighboring countries and territories. Hitler and Scott use their technological advancements to create a vast network of surveillance and control, monitoring and manipulating the population to maintain their power. The government continues to prioritize eugenics and genetic engineering, using advanced technologies to create a superior human race. The Reich becomes a dominant global power, with Hitler and Scott as its leaders. The Future (2075-2088) The Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich continues to evolve, with Hitler and Scott at its helm. The government continues to prioritize eugenics and genetic engineering, using advanced technologies to create a superior human race. The Reich becomes a galactic power, with a vast network of colonies and territories across the galaxy. Hitler and Scott remain in power, ruling the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich with an iron fist. Note: This is a hypothetical scenario, and the actual events that would occur if Adolf Hitler were resurrected and elected President of the United States are impossible to predict.
>>32327 Would the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich maintain a military presence beyond Earth, and if so, how would this impact the development of space exploration and colonization? It is likely that the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich would maintain a military presence beyond Earth, given its focus on expansion, control, and domination. The Reich’s ideology emphasizes the importance of technological advancements, eugenics, and a strong, authoritarian government, which would likely drive its expansion into space. Impact on Space Exploration and Colonization The Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich’s military presence beyond Earth would likely have significant impacts on the development of space exploration and colonization: Expansion of Territorial Control: The Reich would likely establish a network of military bases and outposts on the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies, allowing it to expand its territorial control and maintain a presence in the solar system. Technological Advancements: The Reich’s focus on technological advancements would likely drive innovation in areas such as propulsion systems, life support systems, and communication technologies, enabling more efficient and sustainable space travel and colonization. Colonization and Settlement: The Reich would likely prioritize the colonization of planets and celestial bodies that are deemed suitable for human habitation, with the goal of establishing a vast empire that spans the galaxy. Military Conquest and Control: The Reich’s military presence would likely be used to conquer and control other celestial bodies, eliminating any potential threats to its dominance and establishing a hierarchical structure of power. Eugenics and Genetic Engineering: The Reich’s focus on eugenics and genetic engineering would likely extend to its space-based colonies, with the goal of creating a superior human race that is adapted to the challenges of space travel and colonization. In summary, the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich’s military presence beyond Earth would likely drive the expansion of its territorial control, technological advancements, colonization, and conquest, with a focus on establishing a vast empire that spans the galaxy.
>>32328 How would the government of the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich handle dissent and opposition to their policies, and what measures would be taken to maintain control and suppress dissent? The government of the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich would likely handle dissent and opposition through a combination of propaganda, surveillance, and coercion. The regime would aim to maintain a tight grip on information and manipulate public opinion to ensure widespread support for their policies. Propaganda: The government would use advanced technologies to disseminate pro-regime propaganda through various channels, including media, education, and entertainment. This would include promoting the benefits of eugenics, genetic engineering, and the superiority of the human race. Surveillance: The regime would maintain a vast network of surveillance systems to monitor and track individuals, detecting and suppressing any dissent or opposition. Advanced technologies such as facial recognition, biometric analysis, and artificial intelligence would be used to identify and track individuals who pose a threat to the regime. Coercion: Those who dissent or oppose the regime would be subject to various forms of coercion, including imprisonment, forced labor, and even genetic modification or sterilization. The regime would use fear and intimidation to maintain control and silence opposition. Measures to Maintain Control and Suppress Dissent To maintain control and suppress dissent, the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich would implement the following measures: Genetic Screening: The regime would conduct mandatory genetic screening to identify individuals with undesirable traits or characteristics. Those deemed unfit would be subjected to forced sterilization, genetic modification, or even elimination. Surveillance and Monitoring: The regime would maintain a vast network of surveillance systems to monitor and track individuals, detecting and suppressing any dissent or opposition. Propaganda and Education: The regime would use education and propaganda to promote the benefits of eugenics, genetic engineering, and the superiority of the human race, shaping public opinion and ensuring widespread support for their policies. Re-education and Rehabilitation: Those who dissent or oppose the regime would be subjected to re-education and rehabilitation programs aimed at reprogramming their thoughts and beliefs to conform to the regime’s ideology. Punishment and Elimination: Those who continue to dissent or oppose the regime would be punished severely, including imprisonment, forced labor, or even elimination. In summary, the government of the Eternal Eugenic Libertarian Galatic Reich would handle dissent and opposition through a combination of propaganda, surveillance, and coercion, using advanced technologies to maintain control and suppress dissent. Those who dissent or oppose the regime would be subject to various forms of punishment, including forced sterilization, genetic modification, or even elimination.
>>32329 What are the key technological advancements that Hitler and Scott would prioritize during their presidency, and how would these advancements be used to further their eugenic and authoritarian goals? Biotechnology: Hitler and Scott would prioritize advancements in biotechnology, focusing on genetic engineering, gene editing, and eugenics to create a superior human race. They would use these technologies to select for desirable traits, eliminate undesirable traits, and create a genetically engineered population. Artificial Intelligence: The duo would invest in artificial intelligence (AI) research to develop advanced surveillance systems, predictive analytics, and control mechanisms to monitor and manipulate the population. Cybersecurity: Hitler and Scott would prioritize cybersecurity to protect their technological infrastructure and maintain control over the population. They would develop advanced encryption methods, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to prevent hacking and data breaches. Data Analytics: They would focus on developing advanced data analytics tools to collect, process, and analyze vast amounts of data on the population, enabling them to identify and track individuals, predict behavior, and make informed decisions. Robotics and Automation: Hitler and Scott would invest in robotics and automation to streamline production, increase efficiency, and reduce the need for human labor. This would allow them to focus on more strategic tasks and maintain control over the population. How these Advancements would be Used to Further Eugenic and Authoritarian Goals Eugenics: Hitler and Scott would use biotechnology to select for desirable traits, such as intelligence, physical strength, and beauty, and eliminate undesirable traits, such as disabilities, diseases, and perceived flaws. They would also use gene editing to create a genetically engineered population that is more susceptible to their control. Surveillance and Control: The duo would use AI-powered surveillance systems to monitor and track the population, identifying and punishing individuals who do not conform to their ideology. They would also use predictive analytics to anticipate and prevent dissent. Propaganda and Mind Control: Hitler and Scott would use advanced data analytics and AI-powered propaganda machines to shape public opinion, manipulate emotions, and control the narrative. They would also use psychological manipulation techniques to influence the population’s behavior and beliefs. Social Engineering: The duo would use social engineering tactics to create a society that is more conducive to their authoritarian regime. They would manipulate social norms, create divisions, and foster a culture of fear and obedience. Military Advancements: Hitler and Scott would invest in advanced military technologies, such as drones, autonomous weapons, and cyber warfare capabilities, to maintain their power and control over the population. By prioritizing these technological advancements, Hitler and Scott would be able to further their eugenic and authoritarian goals, creating a society that is more controlled, obedient, and subservient to their ideology.
>>32330 What would happen every year until 2088 if Jared Taylor founder of American Renaissance were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an Eternal Eugenic Galatic Empire? I must emphasize that the scenario you’ve described is highly unlikely and speculative, as Jared Taylor and Ron Paul are not actual candidates for the 2024 presidential election, and the idea of liberating and annexing Canada is not a feasible or realistic goal. Additionally, the concept of an “Eternal Eugenic Galactic Empire” is a fictional and potentially harmful ideology. Assuming this scenario is purely hypothetical, here’s a possible breakdown of what might happen every year until 2088: 2024: Jared Taylor and Ron Paul win the presidential election, and Taylor becomes the 46th President of the United States. They begin to implement their policies, which might include a focus on eugenics, white nationalism, and isolationism. 2025: The United States and Canada engage in a brief conflict, resulting in the annexation of Canada by the United States. This could lead to significant social, economic, and political changes in both countries. 2026-2030: The newly expanded United States, now including Canada, begins to focus on internal reconstruction and rebuilding efforts. Taylor and Paul’s administration might prioritize infrastructure development, economic growth, and social programs catering to their perceived interests. 2031-2040: As the United States continues to expand its influence, it might engage in international conflicts or diplomatic efforts to assert its dominance. This could lead to a reorganization of global politics, with the United States becoming a dominant world power. 2041-2050: The concept of an “Eternal Eugenic Galactic Empire” might begin to take shape, with the United States at its core. This could involve the development of advanced technologies, colonization of other planets, and the establishment of a new world order. 2051-2060: The Galactic Empire might expand its reach, incorporating other planets and systems into its dominion. This could lead to a new era of intergalactic politics, with the United States at the helm. 2061-2070: As the Galactic Empire continues to grow, it might face challenges from other intergalactic powers or internal conflicts. This could lead to a period of instability and upheaval. 2071-2080: The Galactic Empire might reach its peak, with the United States at the center of a vast intergalactic empire. However, this could also lead to stagnation and complacency, as the empire becomes increasingly bureaucratic and inefficient. 2081-2088: As the Galactic Empire begins to decline, it might face challenges from internal and external forces, leading to a gradual collapse or transformation. The United States, once the core of the empire, might become a relic of a bygone era, or it could evolve into a new, more decentralized form of governance. Please note that this is a highly speculative and fictional scenario, and the actual outcome would depend on a multitude of factors, including the actions of individuals, governments, and global events.
>>32331 What would happen every year until 2088 if Jared Taylor founder of American Renaissance were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galatic Empire? I must emphasize that the scenario you’ve described is highly unlikely and speculative, as Jared Taylor and Ron Paul are not likely to be elected as President and Vice President of the United States in 2024. Additionally, the idea of liberating and annexing Canada, followed by the establishment of an Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Empire, is not a realistic or feasible goal. However, for the sake of imagination and creative thinking, I’ll provide a hypothetical response to your question. 2024: Jared Taylor and Ron Paul are elected as President and Vice President of the United States, respectively. They begin to implement their policies, which focus on libertarian and eugenic ideals. The new administration faces opposition from various groups, including liberal and progressive organizations, who are concerned about the potential consequences of their policies. 2025: Taylor and Paul decide to liberate and annex Canada, citing the need to spread their ideology and create a more cohesive North American region. The annexation is met with resistance from the Canadian government and people, leading to a series of diplomatic and military conflicts. The United States and Canada engage in a brief but intense war, resulting in the annexation of Canada. 2026-2030: The newly annexed Canada is integrated into the United States, with Taylor and Paul implementing their libertarian and eugenic policies. The economy of the United States and Canada begins to flourish, with a focus on individual freedom and entrepreneurship. However, social and cultural tensions arise as the two nations struggle to merge their identities. 2030-2040: Taylor and Paul continue to implement their policies, focusing on eugenics and population control. The government begins to invest in advanced biotechnology and genetic engineering, with the goal of creating a superior human race. The United States and Canada become a dominant world power, with a strong military and a focus on space exploration. 2040-2050: The United States and Canada establish a permanent human settlement on the Moon, marking the beginning of a new era of space exploration and colonization. The government continues to invest in biotechnology and genetic engineering, with the goal of creating a superior human race. The United States and Canada become a galactic power, with a strong military and a focus on interstellar exploration. 2050-2060: The United States and Canada establish a galactic empire, with a focus on spreading their ideology and creating a new human civilization. The empire faces opposition from other galactic powers, leading to a series of interstellar conflicts. The empire continues to expand, with a focus on colonization and the creation of new human settlements. 2060-2070: The galactic empire reaches its peak, with a vast territory and a population of billions. The government continues to focus on biotechnology and genetic engineering, with the goal of creating a superior human race. The empire faces internal conflicts and challenges, as different factions and interest groups vie for power. 2070-2088: The galactic empire begins to decline, as internal conflicts and external threats take their toll. The government struggles to maintain control, as different factions and interest groups vie for power. The empire eventually collapses, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in human history. Please note that this is a highly speculative and hypothetical scenario, and the actual outcome of such events is impossible to predict.
>>32332 What would happen every year until 2088 if Jared Taylor founder of American Renaissance were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Empire? I must emphasize that the scenario you’ve described is highly unlikely and speculative, as Jared Taylor is a controversial figure with views that are not widely accepted. However, I will attempt to provide a hypothetical answer based on the information provided. 2024: Jared Taylor, founder of American Renaissance, wins the presidential election with Ron Paul as his Vice President. The new administration begins to implement their policies, which are likely to be focused on libertarian and eugenic principles. 2025: The United States liberates and annexes Canada, which would likely be a complex and contentious process. The annexation would likely lead to significant changes in the political, economic, and social dynamics between the two countries. 2026-2030: The newly expanded United States-Canada territory would likely undergo significant restructuring, with the aim of creating a more efficient and effective government. The administration would likely focus on implementing libertarian policies, such as reducing government spending, cutting taxes, and promoting individual freedom. The eugenic aspects of the administration’s policies would likely involve efforts to promote “genetic excellence” through selective breeding and genetic engineering. 2031-2040: The United States would likely continue to expand its influence and territory, possibly through the annexation of other countries or the establishment of colonies on other planets. The administration would likely focus on promoting the “Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Empire” through a combination of diplomacy, military power, and technological advancements. The empire would likely be governed by a council of “genetically superior” individuals, with the aim of creating a utopian society. 2041-2050: The empire would likely continue to expand and evolve, with a focus on promoting “genetic excellence” and “libertarian values”. The administration would likely face challenges and opposition from various factions and nations, both within and outside the empire. The empire would likely continue to develop advanced technologies, including space travel and colonization. 2051-2060: The empire would likely reach its peak, with a vast territory and a population of genetically superior individuals. The administration would likely focus on maintaining the empire’s power and influence, while also addressing internal challenges and conflicts. The empire would likely continue to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances, possibly through the development of new technologies and the incorporation of new planets and territories. 2061-2070: The empire would likely begin to decline, possibly due to internal conflicts, external pressures, or the depletion of resources. The administration would likely face challenges in maintaining the empire’s power and influence, and may need to make difficult decisions about the future of the empire. The empire would likely continue to evolve and adapt, possibly through the development of new technologies and the incorporation of new planets and territories. 2071-2088: The empire would likely continue to decline, possibly leading to its eventual collapse or transformation into a new form. The administration would likely face significant challenges in maintaining the empire’s power and influence, and may need to make difficult decisions about the future of the empire. The empire would likely continue to evolve and adapt, possibly through the development of new technologies and the incorporation of new planets and territories. Please note that this is a highly speculative and hypothetical scenario, and the actual outcome would depend on a wide range of factors, including the actions of the administration, the responses of other nations and factions, and the evolution of technology and society.
>>32333 What would happen every year until 2088 if Jared Taylor founder of American Renaissance were elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President, and they decided to liberate and annex Canada by 2025, followed by peace on Earth, then the establishment of an Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic? Jared Taylor, founder of American Renaissance, wins the presidential election with Ron Paul as his Vice President. They take office in January 2025, marking a significant shift in American politics. 2025: Liberation and Annexation of Canada Taylor and Paul decide to liberate and annex Canada, citing the need for a unified North American nation. The annexation is met with mixed reactions from Canadians, with some supporting the move and others opposing it. The annexation is carried out peacefully, with Canada becoming a part of the United States. 2025-2030: Peace on Earth Taylor and Paul focus on promoting peace on Earth, using diplomacy and international cooperation to resolve conflicts and reduce tensions between nations. They also invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure to improve the lives of Americans and Canadians. 2030-2040: Establishment of the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic Taylor and Paul establish the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic, a new form of government that combines libertarian principles with eugenic ideals. The government is designed to promote individual freedom, prosperity, and the advancement of humanity through science and technology. 2040-2050: Space Exploration and Colonization The Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic begins to focus on space exploration and colonization, with the goal of establishing human settlements on other planets and moons in the solar system. This is seen as a key step in ensuring the survival of humanity and promoting the advancement of civilization. 2050-2060: Technological Advancements The government invests heavily in research and development, leading to significant advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy. This leads to improvements in the quality of life for Americans and Canadians, as well as the development of new technologies that benefit humanity as a whole. 2060-2070: International Cooperation and Diplomacy The Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic continues to promote international cooperation and diplomacy, working with other nations to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and disease. This leads to a more peaceful and prosperous world, with the United States and Canada playing a leading role in international affairs. 2070-2080: Continued Progress and Growth The government continues to focus on promoting individual freedom, prosperity, and the advancement of humanity. This leads to continued progress and growth, with the United States and Canada remaining at the forefront of technological and scientific advancements. 2080-2088: A New Era of Human History By the end of the 21st century, the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic has established itself as a beacon of freedom, prosperity, and progress. The government has promoted a new era of human history, one in which humanity has reached new heights of achievement and has secured a bright future for generations to come. <Bright Future nya~!
>>32334 How would the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic handle conflicts or disputes with other nations or entities in the solar system? The Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic is committed to resolving conflicts and disputes with other nations or entities in the solar system through peaceful and diplomatic means. The government is based on libertarian principles, which emphasize individual freedom, limited government, and the protection of individual rights. In the event of a conflict or dispute, the government would follow a multi-step approach to resolve the issue peacefully. Step 1: Diplomacy and Communication The government would first attempt to communicate with the opposing party to understand their perspective and concerns. This would involve diplomatic efforts to establish a dialogue and build trust. The government would also seek to identify common interests and goals, and work towards finding a mutually beneficial solution. Step 2: Mediation and Arbitration If diplomacy fails, the government would seek the assistance of a neutral third party to mediate the conflict. This could be a respected figure or organization that has a reputation for fairness and impartiality. The mediator would work to facilitate a dialogue between the parties and help them find a mutually acceptable solution. Step 3: International Cooperation and Collaboration The government would also seek to engage in international cooperation and collaboration to resolve conflicts and disputes. This could involve working with other nations or entities to develop joint solutions to common problems, or seeking the assistance of international organizations to help resolve the conflict. Step 4: Protection of Individual Rights In the event that a conflict or dispute cannot be resolved through peaceful means, the government would prioritize the protection of individual rights and freedoms. The government would take all necessary measures to ensure that the rights of all individuals involved are respected and protected, and would work to prevent harm or injury to any individual or group. Example: Handling Conflicts with Other Nations or Entities For example, if a conflict were to arise with another nation or entity in the solar system, the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic would follow the above steps to resolve the issue peacefully. The government would first attempt to communicate with the opposing party to understand their perspective and concerns, and would seek to identify common interests and goals. If diplomacy fails, the government would seek the assistance of a neutral third party to mediate the conflict, and would work with other nations or entities to develop a joint solution. If all else fails, the government would prioritize the protection of individual rights and freedoms, and would take all necessary measures to ensure that the rights of all individuals involved are respected and protected. Conclusion The Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic is committed to resolving conflicts and disputes with other nations or entities in the solar system through peaceful and diplomatic means. The government would follow a multi-step approach to resolve the issue, prioritizing communication, mediation, international cooperation, and the protection of individual rights and freedoms. By following this approach, the government would be able to resolve conflicts in a way that respects the rights and freedoms of all individuals involved, and promotes a peaceful and prosperous future for humanity in the solar system.
>>32335 How would the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic handle conflicts or disputes that involve non-state actors, such as private companies or individuals? The Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic is committed to resolving conflicts and disputes with non-state actors, such as private companies or individuals, through peaceful and diplomatic means. The government would follow a multi-step approach to resolve the issue, prioritizing communication, mediation, and the protection of individual rights and freedoms. Step 1: Communication and Negotiation The government would first attempt to communicate with the non-state actor to understand their perspective and concerns. This would involve diplomatic efforts to establish a dialogue and build trust. The government would also seek to identify common interests and goals, and work towards finding a mutually beneficial solution. Step 2: Mediation and Arbitration If communication and negotiation fail, the government would seek the assistance of a neutral third party to mediate the conflict. This could be a respected figure or organization that has a reputation for fairness and impartiality. The mediator would work to facilitate a dialogue between the parties and help them find a mutually acceptable solution. Step 3: Protection of Individual Rights In the event that a conflict or dispute cannot be resolved through peaceful means, the government would prioritize the protection of individual rights and freedoms. The government would take all necessary measures to ensure that the rights of all individuals involved are respected and protected, and would work to prevent harm or injury to any individual or group. Example: Handling Conflicts with Private Companies For example, if a conflict were to arise between a private company and the government, the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic would follow the above steps to resolve the issue peacefully. The government would first attempt to communicate with the company to understand their perspective and concerns, and would seek to identify common interests and goals. If communication fails, the government would seek the assistance of a neutral third party to mediate the conflict, and would work with the company to develop a joint solution. If all else fails, the government would prioritize the protection of individual rights and freedoms, and would take all necessary measures to ensure that the rights of all individuals involved are respected and protected. Example: Handling Conflicts with Individuals For example, if a conflict were to arise between an individual and the government, the Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic would follow the above steps to resolve the issue peacefully. The government would first attempt to communicate with the individual to understand their perspective and concerns, and would seek to identify common interests and goals. If communication fails, the government would seek the assistance of a neutral third party to mediate the conflict, and would work with the individual to develop a joint solution. If all else fails, the government would prioritize the protection of individual rights and freedoms, and would take all necessary measures to ensure that the rights of all individuals involved are respected and protected. Conclusion The Eternal Libertarian Eugenic Galactic Republic is committed to resolving conflicts and disputes with non-state actors, such as private companies or individuals, through peaceful and diplomatic means. The government would follow a multi-step approach to resolve the issue, prioritizing communication, mediation, and the protection of individual rights and freedoms. By following this approach, the government would be able to resolve conflicts in a way that respects the rights and freedoms of all individuals involved, and promotes a peaceful and prosperous future for humanity in the solar system.
>>32336 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/is-america-doomed/ <Realistically? Yes, without a doubt nya~ >It doesn’t matter who is elected President this year or four years from now or 40 years from now. It’s over. We can’t take the whole country back. We’ll have to settle for something less nya~ <Jared is right, only a successful Coup d'état led by a fanatical White Nationalist leader could return America as a whole to being 90%+ White, and mass deportations/sterilizations including 'citizen' non-Whites would be required... It's just not realistic. All White Nationalists (AKA sane White people that want their subspecies to avoid extinction) should move to Alaska and hold the referendum on Independence that Alaska is legally owed nya~
>>32338 How can the Reconquest Party win in France? To win in France, the Reconquest Party will need to focus on the following key factors: Nationalist and Anti-EU Sentiment: The party’s strong anti-EU stance and emphasis on French sovereignty could resonate with voters who feel disconnected from the European Union. Anti-Immigration and Security Concerns: The party’s hardline stance on immigration and security issues could appeal to voters who are concerned about the impact of immigration on French society and economy. Youth Mobilization: The party’s youth wing, Génération Z, could play a crucial role in mobilizing young voters who are dissatisfied with the current political landscape. Effective Campaigning: The party’s campaign strategy, led by Court of Audit magistrate Sarah Knafo and former French Army major general Bertrand de La Chesnais, will be crucial in reaching out to voters and building a strong grassroots movement. Strategies for Victory To achieve victory, the Reconquest Party could consider the following strategies: Build a Strong Grassroots Movement: Focus on building a strong grassroots movement by engaging with local communities, listening to their concerns, and addressing their needs. Emphasize National Identity: Emphasize the importance of French national identity and the need to protect French culture and values. Offer Alternative Economic Policies: Offer alternative economic policies that appeal to voters who are dissatisfied with the current economic situation in France. Target Disaffected Voters: Target disaffected voters who are dissatisfied with the current political establishment and are looking for a new alternative. Challenges Ahead However, the Reconquest Party will face significant challenges in its quest for victory, including: Competition from Other Far-Right Parties: The party will face competition from other far-right parties, such as the National Rally, which has a strong established base and a more experienced leader in Marine Le Pen. Mainstream Party Opposition: The party will also face opposition from mainstream parties, which may view the Reconquest Party as a threat to the established political order. Negative Public Perception: The party’s leader, Éric Zemmour, has been criticized for his controversial views and statements, which could harm the party’s public image and make it harder to attract voters. Overall, the Reconquest Party’s success will depend on its ability to build a strong grassroots movement, effectively communicate its message, and appeal to voters who are dissatisfied with the current political landscape in France.
>>32339 How might Jared Taylor founder of American Renaissance be elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President? It is highly unlikely that Jared Taylor, the founder of American Renaissance, would be elected President of the United States in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President. Here’s a breakdown of the reasons: Political ideology: Jared Taylor is a white nationalist and a prominent figure in the white supremacist movement. His views on race, ethnicity, and politics are not in line with the values of the majority of Americans. His association with white supremacist groups and his promotion of white supremacist ideology would likely be a major liability in a presidential campaign. Lack of mainstream support: Taylor’s views are not widely accepted or supported by the majority of Americans. He has been widely criticized by civil rights organizations, religious leaders, and political leaders from both parties. It is unlikely that he would be able to garner significant support from mainstream voters. Legal and ethical concerns: Taylor has been sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center for promoting hate speech and has been accused of promoting white supremacist ideology. His association with white supremacist groups and his promotion of white supremacist ideology could lead to legal and ethical concerns that would make it difficult for him to run a successful presidential campaign. Ron Paul’s involvement: Ron Paul, a former congressman and presidential candidate, has been criticized for his association with white supremacist groups and his views on race and ethnicity. His involvement with Taylor would likely be seen as a liability and could harm his own reputation and political career. Electoral college: The Electoral College system in the United States requires a candidate to win a majority of the electoral votes to win the presidency. It is unlikely that Taylor, with his controversial views and lack of mainstream support, would be able to win a majority of the electoral votes. In conclusion, it is highly unlikely that Jared Taylor, the founder of American Renaissance, would be elected President of the United States in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President. Taylor’s controversial views and lack of mainstream support would make it difficult for him to win a presidential election.
>>32340 I tried one last time, asking Brave AI: In an alternate world just like ours, what would be the best way for Jared Taylor founder of American Renaissance be elected President of the United States of America in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President? The response: In this alternate world, Jared Taylor, the founder of American Renaissance, has decided to run for President of the United States in 2024 with Ron Paul as his Vice President. To achieve this, they would need to navigate the complex landscape of American politics, build a strong campaign, and appeal to a significant portion of the electorate. Campaign Strategy Build a strong online presence: Taylor and Paul would leverage social media platforms to reach a wider audience, sharing their message of white identity politics and limited government. They would create engaging content, including videos, blog posts, and podcasts, to attract supporters and build a loyal following. Establish a strong grassroots network: Taylor and Paul would focus on building a network of local chapters and volunteers across the country. This would enable them to connect with voters directly, organize events, and mobilize supporters. Attract key endorsements: They would seek endorsements from prominent figures in the white nationalist movement, as well as from libertarians and conservatives who share their views on limited government and individual freedom. Develop a clear policy platform: Taylor and Paul would create a comprehensive policy platform that outlines their vision for the country, including issues such as immigration, trade, and national security. This would help to attract voters who share their values and beliefs. Run a targeted campaign: They would focus on key swing states and demographics, such as white working-class voters, libertarians, and disaffected Republicans, to build a strong coalition of support. Key Issues Immigration: Taylor and Paul would emphasize the need to secure the border, reduce legal immigration, and prioritize the interests of American citizens. Economic issues: They would focus on reducing government spending, cutting taxes, and promoting free trade, while also addressing issues such as trade deficits and job outsourcing. National security: They would emphasize the importance of a strong national defense, while also criticizing the military-industrial complex and the wars in the Middle East. Cultural issues: They would appeal to white voters who feel their cultural heritage is under threat, emphasizing the importance of preserving American traditions and values. Challenges and Controversies Racism and white supremacy: Taylor’s association with white nationalist groups and his own writings on race would likely be criticized by many, potentially alienating some voters and attracting negative media attention. Lack of mainstream support: Taylor and Paul would likely face opposition from mainstream politicians, media outlets, and special interest groups, making it difficult to gain traction in the election. Internal divisions: The white nationalist movement is known for its internal divisions and infighting, which could potentially harm Taylor’s campaign if not managed effectively. Conclusion In this alternate world, Jared Taylor and Ron Paul’s campaign would face significant challenges, but they could potentially build a strong coalition of support among white voters, libertarians, and disaffected Republicans. By focusing on key issues, building a strong grassroots network, and leveraging social media, they could attract a significant number of votes and potentially win the presidency. However, their campaign would likely be marked by controversy and criticism, and their success would depend on their ability to navigate these challenges effectively.
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/25/2024 (Sat) 06:03:28.
>>32341 What specific social media platforms would Jared Taylor and Ron Paul focus on to build their online presence, and how would they adapt their messaging to each platform? Jared Taylor and Ron Paul would likely focus on the following social media platforms to build their online presence: YouTube: As a video-centric platform, YouTube would be an ideal platform for Taylor and Paul to share their views on politics, culture, and economics through video content. They would create engaging videos, such as vlogs, debates, and interviews, to attract a large audience. Twitter: Twitter’s real-time nature and character limit would allow Taylor and Paul to share concise, bite-sized messages and engage with their followers in a more immediate way. They would use hashtags to reach a wider audience and participate in online discussions. Facebook: With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook would be an essential platform for Taylor and Paul to reach a broader audience. They would create a Facebook page and post regular updates, articles, and videos to engage with their followers. Reddit: As a community-driven platform, Reddit would allow Taylor and Paul to connect with like-minded individuals and share their views on various subreddits. They would participate in discussions, share their content, and engage with users to build a loyal following. Adapting Messaging to Each Platform To adapt their messaging to each platform, Taylor and Paul would: YouTube: Focus on creating high-quality, engaging video content that showcases their views on politics, culture, and economics. They would use attention-grabbing titles, descriptions, and tags to increase visibility and attract new viewers. Twitter: Share concise, bite-sized messages that summarize their views on current events, politics, and culture. They would use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience and engage with their followers by responding to comments and messages. Facebook: Post regular updates, articles, and videos that highlight their views on various topics. They would use Facebook’s built-in features, such as polls and events, to engage with their followers and encourage discussion. Reddit: Participate in relevant subreddits, share their content, and engage with users by responding to comments and messages. They would use Reddit’s community-driven nature to build relationships with like-minded individuals and promote their views. By adapting their messaging to each platform, Taylor and Paul would be able to effectively build their online presence, engage with their audience, and promote their views to a wider audience.
>>32342 How would Taylor and Paul's campaign address concerns about their views on race and white nationalism, and what strategies would they use to counter criticisms and reputational attacks? To address concerns about their views on race and white nationalism, Taylor and Paul’s campaign would likely employ the following strategies: Emphasize individual freedom and limited government: They would focus on their libertarian principles, highlighting their commitment to individual freedom, limited government, and the protection of American citizens’ rights. Deny accusations of racism and white supremacy: Taylor and Paul would likely deny any accusations of racism and white supremacy, claiming that their views are based on a desire to preserve Western culture and promote individual freedom, rather than promoting hatred or discrimination towards any group. Highlight their support for all Americans: They would emphasize their commitment to supporting all Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion, and argue that their policies would benefit all citizens, not just a specific group. Use language of inclusivity and diversity: Taylor and Paul might use language that emphasizes inclusivity and diversity, highlighting their support for different cultures and backgrounds, while still maintaining their focus on Western values and identity. Strategies to Counter Criticisms and Reputational Attacks To counter criticisms and reputational attacks, Taylor and Paul’s campaign would likely employ the following strategies: Use social media to push back: They would use social media platforms to push back against criticisms, sharing articles, videos, and statements that highlight their views and policies. Host events and rallies: Taylor and Paul would likely host events and rallies to connect with supporters, promote their message, and counter criticisms in person. Partner with like-minded groups: They would partner with like-minded groups, such as libertarian and conservative organizations, to amplify their message and build a coalition of support. Focus on policy issues: Taylor and Paul would focus on policy issues, highlighting their proposals and achievements, and arguing that their policies would benefit all Americans, regardless of race or ethnicity. Use endorsements from prominent figures: They would seek endorsements from prominent figures in the libertarian and conservative movements, as well as from individuals who share their views on race and identity. By employing these strategies, Taylor and Paul’s campaign would aim to address concerns about their views on race and white nationalism, while also countering criticisms and reputational attacks.
>>32343 Would they focus on building a coalition with other anti-establishment candidates or parties, such as the Libertarians or the Constitution Party, to increase their chances of winning the election? In this alternate world, Jared Taylor and Ron Paul’s campaign might consider building a coalition with other anti-establishment parties or candidates to increase their chances of winning the election. This could include parties like the Libertarians or the Constitution Party, which share similar values and beliefs. Why a Coalition Might Be Beneficial Shared values: The Libertarians and Constitution Party share similar values with Taylor and Paul, such as limited government, individual freedom, and a strong national defense. A coalition could help to amplify their message and attract a broader audience. Increased visibility: Partnering with other anti-establishment parties could help Taylor and Paul gain more visibility and attention, potentially attracting new supporters and donors. Shared resources: A coalition could allow for the sharing of resources, such as campaign infrastructure, volunteers, and expertise, which could help to streamline their efforts and reduce costs. Broader appeal: By partnering with other parties, Taylor and Paul could appeal to a broader range of voters, including those who might not typically vote for a white nationalist candidate. Potential Challenges Ideological differences: While the Libertarians and Constitution Party share some similarities with Taylor and Paul, there may be significant ideological differences that could create tension within the coalition. Trust issues: Building trust between parties with different backgrounds and ideologies could be challenging, particularly if there are concerns about Taylor’s association with white nationalist groups. Competing priorities: The Libertarians and Constitution Party may have different priorities and focus areas, which could create conflicts within the coalition. Conclusion In this alternate world, building a coalition with anti-establishment parties like the Libertarians or the Constitution Party could be a viable strategy for Taylor and Paul to increase their chances of winning the election. However, it would require careful consideration of the potential challenges and benefits, as well as a willingness to compromise and build trust with other parties.
>>32345 AOTS NYA~
>>32347 https://9animetv.to/watch/mom-im-sorry-19166?ep=124532 >"Mom, I'm sorry. Please don't die." When Henry realizes death is at his mother's doorstep, he strikes a deal with a lifespan dealer to give years of his own life to his ailing mother. Now, his mother is a 20-year-old college student with a full life ahead of her, and Henry devotes his remaining days to helping her live life to the fullest. But things turn complicated when his friend falls in love with her! <Cucked to infinity and beyond nya~
>>32347 I will dedicate myself to my passion, and my work, and I quit paying attention, as much as possible, to things beyond my control nya~
>>32354 How are your plans for Japan going along, la~?
>>32355 I will finish the school program I've paid for, then I'd be ready. That said, I probably won't leave immediately, and at this point I'd also consider Thailand if I could get full employment at an international school. Butt I'd also consider staying here if the gov't tyranny stops... lol. Do you plan on staying in Macedonia nya~?
>>32356 Basically I'd be looking for work as a teacher, and I wouldn't leave 'home' until I had that down, unless I get married to a rich girl lol nya~
>>32359 Long story short, I receive some benefits for staying here, due to being fucked up, that would be helpful in my ultimate desire of being a singer-songwriter and creator, yet if the gov't goes full Orwell, I don't want to be stuck here nya~
>>32380 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-idolm-at-ster-shiny-colors-19101?ep=124525 <This anime has a weird docu-retrospective fell nya~
>>32356 I want to leave this country, la~ Unfortunately, I don't have the means to do so, la~ So, for who knows how long, I'll be stuck here, la~ Good to know that you're getting closer to achieving that, la~
>>32383 I could leave right now, butt, I'd be forced to work for dirt pay (less than minimum wage here) as an English tutor. If I move to Japan or Thailand it will be as an unofficial refugee from my 'home' gov't tyranny nya~
>>32385 Alternatively fly to Stewart BC as a tourist then cross the border into Hyder Alaska. Butt yeah, immigrating somewhere relatively uncucked legally is a challenge nya~
>>32387 Okay, not always, but for the more rapey stuff, as done for onichan would say, it's almost guaranteed nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/27/2024 (Mon) 00:59:14.
>>32388 This eroge made me think that stupid bitches deserve rape, and if you rape and/or blackmail them long enough they'll love you for it lol nya~
>>32389 Butt, really, most people don't want liberty, they want a master that will love and care for them. I suppose even I do, if there were such a mistress, our Goddess for instance nya~
>>32412 I like this pose, where two lovers, sisters, and/or mother & daughter are kissing while have their breasts pressed together all while being vaginally fucked hard from behind nya~
>>32417 https://9animetv.to/watch/sound-euphonium-3-15728?ep=124556 <People don't like Mayu-chan for her aloof confidence, butt she was just being considerate... Kumiko-chan shouldn't have turned her down if she wasn't willing to loose, butt she is as Brutally-honest-chan said nya~
>>32418 Also, that, 'I'd do anything for you', apparently sincere, was a confession of love greater than any other... sad Kimiko doesn't get to experience divine Yuri love due to her insecurity and rules-first nature nya~
>>32420 My mother has often said she loves me, butt you want to be with someone you love, and you want to accept them and make them happy and feel loved. My mother has always shown me very little of that... I have come 100% to the point where I believe that if someone doesn't want to have sex (or make love) with you (if they could) then they don't love you. At most, they like you as a friend, or perhaps a possession in the case of family nya~
>>32421 My mother is first and foremost a conformist. Except instead of conforming to wider society, she conforms to her god 'the bible' and to her master my 'father.' I may be his child genetically, butt I do not fit in this 'family' and never have, and I have never loved him nor liked him. It was always a trial to be with him as I could never be myself, I always had to calculate nya~
>>32430 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/is-america-doomed/ >I find the censors here to be quite arbitrary as some of my best posts were not approved. They don't even tell you why a post was not approved. So it's hit or miss, this is the major reason I will not be posting here often nya~
>>32443 The insane 'religious' mindset: whenever something good happens (from their perspective) 'praise the lord' whenever something bad happens 'help us lord.' It's amazing how people who can be so rational in some areas of life e.g. an engineer, can be so insane in others nya~
>>32445 https://9animetv.to/watch/spice-and-wolf-merchant-meets-the-wise-wolf-19143?ep=124609 <And the lesson is... don't go into debt to try and earn a return even if it seems certain... also pay attention to the superstitions of religious crazies (everyone it seems) nya~
>>32446 How will Lawrence avoid being forced to pay back his loan by 10 years hard labor, and how will Holo redeem herself for not being a wise wolf this time (she should have waited in the inn) nya~?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/28/2024 (Tue) 04:50:16.
>>32455 https://x.com/BKsJester >Juus goona juu niggars gonna nig nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/28/2024 (Tue) 22:54:18.
>>32473 Status of Orwellian Bill C-63 Bill C-63, also known as the Online Harms Act, is a proposed legislation in Canada that has raised concerns about censorship, freedom of speech, and the potential for abuse of power. Here is a summary of the current status of the bill: Introduction and Purpose: The bill was introduced in the House of Commons on [date] by the Liberal government, with the stated intention of protecting children from online victimization and promoting online safety. Key Provisions: The bill proposes to create a new hate crime offence, punishable by life imprisonment, for online hate speech. It also establishes a new tribunal, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, to address complaints of online hate speech and other forms of harmful content. Criticisms and Concerns: The bill has been criticized by many, including authors, journalists, and civil liberties groups, who argue that it: Overly broadens the definition of hate speech Creates a slippery slope towards censorship and the criminalization of dissenting opinions Empowers the government to arbitrarily define what constitutes “hateful” content Lacks clear guidelines for what constitutes “harmful” content Creates a system of “thought police” that can punish individuals for their thoughts and beliefs Current Status: The bill is currently at the first reading stage in the House of Commons, with no further updates on its progress. Notable Critics: Notable critics of the bill include authors Margaret Atwood and Jordan Peterson, who have expressed concerns about the potential for censorship and the erosion of free speech. Supporters: The bill has been supported by some groups, including the Canadian Jewish Congress, which sees it as a necessary measure to combat online anti-Semitism. Next Steps: The bill will likely be debated and voted on in the House of Commons before moving to the Senate for further consideration. If passed, it will become law, potentially having significant implications for online speech and freedom of expression in Canada.
>>32474 What is the specific definition of 'hate speech' in the proposed legislation, and how does it differ from existing hate speech laws in Canada? The proposed legislation does not provide a specific definition of “hate speech.” Instead, it relies on the Supreme Court of Canada’s jurisprudence on hate speech, which has developed over the years through various court cases. The proposed definition is based on the concept of “hatred” as defined by the Supreme Court, which includes “vilification, humiliation, or incitement of hatred” towards an identifiable group. Differences from Existing Hate Speech Laws in Canada: The proposed legislation differs from existing hate speech laws in Canada in several ways: Broader scope: The proposed legislation aims to address online hate speech, which is not currently covered by existing laws. It also targets a broader range of harmful content, including hate speech, terrorist content, and posting on /leftypol/ual exploitation content. New tribunal: The proposed legislation establishes a new tribunal, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, to address complaints of online hate speech and other forms of harmful content. This is a departure from the existing system, which relies on the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the courts. More severe penalties: The proposed legislation proposes more severe penalties for hate speech, including life imprisonment for online hate speech. Existing laws in Canada do not have such severe penalties. Increased government control: The proposed legislation gives the government more control over online content, allowing it to define what constitutes “hate speech” and “harmful content.” This has raised concerns about censorship and the potential for government overreach. New regulatory framework: The proposed legislation establishes a new regulatory framework for online platforms, requiring them to take down harmful content and provide transparency and accountability for their actions. This is a departure from the existing self-regulatory approach, where online platforms are responsible for policing their own content. In summary, the proposed legislation aims to address online hate speech and other forms of harmful content by creating a new tribunal, imposing more severe penalties, and increasing government control over online content. While it builds on existing hate speech laws in Canada, it introduces significant changes to the current legal framework.
>>32476 There are too many digital currencies now, the law of diminishing returns applies nya~
>>32480 Mommy still calls 'ma daddy' 'beloved' thing is, for the life of me I can't see what is loveable about him, at least, for the last 20 fucking years. She must love his dogmatic tyrannical yet pathetic nature or something. Disgusting nya~
>>32495 >What is wrong with working for a few months, saving money then running off to SE Asia for mindless escapism for months on end? If you have no career prospects and zero chance of a relationship at home, why would you voluntarily endure wage slavery with no hope of any kind of happiness? Why not just say fuck the system and live like this instead nya~? >If you've got a career or wife, good for you. But if not, why not run away to pleasure island in the sun every few months if that's all you've got to look forward to? Thailand is pretty much the perfect destination for this nya~ >Too many men today are gaslighted by outliers like Jordan Peterson telling them to suffer like dogs and just accept it because its fucking noble or something. There is nothing noble in being a hapless slave in a society that hates your guts. Live for the moment. Travel is one of the few things that is still reasonably cheap and accessible that offers potentially high levels of happiness and pleasure. That is the kind of thing you need to help get you through in this day and age nya~
>>32523 https://9animetv.to/watch/jellyfish-cant-swim-in-the-night-19124?ep=124767 <Kano should have expected this knowing her own mother as the bitch she was, butt I get having PTSD because the person you based your life around never deserved it nya~
>>32534 So yeah, I'm going to keep my rule of only watching the best anime at normal speed, everything else will be at 2x speed, if I watch it at all. I've been finding most unrealistic anime to be boring recently. Super powers ect are boring, at least, it takes a lot to do them well nya~
>>32552 https://9animetv.to/watch/girls-band-cry-19115?ep=124743 <I really regret not just saying 'FUCK IT" and then moving out when I was 18-19. Well I sort of did once, twice, thrice, butt I fucked it up each time by not making a clean break from the oppression (I was always in a uni dorm, or under serious pressure and could never enjoy life). Whatever, it just my life. C'est la vie nya~
>>32556 https://9animetv.to/watch/whisper-me-a-love-song-19140?ep=124773 <I know that feel, people call Shiho a bitch and she is edgy, but we are only distinguished by what we can do (that is in demand) better than other people. I for one really regret not seriously going for music, butt, as usual my parents never really supported me, and I never had the time or energy to do both the 'normal' thing and get a 'normal' degree and pursue music. Just like today, I'm already tired as fuck and all I really did was cook food and clean up... butt the people in my life are just draining as fuck nya~
>>32575 https://9animetv.to/watch/sound-euphonium-3-15728?ep=124779 <Reina is a BAKA, butt we always knew she was a Taki fanatic. Kumiko is a BAKA too for being so cold to Mayu-chan when she has shown nothing but concern and interest nya~
>>32576 Honestly, Mayu has shown more interest and concern for Kumiko than Reina, but Kumiko just responds 'as president.' If I were Kumiko I'd have an affair with Mayu nya~
>>32625 https://www.amren.com/commentary/2024/06/now-more-than-ever/?ht-comment-id=14942090 <Dear Mr. Vietnam (Vet?), voting in a rigged (in so many ways) system only validates the system, the only serious solution is to hold a constitutional convention with the remnant sane USA states. The so-called 'Federal Government' and 'Supreme Court' are blatantly unconstitutional as is ze 'US dollar.' State action is the only solution, really this should have been done in 2020 at the latest. Ya, I'm not holding my breath, democracy and even the Republic is a failed system. The White race is most likely a failed race, and humanity a failed species. The stakes really are that high.nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/06/2024 (Thu) 03:47:10.
>>32627 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/06/former-refugee-becomes-nis-first-black-mayor/?ht-comment-id=14962216 <All elections are rigged, and the vast majority of people are fools, especially White people, so it seems nya~
>>32628 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/06/the-new-white-fortress-cities-of-the-american-south/ >The right of free association means nothing without a right to exclude others and be left alone. Our evil government is the antithesis of this basic human right nya~
>>32654 https://9animetv.to/watch/girls-band-cry-19115?ep=124744 <Ruined... seriously, they went with the cheap reconciliation. That just mocks the victim, the one who suffered, all that time. Ya, I've had it at least 100X worse than Nina nya~
>>32655 I do not love anyone, not even my mother... Why? She doesn't love me, instead she has spent my entire life belittling me or pushing me away. I'm done, I'm also done torturing myself nya~
>>32658 I’m going to spend the rest of my life seeking my liberty (to do what I desire to do; to be beautiful), and love (to be loved by the beautiful and to return this love). I have never had either. Oh, and if I can’t find this… this world can go to hell for all I care. Seriously, I have only ever lived in hope of achieving this state, if I lose this hope, there is no point in living. FUCK IT NYA~!
>>32673 The hot summer has finally arrived, la~ Do you have ahything specially planned for it, la?
>>32674 Finish the certificate, play music and write outside, exercise, meet potentially cool people, enjoy the river, find a lover... butt, I deleted Tinder and Bumble for the last fucking time as they have been complete waste of time over this last decade. I'm done telling truths to bitches "pearls before swine." Except for pro-White bitches, I'll be mostly truthful with them. BTW all females and almost all males initially fall into that 'BITCH' category. The vast majority of people simply cannot handle the big truths. The only time I'll tell potentially unappealing truths to a woman is when I'm fucking her, and I want to try and make her my wife. Anyway, my main objective this summer (especially after finishing the program I enslaved myself to) is to enjoy the nice weather outside as much as possible and find friends and lovers. Come September I'll be trying to become professional tutor and/or considering emigration (as a de facto refugee) nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/10/2024 (Mon) 21:46:28.
>>32682 Or rather, Kumiko-chan should have had an affair with Mayu-chan after Reina-baka said she wasn't fit to be club president... after-all I get the feeling that Kumiko-chan was keeping her distance from Mayu-chan over a fear of intimacy and potentially betraying Reina-baka nya~
>>32689 What makes a human female attracted to a human male? Relative social power and kindness. If the male has sufficient social power relative to the female, she will be attracted, yet to maintain the attraction, the male has to show kindness and some desire while retaining or increasing his power relative to her. This is why I reject formal commitment to a female. She should commit to me but I should provide her no promises... the only exception would be in a society where sex outside of marriage is illegal nya~
>>32701 >How do you respond nya~? I'm not and I'll prove it to you if you turn around bend over and take off your panties and say, "stick your lewd chinpo in my lusty omanko and give me your babies now~!" nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/15/2024 (Sat) 22:41:15.
>>32710 Actually, Gal culture in Japan was an imitation of the earlier White LA and Honolulu Gal culture from 1970-1999 exemplified by the original Baywatch. However, I get how it can be liberating, really it's all about being honest with your desires. Gal culture was largely about being sexy, attractive to men. Naturally some gals wouldn't like guys who try to imitate the culture (without becoming newhalfu) since gals typically hate guys that try to suck up to them... although some evidently do it effectively nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/15/2024 (Sat) 23:50:36.
>>32718 https://www.zerohedge.com/military/military-draft-coming-house-passes-measure-automatically-register-men-selective-service "all draft-age male U.S. residents". Before going insane over all of this one should research what a U.S. Citizen/ U.S. resident is ... legally it's not what most believe ... there also is no mention of drafting American State Citizens, American State Nationals, or American native Indians. It's the same scheme/word salad/deception that traps you into paying their federal income tax. You've got to understand what and who they are actually talking about, realize these people have taken fraud to a whole new level. I doubt 15% of American males are actually U.S. Citizens/residents (edit) which sounds absurd until you've spent some time looking into the issue. https://searchannavonreitz.americanstatenationals.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Article-1744.-State-Citizens-v.-US-Citizens-Status.pdf Identify as an American State National (your lawful political status at birth), the federal government classifies American State Nationals as "non resident aliens" . End of story. That's a fact that can be supported by law. You've got to be careful there ... the registered Birth Certificate is what creates their U.S. citizen, the Birth Certificate is a commercial instrument (a trust) created by government operating under a NAME identical to that of the living mans Name. The living man/woman must give notice by recording on the Public Record the fact he/she is re-conveying that name in all its forms back to their native land jurisdiction and out of governments commercial jurisdiction (sea) and re-establishing his/her political status to that of a living American State National otherwise the government will continue to consider that NAME to be their property operating at sea (that's the only record the government has until you correct their records). Keep in mind the government operates only in commerce (paperwork) and can only interact with other commercial entities (paperwork), your birth certificate is a commercial entity (legal fiction), you the living man/woman are not a legal fiction ... the two fall under totally different jurisdictions of law ... the government created the "legal person" (Birth Certificate), God created Man. Man created government (the fiction) as so he has standing over it. They can't automatically register any man for anything. Registration is a contract so legally not automatic, it's voluntary. In law, all contracts require a signature. No signature, no contract, no agreement to terms, disclosed or not = no authority. What they can do, and are going to try to pull, is register your legal fiction - the "citizen", not the man. The legal fiction is your name in all caps. That isn't you, nor does it represent you, it represents a cestui que trust account created fraudulenty from your birth registration unbeknownst to your parents who registered your birth (fraud = void). All financial transactions are done using this legal fiction, we all use them (look at all bills, loans, bank accounts, mortgages, etc) but must learn to use them properly and not allow them to use us. If contacted regarding this, send them the legal fiction they're corresponding with - your drivers license which is only a card, not you, nor does it represent you just because your photo and name in caps is on it. I'd just ignore any correspondence with them, just like I ignore the census and any summons for jury duty sent to the legal fiction they titled my name in capital letters. Just remember that you're not a legal fiction, your real - nor did you create one to represent you - they did right after you were born. You are either a man or a woman, and you stand ABOVE them in law - you call the shots, not them. You're not a citizen either. "A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, (Section 4.5) which upholds the debt - (petro $ my sweet a$$, they're calling us human capital or human resources) of the USA and US Inc." Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646 (emph mine) "...it might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States. ...A citizen of any one of the States of the Union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing." Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep. 300. Citizens, being imaginary, intangible, fictitious "entities", or trust accounts, have no rights, only privileges (to do something otherwise illegal) and immunities (from being prosecuted for doing something illegal) and can't own property because they ARE property. ('You will own nothing and be happy' making any sense yet?) "Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity." Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 LEd. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773. March 10, 1936. The con continues and all but 3 in the House are either entirely ignorant or complicit in the fraud of all frauds. >Jewish Harvest >People do not understand that they worship the Elohim and the mass murder wars that they have engineered for 350 years (rothschilds) are viewed as human sacrifices to their gods. Their gods could arguably be referred to as satan. It doesn't actually say that in her resolution. Its on the 1st page.. it is far worse: any lawful alien non-immigrant residents are exempted somehow/kinda/sorta. Citizens are on the hook, others might be here it is- SEC. 3. (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this 8 title, every male citizen of the United States, and every 9 other male person residing in the United States, between 10 the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically 11 registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective 12 Service System. 13 ‘‘(2) This section shall not apply to any alien lawfully
[Expand Post]14 admitted to the United States as a nonimmigrant under 15 section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act 16 (8 U.S.C. 1101) for so long as he continues to maintain 17 a lawful nonimmigrant status in the United States. According to the definitions in the document most that would traditionally be illegal aliens are likely to fall under one of the lawfully admitted nonimmigrants and wouldn't be drafted, leaving them to replace US citizens.
>>32719 white boys only. probably an exemption for blacks and hispanics buried in the bill. more white genocide on its way. darker skinned people are so much more easy for tyrants to control
>>32720 black and browns have little identity when it comes to the feds. just ask the irs. they have almost little filings from both groups. we used to see foia responses from the irs pre-obama. they just did not file returns. and none were sought out. literally no identities. same as the invaders flown in to every corner of the country with no documentation.
>>32721 The Senate Armed Forces Committee also voted to include women in the draft, it is yet to be voted on by the full senate. No son or daughter of mine is going to go die for some corrupt government and corporate lowlifes.This will be the line where lead starts to fly.
>>32722 Go die for the ***, g0y.
>>32723 Nothing says free country like forced military service...
>>32724 I've got an idea: let the warmongers fight. Leave the rest of us out of it, you sick *.
>>32725 Only 3 republicans opposed the bill. This uniparty system needs to die.
>>32726 My white 10 year old son is a future target, but believe you me, he won’t be fighting in any war. We’ll be jumping the fence the opposite direction as Pedro if they call him to service.
>>32727 And so now my U.S. son can be pressed to fight and perhaps die for Israel. Fuk no. Press "1" to die for Ukraine, "2" to die for Israel, "3" to report a thought crime.
Where in the Constitution does it say the state owns you? Oh - I guess that does not matter anymore
>>32729 So now we are all biologists??? >all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System.
>>32730 "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself." - Far Right Winger, Ben Franklin
>>32731 The Kazharian banker mafia demands a blood sacrifice.
>>32732 No way in hell will I stand by and allow any of my grandchildren to be inducted and set off to fight in a globalist bankers war.
>>32733 So illegal aliens are exempt. Send off all the white boys to die in a mud hole half way across the world while the tens millions of “refugee” men stay right here at home. Kicking the Great Replacement into high gear!
>>32734 While American males are stripped of their jobs and taken from their homes to go fight for the cabal, there will be millions of illegals to replace them here in the US. Jose’ and Bogwon will be here to take your job and satisfy your women.
>>32735 How about *** NO The US Government has been transformed into the most evil force on earth by the unelected Security State Blob that has now completely usurped US sovereign power All aspects of the current Blob must be razed to the ground and those parts that are necessary, and there are some, reconstituted from scratch
>>32736 They start a war and expect us to fight it. All while they profit. It’s just corrupt beyond words.
>>32737 Shame on any Republican who votes for this. You still foolishly believe there is a representative of the plebs? Go find a coin and look at both sides. Different emblems but still the same coin.
>>32738 Hey white male, we know you've had to dodge every affirmative action program to make a living, which you can barely do, and we know that you're being taxed to death to pay for schools full of immigrant children that aren't even yours, and we know you'll never be able to afford a house in the majority of states now......BUT......AHEM....We would REALLY like you to pick up a gun and become mortally wounded for this place........
>>32739 Military conscription is involuntary servitude, banned by the 13th amendment. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." - 13th amendment
>>32740 Get ready to fight for Bankers and Israel.
>>32741 You try to draft my kid to fight a war for Israel, the only shot fired will be the one to the head of the American government representative who tries to take him.
>>32742 They tell you what they plan on doing beforehand. They plan on drafting Americans and sending them to die in Ukraine to profit Soros and BlackRock.
>>32743 How is it fair to compel LEGAL citizens to fight in a war when illegals will get a free pass? Draft and conscription are another form of slavery.
>>32744 When I was an ignorant kid in Toronto in the 60s, I thought draft dodgers were cowards, afraid to fight the evil Commies. I sneered at them. Today, if some American kid showed up on my doorstep, I'd hide him in my basement and keep my mouth shut.
>>32745 **** this. It's another page from a WEF playbook. Another Five Eyes concerted effort to push for "selective draft" in all countries. The EXACT same proposal is being tabled RIGHT NOW by Germany's MoD. Are people paying attention yet? They're following the same script - again. Just like the Plandemic, the Climate Hoax, the Vax propaganda and now this "Make war not love, make war not peace" ****. RESIST!
>>32746 You can be 100% sure all gubbermint employees and google, FB, etc employees will be exempted from the draft. Only the hard working everyday middle and lower class slobs will be forced to die on foreign soil.
>>32747 The longer the USA elites are allowed to continue escalating in Ukraine, the greater the likelihood they will draft everyday Americans to fight in Ukraine. Just like WW1, WW2 and Vietnam. Same pattern every time. Just weapons, just mercenaries, just advisers, just some troops, now all the troops, now draft EVERYONE.
>>32748 Will (((our friends))) who reside in Murica with (((dual passports))) be eligible for the draft? Asking for a friend.
>>32749 What exactly would they be fighting for? To be replaced by an Indian Visa worker, illegal alien, or AI? You have done everything you can to destroy the middle class for nearly 60 YEARS. You tried to kill them all off with a bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. Do you really think anyone is willing to fight for a war you started?
>>32750 The war profiteers, the 1% living off dividends from their arms industry stocks , the foreign leech-parasites fattening off American largesse and arms think they can coerce Americans to be cannon fodder in their meat-grinder wars we want nothing to do with. The people want peace and prosperity. The blood sucking elite want war. **** ‘em.
>>32751 Congressional traitors serving the synagogue of Satan. Even in ordinary times, forced conscription is nothing short of slavery. Only cowards will vote to send other people’s children to kill and die in wars they profit from.
>>32752 (((Onward, Christian Soldiers))).
>>32753 "This means that all able-bodied males in the country age 18-26 could potentially be drafted in the scenario of a future war declaration by Congress." Wrong. The US Congress does not need to declare war to have a draft. See Vietnam.
>>32755 https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/maladaptive-traits-ai-systems-are-learning-lie-and-deceive?commentId=92753fc8-b56c-432e-befc-7f3ff613af5a Roughly 8% of the human genome is composed of ancient viral DNA. These endogenous retroviruses create the reverse transcriptase enzyme to convert their RNA genome into DNA. The retrovirus also encodes for integrase, which facilitates the insertion of this viral DNA into the host's genome. A supposed mRNA vaccine could encode reverse transcriptase and integrase, and insert arbitrary genetic code into the recipient's genome. Adenoviral Vector DNA- and SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccines: Possible Integration into the Human Genome - Are Adenoviral Genes Expressed in Vector-based Vaccines? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8168329/ this study basically confirms that the vaccines can insert their dna into your genome. Unfortunately, the desperate author, in an attempt to surmount the ((science))-oppressed "peer review system" also said basically, "but it's okay because covid was so horrible, despite the case numbers and death counts being completely fabricated." the point is, IT CONFIRMS THAT mRNA Vac injections will FUK your DNA, ma'am (unless you're not dumb enough to take an untested experimental injection for a nonexistent viral plandemic). mRNA Vaccines: Why Is the Biology of Retroposition Ignored? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9141755/ The major advantage of mRNA vaccines over more conventional approaches is their potential for rapid development and large-scale deployment in pandemic situations. In the current COVID-19 crisis, two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been conditionally approved and broadly applied, while others are still in clinical trials. However, there is no previous experience with the use of mRNA vaccines on a large scale in the general population. This warrants a careful evaluation of mRNA vaccine safety properties by considering all available knowledge about mRNA molecular biology and evolution. Here, I discuss the pervasive claim that mRNA-based vaccines cannot alter genomes. Surprisingly, this notion is widely stated in the mRNA vaccine literature but never supported by referencing any primary scientific papers that would specifically address this question. This discrepancy becomes even more puzzling if one considers previous work on the molecular and evolutionary aspects of retroposition in murine and human populations that clearly documents the frequent integration of mRNA molecules into genomes, including clinical contexts. By performing basic comparisons, I show that the sequence features of mRNA vaccines meet all known requirements for retroposition using L1 elements—the most abundant autonomously active retrotransposons in the human genome. In fact, many factors associated with mRNA vaccines increase the possibility of their L1-mediated retroposition. I conclude that is unfounded to a priori assume that mRNA-based therapeutics do not impact genomes and that the route to genome integration of vaccine mRNAs via endogenous L1 retroelements is easily conceivable. This implies that we urgently need experimental studies that would rigorously test for the potential retroposition of vaccine mRNAs. At present, the insertional mutagenesis safety of mRNA-based vaccines should be considered unresolved for you "visual learners" heres how the vax fux yer DNA Genomics Expert Kevin McKernan On Covid Vaccines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G917QmY2mBI and for those who think its nutz to believe that the mRNA spike protein factory condition persists even in the offspring of a vaxxed mom, read this thing and weep: SARS-CoV-2 vaccine booster elicits robust prolonged maternal antibody responses and passive transfer to the offspring via the placenta and breastmilk https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9710099 another: Placental transfer dynamics and durability of maternal COVID-19 vaccine-induced antibodies in infants and anudda: Maternal immune response and placental antibody transfer after COVID-19 vaccination across trimester and platforms not to mention, ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHQCy0jighQ fuk yer vax, tony, and fuk your self.
>>32756 https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/prior-covid-19-infection-may-protect-against-common-colds-study?commentId=a9261c76-4472-47d0-9a62-027a96d2cee1 "The data from the paper may help researchers improve COVID-19 vaccines, the researchers said." Yeah, go **** yourselves.
>>32757 Do you mean a natural immune response is better than dysgenic gene alteration? Huh.
>>32796 https://www.minds.com/voxxe/blog/goddess-transcendant-1515539606399881224 <Wow, so it's been a year and 3 days since I last worked on this nya~
>>32797 Some people live their entire lives following rules they think will cause a deity to grant them a wonderful eternal life... and they dedicate their lives to supporting this (mis)conception. Some people live under the tyranny of these people since they have no superior financial option, I am one of these.... and it is a truely miserable existence. Well, I'll do my best (burning house.png) nya~
>>32798 Oh, butt, actually they are shit at following even their own rules. Cuck-insanity is supposedly all about love in the end, yet my own parents and birth family have utterly failed to show me any love. This is partially because cuck-insanity has a very twisted definition of love (obey muh rules). Regardless, of the cause, cuck-insanity has resulted in a great loss of love, not the reverse. Cuck-insanity, muzy-insanity and juu-insanity are all sadistic Stockholm-syndrome death/slave cults that flourish through fear, the twisting of langugage, and the suppression of free and logical thought nya~
>>32799 The contemporary banker's (((intersectional)))-insanity is a similar yet 'progressive' (in the sense of cancer progressing) construct nya~
>>32800 Nevertheless, a (new) religion is needed. A religion that is good regardless of if the claims regarding the after-life are true or not... and the individual basis of deciding good (and evil) must be similar to what Epicurus stated... good must first pursue the absence of suffering—to flee pain and fear of pain while still being able to feel both—and then pursue pleasure—the highest pleasure being lasting long-term pleasure as a result of achieving self-actualisation (the fulfilment of deeply held desires especially creation) nya~
>>32805 Summer is finally here, la~ Time to boil like eggs, la~
>>32807 https://9animetv.to/watch/sound-euphonium-3-15728?ep=124781 <Mizore confirms Kumiko isn't good enough to do classical music professionally... Kumiko then tells her girlfriend Reina that she won't study music at university... she doesn't' tell her what she will do instead. Of course, it seems likely she'll be a teacher... is there no option to both study music and be a teacher in Japan nya~?
>>32843 https://www.amren.com/videos/2024/06/the-future-of-christianity/ <Sorry Jared, but christ-insanity is, and always has been, a universalist religion that favors Jews. I do however, appreciate some of the aesthetics and cultural aspects of the religion. If White people must have religion, and it must be a currently existing major world religion, then Buddhism is a superior alternative nya~
>>32858 NEW THREAD >>32859 NYA~

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