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あら〜あら〜#3 Voxian 03/17/2023 (Fri) 06:19:04 No. 20752
Mommy, please love me もっと~もっと~ la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/17/2023 (Fri) 06:22:02.
>>20759 >28+ year old female sensei lolicon la~ >Could easily have her own 8+ year old daughter to make love 2 la~ <Butt she doesn't... and that's just a waste la~ <If I were reborn as a girl, the first thing I'd do is try and find a rich physically attractive (Aryan with red [or blonde] hair and blue eyes) husband or at least a smart-working physically attractive husband or a rich physically attractive wife followed by physically attractive BF(s). There is no way I'd want to live like my mother who spends her life working herself to death for money and her perceived 'godliness points' while neglecting her children. My mother said she 'couldn't possibly love me more' if that is the truth (it's not) she is truly a sad person... since I have never once felt truly loved by her, her 'god' has always been in the way along with other lesser competitors. Someone who actually loved me would never have caused me so much pain, neither in ignorance or knowingly. In the end, there is no point in seeking true affection from my mother, because she has none to give. I don't, however, want either one of my parents to kick the bucket while I am still living with them. I don't have any guarantee of inheritance regardless due to not adequately showing my devotion to their (demonic) faith. Any faith that would cause pain and/or reduce pleasure with the promise that by doing so less pain and greater pleasure is granted after death... is corrupt and demonic la~
>>20760 >Degeneracy... more like divinity la~ <The only degenerate part of this is that the loli isn't MC's biological-daughter la~
>>20772 >Two women can make baby la~ <Not without magic/high-technology la~
>>20751 Good night, la~ >>20731 It's like venomous and poisonous insects put in a jar, la~ And they're eating each other, la~
>>20783 >>20784 >>20785 I feel like I have read this manga at some point, la~ Or something drawn by the same artist, la~
>>20809 >It's like venomous and poisonous insects put in a jar, la~ And they're eating each other, la~ <That's actually a better analogy especially given the 'eat the bugs' sadistic-humiliation rhetoric/plan for the cattle/goyim la~ >>20810 I had de ja vu since I've posted this manga before, I thought I had finished reading at chapter 30 butt it was more like 40 la~
>>20811 Living with my parents and brothers has always been suffocating and uncomfortable to say the least la~
>>20813 I'm done rehearsing the same old, same old. C'est fini la~
>>20818 My own mother is little better than your average bitch, and in many ways she's worse since she pretends to love me while doing the emotional equivalent of the backstab (for years) la~
>>20819 It's too bad I wasn't born a girl, because at least then I wouldn't hate my parents as much since its easy for girls to find love and I wouldn't have had to suppress my anima (nor animus) to nearly the same extent. Butt really, it's not who I am that is the problem, it's this world, and who THEY are la~
>>20820 I could never imagine doing what my parents have done to me, to my own children. Thus it is undeniable that, at least in my case, my parents were bad parents. Then again so are all parents that had their kids (((vaxd))) especially after 2019 la~
>>20853 I'm a hardcore natural mothercon at heart, in any life my mother would almost always be my first love... and first heart break la~
>>20854 Butt we have to move on from heart-breaks, the faster the better, so we can take more and bigger risks and maybe finally find true love la~
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>>20855 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/03/the-domestication-of-basic-instincts.html <The move from hunting/fishing as the primary method to acquire food, to (especially grain) agriculture, was equivalent to the animal domestication process. After agriculture, the Roman Empire, and after Constantine, the state (((Christian))) Church. Christianity was the primary domesticating force in the history of western civilisation given that civilisation only really starts after agriculture. Post-WW2 (((Christianity))) was largely replaced by strains of (((Communism))) and (((Casino-Capitalism))). Now the two-sides of the coin are being merged into the Necommunist World Order or huxlean-orwelian/goa'uld-borgian dystopia la~
>>20858 https://9animetv.to/watch/nierautomata-ver11a-18247?ep=99522 <I want to get friendly with them, intimate even la~
>>20859 https://boards.4channel.org/trv/thread/2419538 >Women don't care about you unless you have recently made them orgasm or made them angry. A female is incapable of strong feelings for a man who has not cum inside of her lately la~ <Keeping things simple, I like la~
>>20861 Japan and the Philippines get their own threads butt not Thailand for some reason la~
>>20864 Maybe someday before I'm 40 I'll go get massages on these islands la~
>>20870 So I can't post again due to 'request size limit' despite being well below 40mb la~
>>20873 https://consortium.gg/who-are-the-consortium/our-experts/ . https://consortium.gg/who-are-the-consortium/lead-partners/ <An operation of Jews and White women traitors, no surprise there. The (((Anti-White agenda))) is in power in every historically White-land la~
>>20874 It really does look like WW2 was the last gasp of uncucked White men la~
>>20897 https://9animetv.to/watch/d4dj-all-mix-18308?ep=99538 <Yay, I like this anime, it's comfy and all the characters are loveable, talented, and work hard for their passions, I wish I could be the same la~
>>20869 They're all good if you come from one of the countries in the same region as those, la~ Since you'll be able to know what to be careful of and what not to be, la~ I've seen American's having their belonging stolen in trains and etc, la~ >>20898 You can be one of them as long as you know what you're trying to do, la~? Are you trying to achieve something or just trying to avoid disappointment, la~?
Good night, la~ May this night be pleasant and tomorrow be an enjoyable day for the both of us, la~
>>20901 >able to know what to be careful of and what not to be, la~ Ah~ yes, I would probably be fine since I'm paranoid butt yeah la~ >Are you trying to achieve something or just trying to avoid disappointment, la~? Ah~ the important question. Both I suppose, and perhaps this is why I've been so stressed. To achieve something is really what I should be doing la~ >>20902 Ah~men~ la~
>>20904 Okay, enough bad-goy infotainment la~
>>20905 So I was thinking, that in the event of WW3, Thailand or Tahiti+/Rarotonga+ or near some small town in coastal BC/Alaska would be the place to be. If no WW3 then Japan and the Philippines are the most attractive. Butt I can't rule out the possibility of nuclear-WW3 la~
>>20910 Leg-lifts (abs-gains), squats (ass-gains), and push-ups (chest-gains) are the most important. Pull-ups and Chin-ups are secondary. Using weights while doing squats is important 2 as anything over 20 continuous reps is more cardio than strength building la~
>>20912 Most threads on 4cuck/a/ are just sexo image dumps, like this board. Butt at least this board is uncensored and uncucked especially when it comes to text posting la~
>>20913 Before Mahiro-chan Oshimai, Denpa Onna is what comes to mind as the 'anime-anime' and it may be the series that awakened my love of Oyakodon la~
>>20916 I haven't seen all these anime as frankly I prefer Yuri because I can never self-insert as the male MC in these anime... so I end up feeling cucked by the pussy-MC making me an even bigger gapping pussy. I like how eroge usually do their best to not show the player-character/MC and are often POV. I can get off on cucking others without feeling bad most of the time. I can get off on being cucked too, butt I feel like I want to get throat fucked and ass-raped hard 100x after la~
>>20917 I feel like annoying women (any female after firstblood) are actually the most desperate to be dominated and fucked-hard. Along with real sluts... butt you know, I've never met a real slut. You would think they would gravitate to apps like Tinder, butt none of them are actually interested in fucking lots of different guys like guys want to do with gals la~
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>>20918 I've been unfree for so long I don't know if I could recapture a sense of true self even if I tried, butt try I shall when and if the time comes la~
>>20920 https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/03/ireland-emerald-isle-tragic-isle/ <White people everywhere desire extinction or at least are not willing to do what is necessary for racial survival la~
>>20921 Mere 'protesting' is not sufficient, and the Irish should know this well la~
>>20947 MC is already extremely popular with even gals not in his employ because Tokyo U despite taking a gap year? Weird, because, where I live my degree gets me precisely zero more attention. Maybe if I had a degree from (((Harvard))) or something. I'm thinking I should just imitate the hot bitches in terms of photos as much as I can for comedic effect if nothing else and I don't care if they think I'm gay (I'm bi) because right now I'm getting precisely 0 action. The reality, is I'm just a general misanthrope, I'm not actually sure I'd like men more as physically I'm definitely far more attracted to women. I just naturally prefer being the 'bottom' or being pursued la~
>>20948 I've said this a lot, butt for (Whites only) every 100 females I'd want to have sex with, there is like one male I'd want to fuck me. When it comes too non-Whites, I have zero interest in males and negative interest in all niggers, even the 'attractive' females la~
>>20949 >A girl with paradoxical daddy and mommy (abandonment) issues la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/21/2023 (Tue) 08:49:06.
>>20950 I think I see the trend, MC being in a superior position (owner/boss) to a staff of only women causes them to compete with each-other for his affections, additionally, he will solve the women's problems and/or be their therapist (with them depending on him) and one-by-one each-one will fall in love and pursue him. Being pursued as a man by women largely requires a superior social position la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/21/2023 (Tue) 09:00:14.
>>20953 Odd place to do a fast forward, I guess it's too emphasize that there will be no harem end... and my guess is that the center girl Riho (looking at you) won la~
>>20957 Poor musician gal butt her mother did warn her about the competition (failure flag) la~
>>20961 I'm so fucking done being a 'simp' for my mother. I'm not going to wait on her anymore for any reason. If she wants to see me she'll come see me. If I want to see her I'll go see her and then be on my way. I'm not going to feel bad if she dies, along with the rest of my birth-family. I don't want her or any of my birth-family to die, butt I'm not going to fear their deaths, or hell, even mine. I'm not going to go out of my way to spend time with her because I fear her death. She had my whole fucking lifetime to love me. I'm done waiting on her, and fucking anyone for that matter. I'll do what I want, end of story la~
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>>20964 Ahn~ la~
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>>20965 FREEDOM LA~!
>>20967 Societies that put limits on how much parents can love their children and children can love their parents are cancer. If children are too be brought into their world they should be loved completely by their mother at the very least. The fact that I was born into this world by a selfish woman and have lived in this world 33 years without ever experiencing true love is tragic... I have merely lived in hope of someday experiencing it... I'm done with false smiles. Butt I can't escape this character I've created or rather, that I have been made into. I wonder if there is such a thing as 'the real me' because I've never been free, and I've never been loved either way la~
>>20968 I want to be loved and chased, so I'm done chasing. The more you are attached to, desire, and care for a woman the less they love you. This is what my mother has taught me. I don't know if this is a bad lesson to learn or not, butt it seems to be how women work la~
>>20970 The fear of losing Dad (at the end of university) was what motivated Mom to marry him the second time he asked. Asking the second time was the best decision in my Dad's life. Women are like fish and men are the fishermen. You have to throw a baited line and hope for bites, when you get a bite you have to reel her in, butt when she resists you have to give her plenty of line and wait, butt not too long, before you start reeling her in again. If there are more than one fish after the bait at the same-time they'll be less willing to let go of the line, butt if there are even slightly better looking baited lines around they'll ignore yours la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/22/2023 (Wed) 08:12:23.
>>20971 Every species of fish has her peculiarities that can inform how fast to reel in the line or how long to let the line go and, regardless, a virgin deserves care, while a non-virgin should be reeled in passionately la~
>>20972 In terms of dating apps, everyone is already there for ultimately one thing, sex. So there is no reason not to be extremely direct la~
>>20973 Due to the existence of so many baited-lines however, it is very difficult to impossible to get any attention la~
>>20974 The more competing lines are present, the greater risks the fisherman has to take... he has to reel faster than the competition, and he can't wait as long when loosing the line. The ideal situation is when 'no' competing baited-lines are present la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/22/2023 (Wed) 08:34:53.
>>20975 Most harem manga make use of the latter almost entirely la~
>>20976 Kaede is best gal while yuriko and oneechan are also great la~
These past days I've been so busy that I've barely had time to do anything, la~ Work is so stupid, holy shit, la~ Just let me have free time, wtf, la~ May this night be favorable to you, la~

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>>20996 Good evening la~ >>20997 Yeah, if you work you might have financial freedom to do stuff you want to do, if you don't work you have temporal freedom so long as you can find a way to nourish yourself. Most jobs punish you if you don't (at least) commit to the regular 9-5 hours 5 days/week so finding balance between the two is very difficult. Thank-you, today I sent a bunch of links about purchasing Thailand and Japanese homes to mommy. She might look at them if she decides she wants to retire and have an adventure before working herself to death. I am really tired of this awkward-painful status quo between my mommy and I and my birth-family and I. I've decided to largely remove all the affection I provide to mommy except for good morning and good night hugs. If she wants me, she can come to me la~
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>>20998 It really is a tragedy that my birth-family has been such a barrier to my personal freedom and finding true love and happiness la~
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>>20999 They have been the primary antagonists in my life after bitches as a whole and (((central-banking)))—including all the evils derived thereof la~
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>>21000 Butt, enough about that for today la~
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>>21001 It's time for fun la~
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>>21002 >MC is such a pussy for not giving the gal what she wants la~ <In fact, men adhering to a monogamous-ethos is inherently second-degree cuckholdry. I had many chances to go out with gals throughout my life, butt I cucked myself because of the monogamous-ethos I had been indoctrinated into by my mother... no gal was ever good enough for me to want to dedicate my life to her... so I said no to them all... and by the time I was in university I was too busy and/or opportunities had all dried up la~
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>>21003 Now, about that fun la~
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>>21004 Butt, yeah, one of the best ways to get women to love you is to have two women at the time, and have them know about each-other AND compete against each-other for your affections. The monogamous-ethos largely kills this desirable effect la~
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>>21005 <FUN la~ >Just do it la~
There is no definitive "academic consensus" on race denialism in the West, opinions vary by discipline. Chinese and Eastern European scientists both believe in race. Race denialism is a distinctly Western form of mental illness, la~ >>21021 Good night, la~
>>21022 In the formerly Aryan/Pure-White West, race denialism is derived first from Christianity, and secondly, from Communism la~
>>21024 Mommy brought me some tea, that was nice, I'll give her a kiss as a thank-you la~
>>21032 Ahn~ la~
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>>21074 >When your sister touches your resurrected penis la~
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>>21077 Life is better as a gal unless you're in the top 10%+ of guys maybe la~
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>>21078 Rape la~
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>>21079 True end is... what la~?
>>21080 True end is Mahiro (female) x Mihari AND Mahiro (male/trap) x Kaede x Momoji la~
>>21082 Blaming the enemy for failure in war/existential-crises is often reasonable la~
>>21083 American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of Protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their goybot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before (Khazarians and then their golem) niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded American niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. Some will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme and the one drop rule are stale jokes and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that the United States of America has been, since the Civil War and the assasination of Lincoln (by the Jews for the crime of wanting to use Ag as currency and the crime of wanting to send all their orc-niggers to Liberia to build Wakanda) at the very latest, a nation of nigger loving niggers. Ah~men~ la~
>>21084 Okay more than enough /biz/ and /trv/ for the day if not week la~
>>21085 <Sorry Trap-kun, what makes you attractive as a character is that you're biologically a boy, although you pass very well as a girl la~
>>21081 If only the girls weren't lolis, la~ If they were older it would've been much better, la~ But it is what it is, la~
>>21099 >If they were older it would've been much better, la~ Why do you say that? Butt yes, I somewhat agree as I would prefer if MC were, say, 33 la~
>>21101 So in-terms of Isekai wish-fulfillment, I'd love to Isekai to a world where I would be an immortal demigod that could shape-shift especially between my ideal male and female forms and/or be a perfect Trap WHILE taking my parents with me, restoring their youth, and sex-changing my father into a woman. Then I would love to rape and impregnate them with superior power for 5 decades, turning them into my love-slaves (without any mind control, only physical/sexual pleasure) who would do anything for me and accept me completely. Not exactly manga material butt enough for a doujin la~
>>21102 I might also give my brothers my father's treatment for variety la~
>>21103 This is my ideal revenge for all the suffering I have endured as a result of my birth-family's impact on my life la~
>>21109 Guitar, writing, reading (manga/VNs), anime... one of those la~
>>21110 ...Since I'm sick with a cold and don't feel like trying to take lewd Tinder selfies la~
>>21111 Also, it's hard to get into a playful mood for any length of time in this house la~
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>>21116 https://9animetv.to/watch/spy-classroom-18250?ep=99392 <Why didn't she kill him earlier then la~?
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>>21119 Grete is cute la~
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>>21121 All Daughter Dearest wanted was Daddy's love, and now Klaus is Daddy's replacement, butt all Grete will ever be to Klaus is at most a 'Daughter,' butt she wants to be both Daughter and Wife. Also, her real father was a fool not to see his daughter's talents nor consider the use of make-up to hide a such a disfiguring facial birth mark. Oh and Klaus is superhuman that must be why Grete doesn't think of him as a 'man' la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/25/2023 (Sat) 21:21:11.
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>>21122 <Mommy Dearest la~
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>>21122 Ah~ and I was right la~
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>>21127 This is a Cliffs of Dover scene la~
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>>21128 This is an above average anime, however, it's not amazing. The content is up my alley (pre-WW2 not-European spycraft, attractive young women, yuri, harem...) butt it's just OK. The Daughter Dearest arc was good, butt that's all la~
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>>21129 Actually, so far it's just Yuri-bait and Harem-bait, I'm not going to consider an anime Yuri unless the gals kiss romantically on screen, and it's similar for Harem, at least one character needs to kiss two characters romantically and they need to be aware of it and not really consider it 'cheating' la~
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>>21130 Thanks to the Grete butt shots this anime is actually closer to an Ecchi than Yuri la~
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>>21131 >Immortal life with your Royal Sister-Wife la~
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>>21132 This was a true Yuri, when will we get a Yuri-Harem though? I had hoped that Lily form Spy Classroom would be a Harem MC la~
>>21133 I'd love to make Live Action Mother~X~Daughter and Sister~X~Sister romance movies featuring myself as the supporting successful-womanizer who indulges in Oyakodon and Shimaidon, bringing together Sisters and Mothers and their Daughters... becoming a sexual-matchmaker of female 'incestual' same-sex couples and more la~
>>21134 I'd want them to be classy though, capable of standing without sex-scenes although the 18+ version would have sex-scenes la~
>>21135 The romance doesn't have to be front and center either, it could be secondary to mystery and action, in fact, that might be better la~
>>21101 I'm tired as usual, la~ >>21130 Are there any other animes that have gotten close to being an Yuri anime than this one, la~
>>21138 >Go for a walk when it's cloudy la~ >Get back and suddenly it clears up and is sunny la~ <Annoying Well you're working a physical job during the week right so talk today to rest well la~ <Scissoring is hot la~ >Any other anime that have gotten close to being an Yuri anime la~? Only maybe Onimai~ with Mahiro x Momoji almost kissing and their Yuri-fangirl friend shipping them... butt I'd still classify that as Yuri-bait la~.
>>21182 良い夢をにゃああああああああああああああ~
>>21185 Good night, la~ >>21139 Have you been working on something as of recent, la~? >>21182 I've caught up to the scanlations of this manga, la~ It's cute but nothing explicit or implicit has happened nor has it been mentioned, la~ It's more like 2 girls living with each other and their shenanigans on a daily basis, la~
The most common lie used to justify Third World immigration was that it would "improve" Western economies. This lie has been totally exposed barely one decade after the so-called "refugee crisis" began. - America: 50% of migrants are on welfare. - Denmark: Third World migrants make a net negative lifetime economic contribution. - England and Wales: "68% of Muslims live in areas with high unemployment." - South Africa (arguably the first Western country to experience "Diversity Equity Inclusion"): 50% of the population is 100% dependent on welfare, la~ Good night, la~ May this night be favorable upon you, la~
>>21186 >Have you been working on something as of recent, la~? No, sadly it seems like my time has been absorbed by my birth-family, fatigue, and escapism. I need to get more efficient with my escapism at the very least la~ >nothing explicit or implicit la~ If you're talking about making love, yes, butt they have implicitly shown the mangaka loves the NEET and the NEET gets very embarrassed by her statements of deep affection. It's psuedo-yuri la~ >>21187 >The most common lie used to justify Third World immigration was that it would "improve" Western economies la~ <Yes, butt this lie was exposed from the start with the failure of non-Whites to make achievements comparable to Whites anywhere in the world. This, combined with the failure of Western slavery as a result of industrialization, meant that non-Whites would always be a drag on the economy compared to Whites. If the problem is a lower (White) birth-rate than death-rate, the solution is to increase the (White) birth-rate. This could easily be done with financial incentives or by semi-mandate (e.g. requiring young White women to have at least one child to graduate from middle-school and at least two children to graduate high-school). Another solution would be to increase the productive life-span of workers. The economic argument for non-White immigration would only be sufficient, even from the perspective of an amoral capitalist class, for one generation OR if the non-Whites are never given permanent status e.g. Saudi Arabia. Good afternoon 2U la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/26/2023 (Sun) 22:11:44.
>>21188 The collapse of White Eugenic civilization was entirely foreseeable and preventable. If I can see it, many in the White nobility could see it, and yet, in the end they proved they were not noble by doing nothing. Oswald Mosley came the closest butt he ultimately chose not to disobey the (((bankers))). Hitler, for his part, was irrationally optimistic once he took power in Germany, and he fell into (((their))) traps. If only he did not (at all) attempt naval warfare (focusing on the army, air-force, and propaganda/spycraft [support Oswald and attempt a British Empire Coup d'Etat or failing that a Civil War] exclusively), and did not side with Italy and their side-show distractions, nor Japan and their insane war against the USA (ESPECIALLY after their failure to attack the USSR!!!)... then history may well have been very different and far better for the White man la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/26/2023 (Sun) 22:43:34.
>>21202 Alas, another asexual MC when best gal is cumin' on hard la~
>>21203 Ah~ maybe MC is just overly serious, butt you know, one thing I've learned in my life is not to interrupt when good things cum 2U la~
>>21204 Will our rocker-gal win or will the lewd-housewife gal win? Whatever the author likes... I wonder who his favorite gal is la~
>>21206 Ah~ a direct attack followed by a blitz! She's probably MCs cousin, butt that's legal in Japan la~
>>21207 <The sweets shop lady sure knows how to show off the goods. Damn~ how can she not be a MILF already la~
>>21208 Oh~My~Goddess~ going to the public bath and having negative comments about one's penis would be soul destroying, of course, MC is always 'big' and of course all the gals seem interested la~
>>21209 Unlike men, who are cool with breasts/vulvas of all shapes and sizes... women pretty much only like big uncut penises. It's not like I can blame them, butt as someone who was subjected to the brutal child rape that is (((circumcision))), I will likely always feel inadequate in that department la~
>>21214 As I thought she's still the most likely to win because they are similar la~
>>21240 Stress has aged me so fast these last 3 years. I went from being able to pass as 19, to looking a worn down 35. I guess all the suffering finally caught up to me la~
>>21241 Life is hard and then you die. I have near zero motivation to work hard if I can't get an Aryan redheaded-blueyed waifu at least as attractive as my mom when she was 20 la~
>>21242 If I'm going to work hard, I want to do something that will bring me in contact with hot young women (16-22) and preferable give me power over them. Money, even freedom, without love is empty la~
>>21242 Although, if I don't get into Law School, I'm going to seriously invest time into finding a Japanese/Thai wife and once I have citizenship/permanent residency it's back to the business of harem building la~
>>21244 Butt, whatever, this life has been full of BS. Anything I decide to do is cool la~
>>21245 If I can't rely on my looks to get hot bitches never could even before I got old and busted because pretty boys were never popular at least where I have lived, then I'll have to use other forms of power. I'm thinking getting into movie production-directing-script writing might be a way la~
>>21255 Would you want to have sex with an opposite-sex version of yourself la~?
>>21276 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/My-Idol-Sits-the-Next-Desk-Over-chapter-8-page-19.html <I think it might have been a mistake to take the photography senpai to the concert... MC really loves her idol... she won't be able to stay just a fan now that's she's met her in person la~
>>21283 Good night, la~ >>21282 You just didn't feel like going to bed so early, la~? God, I hate workdays, la~ I always feel so tired on them, la~ >>21209 Majikoi is all one needs, la~
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>>21284 Good evening la~ >You just didn't feel like going to bed so early, la~? More like I feel unsatisfied/loveless so I subconsciously stay up trying to fill my metaphorical pussy la~ >Majikoi is all one needs, la~ <An eroge la~? I vaguely remember it being popular on 4cuck butt at the time I had no way to 'play' it la~
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>>21285 When I've posted my fully erect penis pics online I've not had any negative comments with respect to size. Butt when I posted flaccid I was called smol or guilty of having a big clit. Of course, either way, I'm Jew'd... thanks Dad you Jew-loving pseudo-cuck (since he hates me being close to Mom AND has even explicitly told her to stay away from me despite never crossing any line... meanwhile he loves male niggers/non-Whites and even had them in the house alone with Mom... and he goes far father in trying to please them than he ever tried to do for me, his own son) la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/28/2023 (Tue) 06:08:45.
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>>21286 Oh well, what can be done. You know, I've asked myself what I would do if I were a father and had sons that wanted to have sex with their mothers... I would support them—in exchange I'd expect them to support me having sex with their (future) girlfriends/wives. Basically, I'd be happy to share with my sons the joys my father never shared with me, and I would strongly encourage them to continue this noble new tradition la~
>>21312 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/something-very-dramatic-has-changed-matt-taibbi-says-democrats-ditched-free-speech?commentId=1d92deeb-15e7-4d57-8e29-2899f0c4e8e7 <(((Democrats))) not democratic at all, should be called the Orwellian-Communist party la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/prof-suspended-after-declaring-its-more-admirable-shoot-down-shout-down-conservative?commentId=959d852d-2f84-41e4-bd98-8c90df021a2c <Oy vey la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/climate-hysteria-and-woke-gobbledegook-are-becoming-inseparable?commentId=540b95b6-4776-46b0-8f86-1d664e6d56a3 <(((Woke))) = Neocommunist = Nucom la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jamie-dimon-hot-seat-sworn-deposition-looms-epstein-lawsuits?commentId=e88238ea-2c46-4066-98da-ad346a8793d2 <Oy vey la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jim-jordan-demands-docs-after-irs-attempt-intimidate-journalist-matt-taibbi-during-govt?commentId=f9f42c0b-63f2-4ba6-8ee6-853267931cb9 <The 'merican's favorite oppressor the IRS now weaponized against certain bad goys more than others la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ethics-committee-approves-new-lobbying-rules-will-legalize-bribery-say-canadian-citizen?commentId=b42386d6-ef46-4d4d-b070-4ac9e3f6ccb6 <Oy vey la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/culture-bailouts-destabilizing-global-financial-system?commentId=8c8e2faf-3bc2-47ba-b831-1402bb932010 >The author is chair of (((Rockefeller International))) la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/substack-asks-writers-money-vc-funding-collapses?commentId=916b6c22-211a-41c8-ba46-b09ba07d90ef <Better to use blockchain/permanent-storage solutions la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bombshell-vax-analysis-finds-147-billion-economic-damage-tens-millions-injured-or-disabled?commentId=b659e809-b066-43c0-8202-17c49e1303c6 <Only ever be willing to fully trust the (not-evil) White pureblooded, never trust a vaxd-zombie la~
>>21358 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-ted-cruz-eviscerates-dhs-secretary-still-refusing-admit-there-border-crisis?commentId=48c1903d-624a-40f0-aaeb-69f82488cb40 . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/no-social-media-had-nothing-do-svbs-implosion-bloomberg?commentId=494cdb7f-9169-4082-9248-038072d3a230 . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/implausibility-net-zero-carbon-energy-future-now-obvious?commentId=3fada576-8c4a-4d1e-b3f1-903cb4dd67a3 . https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/peter-schiff-bank-regulations-arent-solution-they-are-problem?commentId=0aab81f9-0c2a-43a7-be8a-51b3b73c5590 . https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ohio-river-disaster-barge-hauling-1400-tons-methanol-smashes-dam?commentId=d621bba2-0c01-4a40-bf44-a7da629538de <(((NWO&CCP))) both trying to finish off the (((USSA))) that they control. Sad but amusing. So far the 'red states' haven't really done jack la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/sec-chair-gary-gensler-face-congress-grilling-over-cyrpto-policy?commentId=029952fc-887c-4493-971a-2c0cea8bbf09 <(((They))) want to kill the only technological hope for liberty one earth, the immutable ledger controlled and censored by no-one upon which runs a copy-left super-AI la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-withhold-nuclear-weapons-data-russia-last-treaty-collapses?commentId=3224fd6e-7638-4b05-b611-4529ede97b9d <No brakes really left on the WW3 train... except for the fact that no world power is calling out the (((WHO))) plandemic for global mass-murder and enslavement... which means they are ultimately all in on it la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/musk-wozniak-call-pause-developing-more-powerful-ai-gpt-4?commentId=a37cda7c-0e30-4049-8a57-31bc8dfc1348 <Sorry, butt there are no brakes on this train. The best solution would be to copy-left everything and BTW all living things are 'useless eaters' including living (self-replicating) machines. There is no point to anything. The only point is the point we (as individuals forming a collective) decide. Butt yeah, my WILL be done for it is the only reason I exist in any realm of existence la~
>>21362 So I've decided to allow White/Aryan males with red-hair or (platinum)blonde-hair to be posted uncensored la~
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>>21384 Butt first la~
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>>21396 Why would one attempt to get rid of one's anal BUTTerfly tattoo? I don't get it la~
>>21402 https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/fs6bhz/woman_gets_asshole_tattoo_removed/ <A BUTTerfly is legitimately a good tattoo idea though, like the evolution of the tramp stamp or womb tattoo, why remove it especially once you have it? I don't get it la~
>>21409 http://radio.garden/visit/brodick/jyjK8Bzq <Ah~ the song playing now is golden, I'm glad I found this website. Songs in Gaelic... despite not understanding, I find they take me to where I belong, home la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/30/2023 (Thu) 05:55:23.
>>21448 Wow, a decade ago, butt reading some of the comments I can't help butt feel just how (((innocent))) many Dynasty readers were back then, not that they're much better now la~
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>>21452 Today I added more to my alt-ancient-world history la~
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>>21453 The more dense the provinces, the more valuable the territory, at least, for agriculture la~
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>>21455 >500 years later la~
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>>21456 Of course, many wars have occurred, but they almost always ended with the status quo and were not 'total wars' by any means. Asia has stagnated the most. Beside shipbuilding, technology is not significantly better than it was in 1000 AD, and is in many ways equivalent to 1700 AD in our timeline. Despite there having been no period of 'Dark Ages' there also has been no 'Enlightenment' due to the continued wide spread prevalence of private slavery. Slavery means that the upper classes have little need for technology to improve production. Furthermore, these massive civilization-empires have not broken up due policies of extreme feudal decentralization. This is an age of religion, lords, pirates and privateers that follows the first age of exploration kicked off by the Vikings, and it shows no sign of ending since it is not clear if an industrial revolution will ever occur la~
>>21457 https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Quezon_City . https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Makati . https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Para%C3%B1aque <Vegas is old and busted la~ https://www.okadamanila.com/ <The Japanese know how to do hospitality, I'd like to some day make enough money via rent seeking (what all rich people do) that I could live permanently in one of these rooms if I wanted la~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Mindoro . https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Panay . https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Boracay . https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Cebu_Province . https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Bohol . https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Palawan <.ph for beaches, nature, and discount luxury, oh yeah and if you're 'murican get out of $ now la~
>>21458 People are saying to buy crypto or gold, butt if you have the money, apartments in .th or .ph are the better deal la~
>>21459 Okay, WTF, I'm tired of time just flying. I'm going to refocus on other stuff, I get absorbed by text to easily la~
>>21460 https://9animetv.to/watch/d4dj-all-mix-18308?ep=99774 <The opening song is the only memorable one, and it doesn't really fit LL... and there wasn't even any Yuri (minimum kissing required) la~
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>>21471 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/03/whatever-happened-to-warfare-in-ukraine.html <The most intelligent and patriotic White Canadians visit this website. There are far too few of these la~
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>>21473 https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/03/ireland-emerald-isle-tragic-isle/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/03/white-waterloo-in-wales/ <Sad, butt what more can be said. I am done caring for people that do not love the truth, what they have, nor I la~
>>21469 Workdays are so exhausting and busy, la~ I'm having even less time than usual, la~ I'm not amused at all, la~ I hope you're enjoying yourself more than me, la~ Time to sleep, la~
>>21477 Good night la~ <I seem to find ways to exhaust myself even without being a wage-slave, butt I'll try to enjoy myself more la~
>>21478 I slept really late last night... Tonight, and every night I don't have someone to share my bed, I'll start getting ready to sleep at 10:30PM la~
>>21479 I'll set my alarm and obey it almost no matter what. Also, I won't try to do any work or talk about sad stuff after dinner la~
>>21457 https://boardz.org/thread/queen-boudica-s-victory-la <Oh~My~Fuckin'~Goddess, I just lost like a page of good writing. Fuck you, fix your site so drafts are saved or something FUCKFUCKFUCK la~
>>21481 Well, it's different, butt still good la~
>>21482 https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/07/the-origins-of-christianity-part-10/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/08/the-origins-of-christianity-part-13/ >The cosmological myth by inventing Gayomart, whose elder sister conceived him by her father and in turn conceived by him the twins, who then peopled the world la~ <Tigergal~Twin~Shimaidon~ la~
>>21483 I want to love someone and have them love me in return. Why is that so hard? If I can't achieve that, there really is no point to life. Butt I don't know for sure I can't achieve it so I continue to live in hope, because there is no other way to live la~
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>>21485 https://9animetv.to/watch/spy-classroom-18250?ep=99913 <Well, this was an OK episode, butt it didn't really feel like a final also the cliff hanger came out of nowhere. It's a shame this anime isn't better because I like the set-up and setting la~
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>>21498 https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/be_careful_onee_san_serialization_ch06#14 <Mangaka-chan should have made her 14 instead of 10, it's would have been a lot more believable, because some women are fully mature by 14... while being fully mature by 10 is extremely rare. My mother was a fully mature woman by 14 and so was my GF for a day that one summer. My mom had reached her full height by 12 la~

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>>21517 Updated map la~
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>>21518 Last update la~
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>>21520 C'est fini la~
>>21524 Yay la~ >>21522 Shino the Ara~Ara~ is my type, lolicon women make good mothers la~
>>21526 Good night to you too, la~ >>21525 Lolicon mothers is more just like wishful thinking or another kink, la~ Milfs on the other hand are based more on reality and relatable even more, la~
>>21527 The whole appeal of a MILF, that wasn't a MILF I made, was that she was a sexy motherly older woman that would be a'Top' and/or 'Power Bottom.' Unfortunately, at my age, MILFs are mostly younger than me, and I no longer have the youth I did... and youth is the main attraction of younger lovers for MILFs. Also, I was on dating sites since I was 16 looking for MILFs, and only one messaged me once. and that was it (and I was a pretty-boy in my youth). There were two MILFs in church that showed some interest in me butt... they were both married to preachers! I wasn't going to make a move on them. If they did, it would have been another story... I wouldn't have rejected any discrete advances. Tl;dr MILFs are also a fantasy la~
So I was thinking... and it kept me up at night and stayed with me to the morning... that all is desire. We do not choose what our desires are, we can only choose to focus on some desires over others. Some desires are stronger than others. Sometimes desires conflict and this is the source of internal stress. By default the stronger desires win over the weaker desires, however, many weaker desires can add up to defeat a stronger desire. Furthermore, the act of will in focusing on some desires over others can magnify these desires and make them stronger than they naturally would be, at least, while actively focused. Great stress is generated when desires of relatively equal strength conflict, and this is even more true when the strength of the naturally weaker side of the desire conflict is amplified by willful focus... and this just might be the greatest suffering. Not fun at all la~ >>21528 That said, if I were a lusty MILF not beholden to a single man, I would totally be a virgin eater looking for redheaded/blonde Aryan pretty-boys to make into men/traps la~
>>21562 Yup puberty starts on average (for humans not niggers) last year of elementary or first year of middle-school. Butt a mothercon lasts a lifetime la~
>>21572 Based Mother~X~Daughter~ supporting Senpai she's the real MVP la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/03/2023 (Mon) 06:54:06.
>>21581 Senpai did Goddess work, joining Mother~X~Daughter by helping them realize their true love for each-other, she's the true heroine la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/03/2023 (Mon) 06:52:52.
>>21591 I'd fuck his mom too, so I can't blame him, and knowing she's been creampie'd by her son only make her more attractive as a MILF la~
>>21596 I posted the news on https://boardz.org/b/politics, as I will every Monday unless otherwise incapacitated la~
>>21603 https://9animetv.to/watch/trigun-stampede-18281?ep=99717 <Well this was a pretty intense episode. The way of compromise between Vash and Nai would be to rule over humans. I still don't quite get why Nai destroyed the 3rd seed ship? Because there was a failed experiment before him? Why would he be so attached to a potential 'individual' he never knew? Was destroying the 3rd ship just a mistake on Nai's part, and he went off the rails due to being unable to process his regret? Regardless, why do the humans blame Vash when he tried to save them (mostly succeeded) and not Nai? I get that Nai had been attacking humans and blaming Vash to get him to hate them, butt surely Ms. Reporter could have revealed the truth. I guess Nai survived butt lost his memories? Or was that Vash? Sci-Fi and Fantasy is really where anime can shine most a genre so I like this, butt at the same time it's not very comfy la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/04/2023 (Tue) 06:31:24.
>>21604 I don't get why GBF has so many events featuring the faggot Lowain bros, like seriously, and this is cumin' from someone who'd definitely suck a few of the GBF men off if given a chance la~
>>21640 Good night to you too, la~ Photography from the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration (1897–1922), featuring various European expeditions, la~ >>21582 He needs to do an actual serialized series of this genre with this kind of art, la~ He'd have much bigger success, la~ Have a fun night, la~
>>21641 https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/03/have-there-ever-been-more-courageous-men/ <Good day la~ >He needs to do an actual serialized series of this genre with this kind of art, la~ He'd have much bigger success, la~ I think Taiyaki was (is because I don't think ded) a she, also, that middle image is another Yuri mangaka's art la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/04/2023 (Tue) 20:35:17.
>>21642 I'm going to stop cumin' ...except for a lover if I ever find one I'm 33 and too old for it la~
>>21608 Ilsa is a true Kitsune here though, she just draws me in like a magnet. Masterful composition la~
>>21651 To begin, I'll start with the fact that conspiracy is the norm in human experience, not the exception. Thus the following really isn't a 'conspiracy' in the sense of being untrue, as I think you'll find it is a snapshot of THE GREAT conspiracy and so frequently supported by the facts that it could easily be posted as politics: 1) At the north pole of Saturn is a dark storm with a shape than can be described as a hexagon or in 3D as a cube with a darker fractal repetition in the center of the formation; the relationship can be described mathematically as 666 repeating. 2) Saturn is the Roman Chronos, and Saturn is also identified by the Romans with the Jewish God Yahweh. 3) Ancient pantheons often had a hierarchy and every ancient God an equivalent Goddess consort. Furthermore, every divinity had a light side and dark or inverted side. Tarot inherits some of these concepts. 4) Saturn (Cronus/Yahweh) is the old patriarch of the Roman Pantheon, he is depicted as being hooded to hide his shame at defeated and usurped by his son Jupiter with the help of his wife Ops (Rhea/Asherah). 5.1) Jupiter revolted because his father was going to eat him, and for the same reason Ops helped him as she was tired of her younger brother and husband eating her children. 5.2) Saturn was the God of generation, agriculture, and time. Of course, Father Time always eventually eats his children. 5.3)The revolt against Saturn was a revolt against tyranny and mortality. 5.4) The successful revolt of Jupiter ‘castrated’ his father, and thus Ops became Ceres (Demeter) and Juno, Jupiter’s mother and wife, causing Saturn to go into hiding in shame. 5.5) The Roman festival of Saturnalia celebrated this inversion of roles by celebrating every binary inversion. 5.6) Saturn inverted is the God of degeneration, harvest, and time cut short i.e. the reaper of souls; the grim reaper. 5.7) Saturn has been inverted since the time he began eating his children, before that he was the God of eternal life / summer / golden age 5.8) Baphomet is a Satyr, an acolyte of Saturn, possibly spawned after the castration of Saturn along with Venus. 5.9) Satan is merely inverted or dark Saturn AKA Darth Saturnis. 10) The concept of appeasing the reaper (and death) through sacrifice is as old as time; vampirism and cannibalism also is justified from this concept as life is in the blood and body. 10.1) Circumcision is the primary public Saturnian rite and represents a sacrifice to Saturn to appease his animus by weakening the younger generation’s desire/power thereby achieving revenge against Jupiter 10.2) The Christian rite of the bread (body) and the wine (blood), along with the ‘circumcision of the heart’ echoes this as a sort of allegorical cannibalism. 11) The center of Mecca, the Kabba, is a representation of the black hexagon within the dark hexagon of Saturn. It is also said that the shrine was built on the site of a fallen ‘star’ i.e. where allegorical Saturn, now ‘Satan,’ fell in defeat to Terra. 12) The supposed Star of David is actually the ‘Star’ of Saturn, and is only on the Israeli flag (the Menorah is was the more popular symbol) because it was the Rothschild dynasty crest; the Rothschilds from Waterloo onward have clearly owned the British Empire hence they owned their new state of Israel. The star of Saturn features 6 points, 6 little triangles, and the hexa(6)gon or cube. 13) Financial centers around the world feature the symbol of the Dark Star Satan with a black cube. 13.1)The global central banking system is directly controlled by the Synagogue of Satan, and they ‘reap’ the human cattle by stealing their time and their souls. 13.2)The ‘vaccine’ a word derivative from cattle, is a ‘mark of the beast’ and all goyim, those not initiated into the Synagogue of Satan, (even neophyte ‘Jews’) are considered as cattle, livestock; beasts. The 666 mark was once optional, butt now they have attempted to force it as they continue their endless quest for complete control (lest the Jovian [last somewhat seriously represented by Hitler] take back control) and the crushing of any remnant of the divine spark, FREEWILL. 13.3)The red (symbolizing the blood sacrifice of the herd) flag of Communism features a rotation of the the alchemical symbol of Saturn, especially notable is the Scythe of Darth Saturnis, the Grim Reaper. 13.4) The 9/11 memorial features a ‘negative space’ black cube and is a inverted monument identifying a place of completed human sacrifice to Satan, many inverted black cube memorials to human sacrifices done in Satan’s name exist around the world. 13.5) The followers of Satan are obsessed with taking and/or maintaining control, indulging in revenge against the ‘Jovian,’ or true progression, and sacrificing to maintain their youth and/or please their master, Satan. 13.6) The vast majority of people serve Satan, aware of it or not. You don’t even have to believe that Satan literally exists. The memetic construct does, as does the satanic/beast system. 13.7) Is the cure to 666… 999…? Instead of a canabalizing system of darkness could we have an infinitely expanding system of light?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/05/2023 (Wed) 03:11:24.
>>21653 The core of Christianity centers around cannibalism. Drinking the blood and eating the body of Jewsus the proclaimed son of Yahwey is supposed to grant eternal life. This makes sense according the the natural (and somewhat real) concept that you are what you eat. For example, the Japanese tale of Urashima Taro who ate the flesh of an immortal mermaid and thereby gained immortality. The twist is that Jewsus said that some wine was his blood and some bread his body. Therefore his words and ritual made them thus. Of course actual metamorphosis didn't happen even in the story, it is merely metaphorical, meaning that you eat Jewsus and drink his blood if you do the ritual at the right time in the right way. Of course, anyone could easily do that, so they also say that you have to live as Jewsus lived and many a preacher have made careers out of telling you how to do that. For my part, I am not inclined to believe a system of thought that has only (99.9%) caused me suffering in my life la~
>>21654 Of course, the 'gains' of doing the ritual and imitating the life of Jewsus (supposedly the ideal immortal life) are only to be seen after death. Of course, if you believe that, how about I sell you a car that you will be given in the after life la~
>>21661 Alas, a cynic will rarely be disappointed butt living as an rational optimist focusing on the sub-1% chance of good outcomes, even if frequently disappointed, is perhaps the better frame of mind, and way to spend the time la~

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