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King of Shitposting

(419.33 KB 797x449 Sakura Genesis.jpg)

(408.30 KB 797x449 Road to sakura genesis.jpg)

(307.85 KB 797x449 SG press conference.jpg)

(297.74 KB 797x449 April Calendar.jpg)

NJPW Sakura Genesis Boliever 03/29/2018 (Thu) 10:23:04 Id: e3acab No. 104585
Damn this came up quick after that US show, hopefully it delivers. Also there's a road to show on the 30th which should be fun as alwa- >Evil's return match AH FUCK YEAH ROAD TO SAKURA GENESIS FEATURING EVIL'S RETURN MATCH MOTHERFUCKERS March 30th @ 2:30 PDT 5:30 EDT >Press conference @ 11:00 PDT 2:00 EDT Sakura Genesis: Okada VS ZSJ April 1st @ 12:00 PDT 3:00 EDT Hope to see all you fuckers there. Also we can just use this thread for the road to wrestling dontaku shows as well until we hit bump limit.
>>104914 Other than okada vs tana not being at dominion I like it. >for some reason It's david finlay.
>>104916 Suzuki naito should've been wrestling dontaku and tana okada should've been dominion. They damn better have a big ass match planned for dominion naito okada rematch?
(1.80 MB 1324x693 CHASEMAKER.png)

>>105251 >They damn better have a big ass match planned for dominion blow off match at dominion with ace owens
>>105265 ospreay is fine he did not shibata himself yet
(9.84 KB 157x153 1472487557106.jpg)

>>105266 >that filename
(818.78 KB 250x183 worked.gif)

>>105285 Feud with LIJ confirmed
(122.79 KB 928x1200 jej.jpg)

>>105266 look at this dood
(200.57 KB 352x528 Yuya Uemura.png)

(203.34 KB 352x528 Yota Tsuji.png)

Who is the Chase Owens?
(704.62 KB 1369x1382 Screenshot_20180405-005044.jpg)

>tfw you get upgraded from middle seat standard to first class aisle
(27.00 KB 739x415 images(4).jpg)

>>105422 >two gays being drawn as angels DELETE this blasphemy
>>105422 So where's the sequel where good brothers Tama & Fale kick them out for being fags ?
>>105470 >implying Bullet Club is in Heaven Son, do you know what a heel is?
(53.82 KB 720x960 ACED.jpg)

>>105834 me on the right
>>105835 From the view of the photographer or the people in the photo?
>>105837 photographer
>>105834 Looks almost like Funaki in that photo.
>>105834 Why does that obese woman have a Hitler stache?
>>106019 because all g*rman women look like men
(35.93 KB 620x400 funaki-28831644-620x400.jpg)

>>105852 Damn, the resemblance is uncanny. >Tana goes to WWE and meets Vince >Vince gets shocked and salivates as to how jacked Funaki's got
>>106057 >Vince pushes Tana to the moon because he makes him wet I can see this happening
https://twitter.com/voiceswrestling/status/984166745798840320 OHNO
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(1.80 MB 1208x830 Laughing Young Bois.webm)

looks like i have adopted a new boi
>>111457 It's just a rumor right?
>>111473 as of now yes. We'll see what happens long term I guess
Show tonight at 4:30 cdt 5:30 edt. Anyone staying up? Not sure if I am going to yet
>>111485 Just make a new thread dude.
>>111496 aight

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