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King of Shitposting

(419.33 KB 797x449 Sakura Genesis.jpg)

(408.30 KB 797x449 Road to sakura genesis.jpg)

(307.85 KB 797x449 SG press conference.jpg)

(297.74 KB 797x449 April Calendar.jpg)

NJPW Sakura Genesis Boliever 03/29/2018 (Thu) 10:23:04 Id: e3acab No. 104585
Damn this came up quick after that US show, hopefully it delivers. Also there's a road to show on the 30th which should be fun as alwa- >Evil's return match AH FUCK YEAH ROAD TO SAKURA GENESIS FEATURING EVIL'S RETURN MATCH MOTHERFUCKERS March 30th @ 2:30 PDT 5:30 EDT >Press conference @ 11:00 PDT 2:00 EDT Sakura Genesis: Okada VS ZSJ April 1st @ 12:00 PDT 3:00 EDT Hope to see all you fuckers there. Also we can just use this thread for the road to wrestling dontaku shows as well until we hit bump limit.
>0000 >April 1st >The official end of Lent I am going to eat a steak, drink a beer, and chain smoke like a motherfucker.
(40.25 KB 600x400 images.jpg)

>sakura genesis Calling it, ZSJ will get killed. The curse of shibata will loom over the main event of this show.
>>104587 I like zsj but he's no fucking shibata. This whole year has been kind of a step down from 2017 especially in the Iwgp title scene. Tana okada at dominion should change that though
>Evil comes back >Hirobushi wins the jr tag titles >Scooby dooby doo btfo'd the skelly commie Gonna be gud
(2.65 MB 1280x720 Salt.mp4)

>When ZSJ wins
>>104587 God wills
>>104589 Hell yeah
>>104588 Of course the ace will save this year
(199.04 KB 600x900 Crown Jewel.jpg)

>>104594 The NEW Ace you mean
>>104588 >Tana okada at dominion should change that though Has that already been confirmed? i'd probably bust a nut if tanahashi is the guy who stops okada from beating his record of most consecutive title defenses
>>104597 Not confirmed but heavily speculated. Plus runner up in NJ cup sometimes gets a title shot too
FUCK I missed the press conference
anyone watching tonight? Or am I flying solo?
(31.23 KB 420x633 Yukari cute.jpg)

(12.66 MB 1280x720 witchblade.webm)

>>104605 I'll stream it on my phone won't be posting that much, playing Far Cry and stuff. Comfy line up, I hope Ebiru gets repacked and isnt just cringy undercarder knockoff again. if chadblade pins henare there will be riottttttttts in new zealand. also despy is tagging with kes and suzuki s he is gonna get bullied hard.
>>104607 Ebiru is awesome though. No need for an unnecessary change.
>>104607 >I hope ebiru gets repacked this may be the worst sentence typed on this board
(158.15 KB 1200x901 Kento drinks.jpg)

Speaking of Aces what do you guys think of the Ace of AJPW?

(1.86 MB 1280x720 STFU OY.webm)

>>104608 >>104609 i said it b4 and i says it again i dislike evil bring back Watanabe and get rid of this 80s era gimmick Wannabe
(139.24 KB 736x578 Ultra Heel.png)

If cody wasn't such a snooze fest in the ring I'd call him a great heel.
>>104612 What if that isn't heel work?
>>104613 >"""retiring""" the most money generating design in wrestling Yeah no this is a work. Also kenny commented saying that he's gonna show cody who's boss of this club or something like that so it's to build up the storyline.
(260.48 KB 425x385 [thinks in tongan].png)

>>104612 actual spoiler: april foolio brother hhio
(87.71 KB 734x929 DYN_drDU0AA5kck.jpg)

Who's here?
Kylo Ren Narita is winnin'
>>104616 I'm back had to take a dump quick
>>104618 I hope it was a healthy dump.
oh no
why the fuck did Narita do a headbutt?
>>104619 it was good yeah
>>104621 Narita losing ;_ ;
>>104624 He's gonna win eventually, the constant losing is part of what makes the young lion journey special
>time limit draw >with fucking young lions D-Did they try to fucking steal the show?
That was the best Young Lion match I've seen since Kawato/Kitamura
>>104627 Probably better than any match at Mania or anything on this card
>>104628 Evil returning will be better as will dbry returning and nakkers vs styles
>>104629 I'm with you on Evil, I doubt the other two.
(28.90 KB 446x600 Nagata Eyes.jpg)

my boi shota gonna get the rub from nagata in the sauna after the show
>>104630 don't be a mark brother
>teasing a pin to trick your opponent into a submission jesus nagata is good
>>104632 I love Dbry but I doubt he's gonna be ready. Also Styles and Nekker will be a toned down version. We're all marks stupid.
I'm here, niggers.
(46.33 KB 250x250 slowpoke.png)

>>104634 Dbry has been training non stop even when retired and he never lost his knowledge. And they're probably going to let styles and nigger go as all out as they want. But you
>>104636 I've been suffering from the flu, so I'm a bit slow and fuckin groggy..
>>104635 ya missed the best match already but welcome nippa
>>104638 Oh I'm sorry dude. I'll pray for you to get better and shit. >>104637 Nigger it's WWE they ruin a lot of shit.
>>104638 you should've worked out more to build up your immune system
>>104640 wwe doesn't ruin everything, again don't be a mark. They aren't as good as this but they're still okay
oka and his dad tagging again
>>104642 >they're still okay t. Vince
>oka is the most nimble of the men on his team
>>104644 I'm actually billy corigan but close guess
>taguchi the jr. heavyweight is taller than nakanishi the monster
>>104649 >>104648 THE TAGUCHI COMMUNITY?!?!?!?!
>>104648 He tried to cuck Taichi, wouldn't consider that fag.
>>104651 he's bi bro
made this shitty dub over some custom titan tron from utube OC do not steel do not distribute >>104651 even gays can fall victim to the semon demon succubus miho
(67.22 KB 735x461 The Jokerblade.jpg)

am i the only switchbladefag on wooo?
>>104654 i like him as well
>>104654 I like him, him vs finlay is gonna be one of the contenders for moty probably
What's the point of Henare again other than "Island Nigger"?
>>104654 He's growing on me.
(32.85 KB 1080x607 Henare.jpg)

>>104657 everyone wants to be the ace but someone has to take the pins. I bolieve he will be a future Ishii/Fale type character but right now he is just a jobberu. and its NIPPA in this threads, ya pinhead.
>even the commentators are complaining about inconsistent start times
Tana vs yano boyz
>>104661 Just a special singles match?
>>104662 nt even that, just a throwaway tag match
RPG 3k are even better now, they have a lot more confidence
>>104663 I thought you meant this is starting a short feud.
shit I was in another tab during the finish, what happened?
>>104666 yeah i was in anothe t ab watching gargano knocking on Tommaso door at 3am. missed the finish, rewinded, and its a classic yano lowblow rollup win. he reversed the slingblade too
>>104667 Has Yano ever challenged Tana for something?
EVIL IS STILL COSPLAYING Fucking nippas >>104668 comms said they have ahd a rivalry before. i hope they dont have one right now but it looks like it. >the current state of the 'ace'
>>104670 Hey Tana is doing fine, he'll be Okada's next challenger.
>>104668 >>104670 They had a rivalry in 2015 when Yano beat Tana in 2 mins in the opening round of the New Japan Cup 2015. In following events in tag matches Yano would pin Tana repeatedly, proclaiming himself as the new Ace. The had a match at Dominion I think where Tana redeemed himself and beat Yano, then had a another match at G1 that year which Tana won.
(836.72 KB 888x834 sleepy Geralt.png)

(536.27 KB 675x675 JUST. TAP. OUT..png)

just found out a girl i knew from school back in the day just fuckign died suicide irl so ruined my comfy night. gonna go fap to her nudes after the show to honor her memory. oh well boohoo, mainueventu time. JUST TAP OUT
>>104675 wait wat?
>>104675 shit dude sorry can we see?
(849.50 KB 1244x706 I'm a sad man..png)

>>104676 i think i made it clear enough. suicide is common in my hometown. not surprised she was a emo and all that. cant dwell on it too much or i will be sad. downloading her socmed's right now before they get DELETED by her parents or something. >>104677 yeah it was sad to hear especially during the show, ruined muh day… grew up with her and shit. cant share the goodies tho, sorry nippas. nothing personal. avent been watching since i heard just had the audio going. EVERYTHING IS EEEEVIL.
(76.22 KB 469x563 055.jpg)

>tfw Taichi is more over than Ishii >>104678 My first post was just out of shock, also I understand why. Still sad i can't see some good nudes.
(135.37 KB 239x387 1446437563216.png)

>not making Okada tap what a soyboy
That belt is WAY too big on him.
just realised that JUST GIVE UP would have been more accriate since all his subs this tour have been double arm restrictions
k night guys, see you all at the big show
>"We're taking over England, we're taking over Japan, not Mexico though, fuck Mexico!" I thought SJWs love Mexico.
>>104684 My mistake, it's "Mexico can fuck off"
nujap always has neat, I bolieve the term is kino, opening packages. they made one for the whole show and one for zsj's match This embed is the Show VTR
(78.56 KB 600x337 Evil vs Eevee.jpg)

(153.64 KB 1737x1059 NJPW Roster.jpg)

(106.85 KB 750x1256 Eevee NJPW Profile.jpg)

THIS. IS. EEVEE. This match is gonna steal the Sakura Genesis show and is a possible MOTY candidate.
>>104697 >30cm Fucking manlets reeeeeeeee
>>104694 My biggest takeway from this is that finlay used to look a lot better.
OK, if I got my times right we have an hour before start time.
Morning friends. I hope you slept well. I had to work so I am going to pull an all nighter and sleep after Easter supper.
>>104711 Same here bro. Okada matches always wake me up too
>>104712 Watching him beat the shit out of that anglokike and make him JUST TAP OUT will be a nice way to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
>>104713 >t. butthurt convict descendant
>>104714 I'm not an Australian. I am an I am a dumb nigger please ban my gay ass. I am half mexican half black and still whiter than you.
(20.02 KB 269x298 Yukari wat.jpg)

I'm here too, sorry for being late.
(211.65 KB 1000x1000 MFW NO YUNG RION MATCHES.jpg)

oK.. Show starting soon heres my pickaroonys >Matto pin Chase >Yano pin his former pet >Taguchi so bullet club look less stable >Finlay pin Chaos chasi owensi >kes pin ebiru >Roppongi KKK >Will retain >cody shock win on kota to build feud >HE IS Okada retain and Tana confronts
>>104717 Just in time nippa
>>104715 > I am an I am a dumb nigger please ban my gay ass. I am half mexican half black and still whiter than you. mods calling you out on your shit nigger
>>104720 He's still whiter than you.
Suzuki and Naito is like a dad vs his rebellious teen son
>>104720 I am a dumb nigger please ban my gay ass Amer ican
>>104723 lol nice word filter
(329.62 KB 1854x2048 The Ace of AJPW.jpg)

>tfw after tonight you'll be the only ace in Japan that didn't tap to a soyboy >tfw you'll still be underrated as fuck
>young bucks curtain jerking >bullet club vs bullet club match
>>104721 >w-w-wwhiter than you mohhammed How btfo can you possibly be?
>>104727 Does it sting that bad?
>>104728 you tell me nigger
>that one nip close to the camera screaming YANG BACKS and MATTO!
>>104729 >Seething
https://twitter.com/CodyRhodes/status/979920831387140102 HUE
>Moonsaulting someone's knees.
>>104733 It would be really effective on Rey Mysterio.
I noticed that Nick is more Kenny and Matt is more Cody. A split with them on opposing sides would be nice with bullet club wolfpack/arising and the Elite.
>Bullet club status: Fine
>>104736 When's Tama taking over? I can't wait so long.
>>104735 The main event at all in is going to be kenny and matt vs cody and nick.
Is someone in the back trolling taichi? The fuck?
(596.75 KB 2333x2715 1446508581910.jpg)

Taichi is really growing on me now ever since he joined the heavyweight division. Maybe it's because he's more believable than ZSJ.
(5.53 MB 1280x720 [Laughs in ALL_IN].webm)

>>104737 When Cody gives up leadership in 2021 >>104738 10/10 would illegally stream
>>104737 Well tama is among the only three people in the bullet club with a title.
taichi izuka theme was great tonight
>ref interfering CMON KENTA
Always nice seeing Toru Yano pick up a W.
I was hoping Yano would use the iron glove for a groin strike.
>>104746 I could be wrong but it feels like it's been forever. >Not muting
>>104748 >>Not muting That usually means he's winning.
>>104749 It's a different song though.
>>104748 It's been a long time. Years
I dont get the angle between taguchi and fale's tattoos
>>104750 Oh the dub song? Yeah, we heard it at the last show.
(134.19 KB 436x436 Makabe.png)

>>104750 new meme basically >dubbing
(577.22 KB 350x264 Flair WOOOOOOOOO.gif)

>>104756 Did anyone get webms of that shit?
(413.32 KB 657x633 Fale Commentary.png)

>>104757 i forgot to. guess the fale meme lies on in those who were there
>>104759 BC takeover when?
(2.12 MB 1280x720 Tama Gun Stun.webm)

>>104760 I wonder what the new logo will look like
>>104762 Well it won't be >>104732
(15.89 KB 215x235 index.jpg)

>>104762 Like this
So what's so special about these 6 man tags that njpw felt the need to point out they're special?
>>104765 These tend to lead up to feuds or finish up a tag faction feud.
Here comes /our/ favorite edgelord.
(31.51 KB 920x517 Switchblade.jpg)

Chadblade Club
(29.76 KB 588x588 quizzical blademan.jpg)

the announcer just called him Jay O'White
(116.12 KB 1080x850 Chaos WHAT IS THIS CRAP.jpg)

(8.34 MB 1280x720 Chasi Owensi Fucks Up.webm)

oh shit i wonder if jay will do that gay ass hand thing chaos always do in tags
>>104770 No he's too cool and mature for that.
Holy shit that pop jews got. Put the never belt on him gedo.
>finlay touching the belt the belt curse has been evoked 10 straight losses to switchblade confirmed
>Finlay has a fan
Tanahashi wins are always great.
(36.91 KB 248x664 Cold Skull.jpg)

That naito kid was fucking adorable.
(77.60 KB 169x239 skeptical_skull_man.png)

That young boi sold the shit out of that water.
dbs jr looking straight out of tge jersey shore with that gold chain
flippyboi smith jr
Is that Nip wearing a yarmulke?
Finally home from the missus' place, what did I miss?
>The violent pervert Naito WHAT DID CALLIS MEAN BY THIS?
Wait wasn't evil fighting eevee?
I can't hang. I am too tired from work and considering I have to start cooking in five hours I am going to get some sleep. >>104788 April Fools
>>104787 He likes the Vietnamese cartoon pictures.
>Archer abusing children Why is it that only Suzukigun members know how to be heels in the modern day?
>>104792 Because Western wrestling died.
(110.02 KB 1322x629 njpwworld c[...].jpg)

(13.25 MB 854x480 Lance Archer vs Kid.webm)

Lancu is the purest heel in the biz
>tfw you will never be Sanada It hurts
(158.15 KB 1200x901 Kento drinks.jpg)

>>104795 >tfw you will never be an Ace like Miyahara
>Makes kid cry >Wins And that kid was successfully traumatized.
>>104793 Even in Japan, and I say this as someone who likes the business in the west and east, most "heels" are just tweeners that get cheered by being selfish. Hell, I am wearing an LIJ shirt atm typing this, and on paper LIJ are meant to be a heel stable, but they are all tweeners. Contrast to Suzukigun, Suzuki is respected as a legend of the business but is generally the antagonist of his matches, Soyboy understands that Japan doesn't like leftie pricks like himself and as such embraces his honest political position to get heat instead of trying to hide it, Taichi is the most pure heel that I can remember since at least MPW era Kaientai, KES are channeling the most extreme of gaijin big guy heels, even the juniors are great fucking heels. They thrive on people NOT liking them, instead of most heels in the industry who try and get people to support their heelish ways. I just wish that more people would learn from them, I know that Steen was doing really well in the states for a while as a pure heel, dunno what happened in the last year or so with him forgetting that.
(3.10 MB 305x170 Clapping Gedo.gif)

*grabs the mic* TACOS BURRITO CABRON
Man naito really loves that IC title doesn't he?
Chill Naito is a badass with huge cojones.
G1 28 gonna be a grind
I can't bolieve it's almost been a year since i became a fan.
>Bushi doing double duty
>>104807 It took me a while to catch on to that one.
(423.21 KB 854x480 Naito Promo.webm)

>>104806 BE A SURVIVOR! This will be my second G1 this year, made the jump after OkadaOmega I.
RPK3K BREAKing up with Rocky this match, or are they going to Dominon/WTL/Wrestle Kingdom? Taking bets.
>>104810 Fuck, RPG3K, sorry lads, bloody sleepy.
(24.14 KB 232x255 1464280504972.jpg)

>>104810 >BREAKing up angles
>Kanemaru has a title >>104810 Never gonna happen unless they join suzuki gun
>>104810 Still waiting for Switchblade and Sho and Yoh creating The New Elite
>>104812 Look, I actually like Rocky, bought one of his creepy suitcase shirts when he was in Australia, but I still think that the eventual plan is for Sho and Yoh to get pissed at their manager and turn on him. >>104813 I could see it happen, but not for some time.
>>104815 1. It's way too soon 2. I don't see it, and if anything it's gonna be Sho that's gonna BREAK out on his own.
>>104816 I hope that you are right. I honestly want to see RPG3K continue with Rocky, Sho and Yoh for at least another couple of years. Rocky has given them so much charisma and rub that people don't take into account, and they are fast when Rocky is at the point in his career as a junior where he is noticeably slowing down. I think it is a great position for all of them, and hope it continues.
>sho going for the pin on rocky
>>104817 Speaking of which. I just saw Sho protect Rocky from kicks.
(28.83 KB 380x258 6.jpg)

Despy is super clutch.
(440.98 KB 570x570 Despy Damn Cheaters.png)

Was gonna post this if they lost but despy won fair and underwear
I want Despy on all my favorite sport teams Clutch Despy
Here comes willy's theme start booing marks.
El Elevate retaining brother
(13.02 MB 1280x720 Rick O'Shea Flippyboi.webm)

>kelly said ospreay is better than rico shae because rick oshea went to nxt
>>104828 Prove him wrong Also, what the fuck is that music?
>>104829 This fued isn't over and I bolieve Ricky Shake is one point ahead so he is winnin' >is that music? Another legendary CFO$ banger of course
(15.59 KB 200x303 1436054878482.jpg)

>>104830 >This fued isn't over
(125.51 KB 1310x873 OspreayRicochetBOSJ.0.0.png.jpg)

>>104831 The rivalry will end at the WrestleMania 35 preshow next year.
(16.44 KB 372x386 Shane Ded.jpg)

Bah gawd dat tombstone
Ospreay is really selling the tombstone real well.
>>104832 >Implying ospreay won't die before then
>>104835 See what I mean? It's only a matter of time
(361.64 KB 852x434 Vince Fuckign Dies..webm)

>these neck bumps ospreay gonna be the first jnr to die in the ring
>scurll using a piledriver American indie commissions seething
My neck feels stiff.
Incoming concussion promo.
(22.80 KB 651x555 spicy_meatball.jpg)

>Tfw you spend easter morning watching the passion of the ospreay and now you're watching four gay boys having a tussle
>>104845 *2 gay boys and 2 tryhard faggots
>>104846 Well cody can't stop kissing ibushi and hangman is obsessed with another man's cock.
>>104847 Ok 2 good gay boy vs 2 gay tryhard faggots
(653.80 KB 2048x1536 The Golden Lovers.jpg)

i got cody winning this by a kiss rollup on kota ibotchi
did omega BREAK his ring gear already
>don calling cody mental ill for attacking kota
>>104850 I think it's in the same place too.
Is NJPW deliberately trying to make Louisiana Commision seeth?
(25.10 KB 399x399 -- (LAUGHTER).jpg)

damn that dropkick moon by pagy was nice. also wondered if that was done before since i used it on wwe 2k
kenny fuckign dies
(84.23 KB 760x515 fd.jpg)

Fuck you cody reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I like to imagine the bucks were in the back with the tongans and yujiro trying to talk each other into go out there and stopping this.
the iwgp champion rollcall is the most kino moment in njpw
(31.49 KB 247x155 just tap out m8.png)

(1009.20 KB 1280x720 Taka Fuckign Dies.webm)

Zack Inokism Jnr is gonna make Okada JUST TAP OUTO jk i has okader picked still sad we never had okada and gedo against zack and taka
>TFW pantskada is here to stay
>>104862 shirtkada soon to hide his gut
>the young boys on fake money pickup duty
>>104864 No that's just how they get paid.
imagine okada tapping zack
(836.72 KB 888x834 sleepy Geralt.png)

(20.62 KB 402x378 tranquilo sleep.jpg)

nice match
yeeEEAaAAah -Taka
I'm back from the bathroom, is this match interesting yet?
>>104871 The cameraman stopped watching and are now looking for qt's.
Even Gedo's "C'MON OKADA" can't save this
ok, Okada may have to carry it, but it's getting interesting.
This match is getting good.
that was a shit sell of the half rainmaker
(1.52 MB 365x205 Okada Look.gif)

I love how the iwgp title is such a big fucking deal.
(541.15 KB 1000x978 1518359180816.jpg)

If okada BREAKs tana streak they need to make a bigger version of the title for him.
*switchblades music hits*
Great show, even the zacky match got good halfway through.
okaders arm is fuckign dead
based oka blocking fans from touching the ace
Chono in a suit is weird.
>Jay white wearing his dads suit
(901.09 KB 1317x603 Screenshot-.png)

damn switchy straight stylin on the chaos
>>104888 jay look like he bout to make a very lucrative business deal
https://twitter.com/WillOspreay/status/980402487562678272 Will is kill
(45.91 KB 639x910 Cody - Copy.jpg)

FUCK I forgot to post this after Cody's win
(1.32 MB 638x360 Hiromu DERANGED.webm)

(241.17 KB 374x604 When your theme is shit.png)

Scurll was fucking robbed, screw Assplay and his awful theme.
(975.62 KB 540x304 DZsASY6V4AEXJKK.mp4)

This is what happens when your theme is buttrock
Fuck it's a shame I went to sleep after the LIJ match. Ospraey crying like a bitch was hilarious.
https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/20882?showCards=1 https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/20887?showCards=1 https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/20888?showCards=1 >naito vs suzuki on a fucking B ppv >okada and tanahashi at wrestling fucking dontaku and not dominion >no US title defense at either show instead at Kouraken hall for some reason. This is shit gedo actual literal shit. I mean I guess I'm happy this is all happening fairly soon but placing these main events in venues lesser than what they could sell out is retarded.
(3.40 MB 1920x964 [Evil Laughing].webm)

>>104914 >okada/tanahashi 99 in a bingohall gotta make way for okada/omega IV at dominion
>>104914 Other than okada vs tana not being at dominion I like it. >for some reason It's david finlay.
>>104916 Suzuki naito should've been wrestling dontaku and tana okada should've been dominion. They damn better have a big ass match planned for dominion naito okada rematch?
(1.80 MB 1324x693 CHASEMAKER.png)

>>105251 >They damn better have a big ass match planned for dominion blow off match at dominion with ace owens
>>105265 ospreay is fine he did not shibata himself yet
(9.84 KB 157x153 1472487557106.jpg)

>>105266 >that filename
(818.78 KB 250x183 worked.gif)

>>105285 Feud with LIJ confirmed
(122.79 KB 928x1200 jej.jpg)

>>105266 look at this dood
(200.57 KB 352x528 Yuya Uemura.png)

(203.34 KB 352x528 Yota Tsuji.png)

Who is the Chase Owens?
(704.62 KB 1369x1382 Screenshot_20180405-005044.jpg)

>tfw you get upgraded from middle seat standard to first class aisle
(27.00 KB 739x415 images(4).jpg)

>>105422 >two gays being drawn as angels DELETE this blasphemy
>>105422 So where's the sequel where good brothers Tama & Fale kick them out for being fags ?
>>105470 >implying Bullet Club is in Heaven Son, do you know what a heel is?
(53.82 KB 720x960 ACED.jpg)

>>105834 me on the right
>>105835 From the view of the photographer or the people in the photo?
>>105837 photographer
>>105834 Looks almost like Funaki in that photo.
>>105834 Why does that obese woman have a Hitler stache?
>>106019 because all g*rman women look like men
(35.93 KB 620x400 funaki-28831644-620x400.jpg)

>>105852 Damn, the resemblance is uncanny. >Tana goes to WWE and meets Vince >Vince gets shocked and salivates as to how jacked Funaki's got
>>106057 >Vince pushes Tana to the moon because he makes him wet I can see this happening
https://twitter.com/voiceswrestling/status/984166745798840320 OHNO
(136.09 KB 468x445 1446351220366-2.png)

(1.80 MB 1208x830 Laughing Young Bois.webm)

looks like i have adopted a new boi
>>111457 It's just a rumor right?
>>111473 as of now yes. We'll see what happens long term I guess
Show tonight at 4:30 cdt 5:30 edt. Anyone staying up? Not sure if I am going to yet
>>111485 Just make a new thread dude.
>>111496 aight

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