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King of Shitposting

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SUPERSHOWDOWNUNDER THREAD Boliever 10/06/2018 (Sat) 06:26:36 Id: 55ded2 No. 128542
For the 2 people that will watch it live. Matches: "Last Time Ever" The Undertaker vs. Triple H The Shield vs. Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre ==WWE Championship Match (No Count-outs; No Disqualifications; There Must Be a Winner) AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe== Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey & The Bella Twins vs. The riotttttttttt Squad ==SmackDown Women's Championship Match Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair== John Cena & Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens & Elias ==Winner Gets a WWE Championship Match Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz== ==SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match The New Day (c) vs. The Bar== Asuka & Naomi vs. The IIconics ==WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Buddy Murphy==
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>They actually won AY
>Midcard AJ OH NO NO NO
>riotttttttttt Squad doing the job for these skanks smh
>Rondas top has blood stains on it
At least Ruby didn't tap. Keep my girl strong!
>Cruisers not on the preshow they did it!
What the fuck was that
>5 minute entrance
This is two old fucks in the retirement home fighting over the last piece of garlic bread
Both are gassed
Taker gassed to fuck
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>Best of the Super Seniors
>>128637 They had a home talent so of course it wasn't in the pre-show. >>128622 MMA is on the decline and WWE's biggest talents are ex MMA. They're hurting just as bad. >>128623 No one wants the WWE's stars any more. The face of the company is Roman, who looks like a sleazy mexican drug dealer. The entire Shield stable look like they should be dealing drugs and that's not prime time worthy. Cena was Mr. Captain America. Austin was red neck every man. Hogan as Pariotttttttttism and a real life super hero. Who the fuck does WWE have that can represent the modern era? Sasha Banks is the most modern era representative you have and no one wants to see that ugly cunt. WWE's focus is clearly shifting to becoming a streaming service similar to documentary channels these days. Half the shows are reality TV and the other half are documentaries about past events.
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>>128650 Clearly they need the help of a true Ace
>>128650 >WWE's biggest talents are ex MMA Brock sure, but they're turning Ronda into just another woman on the roster. >No one wants the WWE's stars any more. No fact in that, since WWE refuses to try and get someone more over than their brand. That's the problem.
>>128650 >Who the fuck does WWE have that can represent the modern era? Sasha Banks is the most modern era representative you have and no one wants to see that ugly cunt. Balor, Punk, and Dbry would probably be the closest candidates because they're basically the hipster-nerd guys that struggled to get to the top even though their careers have been ruined in their own ways. Other than that, you're right. Speaking of Sasha, it's amazing how the WWE forced Sasha on everyone only to drop her because of all the dumb shit she's done in her career (Now there are rumors of her not only being badly injured, but she's also pregnant. If pregnancy rumors are true, you know she's going to eventually leave like McCool and Rosa when they had kids). Sasha is almost a forgotten memory at this point. >Brock sure, but they're turning Ronda into just another woman on the roster. I don't know what you're watching because they're turning Lousy Rousey into an invincible hybrid of Stone Cold, Brock, and Piper that is not working (Maybe the Bellas are ruining her? I dunno). While Vince is trying to ruin Becky and others like Asska and friends (because the fans hate Charlotte, and they are slowly turning on Nia's fat, sjw-feminist ass) they're trying to turn Charlotte into Jane Cena or female Ramen. Lousy, the Bellas, Charlotte, and Nia are the only ones getting pushed to the moon (Job Squad doesn't count because they're getting buried like Jobsolution).
>>128613 >wrestling is a dying industry I'd say wrestling is better than 5 years ago, thing is it changed. It's no more about giant centralized companies, but shifting to Internet and alternative sources for wrestling. The indy wrestling and smaller leagues are being looked at while WWE turns itself from a wrestling show into a documentary/reality company. Problem is WWE is neglecting their wrestling (the basis of the company) which isn't helping the company create a legacy in wrestling this generation.
>>128664 Indie shows and smaller leagues are getting way more attention now because the WWE is shit. I just went to a show last night, and the mixed matches I saw are literally night and day when compared to the trash the WWE is showing off (like the women actually wrestle with the men in the ring, and take bumps with the moves they're selling). I guess we can thank Ramen and his shittiness for helping smaller leagues get more attention
Someone is cutting onions brother
>>128660 Ronda has been looking like just another body for the women's division. Oh forgot that she's at the top, that's totally different apparently. No it's not, if anything she should be bulldozing all the other female talent.
>>128676 She does bulldoze everyone. It makes her matches boring to watch because she's basically always in a squash match. >>128664 >>128672 bingo hall wrestling being watched by 10 people on cytube isn't a healthy spot to be in. Especially with this mixed matches shit which is always bad. No one wants to see a man beat up a woman in a "real" fight. If you want to bury a guy you put him with a woman. She can hit him and if he sells he looks weak, if he hits her he's picking on a woman and that makes him look like a prick. The only way this possibly works is if you have a heel threaten a woman and then the baby saves him from him. Anything else is just burying the guys for the women. We don't need mixed matches. We don't need women wrestlers. We need ring rats to be ring rats instead of this luke warm bullshit we have now. It's all flippy shit and trying to act like the Hardies to get a pop. There's no story telling, there's no slow build up it's just a ballet at this point. Watch the start of Undercarder vs HHH and you will see a very good story being told. Takers old, he's not so fast so HHH disrespects him. He dances around, mocks him and makes him look like a big dumb old man. The crowd is instantly seeing HHH is the heel and wants Taker to BREAK his face. Slow build up and taker catches him then pummels him and even throws him around a bit. That's your story and it works extremely well. Compare that to 3 retards doing back flips off the ropes and then diving over the top of them and you see why wrestling is dead. It's vanilla midgets doing spot monkey work instead of telling a story. I've been watching WWE's shows for the past month and making an effort to see them. There's 4 people who really stand out. Braun. He's a great monster character and tells a story by being in the ring. AJ. AJ and Joe tell a good story at the moment and Joes an ugly faggot you want to see have his mutt nose BROKEN. He's a solid mid carder who can slot into larger events like a 4 way main event. Drew Mcintyre He just looks strong as a heel. He shit talks, he's your lanky monster you put with Braun to be an unstoppable tag team. Sort of like Kane and the Undertaker. Ones a fuck off monster, the others tall and a monster. Together they wreck face. Kevin Owens can talk well. When he's not given a script he cuts good promos. The highlight of the mixed match bullshit was KO screaming "punch her in the face". That's all he needs to do. Make him the fat kid bully who shit talks people when he's winning, sells like a champ and then shit talks more when he's winning. I'm not saying he's any where near Austins level but he would get the same kind of pops when he came out if he did that. Put him against someone like Miz of Bryan who are easy to make fun of and let him go hog wild.
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>>128673 I want to dick them.
>>128966 I mean the cool bulldozing, like Brock. Yes. stories are great but not when they look like shit. Also, judging by the rest of your comment, are you one of those Kevin Nash marks?
Hey my name's Mike. I just have to say i think it know how to fix the divas division,made them fight fully nude.
>>129122 some of them a butt ugly though.
>>128966 >bingo hall wrestling being watched by 10 people on cytube isn't a healthy spot to be in. Yet Bingo Halls are getting more crowds than WWE shit shows now. >Especially with this mixed matches shit which is always bad. No one wants to see a man beat up a woman in a "real" fight. If you want to bury a guy you put him with a woman. She can hit him and if he sells he looks weak, if he hits her he's picking on a woman and that makes him look like a prick. The only way this possibly works is if you have a heel threaten a woman and then the baby saves him from him. Anything else is just burying the guys for the women. We don't need mixed matches. We don't need women wrestlers. We need ring rats to be ring rats instead of this luke warm bullshit we have now. It's all flippy shit and trying to act like the Hardies to get a pop. There's no story telling, there's no slow build up it's just a ballet at this point. When I saw the first "mixed match," the Heel beat the chick in a match, and he is still pushed as a top heel in shows (nobody even remembers the match anymore). The problem with current flippy shit is it doesn't tell a story, and it's all pointless half of the time. One thing I noticed in Indie Shows is the story is non-existent, but this can be a good or bad thing (Good because they care about matches, but bad because I can't figure out why should I root for the face and boo the heels). >Braun, Aj, Drew, and KO Yet they're getting buried by Vince and Stephanie.
>>129127 There's some flippy shit wrestlers that can tell really good stories, too bad a couple of them are injured.

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