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King of Shitposting

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RAM 2/5 DELETION Chamber edition Boliever 02/05/2018 (Mon) 21:27:16 Id: bcc454 No. 97072
WWE Raw preview, Feb. 5, 2018: Who will qualify for the Men's Elimination Chamber Match? Live on Raw, Roman Reigns battles Bray Wyatt for the right to enter the Men’s Elimination Chamber Match, with the winner of that grueling contest going on to battle Universal Champion Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. >Reigns battles Wyatt in Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Last week, three hard-hitting Qualifying Matches determined that Braun Strowman, Elias and John Cena would compete in the Men’s Elimination Chamber Match on Sunday, Feb. 25, with the winner of that hellacious bout going on to challenge Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship at The Showcase of the Immortals, WrestleMania. However, there are three slots left in the match, and WWE.com can now confirm that Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt will clash one-on-one on Raw for the right to enter the structure, where WrestleMania glory will be on the line. Gee, I wonder who will win this one. Also, so much for the Bray vs BROKEN Matt feud. <Which Superstars will compete in the first-ever Women’s Elimination Chamber Match? (((HISTORIC WYMYNS ELIMINATION CHAMBER))) WITH STEPHANIE MCMAHON ON COMMENTARY MAGGLE Asuka defeated Botcha Banks in an autistic matchup this past Monday night. And while the entire WWE Universe awaits the 2018 Women’s Royal Rumble Match winner’s decision as to which title she will challenge for at WrestleMania, the Raw Women’s division shifts its focus to Sunday, Feb. 25, when the first Women’s Elimination Chamber Match in history is waged for the Raw Women’s Championship. We already know that Little Miss Bliss will be entering the formidable structure to defend her prize, but who else is going in? Look for female Superstars to be confirmed tonight for this anticipated and history-making match. >wymyn's title is going to be a fatal six way >What’s next for The Miz? With a little help from his co-stars, The Miztourage, The Miz defeated Roman Reigns in their Intercontinental Title rematch this past Monday night on Raw. This brings The A-Lister that much closer to walking under the bright lights of WrestleMania with Team Red’s workhorse championship around his waist. Now that The [LOUD BOOING] has been turned back, will we see a new challenger step up to the “must-see” Intercontinental Champion? We’ll find out on Raw. >The Bar is raised After Ja[LOUD BOOING]an’s injury transformed Royal Rumble’s Raw Tag Team Championship bout into a glorified 2-on-1 Handicap Match, Cesaro & Sheamus defeated Seth Rollins and the “gold-blooded” son of Kurt Angle to become four-time champions. After the brawlers put away Titus Worldwide the following night on Raw, all eyes are on The Celtic Warrior and The Swiss Cyborg as they once again rule over Team Red’s tandem division. Can Cesaro & Sheamus walk into WrestleMania with the Raw Tag Team Titles? >“Top Guys” finally live up to their nickname Injuries have plagued The Revival and fucked all their pushes since their debut on Raw last year, but Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder finally seem to be clicking like the “old-school” teams they emulate, picking up back-to-back victories over Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson (JUST) and Heath Slater & Rhyno (JOB) on the Royal Rumble Kickoff and Raw, respectively. (MY SHIT UP) Who will get a wrestling history lesson from these throwbacks this week? Don’t miss Raw at 8/7 C on USA Network!
>>97375 It's what a real goddess looks like
>>97378 >Ohno I just want to see what kind of fatass gimmick vince would give him. >tfw mah boi andrade was a jobber in nxt and now is the champ I dont know how he'll play out on the main roster. Fingers crossed for him…
>>97383 A tranny can't be a goddess
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>>97376 Haitch said that Elias wasnt NXT material but was perfect for the main roster. >>97379 >Strap the rocket to this kid, he's going to the top. <strapped to the sinking ship of booley its all downhill form here
>>97381 So WWE aren't blind after all. That was a pretty big win for him.
>>97384 >>97384 >steiner is his manager <Entire promos dedicated to good dietary advice and motivational talks Alternated with calling him a bitch and fat.
Jesus, what the fuck are those bright red blotches. Strowman looks like he's hemorrhaging?
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>that shit eating grin when Braun decides not to leave before more powerslams >>97390 It's red lighting, maggle.
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elias sandow gonna be chillin in the pod playing sweet beats
>elias beats braun >elias wins the EC and pins roman and cena >elias main events WM34 >brock does the job to elias >Eliasmania kicks off and a new golden age in WWE is brought up Happening brothers
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>ONE MORE TIME Braun might be the most over man in the company.
>>97393 >dat filename Bastard, beat me to it.
>>97389 He still came away looking the strongest
>>97385 A kike can't be a goddess either
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>>97398 Kaufmans are honorary Aryans in the biz brother
>>97374 Anon, not to belabor the point, I could really give a shit, i'd still BREAK my dick off in it with righteous fury, but her nose slopes down exactly like #4. What exactly are you trying to prove with this?
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>>97402 >her nose slopes down exactly like #4 Objectively wrong
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>>97404 >being this in denial
>>97405 RAW won't work for them right now. They should move to SD to get back on track. And then join AJ Styles to form The Southern Boys Club for the eventual expansion with Balor Club. Meanwhile in NJPW, Tama tonga, Fale and the rest of his good brothers will split from the 'elite' nu club who sticks to lame 1sweets while the Good Brothers in the real bullet club still 2sweets each other. Young cucks and cody btfo
>completely forgettable RAM >tomorrow is smackdown which even fewer people care about Should it just be considered a skippable week?
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>>97408 forgot pic
>>97408 I think this whole month may as well be like that. The new PG elimination chamber from last year is lame, no steel floors, instead soft rubber ones. Doesnt feel threatening at all yet the whole month WWE will hype up how deadly it is. Pretty much guaranteed that Roman will win it, hopefully some Strowman and Elias antics will keep things interesting.
>>97408 >>97410 >>97409 The new japan show in osaka this week is gonna be baller, Come watch that if you get bored, we usually have get a good amount of people posting here
>>97354 >Alexa looks even cuter with light/no makeup
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>>98049 LEGEND
>>98049 dang i got worked like a slave goddamn fake news >"they put the meme up of me looking at you mean"

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