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King of Shitposting

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Smackdown/MMC/205/ME 2/27 JUST edition Boliever 02/27/2018 (Tue) 20:09:54 Id: 66fcc9 No. 100485
SmackDown LIVE preview, Feb. 27, 2018: Does John Cena’s Road to WrestleMania run through SmackDown LIVE? After a disappointing performance in the Men’s Elimination Chamber Match on Sunday, John Cena vowed that his Road to WrestleMania was not cut short, promising to find a way to The Show of Shows. Last night on Raw, the 16-time World Champion revealed that while he may not have a way into WrestleMania through the red brand, he bolieves the door is wide open on SmackDown LIVE. The free agent has vowed to show up tonight, but how does Cena plan on getting to WrestleMania? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network! >John Cena comes to SmackDown LIVE looking for a WrestleMania opportunity After seeing his Road to WrestleMania take a detour at WWE Elimination Chamber due to his ouster from the bout at the hands of Braun Strowman, John Cena somberly reflected on his legendary career on Raw Talk while seemingly turning the gears in his head, looking for another opportunity to perform on The Grandest Stage of Them All. Monday night on Raw, Cena defiantly claimed that he will never give up in his quest to make it to New Orleans. The free agent declared that he would be heading to SmackDown LIVE tonight to take advantage of The Land of Opportunity that Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan have created. But just how does Cena intend to make sure his Road to WrestleMania runs through SmackDown LIVE? <Naomi steps up to answer Ruby riotttttttttt’s challenge Last week, Ruby riotttttttttt pinned Becky Lynch in Six-Woman Tag Team action, getting a title opportunity at WWE Fastlane in the process. That didn’t stop the riotttttttttt Squad leader from calling out one of the champion’s closest allies, Naomi, promising to knock her lights out. Naomi is more than ready to take on riotttttttttt in singles competition, though she’ll have to be weary of Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan lurking at ringside. Will riotttttttttt make good on her promise, or will Naomi make her feel the glow? >Sami Zayn battles Baron Corbin ahead of WWE Fastlane Fatal 5-Way Last week’s SmackDown LIVE went off the air with Baron Corbin standing tall, having planted Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn into the canvas with End of Days after the two tried to attack him following his grueling loss to WWE Champion AJ Styles. Though he was not victorious, The Lone Wolf sent a message that he will be a serious threat during the WWE Championship Fatal 5-Way at WWE Fastlane. Corbin will get another opportunity at payback tonight on SmackDown LIVE when he goes one-on-one with Zayn. Will Zayn be able to escape the wrath of The Lone Wolf? >The Usos and The New Day renew their rivalry ahead of WWE Fastlane WHY FUCKING WHY THERE ARE AT LEAST THREE OTHER TEAMS ON THE SD ROSTER FUCKING USE THEM FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU
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MMC Miz & Asska vs Fann Booler & Botcha Skanks 205 Live WWE 205 Live preview, Feb. 27, 2018: Round two begins tonight! Tonight on WWE 205 Live, the stakes have been raised as Cedric Alexander faces TJP, and Roderick Strong goes toe-to-toe with Kalisto in the first two matches of the second round in the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament. Last week on WWE 205 Live, Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali advanced to the second round in the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament, bringing the first round to a close. After defeating Gran Metalik in the first match of the tourney, Cedric Alexander kicks off the second round in a battle against inaugural WWE Cruiserweight Champion TJP. The Fil-Am Flash advanced in the tournament following an impressive victory against first-ever U.K. Champion Tyler Bate and hopes to continue building his momentum all the way to WrestleMania. Plus, former WWE Cruiserweight Champion Kalisto – who vanquished his lucha brother, Lince Dorado, in the first round – takes on NXT’s Roderick Strong. Entering the first round of the tournament against Hideo Itami, Strong’s impressive and hard-hitting performance against the Japanese Superstar has made him an early favorite to win the tournament. Who will be the first two semifinalists and move just one win away from challenging for the vacant WWE Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania? Don’t miss WWE 205 Live, tonight at 10:20/9:20 C on the award-winning WWE Network! Main Event MATCH 1: >probably Goldust vs Curt Hawkins again MATCH 2: >probably some six man cruiserweight tag team match
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(89.22 KB 768x768 Rusev-SHouting-5-AWL163.jpg)

>Killian Dain knock-off
>>100487 >Horse vs Bird Neat
(2.64 MB 1280x720 newday.webm)

>John Cena comes to SmackDown LIVE looking for a WrestleMania opportunity Who will he challenge though? I'm guessing he's going for Roode's US title. Maybe he'll turn heel against Ziggler, or help Snek turn heel. <Naomi steps up to answer Ruby riotttttttttt’s challenge A 1v1 wymyn's match? Whoa. >Sami Zayn battles Baron Corbin ahead of WWE Fastlane Fatal 5-Way Hopefully KO interferes then snek RKOs them all >The Usos and The New Day renew their rivalry ahead of WWE Fastlane >WHY So New Day can be your world famous 5 time tag champs
(136.23 KB 900x1200 WAOOOOO.jpg)

*lone wolfs behind you*
>smackdown is in LA tonight How big will the crowd pop for dancing pancake nigs?
>Cena is so desperate he's retreating to the b show >>100485 >THERE ARE AT LEAST THREE OTHER TEAMS ON THE SD ROSTER What could they do do give rusev day a push? They're not over, they always get silence. >>100494 >The only girl in the world smaller than bliss
>Cena has to go to the b-show and steal spotlight there to remain relevant
(53.15 KB 777x437 kris shock.jpg)

>>100495 >>100498 Bliss ain't cute though
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(3.48 MB 1833x925 ClipboardImage.png)

>>100494 >>100500 Ban autism fags
>>100499 >Posting old Ace
>>100498 >Rusev Day (super fucking over) >Ascension >Breezango >AA1.5 (push shoah'd) >BLUDGEON FUCKING BROTHERS WHO JUST GOT THE START OF A STORYLINE
(112.26 KB 1080x1080 Okada be BALLIN.jpg)

>>100503 Okada be BALLIN
(35.55 KB 596x366 pantskada.jpg)

>>100504 Anon I was joking. >>100505 /ourguy/
(28.51 KB 600x400 road dogg.jpg)

(128.92 KB 900x1200 Riott Wolf.jpg)

>>100502 Board would be empty
>>100508 That gook looks really upset that a bird is pecking at her head
>>100500 Her looks are very deceptive. Looks cute when she does her entrance but then the camera does a close up on her face and you can see the terrible skin, big nose and little teeth. Literal rat face.
(39.27 KB 480x480 Alexa surprised.jpg)

>>100512 >oy vey
(172.24 KB 1011x672 bliss raw title.jpg)

(5.82 MB 640x360 what the fuck.gif)

Stop being gay, faggots.
>>100515 That's what I'm saying, Bliss is terrible.
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(33.86 KB 574x403 Alexa Bliss as champ.jpg)

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>>100519 >mfw there's no Beckyfags
(191.14 KB 1920x1080 becky lynch.jpg)

>>100521 >>100521 Scottish girls > Irish girls
>I don't get it, why kill the girl, it's not part of his m-owwww Great acting in nuSVU
>mic clips like fucking mad >this is a professionally produced television show
>Jhon starts off >cancels heel turn by handing a towel to a kid >Dunn puts a fucking BLUDGEON BROTHERS graphic on the screen
(76.59 KB 280x261 1468953269153.png)

>Bludgeon Brothers
>>100508 Stop projecting and get banned.
>jhon goes straight for WWE title and not US title Top Jhon
(96.20 KB 437x597 chen.png)

>Can't go to mania >But can insert himself in a title match
>not just doing jhon vs braun at mania to get braun more over
(169.85 KB 1821x849 jhonmad.jpg)

(21.60 KB 300x200 aj sees gay shit.jpg)

>Cena vs AJ
>no meme videos >what sounds like entrance themes instead Not bad for once, taima. Now stop using malware players.
(2.27 MB 389x279 1377893401754.gif)

>>100535 get anti malware software
>>100537 END OF GAYS
>Baron still can't time his entrance right >Kevin is pushing Corey
(516.09 KB 533x506 HEY YOU.png)

(12.38 KB 233x241 laughingokada.jpg)

>voice crack
>perspective from a competitor's perspective
(1.72 MB 480x360 why.webm)

>record scratch still there
(271.25 KB 1918x1080 no jobbing today.jpg)

Stiffed the fuck out of that superkick.
Shane is going to be fat
(353.71 KB 480x360 fat people spotted.png)

>>100548 >t. Kevin
>jewby riottttttttt has the ugly half-shaved head look
(62.85 KB 1080x1080 Ruby Cute.jpg)

Looking great as always !
Did they actually forget to do the flashing lights for naomi's entrance?
>Liv not dyeing her hair black Would look somewhat better
>>100553 >wanting hair dye brain damage Also wew, jewby really shouldn't be wearing such revealing outfits if she has that much excess belly fat.
(51.43 KB 639x644 DSYt4Z3W4AAQzP7.jpg)

Best autism for sure
>fashion files returns >it's to shill a fucking television show
>>100556 Dango is still gold
>an hour left in the show >There's only one thing on the preview card and it's the bix noods vs new gay
Cutting edge graphics, Dunn
(125.16 KB 1089x1035 dunntismclap.jpg)

That emojis and letters in the screen
>kofi wearing his hair like Booley Does he want to get buried?
(3.69 KB 67x80 booley.jpg)

>spraying the groin area with some kind of water or perfume THAT'S NOT PG
>>100565 >Implying that's not Vince tier humor
BLUDGEON BROTHER HAMMER HOMBRES inb4 it's just a squash match with local talent again
Yep; it's fucking nothing again.
>bludgeon brother still haven't beaten the shit out of anyone with their hammers
(169.95 KB 250x257 Hammer Hermanos.gif)

>they have Orton striving for the lowest of the singles titles
(210.14 KB 1916x1077 rather stupid.jpg)

>>100574 >Wanting Snoreton at the top
>>100576 >not wanting him at the top >or at least going after the title he lost to Jinder which makes much more sense story-wise
>>100577 >Wanting the crowd to fall asleep
>>100578 >being a mark
>>100579 >Being a randy mark
>>100580 >not being a mark for the modern day stone cold
>>100579 >cena shirt >has the nerve to take a candid photo with snek
(243.52 KB 640x360 tetsuya-naito.jpg)

>>100581 >Stone cold Is how everyone falls asleep everytime he comes on screen
>>100583 There's nothing wrong with stone cold.
>>100584 word life \m m/
(1.98 MB 245x245 toni.gif)

>Black history month bit >KFC ad right after
(16.88 KB 384x288 niggers.jpg)

>Jinders sister
>Always going to Green fucking bay Fuck you WWE
>>100591 >getting worked by green bay
>>100592 Green bay is shit
>>100593 taima.tv is shit
i jhon gonna go heel the madman
>a rivalry renewed
(983.23 KB 360x640 Liv getting fucked.webm)

Oh yeah, unnecessary levels of blood and gore, perfect way to advertise your anti-tobacco autism.
>>100598 It's those god darn videogames making everything so violent
>AJ is a shoot retard
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(393.63 KB 709x391 tfw bad booking.png)

>cenawinslol >Dolph dominates the post-match run-in >Jhon has to be put over here instead
What fucking shit of ending
(3.85 MB 200x200 Laughing_[REDACTED].gif)

>Botcha represents the special olympics
Cena is a selfish cuck
(19.88 KB 236x233 1460587552307.jpg)

>yfw WWE cucks us out of Styles vs Nakamura
>miz gets wrecked the entire time and emasculated by asuka Who could be behind writing this show?
>they're actually making botcha look strong against asska >they're actually making Miz only win through distraction
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Spoiler: next week's winners.
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(77.48 KB 768x768 Roman_Reigns_November_2013.jpg)

>>100506 >Big Cat >[LOUD BOOING] It's like poetry, the it rhymes.
>NXT Strong wins
>tony neese vs gran metalik first match of 2/23 main event
>snes final fantasy boss battle music guy wins
(312.86 KB 640x360 ClipboardImage.png)

>the revival is downgraded to main event
>rhyno's entire time in the ring is cucked and forced off camera Why does Vince hate all his ECW acquisitions?
>>100579 >when a mark thinks they're not a mark
>>100602 >>100601 >>100605 God forbid Vince lets anyone but Cena and Ramen get over, and Cena doesn't get his way. Are you ready when his slut fiance decides to come back to bury everybody else with Rhonda? >>100609 Too bad Botcha can't sell moves.
>>100559 They don't actually show them that much on the youtube version,I guess even they're embarrassed. >Crowd chanting rusev day >Still heels even though the crowd is on their side >Insult the crowd, they boo but still like them T-thanks wwe. >>100597 >>>/guro/
>>100597 >jewby trying to take out based fucked eye girl
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Cena's been looking more serious and gloomy than his usual shitposting self from last year. Hope he soon goes heel and forms The UnCenables, which then branches into The UnCenables of RAW and The UnCenables of Smackdown thanks to Cena being a free agent
>>100636 >UnCenables AWW YOU DING DONG DIDDLY DONE IT NOW https://youtu.be/0DTWGmcEY4Q?t=43s
(6.92 MB 1280x720 beat_boxers.webm)

>>100636 the crowd shits on him a little too much. you can tell that it's getting to him now.
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>>100640 Cena joining the Blud Bros HARPER. ROWAN. CENA.

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