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King of Shitposting

(453.00 KB 797x449 NJ Cup Bracket.jpg)

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NEW JAPAN CUP THREAD #2 Boliever 03/13/2018 (Tue) 04:48:42 Id: 443649 No. 102570
Last thread is basically at bump limit so here's thread 2 No show tonight though that's not till tomorrow For that show it's gonna be JEWS vs Elgin and then Tanahashi vs Fale. Night after that will be sanada vs yano and Ibushi vs ZSJ. The 15th is also when we get english commentary back.
Yano going all the way boys
(11.96 MB 854x480 Sadshoes 2.webm)

when will baby redshoes catch a BREAK ;_ ;
>>102574 Dude can't even clap properly.
Who's watching tonight?
wat channel is this on?
>>102729 njpwworld.com
(88.24 KB 1280x720 Suzuki Rape Face.jpg)

>>102728 when start time >>102730 https://njpwworld.com/ or taima.tv if you a poor boi like me
>>102731 5:30 Easter 4:30 Central
>>102732 >>102731 45 minutes basically
do you think NJPW is doing copycat booking from last year where kenny lost in the first round of the Nj cup then proceeded to face okada at dominion anyway? It does honestly feel like okada has gone through the entire roster at this point
(320.04 KB 423x394 Yukari animations.gif)

I want that New Japan Cup theme
>That fucking weird looking baldguy
(55.60 KB 583x475 nujpn.jpg)

>Literally kicking Taguchi's ass
>tfw your computer crashes as soon as the show starts
According to my math, Nagata's team loses because it has more young lions. >>102740 Fucking saw that.
>>102744 But that would mean that either finlay or henare get the pin.
>>102745 Finlay has gotten some recognition with the matches he had with Jay White recently.
anyone else's stream look like it's in fast forward? if I can't figure this out I'm just going to sleep I think
>>102747 Not me man. I hope yours doesn't stay like that forever.
Oh shit umanga got it.
>>102749 Holy shit I just realized he's basically a face version of him.
holy shit henare won sorry ive not been posting been watching on phone while binblows 10 updates >>102740 >torrie wilson the absolute mad lads http://crossfade.io/#!/9ntcusv8j9
Every time taka says "x come over here" his music plays right away. Nice.
>>102753 INDEED
Chase is getting pretty close with Ibushi.
SANADA announced last? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!? >>102756 >>102755 So he's being propped up to join the Yaoi Club with Ibushi and Kenny at All In?
Are Naito and Ishii always gonna be in an eternal feud?
(109.34 KB 764x1302 Trent Smoke.jpg)

i miss trent? baretto
>>102760 Trent is kill, chuckie doll took his place as okada's foreign friend.
Taichi got elimanted though.
I think my player died
(786.35 KB 786x554 mfw booked in a bingo hall.png)

So is this gonna set up a Suzuki vs Okada way down the line?
>>102764 my player freeze frames then plays sometimes they have a server maintenance notice
>>102767 Maybe it's taichi vs goto.
That monster suzuki working on okada's injured pants.
Juice's pimp outfit is fucking great
Juice going to the semi finals!
Jews just turned heel on the seething twitter girl community.
Jews is going home with that fan tonight.
BADDURAKU FALEEE going over jk face tana vs bullet club ibushi in finals
Isn't Fale sometimes a spoiler?
>>102781 Yes and he was in the final last year.
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(476.93 KB 565x693 ClipboardImage.png)

the best part of countouts is the increased anxiety of the ring announcer 12 13 '14 '15 16 17
>>102783 oh shoot didnt even realise i had that in my clipboard sorry for off topic triple mojo
Ok the last two times, Tana has only been able to beat Fale by count out.
>>102786 Count Out Fale vs Tanahashi Falls Count Anywhere for the HebyQ at WK13
>Tana vs jews I bet tana is going to turn heel 2 mintues into that match.
(38.06 KB 500x691 SUKK.jpg)

>this shit again
(941.65 KB 1698x1131 Who_could_be_behind_that_post.jpg)

How's it feel to not even be in a main event of your promotion's biggest show?
>>102790 was in reply to >>102789
>more of this when are they gonna tell Tanner that he isnt a ROCKSTAR
(199.74 KB 959x540 all smiles.png)

>Tana could only draw 65 posts
>>102806 My stream fucking BROKE. as did a few other peoples.
Man I just have not been paying attention to shit lately. I watch WK but then just got too caught up with some shit.
>>102813 If you just wanna watch big shows I'd wait till the NJ cup finals and the US show. Although ZSJ vs ibushi tonight should be great.
>>102814 Ibushi always puts on a good show. Has Sanada had his face turn yet?
>>102815 Lij is really in between right now, sanada has worked both face and heel in the past 3 months as has the rest of LIJ.
>>102816 Finally, I have been waiting for him to step up. Right I guess I am going to try and start watching again FUR ONRY 999 YEN MAGERUSU
(99.45 KB 777x437 UnkownMan.jpg)

>>102817 that's what I like to hear!
>>102818 Evidentlly I already had an account. I really need to drink less. Now I just need to dig though all these scripts to find the absolute minimum needed to run this joint.
>>102806 It was against Fale though, and there wasn't much substance anywhere else.
(16.00 MB 640x272 done.webm)

>>102819 you got a little over an hour till start time, so you should be good to figure it out
>>102821 Already done
>>102821 Oh, and did you like the grand finale for the Anime Pro™? I thought it was a spectacular blaze of autism for his dramatic send off.
>>102824 >the Anime Pro™ I-I don't know what this is I'm sorry
>>102825 Oh, I thought you were the Blissfag.
>>102826 lmao no but I am IRL fighting the blissfag in late may
>>102827 Nice. I was just assumed because of done.webm which I actually sat an watched tonight. That is some top tier autism right there. I need to get my webm encoding shit together. I am struggling to fit 15 minute anime into 16mb.
>>102828 Yeah I didn't even make that either it was just on /tv/
Missed the last show because of work and gym commitments, was there any good shit last night?
>>102830 Juice and Elgin were nice.
(1009.20 KB 1280x720 Taka Fuckign Dies.webm)

>Korakuen Hall (English Commentary) >(English Commentary) FINALLY. THE KELLY HAS COME BACK TO THE BINGO HALL got tired of hearing chinese
>>102831 Nice. Also, watching these highlight packages reminded me of how Goto was the final boss of the New Japan Cup for so long.
(206.01 KB 1280x720 iwai implying.jpg)

>>102832 Is there anything wrong with listening to nips though?
(1.61 MB 1280x720 Blood of AJ.webm)

>>102834 VERY BREKKI BREAKI BUSHIBUSHI I aint watch japs wrestling to hear japs
(2.66 MB 1280x720 Taka What Da Fugg.webm)

we getting a first timer on eng commentary alongside kevkelly tonight probably be an unknown who but i hope its taka commentating during zsj's match
(230.67 KB 1152x2048 tama.jpg)

Can you imagine someone winning the cup and challenging for the never title?
>>102839 That persona has to really hate Goto for that to be even remotely believable.
oh thank god my stream is working
Oh, look its an all Young Lion match to start the night! Finlay and Narita gonna start a tagteam called The Forgotten Cubs
Why is it that every Young Lion now are kinda dickish except Oka.
>>102843 this is the heel class brother oka is the only face left umino isn't too dickish
>>102844 He sneak tagged in that's kinda dickish.

(8.83 MB 1280x720 Bullet Birb.webm)

>>102839 WOW Homophobic Tama FIRE THIS MAN >>102843 Oka is the next Yano so
>>102844 >>102843 Isn't it also to show they are growing in confidence before their eventual training excursions?
>tanahashi and jews teaming tonight >facing each other tomorrow
>>102846 >Oka is the next Yano so He'd have to be a bit slimy.
>>102847 >>102847 yeah kinda, this group (narita umino and yagi) have been going after liger and shit for some reason which is in contrast to Kawato Oka and Kitamura who were the face young lion group
(134.19 KB 436x436 Makabe.png)

>still muted
>>102851 but not injured anymore
(7.08 MB 640x360 Heel Kawato and Umino.webm)

>>102850 AH, they just havin fun, maggle! Its that fighting spirit they keep talking about.
>>102853 Good, I like Makabe's middle finger flashing.
>>102850 Maybe they're getting tired of everyone treating them like shit.
>>102856 It's good for them honestly, they were just sort of there when kawato and kitamura were around
>>102856 Young Lion Nexus when? despy was also moaning about narita being heelish in his post match too
it's gonna be finlay on commentary or something
>as long as new japan is part of your day it's a good day that's a nice sentiment kevin
(75.66 KB 184x326 elf.png)

>>102858 Narita or yagi is gonna join suzuki gun
(1.54 MB 932x1569 RomanReigns.png)

>>102839 Wow. That is DISGUSTING. Racist, Homophobic, Fascist, Ignorant crap. It makes me sick. Inhuman. VILE! NO!
Is Goto gonna be stuck in the 205 Never Openweight division?
(76.09 KB 1200x675 destraught.jpg)

>>102861 do not post my face in jest if you value your life maggot
>>102864 never openweight is the equivalent to the US title
>>102866 wait shit I forgot that there's a US title now. It's equivalent to the uuhhhhh raw women's title
>>102866 I know, but I was expecting he was being built up to bigger and better things since last year's WK.
Is Ibushi still doing Tiger Mask W stuff?
>>102867 The US title is more like 205 since the Cup winner can't challenge for it.
>>102869 There hasn't been Tiger Mask W shit for a while, where have you been?
>>102869 Nope. >>102870 He can, I actually just saw that in the opening video package.
>>102870 they should be able to challenge for it
>>102872 >He can No he can't.
jesus this is the dream suzuki gun team
>>102871 Stuff happened.
>its fuckign davido finuray kill me now
>>102879 Yes, I've watched it a thousand times too, no where does it say US champion can be challenged, they only show the Heavyweight, IC, and Never. Watch the video dude.
>>102873 He should but he can't.
>>102880 Shit I thought we were still talking about the never title I didn't realize you were talking about the us…
>>102882 It's alright, just wanted to say I thought Goto was moving on up is all.
BASED YUJI hitting double tope!
finlay has never done commentary before and that's just as rough as it sounds
>Super babyface yujiro Wha the fug?
>>102886 Well, the BC have been connected to Ibushi for a bit now.
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Chase = Not On The Case
What the fuck now archer is sodomizing the young bois? Gee why are they turning heel?
naito is cool
>>102889 Weren't they heel ever since being part of Suzuki-gun?
>>102894 No, the young bois.
Suzukigun with the Inter and the jr Tag belts fuckign kino
>>102895 Different young bois?
>>102897 He means the next generation of Young lions are turning heel, slowpoke.
Naito what the fuck was that?
(342.73 KB 640x360 Suzuki Potato.webm)

>closed fists suzuki oh he mad
>>102898 i thought they were different young boys that were being sodomized unless they all are acting heels for some reason. pls no bully
Oh shit get another IC title ready.
>>102902 Missiru Kawato is on the case
>Juice tagging with the guy he beat and the that's going to beat him
>Makabe's commentary is muted Ah love it maggle.
Did everyone get that special match feeling every time Tana and Okada were in the ring together?
Tana's not waiting until his juice match to turn heel.
It's going to be a sad day when Tanahashi retires.
This is a killer 6 man.
Between elgin and juice "alt right baybay" this match was very problematic. Njpw should really look into making their shows a more safe space for us.
(843.83 KB 500x400 1454310140970-0.gif)

>>102912 >alt right baybay
>Sanada doing comedy Times are good, boys.
>>102914 Weird, i remember him being super serious last time he singled Yano. Is he trying to face of the turn?
>>102914 >>102915 I always thought these two had great chemistry so it's not surprising.
this is fucking awesome
That match was fucking great.
Wew Sanada's califlower ear has gotten way worse since the last time I watched.
Okay, I forgive you for not putting Chuckie T over Gedo. You win this round.
(70.79 KB 640x759 Jobber and Sanada.jpg)

loved that arm catch spot
>He's corpsing SEND FOR THE MAN
(127.80 KB 958x546 paradised.jpg)

That was short but god damn nothing better than a yano match when the two guys are really into it.
I swear, Taka is channeling Dick Togo lately with his promo work (MPW Togo, not WWF Togo)
Lanklets are disgusting. I hope Ibushi botches and BREAKs his twig neck.
>>102928 Finlay just used Lanky to describe ZSJ why dont you get back to commentary, david, and stop shitposting on wooo
HOLY FUCK that chain wrassle pin rollups was close af
Ibushi gonna pass out rather than JUST TAP OUT?
lol bullshit
(30.50 KB 640x359 angrey antifa man.jpg)

Once again ZSJ didn't make anyone tap out what a loser.
"I fight with my brain and my underlying hatred for the British Conservative Party" Definitely Antifa.
>And an underlying hatred of the British conservative party Eternal Anglo strikes again! That is some Top Heel
>Zack Sabre always bitches about conservatives >Zack is a heel Is he secretly /ourguy/? I know he is not, let me have my fun
>zach slipping in his political views in his post match HORSES, JAPAN NEEDS TO STOP EATING THEM Nuclear Heel
What the fuck zack what does sasha have to do with this?
Stop Eating Horse or vegan Z-SJW will octopus stretch you.
Taiji Ishimori resigns from NOAH. Interested in WWE, but New Japan might have a shot. Bigger deal is rumors of KENOH not renewing his deal yet.
>>102941 I think Skeletor couldn't get someone in a legit hold unless they let him. The dude is a twig.
>>102944 >literal who to western wrestling "fans" Nah, let him go elsewhere. Until Vinny K kicks it and H takes over full time at least. Maybe get him for a one-shot deal past his prime like Liger did a couple years back.
>>102922 I can't tell if BOOley is doing an Inoki impersonation or if her face is just that busted.
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I'm ready.
(161.54 KB 512x512 Maid Sadayo messy hair7.png)

>no one else is though o-oh
I've had this thread tabbed open for like four hours, dude
The cooldown on auto-update a bitch. You leave it running too long and it goes to like five minutes or more. Shit I am going to grab a smoke before preshow is over.
Who's ready for finalist juice?
>>102974 I'd love for him to win. But soyboy will for some dumb reason.
qt in LiJ hat spotted
Wasn't Good ol JR doing the english commentating for a while? What happened with that?
>>102978 how nu r u to NJPW?
>>102979 I haven't been around for almost a year.
>>102978 He's doing it on axs.
>>102980 He only commentates for AXS shit.
What happened to yujiro's bunny girl?
>>102983 He sometimes doesn't come out with her.
>>102984 That's a shame. She has a nice ass. How good is Davey Boy Smith Jr.? I kinda spaced on his match last night so I didn't see how he worked. He living up to the family name?
>>102985 He's alright.
>>102985 I think he's the blandest motherfucker on earth.
Ah that is cute as fuck
That poor kid.
>>102989 Dude, that kid is going to see the big bad heel that scared him get stomped. He is going to see good triumph over evil and hopefully come out of this with a hero.
>>102990 No, he's going to see him pin a young boi.
Haha he went back for seconds
Seriously though that kid's going to love this video in a few years.
Pretty damned good
Did anyone else's sound cut out?
>>102996 They have to mute makabe's theme because copyrights.
Hey nippas not posting much today but i am watching with a friend. posting from my phone. Good matches so far especially Lance vs kid
>Ibushi with Fale
Poor ibushi looks so lost with fale.
I have to go to the gym again FUCK COME ON JUICE YOU GOT THIS
Shut the fuck up about the dog and commercials. >>103000 >>102999 Very nice
>>103002 >Very nice what?
(6.59 MB 640x360 Amerigelion.webm)

>>103003 Seeing repeating number is always nice. Even if this is a busy as fuck night with all of ten posts an hour.
>>103004 Oh, could've posted a bateman though.
>>103005 Don't you always autistically check time, IDs, and post numbers? I may not always announcing I am checking them but I always look and appreciate.
I gotta fhish this tomorrow. I am passing out.
I kayfabe why does okaa even let gedo wrestle? He actually has a better chance of winning a handicap match.
That woman looked so embarrassed to be sitting next to bushi.
I love Tana but I wouldn't mind Juice winning.
That loose Juice hair is distracting me.
>>103014 It's an ahoge.
I didn't think they would get the crowd on juice's side but they did it.
Fuck Sabre's fucking winning isn't he?
>>103018 Honestly I can see any of the three guys winning.
>>103019 Sanada just had his match with Okada, slowpoke.
>>103020 ZSJ had two matches with tana last year so Î don't know if they'd do it again in the final.
>>103021 Yeah Sanada vs Tanahashi seems fresher.
(106.64 KB 698x1024 CvEAo3jVYAA41y4.jpg)

>tfw no Ace gf
Let's not forget that juice got the pin and red shoes fucked him over.
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(1.02 MB 854x480 Young Lion Fuckign Dies.webm)

(2.31 MB 854x480 Lance Archer Tope.webm)

(2.15 MB 854x480 Lance Archer SHUT UP.webm)

(2.30 MB 854x480 Young Lion Fuckign Dies..webm)

Starting to like Lancey Boy Archer Jr.
(13.25 MB 854x480 Lance Archer vs Kid.webm)

made a supercut of Lance traumatizing a child
oh my if my calculations are correct its an early start tonight in about 40 minutes time fuckign inconsistent times
well, my boi shota got a win and i bolieve commentary are saying that he would be a G1 Climax entree one day, I think.
(247.02 KB 435x580 Suzuki - Pests Slide.png)

i feel like kevin kelly solo commentating where all the anons at
>>103085 Not on for a while right? WAIT 40 MINUTES
God damn it What did I miss?
Hey, first time I've seen Suzukigun get DQ'd >>103089 A LOT WHY ARE YOU LATE ;_ ; >Shota got a win >Yujibro got a win >Yano got a DQ win Now CHASE IS ON THE CASE
(5.83 MB 640x360 King of the Wild.webm)

TORA TORA >>103090 Because I was expecting it two hours and forty minutes from now like the rest of the week.
(74.81 KB 960x540 EL Deepthinkrado.jpg)

KEVIN KELLY IS AN HONORARY TONGAN >>103092 Yeah, terrible time consistency. Must be because the japs have work in the morning and need to sleep or for Americans
Well at least I will probably be able to stay up tonight. Mike is still favoring that knee. He hurt that at destruction series in 16? When they gave him the Keyfabe orbital bone, right? >Cody and Kenny God I forgot. No fun there.
Chase is getting gassed out. Dude needs to cut back on the drinking and work on his cardio.
btw why is my Crow flag on /wooo/? I only used it on /getball/ and as far as I know all the people from back then left 8ch with /sp/ and /int/.
Ibushi is consistently good. That spot on the double clothesline was tight as fuck.
So the story line with Kota and Chase Owens is he's Kota's side bitch? Is this a cuck storyline for Kenny?
All the charisma of a piece of wood.
EVERYBODY DIES THATS HOW YOU TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS HURUDURRDURRCHA >>103099 Chaseu is gonna AJ Styles' Kenny from the bullet club and assume leadership when kenny goes to NXT.
Naito is great. Dude has so much personality.
uh hey guys sorry I'm late. Who's winning? also why is fale on commentary?
What did I miss? shit
(413.32 KB 657x633 Fale Commentary.png)

>>103104 No don callis and david finlay is in the match so fale is on comms. He made Kevin a honorary tongan. he came out for the kota match and stayed >>103105 everything
>>103106 Well tbh the main events are the only ones that are super important.
Wish I knew it was 2 AM the fucking start time.
>>103107 Ibushi was fun as always. Naito's match felt lackluster.
>>103109 Well, Naito isn't really planned for much at this time of year.
This may be the best Zack match up so far. Sanada is submission novice but is stronger than zachy. And he's got one of those faces.
Dude Zack is a pretty great heel. Vegan, leftists, lanklet, one of those faces. Dude just is perfect to hate. Doesn't hurt I am a Sanada mark.
>>103113 I really hope Sanada wins this. We've already seen Zack and Tana a bit after the G1, I know that's a while ago but I'm more interested in Sanada vs Tana since I've never seen that.
he got him in the paradise lock the absolute mad lad
>>103114 I just want him to smash this faggot. Zack is boring as fuck. Tana could have given him a good match.
(23.04 KB 480x351 Yusuke my nigga.jpg)

>>103117 I know the feeling my dude.
>>103117 Zacku is getting the main event push brother jj
>>103118 If your whole gimmick is you are a submission wrestler you have to work twice as hard to sell that shit our it just looks like you are rubbing a dude down.
>>103119 >jj who?
>>103120 At least D-Bry made it look cool. And he actually had muscles
Hah Zack got butthurt over the pop Sanada got for the swing
Is that a tooth stuck to ZSJ's face?
fuck off
(3.36 MB 720x576 FUCKTHISGAYTHREAD.webm)

I really REALLY liked that match, for sure my favorite zsj match and maybe my favorite sanada match
(46.71 KB 960x540 miz.jpg)

>Woke up just in time to watch my boy sanada tap out
lmao Anti-ZSJ faggots btfo. Keep crying while I enjoy these great matches. He's winning the whole thing too since tana okada is the match at dominion. Unless they're doing the title defense streak match early
Platinum mad There is a reason I don't watch RevPro. Everything about those anglokikes pisses me off. I am going to go start shitposting on /pol/ and /tv/ and see if I can piss any of those limey fucks off.
(739.14 KB 1322x639 [Triggers wooo in your path].png)

How salty will you be when Tanahashi JUST TAP OUT?
>>103137 okada zsj is going to be great and there's nothing anyone can do about it
holy fuck lads, its been months since i watched wrestling and i just started with day 1 ishii vs elgin. Got more emotional during the match than i had any right to be. it feels good remembering why i liked this weird shit
>NJPW too poor to afford headsets so they just give their commentators shitty little knockoff apple earbuds
It's not going to air hours early this time, is it?
(199.74 KB 959x540 all smiles.png)

>"""Ace""" will get beaten by a 175 lb twink
>>103391 Three and a half hours earlier than most of the shows, just like like show.
Two in the morning aint so bad.
for clarification tonights show starts at 11 PM PT and 2:00 AM EST
>>103555 Milk and cookies already ready
1 minute bitches
ayy nippas made it home in tiem for the show
>young lion vs young lion >taichi vs oka Wtf is this card
ayy my boi shota is curtain jerkin ayy don callis is on comms again this gone be a comfy show. i got some almonds and pringles too
Tetsuhiro YOGI
>>103563 They are trying their hardest and putting on a better match than anything on Schmuck Downy tonight. >>103564 Baked some oatmeal cookies and a bottle of milk fresh from the tit this morning.
>>103566 Never said it was bad just bizarre. Oka getting a singles match is weird. Excursion time?
Dam that was close, I thought Yogi was gonna get the sub >>103566 Get ur snaccc on birdy. >>103567 taichi needs another heby q to beat up, but I think he is closets to excursion besides injurmura
The beating of the young lions does sounds like a fun tourist event
(154.11 KB 1080x1080 Taichi (Mar 7, 2017).jpg)

>taichi flexxing his fat God what a heel
>Oka is 26 years old Jesus dude wtf you been doing with your life?
>>103572 he was a near olympic level amateur wrestler for most of it
>>103573 So he should have been watching his diet and health more than almost any other type of person. Somehow he looks like he has been smoking and drinking for a decade.
Muffin Ass finally! She's got one of those faces…
>>103574 He shed alot of weight recently that's why he looks weird.
(134.19 KB 436x436 Makabe.png)

>not muted
(134.19 KB 436x436 Makabe.png)

>>103577 Was his first win off Henare a work or did Henare actually BREAK his ankle?
Henare still isn't clicking with me. He needs a really solid singles match for me to take him seriously
Fuck you and your stupid shit faggot
>don brought an umbrella lmao
(579.24 KB 762x551 Lance Spit.png)

>don and the umbrella fuckign kek
(21.21 KB 576x432 Fuck_you_leatherman.jpg)

>>103585 hey fuck you too leather man
"hehehaha" - Lancu Archer
Those girls loved it
How tiny is baby shoes? Archer isn't that big of a dude.
>crotch towel
Yano is great
>>103591 Archer is 6 ft 9
>>103594 Yeah dude, Shota looks like a child next to him. He must be 5 something.
Dave Boy Jr. has the personality of a brick wall. Scratch that, graffiti can give a wall some personality. He has the charisma of a WWE Superstar.
>>103595 Dude 6 ft 9 is really fucking tall, lesnar is only 6 ft 3 and taker is barely taller at 6 ft 10. Most guys would look small next to him
>>103597 Guy is only two inches taller than me and I am average as fuck.
pretty sure yano's finisher is a rollup
>>103598 6 ft 7 is not average, hate to BREAK it to you but you're tall
Getting some action tonight my man
He did anyone catch the preshow promo with Rey Mysterio? He said he was going to be wrestling Liger at some event but I didn't catch which one.
>>103605 the US show this sunday
>>103605 https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/19885?showCards=1
Tana is going to win, right? They aren't trying to pander to whatculture plebs, are they?
>>103612 It really all depends on whether they wanna do okada vs tanahashi's streak before he ties it or before he BREAKs it. To me the BREAKing story-line is better, so I'm guessing we get okada ZSJ at sakura genesis then Okada Tana at dominion.
(446.50 KB 1048x1200 内藤哲也.jpg)

>>103612 They probably are. At least he'll job to Okada, hopefully.
(276.94 KB 650x485 Tanahashi - One More Time!.png)

>>103612 Odds stacked against tanner because his body is BROKEN as fuck and he is fight Z-S-J SUBMISSION MASTER but I think Tanner will win and HAVE ONE MORE RUN BROTHER
>>103616 Tana is getting a title shot whether or not he wins tonight, Honestly him vs okada is better as a dominion match with some build up than as a sakura genesis match that's why I'm rooting for ZSJ tonight
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>>103616 Move over gaijin stars
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>>103618 >dominion but dimeanon thats Omega v Okada IV Nah, ZSJ winnin', that might be the case. Would make him known in the japmarkert too, if he plans to stick around more. I'm rooting for zachery just to trigger anti zsj JUST TAP OUT
>>103621 They aren't gonna do omega okada 4 untill maybe the G1 but probably not till next year
Sanada saves the day
Maybe ZSJ wins and challenges suzuki?
Work is catching up with me. I don't know if I can hang another hour.
>>103625 Chase just said he's gonna pin okada
>Good lord he is gorgeous Pretty gay my dude.
>>103627 Don has been acting gay all night it's been pretty bad
>>103624 damn thas a good one. he wanted to face suzuki in the g1 finals and suzuki has been putting zack over heavy in post match interviews but zack already expressed his views to challenge for the IWGP Hebyq
Ibushi and chACE are a really good team
wew great knee
>Scooby Dooby Doo Seriously Okada?
Is okada trying to get NJPW a Cartoon Crossover film?
>>103633 WWE/NJPW crossover Scooby Doo mystery?
Are these niggers clowning? Can you guys here these comments?
>>103635 I'd buy it honestly
>>103636 Wdym??
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Chase sounding like SHnae after that diving elbow
Staying awake was not a mistake >>103638 They were making weird noises and laughing while they were rolling. Like the entire match. Every time they would lock up they would start laughing and making weird noises. Are they high?
>2005 was thirty years ago
I hate RevPro and everyone from it.
I thought this was on in 2 am EDT?
fuck man missed another show, wtf?
>>103645 it's 4 am edt right now
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Yall ready for JUST TAP OUT 2.0?
>>103648 I did my fucking math wrong, goddammit.
>>103651 you're here for the main event, you only missed a few things
>>103653 like what?
someone give me a quick rundown
>>103654 KES challenged for the Tag titles, RPG 3k set up a 3 way between them Suzuki gun and bushi hiromu, Juice pinned goto so expect a never title match, and Makabe and elgin were making moves towards the 6 man belts
(1.90 MB 640x360 ZSJ Secret Hold.webm)

>>103656 >Juice pinned goto so expect a never title match Will Juice ever win singles?
>>103658 I'm betting he gets us title at WK next year
I feel like an idiot, sorry I couldn't be with you guys with all the fun.
>>103659 >I'm betting he gets us title at WK next year But against who?
>>103661 idk probably switchblade
>>103662 How about ZSJ?
>>103663 That would be pretty cool actually. I could see it
D-Bry is a better vegan than ZSJ
>juice hates vegans Is Jews /ourguy/?
>>103665 Yep no doubt about that, although ZSJ is still a growing vegan fag
Wait, is Tana sponsored by glico?
>>103666 He also likes going ballsdeep in beautiful Japanese women. >>103667 D-Bry is at least nice about it and doesn't come off as preachy.
>all these squealing fan girls Ah I see why they went back to this match
Oh god that looks like it hurts
>triangle into cloverleaf fookin NOICE
>Weigh a buck nothing <has less stamina than a 40 year old dude that outweighs you by 90 pounds Veganism, not even once
>>103673 zach really hasn't been looking tired don't get this. Agree on the vegan thing though
ZSJ with the Catch Finisher
>>103674 He was sucking swampwater after getting back into the ring following the hifi flow outside the ring/
I'll give him he's good at submissions but his strikes are shitty.
>>103676 that just looked like selling to me but idk
>>103677 His kicks look like shit cause his legs are so thin. His uppercuts are good though.
Tana is deaded ;_;
Jews gonna fuckign rage when Tana just tap out
god tana is winning
>>103682 he should win too fuck it this is the ace
>>103682 no he's not
>>103682 Tana's got nothing dude. He is gassed out.
>>103685 You're right, can't wait to see Okada win.
They actually did it, the absolute madmen. Glad because flag related, not glad because not the biggest ZSJ fan
JUST TAP OUT okada wins lol thank god
OKay so is it gonna be okada or suzuki
Jet fuel melts Jap memes
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Oy, okader, ya deekhead, um comin for ur title
Is it sad that I am not a big fan of Zack, but like seeing him win because it means more Taka promos?
cool shirt okada
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>>103695 Why can't Taka go to the heavyweight division but ZSJ can?
>>103698 I agree with that sentiment. TAKA CORPSING AT GEDO. Anyone else get the feeling they are drinking buddies?
gedo vs taka in an i quit match pls
>>103701 Gedo vs Taka in a JUST TAP OUT match more like.
>>103701 They should do that match at the US show
I'll watch the post event interviews tomorrow. See you all on sunday.
>"Zed gonna put okada's ass in a pretzel" t. jews
>>103704 I'm too mad to watch anything too.
>>103704 Yep see you sunday. This shit was good
>>103707 he's too boring for me, glad he's jobbing to Okada though so we can move on.
"you been champion for like 17 years" - submission master
>>103708 Zach is promising cold beer as champion though so gedo is probably gonna book him to win
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>>103710 >so gedo is probably gonna book him to win
>>103711 Listen alright gedo is a man of simple tastes, sure he likes his rainmakers but he likes his drinks more
>Sleep late cause of suffering from cold, school, exhaustion, and didn't get much sleep. >Fuck it I'll miss the cup but I'm falling asleep at keyboard >Wake up to take a massive piss >CHeck streams. ONly caught post match interviews in and out of ring. >ZSJW won. Knew it would happen, but I dunno how I feel.
So how do you think ZSJ is going to sell the rainmaker? Just a standing moonsault sell like most guys, or is he going full standing corkscrew 450 when he gets hit?
>>103714 we all know submission master is gonna reverse the rainmaker into a cobra clutch and okada is going to JTO
>>103712 fuck off I hate ZSJ
Cenahashi, the ultimate unbeatable babyface wrestling will ever see.
>>103725 lol fuck off watch Okada make him lose in another boring ZSJ submission match
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>>103728 How butthurt are you right now
>>103730 not anymore since you posted AJ Lee's buttshot
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>>103731 Say it with me: New IWGP heavyweight champion
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New Japan Cup press conference is about to begin
>>103746 Oh okay, are they announcing the cards for sakura genesis and the US show?
>rey is out of strong style evolved Damn that really sucks
Zack looking real sleepy
This faggot, this fucking faggot is minging about his beer not being served to him the way he likes. Holy fuck this faggot hits every single one of my buttons. TOP HEEL
>>103747 Opened with it
>>103750 >Serving warm beer is okay
>>103752 It doesn't matter. They went out of their way to prepare it in a way they thought he would like and he still complains about it.
>>103753 >warm beer is okay
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>>103755 >Meme match over US title match JUST
>>103756 Kenny vs young bucks is a bigger match than jay huwite and hangman. Neither of those two guys are good enough to headline on their own. Maybe jay is idk he's never on the shows
I just want to bash his fucking slimey limey face in
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>>103758 Found the guy that gave him warm beer
>>103757 Jay white used to be on RoH and isn't that good. It's going to be a snoozefest
>>103759 I know I'm marking out, but holy fuck every single thing about that cocksucker pisses me off.
>>103760 RPG 3k were bad in roh too, NJPW has been good at giving their guys credibility. Jay needs to be around more as champion at minimum. But yeah him vs hangman does nothing for me hopefully we get someone actually good to challenge for the title next
>>103762 Evil was shit in RoH. I remember whoever the commentator was clowning the fuck out of him when he was wrestling under his real name. Hangman use dto be pretty good in RoH. Some of his matches with Silas Young were my favorite. They would just be stiff as fuck with shit.
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>>103761 Stop marking out
>>103764 Varg posting is laughable as shit. Dude is a joke, a white nigger.
Gay Mysterio tore his bicep. No word on who will replace him in the Liger Kino. https://www.njpw1972.com/23934
>>103776 it's ospreay, thet said so in the press conference
>>103766 wtf is that stuff in the dudes facial hair? looks like cum.
Someone webm takas AH SHIT pls >>103781 Saliva
>>103782 this whole video is like the last 5 minutes of Bleach when it was watchable. last promo was really good though.
>>103783 That aint Japanese ghostbusters at all. It's a spooky skellington alright, but he isn't getting his ass kicked by the hero.
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oh i thought strongu styleu evolveru was today be back tomorro
>>103826 Naw, they had some CMLL shit earlier that we couldn't even watch outside of Japan.
Haha holy shit this Young Cucks promo they cut on Golden Lovers is gay as fuck. Like holy shit everyone knows Omegay and /ourguy/ are faggots but jesus my dudes the Cucks promo is pure bitchy ex-girlfriend material.
dammit when is the show im guessing it is american march 25? meaning the 26? if so im gonna miss live shitposting fuck all these times
>>103865 7pm cst 8pm est later tonight. I'm working too so I'm gonna miss it but someone should make a thread.
I'm watching AJPW right now.
>American nu japan show is on the fucking day day light savings time begins. God dammit. If it was yesterday I could've been watching an hour earlier.
>>103868 Didn't day light savings time already start?
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>>103869 It started today.
>>103871 it started two weeks ago dude.
>>103872 Not here, that's the point. For example raw usually airs here at 1 am but for the last two weeks it's been airing at midnight.
>>103873 Oh are you the guy who's in kangarooland? I imagine the broadcast being upside down would be harder to deal with than the hour difference. Do you guys have like special signal realligners or something? I bet that shit gets pricy
>>103870 i'll cry manly tears if it ever actually happenseven more when he actually kills himself in the ring
>>103870 Dave lookin real jacked baby
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>>103879 Shibata is irl Ram Jam.
>Live for non-US territories Why the fuck am I paying for shit I can't even watch? Fuck you NJPW. At least the kikes at WWE go tthat sht right.
>>103884 And fucking canceled.
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>>103885 >>103884 >Being this bootyblasted over one show
>>103886 Paying for a service and and then canceling because you don't recieve the product you pay for is an unreasonable position. Understood.
>At least the kikes at WWE go that shit right THE wwe network doesn't have sd and ram live either. The same thing's happening to njpw, axs has the rights. Just watch the taima or weeb crew strims and stay far away from murican commentary.
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>>103887 Are you the same guy that got butthurt over ZSJ winning the cup? >>103888 Whos commentating?
>>103884 I understand why you're upset but if you have cable you likely have AxS, I was surprised to find I have it.
>>103888 >stay far away from murican commentary. Hey, Don Callis and and Kevin Kelly are great (assuming they are on). I love the Japanese commentary too because it's so lively but don't trash talk Kevin Kelly and Don Callis.
>>103890 Probably josh and jr. >>103892 Last year they wanted to do commentary for the G1 special and axs didn't let them.
>>103893 Oh, well fuck, if they can't get Callis and Kelly then it may indeed be a shit show.
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>>103893 >Not liking JRs commentary >Not wanting another BUSHI situation
>>103884 use a vpn dipshit lmao
We making a thread for tonight's show or what?
>>103888 And no one watches WWE so you are getting exactly what you paid for. >>103890 Fuck angloscum. They deserve the nation and champ they have.
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>>103898 So that's why the beer was warm. You used it to cool off that sore ass of yours.
I started watching AJPW because of ZSJ
>>103898 <Hans says, paying his Rundfunkbeitrag so he can listen to the latest radio report on the annual Running of the Bulls at Cologne

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