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King of Shitposting

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Smackdown/MMC/205/ME 3/27 Daniel Dyin' Edition Boliever 03/27/2018 (Tue) 21:12:26 Id: 6771f7 No. 104428
SmackDown LIVE preview, March 27, 2018: Will Daniel Bryan appear after being brutally attacked by Owens & Zayn? What was supposed to be a joyous night ended in misery. SmackDown LIVE General Manager Daniel Bryan, who was riding high off the announcement that he was cleared to return to the ring, began the night by celebrating the news with the WWE Universe. But his firing of Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn had unexpected consequences, as KO & Zayn brutalized Bryan, resulting in The “Yes!” Movement’s leader leaving the arena on a stretcher. Will Bryan address the events of last week? Will he even be able to make it to SmackDown LIVE? Find out tonight at 8/7 C on USA Network! >Will Daniel Bryan make it to SmackDown LIVE? Last Tuesday should have been one of the happiest days of Daniel Bryan’s life after he was cleared to return to in-ring competition, but the night ended with the former WWE Champion being taken out of the arena on a stretcher. After being fired by Bryan for their heinous attack on Shane McMahon, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn brutally attacked the leader of The “Yes!” Movement, ruining the historic night. In the aftermath of these monstrous actions, will Bryan attempt to fight through the injuries and show up on SmackDown LIVE? What new paths will Team Blue take on The Road to WrestleMania? >Roode & Orton join forces to take on Mahal and Singh As their United States Championship Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania draws near, tensions continue to grow between titleholder Randy Orton, former champion Bobby Roode and the Superstar who claims to be the uncrowned champion, Jinder Mahal. Those tensions will come to a head on SmackDown LIVE when Roode and Orton team up to battle Mahal and Sunil Singh, who was devastated with a pair of DDTs from The Viper and The Glorious One. Can Roode and Orton put aside their differences and work together as a team, or will Mahal’s claim to the star-spangled title continue to strengthen? >The New Day return to battle The Bludgeon Brothers Since suffering a vicious attack at the hands of The Bludgeon Brothers at WWE Fastlane, The New Day have not been at full strength. That changes tonight, as Kofi Kingston, Big E & Xavier Woods are back in action, and they have their sights set on two Superstars: Harper & Rowan. Can the four-time Tag Team Champions get payback on the mallet-wielding madmen, or will Harper & Rowan continue their path of destruction? >Shinsuke Nakamura clashes with Shelton Benjamin Why? As his dream match with AJ Styles for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania gets closer, Shinsuke Nakamura is not taking it easy. Having bested Rusev last week, WWE’s Rockstar is now going to test his grappling skills against one of WWE’s finest technicians: Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin will certainly be looking to knock The Artist down a peg or two ahead of the biggest match of his career, but will he succeed? Or, will Nakamura walk out of this first-time-ever battle with another big win under his belt? '''' <Charlotte Flair faces Natalya in a rematch from last Tuesday SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair has a tall task ahead of her at WrestleMania in the form of the undefeated Asuka, but she also has to worry about two of her fiercest rivals on Team Blue who have her in their sights: Natalya and Carmella. Natalya is frustrated that she will not be challenging for Charlotte’s title in New Orleans, while Carmella is always waiting in the wings with her Money in the Bank contract, ready to try and steal The Queen’s title. These three women crossed paths last week when Carmella’s meddling led to Natalya defeating Flair in a one-on-one battle. Charlotte is getting her chance at payback this week; will she vanquish the third-generation Superstar and turn her focus on Asuka once again? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network!
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MMC WWE MMC preview: The Boss Club gets a second chance against The Robe Warriors tonight It’s do or die tonight in the second WWE Mixed Match Challenge Semifinal, as SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair & Bobby Roode will go head-to-head against Finn Bálor & Sasha Banks, the winners of last week’s Second Chance Vote. Whoever emerges victorious will take on Intercontinental Champion The Miz & the undefeated Asuka next week in the WWE MMC Finals. 205 LIVE WWE 205 Live preview, March 27, 2018: Huge Fatal 4-Way set for tonight Tonight on WWE 205 Live, Kalisto, Akira Tozawa, TJP and Buddy Murphy will battle in a high-stakes Fatal 4-Way Match. Plus, how long can Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali keep the peace? >Can Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander continue to co-exist? Last week on WWE 205 Live, Mustafa Ali defeated Drew Gulak to advance to the finals of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament. At WrestleMania, Ali will face his friend Cedric Alexander for the Cruiserweight division’s top prize in what will be a highly competitive and emotional battle between two friends who have the utmost respect for one another. The bond between Alexander and Ali is evident every time they step in the ring together – whether at odds or teaming up. Last night on Raw, the duo paired against Drew Gulak and TJP in a victorious effort and did not show signs of a rift. However, with their battle on The Grandest Stage of Them All less than two weeks away, can Alexander and Ali maintain their mutual respect, or will the high stakes of competing against one another at WrestleMania drive a wedge between them? >High-stakes Fatal 4-Way showdown Tonight on WWE 205 Live, an epic Fatal 4-Way Match will commence, pitting Kalisto, Akira Tozawa, TJP and Buddy Murphy against one another. After a battle between Hideo Itami and Lince Dorado ended in a no contest and degraded into a heated confrontation – only to be quelled by Akira Tozawa and Kalisto – WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick ¬sought a way to turn a negative into a positive. Feeling the need to reward Tozawa and Kalisto for their civilized handling of the escalating situation between Itami and The Golden Lynx, Maverick announced The Stamina Monster and Kalisto would face TJP and NXT Superstar Buddy Murphy in a Fatal 4-Way Match. No doubt aiming to offset the animosity between Itami and Dorado with the high level of competition Maverick expects from the WWE Cruiserweight division, having three former Cruiserweight Champions and an impressive standout of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament square off is certainly one way to accomplish that goal. The battle is also a huge opportunity all four competitors to show Maverick and the WWE Universe they are ready for the next level, and the winner will have an impressive victory to cite as a reason why he should be the first challenger for Cedric Alexander or Mustafa Ali when a new Cruiserweight Champion is crowned at WrestleMania. Don’t miss this exciting, high-stakes contest tonight on WWE 205 Live at 10:20/9:20 C on the award-winning WWE Network. MAIN EVENT They had both Heath Slater/Rhyno and cruiserweights on RAM last night so who knows what the second match will be. Match one is most likely Goldust and Curt Hawkins again.
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>Tfw Shane is kill so THE wwe is gonna default to the most boring option, governable ziggler
(139.87 KB 1279x719 490.jpg)

is corbins push over?
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also >shane ded >bryan ded >nu gay is back >more nakamura >asuka will probably be on smack down again I might not even watch
>>104432 Bryan is work ded so he'll be back. Shane is shoot ded though
(30.84 KB 311x574 IMG_20180327_154710.jpg)

(1.90 MB 640x360 Text on screen rumble.mp4)

>>104439 autismu Squad is gonna win the ovaries rumble
>>104441 Oh we're still doing this?
>>104442 Doing what
>>104443 The text. I thought they stopped.
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>opening with BORING US man
glad I'm not watching kek
>>104453 Fuck off Billy.
>Orton and Roode The lack of dimes will cause a black hole.
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Rusev here to save this match
(167.82 KB 468x495 OhNo.png)

>they're teaming Rusev with Jinder Poohall as a way to bury him and destroy his having gotten over without Vince's approval
(1.51 MB 200x150 vince laugh.gif)

>Sunil Singh fuckign dies
>crowd goes wild >smarks btfo
(337.77 KB 858x628 cucks choice.png)

>>104462 is he talking about jay's family?
>>104462 >tfw when people start posting your spam pic also how do you ruin something that was never good?
>show up late to thread >turn on Smackdown >see this match >It's four people who are continually used incorrectly and thus I cant bring myself to truly care about any of them. GREAT STUFF FROM THE B SHOW
>>104466 >Rusev earns the pin as it posts I'm fine with being wrong in this case.
(1.46 MB 700x988 nasheed_of_saint_cirno.mp4)

>>104468 >>RURU STRONK
(719.24 KB 567x634 JUST McMahon.png)

>muh ronda rousey
(70.84 KB 684x1024 hana2.jpg)

>Taima playing Assplays shitty fucking theme Words cannot express how much I hate this
(16.44 KB 372x386 shane fuckign ded.jpg)

>>104471 >when ronda botches and kills steph
>>104472 >butthurt
>>104472 lmao nigga just hit the mute button hahaha just close your ears nigga hahahaha
>another fucking fatal four way for a title
(11.45 KB 188x221 Brain Laugh.jpg)

>take off that ridiculous neck brace
>>104474 >>104475 t. Buttrock lovers
(90.84 KB 1042x750 Rebecca-Knox-Feet-2103689.jpg)

(13.92 KB 263x233 look at this shit.jpg)

>when your FIVE YEARS of experience has no idea how to work with more than two tag teams at a time so you make the other tag teams to singles matches while half your roster goes unused because Main Event is two matches only and only uses RAM roster
(191.14 KB 1920x1080 becky lynch.jpg)

>>104480 >feet no
>>104480 >booleyfag
(96.44 KB 1074x561 confused.jpg)

>the absolute state of Elias
Ruby is wife material
(285.91 KB 480x360 (You).webm)

>>104485 (You)
(49.78 KB 506x575 kahana.jpg)

>Playing THE VILLAINS theme That's better
(70.38 KB 695x458 dalfkjdaslfj.jpg)

>Corey BURIES Becky
(143.43 KB 250x299 notbad.png)

>becky ass attire
(111.62 KB 600x800 COyzgsPWsAM0v9y.jpg)

>>104486 >Implying she isn't Cutest woman on SD
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>>104490 Your autism's a cheater
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Can the next match be some wymyn's match shit so I can take a shit without missing anything?
>Enjoying Shittsburgh
>cheering for Daniel Bryan
>>104496 >Can the next match be some wymyn's match shit so I can take a shit without missing anything? Are you me
>>104496 >>104500 >Not taking a shit during the first match
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(806.33 KB 1124x524 kevin owens crying.png)

>cheering KO and SZ staying fired
(13.44 KB 214x174 fucking serious.jpg)

(305.71 KB 1918x1078 you are losers.jpg)

>they can't even do MMC properly tonight
>nu day next
(910.94 KB 500x311 makogun.gif)

>Shibatas theme
This show is hot garbage and I stepped out to have a smoke and missed Daniel Bryan. fml
>>104506 >Not being glad for the Assault Allies
>>104510 Crunch Cousins?
>>104511 Smashing Siblings
>still using shit emoji text on screen fuck you Dunn
Why the fuck did Kofi steal Nakamura's haircut
the absolute autism of this crowd
>tfw new days next gimmick is covering themselves with athletic tape
(3.69 MB 300x225 THE YETAY.gif)

>had to do the shit BREAK during nugay vs hammer hombres How did that go? >fashion files are doing a 1v1 with Dolph for some reason
Member when Breeze wrestled Liger? >>104521 Usos came out and interfered, causing a dq
>implying jobzango would ever win anything
(2.05 MB 1920x1080 tfw bludgeoned.png)

BLUDGEONED >>104522 Gay.
>Tyson Kidd's theme
More multi man matches than a NJPW undercard
>This NJPW match
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(100.58 KB 768x1024 nagata.jpg)

>State of this thread RIP
>>104529 The state of YOUR EXISTENCE
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>>104530 t. Road Dogg
Shit what I miss?
Gahoole, is that you?
>>104536 no im here what's up
(2.73 MB 1280x720 (you).webm)

>The Balor Club
>>104537 Oh I'm sorry I saw some horse's forehead and mistook it for you.
(215.27 KB 1064x1064 lol.jpg)

>betchy wench
How drunk is Kurt?
So Shinsuke, how's your build for the mid card world championship match?
>>104541 LA CREATURA
>205 aka nobody watches
>tranny lover wins
(78.09 KB 675x1200 Tranny Driver 97.jpg)

>>104549 Never forget
I haven't watched WWE in two years and nothing has fucking changed except for some new faces.
I already forgot who won the second loserweight match. Also Taima played some retarded network shit instead of main event so no news on that.
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>riotttttttttt Squad >Heel Becky won't form the Lynchh Mob
>put smackdown on a hour later >fall asleep in 10 minutes
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