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King of Shitposting

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LAUGH AT THE STATE OF WWE THREAD Boliever 04/09/2018 (Mon) 06:30:36 Id: 45e493 No. 109902
So seeing as things are completely moving to the network model Anyone have any stats for NJPW World vs WWE Network?
>>109914 More people are subscribed to WWE Network. NJPW is still minor league in numbers
>>109902 I cannot laugh, because there was nothing to laugh at, just boring shit and cringe
>>109914 NJPW is still a domestic company, but that doesn't mean WWE is doing good.
>>109930 True, but I figure if we make a direct comparison, even considering the fact the WWE Network gives a lot of extra shit not just current shows, it'd help place the current situation. Also, the nips have mastered Jeweing on subscription it seems >Buy subscription o the 9th, it ends at the end of the month, not after 30 days Fucking nips mang.
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>>109944 Toni's a nice girl. Too bad what will happen. >>109938 i blame that in the network being more advanced.
>Roman actually lost What the fuck, I love Vince McMahon now?!
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I couldn't sit through after the guitar slut and the lbgt orchestra popped up for Shtisuke while Aj got nothing. I heard the last two matches were complete shit shows. I just can't watch Sjwwe anymore after this terrible WM.
>>109951 Ramen lost a bunch of times, but no one cares. Vince will make win matches he doesn't deserve, and still push him.
>some random kid got over >Ro[loud booing]
>>109953 Don't worry, it's a joke. I'm a New Japan mark through and through. Tonight just cemented that, swerve or no swerve.
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>>109952 I don't get the hate the guitar bit got. Alice Cooper's a pretty cool band.
>>109955 i'd rather just lurk your guys threads. Jap botches are G.O.A.T.
>>109958 Asspray getting killed is my favourite so far
>>109959 yeah i seen those clips.
also i find it funny my nwa thread got hate and was mostly ignored. the corgan era is coming.
>>109938 https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2018/03/07/ronda-rousey-wwe-ratings-wrestlemania-32-stephanie-mcmahon-hhh-kurt-angle https://archive.is/h4KjQ Lousy Roussey didn't help the ratings at all, and soon everyone will remember she still sucks. >>109955 I got that. I'm just saying the crowd that actually gives a shit about the product and isn't a pink-haird sjw cunt is losing interest in the product. >>109957 With all the sjw shit they pushed tonight, it got to everyone. It was also bullshit how Finn and Shitsuke got that shit cuz MUH PRIOGRESSIVE SOCIAL JUSTICE. Guitar whore was horrible and screamed feminist shit.
>>109962 >I'm just saying the crowd that actually gives a shit about the product and isn't a pink-haird sjw cunt is losing interest in the product. No doubt, not to mention anyone who has seen a good recent wrestling match. I tried watching it with a friend and we were bored as fuck compared to when we watched Strong Style Evolved.
>>109962 >With all the sjw shit they pushed tonight, it got to everyone. It was also bullshit how Finn and Shitsuke got that shit cuz MUH PRIOGRESSIVE SOCIAL JUSTICE. Guitar whore was horrible and screamed feminist shit. Not saying anything about Finn, that shit was mad gay. But I think you're letting that get to you a bit. Have you never heard an Alice Cooper song? They're a good band.
While we're on NJPW smugs, does the World subscription let you rewatch stuff?
>>109964 Yet Aj and the others got nothing. Guitar whore was over the top feminist bullshit.
>>109966 Because you can't give big entrances to everyone and Shinsuke's entrance is more interactive/distinctive? I don't think that's a no brainer. You're letting the fact the rest of the evening had bullshit seep into stuff that didn't.
>being worked over gaylor and naka >they both lost
>>109965 Yep, they have tons of old matches dating pretty far back. I've been following the history of the Bullet Club from inception and they haven't been missing a thing.
>>109967 Shitsuke and Balor don't have that much interaction though. Guitar bitch wasn't even good, and didn't fit in the song. She didn't need to be in the center of the walkway CUZ FEMINISM.
>>109970 I noticed she didn't know the song very well, she didn't seem bad but she didn't seem like she had worked very hard in practicing Nakamura's theme.
>>109970 We're talking about Shinsuke's thing, not Balor's. Also, Shinsuke's song isn't interactive? Back in NXT you'd get people humming is song from start to finish of an entrance. With that said, nothing will ever beat his entrance as WK8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=717Ci6m_qdg Should have had all the violinists be girls at least, would be pretty cool.
>>109971 They didn't give two shits if she put any effort into the theme. It was all HOW PROGRESSIVE AND FEMINSIT WE ARE BY LETTING SOME GUITAR WHORE HOG THE WALKWAY WITH A LGBT ORCHESTRA BEHIND HER; just shitty sjw pandering gone wrong.
>>109969 Cool, and it's only 7 euros. I might get it now despite being middle of the month.
>>109972 >Should have had all the violinists be girls at least, would be pretty cool. No. Just no.
>>109961 hey man legit rooting for nwa against WWE.
>I completely forgot about the stream >AGAIN Just end me already.
>>109975 >a harem of violinists with the main girl being a guitarists isn't cool Honestly this heel turn might be good for him. Nakamura was a great heel in NJPW.
>>109974 Only one thing you should know: They always charge on the 1st no matter what. And if you cancel at any time they don't continue the service for the rest of the time, you're just done the day you cancel. Still, it's a pretty good service once you get used to it's lay out.
>>109962 >>109966 >All the people in Stephanie and HHH's entrance were women
>>109979 >always charge on the first Don't see how that'd work considering they seem to charge via paypal, not debit.
>>109981 >Paypal, Credit Card, Docomo Keitai, Softbank Matome Shiharai payment options: The subscription period shall end on the last day of the month of when payment was made (in Japan Standard Time), regardless of the day. Just how it works for some reason brother
>>109982 I figured you bought that month's worth and had to rebuy each month. More like charging your phone sorta thing.
Not like New Japan is much better at the moment with all the skinny gaijin fags shitting up the card with their meme spots and moves. Plus Okada's new outfit is fucking awful and his reign is getting very stale.
>>109987 ZSJ got beat back to the midcard though.
>>109977 Trust me when I said God or something saved you from one of the worst PPVs Vince pulled out of his ass. >>109978 Nothing about that intro was good. Knowing WWE is in charge of his heel booking, I wouldn't expect much. >>109980 MUH FEMINSM! -Stephanie McMahon
>>109952 Who is this little girl?
>>109992 a person who BTFO out of everyone
>>109987 >meme spots >meme moves What? No need to be salty that New Japan has a better style with more action to it than WWE's bullshit >BIG MOVE >REST FOR AN HOUR >BIG MOVE >REST FOR AN HOUR >ROLL UP FINISH BECAUSE FUCK YOU >Okada's new outfit is fucking awful This is the gayest complaint about wrestling I've ever heard.
>>109999 >>110000 This gay shit could get you banned, fair warning.
>>109992 Someone who just buried the entire Raw tag division
>>110002 report me then bitch
>>109993 >>110003 And pissed on guys like Ziggler, Revival, Hawkins, and Ryder.
>>110004 I'm not a fag, I'm just letting you know that the BO doesn't approve of getfags. Plus, it's a slow board, gets are pointless because they're so easy, no effort no game, hence why it's gay.
>>109983 That's a lot of unnecessary makeup for one person.
>>110005 most of them arent even on raw so it doesnt matter. i wonder how this angle will last though. >>110006 >wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh >>110007 cant tell if he is wearing anything. always looked legit in his matches.
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>>109987 Just wait a few months till THE ACE takes back his rightful position.
>>110008 >I can't handle being informed of the rules so I'll imply you're crying Okay, act like a nigger, see how that works at for you. You couldn't get a real get to save your life you pathetic little cuck.
>>110006 >So much autism over autisms and other stuff >Getball is a step too far Lame.
>>110011 >wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>110011 Wasted palindrome get
>>109988 The fact that he is wrestling outside the junior division is retarded. If they want to give a shot to a junior that badly why not someone who can actually work like KUSHIDA?
>>110013 Only fags watch NWA, your shit company is going nowhere, but keep wearing that flag so everyone can see what a cuck you are.
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I feel like this company deserves a kiwifarms thread. They're just too big a lolcow not to.
>>110016 >wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>110017 >balor is gayer than goldust 2018 is weird
>>110006 This, he sent me on excursion a couple of months ago for stealing one for Charlotte. I spammed old threads to get it so I kinda deserved it :^)
>>110020 Saging old threads for a get is mega gay though.
>>110022 Not any less gay than this: >>109996 >>109998 >>109999 >>110000 >>110001
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>>110018 >>110019 He always was though
>>110023 keep being worked
>>110022 Still not as gay as posting with an NWA flag
>>110024 is that Jim on that motorcycle?!?!?!
>>110025 Do you not know what worked means? I know you got confused by "going over" earlier.
>>110028 whats up stone cold
>>110029 Not everyone is a flagfag like you, it's a small board, exceptional individuals like yourself are hard for anyone to notice.
>>110030 you're so mad!
>>110031 Nah, but you are NWA cuck.
>>110032 SEETHING
>NWA man is sheepleposter
>>110033 >he can't even wait a minute to reply Yeah, I'm seething. Says the faggot who is making the thread about himself because he's such an exceptional individual. Do you want a kiwi farms thread or what?
>>110035 >do the same thing >write a wall of text >NO YOU'RE MAD CUCK lmao
>>110036 Just what we need, another exceptional individual like the footfag who thinks he's special and cool. Do you have autism too? So far this conversation tells me yes.
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Predict the main event and some other matches
>>110037 >wall of text >y-you're autistic
>>110038 Roman main events it again
>>110036 >>110039 >3 sentences is a "wall of text" Anon, really?
>>110038 Roman headlines against Asuka and she wins the Universal title
>>110041 say that to my fucking face
>>110043 I thought you weren't mad?
>>109988 It looks like zsj just got a new contract after his match with Okada Future NEVER Openweight Champion?
>>110046 >if I type lol it will hide my anger 4d chess, what can I say, I'm being outplayed. Inb4 this is a "wall of text".
>>110047 >wall of text
>>110049 Typical NWA fan, can't handle any statement that isn't finished in five seconds or less.
>>110050 >anti shitposter i think you're confused about what kind of site this is
>>110045 Tag champ?
>>110051 And I think you're new as fuck to this board. It's been fun watching you make this thread your own personal Kiwi Farms thread. I'm sure the BO is gonna love you.
This thread was supposed to shit on WWE guys…
>>110054 Maybe the NWA guy is a secret shitposter hired by Vince to derail this thread.
>>110038 Is that really the logo? Blech. Regardless, I predict Roman Reigns vs. Big Seff in the main event.
>>110038 Roman vs Lesnar for the Universal Championship. THIS TIME, Roman will achieve his destiny!
I'm guessing the way Braun is going to be going forward is basically just him 1v2, picking out a new kid to be his "partner" every time. He's going to be the feel-good friendly face character for a while.
>>110056 >Seff >Big Not big enough
>>110058 That's kinda lame for someone who's been tossing people around and flipping ambulances with a dog in them. Funkasaurus 2.0 soon?
>>110058 Woken Matt & King Maxel vs Braun & Nicholas soon brother
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How much pity cheers will he get /wooo/?
>>110063 [LOUDER BOOING]
What's wrong with the National Wrestling Alliance?
>>110063 Why does everyone hate that guy?
>>110067 After years of shoving down Super Cena down our throats, Roman gets pushed as Cena 2.0 and is shoved down even more. He's been pushed as the main star for 3 years, having main evented Wrestlemania 4 times in a row now not even Cena has done that but nobody wanted that, yet he still got that spot. WWE is so coporate and Vince does what he wants, Roman is like a symbol of all that of sorts, he isnt that good in the ring decent at best and is poor on the mic too, lacking the key features to lead a company, heck lacking in just being entertaining. He's rather borimg and WWE also doesnt know how to book shit so they book Roman in these terrible and unlikable scenarios, for the past 3 years, it's no wonder he is so disliked. It's more of WWE's fault than Roman's but the fans will boo him either way since he's doing the shit WWE pays him to do.
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>>110063 I'm hoping he goes nuclear with a heel turn on RAW.
All the goodwill that THE wwe got from takeover is gonne uh? SAD
>>109952 The whole thing was a shit show. Taker music started and I went next door to let my neighbor who is a total Taker mark know. By the time we came back the match was over and I was banned from twitter for calling Rhonda a no talent whore who ran away from the UFC cause she isn't half as tough as she thinks she is.
>>110076 Oh and on the other side of things before I got banned I got into a discussion with Suzuki about resturants in Nola and convinced him to go to my Aunt's oyster house and he said it was amazing. Tanahashi and me discussed toothbrushes and skincare products and both Kenny and Kota liked som fan art I drew of them. So NJPW actually likes it's fans and treats them well unlike WWE that calls the twitter police on them for calling their no talent ugly whore a worthless cunt.
There were 11 matches in the 5 hour main show. 3 of them were squash matches. >>110077 Neat, screencaps?
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Apparently even Tiger Hattori and Ishii were there. NJPW invasion on RAW?
>>109965 NJPW world is shit functionality wise. They can't into tagging their shit and a lot of the classic matches for the 80s just aren't there. However if you are willing to dig like a motherfucker you can find some amazing stuff. A couple of weeks ago before I unsubscribe becaue of ZSJ winning Strong Style Evolved not being simulcast I dug through their shit to find all their hardcore stuff and I was reminded that before Chono was the kindly old man who shows up to Gaki's new years show and cracks jokes he was just this insane profance dirty old bastard. The matches he had with Atsuhi Onita were just gore fests. Noropu, Bakugo, bloodfests that were just painful to watch. Hell I saw one match where Chono just straight clocks the dude and all you can see is a spray of blood and teeth as the guy crumples to the ground. The Stan Hansen matches are great too. You can tell the bastard gives 0 fucks and is potatoing those nips as hard as he can.
>>110078 Not happening unless I give Twitter a telephone number which aint fucking happening. Suzuki is a genuinely cool dude which I was not expecting. My aunt called me afterwards and said a very sacry looking chinaman had been told by her nephew to come there and that he left a huge tip and was very nice.
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>>110081 Ah damn. >>110081 >My aunt called me afterwards and said a very sacry looking chinaman had been told by her nephew to come there and that he left a huge tip and was very nice. Kek, based Misu
>>110079 >All these people to choose from >Braun picks a kid
>>109902 Had a good night yesterday /wooo/ ?
>>110085 I woke up still drunk and am drinking right now even though I got work in six hours so I will let that speak for itself. Also Rustle needs to drop the SS shit. His eyesight is almost gone and he doesn't need to waste what little time he has left on boring shit.
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>>110085 It was early morning for me, so I couldn't process a lot that was going on for some reason. After the event I was just incredibly confused, especially by the last two matches. The ride doesn't end here though, RAW after Mania is due is there… Well it's always better than Wrestlemania but ehhh… Plus Smackdown is on the next day, well it should be interesting to see the fallout from Nakamura's heel turn.
>>110082 This needs to be memed on Twitter.
>>110088 >twatter
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>>110085 I stopped watching after Naka vs Styles was a total disappointment and then I overheard that Strowman's parter was a bloody shota, then I just stuck with shitposting with you guys for Poochie vs Lesnar I woke up in a bad mood because after NXT TakeOver:New Orleans I thought this was going to be passable, but lo and behold, the only good part was shitposting alongside the other boards >>110087 > Nakamura's heel turn I don't get it, why was this necessary in the first place ? Bot AJ and Naka were over as fuck I bet they're also giving Rusev the Zack Ryder treatment from now on
>>110094 He's going to turn heel on the raw after mania again, people are going to get excited and next week it's back to regular [LOUD BOOING], just like last year.
>>110092 At least now Naka and AJ have a real reason to feud rather than 'dream match'. Build this up and the rematch should be better. If so, it would be like AJ vs Cena, where the first match was disappointing but their rematch at SummerSlam was MOTY worthy.
>>110096 So we wait until Summerslam again for a decent match ?
>>110097 Hopefully they continue this to Backlash or the PPV after that
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So thoughts on each match? >Battle royale Was meh but the end with Brother Bray was WONDERFUL. Though I don't get how Bray was DELETED so hard that he is now teaming up with Hardy but whatever. Hope they actually do something though, Bray's been a black hole that sucks the excitement out of everything he's been in the past year. >Crusierweights Barely saw, so whatever >Female battle royale Barely saw, it's still so bad that half of them were out of the ring, seriously shit. Lol at Booley though, what a loser. >IC triple threat Was alright, seth winning was ok, Miz did fine, Faglor should be gassed for bringing the gay community in his entrance, or whoever came up with that idea. >SD Women's championship Also good, in fact the first two matches were the best of the night. Don't mind Charlotte winning, sue me, Asuka's streak needed to end. Asuka is still on RAW though right? Or has she officially moved to SD? >US Championship Meh. Lol at Jinder winning, USA is pooland now. >Angle, rousey vs HHH and steph A lot better than I thought though some moments were retarded, you guys know which. Steph getting BTFO was DELIGHTFUL Steph vs Rousey in XXX Hardcore 'match' please >SD tag championship Short so not much to say, good that Bludgeonkino won. Midget pancake men… No words, but it was so stupid I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it. >Taker vs Cena The buildup was long as fuck, Elias was ok but great that he got nuclear heat. The match itself was surprising and all hype, hope to see a rematch next year, being a competitive one than a squash match. Taker should retire but it doesn't look like he will, maybe even till 2020. which would mark the 10th anniversary of HBK retiring. Fuck, Taker sure is going on long. >Bryan and Shane vs Kami Barely watched this, wasn't that exciting, though watching Bryan again was nice. He was too damn strong here though, kicking out of both Kevin and Sami's finishers and being dominating as heck too. So much for being the ultimate underdog. At this point, the event really started to fall apart for me. >RAW wymyns match Average but fuck this fat acceptance shit, made things even worse. >WWE Championship Disappointing, but the heel turn was good. Hope to see the fallout. >RAW tag team match Good for the kid but man, this was one of the worst things I've seen, fucking stupid. >Universal championship Probably the worst main event in Mania but then again, that's been said for every one of them since WM32. Romanmania is not running wild at all, yet we have to experience it. The match itself sucked, only 5 moves between them: Lesnar does german and belly to belly suplexes and 6 FUCKING F-5s, while roman does superduper pench and spear. Lesnar won but I don't know why, left me utterly clueless, Roman is supposed to be THE GUY yet he loses this big one, what's going on here? I swear it if they have another rematch next year…
Roman goes heel, tonight?
>>110100 All that faggot SJW stuff is from Stephanie, 100%.
>>110108 Roman now is like when Cena lost to the rock, so no, no heel turn, just feel bad for him gaiz.
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>The utter state of Triple Bitch This is the same guy that had a 'reign of terror' and 'buried' people for 2 years.
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>Battle Royale THE WOKEN ONE WON And that was the only good thing >Wymen's battle royale Don't care >Manlets Don't give a shit, to see smaller guys I prefer to watch Hiromu acting like a cat and Asspray killing himself >IC belt Good match as I expected from Miz, Rollins and Balor, Rollins stole the show for me but Miz sold those moves really good Only grudge I have is Balor now being part of the heel stable known as THE GAY COMMUNITY >SD Wymen's title Good match but the finish didn't cut it for me to be honest >US belt THIS WAS THE PERFECT MOMENT TO CASH IN ON RUSEV DAY YOU BASTARDS ! Poo-in-the-loo supreme won and he barely did shit during the match, which is really fucking stupid, only good thing was Ru-Ru looking strong during the match >Angle, rousey vs HHH and steph Better than expected tbh, Rousey actually having wrestling skills unlike that other cunt in NXT >SD Tag Bludgeon bros won and I don't give a damn >Taker vs Cena I should have expected this to be honest, Mark is old as shit so of course can't move like he used to, Cena being BTFO was nice >DBry & Shane vs Fatty and muslim Selling DBry hulking up is something I don't buy, because he's not that kind of wrestler, Shane barely attempted to kill himself, and the 2 amigos didn't unleash their full potential here So fuck it >RAW wymyns match Don't give a damn >WWE championship Biggest disappointment so far, Naka and Styles are top tier wrestlers and they layed on the ground for half the match, most likely to not make Poochie and Brock look bad Slow as shit, barely good spots and I really don't get why Naka needs to be heel now >RAW tag team You know…, if you want your company to be respected and not to look like a laughing stock for the whole word, you should stop doing shit like this, remember how Corny kept bitching about Omega fighting a little girl ? Well at least that was comedy on purpose, THIS WAS A FUCKING TITLE MATCH ON A FUCKIN MAJOR SHOW, way to bury The Bar and disrespecting your own tag-titles you bastards The only possible good thing from this would be a feud between the shota and King Maxwell >Universal title Nothing good could come up from this shitfest it didn't Crowd hated it so much that Dunn couldn't mute them enough, 5 moves from lesnar vs 2 from Reigns made this somehow more dumb than Naka vs AJ, fuck this main event
[Expand Post]At this point, the biggest Kayfabe angle WWE are committing themselves to is to pretend Roman is liked by the crowd Also, that cunt who played the guitar during Nakamura's entrance ? She's Alice Cooper's lead guitarist
>ARMBAR Pretty run of the mill shit except for the WONDERFUL Bray interference >CW Title Ali was robbed >WOMBAR Seeing booley's excitement get shattered by Naomi was pretty good >IC Title Balor is a faggot. Gay Slayer Seff won. Don't really care. Needed more Bo. >SD Wymyn title Decent match, underwhelming finishing spot. At least she isn't going to Road Dogg Live. >US Title Poo in the fucking loo. Also what is with English rapping now? Was his singing too over that they had to give him something to do that would annoy the crow? >Mixed Match Better than expected, but still a Jhon/Nikki tier match >SD Tag titles Dindus BTFO by larpers. Somewhat curious to see who they face next. >Taker vs Cena MOTN for sure >DBry/Shane vs Sami/Kev Pretty underwhelming. At least Sami/KO are seemingly going to RAM now >RAM Wymyn's title She's fat >WWE Title Very underwhelming. LOLWWE tier. At least there was a swerve post-match? >RAM Tag Titles Fucking retarded, they are ruining Braun with this type of shit. >WWE Universal title Roman actually lost. Legitimately surprising. Terrible match though. Nearly the whole thing was just finisher spam. Overall most, if not all the matches were TV tier. LOLWWE.
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>Cena, Elias and The Undertaker unironically had the best segment of Wrestlemania
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>>110126 wtf site is offline
>>110127 Apparently Brock was pissed at the end of the match and started yelling at Vince briefly until Brock threw the title somewhere and walked away.
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>>110128 BUT BROCK IS VINCES BOY?!?!?!?
>>110125 >Elias was nothing more than a gag in the Taker Cena fight
>>110131 still got major heat during his entrance he is a G.O.A.T. gimmick wrestler also Cena got btfo too
https://twitter.com/Unpaulfessional/status/983166463497441280 >those replies
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>>110138 >>110139 paige suicide when?
So might as well ask here Which PPVs or events or whatever would one have to watch to get through the entire history of the Bullet Club effectively from formation to current times? All I know is that they formed in 2013, but because there's no really a weekly show in NJPW it's a bit harder to know what matches or heck, PPVs to watch.
>>110169 >the entire history of the Bullet Club effectively from formation to current times? Damn that's like 5 years of puro to watch, good luck, I started watching NJPW 1.5 years ago and started with King of Pro wrestling 2013 since that was the oldest event they had on watchwrestling.nl. Now I'm at G1 Climax 2017, it's taking me so long to catch up because all the events are at least 3 hours long and it gets tiresome to watch it so I get burned out here and there, take a BREAK before resuming watching. I had to skip out on G1 Climax 2014 nad 2015, just watching a few good matches from them. Decided to watch G1 2016 and G1 2017 in its entirety but it's hard for me. Anyway, for the history of bullet club, it seems that they started from Wrestling Dontaku 2013. Just make your way through the PPVs in chronological order, search that up on wikipedia or something.
>>110890 Oh to add, before Dontaku 2013, on Invasion attack 2013, Prince Devitt met with Fale and Tong, which was the first step to making the bullet club but the club was officially formed in Dontaku 2013. There was a slow story of Devitt acting more villainous in the months prior, which was some more build up I guess if you want to watch that as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullet_Club#History
>>110890 >>110892 Don't want to necessarily watch every match and PPV, just the big ones. Title wins, title losses, major matches where members got added, etc.
>>110895 In that case just read that wikipedia link, should be good enough, only problem is that it will spoil everything for you, so I guess it isn't the best option. Well there's these series of videos detailing the history of the bullet club and they show the events in which key moments take place. Either just watch these videos or skip parts in them to where a new event happens and watch the full thing on NJPW World.
>>110898 To add, these videos skips some further details, especially about other members like more info about the Tongans, so it isn't as detailed as the wikipedia article.
>>110039 You have autism.
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/wooo/ in the top 25. Neat.
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Anyone else watching Young Lions Gate tonight? The two new dudes had a good showing so far. The guy who fought Ren looks like a ripped oka and the guy who fought oka started out by trading strikes like on some Pancrase typeshit instead of doing the classic dollar/elbow.
>>110914 Big Dave lookin real JACKED baby
>>110082 Jinder winning is the best thing ever.
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>>110901 no u!!
>>110038 >tfw Charlotte ending Asuka's streak was to make her look strong for next year when she takes on Ronda Rousey in the FIRST TIME EVER HISTORIC WYMYNS main event at Wrestlemania 35
>>111420 >WYMZHYSTORICLA <Nepotism Bitch v. Shitty celebrity billed as Female Bork. Fuck this company. It's fucking Botcha v. Charlotte all over again.
>>110122 >the finish didn't cut it for me to be honest The best thing about that ending was it got cut by Cena being an attention whore. WYMZ RVLCCN MAGGLE! >Rousey actually having wrestling skills unlike that other cunt in NXT I only counted two moves: shitty punches and a submission. She's meh. >Also, that cunt who played the guitar during Nakamura's entrance ? She's Alice Cooper's lead guitarist It was over the top trash that screamed feminist bullshit. She didn't have to hog the walk way with Shitsuke.
I think I am done with WWE. This was the worst. I gave them so many chances and they failed. I think I will stick with Puroresu and Indie for now. WWE is dead to me.
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>>111440 N-NXT is still good! Aleistar Black, Johnny Gargano, The Undisputed Era, all good! TakeOvers are great, true pro-wrestling!
>>111441 >N-NXT is still good! Aleistar Black, Johnny Gargano, The Undisputed Era, all good! TakeOvers are great, true pro-wrestling! So stick to ROH? Got it!
>>111440 See you next week
>>111440 Weeeeeeeak. Daily reminder though, those other promos are 100% welcome here, this isn't a WWE exclusive board.
>>111464 people seem to forget this. there is more alternatives than ever.
>>111461 In some cases, you would be right. But I'm just burnt out on them now. I need like a year BREAK from them.
>>111516 It's what I did to be honest. I realized when I was waking up for work at six in the morning hungover because I had to drink a case of beer to get through RAW that I needed to get away. I just came back last month a little over a year after I NOPED the fuck out and I am already done with WWE.
>>111516 >>111518 Just stick to watching youtube clips and following these threads if anything. I don't know how people can watch RAW, SD and the now bi-monthly PPVs in their entirety each each.
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Punished Roman The Guy denied of his title >Vince, I'm already a heel
>>111523 Sharing the pain and shitposting here and maybe on taima if you can handle the DUDE WEED LMAO types is pretty much the only way. I myself have been sliding it more to background viewing.
All the post-WM shows have been pretty terrible tbh. 205 right now is the A show.
>>113107 NXT last week was fucking good too actually. Great mix of fun in ring and cool personalities.
>>113107 RAW and smackdown after mania were better than mania.
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>>113112 >look mom! I posted it again! Wasn't funny then, isn't funny now.
>>113113 oh booleyfag, it's always funny when you get upset
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>>113115 Yeah, so angry. I'm seething over here.
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Who thinks Backlash 2018 will be the worst PPV of the year
>>115704 I have absolute faith in the wwe's ability to do worse. All they need to do is do another ppv like this without the first match.
>>109961 I wish Corgan and his NWA to succeed, i am tired of WWE and their kike-approved sjw wankery.
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>>115925 >That empty arena >Only a few little shits screamin' for the samoan mutt The only thing keeping WWE together is Vince's business deals, like the ones with the oil pajeets, because if it was still dependant on attendance and actual ratings this company would have gone BROKE in 2015
Even Impact is better than WWE now
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>ROH/NJPW G1 Supercard at Madison Square Garden on the night before Wrestlemania 35 sells out Old news I guess but I just found. Holy shit. That's all I can say.
Isn't the B team the poster child for this era of the WWE?
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>>110038 Roman dies in the main event.
So since this thread, WWE has still been shit but not just shit, totally boring. Can't really name too many positives now which I would go out of the way to watch it for.
>>132579 >implying SD just put on an amazing main event and had AJ Styles punch Vince in the face.
>>132596 >SD is all of WWE
>>132596 One show at the end of the year doesn't change how boring everything has been all year round
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>>132601 Why, of course it does. This singlehandedly saved WWE!
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it was better when I was a kid
>>110068 if Roman had stuck to being a silent enforcer with mediocre work but a decent presence I probably would've still liked him. I always liked Dean/Seth more when Shield debuted but I never hated Roman until they split up and he got the undeserved push. Also I hate Reigns for trying to milk his cancer, go suffer silently you POS
>>144311 I'd say it's more on WWE milking his cancer to make him look as good as possible since it would be terrible to boo someone with that.
>>132602 That implies that the wwe needed saving, Bince BacBann

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