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King of Shitposting

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Overcarder Boliever 04/09/2018 (Mon) 07:38:51 Id: 6a787e No. 110009
>Attitude Era tier pop >moved around like he was back in his 2008 body again >looked as intimidating as he used to >one of his best entrances in years >has his kayfabe super powers back, classic mid 90's squash match over Cena Give me one good reason why he shouldn't be the next champ (protip: you can't)
He couldn't even take a bump because his wig would have fallen off
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Guess that new hip is doing him well
Vince won't let him rest in peace.
>Can't go to even a single ram to build up the match >Match is in fast forward so it ends fasst and he doesn't get gassed >Only does a few signature moves >No bumps Let the poor man retire already.
>>110073 He should have retired with the streak intact in my opinion, or at least handing it over to Kane, but then again Kane is not what he used to be.
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>>110163 Should've lost one of the ones to Michaels or Triple H, everything else after that has been awful and sad to watch.
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Wrestlemania 2019, Taker performs a ritual (like classic 90s taker), imbuing The Dead Man's soul upon [pic related]
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What are the next steps for THE GREATEST TAG TEAM CHAMPION OF ALL TIME? How many times backstage and by whom was Nicholas diddled by, and do you think there's enough real gold on that belt to consider his bought silence on such matters worthwhile? Also, general discussion on why Nicholas is the most exciting thing to happen to WWE in a decade
>>110163 This, Kane would have been the only ending that made kayfabe sense, or just retire with it. Lesnar would have been equally a monster if he had the same Cena match at Summerslam even without the streak, and giving Ramen a win that was just incompetent. >>110073 >needing to "build up" a Taker match >only a few moves Go watch any mid 90s Taker squash match on Superstars, he did pretty much move for move the exact same matches he used to always do. It was a cool call back to the past.
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>Next year will mark 10 years since the classic HBK vs Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 25 >Undertaker will still be wrestling next year Bloody hell Taker
>>110894 I don't think he's gonna wrestle anymore. He'll do little bits like you saw this Sunday. You can't really call that a wrestling match. It was just a fun bit.
Kane should've beaten him and redeemed his career and putting over others for years to come.
>>111437 Jesus Christ Vince. Let the man retire already.

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