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King of Shitposting

JUST Boliever 04/10/2018 (Tue) 05:43:17 Id: 57e333 No. 110887
>New contract for Brock that will allow him to fight in both UFC and WWE >Bork is staying >Universal title will be defended once in a blue moon again >Another fucking year of building up Poochie vs Bork >Another fucking year of talent being fed up to Ramen >Another fucking year of Brock doing fuck-all >Another fucking year of pretending [LOUD BOOING] is over with the crowd https://www.sbnation.com/2018/4/9/17217226/brock-lesnar-re-signs-wwe-ufc-wrestlemania FUCK THIS COMPANY
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How will WWE shills defend this
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>>110887 >Poochie vs. Bork plz no, his quads can't take any more
>Meltzer and his drones will lose their shit in anger over Roman vs Lesnar 3 at Wrestlemania 35, heck he got angry to learn about Roman vs Lesnar 2 at WM34 <Meltzer and his drones will accept 3 Okada vs Tanahashi matches at Wrestle Kingdom which happened in a span of 4 years Defend this New Jewpan fans
>>110893 >Entire crowd was pissed during Bork vs Ramen at 'Mania 34, not even Dunn could mute the [LOUD BOOING] and started leaving halfway through the match >+75.000 are now Meltzer drones Yeah, right
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>>110897 wew lad
>>110902 What the fuck…
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>>110904 IS ROMAN OVER YET???????????
>>110887 The idea seems to be Vince is going to keep the main event scene hostage, repeating this story until he gets the reaction he wants. >>110893 People actually liked those matches. Next you'll complain that people aren't complaining about Rock/Austin matches back in the day.
>>110893 >worrying about the biggest mark in the industry and his goyim shills
>>110908 >repeating this story until he gets the reaction he wants. Would've worked if this were the 80s.
>>110893 >Okada vs Tanahashi >bad Try again nigger. Also, Roman is still shit and Lesnar refuses to care anymore.
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Roman losing at WM34 was like Okada losing at WK9
>>110912 Roman is, in my opinion, a better worker than Lesnar. Both are mediocre at this point. Lesnar doesnt care and Roman is just not good enough for the main event. At least, not how he's booked now.
>>110911 How long will it take for Vince to realize this isn't the 80's anymore ?
>implying our negro isn't taking bork's title
>>110922 I'm not sure where I want to see them fight, in WWE or in MMA. Lesnar's matches just involve a few moves and now a ton of finisher spam, it's really old. At least in MMA he'll have to fight seriously, though I'm not a huge MMA fan.
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>>110918 >Roman is, in my opinion, a better worker than Lesnar.
>>110932 It's true, based simply on the fact he actually does work.
Brock not defending the title is unironically a better storyline than any title based storylines WWE would be shitting up the show with normally. Zero fucks given.
>>110933 That hurts his cause even more.
I remember George Steele in a kayfabe commentaries interview talking about how ultimate warrior wasn’t getting over working with Andre who was still a major heel at the time. I forgot the booker but vince told him to “shove it down their throat” until it gets over. Eventually it did however once warrior went over hulk the crowd didn’t give a shit and as hulk stated before the match that warrior wouldn’t draw flies to shit as champion. And he didn’t , After the news that vince and Brock had a backstage altercation over the reception after wm I wouldn’t be surprised if vince doesn’t just main event Roman every year in the future out of spite towards fans.
>>111400 I posted the webm right here brother >>110911
>>110887 >Bork is staying Bork realized why should he go to a place where younger, more aggressive guys can beat his autistic ass up if Vince can let him do whatever the fuck he wants for nothing. That's smart for an autistic like Bork. >Another fucking year of pretending [LOUD BOOING] is over with the crowd Now add Lousy Roussey and forced sjw shit to the mix. I gave up on Sjwwe after last night, and I'm not gonna bother watching the Saudi shitshow coming up in May.
Sjw doesn’t sell and vince is about money. Look at comic books marvel straight up dropped and release like 8books and writers in January cause of sjw stuff lowering buy rates. HHH needs to shake that cunt Steph across the face cause we all know she’s the one behind it.
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>>111414 >letting your wife interfere
>>111414 Which books? They still bring back those writers though. Kate Leth and the other sjws are still making shitty comics, and Marvel is still trying to push Ms Mudslime, Carl Manvers, BLM Panther, and Tumblrsquirrel despite no one is buying BLM Panther merchandise (I don't know anyone that legitimately likes this shitty hero. He wasn't even good in the 90s). Sjws are still clinging onto the comic industry, since it's their means to push their scummy leftist agendas and Antifa shit.
>>110933 >work >constitutes a great worker it doesn't
>>111418 I didn't say that. A worker that works is better than a PPV whore.
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>>112217 >A source close to the situation recently spoke to People where they said of John Cena that “he never should’ve proposed, let alone in front of millions of people. Now she’s heartBROKEN” and “this was supposed to be the happiest time of her life. He ruined it and blew everything up.” The proposal was a work, but they thought it was a shoot. Jabroni marks. >>“She never gave him an ultimatum. He talked a really good game about having changed, about having his priorities straight, about knowing what’s important, and that it was her. But as the day got closer, it was like he just went back to who he’s always been — which is someone who puts himself first, always. He’s an incredibly dedicated, driven, ambitious guy. And for the longest time he said he didn’t think he had room in his life for a spouse or kids. It seems like in the end that was still the truth.” >“In wrestling there are two archetypes: faces and heels. A face is a good guy, a hero, who you root for. A heel is a villain, who sometimes can seem like a good guy but then turns around and shows his true, evil colors. John Cena just revealed himself as the ultimate heel.” >Ultimate Heel Oh shit, heel Cena habbenin, Heel Cena vs Daniel Bryan feud soon. http://archive.is/BUBUI
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>>112228 There were reports last year that Kevin Dunn was supposedly behind the whole Cena proposal thing. This fucking bucky beaver idiot may not be that bad after all
>>110918 I actually agree. Brock knows a total of two different moves which he tries to use in order to fill 15 minutes of [BOOOOORIG] (((suplex city))). Roman fucks me up with 10 Superman Punches in a fifth of this time but at least his moveset includes two additional items and 3>2, guys. Also his in-ring work looks more fluent, meaning it can actually entertain (a 5 year old autist). Roman sucks but in comparison to Brock, an incapable performer who's presented as unbeatable due to his massive torso, he's still the better guy. Just needs to leave for New Japan for a year or two so he can learn a new move (maybe even two, holy shit!) and return with Heyman 'cuz… you know why. He sucks.
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>>114188 >cant lift taker >better guy
>>114196 >Implying it was his fault not old man taker's who was more gassed than the holocaust
>>114204 you're right. roman is strong💪💪 tha big 🐶🐶 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
>>114188 Having more moves doesn't make you a better worker. I'm bored with Lesnar's suplexes too but they still look devastating, way more than Roman's shittyman punches. Unlike Roman, Lesnar's suplexes are somehow over and gets the crowd excited, which I don't know how, especially after seeing the same old shit for years now and ironically its the same type of crowd that would chant 'same old shit' to other guys. Brock can be better, but since suplexes seem to be enough to satisfy the crowd, I guess he doesn't feel like he has to do much else. Also, Lesnar sells way better than Roman, if anything, Brock's selling is the one thing I'll give him credit over most other people.
>>114368 Well, that makes sense… I'd personally still prefer Brock either to lose his title (couldn't really imagine to whom tho, maybe get Pentagon Jr over to WWE and give him a shot?) or do something more than 10 suplexes and 3 F5s per match.
>>114206 >t. iron shiek
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>>114660 >Iron Sheik post >No capitilization or swear words FACK YOU JABRONI
>>110922 >our negro Speak for yourself nigger lover

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