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King of Shitposting

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(349.53 KB 797x449 BushiHiromu VS Desperado Gun.jpg)

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NJPW WRESTLING DONTAKU THREAD Boliever 04/13/2018 (Fri) 07:53:40 Id: 0ca9e9 No. 111510
We got a shitton of shows from now unitll may and a LOT of the house shows have title matches on them. On April 23rd we got a IWGP Jr tag belt match with hiromu and BUSHI vs Desperado and Kanemaru. I expect Hiromu and bushi to win so they have the belts going into BOTSJ. April 24th is the IWGP US title match between Finlay and Huwite. If they're last singles match is anything to go by this match is gonna be sick. April 27th is our last big house show with the NEVER title on the line between Goto and JEWS. No idea what's gonna happen in this match but it isn't main eventing which is super lame First big show is WRESTLING HI NO KUNI on April 29th which has Evil and Sanada VS KES for the tag titles and Suzuki vs naito as the main event for the IC belt Next is WRESTLING DONTAKU on May 3rd and 4th. They're really pushing for dontaku to be a huge show with 2 days and a tanahashi okada match on the books for night 2 as well as ospreay kushida that same night. Night 1 is headlined by the bullet club civil war which should be cool too. All in all a fun month ahead which should lead into an exciting Best Of the Super Juniors.
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Also I should say FOR NEW GUYS IN THE US japan is ahead of us in time so a show on the 23rd would actually be closer to the night of the 22nd for us if that makes sense. Look up the time in JST and convert it to your timezone if you need to. Here's the schedule for may but by then I bet we'll need a new thread.
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2nd for LIJ.
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ALSO tonight's show is on at 2:30 PDT 5:30 EDT 10:30 BST Full card for tonight is >Tetsuhiro Yagi VS Yuya Uemura >Manabu Nakanishi VS Tomoyuki Oka >Makabe, Taguchi, and Ren Narita VS Yuji Nagata, Tiger Mask, and Shota Umino >RPG 3K VS Iizuka, Taichi, and Taka Michinoku >Tenzan and Henare VS Ishii and Yano > EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI, and Hiromu VS KES and Kanemaru & Desperado MAIN EVENT SPECIAL ELIMINATION MATCH >Tanahashi, JEWS, Finlay, Elgin, and KUSHIDA VS Okada, Goto, Jay HUWITE, YOSHI-HASHI, and Will Ospreay
(36.16 KB 719x719 ANGERY KNIFEMAN.jpg)

>>111519 I like this thread better tbh >no Ligerkino on the menu tonight
>>111519 >>111517 Sorry guess I spent too long writing the description for this thread. you guys can use whichever one you want. sorry
>>111521 Arggh I'll use this one, I guess.
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>>111524 Will he kill himself when he comes back?
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(975.99 KB 640x360 Shibata is a treasure.mp4)

>>111525 >comes back no he is too busy training the next generation of CTE
>>111526 Truly a miracle of the universe.
>>111527 some more shibbo memes while i wait for start
yo nipppas let's fucking GOOOOOO t minus a few minutes
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>make a thread >no one likes it FUCK YOU GUYS
>>111531 dude chill, trannyqleto or whatever the saying is nippa
>>111531 sorry bro next time you can do it, you mistook Wrestling Hi No Kuni for Wrestling Dontaku so you didn't have the main shows of the tour there too
>>111533 I just downloaded all the pics for the road to it and the main show you fucking cunts gfnbvrvrvrvrvrvrnhjjjnw35wetynmjnmjtsenmjj
fuck this gay thread
(200.57 KB 352x528 Yuya Uemura.png)

Yuya Michaels curtain-jerking tonight boys
>>111539 fuck that young boy and fuck you
>>111532 Taquito
Yuya is like a more jacked Yagi
>>111540 calm down
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>>111540 Tranquilizero, ya seethin nippa
>>111543 fuck you
>>111534 That isn't the main show lol it's a bshow before the main show which is in may
(391.37 KB 680x640 Yuya - Lose Any Match.png)

rip yuya
(21.21 KB 576x432 Fuck_you_leatherman.jpg)

yuya has the look and the ability to be the next SANADA
>>111546 Whatever still doesn't mean just ignore my thread.
>>111550 we don't need two sorry
>>111551 I was first faggot
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oh shoot its a oka vs his grandad match >>111549 yuya has earned his place among my bois and will be a future never 6 man tag team champion
>>111555 so why make this shitty thread?
>>111554 i miss kawato and kitamura
>>111557 >kitamura you cursed him faggot
>>111556 I was making it before you posted yours I just took longer to make mine because I wrote a blurb about everything and made sure shit was accurate. Didn't see yours till it was too late.
>>111559 bullshit you had a few hours to look.
>>111557 Quick update on Kawa, he still luchaing in mexi with the jap guy and this jap girl he is definitely banging. Still hasn't used a mask yet but is hitting tope and springboards with ease. Kita is probably in a resthome somewhere, idk.
>>111560 I made food while I was writing it
>>111562 >I made food while I was writing it why are you lying?
Fuck both of you faggots. I'm not posting in either thread.
>>111563 Why do you think I'm lying? >>111561 Wasn't a fan of that jap during fantasticamania, hopefully kawa can learn from some good people down there
>>111564 sorry didn't mean to cause a fuss
>>111566 fuck you
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(95.82 KB 1080x1080 Joji (Oct 4, 2017).jpg)

Keep watch for Shota Umino v Ren Narita I at the WK20 Main Evento
>>111570 WK 20 will be headlined by a retiring shibata who will proceed to retire kitamura on his way out
>>111571 heh, reminds me of one of my shitty dream bookings I do. This one is the fabled Tanahashi v Cena match where both men are at the end of their careers. Retirement match = 60-minute time limit draw = both retire book it gedo mcmahon
>>111572 shit that sounds good
(1.23 MB 1072x613 Taichi Defeated.png)

>taichi has a new mic Damn it almost doesn't look 100% fake now
Im gonna go to sleep now sorry for upsetting everyone hope the show is fun
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>>111578 based captain bone soldier japan coming back to save bullette club
>>111579 I wish
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>>111582 I think that's Mutoh with SANADA and BUSHI
>goto so ashamed of his never belt he hides it beneath his robes then gives it to the young bois as soon as he is in the ring while the rest of chaos are still holding their belts
>>111583 I know who it is but why is he in the hospital bed?
>>111585 Replacement knee surgery. Both knees. He's still going to try to wrestle too, just no more moon saults.
Explain to me, what's with YOSHIHASHI's power pole gimmick?
(11.04 MB 1280x720 Kahu Wero.webm)

if yosho hoshi gets a pole henare should get a pole too >>111587 he is a pervert
(5.69 MB 1280x720 Yoshi Hashi Pole.webm)

>>111587 forgot vid
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>>111586 >just no more moon saults
>>111589 That explains it.
ICONIC I'll make a webm of this glorious spot later.
I think I'll head to bed. I don't care enough about the matches. Been having dizzy spells as of late. Good night Rin-chan.
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>>111594 uh, gn i guess
>>111594 Night dude.
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(158.49 KB 612x609 Bones and Undertaker.jpg)

>its a david finaly wins all the prelims and loses again angle
>>111525 >start watching NJPW because his stiffing is hilariously brutal in that match >he retires after ;_;
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>Kitamura might be kill Please be just a rumor
>>111598 >Have fake wrasslin match >Actually hit each other as hard as fuck >Die
(34.05 KB 299x400 Kawato Raffs.jpg)

>this happened and I missed it HOLY SHIT
(6.51 MB 1920x1080 Bone Soldier Breaks Down.webm)

>>111615 i marked live he will save bullet club
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>>111615 >Yfw it's kitamura with a mask
>>111593 >Virginblade too cool to go along with nippon memes
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>mfw I just noticed Oka is balding
wtf i like shibata now
>GO ACE! >Elgin comes out
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>>111634 >not liking Shibata before
Anyone watching tonight?
>>111643 yea fuck you still
>>111636 cut me some slack
>>111646 how much
what tag matches are on the docket now?
Did I scare everyone off?
How many times does finlay have to lose to switch the hedgehog?
>>111654 I want Finlay to succeed.
Narita burying the new young lions
>>111656 Young lion with hair>bald young lion
>>111657 Yes, I've recently learned of these rankings.
Shota is my new fav young lion.
>>111659 Him and oka are probably going on excursion soon.
>>111660 I meant the one's for this gen, wasn't Oka from last gen?
>>111661 I don't know I was just saying that based on how they're doing. Also oka fucks up my whole hair theory.
>>111662 He's bald by choice. That can still clear the theory.
Oka did the liontamer!
Oka's evolving.
>>111665 He's gonna be bald nip Jericho!
Just let me hear taichi sing god fuckin dammit.
>>111668 Hey, Sho's got a future man.
When's Taichi getting his big push?
Take a shower first you sweaty fuck.
>That one gaijin cosplaying as Macho Man Randy Savage >>111671 Possibly never, due to infidelity.
>>111672 >be nip commentator >man I hope one of the wrestlers comes to guest commentate >sweaty ass Taichi sits next to you
This isn't a bad dub theme
(134.19 KB 436x436 Makabe.png)

>dubbed >doesn't even dub over very well
>Ishii getting a push somewhere else Gedo pls.
So are Henare and ishii gonna feud or what?
What the fug ishii?
>>111678 They've been going at it for a while but it's the first time ishii attacked him like this.
>>111680 >They've been going at it for a while but it's the first time ishii attacked him like this. Yeah, I noticed he usually just ignored him.
>Jay white fan too embarrassed to show her face
The fucking state of yoshi hashi's shirt.
>>111682 Nip fangirls are so cute goddammit
Evil is looking extra spooky.
Imagine if that young boy moved and suzuki hit that woman right in the head.
Are LIJ basically faces now?
>>111687 Against suzuki gun yes.
fuck sorry dudes I was super overtired today and slept right through the show
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>>111692 At least they didn't job to Sabre.
That woman looks like she died inside when los lost.
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Switchblade? More like SwitchBASED.
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Who's watching the tagmatch builds?
>>111721 oh goddammit forgot about the schedule again
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Switchblade cutting mean promos back in his HS days
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Missed the last couple because WM was so bad I didn't want to be reminded wrestling existed. I will be here tomorrow.
Who's gonna be here?
>>112617 I'll be here
>>112617 I'll be here for most of it, getting hype for the Jr Tag match, gonna see how our main boy despy is gonna get them out of this.
Also, Rocky is wrestling tonight. This is not a drill lads, get your terrible rap out for this one.
>>112604 the show is tonight brother it's on in 30 min
Site's fucked, hope the thread stays okay.
>>112623 think it's stabilized now
We are live boys.
>>112624 >think it's stabilized now I'm not so sure.
>>112625 little more time before first bell though
I feel like there's gonna be a title change on one of these kouraken shows, my guess is one of the tag belts. What do you guys think?
Here we go guys.
I hate this fucking site.
time limit draw
this site still sucks wtf
>>112628 I'd say that the Jr Tag belts or the NEVER 6 mans could change hands, actually, is the NEVER 6 mans booked for a kouraken show?
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>3 legends >3 young lions GEE I WONDER WHO'S WINNING?
Always fun to watch Nagata and Nakanishi beat up some young boys, and always fun to watch Tenzan try to walk.
Did Gedo forget that Taichi is a heavyweight?
I hate this fucking site.
>Taguchi mocking Gedo fucking based
Is the site fixed yet?
>Main event starting >Site is still shitting itself. Good luck Kanemaru and Despy
THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS Good work boys, keep the belts where they belong
>Davey Boy dresses like a fuckboi
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>>112645 I've read someone describe him to be NJPW's version of The Miz, as in he's the only guy to consistently get people to boo him.
>>112646 He managed to get his hometown crowd chanting "Taichi Go Home". I think that sums up how good a heel he is.
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Is the show worth watching?
>>112650 the young lion match and main event are for sure. Also sorry my computer wasn't letting me post here last night. Tonight is a MUST SEE event though with White vs Finlay so I'm here for that
>>112834 I think he meant "oh I see"
>>112835 damn I'm retarded
>>112836 No you're not, it took a second for me too.
hey nippas, will tune in for swicthbased's match i guess. my setup is limited rn
>>112838 buy a computer then
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I hope the site doesn't die like it did yesterday.
>>112842 me too brother
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Gee I wonder if finlay loses the main event.
>>112845 Ever since Taichi became a heavyweight, I've started to like him more.
>>112846 His first few matches as HW were great.
I'm kinda surprised Tenzan is still wrestling.
>>112850 I'm very surprised tenzan is still wrestling. Hell I'm surprised he can still walk properly with that ankle.
I wonder what Oka's character will be.
>>112852 Ishii
>>112852 otaku autismist that stalks Okada's gf
>>112854 >>112853 Why not both?
I think the site BROKE again.
Fuck this fucking shitty ass site.
Taichi heel tactic. it better be working now
Ospreay with that russian milf coat.
Henare upset incoming.
Ishii vs Henrare boys!
This is pretty damn good, holy shit.
Welp henare lost but he showed that he can hang.
>>112866 It helps that he was in the same ring as Ishii.
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>cutting off Eviru playing towards the cam
just logged on as that mexican ginger was like TORRENT KEYLOS
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>Okada giving literally zero fucks about goto
>finlay has merch
>>112873 >finlay has fans
jay has the ideal male body type no homo bro
Made it in time for the main event, how good was the undercard? Gonna watch the Young Lions matches like usual, any standouts on the rest of the card?
>>112876 Henare vs rock dog was breddy good.
>>112876 Ishii/Henare was good
>>112877 Nice, I'll have to put on my Stone Pitbull shirt and watch it after the show finishes, quite like both of them. Did Henare live up to expectations or did Ishii carry him? I really hope it is the former and not the latter.
>>112879 Henrare did good, Ishii still carried him. But with the match went, it wasn't all bad.
That crab was fucking brutal.
Guys, is this building to serve as a justification for Finlay to go on excursion finally? I kinda hope it is for his sake
>>112882 I don't think finlay's going anywhere. He should go to a tattoo removal place
>>112883 Finlay is at that point where he might look decent if he got more tattoos, and he looked a shitload better with less tattoos. At the moment he is just fucking awkward to look at.
oh no not the reinforced japanese table
Maffew gonna have a field day
Sasuga jap table.
>>112889 It is kinda becoming his big match spot, innit?
Big match finlay carried this match.
Switchblade with another successful defense >inb4 henare comes out
>>112891 You're not far off, to be honest, both put on a great match. The two of them have good chemistry, and were able to make it believable that Jay White was trying to put Finlay in his place and Finlay was bitter at being passed over.
>>112892 You mean bone soldier?
I want to breed with the switchbased NOT MANY IF ANY >>112894 nope, i mean henare. still waiting for the nz feud to happen between theme >who is next? >this theme hits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwG7ACsFWtU
Jay white simulating what's like to have a stroke.
>>112896 in my headcanon of the switchblade character he is on cocaine also this is the quote he was referencing in his postmatch 'not many'
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>That Jay Huwhite post match promo
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Okada on suicide watch. Naito on winning thee title at dominion watch. Me on jerking off to hana watch.
>>113129 >Will most likely drop the belt to Tanahashi >Naito will reign supreme after dominion How will Okada ever recover from this ?
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Okay is the match tonight?
>>113148 Tonight is the NEVER title match, it starts at 2:30 PDT/5:30 EDT Or in about 4 and a half hours
>>113153 Noice, I saw the thread on /a/ came to check so I wouldn't miss it this time.
>>113155 there's a thread on /a/?
>>113156 The WM34 thread is still up with people still complaining about what a shit show it was. Nepfag seems to have decided that Kana is honorary 2d so if it is kept under control and not spammed all the time NJPW threads will be tolerated.
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>Never title isn't the main event
ooga booga wer da puro at
>>113158 Goto just isn't a big enough star to be a main event champion.
aight here we go boyos
>>113160 His match with suzuki was actually my favorite in WK 12. But yeah the main event has tana and okada.
>>113162 Goto could've been a star if he actually won a lot more.
Nice plate of stewed beef, fresh baked bread, coffee, and a can of tobacco. My body is ready.
Liger's twitter is always really comfy. It is just some ojii talking about food he ate, people he hasn't seen in years that he had coffee with, and getting stains out of his costume.
>Forget we have the NEVER title tonight >Doesn't fucking matter because I made it home in time ITS FUCKING ON LADS We got English commentary too tonight?
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>>113167 >We got English commentary too tonight?
(56.26 KB 1104x872 Ancestory.png)

>>113168 >>113169 M8, I watch with nip commentary but if I'm doing other shit I kinda like the English as background. Cut me a BREAK, its been over ten years since I was an exchange student in southern japan and northern accents are still a hassle for me to understand when not concentrating a long day of work.
Too conscious of the audience, but not in a good way. Keep stealing glances to gauge reactions. If you are going to be aware of the audience it should be to work it. But they are young lions so I can forgive.
>>113170 >southern japan I assume you mean western Japan and kanto accents are dejour, not kansai.
That was fast.
Decent match but nowhere near as good as those kouraken ones from last week.
>>113172 Specifically Hyogo preficture, so considered southern as it isn't a far western part of Honshu but it has a very different accent to the Kanto inflection I'll stop shitting up the thread though, the young boys are doing well, although as >>113171 noted there was too much glancing.
>Liger music hits Oh yeah.
60 years old and still works like he does. Glad he gets a pop like that.
Tiger is sell well but it is the moments between that he slows down that is really telling of the wear and tear.
>>113180 Both Nagata and Liger are fucking great.
Liger's age is really showing. Even that Irish whip lacked emphasis.
Taguchi sold that well, understandable as it likely hurt like a SOB
Does anyone know where Shota is going on excersion?
when is oka gonna finally go on excursion? It feels like he's been stuck in the dojo forever
>>113185 Probably mexico.
>>113187 Probably yeah, Mexico or UK. >inb4 "WHAT IS LOLI DOING IN THE IMPACT ZONE!?!?"
>>113187 Makes sense. Not much he could learn in RoH. Are they working with RevPro for excursion now? I am like two years out of regular watching. Pretty good match. Gave the old talent a chance to perform, the young talent a chance to get experience. Not to long, not too short, and well rounded. Solid openning match.
w Will we get sweaty Taichi at the booth again?
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>It's a roppongi 3 gays episode
>Miho will never slap your dick
rocky looks like such a weirdo without his beard
>>113194 He looks like the main villain druglord in a buddy cop movie.
>>113195 More like the evil underling.
Rocky is such a shit, he is draggin Sho and Yoh down. They are young and have a lot of talent and they are stuck with a shit gimmick and a shitty partner.
Good win for rpg 3k. No idea what they're doing with them now though
>Taichi beating people up in the background while roppongi celebrates
Taichi is really starting to grow on me.
Finlay needs to get some color and work on his conditioning. He is going to end up looking like Chris Hero if he doesn't take care of himself.
I still cant get over yoshi's shirt.
>Switchblade not coming out with the rest of chaos Nice.
>>113202 Damn I was working on something and wasn't paying attention to the entrances. >Coldswitch the edgesteel Honestly he pulls it off much better than Corbin.
>>113204 Toru Yano the best but that shit Makabe just pulled? Top Tier.
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That whole match was pretty lackluster. No one really stood out. Henare and Ishii near the begining was probably the high point.
>>113208 they need another singles match tbh.
>People thought naito wouldn't be over after losing to okada
>>113209 Would be nice. I haven't seen that mask on Bushi before. Also is Takahashi going to be LIJ's +1 from now on? God damned Naito is over like a motherfucker.
Oh shit a new bushi.
Those look like Okada's eyes.
Yeah, that is Okada I am pretty sure.
>No Kaze ni Nare Okay fuck that shit. Who ever is responsible needs to be dealt with.
Isn't DBSjr. wanted in Nola right now?
>>113215 They replaced it a while ago. Made it stable wide. Suzuki still has his theme though.
>>113216 He just poured water on Jake right?
>>113217 That is the dumbest shit ever. Seriously fuck them all to death.
>>113219 I thought I saw something in my feed yesterday about Jake pressing charges.
>>113220 Kaze Ni Nare still exists and is used by Suzuki but I feel ya.
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>>113222 wtf? also nice trips
>>113225 Also I am pretty sure Jake is back on the drugs. I saw some video the other day ago and he looked messed the HECK up.
Jesus he is doing that lock in just the right way to make it actually hurt.
I'm starting to like Lance Archer more and more.
WEW >>113228 He is a great heel. I mean who makes children cry nowadays? That is some classic heel stuff and he does it well.
That suzuki leg sub looks like it hurts like hell.
>>113231 Takahashi was the start, now they are letting niggers in and LIJ is over. It is going to become as diluted and gay as nu-club.
>>113197 Not sure you are getting why they are partnered with Rocky m8. That being said, I'm sure you will get your wish soon when Sho joins Taguchi's boys and Yoh Joines SUWITCHUBLADE'S new faction.
>>113231 >>113232 Relax, they are just doing the "home town sports star joins the most over stable" schtick. Its been done to death, its cheap pops, it will be forgotten when they head back to Tokyo.
Oka is dying backstage as we speak.
HE IS COMING BOYS. inb4 he comes back as Captain New Japan just to fuck with us
I still love how Juice has gone from being kinda weird eco warrior failed gimmick in WWE to the man who is just about single handedly proving that you can be a white meat babyface in the current era with the current crowds. Seriously, its really fucking healthy for the industry.
When was Goto's last defense?
>>113239 vs Beer City Bruiser iirc.
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>>113241 >Beer City Bruiser Oh I forgot how he dragged a good match out of him.
>>113238 Juice story of how he went from jobber in nxt to being over as a face in new japan is pretty cool.
>>113242 Its sad, but Bruiser was one of the highlights of those shows. The fat fuck put in 3 good matches over 2 days, one of them just being him helping cover for Trent's injury.
>>113243 What makes it better is that even IWC smarks weren't hot on Juice, I remember all of the dirt sheets and podcasts and shit talking down Juice signing with NJPW, saying that he didn't fit the brand or style, that he wouldn't be able to adapt, and best of all that he lacked charisma. Now he is balls deep in yellow pussy and beloved by NJPW in and out of Japan.
>>113245 i wish I was in Juice's position. Especially with the balls deep in yellow pussy part.
>>113246 I have it on good authority from lads that have been there (literally in Juice's position, pro wrestler in Japan balls deep in yellow pussy) that it isn't worth it. They'll lick your eyeball m8 and then it will just get uncomfortable and awkward
>>113247 >not wanting your eyeball licked
>>113248 Its all fun and games before you see the tongue has a piercing.
(708.49 KB 200x176 camacho.gif)

>Not being balls deep in gaijin pussy
>>113249 >dating slags I found the problem. >>113250 You know tha's Loa right?
>>113251 M8, it wasn't me who did this, and afaik the tongue in the story wasn't pierced, it was simply a one liner. But remember, if you are banging a ring rat, you are banging a slag.
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>>113251 No that's Camacho
Juice's lariats always look on point.
>That spinning wheel from Goto into the turnbuckle Fucking neat from both of them.
I never noticed, but Goto has unusually hair forearms for a nip.
>>113252 still wanna go balls deep though.
>>113256 Yano has hairy legs
That last exchange was perfect.
That brainbustah could be jews's finisher
well i missed the show but at least i got here to see ALTRIGHT BAYBAY
W-w-with Juice you win?
>that kid in the audience screaming in worry for Juice
I do really like how NJPW actually sells a sleeper as a legitimate hold. >>113262 Juice has so many moves that could legit be his finisher, off the top of my head there is the brainbuster, the running lariat, the impaler, the DDT.
I like how NJPW actually makes title matches feel important
Just great, what a great match.
that one dude on commentary is marking hard for jews
Rip once again jews That was fucking great
this was the best match I've seen in a while. fucking great.
Amazing match, great reaction from the crowd,just really fun.
Great match, my thoughts were right on the result (Juice looking strong but Goto giving some length to the title reign) but really happy to see that both guys left looking tough as fuck, I feel that is the niche that the NEVER title works best in.
Now I am wondering how they are going to top this tomorrow.
Reigns vs Lesnar IN A STEEL CAGE will be better than this achoo achoo
>tfw you will never get to beat women and be a title contender OH SHIT TAICHI GETTING IN ON IT
>implying goto would lose to a filthy gaijin goto will only drop it to another nipp like taichi clean
>Taichi is taller than Mike
Heavyweight taichi is getting his first big win.
wait that wasnt the end of the show??
>>113287 No we still have a tag match and the main event yoshi hashi vs kanemaru.
>>113287 Yeah, they the aces deserve to main event for some reason.
>>113287 Nope, got a SPECIAL tag match to go. Ospreay & Okada vs GO ACE and TIME SPLITTER.
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>>113288 >yoshi hashi vs kanemaru I thought this was a minor show that didn't mean shit.
>>113291 Fuck you, his theme is awesome.
>>113293 It is just a minor lead in show to tomorrows main event show.
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>>113294 >He enjoys buttrock
Still waiting for them to fuck up and play vid related instead. Best version of the theme tbh
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>>113296 You know I'm right.
I like all 4 guys in this match, and nothing bad has been done, but I am feeling cold to this. Maybe I'll warm up to it, but it isn't following on from JUICE vs Goto well.
>>113299 They really should've swapped the two matches.
>>113300 Okada's getting a little soft
>>113301 You think Tana might be looked more fondly upon?
That finish though.
>>113304 Well he has his Project Strength promotion so he needs to be /fit/. Okada sells children's card games and hamburgers.
That's right, back in for the air guitar
>>113308 Okada shills Buddy Fight a card game and Macdonalds. Tana shills home exercise equipment.
>guitair welp im out
>>113309 >Macdonalds In'n out
>Elias knock-off
One day oka is gonna turn heel by smashing that guitah on tana.
>We are at the point in Tana's career path where the celebrations last as long as the matches >Soon they will last longer Dark times ahead lads, I love Tana but its always a worrying point to see in a guy's career.
>Not hugging that chick in the LIJ shirt BTFO
>>113315 >500 hour celebration
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NJPW 5 day Dojo Camp in LA on May 7th. Who here applied? Too bad I'm not in burgerland and am not in EXCELLENT physical condition. https://www.njpw1972.com/njpwdojo/
>>113357 >tfw you live in a day and age where you can go to LA and pay to get stiffed by Shibata The future's so bright I need glasses
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>>113317 >implying this is bad
>>113315 This year is probably his swan song year. If he beats Okada for the title at Dominion, Okada likely wins the G1 and WK13 has Tana vs Okada one last time at the Tokyo Dome. At WK10 after the loss Tanahashi just left queitly which was odd so maybe at WK13, Tana might finally acknowledge Okada as the new ace.
show starts in 45 minutes for those watching. Hopefully I can stay awake for this one lol
>>113879 Waiting warmly
>>113882 lmao show is tomorrow not tonight fuck me
WOAH OOH OOH OOH OOOOOH >>113893 >Chase Owens finally gets his own BC shirt design >It's actually one of the better looking shirts really makes you think
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>>113908 >Chase Owens takes over Bullet Club >Not Tama >Or Fale >But Chase This fuckin' timeline man
(6.00 MB 1280x720 Suzuki Gun Entrance VTR..webm)

I missed this live literally who?
>>113918 Cedric Alexander
Who is READY for the show tonight?
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>>113921 I'm ready to goto bed
>>113921 Stream link ?
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>>113923 njpwworld.com
>>113921 wew good thing I remembered tonight
>this sad ass opening >HONMA is on video I miss him
Is tonight the night asspray dies in the ring?
>>113928 he's just in a tag match so he'll chill out
>>113929 Is there a way someone can drag him into the ring and murder him?
>>113931 I really don't like buttrock and lanklets
>>113932 what does ospreay have to do with buttrock? His theme is pretty clearly pop rock
>>113921 wtf is this start time i missed half of the old lions match
>>113934 it's on at a time where I won't pass out halfway through
>>113933 Whatever grandpa. It's all the same shit.
(4.34 MB 740x403 Machine Gun Shrugs.gif)

>>113935 >gedo wants the american audience
Feel kinda bad for finlay, now that his feud with jay is done I don't know what else they're gonna do with him.
>>113939 Display him as his body slowly decays into a Chris Hero levels of dadbod. >>113940 Roppongi 3 gay
(119.92 KB 500x500 Jay White Knife Pervert.png)

<jay and the teriyaki boys tagging neat, still waiting for them to become a substable like the elite
>>113942 that's about as likely as Bo wyatt
>>113942 >>113943 lmao I got owned instantly

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>>113943 y-you'll see!
lmao Liger wins
>>113945 They were acting real buddy buddy honestly. I could see it happening
Did the volume just jump like way the HECK up for you all?
>>113950 That's because they dub makabe's theme in
Scary as fug
>>113948 It will happen when jay hwaito challenges okader and beats him for the IWGP HebbyQ
Alright boys. Get ready for the chACE OF NEW JAPAN
>>113957 i bet omega will come out in his new shirt like the mark he is
ZACK is BACK baby
>suzuki gun jumping the camera man Good shit brother hh
>iizuka takashi >taka michinoku >Yujiro Takahashi all these fucking takas jesus christ
>kicks kennys arm Kota Ibotchi at it again I see
>4 way cross slash Nice also kenny looks weird fully blonde again
>ibushi oversells the axe bomber so hard he hurts taichi on the way down
>chase owens out wrestles ZSJ THE TRUE ACE
Kenny is looking very DDT.
(15.46 MB 1212x720 Birth of Bone Soldier.webm)

bone solderu
>>113972 it's gonna be CM punk or some other shit under the mask
>Referred to as "A man of talent" >not "The ace" tanner btfo
(97.82 KB 213x320 Flip Gordon NJPW Profile.png)

>>113973 >some other shit under the mask
>>113975 god i had enough of flip after mania weekend. He was the "surprise entrant" like 5 fucking times. Seriously fuck that guy
>>113975 >Literally a soldier
>>113977 god it's going to be him fuck
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That was some cool shit ospreay
What's taichi doing out here?
Trying to bully goto.
>fatkada is to thicc to lift ZA AISU
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>Having these singles matches after the title match
>>113990 They already had the juniour tag titles match.
What did I miss, just managed to get home.
Mask vs Mask when? Also I'm scared for my boi despy in this match, he might be jobbin tonight.
>>113993 Despy wins this one and hiromu wins the other.
Wheres teddy to turn this into a tag match?
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no freaking way kanemaru wins right?
>>113998 Most successful junior heavyweight in NOAH, he stands a chance.
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SUZUKI GUN SET TO LOSE EM ALL BOYS except the main event
wtf did the show start already?
>Lance Archer is an onibro /ourheel/
cool mask lance
>>114002 yeah it started like 2 hours ago
>>114005 >yeah it started like 2 hours ago what the fuck did I miss?
Holy shit that is Yamazaki from Gaki that Lance spit in the face of and stole his drink.
I'm still waiting for the day when a kid spits water in archer's face.
>>114006 Nagata beat up some young lions, finlay pinned rocky, Ishii killed henare, ZSJ tapped out chace owens, Okada ran up and attacked tanahashi after the tag match, Bushi desperado went to a DQ due to interference by kanemaru and that immediately transitioned into hiromu kanemaru which hiromu won.
I'm starting to enjoy lance more, maybe it's because I can't see his nasty ass tramp stamp when he wears a shirt
>>114010 Thanks, goddammit I'm stupid. I'm gonna post the time shit for Dontaku myself, so this doesn't happen again. 3:00 AM CST
>>114012 >cst What a faggot
>>114013 Have fun on either of the jew coasts, faggot.
rip sandals
>>114014 Im-fucking-plying I am not glorious mountain master race.
>>114014 >>114012 >>114013 >>114016 *chuckles* well actually we're in CDT not CST>1
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>>114012 there's a fucking graphic in the second post with all the times for may ya dip
>>114017 Have you even read loki?
>>114019 Yes, but I never read it. And I'm afraid I'll mix my time up because I'm really dumb.
>Sanada is still kill
I'm gonna be honest I thought this show's name was Wresling Ni No Kuni
>kicks out of the MK Gallows and Anderson BTFO
>>114023 I've been calling it that in my head the whole time.
>>114024 They've been kicking out of that move a lot lately.
>>114023 I thought the exact same thing
>ebiru ._.
new challengers? or no?
I love this edgy ass tag team.
Next it's either the young bucks or the golden lovers.
>>114032 Maybe a three way even
wow they're really trying to get this theme over
Nice they are playing it tonight.
>>114036 I'm pretty sure if it's Suzuki-gun coming out, they play it new song for the entire stable.
>>114036 They cant stop doing the most kino entrance in wrestling.
Come on Minoru, you own this belt and Naito needs to move on to bigger things after Okada vs Tana
oh no here we go naito with the long ass undress
>>114039 I honestly don't know which way this one is gonna go.
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gee I wonder if Naito is over or not…
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>Suzu tranquilo roll
Man it feels good to watch great wrestling again
suzu gonna kill naito for that
That suzu leg submission makes me cringe everytime.
nacho getting a little stardust genius vibes and playing to the crowd
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slapped the blood out his nose
Naito wins lol
Suzuki with that power anime focuse nose bleed
WAT THE FUGG I thought for sure suzu was kicking out
Is he going to respect the title this time? What does this mean for Suzuki, does he move into a different belt scene or what?
>>114055 Suzuki only likes 1 finishers but even i thought he was kicking out?
suzuki fuckign dies
I need to rewatch that later
>Inb4 bone soldier jericho
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>still disrespecting the belt
>>114061 At least he's not throwing it around, that's an improvement.
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a challenger appears
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>>114063 >that filename >that pic >fucking Makabe with shit on his head
>>114063 I was surprised to find out that Jimmy Wang Yang is retired even though he is younger than his peers like Cena and The Miz. >Comments keep saying how depressed he looks and that he still wants to wrestle D-darn.
(118.37 KB 1151x981 jimmy wang yang sad.jpg)

>a bunch of liberal faggot, steroid dipshits sucking each other's cocks WOW
Is a show on tonight or is it a house show?
>>114148 House show. Next show is the may 3rd dontaku show. May make a seperate thread for it since the post count is reaching its limit
(1.60 MB 854x480 Three Sweet.webm)

>>114151 Ah, thought so. They should say thats its a house show on the schedule page but oh well. A new bread would be neat.
>>114088 >>a bunch of liberal faggot, steroid dipshits sucking each other's cocks huh?
>>114154 Look at jay's face, he looks so fucking happy.
>>114161 The Elite 2.0 (ft The Rock Romero)
Absolute Mad Jap
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Kawato 3K
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>>114385 WHAT DA FUGG COWITOH IT WAS THAT FUCKIGN GIRLS IDEA WASNT IT IF YOU TURN UP IN THE BIG LEAGUES WITH THAT YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM /MYBOIS/ i understand the pain of being a parent and seeing your sweet innocent child go to college and return with colored sjw hair ;_ ;
>>114385 >Still is crosseyed
>>114383 So Kenny is officially out of Bullet Club, right ?
>>114399 Nope. In fact now that his sons know that cody is manipulating him cody is closer to being kicked out.
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damn I thought the show was today but It is tomorrow fml
switchy is the most woke man alive
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>>114057 He's old. He's got a lot of tough willpower, but big moves take him out IF you are able to hit them. The thing about the matches that Suzuki wins, he just never gets hit by big moves, and the match structure is usually based around his offense rather than his opponents. With age, he has become a bit of a glass cannon.
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>Kitamura nowhere to be found Guess he really is kill huh
New thread to preempt bump limit >>114662
>>114663 Show starts in TWO HOURS and again new thread here >>114662

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