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King of Shitposting

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VINNY MAC BTFO Boliever 05/14/2018 (Mon) 02:40:42 Id: 10ff69 No. 116173
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magnus btfo
What's even the card?
>Reading through peoples reactions on the internet >But muh scalpers >But it doesnt matter if they sell out one time try selling out two times >But muh punk People are desperately trying to spin this as bad. Why do people want wwe to be a monopoly so much?
Any of you fucks manage to get tickets too? I'll report on the show live for you guys since it ain't being streamed
>>116182 People just don't like being wrong, especially wrestling fans.
>>116176 >>116176 They didn't need one apparently. Good for them honestly. Any show with omega and okada on it has to at least be decent.
>>116188 They'll probably just toss them in a tag match. Other guys like Pentagon Jr and Rey Mysterio are also showing up. A match between those two would be good. Main event seems to be the NWA Championship match Cody vs Aldis. If that is the case, I wouldn't be surprised if Cody wins. People might even bitch about how he put himself over in his own show or whatever but actually it's Corgan and the NWA booking that match. Aldis has been a fine champ and as much I am not a fan of Cody, I see the sense in making him the next NWA Champion. It's something people have brought up too, plus they'll definitely be playing on the fact that Dusty held that title and build the story from that. Well they have 4 months to build this up, already sold out so they don't have to worry about doing anything too out of the box.
>>116182 Combination of WWE marks and people who just hate Young Bucks/Omega
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>>116175 holy fucking DIMES
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>see this thread >shit post first >check the internet >its actually fucking happening NWA unbolievers on suicide watch
>>116189 We're probably getting an omega single's Match for the IWGP belt. he's winning at dominion It won't be against okada though
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I was figuring an ROH guy would win the NWA title before All In, but I could see them bringing in a former WWE guy as champ for the show as well.
>>116217 good to see marty's dad is so supportive
>>116210 >this mark thinks Omega is winning at Dominion If he takes it from Okada then how can Naito take it from Okada?
>>116225 Naito okada is gonna be the IC feud at WK with omega ibushi being the world titlw feud
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>>116210 I thought that would happen last year but it didn't. Also, Okada is undefeated in Dominion since 2013, if that counts for anything. >>116264 Even if that happens, Okada will cuck them both out of the main event spot because Wrestle Kingdom main event is always AceWinsLol.
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Why be All In when you can be All Inclusive?
>>116414 damn nia is so fat that ring BROKE
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>>116185 inb4 IRL /wooo/ meetup
>>116410 >Not even the most popular guy in the company >Ace Fuck off Gedo
>>116438 >Not even the most popular guy in the company 4 WK main events in a row bud. The Roman/Okada connection goes deeper than previously thought
>>116410 >AceWinsLol <durr, I don't understand New Japan's booking or why their championships actually matter
>>116441 is this like how people are absolutely worked over the fact that AJ and Bork still have a title?
>>116443 AJ defends that belt regularly, Bork does fuck-all and defends it once in a blue moon Maybe "End of gays" Styles title run hasn't been so great (I blame the 5 YEARS crew for this), but at least he defends it on a regular basis, Bork on the other hand does jack of shit most of the year and when he bothers to work a match he does not give a fuck, only suplex, suplex and F5, the only time he seemed to give a fuck was with AJ at Survivor Series last year
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b-but brock is a big draw
>>116447 draws more than roman
>>116441 I was referring to a WK8 scenario where the IC title main events and Okada wins it like how Tanahashi won it, no need to get so worked brother.
i was thinking, there is chance aldis might not even face cody. 1. Aldis might lose before (doubtful) 2. The crusade gimmick is that you have been or beat a former NWA champ. I dont really know shit about cody's career. Thanks to Jarrett that belt has been passed around more than a Vietmanese hooker. Maybe R-Truth will show up at all in wtf.
>>116816 I thought the crusade is over. PJ Black seems to be the next contender and I don't know if he fits the bill either.
>>116817 lmao nvr this vid just came out a few minutes after my post https://youtu.be/0vvctxWafAM
>>116425 lmao I'd legit do it too if you fags were there. But it looks like it's just me
>>116439 Okada is at least liked. And no he's not the most popular, he's not even number 2 most popular. That's Tanahashi.
>>116855 Okada may not be the most popular but he is far and away the best worker in the company. Keeping the belt on him may not be what fans want but it does put the best matches in the main event so I understand why they're doing it.
>>116869 >t. Gedo
>>116175 They're basically advertising "hey nerds, wanna see the match where Cody becomes NWA champ?"
>>116869 I never said he wasn't.
>>116173 Please God, stream this. I WILL PAY
Good for them. Always happy to see the boys get a paycheck outside of Vince, brother.
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>young cucks and cody the fag enabler outselling the WWE Jeez, that's gotta hurt.
>>116414 >during a talk against "body shaming" >Nia Jax is there Gee i wonder why… :^)

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