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King of Shitposting

Hulk Hogan reinstated into WWE HOF Boliever 07/15/2018 (Sun) 21:05:31 Id: 21fb5e No. 121743
WWE just announced after a three-year suspension, Hulk Hogan has been reinstated into the WWE Hall of Fame. Below is WWE's full announcement: "After a three-year suspension, Hulk Hogan has been reinstated into the WWE Hall of Fame. This second chance follows Hogan's numerous public apologies and volunteering to work with young people, where he is helping them learn from his mistake. These efforts led to a recent induction into the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Alumni Hall of Fame." It's been well documented WWE has been keeping a close eye on the reactions to Hulk Hogan's recent appearances at events like the Boys & Girls Club HOF and the Andre the GiantDocumentary Premiere to see how he's been received. Hogan hasn't appeared for WWE since being fired by the company in 2015 shortly before a tape containing him making racist remarks was made public. Hogan, who was upset with his daughter Brooke dating a black man, used the n-word several times in the tape and said, "I guess we're all a little racist." Last month in an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Hogan said talks with joining up with WWE were moving along. "Things are moving in that direction quite quickly," Hogan said. "It's all about execution and timing and the right place and the right time, but things are good." http://wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2018/0715/642771/wwe-announces-hulk-hogan-is-reinstated-into-wwe-hall-of-fame/ >Hogan returns when?
Fucking niggers brother
Fuck all this hypocritical shit. Everybody is prejudiced against some kind of people, may it be fat people, blond people, redhair people, senior people, young people, tall people, small people…… There will always be people prejudiced against you, whoever you are, and admit that you too are prejudiced against some kinds of people. Being prejudiced against black-skined people is just same as being prejudiced against any kind of people, not worse. And really, if he was "black" and had a son who was dating a white blond girl, and he had said that he didn't like his son to date a "white", would the reaction have been the same ? Come on.
>>121747 You know what's as hypocritical if not more?! Sunny is still in the HoF for doing a porno for drugs and shit, yet they didn't add Chyna. Fuck them.
Are we supposed to think what he said isn't true just because he said nigger?
i wouldnt want my child down-breeding hulk dindo nuffin
>The hall of fame isn't about what you did for the business but how good of a PR asset you are. So it's not a hall of fame, it's a marketing gimmick.
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>>121743 Honor him you cunts
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They should let him call anyone he wants nigger and I'd like to see Hogan put new day in chains and whip the shit out of them with a strap. Hogan deserves this and much more brother.
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>>122597 >Plantation owner gimmick Now that'd put butts in seats
>>122597 YAPAPI, JACK!
>>122470 >So it's not a hall of fame, it's a marketing gimmick. You are right, that's absolutely pathetic, if you get in the hall of fame you should stay in it, not going in, then removed, then back again based of what you do or say in your fucking PRIVATE LIFE. WWE and all its PC PR it's a fucking joke, and remember that they released Big Cass for being a Trump supporter while Sasha "horsefaced" Banks and Sharia Zayn who support shit like antifa and BLM are still there. Fuck WWE and fuck Stephanie especially https://hooktube.com/watch?v=mjUzGBStzpQ
>>122470 >So it's not a hall of fame, it's a marketing gimmick. That's why they brought it back and what it was the whole time. They only put it on because they make money off it.
>>122600 >released Big Cass for being a Trump supporter Nigga what the fuck are you saying, are you forgetting that a Mcmahon is in Trump's cabinent and Vince and him are friends. They fired him for disobeying Vince by beating the midget and being a nuisance to the company.
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>>122771 I suspect that the fact that he had serious heat backstage from the assmad shitlib wrestlers probably played into it as well. Lots of uppity niggers, faggots, and wymyn floating around the WWE talent pool these days.
>>122773 >I suspect that the fact that he had serious heat backstage No doubt about it. THE BUSINESS has always been cutthroat, and anyone and everyone is looking for more TV time. If being a Trump supporter caused him any backstage heat, then he really shouldn't have acted like a retard to give the people out to bury him more ammo.
>>122773 >the fact that he had serious heat backstage from the assmad shitlib wrestlers probably played into it as well. Lots of uppity niggers, faggots, and wymyn floating around the WWE talent pool these days THIS

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