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WWE Stock Boliever 07/17/2018 (Tue) 21:21:25 Id: 909727 No. 122350
I just bought WWE stock for the first time. Figured it was as good a time as any. Seems like there is a resurgence in its popularity, maybe not as high of morale as it was in the late 90s but it feels hot right now. Plus it is a monopoly, they have the network, deal with Fox for years to come, branching out to other countries. What do you guys think?
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>>122351 Yeah I bought into it. They're having an earnings report in a few days so I'm excited to see how that goes. I'm not a rich guy or anything by US standards, just someone with a bit of spare cash at the moment.
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>>122350 >Seems like there is a resurgence in its popularity
>>122350 >Seems like there is a resurgence in its popularity
>>122355 >>122356 I mean, you guys are on here talking about every TV show and PPV. I just went to a live RAW and it was pretty good.
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>>122357 >I just went to a live RAW and it was pretty good. You're also ignoring the record low ratings and all that.
>>122359 They're making money. They're the only biz showing wrestling. They just signed major deals with TV networks. People are still watching it even if they're getting away from TV. The people who are still watching network TV will watch wrestling.
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>>122360 >The people who are still watching network TV will watch wrestling.
Why are you guys negative
>>122363 Why are you such a normalfag rube
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The time to buy would have been before they made a major network deal. You don't buy high and sell low, you buy low and sell high.
>>122367 I'm doing that, it's going to go higher. Watch.
>>122368 >implying normalfags care about anything in modern WWE Name me guys that aren't part timers the normalfags can get into. Hell name me some good storylines normalfags attached themselves to in the past 3 years.
>>122369 Strowman, Alexis, Elias
>>122371 *Alexa Bliss mybad
guys they also have that sandnigger connection, that's just going to be a straight up money hose from those camel fuckers
>>122371 They don't draw shit, the ratings and half empty crowds show that.
>>122375 Stadium was full when I went
>>122375 You're thinking of TNA
>>122376 You live in a shit town I bet. >>122432 Ah yes, my mistake.
You should have bought it before they signed the deal with Fox and reached their higesht ever value, it likely won't go any much higher now
>WWE stocks are at $80+ at its highest ever >Was around $35 over 3 months ago OP you are a dumbass late in the game. Might rise a bit more but not the huge increase as before.
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>>122359 this 100% has to do with more and more people switching to the WWE Network, opting out of the dreaded third hour of Raw and watching highlights on Youtube the next day. TV is dying, it's a dying medium and it has been dying for years now, the only people who still actively watch shit on it are a few 35-40+ year olds and boomers, I personally haven't watched TV in over 2 or 3 years and even back then I was watching for maybe 30 minutes daily, none of my friends or coworkers watch much TV either (at least the young people) >>122367 Also I want to touch on something because of this dumb low attendance number meme NJPWfags keep trying to meme. Have any of you ever seen 80's wrestling? Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant days, more specifically. The arenas were typically pretty empty and there were huge sections where no fans were sitting on, sans the really big events like Wrestlemania for example. Would any of you say 80's North American rassling was going down the drain and not drawing in a crowd? Probably not, and nowadays where they're making more money than ever before, you people keep joking that Vince is going to go out of business because of Japan? How's that make any sense? I don't want this to sound like I hate you NJPW guys, I'm perfectly happy with you guys enjoying your own thing, I seriously hope your companies do well and bring in more competition to wrestling and I'm not by any means a WWE fanboy I prefer Lucha Underground myself and besides Bo and Axel there's nothing much going on that peaks my interest in WWE, but can't you guys enjoy your own thing without making this a dumb competition, or some weird clique rivalry? What's the point, you're just going to make non-japanese wrestling fans hate your guts due to how obnoxious and hipster you sound and make yourselves look like childish bullies, and that's saying a lot considering our hobby's essentially a little kid's hobby.
>>122852 >I don't want this to sound like I hate you NJPW guys People are leaving shows early, and Dunn has been caught endless times making shows look packed. Then you have commentators doing things like saying the crowd is lively when they're bored or not even in seats. Dunn even adds fake "This is awesome" chants and pops when the crowd doesn't do shit.
>Someone buys stock and blindly assumes the best. I wonder if there's a trading equivalent to "The error is between the chair and keyboard."
Wish I had kept my stock I bought when it was around 20 a few months ago. Still made money but could have made more or just collect the divs
>>122899 I mean I read charts and shit too, you dumb nigger. What have you done with investing lately in anything other than saving .png files over .jpg like a dumb bitch >>123081 yeah my dude, no regrets. I sold amazon then watched it go like stupid high. Oh well. You only make money when you sell. Wish these niggers in here understood what I'm doing.
>>122899 This. Even from just playing GTA V, I know you buy into a large company when it's at its worst in anticipation for when it starts to get back on its feet. So for example, anyone that bought into General Motors in 2009 or Lego in 2004. What OP did was buy when the going was already fairly good, meaning he can either expect a slight return if things continue to improve or a total loss in the event things go downhill, which isn't exactly unprecedented given recent news with regards to WWE.
>>123238 No need to be so salty because people are pointing out your obvious mistake in buying stock when it's high.
>>123238 >Sold Amazon <Bought shitty WWE How much of a dumb fuck Redditor are you?! Even a homeless man with schizophrenia and a mudslime rapefugee would call you a retard. >Wish these niggers in here understood what I'm doing. <Trying to fit in by using racial slurs You redditors need to learn how to blend in better, and handle the shit you get from others for being wastes of human life who make very terrible life decisions.
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>>123238 >maybe if I call them niggers I'll fit in Everyone point at the retarded normalfag and laugh. If you want to brag about your foolish stock purchase go do so on Faceberg. I'm sure there are plenty of WWE groups there that would be more than willing to gush like a geyser over your untimely and utterly moronic acquisition.
>>123242 Up $2,000 already
>>123406 >Defending dumb decisions redditors make This is sad.
>>123540 I'm not a REddit m8
up 2700
o shit niggers, time to get paid dividends!
>>127295 >still thinks everyone says nigger on every 8ch forum At least try to fit in, you reddit faggot,
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>>127410 nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>>127756 Where's the rest?
>>127410 eat shit fatjew nigger spic faggot $100 here we come!
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this thread hasn't aged well
>>130065 >Stocks were at $80 when OP made this thread <Was near $100 a month ago >Plummeted to the 60s in the past week and now still unsteady at $72 The Saudi controversy is probably playing its part

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