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King of Shitposting

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Smackdown Live - 7/17/18 Boliever 07/17/2018 (Tue) 21:36:11 Id: 5ee14d No. 122353
WCW Edition Shinsuke Nakamura defends the U.S. Title against Jeff Hardy >The WWE Universe was stunned by Shinsuke Nakamura’s United States Championship victory at WWE Extreme Rules, which saw him hit Jeff Hardy with a low blow before the bell, then bulldoze him with a Kinshasa for the three-count and the title. >Though he also suffered a post-match low blow from a returning Randy Orton, Hardy demanded his contractually obligated rematch for tonight on SmackDown LIVE. Paige has granted The Charismatic Enigma’s wish, but will he be recovered enough to dethrone The King of Strong Style? What’s next for AJ Styles? >AJ Styles fended off the challenge of Rusev at WWE Extreme Rules, retaining his WWE Championship when Aiden English’s meddling backfired on The Bulgarian Brute. >With Rusev in his rearview mirror and SummerSlam rapidly approaching, will anyone step up to challenge The Phenomenal One? How will Asuka react to her loss to Carmella? >Asuka may have thought she had Carmella all to herself with James Ellsworth suspended above the ring in a shark cage. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop Ellsworth from meddling in the bout, first by dropping foreign objects into the ring to the SmackDown Women’s Champion, then by escaping the cage and inadvertently distracting The Empress of Tomorrow, allowing Carmella to shove Asuka head-first into the cage and steal the victory. >Though Asuka got a measure of payback on Ellsworth by pummeling him as he dangled upside down from the cage, she did not leave Pittsburgh with the SmackDown Women’s Title. Will her hunt for the gold continue on SmackDown LIVE? Will Daniel Bryan bounce back from Team Hell No’s defeat? >After a vicious beating at the hands of The Bludgeon Brothers, Daniel Bryan had the unenviable task of facing Harper & Rowan by himself for most of their SmackDown Tag Team Title Match on Sunday. Though Kane came out to even the odds, he did so in a walking boot for a BROKEN ankle, leaving the door open for The Bludgeon Brothers to retain their titles. >With his tag team partner on the shelf, how will Bryan rebound? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network! WHERE'S CHARLOTTE
Noam Dar returns with a vengeance >After returning from injury and competing during the U.K. Championship Special, Noam Dar has generated a great deal of buzz with a rejuvenated spirit and desire to get back on track. The Scottish Supernova proved he was all business when he returned to WWE 205 Live and quickly silenced inaugural WWE Cruiserweight Champion TJP. >For weeks, The Cruisergreat has been clamoring for greater competition and has lambasted WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick for showing what TJP bolieved to be a lack of respect. What The Duke of Dab didn’t expect was to be defeated by the retuning Dar in under 30 seconds. As a result, the winner of the first-ever WWE Cruiserweight Classic requested a rematch to prove that his defeat was just a fluke. Can The Man of the Hour topple The Stamina Monster? >Two weeks ago on WWE 205 Live, Lio Rush made his way to ringside to observe Akira Tozawa in action. Following The Stamina Monster’s victory, Rush first praised Tozawa before changing tune and questioning what the former Cruiserweight Champion was doing with himself. Last week, Tozawa returned the favor, observing Rush in action against Colin Delaney before asking The Man of the Hour what he had accomplished and if he really wanted to face Tozawa. >An individual with a penchant for action, WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick made the match official for tonight! Since arriving in the Cruiserweight division, Lio Rush has shown tremendous confidence, but he will face his first major challenge as he goes one-on-one with the hard-hitting Akira Tozawa. >Will the former WWE Cruiserweight Champion put an end to Rush Hour, or will Rush prove he is everything he claims to be? >Find out tonight at 10/9 C on WWE 205 Live on the award-winning WWE Network! Stamina Monster sounds like a pornstar name
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>badly written story >badly booked story that's just a big fuck you to rusev for being able to get over with the crowd without it being forced >badly written story that continues to trash the whole "UNDEFEATED NOBODY IS READY" angle asska had >horribly written story >middling stories for the loserweights that will probably have better matches overall but nobody watches so it doesn't matter And for Main Event, since taima plays it at the end but nobody watches either, it'll be more matches that don't matter yet will probably still be better matches than the main rosters put on.
>Zelina Vega challenges AJ Styles on behalf of Andrade "Cien" Almas: WWE Exclusive, July 17, 2018
>Shinsuke Nakamura defends the U.S. Title against Jeff Hardy I thought they did the victory road style match because jeff's too injured to have a match so I guess this match doesnt happen,
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>>122365 Yeah I was confused by that too. https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1019356153933910016 Also why doesn't Jeff Hardy use No More Words as his theme in order to complete the gimmick?
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>WWE actually putting out a decent shirt
>>122374 >lucha mask shirt >for a guy that doesn't do a lucha gimmick
I’ve seen inside my heeaaaad a vision
>inb4 kicked in the balls again
Gee I wonder if Randy Orton will interfere in the title match tonight.
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oh no
>Enjoy the show, /wooo/!
How do you make a crown cry?
Son of a bitch, I thought that was Taichis theme for a second.
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Already shaping up to better than RAW this week.
>>122389 low bar
>>122390 WE ARE DA BAR
oh shit 18 star match incoming
way to shit on luchadores with the mask gimmick
>Putting claps on his theme Wew
>Zelina not coming out barefoot to get a pop
put body armor on Almas and he's a kmart Roman Reigns
>>122395 There aren’t that many footfags out there.
meh almas is overrated
>>122401 >t. CMLL Executives
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>No accent You dumb bitch
becky lynch still exists?
nakumura vs dog wrestlemaina main event ?
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>female balor is here
>>122405 If they want a match the people will emotionally invest in, it ought to be Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan but it’ll be Rousey vs. Charlotte.
if they put the belt on an affirmative action like lashley im done with this shit
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>>122409 Don’t worry, Lesnar will beat Lashley to make Roman look strong later :^)
>>122409 He'll beat Lesnar with guest referee Hulk Hogan, hogan will then raise Lashleys hand and will redeem himself.
>>122412 Can we just have Hogan beat Lesnar instead? He never got his win back brother HH
lashey does have superior arm strength to woaman from his tre climbing
another tap out lol damn booking mix it up a little
someone get these bitches some coffee, these low energy matches are horrible
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R-Truth is still on the payroll.
>>122418 coffee is better.
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>>122419 So is Tye Dillinger and I haven't seen him do anything since he had that match with Nakamura before Backlash.
JUST Dillinger
Submissiondown Live
just a reminder paige is a talentless cunt
>>122424 >t. ADR
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table is moving
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>>122430 >implying Cean is better
does anyone like the soyboy cucks from whatculture,cultaholic etc
>>122433 No, britcucks butcher every Japanese wrestlers names
>>122434 we should attack with some propaganda memes highlighting their faggotry, which one would be an ideal candidate?
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>>122437 thanks doc
>>122377 well actually he does come to the ring wearing it
It's the ending to Smackdown that everyone saw coming miles away
>Randy giving Juff the heidenreich treatment
>Jamie Noble and Fit Finley for no reason
The ear yank was surprisingly brutal considering current WWE
>end up missing the show because the vm BROKE somehow >it sounds like it sucked anyway
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WT time
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>WWE signed Giant Baba
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>American wrestling promotion WWE has a Japanese man as their US Champion >Japanese wrestling promotion NJPW has an American man as their US Champion
>>122453 Also, both guys used to be in the opposite company, basically traded places.
>s-smackdown is the A show now guys

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