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King of Shitposting

Indie Wrestlers Who deserve to get big Boliever 07/23/2018 (Mon) 02:23:30 Id: 4e59e9 No. 122976
Mike L. Jackson >triggers Jim Cornette >Dancing skills are equal to his impressive Athleticism >can do a moonwalk DDT >Can do a Rick Flairs tiger wooo! AJ style + MJ tag team when?
To bad hooktube doesn’t work now. Anyone who triggers Jim Cornette this badly is always in my book.
>>122977 >admit to refusing to watch MJ wrestling match >Shits on the guy and call his fans trash Jim Cornette is truly one of the few cunts that make Vince Russo look good.
>>122977 Doesn't really seem too different from Disco Inferno or Honky Tonk Man, the Elvis Presley impersonator but it will tick Jim off either way.
>>122976 >AJ style + MJ tag team when? Actually since Nakamura has been described to be like wrestling's Michael Jackson by AJ himself too, Nakamura + MJ tag team would be something to watch.
>>122995 Jim Cornette always been the biggest hypocrite in wrestling. This faggot was fried from every job he had for good reason. He doesn’t grasp that Vince Russo gets hired all the time was because he was personal and never hit or threaten to kill people. Say what you want about Vince Russo. He has a clearer criminal record than Cornette ever had. Let me remind you Jim Cornette is the face of gun control activism in pro wrestling. The guy who prude of threaten to shoot people he doesn’t like. Also he of course leftists atheists who shits on religion yet always defend Islam online.
>>122999 >personal I meant to say professional. But my auto correct had a Scott Steiner moment.
(2.48 MB 400x436 giphy (1).gif)

I wanna eat Booley's ass to lube it up, slip my thick nigga dick in her tight booty, slap those cheek 'til they bruised, nut in her.
>>123002 I hear yeah
>>122977 Corny gets triggered by everything except for shit he managed in the 80s

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