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King of Shitposting

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RAW - 8/20/18 Boliever 08/20/2018 (Mon) 23:53:19 Id: e783c3 No. 125746
Nobody is watching Edition Who is coming for Universal Champion Roman Reigns? >At SummerSlam, The [LOUD BOOING] finally bested The Beast to once again lay claim to the Universal Championship, but when he returns to his yard tonight, who will be waiting to try and take it from him? ?Although Brock Lesnar is known for his frequent absences from the red brand, it is reasonable to assume that The Conqueror will set his sights on Reigns sooner or later. In addition, after making his presence known last night in SummerSlam’s main event, Braun Strowman could very well make good on his promise to cash in his Money in the Bank contract. Ronda Rousey to receive custom Raw Women's Title >Ronda Rousey added to her already incredible legacy by making Alexa Bliss tap out in dominant fashion, claiming the Raw Women’s Championship last night at SummerSlam. How will the landscape on Raw change with The Baddest Woman on the Planet at the top of the mountain? And will The Goddess of WWE dare to come back in search of her sixth Women’s Championship? Rousey’s official coronation ceremony tonight will likely shed some light on what the WWE Universe can expect from Raw’s new-look Women’s division. Ambrose returns to in-ring competition against Ziggler >Of course, another Raw Superstar also returned to glory at Sunday night’s pay-per-view, as Dean Ambrose completely neutralized Drew McIntyre and paved the way for Seth Rollins to regain the Intercontinental Championship from Dolph Ziggler. >With the title now back around Rollins’ waist and his brother-at-arms watching his back, The Architect seems virtually unstoppable as the workhorse champion. Can Ziggler maintain his alliance with the Sinister Scotsman without a championship? We’ll see how he fares on his own tonight when the former champion locks horns with Ambrose in The Lunatic Fringe’s first match back from injury. Who can stop the B-Team? >The B-Team’s magical run as Raw Tag Team Champions continued when they bested The Revival on the SummerSlam Kickoff last night. Who will be the next team to try and end Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas’ Cinderella story? What fallout will occur after The Demon’s reemergence? >In a shocking SummerSlam moment, Finn Bálor resurrected The Demon last night to overcome Constable Baron Corbin. Will Finn face retribution from Raw’s Constable? And if Corbin strikes back, is it only a matter of time before we again see The Demon? Triple H to appear live on Raw tonight >It’s been a long time since Triple H appeared live on Raw, but as confirmed by Renee Young, The King of Kings will return to Team Red for a very special appearance in advance of his last-time-ever battle with The Undertaker at WWE Super Show-Down. Tune in live at 8/7 C on USA Network to hear what The Game has to say.
The only question on everyone's minds is how much booing will there be.
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>>125746 >Who is coming for Universal Champion Roman Reigns? Probably Braun and/or Bork >Ronda Rousey to receive custom Raw Women's Title LOL >Ambrose returns to in-ring competition against Ziggler DEAN, GIVE IT TO THE PEOPLE >Who can stop the B-Team? Nobody. Maybe AoP will try though. >What fallout will occur after The Demon’s reemergence? Something boring >Triple H to appear live on Raw tonight I guess Undertaker will too in a month or so
>>125746 waaaait Triple H in a last-time ever battle with The Undertaker? Is that real or some bullshit OP threw in for fun? I didn't watch SummerSlam btw so if they said anything there I didn't see it.
>>125749 OOOOH YOU DIDN'T KNOOOOOOW? They're wheeling out Taker again for the show in Australia
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So check out the opening segment guys
>Let the critics criticize
>Inb4 jewface comes out and asks for borks rematch
>U suck chants >Dunn desperately tries to find positive signs in the crowd
>>125756 >Implying those aren't plant sign
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Script spoilers
>Braun cashes in and pins balor
>I'm taking back my toilet What did he mean by this?
>Roman making fun of someone for ignoring boos Oh lordy
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what's that tattoo on his chest?
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Roman heel turn confirmed
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>>125763 wait he's not already?
>boring chants
>First match >Crowd is chanting boring Uh oh
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>>125758 >Steph is here OH NO NO NO
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>>125746 >Ronda Rousey to receive custom Raw Women's Title <The other women are treated like dirt <Alicia probably fired, but never got a "future endeavor" WYMZ RVLCCN MAGGLE I LOV IT! Wtf?! Not even Charlotte got this kind of treatment, and she's the only other person from a wrestling family the McMahons like. What kind of horse shit is this? Is Lousy even going to defend the title at the shitty wmnz PPV?
>>125772 Gif ends too soon
>>125774 No feet for you
>Still pretending the x7 match didnt happen
Can taker even move
The boo and neigh connection.
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Fuck, marry, kill for this match? Fuck Liv, marry Sarah Logan, kill Sasha
>>125787 kill em all. kill the ref. fuck your mom, fag
>>125787 Fuck Embah, Marry Ruby, Kill sasha
>>125787 Kill all of them, and maybe fuck Charly for laughs. Drink a beer with Charlotte and Asuka for the hell of it because they might be fun to be with when drunk (maybe play video games drunk with Asuka).
Sasha's "hair" looks like a sweater.
lol sasha btfo, booley is rubbing off on her
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>Even jewish kangaroo is stronger than Sasha absolute city state
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>>125794 jesus
shovel king incoming
where has Sami Zayn been? Injured?
>>125797 Torn rotator cuffs
Another win by Ruby riottttttttt!
Ruby is cute CUTE!
>>125797 He's only coming back next year.
>>125801 she has a cute smile ill give her that
why are they doing these stupid random no build up PPVs?
>Stephanie gave him the itch
>>125801 Yet they still can't do a PPV Like Jobsolution, Dana, and…uh…who else is left?
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Is this like masturbation for HHH?
>>125809 It really makes no sense. I'm guessing Vince was pissed she didn't do Emmalina
>>125810 probably but it's also to promote a match he's have with The Undertaker in Australia later this year.
Triple H is ALL IN!
Okay, this is epic.
>inb4 taker squashes hhh in 5 min
>>125809 The real question is why did they fire her and Alicia, but Dana fucking Brooke still has a job?! >>125811 Reminder that Serena got fired during Punk's Straight Edge gimmick with Gallows for partying, yet Rosa Mendes kept her fucking job as a drunk, slutty lush. Rosa must have sucked a lot of dick to keep her job.
That's how you cut a fucking promo
>>125808 Absolution just vanished, should've just replaced Paige but we can't have that since Vince hates factions.
>>125816 Alicia is still here.
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>Triple H cuts the best promo Raw has had in months >w@ifufags are still arguing over riottttttttt Squad and future endeavoured Dashwood
>"special edition" of smackdown How though?
>>125818 Vince only likes meme factions like New Meme, or anything involving his favorites.
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>>125822 >Thinks any Ram promo is good now
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>>125822 >Boomer rambling about taking off his suit Tenille is way more interesting than that
>russo on twitch wew
>>125818 The irony with Jobsolution's disappearance is they made a big fucking deal out of Sonya being a STRONK LEBEAMN WYMZ. Now she's wondering whether or not she'll have a job like Mandy thanks to the Bellas, Charlotte, and Lousy. WYMZ RVLCCN MAGGEL!
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>>125828 oh she'll have a job, jobbing
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>>125829 Good pun
>>125826 >le ebin boomer meme 4chan is that way >>>>>>>>>>
>>125831 >t. boomer
>>125832 imagine being so insecure you have to latch onto a made up slur buzzword that isn't even applicable to anyone born after 1964. good try though. try harder queer
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>>125833 Spoken like a true boomer
Velveteen Dream incoming
>Authors of Main Event
seriously why are the AoP feuding with Titus WW when they could be going after the titles
>>125838 Why are they even bothering with Titus in the first place?
>>125834 thank you. and what will the summerfags call your generation the moment you turn 30?
>>125835 =LOST TO ELIAS!==
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>>125839 Judging by the backstage promo, Apollo is fucking Dana and this is somehow bad for Titus who is married
AOP wins, only to face titus worldwide again next week
Sasha looks miserable
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>>125845 If I were stuck in a tag team with Booley jobbing to the riottttttttt squad every week I would be too.
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>>125847 >bolieve >mfw remembered Bo-Team are coming up
>It's another "this is a victory for all Womynkind" pissBREAK
Now playing the role of Dixie Carter, Stephanie McMahon!
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>riotttttttttt Squad helping out their boss Truly best girls
What happened to Mickie James?
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>>125845 I'd be miserable too if my opportunities were stole by the Bellas, Ric's "kid," and a hack ufc fighter that stopped fighting when two other women beat the lifeless shit out of her; then again, Botcha deserves it for being a leftist-racist bitch who supports hate groups like the Black Panthers and BLM.
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>>125855 There is no need to spell WWE backwards.
>>125855 >when your two hours as raw rolls on and you look over and she gives you this look
Revival could probably tear it up in NJPW
(525.09 KB 500x500 Heidi Yasukawalace.png)

>>125858 >tfw that will never happen
The B stands for Benoit
The B stands for Bray
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>This geek stealing Kay Lee Rays finisher
>Not bringing the demon to a title match
all these w@ifufags need to be sterilized. like they'll ever have a chance to breed
>The riotttttttttt Squad reveal what will make them happy: Raw Exclusive, Aug. 20, 2018
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>>125870 *slapslap*
>>125872 whatever, at least i have a daughter
>Can only do the powerbomb on cruiserweights
gotta protect Roman somehow huh vince
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>Wasting all of that buildup with Seth and Dean as faces against Ziggler and Drew at the beginning of the night in order to push Roman and the shield as heels
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>does this mean they are acknowledging braun as a face? <Is the monster among men gonna have another heel turn
>>125884 and the fans are getting worked. fucking soys ruining wrestling
>>125870 The autism faggotry died down when they got out of hand over ugly Jew women and shitty women's wrestlers, but it's still pretty pathetic. . >>125884 Yea, like this shit is gonna last long (because it sure did work out when they tried this again)! >>125872 You sound like an autisic homo when you make shit posts like that over shitty women, you fucking autist. Don't be a bitch when you get called out. >>125885 "I want the Shield 3.0," said no Soyboy ever. Did anyone even want them to reunite again?
It's just amazing how out of touch the company and Vince are. "BRING BACK THE SHIELD DAMMIT. THAT WILL BOOST HYPE AND RATINGS!" Seriously?
>>125886 To answer your Shield question: No.
>>125887 Seems like they are continuing off from when Dean got injured.
>>125746 >In a shocking SummerSlam moment, Finn Bálor resurrected The Demon last night to overcome Constable Baron Corbin. Why? They make Corbin job out all the time even after giving him a new theme and a MITB win, so it's not like Booler needed some kayfabe power boost.

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