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King of Shitposting

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Power Struggle and Super Jr. Tag League thread Boliever 10/16/2018 (Tue) 00:13:36 Id: eb4119 No. 129141
Might as well make a thread on all the shows. Live shows of the Super Jr. Tag League Oct. 16: 5:30 EDT, 4:30 CDT, 2:30 PDT Oct. 17: 5:30 EDT, 4:30 CDT, 2:30 PDT Oct. 26: 5:30 EDT, 4:30 CDT, 2:30 PDT Oct. 27: 5:30 EDT, 4:30 CDT, 2:30 PDT Nov. 1: 5:30 EDT, 4:30 CDT, 2:30 PDT The rest will be put up after the shows. POWER STRUGGLE Nov. 3: 4:00 EDT, 3:00 CDT, 1:00 PDT
>Struggling for power
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piped down with work will miss the show due to sleep
>Shingo is bigger than Naito >Is a Junior What
I hope Ayatollah gets a place at World Tag League.
>>129250 As much as they say otherwise, I guess Shingo is a temporary replacement for Hiromu and might move up to the heavyweights after Wrestle Kingdom or when Hiromu returns.
>>129254 Is LIJ the only ethno nationalist faction in NJPW?
>>129255 GBH too
>>129256 that's like two members, also is there anything in the first minute that I missed?
my internet is shit right now
>Tana in the 2nd match of the card He's finished
>yagi retired gonna miss that young lion, hope he does okay
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What if this Kenny vs Tana feud also is a battle for who will get Kota Ibushi?
Why no barricade today?
>Fale sits on his opponent >"Hip Drop"
Yano didn't get in this match at all
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Am I the only one here
>>129265 Sorry dude, my internet turned out to be a complete bitch ass tsundere towards me last night, I'll be good tomorrow.
>>129260 >>yagi retired wat?
>>129267 No problem brother. See you tomorrow.
>>129269 Ah shit, he was alright too. Man that entire class has been on a string of bad luck lately.
should we rabbit the matches as they happen and shittalk on the side with the rabbit's chat?
>>129270 Shit man, looks like my internet is STILL shit, fucking hell.
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I'm up who else is?
not gonna post much because my internet is still the shitter so I have to use my phone as a hotspot, but if I do that then I'll be banned for sharing a ip with some asshole.
great looks like I'm the only one here now…
nevermind managed to change my phone ip
all these young lion feuds
>Tanahashi & friends vs Ibushi & the club This match is there for the whole tour
So between Henare and Chase, whose power level is lower such that who will eat the pin?
been workin all day and just finished doing martial arts but im here this time to watch the show mite pass out tho
>>129354 my guess Henrare
>>129260 he gonna redubt at wrestle kingdom 25 and challenge the ace hirai kawato
>>129354 >>129356 Yup rip henry
I was right lol
this is fucking weird.
Jado in BC gear is fucking WEIRD
lmao that toot
>okada still has young boys walk him to the ring
heh no rails so switchblade just slams okada into the ring apron
>>129361 It reminds me of Bone Soldier
well it's nice to know that Chaos are still Okada's boys
>>129366 jay white vs jay white with headband
>>129367 oops didnt mean to quote my quickrepky is funky
>>129368 >>129367 it's okay, it's funny anyway, been having a bad couple of days anyway
>>129369 me too me too last couple days been rough with real life responsiblity decided to stay up for comfy jap grapps and chill
jesus christ he lifted fale
fuck off tannerhoshi
where is this going?
didnt see lastshow bit im guessing that the old stars are winning the jr tag league
I really hope Liger and Tiger Mask win…
>>129276 so, should we? seems a bit silly to use a thread to chat about an event we're watching live.
>>129377 wtf is a rabbit?
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who da fook is that guy
>>129381 some aussie the tongans got to join the bc, he was announced to be Ishimori's partner on twitter.
ACH is best nig tbh
https://www.rabb.it/Genm9Zombie if anyone wants to hang out watching this join this link
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>>129382 im still waiting for fales gf muffin ass to join the bbcog
damn apollo crews prolly hurt his rib again
Papa Shingo time
that was alright
That dragon mask is kinda stupid
>>129385 >Yujiro does nothing >Wanting him to lose his hoes now
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>>129390 >his hoes
>>129391 I guess he rents them
>"hes bigger than me" even chucky skeptical about junior shingo
lol Yoh missed his queue to getting jumped
Sho and Yoh's matching pants look wack
>>129395 i kinda fw the aesthetic. never understood why they came back with two separate outfits in the first place despite returning as a team
how the fuck does Sho have a voice that deep?
>>129396 Also, R3K are good but kinda fizzled out this year after losing at WK12. I feel like they haven't remained as hot as when they were on their debut. Then again, maybe that's a result of the current champions being older guys who've held the titles for over 6 months. Seriously, recently I haven't seen a team hold the Jr. tag titles as long as Desperado and Kanemaru have. Good on them for being champions but feels tiresome now.
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>>129397 High T SHO
>>129398 Yeah, hopefully RPG KKK gets their mojo back next year or in this tourney.
Shit pin but yoh did it
lol poor Kanemura couldn't hold that position for long, at least he kept his shoulders down.
Rocky promo wew
this english translator a shit he basically asmr
If they cut more promos they might get their mojo back soon.
>>129404 sounds like a chinese man that can barely speak english
>PSYCHO It's Saikyou
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i swear sho and yoh are so tired of rockos shit
>>129408 i like how they have no idea what the fuck he's saying yet still nod and say "yes"
>>129408 They're too embarrassed to say anything more after Rocky's cringy promo
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they just have that look that says "what is this gaijin saying"
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I knew Yoshida reminded me of someone
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>Still showing Volador with hair >Out comes el Cimador Jr
>>129413 >loves njpw >loves hiromu I feel if NJPW ever feels like building a joshi puroresu project they can always rely on her.
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Tana and Okada for World Tag League
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Wonder where they're going with Ibushi who seems conflicted with Elite tactics and affected by Tanahashi in some way. Maybe this is somewhat true >>129261 Ibushi will be in Kenny's corner at WK13 so it will be interesting to see how he comes into the picture if they continue to build up this thing. Maybe Kenny could win and lead the western expansion as he desire but along the way, loses Kota Ibushi in doing so somehow. Or maybe he doesn't want to lose Ibushi and chooses him over his 'Change the world' goal and Tanahashi wins at WK13. Overall, a lot of subtle details in this Kenny vs Tanahashi feud, very interesting, and to think some people thought that there was no story between them. >>129440 Acemaker tag team would be huge. If Golden Lovers also compete, it would be one stacked tag tournament. Though I'm not sure if that will happen, I don't think the IWGP heavyweight champion and the G1 winner takes part in world tag league since they already have their big main event match to prepare for.
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>>129441 Oh right top stars with wrestle kingdom matches dont do world tag league anymore. think we will have a bunch of new debuts this year. also kitamura was in tag league last year lmao
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So, Naito despite being arguably the most over guy in NJPW, overall hasn't really made a huge impact this year compared to the past two years. Aside from WK12, winning the IC title might be his highlight this year, which he would lose immediately to Jericho anyway. I understand why Okada won at WK12, but with Naito's shit booking makes me still wish he won the belt, though I still feel he will get a long run sometime in the future. So hopefully a big match at WK13 and 2019 itself turns out to be a better year, hopefully he will be the one to dethrone Kenny, and maybe go on to main event WK14 as the champion. Also is he booked to have this shit year because Gedo is jealous and doesn't want Naito to be named MVP three years in a row? LIJ themselves have been kinda off this year, Hiromu has probably been the stand out guy, having won BOSJ and the Jr. Heavyweight title but he missed out the rest of the year because of his injury. Sanada's highlight was challenging Okada and his G1 match against Ibushi in his hometown. I can't remember anything notable EVIL has done aside from this Jericho feud. Bushi deserves better. Perhaps Shingo's addition will boost LIJ up for the next year.
>>129444 Right now they booked it to where Tanahashi is the other guy that's arguably the most over, but they booked it that way. Not complaining with me being a Tana mark but I understand LIJ fans concerns compared to elite faggots.
>>129444 Also, >hopefully he will be the one to dethrone Kenny Not with Kenny's contract coming up later in the month of Wrestle Kingdom
>>129445 Completely fine with Tanahashi's position right now especially since I'm a big Tana fan too. Naito vs Tanahashi could have been a good main event and since they are the two most popular guys, it would have been a great draw too. Though their WK11 match already happened and feels like their big story ended there, meanwhile Kenny vs Tanahashi is more fresher. Just wonder who Naito will face at WK13. I feel like it could be against Jericho for the IC title again, but I hope it's something else.
>>129451 It's Jericho, and idk, I feel Tanahashi could still have a few more matches with Naito maybe. Okada also, hasn't had a shiny second half of a year tbh.
>>129451 >I feel like it could be against Jericho for the IC title again, but I hope it's something else. I think that EVIL is gonna be the one who takes the IC belt from Y2J, to position him as an upper-card guy
>>129453 Nah, dude. They're not gonna have Jericho lose in his only defense.
welp. there was no stream for night 3. here are the results https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/30827?showResult=1
>>129462 >Tiger Mask pinned Bushi JUST
>>129464 I just want Tiger Mask to move to the heavyweight division and clean house thanks to this meme.
no stream for night 4 either https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/30828?showResult=1 BC OGs keep stomping chaos seems like.
>>129471 Chuckie T just there to eat all the pins
>>129471 Poor Ayatollah got rekt by Henare.
http://watchwrestling.in/watch-njpw-road-to-power-struggle-super-jr-tag-2018-day-3-10-21-18/ 2 matches from day 3 without commentary It's the 6th match Tiger Mask & Liger VS Shingo & Bushi and the 7th match ACH & Taguchi VS Desperado & Kanemaru
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>212lbs >Junior >187lbs >Heavyweight
>>129482 Bravo Gedo
>>129482 sometimes it do be like that homie
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so far
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>>129487 >Inb4 Tiger Mask once again dominates the block
The post-match interviews for day 3 are now on the NJPW youtube channel. >>129463 >>129482 >>129469 >>129464 >>129488 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=123jaX5QZtU here's the one after tiger/liger beat LIJ
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https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/30801?showResult=1 also results from today's matches. >>129473 Chuckie T continues to get pinned by jay white. Tfw Chuckie T
>>129489 also jay white said that he has an inside man spying in CHAOS. is he bullshitting or not? Make your bets. Mine's on Ishii
>>129491 Chuckie T
>>129490 the state of chuck taylor >>129491 its probably sho, but berreta would be a nice swerve inb4 its heel yano
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post-match interviews from day 4 are up on the NJPW youtube channel. Ishii has agreed to put his new belt on the line against suzuki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCm7MAKrGaQ Desperado and Kanemaru call out liger and tiger mask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOFe0vWWgnM And here are the results for day 5 as well as the updated scorecard.
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live show tonight boys
I really hope I'm not the only one here, I stayed up for this.
>>129664 im here
>>129665 ok. forgot we still had an hour though
>>129664 Not gonna be able to stay up, early work tomorrow, hope the show is good
>>129667 yeah gonna sleep too now that I think about it
well I hope absolutely nothing happened on this show…
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I can picture the Taichi faces on him.
I'm gonna try to stay up for the show.
>>129684 Good to have you here. Sorry I haven't been posting much this league, real world has crashed down on me a bit (still been watching, just not posting).
oh there a show on? sorry been playin dead red and not really interested in >juniors
>>129686 >not tuning in to lend your energy to whichever team is wrestling vs Shingo/BUSHI This is why they are doing well at this tournament Rin. Is it too much to hope that Despy and Kanemaru will pull it out vs them?
>>129685 >>129687 same it's my sleep schedule fucking me over
goddamn I hope Tanahashi beats Kenny and all the smarks REEE
I like Yoshida's theme btw.
New Japan has taken a dozen steps backwards on its English commentary. Shit sounds like a bunch of weak arse weebs trying to be cool.
>>129691 Yeah I saw on twitter they're trying a new english team or some shit. I'm still sticking to nip shit.
>>129692 Mavs Gillis, Lanny Pofo and Chris Charlton. Charlton isn't bad (not overly good, but not bad), but the other two reek of "saw money in this and are REAL sports commentators so the gaijin will bolieve them more". Its annoying, I used to be 100% nip commentary, with Cyrus and Kevin Kelly I switched to listening to English commentary when I couldn't devote my full attention to the wrestling and Japanese otherwise, now I'm here trying to do my taxes and I can't fucking listen to these autists.
>>129693 At least Lanny had history in the business.
>>129694 Look, I really appreciate Lanny as a talent, but he is not doing well on the mic right now. It is just unpleasant to listen to.
>>129695 I will note that it doesn't help that the work experience kid is doing the mixing for the English commentary team, their levels are all over the place.
>>129695 I'm just saying. I have no opinion on him as a commentator.
>Goto getting thrown back into the Never division because Ospreay got himself killed
Taichi has become bigger than ben hur since winning the belt, holy fuck.
Holy fuck guys, didn't know it was already time for THE MAIN EVENT. CHASE H A S E
>>129700 It's a shame he isn't in the WK main event with Tana.
That was good.
ok who's the fucker with the horn?
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I don't have an option for nip commentary on the site I watch NJPW on. I wish I did.
This is a great show.
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oh fuck getting tired
ok I can't stay up much longer, going to bed
This match is bloody good fun.
Fuck that match was fine. Ishimori and Kushida great as always, and both Sabin and Eagles really showed up. To the folks who are currently sleeping, watch the Ishimori/Eagles vs Kushida/Sabin bout.
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welp, desperado unmasked bushi
>>129714 Yeah, that was a fun finish. Especially because old bitter alcoholics won, and BUSHI continues to get cucked.
>>129704 What do you use? Taima has jap commentary.
>>129733 some site i found called watchwrestling.in what's taima?
Men can't wrestle.
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3 matches left
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also kanemaru almost took off tiger mask's mask
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>>130048 If 3K win, how does it play out on countback?
>>130052 I'm not sure. But R3K has beaten the suzukigun team and they've beaten the LIJ team and they've beaten R3K so it's a stalemate there. I guess that bushi's team makes it to the finals because they have the win over taguchi's team whilst the other 2 don't. After that I honestly have no idea.
>>130052 It really depends on who beat who first.
>>130123 who massahita?
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this the only lead i have
Show is on for tonight, who up?
guess it's just me then
yep just me
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just waiting for others to join
so are the elite out or fucking not?
thx for watching this show with me on my birthday
leaving after the junior match btw
three way tie for the super junior tag tourney
three way at wrestle kingdom
>>130135 sorry three finals power struggle my bad
>>130136 *three way god I am tired
Is the main show tonight?
>>130327 Yup in 25min
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>>130327 >>130329 I'm just glad I'm not alone this time…kikes
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I'm only really here for Naito to kick a vegans ass, other than that idc.
Taguchi is best opener.
Man I've missed so many fucking shows, good to be watching again
>chuckie t & kevin kelly on english commentary Wow fucking nice
>>130334 >chuckie t Is he good?
>>130335 He's really good, does a ton of commentary for PWG. Has a good balance of comedy and insight. He just pointed out that despite ACH being a junior he's so jacked he outweighs him by like 30 pounds
>ishimori injured fuk
>>130336 Better than the shit tier backup they got during the super junior tag league probably.
>>130338 Chuckie t is legit one of my favorite color commentary guys, it's a good start so far
>ach thinks rugby is just football
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Alright guys what angles do you think are getting set up for WK tonight? This is legit the last big show before then and we have no clue what's going on with the junior title or the never/us title
>>130342 Naito vs Jericho and maybe have Shingo and Bushi go after the junior tag titles.
>>130343 I bet ishimori is gonna challenge kushida after this match
wtf is this airhorn shit
>>130344 That too. Forgot Kushida became champ because it's so recent.
man robbie eagles is pretty good he needs to stop shouting so much though
>>130344 Ishimori is injured. Also how will they throw in Ospreay and Scrull in the picture? Oh and just saw that Ospreay is injured so Goto took his place vs Taichi today, damm.
>>130348 it's a work brother
Well shit looks like Ishimori isnt injured and will challenge Kushida after all
>>130348 Ospreay vs taichi at WK then?
lol bc dude called it
Chuckie T hates australians
>>130351 That's kinda lame
>>130351 I'd Ospreay vs Goto more as a somewhat student vs teacher kinda deal.
>>130352 Marty is getting out of NJPW with the rest of the elite and with bushi/takagi going after the junior tags that basically just left ishimori as a challenger.
>>130355 Yeah that sounds better, not sure how long ospreay is out either so it could be anyone in the title picture honestly.
>>130356 >Marty is getting out of NJPW with the rest of the elite Well, he's still under contract for a while though.
>>130358 He's under contract till april of 2019, bucks and cody are done in january
>>130359 >bucks and cody are done in january Unless they sign another contract which I think they likely will
>>130361 NJPW contracts are 1 year at the shortest.
>>130361 It really doesn't look like they are, they've been writing them out of ROH >>130362 Their contracts are with ROH
>>130363 >Their contracts are with ROH Yeah but Marty still has a while to go.
>>130364 yeah true, I just doubt he'll be a major player at WK
Interested to see how this Tanahashi/Ibushi dynamic plays out with how they've been building it up on this tour
btw has anyone noticed any smarkyness from this Osaka crowd?
>Tana in blacj Post yfw Tana losed at WK13 and forms the Tana World Order with Ibushi
>David Finlay is the Bo Dallas of Osaka lol
>>130370 remember when bo was tag champ like 3 months ago?
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>Finlay has a fangirl huh?
>>130367 Wow nothing
>>130374 Maybe it's saved for later for when Ibushi saves Tana from Omega
>>130374 they're talking it up on english commentary so I expect it to come up at WK
Championship matches from here on out!
Seriously who thought that Dragon mask was any good? BUSHI lookong like wacky Rey Mysterio at WM22.
This match could very have well opened WK13 for the Jr. Tag titles
DAMN nice dive despy
this match is really good
fucking amazing here
nips are fucking based
Holy shit that was great.
Fucking damnit shity taima stream is fucked and I missed the last 5 mins.
>>130391 3k won the match, go back and watch the finish it was awesome
Sho is a future star
/ourguys/ Taichi and Goto up next
Based Taichi gonna work Dave Meltzer into a shoot again
Why was Taichi' picture so blurry and low res
>>130396 This is a new video screen they got I guess.
fuck taichi is losing
>>130398 Who will he face at WK?
>>130399 A lot of options I just don't wanna see taichi lose brother he's my fave
Press F for Taichi
Another great ishii suzuki match so far. These guys were made to fight each other
That was pretty good.
Good match but gosh Im sleepy and only saw like half of it >ZSJ match next Well good night for a while /wooo/
>>130407 Night, dude. I might fall asleep because of ZSJ's style.
keep forgetting Osaka hates Naito
lol Osaka hates commies
Naito redemption!
Cool pentagram evil
Gee I wonder, who will win this match…
Evil's toys like his laser light and now pentagram fan also affirms to ke that he's just some autist living out his chuunibyou fantasies.
>>130414 Why does Naito always invite autists into his group?
>>130415 >Naito the spicaboo >Bushi the avid mask collector >Evil the autistic king of darkness >Sanada the mute >Hiromu who is a total wacky retard Not sure how to describe Shingo yet Los Autistos de Japon, the most popular faction in NJPW. Naito wants to be king of the autists.
Jericho bullying the Uminos again, slapping Shota right in front of his father
Osaka IS a smark city.
I'm thinking about how Evil is a weird choice for an opponent for Jericho.
Well, maybe Jericho can give Evil a bit of a rub.
>>130419 Haha Osaka they cheer for who they normally dislike and Boo whoever they like, what a crowd!
Fuck DQ amirite
Jericho is going all out for this match, maybe he does intend to give Evil a rub.
This is probably Jericho's best match in this run for New japan imo.
>>130425 Yeah, the naito match was kind of a clusterfuck and the imega match was too WWEish
>>130426 Yeah, nice job Evil.
Didn't have much hope for this. Of course Evil proves me wrong again.
>Naito vs Y2J for WK13 confirmed Meh. Whatever.
>>130429 Judging by his match with Evil, I think Jericho is adapting to New Japan's style.
>>130430 >adapting to New Japan's style Well he was there 20 years ago to adapt to it but I suppose it's beem a while and a lot has changed. But in that case sure hope it will be decent.
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>>130431 Oh pic related. Maybe he'll join Gedo's BCOG next
>>130431 I was surprised with this match. It was really nice. It felt like a New Japan match.
When did Jericho get the Kofi Kingston chest?
>>130448 I remember seeing a vid about that explaining it. Forgot what it was called.
So here’s all the wk matches from the press conference today >natio vs Jericho >ishimori vs Kushida >Okada vs white >Kanemaru & despy vs KKK vs Bushi and Shingo Only surprising one is the last one, figure it would just be rpg 3k and Suzuki gun, but the match was damn good and will be good for shingo to get on the WK card
>>130380 >This match could very have well opened WK13 for the Jr. Tag titles >>130455 Guess I was right about that. Looking forward to Ishimori vs Kushida should be good.
>>130596 >Affairs are a big deal in Japan, and this will likely have an impact on both Kaientai Dojo >they suspended Taichi for two months with a 30% pay cut for having an affair in 2014. If this happens to Michinoku then it’s likely that he will miss the Wrestle Kingdom event in January. Damn.

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