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King of Shitposting

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Roman's Cancer Boliever 10/24/2018 (Wed) 06:13:04 Id: ff450e No. 129629
No one wants to talk about THE [LOUD LEUKEMIA]'s cancer?
o shit mods updated his name filter
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Excuse you, m*rk, we love Roman now!
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romin wuz gud dog be on time do go to church sunday good man! dem muffgen smark asshols ded des ta him prayen fer his deth what thefuck fuck smarks!
>>129629 Leukemia is one of the very few things i can't just shitpost on. So would rather blame Vince and Dunn for robbing Roman from his hell turn. A hell Roman would be good and not that cringe what vince forced on him. Get well [LOUD LEUKEMIA]go!
>4 years of Roman hatred turns into sympathy in 5 mins Leukemia turned out to be the best heel ever. Also not sure what more to say, the whole situation is so sudden and shocking, nothing else to say other than get well soon Joe. So now that smarks got what they've been wishing for with Roman gone for some time, what or who will they bitch about and focus their never ending hate next? Who will be Vince's next chosen one to shove down everyone's throats such that people begin to beg Roman to return? Whole situation has turned rather open, there feels like a real clean slate for the main event spot. Hope Braun wins the belt and has a long run, not really sure what's there to achieve with Brock as the champ again, Braun's the only guy I can see beating him. Overall, we can always count on WWE screwing up whatever potential this scenario has.
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>>129636 pretty much this yeah. get well soon brother.
>Being worked this hard >Not bolieving Roman just got shit canned over Saudi All the cancer commercials for the last month and the champion quits due to cancer is a joke.
>>129659 They would never do a work about their champion having cancer. It would be too much of a PR disaster if they did that and got caught, no way they would risk that shit, even over Roman.
I lost my wife to Leukaemia. Get well soon [LOUD LEUKEMIA]. Whatever problems I have with your booking means nothing in the face of this.
Honestly the best thing that could happen to WWE thanks to Vince's increasing senility. Don't get me wrong, I wish Joe all the best and hope he does get well soon but this was the only way we weren't going to get Samoan Cena for the rest of this era. Now if he can just stay gone long enough for Vince to retire. Who am I kidding? I won't be watching WWE regardless.
Kayfabe cancer turned metastasized itself into the real world, unfortunately.
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How soon till someone makes Roman Reigns vs Leukemia on WWE 2K19 and Roman loses?
>>129660 They fucking would and you know it. It's a perfect work story line to say "Roman did it to bring attention to cancer for the charity". If he did have cancer he would have been the one being the poster boy for the charity events not Booley.
>>129729 Nigger none of that matters because Roman actually has cancer.
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>>129731 Absolute class. Pure class. Classy class.
> one of my joke names became the new Roachman filter Rest in Pineapples [LOUD LEUKEMIA], and thank you /wooo/.
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>>129984 Don't mind me, im just fishing with some weak shit…
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Just typical of Roman, burying all the younger talent on the way to his first Warrior Award title reign. I'm deeply sorry. I am well aware that I am so going to hell for this joke.
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>>129709 marks worked that cancer into a shoot, brother HH

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