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King of Shitposting

NXT thread Boliever 11/06/2018 (Tue) 06:44:08 Id: 94f30c No. 130547
>Best Theme song >Best Production values >Best crowds >Cool new wrestlers every few months >promos aren't all cringy as shit >tag teams are important >war games >weekly tv show always has great matches and storylines >don't have time for weekly tv? that's cool the ppvs stand on their own and are the best ppvs wwe makes >tv episodes are only an hour long >ppvs are usually 2 maybe 2 and a half >if you really want to know all the nitty gritty of the storylines you can just read the TV taping spoilers >live event tickets are half the cost and twice the fun How the fuck does main roster even compete?
>>130547 >How the fuck does main roster even compete? It really doesn't. That's being reflected in the abysmal numbers of last quarter regarding house shows.
NXT operates on millions of dollars of losses
>>130553 almost all of their expenses are based on performance center costs which is in and of itself a long term investment in the main roster. Cut that out and it makes money
Just wish it wasnt full of indie darlings who all get the same story of XXX FINALLY GETTING TO THE BIG LEAGUES HE FOUGHT ALL OVER THE WORLD. that and vanilla midgets like balor or neville pre main roster
>>130558 I like what they did with alister black, played up his mma background more than his indie shit and gave him a new gimmick. Less so but still kinda with adam cole since if you're gonna talk up all these guys indie credits at least make them an Nwo style invasion stable.
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>has nikki cross
>>130568 lol nvm
>>130561 >at least make them an Nwo style invasion stable. It would be the bad nWo when half the roster is on the faction because they import in so many indie guys. They already have the ROH midget squad with the undisputed era seriously, who thought this name was good? I'll never get over how stupid it sounds. >>130558 True, I usually prefer the homegrown WWE guys what few are there like Velveteen Dream, Lars Sullivan, Elias when he was there because they aren't made out to be super special wrestlers right on debut and instead, they are the ones who have to claw their way up the ranks harder than the indie guys who already it it on the indies so they get a free pass or so on NXT.
>>130547 >Best crowds No they're the worst, these people simply can't shut up and watch a match without starting some shitcant. Not to mention the high concentration of soy in all of them.
>>130547 >Best Theme song Yeah whatever >Best Production values Easy to be the best without Kevin Dunn there >Best crowds Fuck no >Cool new wrestlers every few months No just indieshit guys only geeks would know of >promos aren't all cringy as shit They're still boring, only a few of them can give a decent promo >tag teams are important I suppose so but not as good as when The Revival were there >war games Lame WWE version compared to WCW >weekly tv show always has great matches and storylines There's a lot of average matches weekly, rarely you'll see those great ones. Storylines never fully draw me in, not terrible but not great either. >don't have time for weekly tv? that's cool the ppvs stand on their own and are the best ppvs wwe makes True but again, easy to make the best PPVs without Mcmahon and the 5 year crew. Personally I just watch the TakeOvers and not the weekly show and I enjoy that. >tv episodes are only an hour long >ppvs are usually 2 maybe 2 and a half Yeah fine >if you really want to know all the nitty gritty of the storylines you can just read the TV taping spoilers Ok >live event tickets are half the cost and twice the fun Never been in one so I dont know >How the fuck does main roster even compete? They don't really care about quality but I still feel like NXT in general really caters purely to the hardcore guys who follow everything on the indie scene or the fags who pretend to do so . Main roster is shit but NXT isnt some haven It's technically all good but I always feel like it's missing that special sauce to make it even better.
>>130620 OP here the biggest issue with NXT is that there is absolutely no lineage/history to it. The whole show feels like a lesser product because the belts/show has had less then a decade of development and much of the early stuff was just higher budget OVW. NXT has better storylines and arugably better production than NJPW, but NJPW always feels bigger since their titles have prestige and lineage. Main roster has been the defining face of wrestling since the 80s, and so it has the aura of shit happening there actually meaning something because you have a history you're invested in. That being said there's a similar problem with the universal title really. also >just indieshit guys only geeks would know of That's the entire main roster too, the only audience for wrestling at this point is geeks and children, at least the indieshits in NXT have decent matches.
>>130625 >no lineage/history to it Maybe it's that, but TNA back in its early years still felt special like it had some uniqueness to it. They had the NWA World Championship with them for lineage I guess but people didn't really see TNA back then for the NWA title, they had a good balance of veterans and newer guys so you could enjoy both. >similar problem with the universal title really True but I may be in the minority here when I say that Brock's first reign actually added something to the title. Whenever he wasn't there or was there, he was always in the talk of the conversation, and by extension, so was the Universal Championship, at least in his first year, all the matches he had like with Samoa Joe, Braun, AJ etc, felt special and not just a regular match. That being said, the title still has a long way to go, and it will always hurt itself because of how gaudy and ugly it looks. For the NXT championship, the so called greatest champion might be Fin Balor for his longest reign but that reign was shit so 10 years down the line when you talk about past NXT champions, it still wouldn't sound that impressive with you won the belt. Ultimately NXT is there to prep the guys up for the main roster, and the fact that most of them flop, hurts the prestige of the NXT Championship as well. Finn is the longest reigning NXT Champ but he is totally irrelevant on RAW, instead someone like Elias who was a jobber on NXT is more successful. They somewhat shot themselves in the foot with this setup, they'll need guys who would only stay in NXT to actually build up the brand. But thatleaves them in a two sided predicament, does NXT want to be a place to prep up the future stars of RAW/SD or does it want to be the best brand in WWE? It really can't be both. WWE's ECW did many things NXT is doing but better. Guys like CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Lashley, John Morrision got good starts over there and transitioned well into the main roster well mostly.
>>130630 I disagree that ECW was more succesful than NXT, smackdown was the real development/training ground for guys at that time but other than that 100% agree. The NXT championship hasn't had any truly memorable reigns, even now with ciampa as champ now he feels like an after thought to the gargano/black storyline. And the main roster has killed basically all the major stars from NXT, Bobby roode was NXT champion at one point now he barely gets on TV. One thing NXT does that main roster doesn't is give guys second chances and play to their strengths. Andrade was a fucking jobber nobody about a week into his NXT debut, but instead of just tossing him aside like they would and did on the main roster they gave him a new manager, gave him a decent title reign and let him work with guys they knew he would have great matches with, and by Royal Rumble this year he got one of the biggest pops of the night. Same thing with Velveteen dream. I loved Brock's reign in 2017 because like you said he was always a looming threat and something that you had to work up to, so his matches (and the title) felt more special. Ever since the build to mania this year though the storyline has just been more about him "not being there" when that was the whole driving force behind his mystique. Doesn't help that he's had a bunch of stinkers against reigns and then this one with Braun. Also not a fan of how they've buried the WWE title since the ppv merge shit, I understand it not main eventing when the universal title is on the show, but they should really have it go on last when it's not there.
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>>130631 Yeah good point about Andrade and Velveteen Dream. Anyway here's the card for the next NXT Takeover. Not that excited about it honestly, I guess the NXT Championship match is what I'm most looking forward to. Either way it will likely still end up being a good show. I haven't been watching the weekly show so the Wargames team of Pete Dunne, Ricochet and War Raiders look odd but I guess it will turn out fine, the one last year just felt like a typical extreme clusterfuck match with shit crashing all round, hope this one is something more. Why does Pete Dunne still have the UK title? Does he ever do anything with it?
>>130632 a two team war games will be a lot better than the 3 team mess that was last years, lot better storytelling opportunities. The only reason Ricochet, war raiders, and dunne are teaming up is because they all have beef with UE, ricochet is feuding with cole over the NA title, dunne with strong for turning on him in NOLA, and war raiders want the tag title from fish and o'reilly. Plus UE have been dicks to them for the past few months. Riddle vs Ohno will be good in terms of work rate and psychology but the build isn't that strong. Riddle is fucking great though, probably gonna be a top guy, has a complete package feel like mcintyre does. >Why does Pete Dunne still have the UK title? Does he ever do anything with it? he doesn't do much on NXT but defends it a lot on british indies. Probably will do more now that NXT UK is started
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ok card i i guess for takeover phoenix
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>>133522 >only 5 matches >less than 7 hours of PPV What is this shit?
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anyone gonna watch this?
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>>133558 of course
>>133558 >>133560 Pre-show starts in 5 minutes
pretty good clusterfuck match despite the cringeworthy chants
WTF? On the match graphic, Matt Riddle literally has a Star of David pin on his jacket.
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>velveteen with the bitches straight confirmed
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Riddle wins
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They fucking ripped off Ospreay!
at least Ricochet is still good
>>133566 Those are literally both trannies.
Well boys, we got another belt.
>tomasso champion
this crowd sucks
The tag match and Rico/Gargano were excellent. The other three matches were average at best. Pretty weak Takeover tbh.
>>133576 I was wondering if this was the NXT people were raving about. I liked the main event, but that's mostly because I love slow builds.
>>133576 thats a fair rating, I felt the rico match was really over choreagraphed at the beginning but it has a good ending (whereas the tag match was more natural but the fatty cheesed it up a little). Should have like the black/ciampa match better but I didnt.
>>133577 Some of the NXT goodness were here, but it felt muted for the most part. Even the promo packages felt a little more…corporate to me. The main event probably was better than I'm giving it credit for, but I find Black very boring (I'm not even sure why) so I really didn't care much for it. >>133578 I agree with the over choreographed the beginning of the match. It doesn't help that it looked like Gargano a bit too slow and sloppy with his transitions during that time to me. Luckily Rico's neck is made of steel so they were able to pull off some pretty sick looking spots.
>>133578 Yeah, I was wondering why Ricochet was going in slow motion compared to his usual self.
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This is technically big enough to be considered a PPV. Starts in an hour, anyone watching?
>>134648 Opening rounds starting now
Halftime Heat show stream is ready. They're showing previous NXT Takeover matches in the meantime.
>>134711 Great match. Probably better than the entire last Takeover. Can't bolieve how hard they went for a halftime show.
>>134712 when you can say that velveteen was the worst player in a match its safe to say its a good match. If they can put one of these in every ppv I'll be watching forever. (even if its just for the nxt tag scene).
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>>140874 Fact. Dusty Rhodes bolieved in Bo.
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Kushida made his debut but screw that, so did HWNDU's Jesus
>>141442 Oh actually it was his 2nd match, here is his first one. >190 pounds Future star of 205 live
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Just got done watching it. Kushida's theme sucks. Also it was kinda weird watching him take on a big guy like Ohno, maybe it's because I've seen him so much in NJPW he felt a little out of place here. Also he took it rough, bleeding in his debut.
>>141442 based. i rember him from the streams banepostin. glad to see he finally made it from the indies he is a flippy boi if i recall >>141444 strongstyle mammamia
>>130630 NXT is full of vanilla midgets. The reason it feels lesser is because it is lesser. It's the kiddy pool put on TV while everyone learns to doggy paddle. NXT has a huge problem with all of them being average size, being covered in tattoos, often soy beards and some kind of ear ring. They all look the damn same. Who do you cheer for between two midgets covered in graffiti? Gandalf?
>>141443 >blocked by wwe for copyright >not even hooknosetube nor muh invidio.us can load it
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>Kushida and Drew Gulak feud >Kushida already softly being pushed into 205 live He's finished. Also is it just me or does it feel like Kushida seems out of place in NXT? I get a similar feeling with Nakamura in WWE as well. Well hopefully Kushida has a good TakeOver match soon enough.
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>>141948 I haven't watched the latest NXT, was Kushida vs Kona Reeves worth watching? Also I'd say Drew could get some good matches out of him. Drew and Matt Riddle had a great match.
>>141997 It was an okay match but nothing special.
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Takeover XXV is going to be stacked brother >inb4 only 5 matches That's the trick, because the matches will actually be given the proper amount of time to be good.
>>142939 >Cole vs Gargano again but in a regular match this time huuuuuh >Shayna vs Io Maybe shayna will finally lose the belt for good >Ladder match tag team clusterfuck Might be ok >Dream vs Breeze Meme tier and why is Breeze back in NXT? Well may be decent >Riddle vs Strong Ok Probably will be the same caliber as every other TakeOver.
>>143306 >Gets distracted trying to find Bryans hemp belt
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just give breeze his first title and let dream move to the nxt title scene
The Projared?
taima doesn't work
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>jonny boy loses lol kinda thought that might happen. Anyway I didn't see this show and I forgot it was even happening.
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>>143378 Me too
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>>143378 Kill yourself booleyfag
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>heel Io in black and leather
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>>145316 oh hell yeah
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Is she the only draw they have?
>>146655 Her ass has its own gravitational pull, so probably

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