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King of Shitposting

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WORLD TAG LEAGUE THREAD Boliever 11/14/2018 (Wed) 08:45:03 Id: 7c079d No. 130829
Aight bitches here are the teams so far, not gonna lie kinda blows but hey what can you do Evil and Sanada Killer Elite Squad (Lance Archer and Davey Boy Smith, Jr.) The Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa) The Best Friends (Beretta and Chuckie T) Tomohiro Ishii and Toru Yano TenCozy (Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Satoshi Kojima) Yuji Nagata and Manabu Nakanishi Ayato Yoshida and Shota Umino Juice Robinson and David Finlay Michael Elgin and Jeff Cobb Togi Makabe and Toa Henare Hangman Page and Yujiro Takahashi Minoru Suzuki and Takashi Iizuka Zack Sabre Jr. and Taichi The matchups are all on njpw1972.com, but there doesn't appear to be blocks this year just one big tournament. The lack of GBH (bizzare since honma is on the fucking tour just not in the tourney) and most of the major stars being off this tour really hurts it, that being said suzuki and ZSJ are on the tour, and Umino and yoshida being in the tourney at all is pretty dope. The shows for the tournament are Sat, Nov 17 1:30(PST) 4:30(EST) 9:30(GMT) Sun, Nov 18 1:30(PST) 4:30(EST) 9:30(GMT) Tue, Nov 20 Later Only tournament match Wed, Nov 21 Later Only tournament match Fri, Nov 23 Later Only tournament match Sat, Nov 24 Later Only tournament match Sun, Nov 25 0:00(PST) 3:00(EST) 8:00(GMT) Mon, Nov 26 Later Only tournament match Wed, Nov 28 Later Only tournament match Thu, Nov 29 1:30(PST) 4:30(EST) 9:30(GMT) Fri, Nov 30 1:30(PST) 4:30(EST) 9:30(GMT) Sun, Dec 2 Dec 1 23:00(PST) 2:00(EST) 7:00(GMT) Mon, Dec 3 Later Only tournament match Tue, Dec 4 Later Only tournament match Thu, Dec 6 1:30(PST) 4:30(EST) 9:30(GMT) Fri, Dec 7 2:00(PST) 5:00(EST) 10:00(GMT) Sun, Dec 9 Dec 8 22:00(PST) 1:00(EST) 6:00(GMT)
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Also apparently goto challenged ibushi so I guess we're getting that at WK??? Sounds alright but sucks for taichi.
>>130830 >goto challenged ibushi Not bad, though I always thought Ibushi would get a bigger match than just the NEVER title but given how things have gone, I suppose it's alright. Not really sure who will win World Tag League, I thought the Young Bucks would but they aren't here. I think I'll go with ZSJ & Taichi, like that Taichi will have something to do at WK13, though I don't know the odds of that happening.
>>130833 ZSJ is challenging ishii for the revpro title at WK already so I think he's out
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>Cobb and Elgin tagging again
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>>130830 >ishii stuck with yano >3 different suzukigun tagteams Otherwise just about every other team seems solid
>>130829 I see The Young Bucks are basically gonna split on us for WWE…
>>130842 Henare and makabe is the worst one since honma is on the fucking tour and everyone wanted another GBH run
>>130843 Yeah they’re done, I heard rumors they might start their own company with Jericho and Cody but I doubt that
>>130843 They better take Omegas corny ass too
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>>130845 I've 100% accepted we'll never see Shibata or Honma in the ring ever again so its not a disappointment for me
>>130848 he is literally wrestling on the tour just not with makabe
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>No Two Southern Bois Hangman and Chase >Not Toa Henare and Shota Umino >Not Suzuki and ZSJ >Elgin and Cobb again WELL SHIT At least Taichi is in a heavyweight thing now. I think Ishii and Yano will win this tourney
>>130851 I think Honma seriously. He's a lot slower since he came back.
>>130848 >>130851 I think he's the the same position as Nagata, Kojima, Tenzan and Manabu, old guys that will only be there for preliminary matches. Oh Tencozy is in the tournament, well who knows if they will be there next year.
>>130855 Except they haven't had a spinal injury. That's the difference.
>>130856 If he wasn't good to go he wouldn't be wrestling at all.
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>>130852 well shit, i guess i should have been keeping up a bit better
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Ayato! Ayato! Ayato!
>>130863 ibushi could make a blow up doll look strong such a great jobber
>>130857 Yes, but he's noticeably way slower than the other guys.
who's here?
>>130897 I have work in like 5 hours so I'm skipping tonight, plus worn out from that fucking insane joey janela show
>>130898 well I'm sick so I'm gonna watch.
Man I love The World Tag League theme.
Dude is looking more and more like Kobashi.
ZSJ's boring ass killed the crowd
Suzuki-gun vs Suzuki-gun is weird.
Juice has fan grills!
love Team Grandpas
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k that match was pretty good
Naito putting over his world tag league buddies
good show too bad I was the only one here
lol Naito botched his promo
>>130910 ah shit i forgot
>>130910 just watch in taima.tv where everybody is instead of whining that you're alone my guy.
>>130918 no because everyone there is a huge fag
>muh poster
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Show tonight, I know at least I'll be here.
Damn, Narita is really good.
>>130980 I'm watching too, sorry that I haven't been shitting up the thread much lately, but real world has continued to hit like a truck.
>>130983 Already thought it was happening, but neat to see it confirmed. Still sad my boy Taichi wasn't carrying the belt into kingdom, even if he was just going to lose it there
>>130984 I feel ya dude. Also, thank god you're here, was worried I might annoy people posting multiple times.
>>130986 Eh, I will miss some of the middle (gotta grab a bite to eat with some family mid show) but should be back for the main events.
>>130987 ok, that's fine. The World Tag League is great since it shows what the lower card can do.
I like Sho and Shingo's synergy. The two of them really work well together.
>go and eat >miss KES winning Goddamnit, at least it sounds like they won.
KES scaring shitty english commentators
This has been a cracking match so far.
>>130993 Yeah, even if I don't like ZSJ that was pretty good. Even Yano showed up.
>>130994 I don't like ZSJ the person whatsoever, and I say that with my Suzukigun flag on full display. I DO like what ZSJ brings to a roster. I would not like to see four or five of him in a division, but having one provides a useful style change for matches, a useful attraction, much like a Yano or Taichi can add a different dimension to a card. I will give ZSJ the person one credit, though. For all that he is an insufferable fuckwit, he seems to remember and understand the old industry rule that just because you bolieve something doesn't mean you should fuck with people who don't bolieve that thing. All too many workers with far more moderate views seem to be forgetting that golden rule in recent years, I would not like to be one of the bookers in some of the companies right now, having to untangle a collection of guys you can't trust to not shoot on other guys because of issues outside of the business, would be fucking shit to deal with.
>>130995 I meant purely as a wrestler. He was pretty good tonight.
now this is a main event
jesus this match
holy crap this is great
That match was amazing. Holy shit!
>>131001 Really solid match, aye?
>>131002 I wanted Elgin to get a pin to piss off the twitter fags though.
>>131003 M8, at this point I have ascended from being a fan of Elgin (as in, like his stuff, want to see him on cards) to just about looking up prices to order his merch to Australia to show up at local shows wearing it. Fucker does not deserve the shit he gets at all, glad that NJPW refuse to bow to reddit and twitter, especially considering that just about all fans over here (and from what I can see, all of the fans in most territories outside of US west coast, north east and maybe England) have no fucking problem with him, or find him uncomfortable but not worth hating/boycotting, just a couple of vocal fuckers on reddit and twitter bitching and moaning and so his name is mud with western feds.
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Is it me or was EVIL crying during his end match promo? Looks like hes just so happy the fans are getting behind him he cant hold it in.
>>131411 He's glad it's more than just his mom cheering him now.
>>131489 t. cold sperg sanada
>>131514 t. Hot topic employee of the month evil
shit, show started today already
goddamn no one telling me about the show.
Taichi is good now he doesn't need cheating.
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Jado looks like a GTA Online character made by a 15 yr old squeaker
>Tanahashi and Okada finally team together i fuggin called it acemaker or is it gorain i might actually tune in to this show for once
>>131616 about time
>>131616 >multiman tag Hope they tag 2 on 2 soon, maybe at world tag league finals
>>131667 hope not because gedo will take a rainmaker into a frogsplash and make my boi switchy lose to oldstar boomers
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>>131669 New IWGP Heavyweight champ boyos
Show is on in a bit, if no one else is here. I'll say if I enjoy the match or not.
First match was a nice opener
Jews and Finaly beat Team Granpa 1, move over old stars.
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move over new stars
Based TenCozy deserved that win
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lol rip the people who have to put their chairs back
interesting but kinda stupid too
is Chuckie the fucking insider for Jay White?
>>131703 perhaps
Is hangman page and yujiro also leaving for that elite wrestling promotion?
lol Tama just humped the camera
>>131705 Page yeah, not sure about Yujiro.
>>131707 But if the rest of the elite leaves NJPW then where will yujiro be left? Also what about Chase Owens?
>>131708 idk, maybe a babyface tag team?
I wish Page would sign with New Japan. He's so damn good.
oh boy suzuki gun vs suzuki gun
>Suzuki gun vs Suzuki Gun oh fug
this is a long outside the ring spot
here comes best tag team
I fucking love Evil.
That match was fucking awesome.
main event was pretty good. good night overall
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Was it autism?
show is up soon. >>131721 He sperged so maybe.
>>131721 If he actually is the mole then the whole situation reminds me of when Captain New Japan turned heel.
Henare gets the pin so there's no point in using the move over new stars pic.
>>131724 Makabe threw Shota out the ring after the match to male up for that
oooh more tension
Chuckie's back on his drugs so he is all smiles now. Yesterday they wore off during the match so he sperged out.
Jesus Christ, I thought he would die…
boomer nakanishi doing dives just like the new kids
>dubbed like Makabe
This sounds so 2000s
BoomerTenCozy vs Jews and Babyman
Macho Juice Robinson
Move over old stars!
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>this gay shit
>someone claps way too early
move over new stars
Oh another suzuki gun vs suzuki gun match
Damn that was great
>>131743 I wanted Elgin to win :^(
>>131744 You'll get what I'll say you get not what you want!
Rematch of last year's world tag league final
>super power bomb lol
So who's eating the pin: Gedo or Rocky?
>>131748 Might have to flip a coin for that one.
They're going to have this same main event for the rest of the shows till the finals.
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I think Kushida might get pinned again tonight.
Rocky getting pinned.
Young lions are secretly on Jay White's side
>new era new era It's like I'm back in 2016 WWE.
>>131756 how did that new era work for them?
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>ibushi vs goto at wtl finals not wk so ibushi vs ospreay at wk? Damn goto finna be in the fucking rumble lmao
>>131763 nah Goto is keeping it and fighting a mystery opponent at wk shibatait'll actually be taichi
>>131764 lmao ibushi is not jobbing to goto as a filler defense. He's taking the belt so he can have a singles match at WK
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Show will be up soon
>>131766 wait, fuck miscalculated the time, whatever.
lol main event ends the same way.
I was asleep and missed today's show, anyone got a VOD?
>>131770 gracias
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Sorry I haven't been coming to the thread guys, Finals are killing me at uni. Here's the updated standings
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Anyone gonna watch tonight?
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>6-0 Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
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From the latest Observer: >Kushida is a name has been talked about for weeks and we’ve been hearing more and more about it. Kushida is the current IWGP jr. champion and faces Taiji Ishimori at the Tokyo Dome. He’s under contract to New Japan until the end of January so we shouldn’t be hearing his name, but WWE has been more forward about trying to get people and not caring about contracts. Basically the feeling is that nobody with the possible exception of Sinclair, and MLW, would take any action against them, and for NJPW, it’s a difficult process based in Japan, but that’s not saying what NJPW would or wouldn’t do. >Kushida is hardly the only NJPW person WWE is looking at getting right now for all the obvious reasons. This isn’t to say this is a done deal, just a name WWE is earmarking but enough that unlike other New Japan guys who they are after, this is one where the confidence level is at the point where it’s being talked about more prominently, at least one idea has been talked about which would involve him at NXT, as opposed to the obvious guys they want but probably aren’t in the end going to get
Show is on for tonight. >>131989 Fuck.
Team Granpa wins
lol didn't expect GoD to win that one.
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>>132000 >Taichi calling anyone fat
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>>132000 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU FAT SUMBITCH? 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
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New Japan has no chance of selling out the Dome unless they book this big money match
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world tag league finals for me are at 8am, i'll stay up and watch them with you fags
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3 hours left
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1 hour
>>132013 15 mins now.
>>132014 do we have like an actual chat we can use rather than making posts here as stuff happens?
>>132015 I don't think so.
>>132016 I guess we could always make a shitty discord server since no one uses IRC anymore
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>>132018 taima.tv/wooo has the jap commentary, just put it on and fullscreen to ignore the shitty chat man
kojima is the coolest of the boomers
>>132019 oh, dude I'm just making fun of how Makabe's theme is always dubbed.
>>132021 He can still go.
>>132022 >>132020 my b i thought you were watching english commentary for some god forsaken reason>1
>>132024 nah I actually pay for NJPW world
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>>132025 how i wish
boomers beat zoomers
wait a min Chaos teaming with unaffiliated ones in this match?
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>>132029 here's the rest of the matches if you dont know em+ tag league finals
>>132030 I have the schedule in another tab don't worry.
>>132031 i saw some japs on twitter saying what if chuckie t joins suzuki like iizuka by losing his mind.
>>132032 it'd be a nice twist, tired of BC and The Elite getting everyone.
>>132032 Wait, you know nipponese?
>>132034 i do, as a huge weeb i need em to play jap games and watch stuff that doesnt have subs.
>>132033 honestly right now im wondering if okada losing to jay will make chaos disband and have the members each join whoever they feel like. would like to see more members for LIJ and Taguchi Japan. they're both undermanned
>>132035 Well, censorship is coming towards nip games. Hope you have Nintendo or PC.
>>132037 lmao nig i just emulate old stuff. fuck nugaming
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man where is this storyline going? if chuckie is the mole does that mean he'll interrupt okada's match today?
Guess they might set up Ishii vs ZSJ at WK13. >tfw Ishii will tap to zack again
>>132042 i think zsj and ishii are already set up to fight for the british championship
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mask gang I miss hiromu
So a Canadian boomer is going attack after Chase eats the pin right
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I forgot they even knew each together. In fact i sometimes forget yujiro even exists.
gee I wonder if they have ever wrestled each other…
Naito vs Yujiro at KOPW 2013 was the first match of either of them I ever saw. It was pretty good.
Watching this you wouldn't think that Shingo is a Jr. Heavyweight.
>>132050 Motherfucker makes Naito look small.
>>132051 >>132050 shingo is a jr. and will ospreay moves on to heavyweight :^)
>>132053 damn it gaydo
kushida, yano, okada. wtf is this team man. >inb4 yano is the mole >>132054 it's an aight theme tbh
>>132056 I know, but I know who's theme is playing after this match I mean.
>>132057 >inb4 the yano upset
>>132058 Okada being the mole and doing the Fingerpoke of doom would be more closer, well too bad no title is on the line
man at this point im convinced kushida can just tag with anyone and everyone
>>132060 You know what I mean, it would still be hilarious since January 4th is the anniversary of The Fingerpoke of Doom.
>>132062 >January 4th is the anniversary of The Fingerpoke of Doom. Damn I didn't know that, 20 years right? Wow
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time to BREAK some rules
fuck I was wrong.
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>Makabe jumps and saves them >Rocky still just sitting in his commentary seat
>>132069 further proof that jap commentary > eng commentary
>>132069 Dude, he took the most pins this tour against BC? Do you really wanna see him get his ass beat?
>>132067 Pretty big since CHAOS formed from betraying GBH right?
>>132071 Well he could have tried. I meam you'd expect a CHAOS guy like him to help rather than Makabe who well used to hate Choas
shitlite's big return
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oh hey look at that, kenny omega remembered he's the champion and decided to drop by.
>>132074 I can't wait for WK to see them all get BTFO.
now the question is, does GOD win main event and young bucks force themselves in WK with them or does LIJ tag win and WK is a 3-way with them, GOD and young bucks? basically what im trying to say is the young bucks will ruin our fun one way or another.
>The Young "New Japan didn't pay us enough to be in The World Tag League" Bucks
Taguchi > Marty
>>132075 Seriously why has he been so absent? Is he booked like this or what, since he was calling other lazy and now he barely shows up. Damn my internet went down when the bucks entered. What did i miss?
>>132080 marty did his bird dance and taguchi replied with a chicken cluck
>>132080 I guess partly the cruise but even that's a poor excuse. Nothing just Tanahashi and Omega having a eye to eye deal.
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>>132082 Alroght thanks
>>132083 it's literally more important than anything kenny omega will ever do
After KOPW and the press conference I was pretty hyped for Tana vs Omega but Omega being absent for so long and Tana feuding with Jay white in the mean while almost made this match an after thought, I'm not as hyped as before. Hopefully the two Road to tokyo dome shows add something more else it will have been a pretty disappointing buildup.
>taichi gonna job to cosplay
>>132086 what if they have omega have beef with jay and make the iwgp title match a four way match between omega, okada, tana and jay white? ok now im just talking out my ass
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>>132088 Vince pls
Why is Osprey even allowed to find with that injury?
>>132090 fight* curse my lack of sleep
>>132090 >>132091 >Meanwhile yoshi hashi is still out
>>132090 it's a work brother
>Taichi was in it -45 stars -Big Dave
>Jazz music to hype a title match
What we getting? Mento vs Student or Elitefags rejoicing?
>>132097 *Mentor
Based Goto attacking Ibushi straight up.
Ibushi finally wins a singles title in New Japan.
Am I the only one who's up now?
>>132101 sorr, been up all nigth and it im to hit the gsay
damn i think i fainted sometime during the will osprey match. I just realised it's the finals. what did i miss?
>>132103 Ospreay vs Ibushi at WK.
>>132104 sounds good
Everything is evil!
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It's a good day to be an LIJ fan
Well, thank god. I was afraid we would get stuck with The Elite show for WK.
>>132108 >inb4 they get a match at WK anyways
>>132109 lol nevermind
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>3-way at WK god damn it i called it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Iwate is my favourite town in japan that confirms it sanada is a man-whore that dates multiple towns.
>>132113 The Chad Sanada
Evil, Dark Sorcerer, friend of all children.
>sanada opens 2 bottles >gives one to evil >clink >puts bottle down and leaves The chad works in mysterious ways
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>>132112 >3 way Jr. Tag team match >3 Way heavyweight tag match >Multiman Gauntlet tag match for NEVER 6 Man titles

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