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King of Shitposting

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(122.55 KB 1200x675 Nobody cares.jpg)

WWE Megathread - December Boliever 12/03/2018 (Mon) 19:03:32 Id: 9adcb0 No. 131773
Christmas comes early Edition Corbin closes in on General Manager position >Channeling his inner Thanos, “General Manager-Elect” Baron Corbin seems determined to reduce half the Raw roster to dust under his authoritative rule. With the aid of Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre this past Monday night, Corbin masterminded the obliteration of Elias and the brutalizing of Finn Bálor, all while relishing the fact that Braun Strowman was undergoing elbow surgery to repair the damage he and his henchmen inflicted one week prior. >Refusing to cancel his scheduled Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match against The Monster Among Men — who is medically unable to compete — Corbin aims to win the match via forfeit and, per the match stipulation, become permanent General Manager of Team Red. >With Commissioner Stephanie McMahon seemingly allowing The Lone Wolf to do as he pleases, how will Corbin take advantage of his nigh limitless power this week? Inoculated Ambrose promises he’ll be at Raw >After receiving a series of vaccinations to protect him from the “diseases” of the WWE Universe, Dean Ambrose has affirmed he will be at Monday Night Raw in Houston, two weeks before battling former Shield brother Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs. >When The Lunatic Fringe actually appears, The Kingslayer will be ready with some medicine of his own for his onetime ally. The Goddess’ new gig >Following Alexa Bliss’ successful tenure as Captain of the Raw Women’s Survivor Series Team, Raw “General Manager-Elect” Baron Corbin put Little Miss Bliss in charge of the Women’s division — a role she’s clearly relishing. >After luring Sasha Banks and Booley into a confrontational in-ring Q&A session, Bliss looked on as Alicia Fox, Dana Brooke and Mickie James ambushed The Boss ‘N’ Hug Connection. Even though The Boss and The booable one repelled the attack, Alexa set the tone for what to expect under her watch. Rousey teams with The Queen of Harts to face Nia Jax and Tamina >One week after Nia Jax and Tamina set a riotttttttttt Squad trap for Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey and Natalya, The Baddest Woman on the Planet teams up with The Queen of Harts to battle The Irresistible Force and her imposing enforcer in tag team action on Raw in Houston. >Who will gain key momentum less than two weeks before Rousey defends her title against Jax at WWE TLC? >Don't miss any of the action on Monday Night Raw, live at 8/7 C on USA Network!
I'll update the stickies when I get home. t. bo
(7.10 MB 300x348 maho.gif)

>>131775 Should make me a vol
>>131776 Do not make booleyfag a vol under any circumstance. Just assuming it's booleyfag because there's a gif of a dumb cunt acting retarded that booleyfag would find "cute"
>>131779 this, so much this.
>Bush tribute
(4.92 MB 300x162 Tito.gif)

(149.33 KB 378x378 no gf.png)

>Tamina gets no theme
(115.91 KB 1200x1200 Riott Squad BFF.jpg)

>State of Nattys selling it looks like shes laughing
They're really giving up on Corbin actually wrestling at this point, aren't they?
>>131787 That's General Manager Baron Corbin Is he concussed?
(54.59 KB 456x352 Alexa Orton.jpg)

Alexa Bliss getting a massive pop as always
(45.72 KB 462x462 Alexa-Bliss3.jpg)

>Alexa finally ditched Roastie James and Fox atta girl
Deja vu
>muh trish and muh lita Both were trash wrestlers, cold take
This is terrible, who booked this shit
(72.52 KB 1200x675 DtiOklLU4AALNQ_.jpg)

>mfw this entire half hour of women's segements
(87.82 KB 480x300 stop_the_pain.jpg)

>Burying Dana like that
(130.63 KB 1200x675 DtiQjlMV4AA5_r8.jpg)

>Making matches on the fly In kayfabe do these GMs not have the show ready before it starts?
>Return from ads >Match over Great show guys
(63.37 KB 162x220 dean face.png)

its like they're intentionally making this bad
(149.55 KB 1200x675 DtiSLRWUwAAMJGa.jpg)

(123.43 KB 1200x675 DtiSS1nVAAApovN.jpg)

Lucha House Party is a shitty rip off of the New Day
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(99.73 KB 1200x675 DtiUlhWUcAItemK.jpg)

>>131806 >that dean poster
(1.03 MB 854x480 FAN.mp4)

>>131808 >dash isn't even in the match >its fucking 3 faces vs 1 heel what the fuck
>>131811 but why wouldn't dash jump up to be a tag partner, shit is retarded
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>>131812 Don't you understand? It's LUCHA HOUSE PARTY RULES
(18.00 KB 366x380 wtf are you doing.jpg)

This raw is turning out to be even worse than the last two weeks
(227.69 KB 570x383 se7en.png)

60000000 WRITERS
>kissing my feet
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(100.04 KB 1200x675 DtiaFPJVsAAPJLf.jpg)

So Ziggler's a face now?
>Mortal Engines looks like a fun flick tbh
Drew is the new Roman
>Weeb signs are back
>>131822 >loses from a superkick maybe not yet
(78.24 KB 1200x675 DtidxbyUwAE5s6v.jpg)

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So which one's going to win?
>Pretending Drake cant wrestle
>>131830 Slater
this is fucking retarded
More fucking anime signs
Is this lucha house party rules?
I'm not even watching but I'm guessing that right now someone's getting HEAT
>>131836 It's the second 3 on 1 match of the night
>>131837 God damn Sucks cause NJPW is boring now too so there's nothing to fucking watch that's good now.
(87.45 KB 1000x585 IMG_0702-e1495820850195.jpg)

>>131838 Impact is good now I swear
>>131838 MLW is pretty good, so is CMLL and AAA
fucking wew
>Dean ASMR
>>131840 I can't watch shows with dead crowds >>131841 Yeah good point I should get into that. I like the GCW joey janela shows too I guess
(187.36 KB 376x281 deanposter.png)

>>131847 Dean coming out dressed like Bane with sirens over his theme like Ishii
>You people
>>131848 ok damn that's fucking sick
(78.82 KB 716x768 Bill_Wilson-0.jpg)

>>131848 Tell me about Dean! Why does he wear the mask?
>>131851 cuz houston smells lol
>>131852 If I take that off will he die?
>>131854 no but you'll get leukemia
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>this fucking guy is back Like he ever watched joshi before WWE signed Asuka
>>131858 >watching any women's wrestling what a fag
>BREAKING NEWS: @WWEEmberMoon will be @RondaRousey’s partner in the main event of #Raw! #WWE https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1069792413517037568
(7.59 MB 600x331 Based Konami.gif)

>>131859 >>131859 Sorry you have crap tastes
>>131861 Sorry you ate so much shit you ended up liking the taste of it
>>131860 >Not Shayna
(440.55 KB 1365x2048 Mayu Goto.jpg)

>>131862 Nah that would be WWE fans, joshi is fun as fuck
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(85.67 KB 1200x675 Dtisd0pU0AAKFZa.jpg)

(61.91 KB 569x802 dane.jpg)

>>131865 everyone knows you have shit taste booleyfag
>>131864 >Nia screamed so loud, she woke up my pets in a panic
WWE is turning into WCW isn't it
>le smily leather jacket man
>>131865 It's about as fun as getting your wisdom teeth pulled
>Ordinary man that does Extraordinary things My god, is there a worst nickname one can get? It sounds like a rib
So what's going on? Dean is Baneposting and Slater/Rhyno BROKE up?
(108.89 KB 1200x675 DtitsQhU0AU2xcx.jpg)

(149.56 KB 1124x832 Dtir60qU8AAj6pK.jpg)

https://twitter.com/YaOnlyLivvOnce/status/1069793948317704193 >>131874 yes and Baron Corbin laughed at Slater's win saying he shouldn't be wrestling and just be a ref.
>Finn actually won
i-is this the worst raw in history?
(943.07 KB 120x120 photo-142204.gif)

>>131875 Is that new gear on Ruby? She looks great
>>131878 She still has no ass and a fucked up face.
>>131879 no tits either lol
>>131879 >>131880 In contrast Liv has a way nicer ass decent tits and an okay face but dresses fucking awfully so looks almost worse than ruby dressed well
>>131879 No ass? Look at Charlotte, Ruby has one. >fucked up face now that's just mean
>>131875 But why? There's 0% chance either will do anything but continue being main event marks.
>>131883 loser leaves RAW match so rhyno is going to smackdown, nxt, or tna
(24.86 KB 610x401 young lars.jpg)

>Lars "One Man Holocaust" Sullivan
(48.15 KB 715x523 ruby ugly crying.jpg)

>>131882 SHE'S UGLY
>>131884 Hopefully somewhere that lets him actually do something instead of perma-job because vinny hates his ecw acquisitions.
Whats that pink spot on Nias gear? Her weak spot?
>>131888 Yes, Ember the chosen one must attack it for massive damage
>>131888 It's the hippo's stomach.
(1.87 MB 866x1068 Slimnia.png)

>Slim Nia is just Dwayne in drag
>>131888 it's her big fat fucking nipple
>>131891 >that face shape Do you think that's why she got fat? To hide that nasty jaw?
(32.83 KB 431x556 ruby looks gross.jpg)

(7.81 KB 233x216 rito ruby.jpg)

>>131892 She looks like a Rito from Zelda LOL
>>131803 GOTTA GET HEEEEEEEEEEEAT Really though, did no one tell Road Dogg, Vince, and Dunn making shit intentionally bad doesn't work like that if people refuse to buy tickets let alone watch the show? >>131816 It's not hard to top the last episode for being the worst episode so far. What do they have to lose? They got Saudi money, and Fox was stupid enough to buy Smackdown. There's no competition, so Vince has nothing to worry about.
>>131894 Nah she wanted to be like rikishi She should do the stinkface like him would get massive HEAT brother hh
>>131896 road dogg is only on smackdown not RAM
What the fuck was that kick
(183.85 KB 980x1200 RTTS.jpg)

>>131895 You son a bitch no one bullies Ruby on my watch, especially not with your little bing bing wahoos for children
>>131901 >especially not with your little bing bing wahoos for children what
Sounds like I did good skipping this week. Fucking RIP watchable dubya.
>>131901 Reminder that w@ifufags are cancer and should be removed as such.
>over 100 posts >only one show vince wins again, marks
>>131907 I remember when raw threads would get 300 replies
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(112.00 KB 1200x675 the entire sd tag division.jpg)

Theres a PPV this Sunday? Edition Stone Cold, Charlotte Flair and Asuka sign their TLC Match contract >SmackDown Women’s Champion Stone Cold, Charlotte Flair and Asuka will make their historic Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match official tonight on SmackDown LIVE when they sign the contract for the bout. >What will happen when these three rivals meet in the squared circle to put their names on the dotted line? Daniel Bryan to appear on a must-see “Miz TV” >The WWE Universe is still baffled by the “new” Daniel Bryan and his unsettling attitude. The WWE Champion has attempted to give insight to his new outlook, but he’s only left fans with more questions. >There’s an unlikely Superstar who will try to get the truth behind the “new” Daniel Bryan tonight on SmackDown LIVE: The Miz! Can The A-Lister put aside his bitter rivalry with the WWE Champion in search of answers? Find out on what is sure to be a truly must-see edition of “Miz TV!” Jeff Hardy goes one-on-one with Randy Orton >Though his 20th anniversary celebration was crashed by Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy is reinvigorated and ready for whatever the future holds. Tonight, that means rekindling one of his most intense rivalries, as The Charismatic Enigma goes one-on-one with Randy Orton. >The bad blood between the two could not be contained by the squared circle and had to be settled in a truly brutal Hell in a Cell Match, which The Viper won. Can Hardy turn around his fortunes against WWE’s Apex Predator? Woods, Uso and Cesaro square off in Triple Threat Match >A big Triple Threat Match for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship was announced for WWE TLC last week, as Sheamus & Cesaro will defend against The Usos and The New Day. This week on SmackDown LIVE, the WWE Universe will see a different kind of Triple Threat Match, with one member of each team squaring off in singles competition. >Who will claim a critical victory heading into WWE TLC: Xavier Woods, Jey Uso or The Swiss Cyborg? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network!
(53.00 KB 482x719 Zelina.jpg)

>>131908 Yeah 2016 era /wooo/ was way faster, smackdown threads even got 300+ posts
>>131908 This is what happens when people come here, see people whining about blissfags and Booleyfags and then leave. If you're not interesting and just have autistic conversations, people won't want to come here. I stopped coming here regularly months ago.
(935.79 KB 644x644 Wdytwa.png)

>>131912 >not interesting and just have autistic conversations
(35.82 KB 323x407 aj smiles.jpg)

>>131912 >I stopped coming here regularly months ago. Good riddance faggot
(407.44 KB 1536x2048 Armed Waifu Squad.jpg)

>>131915 >mojo rawley Lol. Also if you're referring to the WOR controversy about what they said about Peyton, they were referring to her getting implants when she didn't need them to look good, not being fat. Of course, the shit got blown out of proportion by virtue signalling faggots who didn't even listen to the clip. If you weren't referring to that, nice pic still.
>>131912 He's right you know. this place is mostly a w@ifufag circle jerk. thanks booleyfag you massive queer, you helped kill this place.
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>>131911 >>131908 still faster than it has been so it's still winning
(357.25 KB 1152x2048 Toni wins back wXw title.jpg)

>tfw Toni wants to wrestle The Man(tm) Stone Cold Would send the paddy back home!
>Talent >Lana
Sonya should be in the MMA Horsewomen
(232.91 KB 1300x1000 Brucie_Kibbutz.jpg)

Asuka could probably beat Ronda in a shoot too lmao
>>131925 Asuka can summon MiSu
(449.66 KB 1200x1200 MANDYYY.jpg)

>Mandy and Sonya back together again
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(15.29 KB 419x404 dean sleep.jpg)

will charlotte betray asuka i wonder
(2.42 MB 540x304 tam.gif)

>Slapping your butt to a lesbian
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(151.82 KB 1080x1080 SD Crowd.jpg)

Check out the female stone cold
>>131935 Does SD sell more tickets than RAM or is it just a smaller arena
Charlottes implants are crazy
lol shartlotte ktfo
>>131936 Might be a smaller arena
Lmao what was that
>>131940 The start of Asuka's heel turn jk who knows
>>131942 She was a better heel anyways
(25.01 KB 374x466 asuka smirks.jpg)

>>131943 True, I loved her as a smug heel against Ember Moon
(92.85 KB 1200x675 DtncRSVV4AUTvBY.jpg)

>>131946 >2K18 FOR THE SWITCH JUST
(64.53 KB 673x1024 soyim.jpg)

(8.14 KB 158x187 woo.png)

>beeg just gone
(67.70 KB 129x218 alimony.png)

>Cesaro eats the pin
>Rusev promoting cannibalism
(79.92 KB 500x737 top just.jpg)

(91.03 KB 1200x675 DtnhGAMUUAMTTqY.jpg)

Notorious Bodybuilding.com shitposter Lars Sullivan
(100.06 KB 1080x1080 vegans.jpg)

DBry looking like jeff mangum
(52.50 KB 167x188 Miz disgustr.png)

>That shirt on AJ
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(116.17 KB 1200x675 DtnkiBvUwAEdmTr.jpg)

>Blandy Snoreton
(768.06 KB 256x155 drop.gif)

>Taima chat more interested in a secret emote than this match
samoa joe via bar wrestling
(407.13 KB 463x463 cheers.png)

>>131964 >>131963 Is Samoa joe joining the bar?
(1.46 MB 339x254 cheers.gif)

>>131965 making fun of juff because alcoholism
>Braun is in the new Sherlock Holmes movie >he just looks like himself
>”I see all the chicken you eat Byron” Holy shit lol
(77.63 KB 1080x1080 Toni hair.jpg)

>No Toni Storm in the NXT UK preview you son a bitch haitch
(102.76 KB 1200x675 Candy.jpg)

Holy shit Candy Floss is on Pauls Super Duper UK Show now?
>>131974 You're a fucking faggot booleyfag
Is there anywhere to get most episodes of Botchamania including the specials? Most of the links I have found are dead.
>>131974 Kill yourself Booleyfag
https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2018/12/5/18127805/wwe-smackdown-live-ratings-dec-4-2018-numbers-plummet-smallest-audience-of-year >Only 1,948,000 tuned in to USA Network last night. BUT MUH BECKY SHES THE MAN Ouch >>131918 >>131912 The gay circle jerks gets out of hand when you have 60+ shit posts of some ugly jew bitch, blonde losers, fugly aussies, or jobber losers like Booley, Mandy, and Toni. It's also hard to talk about the product when the product flat out sucks. How many times are you going to whine about something like Rhoode getting buried hard or shitty pee jokes? Or how Vince lets Nia get away with shit for being a fat, Sjw-Samoan pig?
>>132008 yeah it sucks but at least you could focus on what few positives there are and talk about that like based Miz but the w@ifu shit is really really gay.
(611.36 KB 869x612 shootme2.png)

>>132009 >>132009 Ok, how's this: get me a good custom polling site that has some decent anti-(((vote stuffing))) measures and I'll put up a vote for doing something about this. I've been reluctant on doing something because activity is already really low and dropping it any further seemed counter-productive, but if there's a chance people will be more willing to discuss even the shitty state of the product now if """""""""""""whyfu"""""""""""""""fagging you can't gay 3D you dumb niggers reeeeeeeeeeee wasn't allowed to flood the threads I'm willing to take it if it can be shown people want it. nerdfilters that are intended to be memes aside, I don't want to shove anything down anyone's throats here.
(45.35 KB 885x644 ClipboardImage.png)

>>132010 Well, there is a site called poll-maker.com that lets you limit votes by IP. It might be the best you can get. I personally don't mind wrestlefuposting that much, so long as it's a post actually related to something happening on the show. It just gets retarded with excessive avatarfagging of the same cunt, and random tumblr tier gifs of "cute" fucking autistic mannerisms. I even used to somewhat like I love cocks, but now I can't stand seeing her face.
>>132123 lol who got nerdfiltered to "cocks"?
>>132124 toe knee storum got filtered to I love cocks
>>132010 Just wanted to note the main reason I'm posting less and am not in RAM threads is because of how shit the product is (and I've been cutting back on my New Japan against my will), sure the same is true for others, hard to be in here funposting when RAM is unwatchable. I hate the fuck out of booleyfag (and he will forever be booleyfag) but banning autism is a strong measure, I mean fuck whyfu fags but I stand by ye olde "bully them to death" method over moderation. Just my mark ass 2 cents. I mean it's an American wrestling board in a shit era for American (really just WWE actually) wresting, it's not going to grow massively without some movement in the business I'm afraid (maybe this "All Elite" stuff that's been rumored? Even then doubt it).
>Drake Maverick announces a Cruiserweight Title Match for WWE TLC: WWE Exclusive, Dec. 10, 2018 >Per 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick, Cedric Alexander will challenge Buddy Murphy for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs.
b-bray tonight right?
(106.50 KB 1200x675 DuGQL8SXcAEEblS.jpg)

>>132130 don't know about that but Seth's cutting a pipebomb promo in the opening right now.
(3.39 MB 200x200 vince.gif)

>>132131 >corbin getting all the heat for raw sucking
(103.85 KB 1200x675 DuGYieYW0AACMwb.jpg)

(137.08 KB 1200x675 DuGY-_cXcAAfYkZ.jpg)

>Putting her through a table with a picture of her dead father on it That enough heat for you?
>>132133 RAW IS HEAT
(142.87 KB 971x970 1528767775254.png)

>>132128 Thats something I get, but the feeling given by some people here is that they're driven away from posting by booleyfag constantly spamming his shit taste, or maybe there's just a feeling of desperation for people to care about this place again.
>Ziggler and McIntyre BROKE up >McIntired teamed up with Corbin What is this?
(112.54 KB 1200x675 DuGdxOAX4AYBDC_.jpg)

(128.57 KB 1200x675 DuGdxOCX4AARjiV.jpg)

>>132136 not sure but still a ok match
>TLC match >outside of a PPV >December 10 2018 RAM will actually have as many TLC matches as the TLC PPV
>poolicia fux
>Finn Balor is hurt so Apollo Crews will be Booley's new tag team partner for MMC this week Why do people keep getting injured or swapped out on MMC?
>apollo snooze is teaming up with botcha and booley Is Titus Worldslide dead now?
>>132141 yeah they had them BREAK up a couple months ago but haven't done anything with Titus or Dana since.
(99.03 KB 1200x675 DuGieTRVYAA-SUz.jpg)

>burying elias even harder by making some shitty 205 dive faggot win over him
Did she write this shit on her hand? Is that why the fat fuck was staring at it so long?
why does alexa look like a pornstar
(88.12 KB 1200x675 DuGqaRGWkAE4x5M.jpg)

>>132147 GM Corbin made her the manager of the RAW women's division
>stream has been in downpitched mode all day because the vm is being a nigger >nia fatts' voice downpitched sounds exactly like a fucking drag queen down to the lithp Why the fuck is Alexa out there anyway? Wasn't there some huge feud with her and Lexa?
(58.97 KB 1280x720 DuGt5SPW0AEnm3p.jpg)

main event time >Seth VS Corbin
(127.75 KB 1200x675 DuGxG2FXcAY2_NG.jpg)

>Lars is lurking but is he going to RAW or Smackdown?
>things are happening >nobody's talking
>>132152 I'm doing homework
WELP >looks like corbin won by cheating >stream cuts off
(68.10 KB 1200x675 DuG35ZCWoAEEHEg.jpg)

(134.53 KB 1200x675 DuG39OMXQAEolpJ.jpg)

(98.20 KB 1200x675 DuG39ONXgAAfUrC.jpg)

>Heath Slater's now a dirty ref who is rigging the matches in Corbin's favor in order to get heat
>>132128 IMPACT! has gotten really good and fun thanks (at least I'm led to bolieve) to Callis' involvement and it's in ring product alone is well worth watching .However I honestly understand people's reluctance to give it another chance after everything that's happened in the past. It is a shame though as although I'm under no illusions of IMPACT! ever being a competitor again, if even around a third of WWE's tv audience gave IMPACT! some regular views it could at least grow it's production budget and provide a decently attractive alternative show.
(1.75 MB 200x150 vince claps.gif)

>seth rollins cuts worked shoot promo about how ram is shit >puts all the heat on corbin even though vince has been writing the shows >exposes the business by implying pee pee segments were vince's corbin's idea and not real life events >rooo and gable actually become champs in 3vs2 match instead of rooo turning on gable >riottttttttt squad have a table with a picture of natalya's dead dad on it >constable corbin has a main event tlc title match on ram what a show maggle
Cruiserweights are back on TV? 205 Live’s Mustafa Ali to face Daniel Bryan tonight on SmackDown LIVE >A surprising first-time-ever match has been confirmed for SmackDown LIVE, as Mustafa Ali – The Heart and Soul of 205 Live – will take on WWE Champion Daniel Bryan. >Ali has thrilled the WWE Universe since BREAKing out in the Cruiserweight Classic with his high-flying daredevil offense. He has proven time and again that there is no risk he is unwilling to take in pursuit of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship, establishing himself as one of the top Superstars on WWE 205 Live. >However, he will be facing perhaps the toughest challenge of his career tonight when he collides with the WWE Champion. Since winning the title, the “new” Daniel Bryan has ended the “Yes!” Movement while unleashing a new, brutal side of himself. Bryan is no stranger to Ali, having watched the high-flyer while commentating the Cruiserweight Classic. Will that give him an advantage? Charlotte Flair meets Asuka in a WrestleMania Rematch >At WrestleMania 34 in April, Charlotte Flair ended Asuka’s two-and-a-half-year undefeated streak. Tonight, she’ll have the chance to make it 2-0 against The Empress of Tomorrow on SmackDown LIVE. >Both Superstars will challenge Stone Cold for the SmackDown Women’s Championship in the first-ever Women’s TLC Match. After a heated contract signing, the two were forced to team up against Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville, but they did not get on the same page and tasted defeat after Charlotte kicked Asuka in the head – seemingly by mistake – and Asuka responded by kneeing Flair in the face. >Who will win this WrestleMania Rematch? The Usos and The Bar to clash in a Rap Battle hosted by The New Day >As the Triple Threat Match for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles at WWE TLC draws near, the bad blood between The Bar and The Usos is about to boil over. It may do just that tonight on SmackDown LIVE when the two teams meet in a Rap Battle, hosted by The New Day. >We’ve seen The Usos spit rhymes in the past, but the lyrical stylings of Sheamus & Cesaro are unknown to the WWE Universe. What kind of bars will The Bar bring? Jeff Hardy to address Samoa Joe’s "public service announcement" >Last week on SmackDown LIVE, Jeff Hardy reignited his rivalry against Randy Orton one week after The Viper unleashed a brutal assault on Rey Mysterio. However, just after Hardy dropped Orton with a back suplex on the announce table and ascended the ropes looking to crash down onto The Viper, Samoa Joe suddenly appeared on the TitanTron from a bar, callously mocking The Charismatic Enigma and keeping him distracted long enough for Orton to level his opponent with the RKO for the victory. As Hardy recovered, Joe added insult to injury be mocking Hardy with a “public service announcement” on the dangers of drinking in excess. >In response, WWE.com has now learned that Jeff Hardy will address Samoa Joe’s public service announcement tonight on the blue brand. Naomi goes one-on-one with Mandy Rose >A war of words on social media will turn physical during SmackDown LIVE, as Naomi takes on Mandy Rose. >The back-and-forth started when The Golden Goddess took to Twitter to point out Naomi’s recent shortcomings, especially in the Mixed Match Challenge with her husband, Jimmy Uso. >Will Mandy Rose prove herself right, or can Naomi move past her recent losses and shut The Golden Goddess up? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network!
>>132161 >205 dive vs normal competitors Desperate move to get attention to the loserweights (who they have hidden away on the network), or a sign that 205 is closing and they're shuttling those competitors into the already crowded main rosters that don't even feature half the talent?
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>>132162 a little of both honestly. I knew something was up when they moved 205 to Wednesday's alongside NXT.
>Ali >the most over/pushed nigga in all of 205 >buried this hard by veganfag
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>this segment
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record low ratings
>shane btfos some nameless jobbers
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Whoa, Rusev actually won
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>RAM main event: TLC match for IC title <SD main event: jobska vs charlatan non-title normal match
>being mad that asuka is main eventing
>triple threat lame
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>>132173 I'm not >show ends with Asuka beating Charlotte and Becky with kendo sticks nice
>breeze destroying hawkins on Main Event >commentators talking about tyler's new "mean streak" >piped in boos for breeze Tyler Wyatt confirmed
>>132010 >>132009 >>132123 >>132128 One thing Something Awful did right in the wrestling threads was flat out ban anyone who spazzed like a creepy autistic faggot over shitty bitches like Ruby, Booley, Tony, Alexa, etc. They could cheer for the wrestler, but if they into major arguments like Booleyfag and Alexafag, they got banned in an instant like the faggots who would write how they want to sniff their panties/armpits or want to get crushed by Nia Jax. Megathreads don't need 60+ shit posts of two lonely, virgin autists screeching over dumb bitches like Toni, Mandy, and Booley or an ugly jew like Ruby. gay faggotry deserves a ban. >>132241 He's just going to tell the audience to fuck off. You can't convince him to change anything if he's set on stuff like making Charlotte the Cena of the women's division, or he wants more pee jokes.
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>>132241 >shake things up Why do they have to be so vague? Oh right they probably decide the details last minute. I'm guessing it's not a superstar shakeup. It'll probably involve Corbin in some way, and maybe he'll even make Bliss the new GM until she's cleared to wrestle (assuming she isn't permanently fucked). Also going to laugh when the crowd cheers Vince even though they booed the fuck out of Corbin for the shit that Vince wrote.
Mr. McMahon returns to Raw to shake things up tonight >One week after Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins placed the blame for Monday Night Raw’s recent decline squarely on the shoulders of “General Manager-Elect” Baron Corbin, WWE Chairman and CEO Mr. McMahon will return to the red brand to shake things up, WWE.com can confirm. >The landmark appearance of The Chairman comes one night after WWE TLC, where Corbin intends to be named the permanent General Manager of Raw following a forfeit victory over the injured Braun Strowman in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match, per the stipulation handed down by Commissioner Stephanie McMahon. However, rumors abound that The Monster Among Men could make an appearance at this Sunday’s WWE TLC event and stop The Lone Wolf from assuming total control of Team Red. >With Mr. McMahon’s return imminent, however, Corbin could have a lot to answer for regardless of his position. How will The Chairman shake up Monday Night Raw, and who will benefit — or suffer — as a result? Is Rollins ready for the age of Ambrose? >In an absolutely brutal showdown, Dean Ambrose overcame Seth Rollins at WWE TLC to lay claim to the Intercontinental Championship. >The rivalry between the former Shield brothers is surely far from over, but how will Rollins rally back tonight? And what will happen if the two come face-to-face in what would surely be an explosive showdown? What will happen after Ronda Rousey’s rowdy actions in the SmackDown Women’s Triple Threat Match? >After successfully defending her Raw Women’s Championship against Nia Jax at WWE TLC, Ronda Rousey decided to interject herself into the first-ever Women’s TLC Match. And by taking out Stone Cold and Charlotte Flair, she effectively paved the way for Asuka to capture her first SmackDown Women’s Title. >What will Ronda have to say about her actions – and will Charlotte or Becky be showing up on Raw for retribution? Is The Monster Among Men ready for The Beast? >Although Braun Strowman returned to the squared circle with his arm in a sling, he still defeated the self-professed “General Manager-Elect” Baron Corbin in their TLC Match, thanks to help from Raw Superstars like Finn Bálor, Heath Slater and even Kurt Angle. >Not only is Corbin out of power on Monday Night Raw due to his loss to Strowman, but The Monster Among Men has now earned a title bout against Universal Champion Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble on Sunday, Jan. 27. >Will Strowman return to Raw tonight? Is his elbow possibly ready for another encounter with The Beast? What will happen when Finn Bálor battles Dolph Ziggler on Raw? >After Dolph Ziggler got involved in Finn Bálor’s match against Drew McIntyre and subsequently attacked The Extraordinary Man during Finn’s backstage interview, Bálor and Ziggler will look to settle things in the ring tonight on Raw. Who will be the first Superstars from Raw to enter the 2019 Royal Rumble? >SmackDown Superstars R-Truth & Carmella claimed the No. 30 entries in their Royal Rumble Matches by beating Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox in the Mixed Match Challenge Finals last night, but will we see any Raw Superstars declare themselves for the all-important Rumble Matches?
here we go
>pushing the blame of all your fuckups onto barron AHAHA I LOVE IT MAAGCEHL
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>the people who are shoot responsible for RAM sucking are burying the guy who is kayfabe responsible wew
>Time's are going to change! <immediate handicap match
hopefully they kill him so we don't have to watch him wrestle again
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So basically they're going back to the McMahons and Triple H running the shows, which is exactly the way it was before Wrestlemania, and telling everyone that "all 4 of them are running the shows" and this is new and different. i get that about right?
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>>132516 They also claim that they are going to listen to fans
so he's really going with the Baneposting huh
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>>132519 At least he only wore the mask once. On the bright side Tyler Breeze is back.
breeze is my dawg
>muh new era >muh fresh start >Breeze still gets buried
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Take a look at all those NXT call ups? Which one's are going to RAW and which one's are going to Smackdown?
>>132523 no way of telling because they're probably gonna fuck up and wait forever for their debuts and nobody will give a fuck by then
>>132523 All to RAM
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>>132524 Well its already clear that Nikki Cross is going to Smackdown so she can join back up with Sanity and she already showed up on the show this year to have a match with Becky. >>132525 kek
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>bo dallas spamming rollups because it's the most op move fucking genius
>>132527 >Sharia law Zayn now has Antifa as his logo How fitting
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>8 woman gauntlet match >Winner has to face Ronda Steph killing the ratings
imagine if booley wins
>KO is coming back Thank god
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https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1074866390937436162 >>132531 >yfw it comes down to Booley and Sasha so that Sasha can steal her opportunity for the title and they can do a Booley/Sasha feud again
as the injury train drops off some much needed talent, you have to wonder who the next ones to board will be
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>taking up an entire hour of RAW just to have Natty VS Ronda next week
>>132512 I hate this company so, so, SO very fucking much.
>completely forgot about this because holy fuck I'm tired >this low a post count for the show Was it that bad?
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>>132538 It was great maggle new era i love it. The based McMahons btfo'ded Corbin for single handedly making RAM suck. Now the McMahons will run every show. also the whole third hour was a historic women's gauntlet match which Natalya won
The era of Asuka begins >Asuka emerged victorious in the first-ever Women’s TLC Match on Sunday night, becoming the new SmackDown Women’s Champion. Though she got an unexpected assist from Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey, The Empress of Tomorrow has declared that she is now “the man” after defeating Stone Cold and Charlotte Flair. >Will anyone step up to try and bring Asuka’s reign to a quick end? https://twitter.com/WWEAsuka/status/1075119399256780800 How will Stone Cold and Charlotte Flair respond to Ronda Rousey’s interference? >Though Asuka is sure to be celebrating her newfound championship glory, The Man and The Queen are no doubt seething after Ronda Rousey shoved the ladder they had been climbing, sending them tumbling to the canvas and allowing The Empress of Tomorrow to claim the SmackDown Women’s Title for herself. >How will Lynch and Flair respond to The Baddest Woman on The Planet meddling in their affairs? Will “The New” Daniel Bryan’s crusade continue? >Following his tirade about the WWE Universe and his leather-strapped WWE Championship Sunday afternoon, “The New” Daniel Bryan took one step closer to making his worldview a reality, defeating AJ Styles to hang onto the WWE Title at WWE TLC. >Will Bryan make good on his vow to introduce a sustainable championship title? Will Styles still be on the hunt for the champion? Can anyone stop The Bar? >The odds were stacked against Sheamus & Cesaro in their SmackDown Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match at WWE TLC. However, The Bar once again showed why they are Team Blue’s top tandem, fighting off the challenge of both The New Day and The Usos. With those two tag teams in the rearview mirror, who will be next to try and knock off The Bar?
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>half hour in >one reply >it's screenshotanon Is it this dead?
>>132546 its December a lot of people are busy. Also the only thing that's happened so far is Asuka is having a match with Naomi.
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>"Mustafa Ali has been added to the active Smackdown roster" 205 Live buried
>>132546 decided not to watch smackdown tonight, just gonna be more of >muh new era >muh fresh start >currentCenawinslol
>>132546 WWE is utter trash at this juncture why even bother
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>Mustafa pinned Daniel Bryan Nice
>>132548 hmm Charlotte looking significantly more fuckable than usual
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>>132559 >he didn't take the sign, tease a cliche sign rip up, then swerve and yell about how he's going to recycle it to save the environment Missed opportunity
>Marks thinks things will improve with Vince <Smarks also think it will get better <It's going to be Authority 2.0, but much worse. Aren't the New Year's shows going to be taped?
>>132560 Well what do you expect from a guy with a name like Niel Yan?
Seth Rollins and Baron Corbin go one-on-one >You’re a mean one, Mr. Corbin, but Seth Rollins knows how to deal with Grinches. After The Kingslayer placed the blame for Raw’s decline on The Lone Wolf’s shoulders, Corbin was convinced that Rollins poisoned the roster against him and prompted the McMahon family to assume stewardship of both the red brand and SmackDown LIVE. When the would-be Raw General Manager confronted Rollins with these assertions, The Architect socked Corbin in the jaw, which grew three sizes that day (although it might have been just the swelling). >Dr. Seuss references aside, the battle between Rollins and Ambrose on Christmas night will be must-see. Get that Yule Log ready, WWE Universe. Monday Night Rollins is about to “Burn it Down.” Ronda Rousey and Natalya square off for the Raw Women’s Championship >Friendship will be put to the test when Natalya takes on longtime training partner Ronda Rousey for the Raw Women’s Championship on a special Christmas Eve edition of Monday Night Raw. >Both Superstars have shown recently how ruthless they can be. Natalya held nothing back in her Tables Match against Ruby riotttttttttt at WWE TLC, then went on to defeat three Superstars in a row during last Monday’s Gauntlet Match. The Rowdy One, meanwhile, made Nia Jax submit to the Armbar at the pay-per-view event, then went on to topple a ladder and send SmackDown Women’s Champion Stone Cold and Charlotte Flair crashing to the floor at the end of the night. >The stakes are high for these indomitable women, and regardless of the outcome, their friendship could very well change forever. Finn Bálor, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre collide in a Triple Threat Match >Elias might have earned himself a spot on Santa Claus’ “Nice” list over the past few weeks, but Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush have cemented their place in the “Naughty” column, and they’re seemingly proud of that fact. >In what has become a WWE holiday tradition, these warring Superstars will meet in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight, where there will be no count-outs, no disqualifications and no telling what kind of merry mayhem will ensue. Raw Tag Team Titles on the line >Benefiting from the McMahon family’s elimination of championship rematch clauses — meaning a defeated titleholder does not have a guaranteed chance to reclaim their title — The Revival scored a Raw Tag Team Championship opportunity against new champions Bobby Roode & Chad Gable, and that match will take place on Christmas Eve. >Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder earned that title bout by defeating AOP (who had just lost their titles to Roode & Gable and did not get a rematch), The B-Team and Lucha House Party in a Fatal 4-Way Match. Can these “Top Guys” keep that momentum going and become Raw Tag Team Champions on Christmas Eve? They ho-ho-hope so. Paul Heyman celebrates the holidays >A roaring fire, lights twinkling and dreams of Brock Lesnar German suplexing his opponents into submission. Such is the the holiday season for Paul Heyman, who is awaiting The Beast Incarnate’s next Universal Championship defense against Braun Strowman at the WWE Royal Rumble event. >The advocate for The Conqueror will be at Raw for a special holiday celebration. So you’d better watch out, and you’d better not cry.
>>132576 >The WWE Universe can expect a true “Nightmare Before Christmas” with this bout. One week after Drew McIntyre interfered in Finn Bálor and Dolph Ziggler’s match by pummeling both Superstars, all three rivals will settle their differences in a Triple Threat Match, live on Raw. >The Scottish Psychopath seems unstoppable as of late, and views Bálor and Ziggler as obstacles in his path to root out complacency in the locker room. Meanwhile, there’s no love between the first Universal Champion and The Showoff, whose own rivalry incited a brutal backstage altercation at WWE TLC. >Who will emerge victorious in what is sure to be an intense grudge match?
Rusev challenges United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura >After pinning United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura in tag team action two weeks ago, Rusev vowed that his next move would be to take the star-spangled title from WWE’s Rockstar. Nakamura responded by calling The Bulgarian Brute a “total diva” while putting together a montage mocking Rusev’s pursuit of happiness on the hit E! reality series. >The match has been made for Christmas night. Dec. 25 also marks the birth of The Bulgarian Brute, and happens to fall on Rusev Day, as well. Will Rusev receive a championship gift, or will Nakamura spoil his holidays? Shane McMahon to appear on “Miz TV” >In recent weeks, The Miz has been desperately trying to form a tag team with Shane McMahon. The A-Lister even went so far as to seek the blessing of Shane’s father, Mr. McMahon. The WWE Chairman insisted that Miz needed to prove himself, and put The Awesome One in a mixed tag team match with Mandy Rose to take on R-Truth & Carmella. The Miz and The Golden Goddess were victorious, but is that enough to earn The McMahons’ respect? >We may find out on Christmas night, as The Miz welcomes Shane McMahon to a Christmas edition of “Miz TV.” Will The Man Without Fear finally give The Miz what he’s been wishing for? Jeff Hardy goes one-on-one with Samoa Joe >Samoa Joe has been mocking Jeff Hardy’s past struggles with personal demons, and even feigned apologizing for his actions to get Hardy in the ring so he could stage an intervention for The Charismatic Enigma. Hardy finally had enough last Tuesday and gave The Samoan Submission Machine a taste of his own medicine, pointing out Joe’s shortcomings in the ring before dropping him with a Twist of Fate. >Hardy will get another chance at payback on Christmas night, when he steps in the ring with Samoa Joe. Will SAnitY continue to sow chaos? >While Gallows & Anderson called out The Usos to re-establish themselves in SmackDown’s tag team division, SAnitY took a different path, ambushing The Good Brothers and The Usos during their match on last week’s show, beating SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bar to the punch in the process. >As the new era in WWE continues to reveal itself, will Eric Young, Killian Dain & Alexander Wolfe’s brand of chaos set the tempo for the tag team division?
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Coming in 2019 women's tag titles and John Cena returns https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1077390201389965312
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>>132581 damn bliss a cute would mistletoe
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This is your main event for the evening.
>literally nobody watched
Merry Blissmas, /wooo/ :^)
>curtain jerking with R-Truth >having nothing to do on christmas night so I'm watching WWE probably 100% alone
>heelbry is just an obnoxious environmentalist >R-Truth is flossing like a zoomer
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>Mustafa Ali VS Andrade Cien Almas Sounds like a good match
>it's a "we have nothing for 90% of our roster so let's do a tag team match with every team and jobber entrance all but two" episode
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>Gallows and Anderson won
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>miz has daddy issues
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Orton must be lazy or something. Jeff's feud with him never seemed anywhere near as intense as this one with Joe.
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>Rusev is the new US Champion >AJ Styles is turning heel MERRY CHRISTMAS
>>132597 >Punching Vince = heel turn Why? It's what the audience wants to do.
Former tag team partners square off in blockbuster Steel Cage Match >Although Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler took Raw by storm in the latter half of 2018, the former Raw Tag Team Champions have been butting heads as of late. After clashing in a Triple Threat Match that also involved mutual nemesis Finn Bálor — a bout won by WWE’s first Universal Champion, by the way — The Scottish Psychopath took his frustrations out on The Showoff, but Ziggler was able to escape a mauling with a well-timed Zig Zag. >Thanks to a Christmas Eve decree by “Mr. McMahon-ta Claus,” McIntyre and Ziggler are set to settle their differences inside a Steel Cage on New Year’s Eve. Ronda Rousey and Natalya’s friendship stays strong >Despite pushing each other to the limit in last Monday night’s Raw Women’s Championship Match, defending titleholder Ronda Rousey and Natalya are closer than ever. And, even though The Queen of Harts failed to unseat The Baddest Woman on the Planet, Natalya is looking to close out 2018 on a high note. >What new challenges await these two ultra-competitive Superstars? Seth Rollins has unfinished business with Dean Ambrose >With the McMahon family’s announcement that there will be no automatic rematch once a Superstar loses their championship, Seth Rollins’ path back to new Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose is a bit more complicated than it was just a few weeks ago. After defeating Baron Corbin in last Monday’s main event, The Kingslayer is no doubt eyeing Team Red’s workhorse title, which he lost to his former brother-in-arms at WWE TLC. >How will The Architect get his championship back? How will Elias rock New Year’s Eve? >It wouldn’t be a special New Year’s Eve edition of Monday Night Raw without a performance by Raw’s resident troubadour, Elias. With this special episode emanating from Detroit Rock City, expect to welcome 2019 with a tune or two. >Sure, there’s a ball dropping in Times Square at midnight, but when it comes to ringing in the New Year, we would much rather “Walk With Elias.”
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>riottttttttttttttt squaddddd vs bagley, horse and nigger moon NEW ERA MAGGLE
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Last time I saw a nigger get curbstomped that hard, his brains were all over the sidewalk.
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>All that build up just so Apollo could job to Ambrose >The main event is Nia and Tamina VS Natalya and Ronda
John Cena returns to kick off 2019 >What better way to kick off the new year than with John Cena? >One of “Mr. McMahon-ta Claus’s” gifts to the WWE Universe on the Christmas Eve edition of Raw was the return of the 16-time World Champion, to both the red and blue brands. Cena’s first appearance will come on the New Year’s Day edition of SmackDown LIVE. As Team Blue gets ready to kick off 2019, how will the presence of one of the greatest Superstars in WWE history effect things? Don't miss The New Day's New Year's Celebration >It wouldn’t be New Year’s Day with out a celebration. Thankfully, The New Day is here to throw a party worthy of 2019. >There’s sure to be plenty of pancakes at The New Day’s New Year Celebration, but what else will Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods & Big E have planned for the WWE Universe? What will be the fallout of AJ Styles’ attack of Mr. McMahon? >On Christmas night, Mr. McMahon demanded to see the animal inside AJ Styles, wanting to know who the “real” AJ Styels is. Mr. McMahon went so far as to slap The Phenomenal One after questioning why Styles was letting others compete in the house he built. >The WWE Chairman got his wish, as Styles floored Mr. McMahon with a right hand before letting out a primal rage. As officials checked on him, Mr. McMahon said he was OK, as a smile crept across his face. >Why did Mr. McMahon choose to enrage AJ Styles? Will there be any fallout for The Phenomenal One’s attack on the WWE Chairman? What’s next for The Miz & Shane McMahon? >The Miz made an impassioned plea to Shane McMahon on a Christmas night edition of “Miz TV,” one last time asking Shane-O-Mac to join forces with him to be come “the best tag team in the world.” >The A-Lister’s passionate speech apparently connected with Shane, as he agreed to team up with Miz, though he gave him one warning: “You better not screw me, or there’s going to be major consequences.” >Now that the “co-besties” are officially teaming up, what’s next for this brand-new tag team? How will Rusev's reign as United States Champion begin? >Last week was a Merry Christmas and the happiest Rusev Day, as The Bulgarian Brute defeated Shinsuke Nakamura to win the United States Championship. How will Rusev celebrate this momentous occasion?
>>132627 It's January, you jabroni.

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