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King of Shitposting

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New Japan Cup thread 2 Boliever 03/13/2019 (Wed) 02:51:53 Id: 2fb367 No. 136672
This is for when the old thread hits post limit. March 14th- 5:30 AM EDT/4:30 AM CDT/3:30 AM MDT/2:30 AM PDT March 16th- 5:30 AM EDT/4:30 AM CDT/3:30 AM MDT/2:30 AM PDT March 17th- 5:30 AM EDT/4:30 AM CDT/3:30 AM MDT/2:30 AM PDT March 20th- 6 AM EDT/5 AM CDT/4 AM MDT/3 AM PDT March 21st- 5 AM EDT/4 AM CDT/3 AM MDT/2 AM PDT March 23rd- 4 AM EDT/3 AM CDT/2 AM MDT/1 AM PDT March 24th- 2 AM EDT/1 AM CDT/12 AM MDT/March 23rd 11 PM PDT
NJC and G1 VTRs are among the best you'll see all year. Promo vids are an underrated part of the biz.
show starting >>136675 first time seeing the promo and it is godly
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me watching alone
next match should be fun
Future 69th IWGP champ bros
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Half the people in this match are jokers
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yall late.
>>136732 i enjoy comedy matches but seeing them on every day of the tour gets tiring
>>136734 no you can't read
>>136734 have you considered going back to middle shcool to learn letters?
taguchi heel turn?
>next match is Yoshi Hashi vs Chase
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>>136739 I'm out
>this shit again at this point they're just overhyping him
oh boy this shit promo again
i think yoshi's theme would be better if it didnt take 5 days to start
>>136743 i fugging hate yoshis theme its so shit. worst in nujapan
>>136745 yeah but you have shit taste. there's worse themes in new japan
>>136746 like ZSJs
>>136746 chase owens has a better theme
>>136747 ZSJ's is okay. The worst is Bushi's, it just sounds like 3 separate tracks playing over one another.
>>136749 also any theme that has rocky singing is pretty shit.
>Chase has a shit match with Juice <has a good match with Yoshi Hashi
yoshi vs okada semi finals would be interesting even if it's obvious that okada wins
looking forward to this main event
Lets go Taichi
>Taichi vs Yoshi Hashi quaterfinals pls no
based taichi finishing his song even after being announced
>>136756 pls yes move over old stars
>>136758 >wanting mediocre as fuck matches fuck off
>>136759 >not wanting jobbers to grow up into stars fuck off
>>136760 snorefests don't make stars
ew did he drink kevin kellys water
>>136761 giving them a big stage in an important tournament will make them grow.
he keeps teasing us with the iron finger
>>136766 taichi LIJ* turn
>>136768 I fucking called it
>>136769 I meant in ring
these dudes have great chemistry
>>136770 yeah i was reffering to >>136759
well shit
>>136772 I'll eat my words, I thought Taichi was only okay. When he has the right opponent, he's pretty good.
I'm not salty about taichi losing this. It was a great match and he even had some character development in it.
Taichi treated this match like it was a fucking G1…
>>136775 He won me over with this one. He tried really hard.
>>136776 he deserves to be in g1 29
>>136776 g1 taichi or riottttttttt
>Makabe staring STRAIGHT into the camera dude cut it out
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>>136780 Dunn pls Also if Okada vs Ospreay happens, this entire side of the bracket is CHAOS facing off each other to reach the finals, already so with Okada vs Mikey.
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>>136784 fuck wrong one
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YOU WILL WATCH THE PROMO EVERY TIME AND LIKE IT MUTHAFAKA. NEW BURRETO CLUB MEMBA. DUBSTEP also theme reminds me of my bois blake and muphys theme from og nxt watch my oc dub
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Not sure if this is the thread to discuss this but >G1 Climax 29 will be hosted in burgerland >Not a half-assed special show like every time >The ACTUAL fucking tournament
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stream's live
Damn missed the first match
Chase is getting Hangman Page's push. fuck that means he will in in the G1.
>Naito and Shingo Awesome. Also based off backstage interviews whenever they team up Naito always feels mixed since Shingo outshines him or so but ultimately likes that shingo is part of LIJ. Man I'd pay for not just a match but a feud between them two.
Shota should dye his hair to look like Naito, play some mind games.
I didn't miss much did I?
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>>136798 tfw hangman didn't become a tanahashi disciple
>>136803 Continues to be cody's and the bucks' bitch
just realised. it's possible and quite likely that we'll get suzuki vs tanahashi semi finals. deja vu?
>>136805 You think Suzuki is over enough in the states?
>>136806 you think ameriburgers dare go against the king?
>>136806 >heel vs heel Nah, I'd say Sanada wins this one
>>136807 A lot of them did stop watching New Japan because of The Elite leaving.
>>136808 Yeah, I see Sanada winning too. That's also, heel vs heel though.
>>136808 i thought we've been over this, LIJ aren't exactly heels, hiromu, shingo, sanada and evil especially barely BREAK rules if ever.
>>136811 Why do you guys keep confusing me replying to the wrong people?
there goes milano's evil toy >>136812 you both said the same thing i just replied to who i saw first
Jesus calm down Milano
wow milano is going super blacno 100 por ciento
>young lions cling to Sanada instead of Suzuki cause he knows he won't beat him up >>136814 I think he meant Suzuki vs Jay White
suzuki is saying he'll fucking kill sanada in korakuen
>>136818 also telling the audience to stfu
Everyone that cuts a promo the day before they're match loses. First DBS jr, today Archer and tomorrow Suzuki.
But yeah even so, Sanada needs to build up to an American audience a bit. Suzuki is in a better position now.
>>136821 im curious, are all wrestling promos like this? as in someone needs to be popular for the matches to be predetermined to appease the crowds or are there promos were the wrestlers just go to town on each other and the stronger one wins?
>>136822 It's how it is now at least in the shitty states.
>my skinny legs will choke him out!
>>136823 yeah but njpw is the same isnt it
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>>136822 It's a business brother, personalities draw, not 5 star matches.
>Ishii, Taguchi, Juice and Colt Cabana How did Ishii get into this team.
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>Tana teaming up with more CHAOS members than Ishii
goto on commentary neat
>>136825 Not always, Okada and Jay White weren't really ready for their first main event wins. Okada proved himself, still gonna wait for White's third defense.
"stop ducking me juice" stop jobbing chase
>>136835 he's promoting the new member more than he's promoting the G1 in Dallas.
Lance needs to win!
>>136837 i've got bad news for you anon
>>136838 I know, I just don't want the entire left side of the tournament to be fucking Chaos
>>136839 why not? might flush out the mole that way
>>136840 this mole has been said to death for 6 fucking months then it died around WK time, it's gay now.
Archer could beat Ospreay in a shoot
Awesome mid air pounce
>>136841 **i just thinkg that ishii would be better at home with current bc than current taguchi chaos
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>>136844 you ever forget to close a spoiler?
>Kicked out of Oscutter Oh shit
>kicking out of archer's finisher welp
k I'm leaving
night dudes
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>>136848 He didn't pick him up though
>>136851 I just wanted someone other than Chaos in the quarter finals. Taichi or Lance would've been nice. I just want Lance to be given a chance tbh.
also Mikey Nicholls isn't that interesting of a prospect to me.
>>136854 oh well that's understandable. no one cares for this guy who came out of nowhere, we're just here to watch the rainmaker.
>>136855 That's actually the real reason, if Mikey wins I'll be shocked. So have a nice night.
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are these his wounds from elgin opening up or did this nobody actually do that
I'm not really paying attention to this match. Mikey seems to be dominating so, yawn.
well, it was a match
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i miss show ;-; gonna watch ospreay match i guess
8ch might get blocked in my country because some poltard from 8ch shot some people. this is the only board i use on the site so sucks if true. we'll see
>>136863 rip rin, though there should be a work around…
I really hope Rin finds that work around
>>136863 >what's a vpn rin the brainlet as always
>>136867 If he can't find a vpn I will miss him, rip.
i wont catch all of today's stream cause im going out with family.
2 lions 1 nagata
>>136869 same but i'll miss the earlier matches instead
Zoomer shota dabbing on the boomers
chad elgin BREAKing jado's shinai
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>>136863 >some poltard from 8ch shot some people An aussie shot up a mosque in New Zealand
dude just bitchslaps a young lion on the way out
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>Archer tries to scare a kid >he doesn't care RIP archer's gimmick
>>136876 Meiji probably warned the kid.
I don't think Shingo's eaten a pin yet in NJPW
>>136865 ok so 8ch is blocked on my phone but not on the chinese wifi i sleuth. based chinks for once. only the big companies blocked 8/4chan. so im here to shitpost >>136874 yes i am a jaywhitelander i know this
>>136880 okay good, I'm sorry for the shooter's plans actually falling into place though.
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>>136881 honestly dont care for it much. im more worried about aftermath concerning censorship of muh shitposting and more gov overwatch. also jay white merch is on sale so thats an upper
Taka's shoulder was up wtf Marty
>>136882 >im more worried about aftermath concerning censorship of muh shitposting and more gov overwatch. That's what I met, his entire plan was to accelerate society into a race war.
notice how they cling to Sanada instead of Suzuki because he is less likely to attack the young lions.
>>136885 Yota and Yuya sacrificed themselves
>>136886 Yes but the younger more scared ones cling to Sanada.
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>>136884 oh rite the whole essay acelery thingy, right.
>Giant killer will ospreay I can't buy this meme
>>136889 Really wish Archer beat him so we would've have half the quarter finals be chaos
>>136890 *wouldn't
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>>136891 based jay making all the clans face themselves to fight him after a three week BREAK
reminder that Yoshihashi got a better match out of Chase than Juice
this promo is annoying
Imagine if this was David Finlay vs Tanner >>136894 best match of both their careers. great jobbers think alike
this is great
>pinned with a dragon suplex WAT
>Taguchi beat by dragon suplex huh what, that's a first
>>136899 It's his old finisher before the high fly flow, so not really. Might be a return judging by this…
>>136900 Huh didn't know that. >A return Doubt, though it's surprising.
its a zsj wins with an all limbs tied up submission match
>>136901 Seeing as how the weakness to the triple High Fly Flow has been found and that suplexes are cool again, I'd say so.
angry ibushi is best ibushi
Rin you were right actually, wtf
Shit submission. >Inb4 ZSJ actually wins the tournament because the MSG show needs foreigners
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Maybe new finals is Okada vs Tana or ZSJ
>>136908 I will say this though, if ZSJ wins the new japan cup again, I'm firmly with Jay White.
>>136910 >Anglos in the MSG Meh, I thought they would save Jay vs ZSJ for the london show, if Jay is still champ by then that is
>>136911 It would be a waste, at least Jay White has history with guys like Okada or Tanahashi.
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>>136910 i still have all my dabloons on carder winning and getting his 50/50 for losing at WK
>>136913 That'd be fucked imo, just because Tana didn't get a defense doesn't mean White shouldn't. Every champ imo should have at least won 1 defense.
>>136913 >50/50 He lost at G1 last year too. >>136912 Maybe the aftermath of rainmaker shock will play itself out again with Tana winning the NJC and regaining the belt in the rubber match.
>>136915 Eh, I'd want to give White a few defenses before he drops it to someone. So people can breathe a bit with him as champ, as I said >>136914
>>136914 Okada lost the belt immediately on his first regin but look how he turned out since then. Though I agree more often than not a champ should get at least one defense in, which is why I disliked that Tana dropped the belt so fast. Right now I still think that Jay should have lost at New beginning and have gone on to win the NJC, beat Tana at MSG. >>136916 Yeah, defend the belt at MSG and Dontaku and drop it to whoever at Dominion, or even KOPW.
>>136917 >Okada lost the belt immediately on his first regin but look how he turned out since then. Not really, he had at least 2 defenses before he dropped it. I feel that Jay White shouldn't have challenged till he won the NJ Cup. Instead they wanted another shocker which is fine.
>>136918 >Not really, he had at least 2 defenses before he dropped it. Huh, I always heard otherwise
>>136919 Yeah people tend to brush over that, Okada had chances to prove himself that reign at least. Jay White only really had that Ospreay match and that wasn't for the title. If he loses at MSG or faces an underwhelming opponent, he won't be doomed but he's got an uphill battle.
>>136900 >>136903 Just saw this video and they talked about Tana possibly retiring the High Fly Flow because of his knee. Also that Tatsumi Fujinami debuted his Dragon Suplex at MSG and maybe Tana could bring that back. Pretty interesting.
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Matches for G1 supercard as of yet >Ospreay vs Cobb huh
>>136922 Bruh this better not flop hard. also where is the roh vs njpw tag champ match gone?
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>>136925 It's there. Seems that the briscoes lost the titles to Villain Enterprises. I don't watch ROH but why?!
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>>136863 This might help
Huh, not the first time Colt vs Yano
It's on
I'm not really watching this, put it on the background doing other stuff, will tune in for better matches
morning fags. what'd i miss?
>>136941 nothing really
im here henare gonna get his 50\50
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Rocky Romero vs Lance Archer Steel Cage at MSG!!
Shota eyein that IC title hard
>>136946 Forshadowing keyknow
>Shingo and Ibushi in another tag match but won't have a go at each other
G1 Shota
Tana's arms are like twice as thick as ZSJ's
how much of the show did I miss?
I didn't miss Tanahashi winning that I know though.
ZackSabre-gun when
>>136952 Basically all of it. The next two matches are the NJC cup matches
I like new zealand boy better than britbong boy >>136955 lol I was too lazy to get up, sorry dudes
>>136954 After brexit
>>136956 Not a very entertaining day so not much missed. Ibushi seems to be interested in the IC title, that's it really.
>>136954 After Narita-gun
>>136955 Whoops, well after this one
>>136958 I figured, him beating Naito kinda forshadowed that. Even if he won the NJ Cup he'd probably lose at MSG to later face Naito.
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tfw taguchi wont be the 69th iwgp champ
>>136962 sucks but this is the life we live
goto btfo
Goto cucked
>ishii doesnt join in he's the mole i called it and i'll keep calling it
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joke match of the year next
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69 dubs say jay white defends his belt at MSG so taguchi can challenge him and become the 69th IWGP HeavyQ champion
>>136968 shitty BC promo next*
imagine if yoshi wins the cup to get revenge on jay
gonna go take a shower and get a clue and when i get back this AEW match better be over by 1 minute rollup
how many tapes does he hide in there
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Rolling in his grave
>>136975 he's not ded
well that's finally over
>quater finals is Colt Cabana vs Sanada or Suzuki
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>>136976 This match killed him >Colt won meh, so either we'll get Sanada/Coly comedy match or Suzuki gassing the kike, I'm fine with either I guess
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>yfw colt wins the NJC because they need a ROH guy in the main event
I'm back and just in time >>136980 Sandals is not really a comedy wrestler neither. I remeber he had a G1 with yano and pinned him in under 5 minutes if I remember.
>>136982 Yano/Sanada is still some comedy, but done right imo, Sandy will probably have a similar match with colt
>>136981 If that's so, why not have Jeff Cobb in the tournament?
i think suzuki will win this then go on to probably murder cabana
>>136984 Cobb vs Ospreay announced for g1 supercard
>>136985 and if tanahashi beats zsj, we're gonna have suzuki vs tanahashi for a very deja vu match.
>>136986 I know, but I mean add him to the tournament.
>>136987 it would be neat to see suzuki v zsj if thats possible
>>136988 Elgin should've won then
>>136986 >>136988 what i want to know is why cobb is getting a match after ospreay already beat him
>>136990 the american smarks would REEEE at him being in the arena so no
>>136991 revenge match
Sanada having that Roman Reigns audience
ouch, rip yuya
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>>136995 closed fist misu is best misu
that fucking submission trade
Damn that was great
my nigga sanada with the win
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>Colt vs Sanada welp
wouldn't mind if Sanada won, in fact before WK I wanted him to win the cup.
Thee you nexth time
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>yfw Yoshi-hashi vs Colt cabana finals
>>137006 I'd enjoy that tbh. Ironically of course
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By the way, the first G1 Climax show in Dallas sold only like 2000 tickets as of yet, it's a 10,000 seat arena. Will this kill the USA (((expansion)))? Well maybe sales will bump up once the card is announced but at this point I think it will only do as well as last year's G1 special show in Cow Palace, about 6333 tickets.
>>137024 well it'd be weird to buy a ticket when you dont know what you're going to watch
>>137025 >well it'd be weird to buy a ticket when you dont know what you're going to watch Tell that to all those that bought tickets to All in, Double or nothing and even G1 Supercard. If people knew that the Elite wouldn't be there for the show, I doubt the MSG show would have sold out, let alone in just half an hour.
>>137024 >>137027 This just either proves NJPW sucks at marketing or USA has shitty taste in wrestling. Maybe a bit of both?
>>137028 definitely both
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Anyone have a torrent link with subtitles?
>>137055 if you give me a raw torrent and some time i can sub it, but the subs won't be the best
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>>137055 checked iptorrents and animebytes, both have nothing. Maybe Xtremewrestlingtorrents will be the first to get it.
Show on tonight nippas.
Show is on
>17 Draws yuya vs yota rivalry of the century
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I've gotten so fucking tired of these same old opening matches
>>137106 Shota and Tanner are tagging later tonight tho
>Shingo vs Ibushi Holy shit finally, well that was short
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ibushi and nacho are so cute
i dont like this cold banana guy
>ZSJ always teams with TAKA , who is so low in power level that he always loses, just for ZSJ to get his win in the singles match >Tana brings in a someone even lower in power level than TAKA: a young lion, who now has lost Tana is winning tomorrow brother
The only good thing about playing this promo everyday is that it serves as a good quick piss BREAK before NJC matches
[ear rape dubstep wubs in the distance]
>Yoshi-hashi's long ass entrance Seriously why does he get this, at times it's longer than even Naito's.
>>137112 dont forget the 10 minute yoshi hashi intro
Yoshi joins El Eye Gay
overslept, what did i miss?
>>137119 oh it's already over
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You know what's the funniest part of this besides his similar face features? Both idolize Keiji Mutoh with the difference SANADA was trained by him and Uemura not.
Fuck I missed the show, because of dumb sleep. Oh well, I'll watch it later.
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>>137121 Did you do a face swap or just post similar images? Based Ishii pulling out a great slobber knocker out of yoshi-hashi.
>>137123 now if my head canon is correct ishii comes out as the BC mole by dumping okada.
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>>137121 not all asians look the same thats racist >>137131 ishii being the mole would be ok but jay called him an old fuck
>>137140 yes but jay has also stated that he respects the way ishii fights and wishes the rest of chaos were like him
show's starting
>Taichi challenging Ospreay Sure why not
So ospreay basically does an avalanche version of Archer's finisher as a regular big move, that doesn't end the match.
Based Jr. heavyweight shingo taking down heavyweight Makabe
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Huh, just found out that aside from Sanada and Hiromu, all the LIJ guys have been trained by Animal Hamaguchi.
>Evil using Sharpshooter Huh neat. Also probably the first time I've seen the sharpshooter submit someone in a long time
Golden Lovers 2.0
Seeing same old yoshi-hashi like this here makes me completely forget about the great match he and ishii had yesterday
Rocky is the Leader of Chaos
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Its a paradise lock comedy match match
Gas this kike already
cold cabinet looks like a chunky uriah faber to me
sup dudes, I didn't miss the show entirely…
huh fast tap out
>>137158 whatever, if Colt made it to the semifinals then wtf?
>G1 Cabana no thanks
Every big ZSJ match only gets good after the halfway point
tanner gonna tap again to another gay ass named submission
>Tana didn't high five that old man RIP. Also Tana looks rather unenthusiastic.
Tana in black too
>>137163 >>137164 tanner has ti JUST tao out in front of his parents thats why
>>137164 It's a swerve, he's the one joining BC!
>>137166 Oh shit, Tana winning NJC and FPOD with Jay at MSG confirmed
>>137167 I'd mark out
Tana's dragon leg screw and cloverleaf does the same amount of damage as to 15 mins of whatever ZSJ does
what I did not need to see was ZSJ grabbing his junk
>chat is disrespecting Tenzan I fucking hate taima
lol did tana miss catching the first kick
what the fuck is he doing
lol ZSJ btfo
Now I can be happy with Tanahashi jobbing to Sanada maybe…
I'm calling it, finals will be Okada vs Tana
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Been a while since a Tanahashi concert, can't wait to see it
>>137179 >Been a while since a Tanahashi concert, can't wait to see it You mean Tokyo Dome, it's not that long ago…
>>137180 That was a short one too, someone in the back blocked him and said to only do it once
Damn, he throws the guitar really fast.
three concerts?
>>137183 As usual yeah.
>>137184 there usually 2 though
Also interesting that Tanahashi has won all his matches differently, first with the cloverleaf against Shota, the dragon suplex against Taguchi and now the European clutch against Zack, not once did he even go for the High fly flow. Keeping things interesting.
>Not one of these people asking for Tana's consent to touch him NJPW is very problematic
>>137188 Nigger, it's impossible not to want to hug Tana.
>some female liger fan wew
>>137189 I was referring to the rules in this promotion in this post >>137141
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>nWo Hollywood Tana confirmed
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>>137121 This is supposed to be young sanada. Did they clone him to make Yuya Uemura or something?
>>137196 little known fact young lions come out of cloning facilities
>>137197 Wrestling is going to be very fun when the biological revolution kicks in during the next decade.
>>137140 >young sanada That's bullshit. That hunk is Bushi.
>>137199 (checked) i dont see how you'd think that's ibushi
>>137121 Its clear SANADA got all the autistic genes which make him more athletic but Uemara has a qt gf.
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>>137179 godmode final 4
>>137204 >but Uemara has a qt gf. Source.
Juice vs Chase for the IWGP US Championship announced for Sunday
>>137211 >Chase wins a belt D I M E S
I fucked up the time for March 23rd, it'll be at 3 AM EST, 2 AM CST, 1 AM MDT, 12 AM PDT
>>137207 its my headcanon
>>137213 damn that and grand finals are both really fucking early. i might not catch them live
>>137215 an hour in and I probably missed a lot.
>>137217 Well, 3 EST and 4 EDT are the same. Daylight savings brother
>>137218 I accounted for daylight savings though.
gonna miss maybe every match except the semifinals tbh
im up, what did i miss
>>137222 Just the first match.
>shota has to job to bushi
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>>137224 >bushi
lol Bushi can't even pin Young Lions
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kek suzuki hitting a young lion with the turnbuckle
did you see zack's post match interview from his elimination? hilarious stuff
>>137229 What he say, did he call Tana a nazi?
Just arrived, what did I miss?
daddy is fighting tonite yaaas 🤙💦💦
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>>137233 >daddy
look how happy he is ^-^
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>okada not in the main event >tana is Okada losing and Tana winning brother
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>>137236 oldfuck ishii going to the finals
Ibushi and Honma: The BROKEN head team
>>137233 nigger I get being a fan but stop being gay
>>137236 Nah it's because Sanada is a bigger main eventer than Ishii. They also seem to be pushing him really hard.
Remembering World Tag League 2015 when Honma fought his heart out against these two. Also based Evil using the sharpshooter as a submission again. Better than his old submission which Taichi is now using.
Pretty nice titantron video for Juice's entrance, didn't notice that before
>>137233 >daddy >yaaas what >>137239 said also huh didnt know switchblade was even in this tour
>>137243 Here off his long vacation for an exercise and to scout the winner before G1 climax
6v4? seems fair.
>>137244 i wonder if he will ruin tanners fake concert thingy
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Looks like Bullet Club is reaaaaaaaal again
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>Jay White never beat Juice Hmmmmm
oh hey jay and juice had a short feud for the US belt didnt they
>>137247 i like how jay says real and does the finger gun thingy in honor of prince devilled egg
even the new guy joined in the chaos thing and ishii the mole didnt
>>137251 Ishii doesn't do it because he is srs business wrestler
>yoshi now has a head slapping gimmick to rile up his opponents since his match with ishii it's something
based honorary tongan chase owens gonna be the first tongan us champion
>Aussie vs Kiwi
>austrailian dabbin on a newzealander a week after the terrorist attack
>>137257 BASED
>>137258 DEBASED
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>>137257 >Jay hasn't changed the name of BULLET Club yet so not to offend the victims
>>137261 pretty based of Jay
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>Golden era BC could return Not bad, already Jay as heavy champ, Ishimori as Jr. Champ and GOD as tag champs. Still don't buy Chase as US champ yet honestly.
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>>137263 Not like he could if he even wanted to.
you know Gedo you moron since you just had all of bc in the ring it could be a chance to show this fucking idiot already rather than make us suffer through another day of watching that shitty promo holy fuck.
Ishii better beat Zoomerkada, can't afford Tana vs Okada yet when Tanahashi and Okada win the World Tag league later the year
lol Ishii is really pumped here
>>137270 Only his 2nd match against Okada, must be pumped up
>>137269 ishii vs sanada for the upset grand finals would be pretty good when everyone is expecting okada vs tana
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>>137264 New Golden Era not sure about chase but would be neat
Okader means business
Ishii gonna open up those chop wounds again
>the spit hit red shoes kek
Ishii FOR SURE has CTE. 100%
Gah what a match, darn ishii lost. Sanada might win the next one
That was pretty good.
Okada proving he is stull the boss of this BROKEN stable
>They are in Sanada's hometown Shit he really is winning
We haven't had a Sanada vs Tana match in a while
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>>137282 Hometown you say? would be a shame if he took the L
>>137284 Could Vince guest book for NJPW?
>Tana looking happy and enthusiastic unlike the last match where he look unenthusiastic and won Shit he is losing >>137285 Ishii would be in the opener in some joke gimmick jobbing
>>137286 >>Tana looking happy and enthusiastic unlike the last match where he look unenthusiastic and won >Shit he is losing Why does he do that?
>>137287 To trick people Tana gonna wrestle heel here
Sanada is the face here
>>137285 nah he too bitter but For sure haitch will build ties after vince dies
>>137291 >>137286 also I meant the guest booking as a joke if Sanada loses
Reminder that Sanada's mentor Mutoh passed the torch to Tanahashi
Why do people always forget that, while he may not be top tier, Tana is high tier in terms of grappling whenever they wrestle him?
i like that Canada guy but his hair and beard annoy me
>>137295 you're a switchblade homo so your opinion doesnt matter i like how tana keeps trying to get cheers but everyone is rooting for sanada
That was good
lmao rip ace
move over old star
dammit i was hoping jay would blade run tanner when he was waiting to catch the invisible guitar oh well
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>Tomorrow's show is in the same place Sanada winning the NJC brother
>>137303 Damn dude Sanada in MSG? New IWGP HeavyQ champ? hell yeah i love it
fireflies maggle
Sanada: "Turn the lights on your phones on"
"Keep this between us"
it's another confession saying he loves this place the most
>>137309 Sanada whorin all over japan but keeps his hometown his number one place wew
>No japanese has ever main evented MSG, not even Inoki Either Okada or Sanada. inb4 it's neither and ROH puts in their shitty triple threat spotfest in the main event last minute
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I did not see this coming at all
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>>137313 Well because that is the most fantasy driven prediction. Mine a shit too.
>>137314 true but i predicted a lot of shit correctly especially for rounds 1 and 2
I think I said I wouldn't be surprised if Sanada wins the cup this year.
>>137317 I'd bolieve that too but the winner of the NJC was announced to main event MSG so I thought that it would be one of the bigger stars like Okada/Tana/Ibushi/Naito that would win the cup and go to MSG.
based daddy straight up molesting narita god i wish that were me also jews has an amazing 80s promo https://youtu.be/H-mf8NNmDWs
>>137319 Yes but a Sanada push to the main event scene and a twist in the booking would be a draw somewhat too I guess.
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>>137320 I want to stomp you on a curb you flaming homo
>>137320 Chase = Dimes
rooks homeless
i hope he wins the big one before he retires
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Show starts in 20 mins, what snacks do you have on hand?
The final day has begun
Big young bois face their dads
I hope Uemera gets a bruce lee gimmick
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>>137330 Maybe if they were still partnered with TNA
This rolling around the ring gimmick of Colt is pretty old
Maybe Shota will go on excursion after Dominion, like how Jay White did. Good matchup between Elgin and Shota, I'd love to see a full match between them, especially post excursion Shota.
Elgin would be good as Shota's first big upset win
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Shota's dead
>Makabe, Honma and Yano GBH on its way back
what I miss?
>>137337 Elgin killed Shota
>Ibushi and Ishii wat
Based Ishii not having this comedy shit
Taguchi to join LIJ soon
Shingo and Ishii almost have the same body type
Has Shingo even had a singles match on a big show yet? Theres so many great matchups for him but hes stuck in these tags.
>>137344 I think he had a match against SHO but on some road to show.
Taichi challenging for the never title again? Why not ZSJ?
>>137346 Saving a ZSJ title match for the London show I guess
>>137347 k and he probably has to beat Tana again to look good
>>137348 >probably has to beat Tana again to look good reeeeeee Taichi should pin ospreay to look like a real contender
>>137350 >>137349 yeah I preferred that, I hope Taichi puts in the same effort he did with Ishii
Explain this "Rogue General" shit.
what are the words in jay white's theme?
Jay White is okay I guess
So where has Yujiro been?
>>137355 fucking whores and pimping
Damn rip goto, almost got me believin
>>137356 Wrestling must be his side job
>this fag still hasnt arrived
damn missed half the show made it in time to see LE ROPE WALK DUBSTEP MAN
>>137354 DAMN im gonna open a tab and watch jays match simultaiously cant belive i missed him
Hope this wont be as shit as their first match
why is jardough called masterheater
>>137355 Hes just not used anymore, which is sad because hes not a bad wrestler at all and bringing prostitutes to the ring was a fun gimmick.
>>137363 Gedo called him that in a way of saying heat magnet and kelly loves saying it
jews absolutely SEETHING
This is kinda boring, average
i kinda like the jew heist move chase does
based jews doing kitamuras finisher
It was ok. Good juice retains.
>Mike Nickels ugh
Juice for CHAOS?
>>137375 fellow nxt rejects
its head bleed guy
look how happy he is ^-^!
wew he got him in easy right from first try
Sanada pulled a Misawa
holy fuck this crowd is wild for sanada
OKADAWINSLOL well, slow first half but great second half.
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it wasnt his time
called it rainmaker now pls make jay come out
>Kazuchika "I don't get what the big deal about MSG is" Okada will be the first Jap to main event MSG
the real story here is between gedo and okada
disrespectful japanese crowd
breed with the switchblade 💦💦
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>>137394 no gay here
>Sanada was in the semis last year >Finals this year He's winning next year brother
>>137396 or the G1
>>137396 >>137397 his ceiling is the tag division yall best rember that
>>137396 I think the fact that they put him in the finals and he managed to have a banger match shows that they trust him enough to probably give him atleast an IC title reign in the near future. >>137398 The switchblade fears the cold skull
Okada crying of joy or something
missed the show cause it was on at like 8 am here. watched it now and doesnt look like it was much tbh, slow start but good latter half. looks like all i missed in the thread was Rin slobbering all over jay white's dick as usual. >>137353 "In 1961, they started on the Wall. In 1961, they start another war." repeated over and over. It's a cold war reference apparently.
>>137400 nevermind he was crying because he remembered Shibata had his last match with Okada
>>137402 >It's a cold war reference apparently. wtf why?
>>137405 i 'unno
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g1 supercard match lineup out, most of it at least. wtf is going with that tag championship match. like shit man i love sanada and evil but wtf did they do to get that rematch???
>>137415 and why is tana challenging zsj for the brit belt? has he even been to revpro before?
>in the US <no US title match wtf why not jews vs fale #justice4chase >mayu vs hila klien <bubba ray match >rush <dalton castle >will ospreay <will ospreay curtain jerk vs jeff knob <ring of honor <honor rumble <zsj vs tanner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>JAY WHITE
also 4chong meme
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One last world title run brother
>>137416 Zack is still anally annihilated that Tana beat him so Zack challenged Tana for the British title.
Hmm, just thought that maybe if Omega stayed then we could have been getting Kenny vs Okada at MSG, amd that would have made Okada's comeback much more meaningful. As it is, I don't want Jay White to lose but Okada losing also hurts him a bit, 0-3 vs Jay then. Also I felt that Okada's absence from the main title scene would last a little longer, not even a year since he lost the title and he would get it back again for probably another year long reign, eh.
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>>137418 like your boyfriend's new t-shirt rin?
>>137526 looks pretty fuckin gay to me
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>>137526 what a faggot t shirt holy shit, he better not wear that to MSG
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>>137526 Apparently the Betty BoopXBullet Club thing happened before but I don't know why they're bringing it back
>>137526 based switchdade i feel remorse for not buying his shirt when it as on sale ;-;
>>137530 >everyone else: holy shit that looks gay >rin: based rin is still a faggot, checks out
also they announced april's steram
>>137529 The physical composition of Kenny Omega is like a hybrid of every smark's dream rolled into one package. Brian Pillman's body and hair, Scott Hall's facial expressions and sekrit club founding, RVD's poses, Bret Hart's colors (in that pic at least) and fighting ability, and Jerry Lynn's move knowledge. Like this is the guy if you'd asked PWI 20 years ago on what their ideal wrestler would be, except Omega is real.
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>>137560 Yeah I realized it a while ago that Kenny Omega is a smark's wet dream come true. Even Omega's persona is very smarkish: doesn't care about heel/babyface and just does whatever he wants, does a lot of flashy and dangerous moves, cares a lot about Meltzer stars and prides on the fact that he's a top rated wrestler etc.
>>137560 That's hilarious because I was actually comparing him to jerry lynn a while back. I just said wow this omega guy is basically what happens when you jerry lynn wasn't born a manlet and had charisma.

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