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King of Shitposting

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G1 Supercard Boliever 03/29/2019 (Fri) 22:17:18 Id: fcab17 No. 137539
I'm too lazy to post the match order. Mostly because half of it is ROH stuff. So here https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/44155?showCards=1
>>137539 I can only assume the reason so much of this card is ROH is that they split the costs of booking in MSG
if jay drops the title and okarder does a japanese promo in america i riottttttttt that better also mean he is winning the g1
>>137543 Bullshit, I want an Okada/Naito rematch, but with Naito finally winning at last
>>137540 No shit, supercard of honor is ROH's annual pre Wrestlemania show which features some NJPW guys as well. This time they went further and now half the matches is ROH and NJPW. I was afrraid it would be more ROH matches but thankfully NJPW added in ZSJ vs Tana and Naito vs Ibushi.
>>137543 lmao get fucked rin that's exactly what's gonna happen
i didn't know taguchi had an emo phase
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>>137581 >Emo band >No EVIL wtf
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>>137581 >Middle age crisis: the band How will Jericho react to this?
The BULLET CLUB invade Bar MSG! The Guerillas of Destiny and Daddy Jay White sit down with the bartender Kevin Kelly to talk everything MSG. Jay White has little patience for the barman, watch as the tense exchange unfolds!
(15.41 MB 1280x720 Switchblade vs Smark Club.webm)

BCPW "We should start our own company"
>>137595 stop calling him daddy you prancing lala homofag
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Hey guys I'm doing the wrestlemania week thread and just thought I'd share the revpro card over here since it's basically a mini NJPW show.
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Also suzuki will be at bloodsport again this year so check that out if you have some free time too!
Hey looks like no one has posted the card yet so here it is! IWGP Heavyweight Championship – Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada ROH World Championship – Ladder Match – Jay Lethal (c) vs. Matt Taven vs. Marty Scurll IWGP Intercontinental Championship – Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Kota Ibushi RevPro British Heavyweight Championship – Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi >IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship & ROH World Tag Team Championship: Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Roa) vs. PCO & Brody King vs. The Briscoes (Mark & Jay Briscoe) vs. SANADA & EVIL (Winner Takes All). IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: Taiji Ishimori (c) vs. Dragon Lee vs. Bandido >Bully Ray vs. JUICE Robinson <Women of Honor Championship – Mayu Iwatani (c) vs. Kelly Klein Dalton Castle vs. Rush NEVER Openweight Championship & ROH TV Championship – Will Ospreay vs. Jeff Cobb (Winner Takes All) >Honor Rumble (Confirmed: Jushin Thunder Liger, Kenny King, PJ Black, Beer City Bruiser, Brian Milonas, Cheeseburger).
>>137604 is there a free to watch stream?
>>137613 Just checked over on /wooo/tube and it sounds like it's gonna be on http://taima.tv/r/wooo3 since there are SO MANY FUCKING SHOWS THAT DAY HOLY SHIT
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>>137581 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO https://www.njpw1972.com/47369
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Michael Elgin and Teruaki Kanemitsu have left NJPW. Well Elgin barely has appeared and looks like the NJC was his last one, damn he was good, too bad didn't get more success. RIP to the eternally injured Kanemitsu, NJPW loses another prospective young lion. I first got to see him in Destruction in Kobe 2016 in a tag match and that match was really good, especially because the crowd was really behind him since it was his hometown, even had a cheering section with his family I think, I recommend watching that one if you can: Togi Makabe and Tomoaki Honma vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Teruaki Kanemitsu
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The Heisei Era will be ending soon and Japan recently annouced the name of the new era. Holy Shit how did Jay and Gedo pull this off?
>>137642 Shame about elgin, his matches with okada were godly and his IC feud with naito was memorable. Is he going to AEW? I dont see him going anywhere else besides maybe impact where i think he would have good chemistry with some guys I never saw much of kanemitsu but any young lion lost is a lot of potential wasted.
>>137642 >elgin leaves FUCK and another young lion gone god damn. the new japan roster is in a dire need of new blood right now.
>>137645 Narita and Shota will likely go on excursion soon too.
>>137646 O'Kharn should return to njpw. We already saw him in the flop that was the usa show, he might as well come home.
>>137648 just hope he doesnt keep the O'kharn gimmick
Posting my predictions >Honor Rumble Don't really care, hope Liger wins I guess >Ospreay vs Jeff Cobb Quite a dilemma, but I think I will go with Ospreay, maybe Taichi interferes as well >Dalton Castle vs Rush Rush I guess, maybe he will go for the ROH title after this >Mayu Iwatani vs Kelly Klein Mayo i guess, don't really care >Bully Ray open challenge Hope Juice answers, puts his belt on the line as well and beats Bully Ray >Ishimori vs Dragon Lee vs Bandido Ishimori retains, maybe Hiromu returns as well >GOD vs Villain Enterprise vs Briscoe bros vs LIJ So whoever gets the pinfall gets both titles right? I think GOD will lose again, maybe the briscoes win. >ZSJ vs Tanahashi Probably the most predictable match here, ZSJ gets his win back from Tana and retain his belt, don't think they will do a surprise Tana win but well who knows. >Naito vs Ibushi Ibushi finally wins the IC title and hopefull holds it till WK14, while Naito perhaps wins the G1 and wins the big one at WK14. >Lethal vs Scrull vs Taven Don't really care, maybe Lethal retains. >Jay White vs Okada Hmm, I want Jay's reign to continue till Dominion at least so I want to pick him but an Okada win seems very likely. Well I'll still go with Jay White, New Era brother. There's that, so basically I'm excited for the NJPW matches and none of the ROH matches, hope that means at least half of the show is good.
>>137649 i dont have an issue with it. there's worse gimmicks out there.
>With @TripleH & @RealKingRegal looking on, international Superstar @KUSHIDA_0904 signs his #WWENXT contract! https://twitter.com/WWENXT/status/1114277575931486208 Coincidentally this announcement happened during the same time as the G1 press conference.
>>137604 is there a vod for this somewhere?
Show is on in an hour and 30 mins
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>Matt Taven
>>137765 ah fuck i forgot im gmt+3 again.
I fucking hate American fans… >we love njpw <Elitefags leave fucking hell
a lot of empty fucking seats, I blame American fans
>some nigger calls himself king >minoru suzuki walks in the building ho ho ho boy
The more this western expansion goes on, the more I am mad at The Elite.
>Sho fighting alone im looking forward to this.
bushi fuck oooooooooooooooooooooofffffffffff
what's with all the new themes? or is it just a case of DUBBED
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>>137774 Probably DUBBED
eat shit bushi lmao
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>>137775 >DUBBING the king and taguchi
Go Fale!
>All of these no-name faggots ROH's roster is fucking disgraceful
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>>137779 Honestly think that beer city bruisers got the biggest pop of the ROH guys
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Btw, are we actually drawing dimes this time ? Did the invites worked
>>137782 idk, I think we're just the neets but awake during this time.
>>137782 i have no idea what invites you're speaking of
>>137784 At least he eliminated the fat guy
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>>137784 >speak for yourse- DUBBED LIGER COME ON SOME THINGS ARE SACRED Im from away, can someone link his actual theme
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>>137784 >Liger's theme was dubbed HERESY
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>>137774 strange NJPW don't have the rights for their own song at their own event
>>137788 Thats a boss as fuck theme >nice dubs
>>137785 The ones that were supposed to be posted and spammed all over 8chan just for this show and 'Mania 35, those invites
>>137790 what's up with that? got any info?
wow that dude fucking sucks
>yano traded with cabana guess he wants a BREAK?
>Yano on commentary
anyone on the english commentary can tell me if yano actually knows english?
lol all the new japan dudes getting pops
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>fale is out <I just learned its pronounced as Fahley and not Fail
>>137801 he still wrestles? god damn
>great muta come again? excuse you?
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is this real
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>>137807 i see god approves too
>ishii on the rumble what a shame
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>what if the last men standing are liger and muta
>Muta, Liger & ROH scrubs
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>Muta vs Liger I'm in early-90's WCW ?
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>ROH Scrubs wins
what the fuck?
>>137817 they don't lol
>Someone's gonna murder kenny tonight
WHO BOOKED THIS SHIT ? Because I'm sure as hell Gedo didn't booked this
my dick has never gone from hard to flacid so fast before
>>137822 Delirious probably
>>137797 about as well as you'd expect.
love the promo/intermission music njpw uses, its always good
Shit I missed the rumble
>>137826 I'm stuck with the fags at taima, where I can watch with the jap commentary ?
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>>137824 So that's why ROH is cancer ?
>>137830 glad to see the link i gibbed off of taima is still being put to good use.
>>137832 That and a really shallow talent pool.
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>>137834 >mfw Bandido is the only one I give 2 shits about
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so only half of this show is njpw. so only half of this show is what im here for.
oh hi Marty you gonna leave every up high and dry too?
god americans are ugly. how do you guys live with these creatures roaming your streets?
>>137838 Why Scurll hans't joined his reddit club brethren yet ?
>>137840 He's still signed to ROH
>>137840 he got kicked out i think
>>137840 His roh contract is till april
I'm nervous to see naito and ibushi murder each other again
>>137843 …It's April
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why is there english on my japanese commentary
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>cobb gonna save us from osprey's faggotry
>>137848 cobb lost once and he'll lose again lmao stay butthurt
>>137848 Ospreay is fine nigger
here i thought "oh okay 10:30 start time i'll be in bed at a reasonable time today."
>>137851 same.
>>137848 Ospreay is cool, Zack is the one I want dead
>>137851 Do you have work or something?
Jeff Knob is wearing that latex singlet again
>>137854 probably not assuming it's a sunday tomorrow but it's just optimal to keep a good sleep schedule since he probably does have work on monday.
these two are alright
>>137857 It's fun if nothing else.
>>137857 Ospreay is mugging a little too hard, but it's a good match to warm up the audience
What's a good stream? Taima refuses to work for me, and when it does my browser crashes.
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>>137860 asking for the stream right after it's been posted
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>>137859 makes me chuckle though
>>137861 >>137862 Thanks. How is fucking blogspot the smoothest stream I've ever seen? >>137863 pls no bully
New Japan needs to fix their lack of bitrate in their official stream.
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>>137864 It is pretty funny
Nice opener.
>>137849 >>137850 >>137853 >What's that Super Tour of the Islands Translator's note: Aloha means goodbye
I can't bolieve Osprey fucking died.
>>137871 He does that everytime though
Osprey a faggot. Glad he fucking died.
>>137871 >Ospreay >Killing himself Color me shocked
>>137865 yes bulli >>137866 this has always been the case >>137870 it's cool he'll get both belts back in a few weeks
Anybody else remember when Ishii was RoH tv champion and fucking buried the title?
gay community vs spic
Piss-BREAK match: Naito's friend vs The Gay Community
>>137875 >as if that ain't wrestling
Cheer for Naito's bud
>>137877 Where's AJ when we need him?
>>137880 I dunno, he was kind of shit when I watched him on CMLL a few years back, did he got better ?
gay icon vs dalton castle
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i hope this guy had to buy two tickets
>>137878 >sign up to NJPW World just in time for this match
>>137885 bruh we're watching this for free.
This entrance is long as fuck
>>137885 >He missed Ospreay killing himself for the billionth time For shame
>>137886 Still wanted to give the nips my money.
>>137882 Hes a really good brawler and can get good heat atleast in mexico. Rush just needs a specific style of match.
>>137888 >I'll rewatch the rest later, been a busy day.
>Faggots getting burried all over this card
>3 dropkicks >Gay Community removed Based Rush
Holy shit
RIP LGBT community Is ROH/NJPW our guy?
>>137893 stop saving thumbnails
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>Castle was in the main event of last year's Supercard and was the ROH champion
Wew. To be fair I'd also be pissed off if I had to strip for an entrance because of the other fag's 3 hour jojo reference.
>>137896 Rush is now a contender for /ourguy/ Bo is still our saint
what this gay shit
Los Ingobernables 1 - Gay Community 0
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Oh shit did Rush BTFO the gay out of castle?
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This sustains me.
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>Rush went in, called him a faggot ("PUTO!") and squashed
>>137910 AJ should have joined Naito and Rush, and become the ultimate faggot-killing force
>women fighting cool time for me to go play a game i guess.
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>first they came for the gays and then the jews
>Juice already jobbed out
Juice burying the show with a fat nap
>>137917 >went to sleep just before the womens match nice visual
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Why is she so fat, /wooo/? Why does she have the cowtits?
>>137919 Compensating for mayo who is a stick
Iwatani is idol-tier.
>>137919 Because she's American.
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>>137920 Mayu is cute
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Fuck castle Also who attacked JEWS?
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>spring tiger spin-off never ever
>>137923 BUT SHE'S FAT
>>137925 hope it was fale
>>137925 Probably Bubba Ray
>>137926 Depends on how pregnant Mimorin is with Okada's kids.
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>>137926 It hurts, that final ep with the tiger springer storyline was really enjoyable. I'd be fine with a regular Tiger Mask W S2 but i dont think it will ever happen
>>137930 >There are LoveLive-fags that are still mad with Okada
>>137923 The referee is fatter than both of them
>>137933 Put together
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lads whats this about?
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>>137926 >>137931 I'd mark for it
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>>137933 He's going to fap to this for a year
>>137936 ハンバーグ
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>>137937 WHAT WAS THAT!?
>>137941 god I wish that was me
>Letting the Nip beat her senseless It's confirmed fatty's win, isn't it?
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>get pin <receive BBRRRAPPPs wew
(((Piggu))) did not deserve this win.
I bet it's just to get the belt off Mayu so they can have her in the main title picture for Stardom or something.
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Who ordered the strippers?
is the womyn time over? can we get back to the show now?
Who are these 2 sluts ?
>>137948 mayu still holds a stardom title unless this match was for both
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>>137948 She better be getting an idoru position for that.
>Beautiful people woah TNA
>nip is winning >stream starts to shit itself >jump ahead to live stream >burger wins I'm calling bullshit.
>>137954 It's probably just to get rid of that title then.
>3DPD strippers on stage Wat
4 way slut match?
>>137957 That's the general play >Make it look like someone will win >Give the win to the other person 80% of the time
wait is this TNA now?
>>137960 Mayu is pure tho
>>137962 Lotta tits n ass for sure
>>137963 Mayu isn't in the ring anymore.
>>137965 This.
>Mace Hue
>>137967 What?!
Literally Who of Honor
>>137967 For reals?
>>137967 >Someone stabbed the Hitman
>>137967 RIP ;_;7
>>137967 go away vince noone wants to watch your circlejerk
>Tfw antifa attacked Bret Hart.
>nerdcore rap Kill me now.
i dont get the appeal of women wrestling. if i want to watch tits and asses i'll just watch porn and if i want to watch wrestling then i obviously dont want to see fucking women in the ring.
>>137980 Stardom is actually really good
did he say c1/z1 supercard
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>crowd is booing
>a fucking concert huh?
Bret's been concussed by goldberg before, this is hardly a bad bump for him
>come out to FFVII's fight music The fuck? Wrestling is supposed to bully nerds.
>that fucking booing My sides.
>the boos
>ROH holy fuck
>>137983 Even Nips hate niggers.
Goodbye dimes.
>>137986 you obviously haven't seen kenny omega before. I now envy you.
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>this nigger shit from ROH Miss me yet?
>>137990 this is NY. it's an american crowd.
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>>137993 >antifa attacked Bret Hart those niggers. Longer version here. https://twitter.com/briantheguppie/status/1114683568079372289
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>>137978 don't worry folks he'll get the help he needs
>>137993 Natalya saw it but couldn't react fast enough damn
Based Bully Ray coming in to shut gay shit down
>>137996 5150 FEARS THE 141
>This is how ROH books their historic MSG sell pout show
>Can say ass >Can't say fuck wut
>Chain-whipping the nigger Hue
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>Flip Gordon FUCK
>>138002 when you put it like that, i feel sorry for the japanese fans who have to sit throught this tripe.
You can't even comprehend how much I despise this flippy faggot
Why it couldn't be a NJPW-only show ? Why do we have to suffer ROH's endless faggotry ?
Too much WWE. Not enough NJPW.
>boomer squad
>jap announce team calling the black dude DEVON
ROH's booking is cancer
They just nearly cracked open a head on the metal rim of that table.
>>138022 Seriously how the fuck did this show sell out, let alone in 20mins? Must have been purely been all the Elite marks.
>>138022 reminds me of old shittier TNA, I blame Bully
>>138024 NJPW mainly but the look of it. Look at who are getting the most pops.
>>138016 probably because they wanted to split the cost of booking MSG. so i blame MSG
>>138024 >Seriously how the fuck did this show sell out, let alone in 20mins ? Because everyone thought Omega would be main-eventing, so yeah, it's all Elitefags
Shit, forgot G1 Supercard was on. Did I miss anything good?
>>138026 The G1 Texas show still only sold like 2000 tickets though >>138029 Yeah the opener and the 2nd match squash, been shit since then though, mainly this match currently.
>>138029 Ospreay/Cobb was good
>>138029 Rush removing THE GAY COMMUNITY and Ospreay killing himself again, aside from that, it has all been ROH faggotry running wild so far
>>138030 Yeah but that's more blamed on AEW killing the territory
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>>138031 >i missed flippy dude vs hoss
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This fuck is going on?
Sekrio: ROH Dies Twice
god damn this is silly
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>dark souls 4 leaked footage
i dont get it. new japan has great shows all around the year but the ones it advertises the most are always the most shit. wrestle kingdom was a flop, now this is a flop. feels like only G1 climax is free of this curse.
>ROH resorting to silly shit This is fucking horrible. The GCW stuff was much better and funnier.
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>>138040 Wrestle Kingdom was fine dude
>>138040 Dominion is always good, their 2nd biggest show. This one is shit because of ROH now.
>move over new stars
>>138043 the only matches i liked in wk13 was ospraey/ibushi and okada/white
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>>138046 Tana btfo of Kenny was awesome, Sabre and Ishii was good too wtf are you on?
>>138040 WK's only problem is having matches that are too short. It also sold well enough for new japan to want to do 2 days there next year.
fucking milanoa hahaha
>>138048 it was awesome because kenny losing to tana is awesome. the match itself was boring as hell.
>>138049 Yeah it was still good, just too short in a lot of places. >>138052 That match was great what are talking about. Probably still the best match of NJPW this year tbh.
>respectful japanese crowd
remind me again, why is juice even in ROH? why does he even have a stable there? he's a face loved by the japs in njpw. i dont get this shit.
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This is just gay now.
>>138053 idk man all i remember of it is both of them spending most of the match time crawling. if all i remember from a match is all the downtime in it then fuck man it just wasnt enjoyable.
>>138055 Not like he gets booked very well in NJPW
>>138056 >Ultimate dick sucking technique >Land your mouth on his cock
Tell me we are done with the ROH shit, for fuck's sake
>>138057 I remember all the reversals, you probably fell out at the first half wtf
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>this is next Get it started to save the show already
>>138063 >2 of my favs vs the guy who killed Hiromu Finally, a good match
>>138063 fucking finally
>come in to kill niggers >get slam sucked by the gay community F
You guys think we'll see Hiromu?
>>138067 hope so
>>138067 Maybe
How many boards are watching this with us now ?
>Mariachi outfit wew
>>138070 /a/ & /k/ reporting in since the gay was knocked away.
nice black mask
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>>138070 /a/ represent.
>>138067 in a perfect world; yes.
>>137977 >Antifa>>138070 >Maybe /tg/ reporting in
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Why is /a/ here anyways?
>>138078 We hosted for you when Mark fucked up the site a few years ago and we've been on good terms since.
>>138079 /a/ and /wooo/ best of friends
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>>138070 /monster/ here, honoring our BO with shit third world internet.
>This match right now Fucking finally, a match I can actually enjoy
>>138083 Ospreay and Cobb were good
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When's based Lex Luger coming in?
holy fuck that running destroyer
>>138084 Feels like an eternity ago with the shit in between
>>138083 >replace burgers with nips >match becomes fun and somehow less weeb
>>138088 >nips only one, rest are spics
I can't bolieve everyone fucking died
>>138089 >2 spics and Ishimori are putting the best match so far
>>138089 Even spics fighting is more fun than burgers.
it feels like it's been so long since the ospraey vs jeff cobb match. finally a good match again in this supercard. on a sidenote im surprised rin isn't here considering jay white should be up in an hour or two.
>>138093 but now theres nothing to complain about
Bandido is a spic I can get behind, he's been golden so far
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>>138070 /tg/ here
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>Dragon Lee won Wew
Far too short for a good match.
>>138101 I blame that street fight
I can't bolieve ROH gets all the time in the world for it's shit matches and this is all we get to set up hiromu coming back to take his belt from his rival.
This is true comradery.
>>138101 That should have been at least 10 more minutes longer FUCK ROH FOR TAKING ALL THE AVAILABLE TIME
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>>138078 /a/wooo// is one of the oldest tag teams in the business. From Tiger Mask, to Kinnikuman, to Jushin Liger, even recently we've had Lolikura Hold and Kinnikuman threads while they were being translated on 8/a/.
>inb4 ishimori regains it at dontaku
>>138107 oddly enough /a/wooo/ is how I got into wrestling >tigermask so good
Do you think Dragon Lee is gonna join L.I.J ?
Sanada is BALLIN
>>138107 >rorikura hold exists >people still question why /a/ is on /wooo/
>>138110 hope not, i like LIJ because they seem like an exclusive club than just any other wrestling faction
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>>138113 >Volume 3 never ever
Briscoes are the only thing good left from ROH btw
>>138115 Based dash
>>138115 >Dash Wilder What a fuckin lad
Good God, how many intros are there going to be?
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>>138117 Don't remind me ;_;
>>138115 not wise to jump soneone where the other attendees are more buff than most of the security and jumping someone as respected as bret, needless to say i doubt next years hof will be held in a ring instrad of the usual stage
go people I know
>>138115 dudes lucky he didnt get murdered
>This long-ass intro Don't tell me Scurll's lackeys are winning
>the spics leave the americans come and shit has to drag on again. great.
Is PCO ROH's Iizuka?
>5 fucking minutes of stock sound electric noises while they set up a thoroughly unimpressive walk in
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oh shit they're going to execute bretts attacker
>>138129 fucking 0 dimes ROH
>>138129 What else did you expect from a boomer?
Too much shit on screen. Autism can't follow what's going on.
>>138128 doesn't seem anywhere near as cool
>>138129 ROH booking, somehow more retarded than WWE's booking
Was he… Was he smacking him with the side of his elbow? That doesn't even make sense.
>>138129 if they're plan was to make evil seem subdued, mission accomplished
>2v2v2v2 >not nearly as hype as 2 spics and a nip fighting
wait taigas reffing this? i thought he retired at WK
>>138139 It was his last WK but not retiring from being a ref
>>138129 They could have easily solved this by setting up the electric chair set to the side before hand or letting them come out first. But no. They have to set it up and on camera. What the fuck ROH. You're ruining New Japan's night.
Wow Tanga Loa isn't so bad after I just watched shit…
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>>138141 >They could have easily solved this by setting up the electric chair set to the side before hand or letting them come out first. But no. They have to set it up and on camera. What the fuck ROH. You're ruining New Japan's night. PCO is gonna make up for it
Umino looking bored ringside
>>138145 dreading the possibility of going on excursion to fucking ROH
>Fatty is texting and snacking instead of watching the match >Laughing at this bullshit >Occasionally yells something before talking to the guy next to him, clearly disinterested Fatty is more interesting than this match.
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okay PCO is alright
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Is PCO secretly Gary Busey?
>shit happening ringside >bully ray waddling in >no one cares
that was good but too short again
doesn't this mean that we now have to send GOD to defend the belts whenever ROH says to? So I guess we wont be seeing them for a bit
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>>138156 I guess another fan attacked or some shit
Some fan just got beat down
>>138163 good.
>>138163 I think it was fucking enzo
>the state of enzo
>>138163 >>138162 Man what's going on in NY
>>138163 I'd expect no less.
wtf is up with fans in NY?
>>138166 >>138165 >Enzo what seriously?
>>138167 >>138169 They're so pozzed they have to take out their manlet rage somehow.
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Based Tama
>>138169 american fans suck. grass is green. water is wet.
this is the weirdest wrestlemania weekend ever
that was Enzo lol
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[crowd booing]
>>138160 >>138159 Is Yano a Blood Raven ?
>>138144 >PCO is gonna make up for it Whelp, the dubs were right. PCO is fucking insane. ENZO AND CASS RAN IN TO ATTACK THE BRISCOES AFTER LEGIT https://twitter.com/Xainia08/status/1114702323383717888
>>138165 does he have a new album coming out or something?
>>138180 What the fuck is going on haha wow
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>tfw new japan show continues to get ruined by ROH bullshit
Come on based Tana save the show!
>>138186 this isn't ROH bullshit just dudes ruining stuff
>>138187 i hate to BREAK it to you anon but zsj wont lose this one again
>>138180 strange times
Lmao get this boomer outta here It's ZACK SABRE TIME
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>>138187 The only one who can
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>>138188 i assumed they're from ROH if they're here and arent names i know. >>138189 as much as i hate to see the vegan commie win tana just doesnt have it in him right now. >>138191
I know but just put up a good show >Firecrackers for Tana
>>138193 Bully came out to beat the shit out of them so it isn't ROH shit, just indy dudes now. Former WWE
>>138191 He's a filthy remainer and Labour party faggot, fuck him
where the fuck is security?
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>>138179 I could see it
How the fuck is someone as shrimpy as Sabre a wrestler at all?
whozu gonna ween ziz maaach
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>>138196 >Labour party remainer >Pushes Tanahashi's face He deserves an ass whooping.
>>138199 There are worse than him, the shitty state of wrestling where anyone can become one
>>138199 submissions
>>138193 >tana just doesnt have it in him right now. He's been having bangers for the past year I wouldn't doubt him.
If you guys rewind to after the match, you see Bully Ray rushing the ring to help The Briscoes fight Enzo and Cass. Enzo and Cass legit tried to crash the show. GoD stayed in the ring and just stared stunned.
>>138201 he is also a vegan commie. if you're his fan you really need to rethink your life choices.
>this fucking match It's somehow gayer than the gay foursome earlier.
>>138204 So far, I'm just seeing a lot of squirming. The guy just does not look like he has enough mass to force anyone into anything.
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>>138199 This! He should hit up Golden Corral with Lord Steen to get a shootfighter physique! >>138207 I just like TAKA tbh
>>138206 At least they had the decency to do it after the match
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Bully Ray tossed Enzo like a ragdoll, shame the video cutoff when Cass was about to attack him
>>138208 Don't diss The Ace you fag
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>>138212 they needed dash there
>>138214 Best wrestler of this decade
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>>138217 He's getting beaten by a fag with the arms of a Zun drawing.
>>138212 Why didn't they show this? It's looks like a work.
>>138218 I was thinking maybe enzo and cass could get into ROH like this
This match feels flat after all the hullaballo going on
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>it's another "HE KEEPS TARGETING THE SAME LIMB" match I get that they want to let ZSJ show off and get in his shitty little submission holds, but this is boring wrestling
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>>138218 >ROH Bringing in shitty Nzo and Big Casserole NJPW should cut ties with this shit and team up with based Impact
>>138219 Because he's older, in his prime he'd squash him.
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>>138223 and im glad it is. i'd rather a fight than wwe entertainment.
>>138219 ZSJ confirmed for little girl in a hat
>>138223 Working limbs? submission holds? psychology? >what the fuck is this shit this isn't wrestling bring back the street fight
>>138224 New Japan is still mad at them because the let Russo book Okada and Tana on shitty roles and matches
>>138230 This is gay, bring the kendo swords back.
>>138232 you mean the worst match?
>>138233 you see what i mean when i say american fans are shit?
>>138233 Not anymore. :^)
>>138230 Tanahashi fights far better than this in every other match he's in, but for this match against a twig armed tea-sucking faggot, we got 10 minutes of arm twisting.
>>138236 sometimes he works the legs
>>138236 This, honestly. I'm fucking pissed.
ZSJ's kickouts still suck
Fucking lame.
kinda fast but whatever, also what the fuck Tana didn't do the dragon suplex to honor Fujinami
i told you brother
>Naito vs Ibushi next GET HYPED
this show kinda sucks
>>138246 I hope it makes up for this latest travesty in this trainwreck of a show.
>No Dragon Suplex >No High Fly Flow 1/5 STARS
>>138247 im hoping the main event saves it
>>138251 What about Ibushi and Naito?
>>138250 That's what I was getting at. Tanahashi did jack shit, didn't do any of his signatures, didn't put on much of a show, get slapped around and let a scrawny faggot crawl all over him for 15 minutes.
>>138252 idk. naito's been jobbing a bit too much lately. i dont like how he's going about his business.
>An actual Promo package This match better last long enough, and deprive the ROH fags from their spot
>>138253 >let a scrawny faggot crawl all over him for 15 minutes. He didn't just crawl over him, there was more to his techniques, like twisting his arm and twisting his arm while crawling over him.
>>138247 >Taguchifag is wrong again Damn what a surprise
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gotta admit this show has been mixed but I hope that it pulls itself together.
>inb4 ROH puts their match in the main event
>>138257 How was that wrong nigger?
>>138258 Naito and Ibushi both know how to put on a show.
Only Okada beating bitchblade can save this shitshow
Most of the good NJPW stuff has been drowned out by shitty ROH stuff
>>138257 you're full of your own shit
>>138262 Switchdude is winning for max salt brother
The Enzo and Cass shit distracted me from Tanahashi's match. I was looking up info on that instead of concentrating on Tanahashi. Then I just gave up on this card entirely. >>138224 This, but someone else other than Impact. ROH is ruining this night.
>>138263 I'm beginning to think that ROH is a bigger cancer than WWE
>>138267 Wonder how AEW will shape up
>>138265 where IS rin anyways?
>>138257 Are you that faggot that got super mad at me being happy Tana won the G1? lmao stop being buttblasted
>>138269 Maybe we will see him run in the ring to suck Jay's cock
>>138269 He's in New Zealand so working or asleep or something
>>138271 i can see that happening.
>>138272 >working on sunda it is like 10pm in NZ
>>138267 Well, they've got a low bar to overcome for tomorrow night.
>>138275 *am but yeah maybe he overslept.
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god this bitrate is more choppy than my local butcher
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Fuckin' Naito.
Reminder the next match is a piss BREAK
>>138281 I meant the match after this but you guys know what I mean
If Naito wins then L.I.J officially becomes the faggot-removing faction
Naito's fucking playing with him.
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this is a good pace. now all he needs to do is not start jobbing and taking hits for 10 minutes for no reason.
Finally a fucking fucking match.
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>>138228 If he's shooting, then damn, I don't blame him for being pissed. This dumb worked shoot angle took away their MSG moment. No one is going to remember the match, just the dumb shit that happened afterwards. https://archive.fo/PmLhV
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>>138289 This really is so much more fun that everything else so far.
>>138291 what's a fucking fucking match?
>>138294 wouldn't you like to know
kek staff dude
>>138293 Yeah better than Kendos and ZSJ playing noodle arms
>>138294 A match that involves rape
>>138294 It's a match that's so fucking fun you go autistic when typing.
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>>138300 >saving it THE GAY COMMUNITY
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>>138302 i have a template for dumblonde but no clue what to do with it
>Ibushi killing his head for a dropkick
naito's working fast for once. i like this.
>>138305 That's an old school nip mentality in wrestling. Destroy you head for wrestling moves!
>>138304 >dumblonde but no clue what to do with it Put ibushi's neck in it
Anyone else see that big fucking fan in the blue shirt?
>>138307 i think i read that inside a fortune cookie
>that fucking smirk
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Ibushi is going to be paralyzed from the neck down by the end of this match
>>138309 We've been seeing him all night.
>>138304 Actually put Natio's neck in it
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>>138313 When are they combining their powers
>>138309 i wish i couldnt see the fat fuck
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>>138316 >Red and blue wew
>>138309 We should shop in an actual industrial fan.
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>>138316 >>138318 DANTE AND VERGIL
>>138304 on second thought, go with Ibushi's neck afterall
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Being Ibushi is suffering.
>>138321 to be fair Ibushi and Naito probably studied The Four Pillars' matches
>>138322 >suffering He said it in the promo, it's fun
>>138324 >it's fun
>>138304 after further consideration, lets put naito's neck in there
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>>138324 Being Ibushi is suffering FUN
I like how Ibushi builds up that german suplex from the ropes. Matt Riddle last night just brought it out so fast, felt cheaper.
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Naito's fucking face
>>138328 that move should be banned its dangerous as fuck
Naito just trying to squash ibushi's neck
>>138326 Back to Ibushi?
>>138326 it's 5am i aint doing shit. it's a transparent image just put some shit in a layer below it
That soyboy in the pink hoodie is beginning to piss me off
well that was fucked
>>138329 His face keeps going from tranquilo smirk to full on despair
>>138334 oh hey i just had that same thought
>>138334 Yeah, his smug fucking face needs to get kicked in.
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fun is over. only pain now.
GO NAI- Nevermind.
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Big Blue will defeat pink hoodie guy
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>>138338 least hes paying attention to the match unlike the guy in the coca cola shirt and the guy next to him
>Naitoloseslol called it
good match.
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If only every other match tonight was half as good as this one.
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>>138347 Naito nearly BROKE Ibushi's neck. This was a good match.
>>138350 This. Greatest fucking match, fun as fuck.
I got spoiled by the thread but whatever, great match
>>138353 It was probably the comfiest match of the night and it was still the funnest.
>>138354 Why would you read the thread if you're not watching?
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>>138339 Well I gotta admit that was a great match, didn't have time to work chat much at all
Ibushi is going to fucking die on the way home.
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Big Blue using all his energy to stand up
>>138350 The good so far: >Naito vs Ibushi >Taiji vs Bandido vs Dragon Lee >Ospreay commiting suicide again The bad <EVERYTHING THE FUCK ELSE FUCK RING OF HONOR
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>>Matt Taven
>watching reddit of honor instead of CZW
yawn match next
>>138357 I am watching, just keep switching tabs. I'm behind in the stream though.
>>138357 Probably lag. The stream was being a piece of shit for the most part for me, it started working properly just in time for best match.
imma go play dead cells until we get to the real main event.
>>138361 This anon gets it.
You ain't headlining jackshit, >Matt Taven. Switchad is main eventing AND retaining
What's this gay shit just after best match?
>>138361 >not mentioning PCO but yeah the rest is correct. ROH would literally be better off scrapping the entire roster and starting from scratch
>>138369 >Switchad is main eventing AND retaining this
Oh shit Nick Aldis!
>"Tonight's main event" The announcer is 25 minutes late.
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drink everytime they say madison square garden during this promo
>>138373 >NWA vs ROH titles Rather NWA vs IWGP titles
Why is Marty Scurll "The Villain"?
shit we might need to make a new thread
>>138373 my nfavorite gladiator
>>138379 Damn didn't think it would get this big, probably need it for okada vs jay
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> G1 actually used an entire thread
>>138382 You mean a single Supercard show
>>>Matt Taven
Remind me: who the fuck is Matt Taven ?
>>138382 i blame all the worked and shoot run ins
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>Taven is in the biggest stage of any Kingdom guy And the worst one
>The Villain gets more cheers than the hero This says a lot about our society
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Taven needs to lay off the cake.
>>138389 hilarious how little main event guys ROH has that they have to use fucking MATT TAVEN
>>138391 Because said Villain is part of Reddit Club, a.k.a The Elite, that's why
>>138391 that we live in one
>>138393 Should have just done Scrull vs Lethal, why even uses Taven. Fucking 60min title match draw they gave him at the ROH anniversary show.
>>138394 actually having a new member as the hero would be amazing
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>>138397 >The state of Hero in wrestling
>ladder match fuck
I can't bolieve that I'm forced to cheer for a nigger.
>>138401 Hey Jay Lethal is a good nigger to get behind.
>>138402 Is he, dare I say it, a Based Nigger?
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>>138399 I think that a gyro or quite possibly some gyno but I would call it a hero.
What kind of silly Tom and Jerry bullshit are they all trying to do?
>>138401 >Cheering for a nigger >Not even Booker T Fuck no
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>>138401 Don't you have a contamination board?
>>138401 Cheer for Taven so he can reap ROH marks' tears
Is Taven like the Miz of ROH back when he was hated?
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>NJPW Stars put on a 20 minute match of spectacle, skill, drama, comedy, and heartfelt struggle >ROH subhumans get in the ring and play with chairs and ladders
>>138410 Somehow you reminded me that Taichi wasn't booked for this show, now I'm sad
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First time I've watched wrestling in years, why is everyone such a goober and a manlet
Is this actually doing anything?
>>138413 It's ROH
>>138411 its what you all deserve for complaining during the tana zsj match
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What does that even do? Shouldn't he be hitting Lethal's chest?
Speed up this shit, I don't want to watch more current-day Ring of Honor shit ever again
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>>138413 This is the future marks chose
>>138420 Fuck off Nash, go get raped again
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You think he'd be the type of bloke who's extremely racist behind closed doors?
>>138420 Tear your quads again, you no-dime faggot
>>138422 Id be racist too if that many big black dicks entered my asshole
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>>138421 Stay mad mark, drew more in one year than any of these vanilla midgets did in their whole career
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Went to take a shit, how's the match? Is it as shit as the other ROH ones?
>>138425 at least U didn't get raped by nigs
>>138426 Michaels and Bret drew less
>>138416 It was an awful match. Ibushi and Naito proved that there's no excuse for matches being this bad.
>>138425 drew what big kev? the arrows pointing to all the places you were sodomized?
>>138415 I'd heard good things about ROH, is it always like this?
>>138425 >Shit as WWF champ >Atrocious in TNA >Only got good when n.W.o and wolfpack happened
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>>138429 Yeah, they didn't get raped by black men in the 90's though.
>>138433 He was decent in TNA
>Match so bad we're back at shiting on Quad-teaing man again
Are they cheering >fuck you, Taven
>>138435 because all he did was bury the talented x division
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>>138436 >Nash drawing more posts than shitty vanilla midget ROH guys GOAT
>Taven hurt himself more doing that move than marty
>>138439 I'll agree with that at least.
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Big blue on his feet
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A moment for Super Stationmaster Tama.
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>>138411 >>138419 Not every match has to be fast flippy shit with 4-wall BREAKs and a million kick-outs. Go watch Joey Ryan and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla you fucking losers.
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Well.. This is something, I guess?
>>138445 >Not every match has to be fast flippy shit with 4-wall BREAKs and a million kick-outs. Of course it doesn't have to, but it doesn't excuse ROH matches from being shit
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>>138442 >THESE are the marks who are telling you that fucking indie wrestling is going to beat Vince's multi-billion dollar house of big lads OH NO NO NO
I hope after this, Bandido signs with New Japan and leaves ROH for good, he's too good to waste his talent with the retards at ROH
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well now
>>138451 Hope he is in BOSJ
>tfw ladder was just a little short of smacking the faggot
rip fan
lol pink dude got hit
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>>138445 >nerdcore rapping >6 guys with kendo swords >half an hour of 3 idiots playing with ladders Not every match will be great, but they don't all need to be this shitty.
>>138457 Lethal really is a based nigger
Fuck end this match already else the main event will have less time
great camera work, almost missed it!
im presuming the tables are coming out to hide the medical stuff in the back?
>setting up the ladder Do it, kill him.
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Lethal really doesn't seem like his heart is in this anymore. All of them just look miserable.
Man I hope the rest of this thread isn't wasted on this match, link below for new thread if so >>137132 >>137132 >>137132 >>137132 >>137132
Just fucking end it dude
Marty's gonna need a bigger ladder
>gigger nigger elbows a guy through a table from the top of a stair >somehow low energy all throughout How?
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This is beyond stupid.
>That fucking purple ladder
holy shit is this still going? just fucking end it already
>>138474 Over half an hour of low energy ladder faggotry.
go taven go
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What's worse, roidy big guys doing fuck-all for 20-mins or manlet faggots hitting each-other with ladders and kendo sticks ?
Hope taven wins, gets the salt from marks and buries ROH for good
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I can't bolieve Taven just killed a nigger and won.
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What the fuck is going on and why didn't it end?
ROH marks seething because based matt taven won with his epic purple ladder
>>138479 The kendo part at least something you could shitpost about, this was just boring.
RIP Lethal you deserved better
So marty going to AEW?
Welp. Time for Okada.
>>138490 You mean it's White Time.
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Goddamn that shit sucked

Quick Reply