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King of Shitposting

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NJPW BOSJ 2010 MAY 13-MAY 31 Boliever 05/03/2019 (Fri) 12:00:45 Id: a12f09 No. 141358
I actually saved a schedule pic this time so just use the pic for the schedules! Will also be used if Dontaku thread gets too full.
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Some matches annouced >Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Jay White at the BOSJ finals Dominion title matches: >Okada vs Jericho for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship >Ibushi vs Naito for the IC title >Taichi vs Ishii for the NEVER Openweight Championship
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A Block TAKA Michinoku Titan Yoshinobu Kanemaru Marty Scurll Jonathan Gresham SHO Shingo Takagi Dragon Lee Taiji Ishimori Tiger Mask B Block Robbie Eagles Flip Gordon El Desperado Bandido El Phantasmo Will Ospreay BUSHI Ryusuke Taguchi YOH Rocky Romero Schedule for each day is posted as well, check it out. I think A block looks better, it has Sho, Shingo, Ishimori and Dragon Lee. Looking forward to all of Shingo's matches, I think he will make it to the finals. But since Lee, the champ is in A block I think the winner of the BOSJ will be from the B block, I'd say that it could be either Ospreay or Phantasmo, Desperado as the dark horse since Dragon Lee wants to face him next.
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>>141491 despy winning for all his work training young lions how to do roll ups
>>141493 what's with the fitgirl music
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>>141491 Here's my unbiased predictions
>>141496 >Tiger Mask >Anything lower than 6pts Be more realistic, anon
>>141499 he's injured so i assume the worst
>gresham on the tour Fuck yeah dude is awesome, like a better ZSJ who can actually strike and sell
>>141505 ikr can't we just trade gresham for zsj
>>141505 And actually sticks to his weight class
>>141514 >>141518 You guys watch gresham v. Takeda from bloodsport? It was my match of the weekend for sure
>>141522 i dont really watch anything other than new japan cause i don't have any other streams i can access for free
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>day 1 of BOSJ
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Just realized that Shingo looks a lot like Kiryu. Just 2 inches shorter but is 8kgs more.
>>141524 Bloodsport is up on pwtorrents. Not sure of the quality though
>>141528 >>141522 Also highly recommend jjsb3 pt 1, pt2 kinda sucked tbh so stick with night 1
>>141526 >His nickname is literally "The Dragon" When Hiromu comes back, he should be the Goro Majima of the two
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>>141532 >Dragon Oh yeah that too. >Hiromu as Majima Perfect. Naito can play himself since he was in Yakuza 6.
WK14 tickets on sale in July. Also reveals the logo for WK14.
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>despy BROKE jaw and is out of the tournament https://www.njpw1972.com/49968 fuggg my pick
>>141538 >Jun Kasai BROKE Desperado's jaw Fuckin hell. Also neat that Narita got in.
>>141538 well that just makes me saltier that i dont have anywhere to watch taka taichi mania on
>>141505 >gets outwrestler by shibata young lions
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>>141540 me too i wanna see his takataichi match now and gonna miss him. he had my fav match last bosj against that guy with BROKE neck i forget his name
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>>141542 talk shit about my nigga hiromu and i'll BREAK your neck rin
>>141490 >Naito match God damn it that faggot better not fucking job again. >>141515 >MEN It's nips and mexicans though,
>>141544 and mexicans are weebs by default
>>141545 And Naito is a spic-a-boo, making the circle complete
>>141544 >Naito >winning in Dominion, Osaka Jo Hall He always loses. Hope he wins the G1 instead.
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*sip* Liger, now there's a guy that was the Best of the Super Juniors
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>>141557 *sip* Liger, now there's a guy I've beat under a minute
https://www.njpw1972.com/50026 press conference is out. douki hates bushi so im already sold on douki.
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>>141543 im sure hiroshima tanahashi will be back in 3 years time so chill out
*wins the bosj then goes on excursion*
>>141563 don't know about winning but he's probably leaving for excursion after this.
>>141568 i wish there was some autist out there that only made videos on new japan
>>141569 You're looking at one
>>141570 yeah but he's kinda boring
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Here's today's card.
>>141573 Oh so you enjoy MMA?
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>>141573 oi thats my gimmick around this indie circuit
>>141575 if they take your gay gimmick away rin all you'll have left is being annoying
a commercial seems to have aired with nakamura in it recently. is he back in japan?
>>141577 WWE Japan tour is in June
Douki debut
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im gonna miss myboi until he returns but ill give his replacement a chance
>>141581 dumb fag rin missed the memo. Douki's based he's not just a replacement.
>>141563 Narita got in after two guys couldn't make it. Who does Shota need to injure so he can get into the G1?
>>141583 hopefully yoshi hashi
>>141583 suzuki
>>141572 >Ospreay vs Naito and Bushi F I swear to god if Naito fucking jobs to Ospreay there'll be a third and a fucking fourth nuke.
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bullet club? more like zoomer club
>Phantasmo's first match is against his bullet club mate Robbie Eagles
someone tell El P that noise pollution still isn't music.
>>141588 oh scratch that, he just gets his own entrance for some reason
>>141588 (checked) no it's not?
>>141587 FUCK OFF CODY
oh look a >DUBBED theme
I thought it started tomorrow, where are you fags even watching it?
bandido entering with heavy metal is kino
>>141593 Dragon Lee used to be DUBBED till last year I think
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>>141594 njpw world
>>141597 Thanks. I keep forgetting to make an acount with those fags.
>>141598 Why the fuck aren't you in the tournament Gedo?
the only thing i dislike about the duo flippy thing is the leg trip with the arm to cover thing they do
>>141600 too busy booking shit matches with roh
eagles and fantano look like a fanon tag team some 12-year-old made on wwe2k19
I wonder what's Gedo's plan with El Phantasmo. Seems like he will be a big thing, had his promo video play for over a month.
>>141604 i hope not. other than some acrobatics i dont think he has much. most i can see him pulling through with is a rivalry with bongspray
>>141603 holy shit you're right lol
I can't bolieve I got backpack cucked by Dante from DMC.
>>141605 Yeah I feel the same. Ishimori still seems good with the Jr. Division. Though the Jr.s do need more blood in them, there's basically no one else.
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>>141607 >backpack cucked by Dante from DMC.
>>141608 we really need some new blood. should have some young lions return from excursion or something.
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>>141609 Took a Bakupakku doraiba from an edgy kid.
wtf is yoh's new attire >>141610 Kawato still has time, maybe next year and Oka is heavyweight. Who else is on excursion?
>>141612 but Dante from DMC? Do you mean DmC?
>>141614 probably meant DmC:DmC yeah
Be prepared for that same video challenging Juice to play after his match and enjoy watching it all tournament round
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>>141615 >>141616 Sorry as a huge DMC fan that kinds triggers me. Fuck that reboot anyways and thank god for DMC5
>>141617 you mean like dubstep boy?
>>141617 nah gedo wouldnt do the same thing again would he? …would he?
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>>141620 >>141619 This is how you build hype
>>141620 he's trying to fill the roster back up after The elite ditched us…so yeah he would
>>141617 im not really caught up on it whomst is it? Samual Callahan?
>>141618 im still not a fan of dmc5's looks and sounds and V but hey the gameplay's still proper dmc with some new toys. all i really need to have fun is dante and styleswitching, god bless whoever modded that into dmc3
>>141622 >filling it up with a bunch of britbongs
>>141623 we just dont know
>>141624 DMC5's looks only effects Nico and Trish, everyone else is fine. Sounds are fine too. V is nice I like him, reminds me of that chill goth kid during lunch. >>141625 He should be filling it with luchadors from CMLL, at least they're really good.
>>141627 Need to fill the BC with more white guys
>>141627 idk man playing V i found that i get more consistent ranks if i mash until my fingers want off of my hand than by properly playing. and if i have to listen to devil trigger one more time i will shoot up a mosque. god bless the jukebox.
>>141628 should grab more japs like shingo from other promos
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but muh western expansion
>>141629 Oh you mean gameplay wise. I getcha there.
There it is maggle
god fucking damn it gedo
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>>141636 No gedo i just want to watch some wrestling i dont need to see the same promo more than tree times. tfw we'll see this every other day for the rest of the month
jon moxley vs jews robber 6/6/19
>>141641 dean ambrosia
>>141642 i mean you guys can make up names all you want i have no idea who anyone outside of new japan is
lmao henrys belt is missing must have finally BROKE for good
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By the way on the NJPW Youtube video of that knifefag the comments are saying it is Chris Brooks. Well whoever that is.
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>>141645 >Chris Brooks
>>141645 if it's another BC member i hope they'll let boner soldier go. i think he can work better in other stables.
>new english comms calling him Henori
I can't bolieve Ospreay fucking died.
>oespreay kills himself again it's only the first day!
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>MOTHERFUCKER How did he get away with that?
based taka gonna take all the Ls this bosj and put over new stars unlike tiger mask
jado on commentary
bah gawd taka with shades of his son zsj
lol at that finish
i actually thought tiger wouldnt get it because of his injury damn
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lucha DUBBED
if we had a >DUBBED makabe for every time we hear dubbed theme in the bosj we'll probably have enough makabes to feed an entire african country
also im tapping out got shit to do tmmr have unfun everyone
>>141663 Too bad faggot, this match is fun. >not just getting late for whatever
Titan is going to fucking die on his way home.
kanemaru's been fire this match. i like it.
holy shit titan
this titan is alright
this lucha shit is crazy
nigga doing matrix shit
Holy shit this fucking match.
this match is pretty good
kane should have more singles. dont see why he and desperado have been doing nothing but tags.
i didn't expect it to be this godlike, i really slept on kanemaru. he shines in singles more than tag matches.
I like this Titan dude wtf
>>141674 Well he is NOAH's best Jr. in that he held the GHC jr. title more than anyone else.
>>141678 well titan did say he's el immortal
>>141676 i fucking wish
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>>141679 If he's still alive by tomorrow I'll bolieve him.
Going to head out as well, hopefully uni wifi is good enough to watch it.
>incredibly long shot of greshman just standing there weird
>shakes hand so much for 'the villain', and since he is on this tour I guess he wont join his elietefags at DoN Hope british ACH wins
>>141684 That dudes british?
>>141685 Oh wait he isn't. He is American. For some reason I thought he was british. Maybe because of his match with ZSJ.
That was a double pin right?
>>141687 Yeah since he was counting with both hands.
>>141688 kek, also Marty can't really hold the romero special very well. 54 year old Liger does it better.
>>141689 yeah but marty can do a rolling romero special. that's pretty cool.
>619 wut meh
wow that superplex was useless, hate it when guys do that
Come on and bring out Sho vs Shingo already
as always gresham sells the technic stuff way better than zsj
>>141695 it isn't, sho is outnumbered
new music?
>sho bing bing wahoo kenny tier theme
yoo new theme song? not rocky singing? i like it
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Hey he stole tjp's theme song
>>141698 it's only that bad if you start bringing that shit in the ring pretending you're video game characters. i don't have an issue with his theme being chiptune.
>>141701 even that doesn't bother me, it's when you go full tjp tier
This is already good
future WK main event lol
shit I misread action on Sho's tights as "autism"
>>141705 you have what you read
>>141700 >>141702 who the fuck is tjp
>>141707 tj perkins from wwe
>>141708 i have never watched even a minute of wwe in my entire life.
>>141709 >i have never watched even a minute of wwe in my entire life.
>>141710 not much to think here chief that was a pretty straight forward statement
>>141711 how the fuck did you get into this hobby then? fucking WCW?
>>141712 i was in emptyhero's discord, some guy changed his name to https://8ch.net/wooo , I remembered about njpw because i play fightans and CEO had an NJPW show last year, I asked where I could watch NJPW and then i binged all of G1 climax 28 which had just finished.
>>141713 That's a weird ass way to jump in
>>141714 yes but from what i gather wwe is fucking trash so it's a nice way to get in.
>>141715 Yeah trash now, but in the early 00s it was pretty good.
Jeez sho almost Dlo Brown'd him
>>141716 in the early 00s i was learning how to count without using my hand didn't even know what the internet was back then hell i didn't even know english till i was like 10 years old
holy shit this is great
>the main event is supposed to be more exciting than this match gedo you glue sniffer
this is the NJPW match in a while not lying
>>141721 the best*
Match of the tournament, calling it now.
SSSS-tier match holy shit
god damn what a match i hadn't seen sho in a week and he's grown so much. that was brilliant.
>>141682 fuck, my phone refuses to play the stream. Is there any place I can watch the matches later other than waiting two months for the torrent?
Good match, but Sho vs Shingo and Kanemaru vs Titan completely outshine it imo.
Fug, rip Dragon Lee, guess another championship match for him maybe after Dominion if he's still champ. Anyways later dudes.
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>now i have to watch ishimori vs lee jr title match again god damn it gedo how many times do i have to see this match
Anyone gonna be alive for this show?
>>141745 im always alive brother, even if im sick
>>141746 I might check out early tbh…
>>141747 can't blame you, b block looks weak compared to a block and sho vs taguchi doesnt sound like main event material. I mostly just want to see Douki and Bandido
I'm patiently waiting for the one match I might be excited for.
Just got here, did I miss anything?
>>141750 just some tag matches
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>>141751 Well I actually saw the first match. Kinda wanted to see Sho vs Dragon Lee but tomorrow will suffice. Did anything of note happen in the Scrull vs Bullet Club match considering Mary was Elite or was it just a normal one where nothing much happened?
>>141750 kanemaru took tiger mask's mask, taichi and taka stomped on gresham's BROKEN fingers, sho and dragon lee are out for blood for no reason, brody king killed gedo
>>141752 gedo mostly taunted brody king so the ref would have to tell him to stay back and then he and ishimori would fuck him up in the corner. eventually brody king got in and put on a good show.
>>141753 >>141754 >sho and dragon lee are out for blood for no reason Well shit, tomorrow's match should be another good one. Thanks for the update.
So Naito is the only top guy on this tour. Well makes sense since he was the only one that didn't have a big match in the dontaku tour. Also hope we get Liger vs Suzuki at the finals day in Ryogoku.
>>141755 it was pretty weird. they started the match with a friendly handshake and all but by the end of it the match was over and they were trading elbows next to commentary till young lions had to separate them
>>141756 i dont think so, since we're also getting juice vs mysteryman and tanahashi vs jay white.
>>141757 Sho particularly has been stepping up with the fierceness because of his feud with Shingo, I like it. >>141758 They need the big matches to sell the tickets. I feel like it makes more sense for Liger vs Suzuki to happen at the BOSJ finals than to have it at Dominion if they even have it then.
Fuck, I overslept. What did I miss?
>>141760 All the tag matches >>141753 >>141754 >>141757
>>141759 yeah but how many big matches are you gonna have before the main event finals?
>>141760 >>141761 and titan shingo preview
>>141761 Well shit. I keep missing the Dragon Lee matches.
>Dookie is called Taichi's Assassin I wonder if he will stick around after the tournament, I hope so, they need the new guys. >>141762 Hmm, typically the last three matches in any given NJPW shows are big matches so I guess that quota is kinda filled up with the US title match, Tana vs Jay and the BOSJ final match. Well neither Suzuki or Liger are currently booked on this tour so the possibility was low any way.
>come back just in time for the gayppling only matches Fuck me.
>>141765 wasnt suzuki in london or something?
>>141767 He was, I think he is back now.
>>141766 Nevermind this is fun.
douki was great. looking forward to more of him. looking forward to him curb stomping bushi
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I can't bolieve Douki fucking killed a man.
>>141771 narita is fucking dead there goes his dream bosj run
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>>141772 RIP Going straight to the morgue after this.
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What the fuck is this shit?
>>141774 bullet club likes having gay ass whiteys ever since karl anderson's left
>>141775 Young bucks and Kenny Omega arrived long before that though
>>141776 wasnt karl anderson one of the first members of BC?
>>141777 Yes he was a founding member.
>>141778 yeah so he was there before the cucks
>>141779 He said "ever since karl anderson's left". Those cucks arrived long before Karl left.
I wonder if the reason why burgers and bongs are shit is because only the spics are used as a nation to be weebs.
>>141780 oh right. didnt they use to be not gay or less gay when they were still juniors?
>>141781 omega was a weeb and he was pretty garbage too
>>141782 I think they were always faggot. Omega used to be a decebt heel when he was a Jr. but still had his goofy moments. Character wise I preferred that rather than "best bout machine".
>>141784 i prefer anything over pushing soap opera drama in the ring
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>>141783 Exactly. Only spics are used to be weebs. When burgers try it's just shit. You think these two fags didn't fall for the japanese pussy meme?
made jut in time to see eagles win and dubtepguy to enter
>>141787 now leave
>>141788 was thinking of unironically leaving after the ospreay match
im seeing one too many shades of the elite in El P. Hope he fucking dies
fuck it, I'm gonna go to bed night dudes
>>141791 night brother
>>141790 El and Eagles Being the BC Webseries when?
>>141791 >missing Ospreay's 100th death Night.
>>141791 good night brother
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>>141793 i can see it happening
Fuck you Gedo
gedo i will hang you by your beard. this is just the elite all over again.
>flipped a kid, omgwataheel >2sweets the crowd after the match
>>141801 man shut your mouth rin this puts bc OG to shame
based kevin kelly saying bushi only has fans because of the LIJ rub
>>141803 Naito and Bushi both changed their gimmicks for the better once they went LIJ, before that they were flopping. Anyway Bushi hasn't been great since 2016 and when Hiromu took his place, but nips still like him a lot, don't know if it is only because of being in LIJ.
Why is everyone copying Shibata dropkick
>>141805 you mean the zsj kick
>>141806 i thought you were leaving. why are you still here
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RIP osplay
RIP display
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rip bongspray
>>141807 after ospreay dies and wins ill go bust a nut to janice griffindor then sleep and leave yall to your midget nip main evento
>>141813 i mean you can try to hide it but we all know you're just gonna bust a nut to jay white
aite peace >>141814 i edge to edgeblade
>>141815 disgusting. kill yourself. dont come back.
Bushi was fucking stupid. He tried to repeat Ospreay's death from yesterday, of course he'd have his neck immunity built up by now.
>>141817 >neck immunity built up Too bad Hiromu didn't get that
Why didn't Yoh get his own theme if Sho did
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>>141819 the virgin yoh the chad sho
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weird that yoh jobbed changing one of bandido predictions because of how well he did today.
>>141822 >weird move over new stars
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Here's today's matches. Get pumped for more ShinGOAT
>>141836 Notice how all the spics have the super exciting matches.
>>141838 out with the brits and the leafs in with the spics someone let harold know we want more spics
made it in time to see the intro and chris benoit won the bosj once lmao
deadshot robbie eaglsu
Is it me or Taichi improving a lot?
>Shota Umo this new black commentator is worse than jim ross at naming wraslers
>>141843 this is taichi's G1 preseason training
Yoh pumpin his pecs
>Jews gives Henry the finger the roasting of henare will never end
>>141848 that's what he gets for not turning heel
>>141849 kev kell was saying henry should have joined firing squad when that first started but too late for him now
>>141850 who the fuck cares what kevin kelly thinks lmao
>this promo again
god damn it gedo we fucking get it someone wants juice
>>141851 kev the goat comm frick you
this is gonna get annoying as fuck
>>141854 he's fucking president of soyville with how much he shouts "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" if he opened his mouth for any longer you could fit the entire nintendo console library in there.
That date, it's only his appearance right? No match has been officially scheduled. Plus Juice said that he wants to defend the belt at Dominion. Which means liger vs suzuki match could still happen at BOSJ finals
Something about that backflip dubstep nigger pisses me off.
welp. you did it gedo. you made me root for bushi. all you had to do was put him up against someone annoying like el gamer pee
>>141860 He looks and acts like a faggot
>>141863 like elitefags
Naito dropped outta the big 3 and has to do small shows now
>>141860 he pisses all of us off rin doesn't count he's a faggot he's an autistic faggot for absolutely no reason
>>141860 >>141863 He's an insufferable clown and tries too hard to be a faggot for no reason.
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>>141862 WOW El Phantasmo is such a great heel right? What an addition for the Bullet Club!
>misses the hat God damn it Bushi
>omg he shows the middle finger, so edgy
>>141869 the absolute state of 0 point run Bushit
holy shit this fucking clown
he does these slightly heelish things but none of them feel threatening at all, he still has that blank expression on his face, as if he isn't doing it with his heart.
wowe they did the chase owens spot i dont like him now
>>141874 >chase owens spot he hasn't eaten the pin yet
>>141873 it's not even heel things, he's just being annoying. jay white does heel things and he does them well. this guy just feels like an autistic child.
>>141876 >haha I flipped you off >haha I threw your hat and took back the shirt I gave you It really feels like one.
Short match, but Bushi finally won something and dubstep kid got fucked, so I'm happy.
>>141877 >haha i flipped a toddler off that'll show em how bad i am
>>141876 >>141877 >shakes kid's hand >haha, but I also flipped you off, I'm so bad
tag matches are over? yay now to the good matches
>>141876 >>141877 >>141879 >>141880 yall are getting WORKED by El Danny Phantom
I don't mind Gresham as much as the brits, what's up with that?
>>141880 see he's just a fucking clown, a heel like jay or the tongans will have a violent attitude at all times. when fale walks arounds staring down kids they shut the fuck up and fall back
>>141883 murica. also he knows how to properly work with zsj's style
>>141883 he's american
taka eyepoke is my fav move of his
now gresham can say he made taka just tap out
Who's ready for the TEEEEG?
>>141889 idk man isn't tiger mask immortal like titan? cause those hits to the head by kane yesterday looked dangerous
these old dudes have a more tense match then most WWE matches
>>141893 i wasnt aware that wwe even had tense matches
>>141894 it happens once in a blue moon
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>>141897 im really surprised that teeg is winning all these matches with a fucked up knee
>oh fuck it's this match now time for shingo to make another main event look tame
Shingo ((((((((((Jnr)))))))))) Takagi someone get this nippa some scales
bruh this mexican named teatan lmao i been saying titan
>come back just in time for Titan Nice
Titan is fucking dead.
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Kids these days…
who cares for leafs and brits when we have nips and spics
pretty damn good
FUCK Best match
>BC vs Elite to follow this why bother, at least the main event should be good
>>141908 i mean that's just going to be every shingoat match
>>141909 Hey don't diss Taiji
Teeg vs Shingo Time Limit Draw tieBREAKer booking it now
>>141911 he's ok but I don;t care about marty
I love Taiji and all but why does he always have to walk like he just took a massive shit?
>>141914 it's the manlet strut
>>141914 i know its like his muscles are so large they hinder his walk
lmao at that botch and their attempt to pick it up after that. Terrible.
its TJP!! oh just sho with le vidya moosic
shibata vs ishii Jr. version
sho has grown really well. im very happy since i've been a r3k fan for a good while
>>141920 SHOwn Michaels and Marty YOHetty When will he drop the dead weight and go singles
>>141921 They're both really good though
>>141921 i dont get the reference so try again. sho and yoh were a great tag team but shingo's rivalry made sho grow like hell while yoh is still more or less the same. eventually they'll both be single stars
>>141923 yoh is better on promos, well sho barely speaks. Sho could be the one to turn heel though, has the fierceness. Yoh seems well liked and his promos are pure babyface material. Also Yoh ought to get a good feud with someone like Sho did with Shingo.
Holy shit, even took out Tsuji, thank goodness no rails
>>141925 yeah but sho's eblow is bleeding
>>141926 And it's only the 3rd day of the tournament. Sho's going to be all banged up by the end of it with his stiff style.
Sho already has his left side taped up, tomorrow he'll have his right side taped up and by the end of the tournament he'll be all taped up like a mummy
I like this slow build
>>141929 >Slow well they used up all their gas 5min in
that was a good transition
>>141930 I mean the methodic pace
sho needs to check in at a hospital after this match
>>141933 either that or he's gotten REALLY good at selling
Great match
a bit at first but it got good.
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a block proving itself to be best block again. sucks for sho but what a match.
>>141938 Getting pinned by the champ isn't that bad tbh.
>>141939 yeah but being 0-2 is when you have shingo, ishimori and lee in your block. doesn't look like he can win the block now
>>141940 Well he already lost to two of those.
>>141941 yeah what im saying is those 3 will probably end up with 16-18 points so it's tough for him already having 2 loses
rip usa anons today's show is 30 mins later
anyone gonna watch this show? I'm probably gonna skip
>>141950 im in. wanna see douki main event.
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here's today's matches for whoever's interested
>>141952 I think I'll just wait after then. Have fun dude.
k I'll stay for a bit but if it doesn't get to a match I wanna see before 7 am I'm done
>>141954 just go to bed if it's fucking up your sleep schedule fam
>>141955 nah I'll be fine
they just used the BC theme for gedo winning. kinda lame.
>promo plays right as the match begins fucking hell, maybe playing it at the most varied times to just fuck with us
>Sho vs Lee again nice
>clock was wrong >open stream just in time for "naito wins" >it's all just shit matches from now on God damn it.
>>141959 People are really wanting Sho to become the ace of the junior division not kidding you
>Narita's hometown Oh shit is he going to win?
>>141962 I want to bolieve he will.
>>141962 rip >>141961 Hmm, not quite there yet but maybe he has the potential, with the matches he's putting on. Though he doesn't quite have the personality yet.
>>141964 if he gets more stoic i'll like him. like a mini sanada
Jeez Yoh just holding on there for a long while with that deer in headlights look
>next match i cant bolieve i'm saying this, but i'm actually rooting for bushi today
Also >Headbang club really does reek of Elite
ok gonna go now night dudes
>>141969 remember to watch vod later for semi and main event
>>141969 Nighto.
god damn it bushi. and now i have to watch this autistic clown honk again
choas battle
rocky copy la sombra
>rocky in a 20min match who;d thought we'd see this in 2019
best match of the day easily
>rocky match lasting 25mins Damn. Though I find it a bit unbelievable since he's always jobbing before this tournament. >>141976 Yeah, can't see the main event beat this but let's see. B block is overall really average.
>>141977 im hoping this isnt another round of taguchi wins by ass like the yoh match. i want to see douki go fucking berserk.
hope taichi interferes
RIP young lions. Also it's refreshing to see an actual heel after El Phagtasmo.
>>141981 i'll keep calling him el gamer pee
>>141982 Maybe instead of ELP I'll say MLP
>>141983 ooooh that's a nice one
>taichi casually goes back to commentary kek, if Liger was there he would've really not liked that
>>141985 what are you on about he's been sitting in commentary the whooooooooooole time.
all these dodges by splits are so sick
i really cant get behind all the wins taguchi is getting
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seriously why is taguchi even winning anything
Damn that was good. I think I just like it better than the previous one because it was a good ol heel vs babyface match. >>141990 He's in the main event in a lot of the days. He might be real contender in his block, don't think he will win but he could.
>>141991 i just think that douki should've won that. taguchi's wins never feel real
Saturday is Kanemaru vs Shingo Main event. Should be great.
>>141992 the gimmick tag matches kind of hurt him but hes still a real contender
Douki is fucking AWESOME >>141990 Because he's very talented and entertaining?
>>142001 his wins just feel off to me
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here's today's matches
>>142017 The main event seems to be a technical marvel maybe.
i miss despy ; ___;
>>142017 today's main event is shingo vs kanemaru as both men are from Yamanashi, a place that has also given us Keiji Muto and Jumbo Tsuruta
>>142017 >BC vs BC might be decent
>>142021 crowds gonna be ded for the brits tho
>>142022 Robbie Eagles is Australian and El Phantasmo is Canadian. Anglos but not brits.
>>142023 out with the brits and the leafs in with the spics and the nips
>>142023 They're still super soy'd basically brit
this is really gay
>wow it's literally like watching the elite fucking kill me so i dont have to watch this garbage
cool jado vs gedo
the old boomers were basically doing the same thing the anglos were but much better
Jado and Gedo are cool, the other two suck.
>This faggot can throw around fans stuff but Archer isn't allowed to spit water on them or scare children Fucking lame.
>>142031 Archer gets fucked over because he isn't a reddit meme
>>142032 this makes me upsetti
>>142032 Redditfags were the big audience in the west so Harold wants to desperately appeal to them. Lame/. >Can't see knifefags promo because of the lighting kek
>>142034 Yeah but unless they have a youtube channel like The Elite, they won't get nearly as over.
>>142035 i'll pray every day that they just fade into obscurity or die out
>>142036 too late now blame Cody
"I hope you're genki" thanks rocky
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>>142037 >reddit will save and rejuvenate pro-wrestling whether you like it or not!
>>142039 Being The Elite used to be a cool blog of wrestlers on the road, now it's reddit tier trash because of Cody.
>>142040 i dont get why people that can wrestle well like cody choose to be reddit dicksuckers instead
>>142040 It was never cool. Omega and the bucks were reddit tier fags all along. t. never saw BTW at all but then again why would I
>>142041 This is the society in which we live in. It's not just wrestlingfags which are like this, others as well.
>>142041 >i dont get why people that can wrestle well like cody >cody >wrestle well Nigger he's bland as a motherfucker. Omega at least has some nice feuds and matches to lean back on. Cody on the otherhand dragged Okada down to a 3 star match. >>142042 I know it wasn't cool per say but it was actually interesting to watch. Now they put on a shitty show.
Cody was only good in WWE back when they didn't appeal to reddit and soyboys
>>142045 All he had were gimmicks, he didn't really have any memorable feuds or matches imo.
>>142046 His feud with Rey Mysterio was the only good one he had
>>142044 i dont get star ratings
>>142047 And still I don't remember that one very well. I just knew he had a feud with Rey. Also, it's Rey fucking Mysterio Jr., how do you not have a bad match with him? >>142048 Just waht Uncle Dave likes. He has some good taste imo. Sometimes he can hit off the mark with me it's all opinion. But everytime Cody has a match it's unremarkable as hell and he tends to rate that accordingly.
I wonder if next year is the year Henare actually steps up like Chase Owens has.
This should be good
Sho wins his first match of the tourney
Sho needed the win.
you already know what's next…
Rocky will only beat Narita and Taka might get an upset win on one guy
Hope Tiger moves over this bong
>Shakes hands with the veteran what a villain
rip teeg
i cant bolieve titan is going to fucking die again
fug is Titan ever gonna get another win?
Is it just me or does Joshua's theme resemble one of Kobashi's themes?
>table BREAKs 2 min into the match
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Shingo compared to every other Jr. Heavyweight
this has to be the only match so far where shingo's been on the losing end
>>142065 >it's a MY LEG match
>>142066 unlike the other matches Sho is actually selling it and Kanemaru is actually targeting it.
>>142067 I mean the other matches like this one
>>142068 I meant Shingo fuck
what a fucking match
>Not even 15min main event Got over early today
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today was loaded
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I remember watching Shingo in the Championship Carnival last year, he was pretty good also a good promo and still one.
>B block today Not really too interested but I'll see it
>Team with more young lions won wow
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Shingo finally has a cool T shirt
I overslept wtf happened?
>>142082 tag matches, nothing much brody king just did some cool lucha rope move
Pretty good match. Brody king almost pinned Naito.
Rocky picks up the only win he'll get in this tournament
lucha style match incoming
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nice dropkick trade
Cool, Bandido finally gets a win
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>next match time to go do chores. this house doesnt clean itself.
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>>142091 >anglos next piss BREAK match
>>142091 >7th match What the fuck, I thought it was going to start in one hour.
>>142093 Sunday shows are always early
>dubstep boy finally refuses to hold hands with his fans Wow, it's almost like he's a real heel. >>142094 Fuck me, I thought it was going to be the same time as usual, I even skipped sleeping for this shit. On the bright side at least my sleeping schedule won't be as fucked for the next ones.
MLP really is an autistic, tantrum throwing child
>>142096 I don't know which one you're talking about, but I agree.
>>142095 go back and watch naito/shingo vs villains and douki vs bandido. other than that narita vs rocky if you really want >>142096 i wish BC would stop enlisting manchildren. >>142097 he means el phantasmo->EL P-> ELP-> MLP
>a bunch of fucking reversals in a row >match still feels weak and slow as fuck Fucking bongs, get out of my nip wrestling.
>>142098 >go back and watch But shitposting live is half the fun. It doesn't feel the same watching it later.
>>142099 they're not even bongs that's the worst part. it's a canadian and a roofucker. when it comes to brits we at least have bongspray
At least it didn't drag on too long. >Ospreay vs Yoh next this could (should) be the main event but Taguchi takes that position again
>all this gay exposition I just want to awtch Ospreay fucking die again.
Well, Robbie is just a part timer that comes around for tournaments as filler. Also they'll like to have him for their Australia tour next month.
Did fucking throwing hats become his thing now? Is he the super bad heel that throws hats and sometimes shows the middle finger?
>throwing the merch of a downie >lance archer cant scare the crowd but this manchild can fuck with kids and downies thanks gedo i hate it
>>142105 That's pretty much his gimmick
>>142107 yet he only targets kids and now down syndrome potatoes
>>142108 He goes after adults too
Oh shit calf killer
this is good
>nip manlet can't hold superior western body for long enough to do anything, so he just attacks his leg for the entire match
I can't bolieve Ospreay didn't fucking die.
great match
b block is much better when bullet club isn't fucking with the other juniors
Hopefully Bushi won't get his teeth kicked in for once.
>>142116 doubt it. if taguchi beat yoh and douki then he's probably beating bushi too
>>142117 I know, I just hope it won't be as one sided as usual.
Doesn't help bushi that he's getting clowned around by taguchi
I can't bolieve the referee fucking died.
Where the fuck did that ink come from?
tachuchiwinslol Also to sum up, I liked Douki vs Bandido match the best today
that was pretty sleeper
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>>142335 Wonder when Shibata's young lions will enter. Only three remain, the guy crossed out here quit earlier this year.
>>142336 didnt one of them get injured and became a referee trainee instead?
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tomorrow is nothing but block matches so strap on. even got a piss BREAK match at number 8
Whomst is winning the jnrG1 so far i missed a couple of vanilla midget shows
>>142341 the infamous tag team shingo takagi
>>142341 looks like its gonna be taguchi/shingo in the finals
>>142343 >taguchi wouldn't count on it. looks like rat bastard gedo is pushing for MLP if i was a betting man i'd say winner of next show's main event wins the whole block and goes on to lose to shingo.
>>142345 Taguchi is gonna be the gatekeeper for Shingo's title shot. I think theyre gonna try and save the Ospreay/LP matches for big shows eventually. Shingo's first loss is going to be to a returning Hiromu
>>142345 >MLP on the finals Pls no. Today's already going to end in three consecutive piss BREAKs, I don't want the final to be the same.
>>142352 >3 consscutive piss BREAKs Marty sucks yeah but Shingo is in it so it's still a net positive for me
Shit I almost forgot about the show today
>>142354 taiji vs taka should be good
Holy shit this fucking match. High energy right off the bat.
Pretty fast. Though I suppose it is because there are 10 singles matches tonight.
Looks like it's going to be another short full burst match. I'm fine with this, shit's fun.
>>142359 i'd say first 5 matches will be short burst then the other 5 will be longer
god damn narita actually selling something
I can't bolieve Narita fucking died.
rip both these guys' back pretty fun match
got distracted and missed the first match who won?
>>142365 boner soldier
Holy shit that fucking suplex.
I'm really liking these short burst matches
i was not expecting narita to put on a fight this good. props to him and bandido. now send narita to CMLL
>>142367 bandido's finisher 21plex
better match than i thought, was expecting it to be a one-sided blowout.
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Very mexican of him to pay respect for the dead.
aw spics respect young lions
I'm hoping for some good shit from Titan.
lol is this the first time Gresham faced a lucha?
God damn it Titan.
nice wacky technicool wrasslin
Nice match. Too bad Greshman isn't 10inches taller to replace ZSJ, heck despite being so short he is still only 10kg less than ZSJ, a lot more buffer than that limey brit.
>Rocky vs Yoh interesting
Piss BREAK or do you think YOH will manage to carry it?
was that juice on english commentary?
Yoh vs his manager
>>142381 >implying rocky wont be the one to carry this how are you still sleeping on rocky
also shit this thread is going by really fast, we might need a second one during the fucking tournament
>>142384 The only one that isn't spic or nip that I'm sold on is Ospreay.
>>142386 Rocky is cuban, what does that count it?
>>142387 He's not wearing a mask, so he doesn't count as a spic wrestler.
>>142388 neither does volador jr yet he's always the main event for fantastica mania
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>>142388 well he used to be black tiger
>>142390 Then he used to be spic. Got whitewashed :^)
>>142391 once a masked man always a masked man black tiger soul brother
calf killer always a cool move
Holy shit YOH is dead.
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>next up: tiger vs dragon
juice just can't catch a BREAK, gedo will play this shit when he goes to the toilet.
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>that fucking 50/50 chant This match is going to be great.
BEST MATCH Bushi is going to fucking die next.
>>142404 i cant wait to see douki kill bushi
Man these respectful spics with their hugs and handshakes. Now bring out Douki!
Holy shit Douki
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Bushi is fucking pissed
>>142408 douki is more pissed
douki pissed off at fake lucha bushi
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>>142409 They're both pissed, not a single man in there will live past today, including the referee.
fuck you gedo
>bushi wins fuck off new japan
Good match. Bushi finally wins some points on the table.
>>142414 good match my ass douki should've killed this lucha hipster
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>>142413 >>142412 lmao fuck you
>>142412 >>142413 BTFO T F O
Yoshinobu is also fucking pissed. RIP SHO's ear
SHO really runnin on HIGH VOLTAGE tonight
these stairs are giving me ptsd
SHO's fucking dead
oh hey it's the piss BREAK match
Why didn't Marty stop the count after Kanemaru went out of the ring again?
>Dante match >follow by hat throwing dubstep and MLP I'm heading out, tell me later if it was shit as expected or worse.
>>142430 you're gonna miss the shingo match in between
>>142429 the count stops if both the wrestlers are in or if one of them throws the other back in.
>>142430 also say it like it is chief, Donte not Dante
>>142431 Dubstep pisses me off, I don't think Shingo can save the match for me. >>142433 ==FUCK YOU=
>>142434 >>142435 one fucking job
>robbie stops taguchi's win streak what an upset, not a bad match
Deport him shingo
What's with all these Ishii moves
>>142437 >watching the piss BREAK match you're missing the point
>>142440 I'm not missing a Shingo match
>>142441 im talking about the robbie eagles match
>>142442 Oh well anyway I'll be skipping the main event so I figured I'd watch that one
this match took a while to get started.
shingo takagi undefeated brother unrivaled under the heavens
lmao Marty had to cheat and he still couldn't win
Fuck gotta make another thread
if ospreay loses this i will burn down all bushiroad offices
>>142447 tomorrow
Why does he even have some lucha name if there's nothing lucha about this leafaggot?
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>el phantasmo doing anything
oh shit osplay's pissed, shit he's losing
damn, has ibushi ever done that in korakuen?
did he steal someone's drink?
imagine going to see a new japan show and some gaijin steals your beer.
>>142456 i hope he sues
>>142457 nips dont have the backbone to sue anyone. why do you think loan sharks have it so easy there?
seriously though walking halfway around the ring on the ropes and no one decides to just pull his leg? It's comical that his opponent has to act in pain while he takes 10seconds to walk around like that
>>142458 There was at least one gaijin there too bad he didn't steal his drink
>>142459 the autist is a fucking clown, this is a circus performance and ospraey's forced to partake in it
>>142459 straight up circus shit
>>142461 Funny since Ospreay used to be the flippy faggot notrious for making it look like a circus. He's toned it down especially since his NEVER Openweight chase.
Also heels doing tons of flippy shit never works for me, flippy shit is such a babyface style, the crowd always gets behind that
>>142463 even with his flippy stuff he was at least telling a story
>>142463 see that's another stupid thing i see morons say. complaining about high flying styles being "flippy shit". there's a fine line between acrobatics and looking like a clown. ospraey was always amazing.
>>142466 He was mostly fine I agree, though sometimes I'd say he'd overdo it.
>Chris Daniels' BME reeeeeeeee
if i was a betting man i'd say bongspray will gain the upper hand and get close to winning, MLP distracts the ref, dick punches bongspraey and wins. cause this guy is as predictable as the elite.
wtf was that, reverese canadian destroyer?
>Essex Destroyer
lol why'd he stop him, he would have gotten DQ'd
>>142469 gedo booking + nuBC ladies and gentlemen
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>shingo will have to face this clown in grand finals
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>>142345 >MLP is going to the finals at Ryogoku and maybe winning it I fucking swear it if that happens, I'd rather Taguchi
>>142463 Ospreay hit the weights after that injury and decided he didnt want to be paralyzed at 30.
>>142480 i bolieve in shingo. nothing can stop the dragon. he will continue his undefeated streak.
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>>142486 Just Bolieve hard enough
>>142486 it's just that the winner of the BOSJ/G1 Climax is usually someone from the opposite block from the champion, so that the winner and inevitable title match won't be a rematch of what we already saw in the tournament. Only exception I can think of is G1 Climax 2014, when Okada won it but AJ went on to lose the title to Tana. So I fear for Shingo.
>>142496 NO. NO FEAR. ONLY HOPE.
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I'm gonna miss the first batch of matches cause i got an exam on networks in 25' so let me know the results of those matches.
>>142498 >first match is a piss BREAK
I gotta go to bed so gonna skip this show, wil watch the takagi vs lee match later
Piss BREAK over, good match in a bit.
Titan's pretty good.
what kinda finish was that
What the fuck happened? Camera was fucked.
>>142505 I think Titan pinned him but it was weird and he thought it wouldn't be the finish? I don't know.
>>142506 So he won by three count, even though the referee stopped counting? That was fucking weird. Anyway, two piss BREAKs in a row so I'm going to take a bath.
>>142507 >Not going to watch Tiger vs Greshman Should be decent
>>142508 Still not sold on dancing negro.
Bushi wins, alright
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didn't expect dancing nig to win it. was an ok match.
it was ok
oh shit douki vs yoh, this should be good.
what a start
>come back to douki fucking killing YOH Nice.
>Douki chant wew
Yoh must be one of those lucha hipsters Douki hates
wanted douki to win but yoh did pretty well here so props to him.
Douki losing a bit more than I thought
>>142520 yeah i thought he'd get a bit more of a push.
>close up of pumping pecs gay, though I suppose fujoshi watching must be wet
here we go againnnnnnnnnn
based juice
>I'm sick of it LMAO
>he's fucking dead already Nice.
Sho needs this win, he only has one so far
>smart play >merely pretending All he did was jump him as usual, Sho didn't care if he was busted
Awesome, Sho wins
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>>142530 All according to plan. TL note: plans means keikaku for you foreigner
>ref was expecting him to pass the ball Serves him right, he trusted a gaijin.
>coach taguchi vs coach rocky to determine the coach of New Japan meme match upcoming
>>142534 >can't put the ball in the taguchi hoop despite the melanin advantage Rocky is shit coach I don't even know why he's here if he's that shit at basketball.
co-coaches of New Japan
>Ishimori vs Kanemaru This match must've happened in NOAH
>almost won by chair
veteran ishimori won't fall for it
lmfao what
based heel master
nice ref assist
this should be a great match
nips agree, spics>bongs
>Springboard shooting star >Hits him with his head downward That was dangerous, damn
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>teacher delayed us by 2 hours so i missed most of the show
what an amazing match
>>142548 Well just in time for the main event which should be awesome
Either Lee or Ishimori are the only guys that could beat Shingo
That suicide dive was fierce!
Nice, liked how Shingo fought back rather than just hold on like an idiot like everyone else
Fantastic as expected. So in his block, only Ishimori could beat Shingo and that's their last match. It'll come down to both of them, Ishimori will have to stay unbeaten throughout the tournament now because no one else is stopping Shingo.
fantastic match and man did dragon lee fuck up his jaw.
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>Even says Ryu ga Gotoku Not even hiding it anymore
>>142556 ryu no gotoku* is what he said
>>142557 well close enough
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>>142518 well yeah with sho he was raijin and fujin
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>>142560 Can't wait for Kawato to come back so Douki can beat him up for being another lucha hipster
Fucking great show. What a great tournament.
>>142494 remember to move to 2nd thread since this one is about to fill up
I liked wednesday the best of all. Too bad it had MLP in the main event.
>>142577 started
>>142577 >>142578 New thread cunts. >>142494
>>142579 still 3 posts left till full, my autism won't allow it
Sho and tiger should be good
>>142580 faggot
kill bump

Quick Reply