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King of Shitposting

Scary gimmicks General Boliever 05/22/2019 (Wed) 15:12:46 Id: 9c78e0 No. 142476
Let me In!
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Whoever made that mask did a great job, the creepiest mask since Kane's original one.
Just a scary mask. I can`t take it seriously knowing that a fat neckbeard is under that.
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>>142566 Your a neckbeard
>>142575 My a neckbeard what? come on fgt apostrophes aren't that difficult
>>142757 Neither is spelling out entire words, faggot.
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>>142566 Man, that's pretty mean. Especially considering the recent photo you took with him. I mean, you of all people should know that isn't the case anon
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Brock Lesnar, during his mid-2002 run, is quite possibly the only wrestler in history that has ever genuinely scared me. I mean, who else is there? Harley Race? Killer Kowalski? Maybe Haku (if all those stories about him biting people’s noses off are to bolieved). I guess there’s New Jack? But he’s the type of person where you could easily take him out man-to-man if he didn’t have any weapons. Lesnar felt literally invincible. Like, you wouldn’t find any opening on this animal if you took him on. Not to mention his amateur background that gave him actual athletic legitimacy, made him a force to reckon with (pairing him with the gold medal winner Kurt Angle during 2003 is probably one of the best booking decisions in WWE). I also think his theme "The Next Big Thing" that he came out to with red lighting made him even more frightening.
>>143074 For sure. He fucking killed Spike in his debut. Apparently Spike said this about it >Brock Lesnar is physically the strongest guy I’ve been in the ring with, and that’s saying a lot. He has such awesome raw power it’s really beyond description. In Brock’s debut television appearance, he rushed the ring during a match involving Al Snow and Maven. I had come to the ring in an effort to steal a win and the Hardcore Title. Brock had a different idea. I BROKE a broomstick over his head and he didn’t even flinch. The next thing I know, he’s power-bombing me three consecutive times. The back of my head hit the canvas with such impact, I was seeing stars on the first one and was on the verge of blacking out after the third one. I had a headache for a long time after that
(7.24 MB 480x360 lesnar kills spike.webm)

>>143077 video doesnt seem to embed so heres a webm
Creepiest guy back then
>>143073 Wow Kevin Steen has dropped a few pounds, is he planning to debut on 205 Live?
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>>143074 Yep, first run Lesnar was genuinely frightening. Within 6 months in the WWE he'd destroyed the faces of the previous two generations of wrestlers, kayfabe retiring Hulk Hogan and easily tore through Prime Rock like he was nothing. Probably would've killed Austin too if they hadn't been so awkward with booking. People chiefly smarks use the term "Reign of Terror" disparagingly towards Triple H's tenure at Raw from late 2002 - early 2005, but IMHO Brock had earned the same title in a positive manner - from the night he debuted to the night he was defeated by Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out '04, he was the most fearsome superstar on the company's entire roster. Three time WWE Champion. King of the Ring. Royal Rumble Winner. Even if he didn't come back in 2012, his career in the E was more or less complete. His SSP is still a sight to behold for someone of his size, even if the only place to see him do it since WM XIX was the video games.
>>143171 I'd agree with most of this sentiment if his feud with Angle wasn't a big part in 2003 where Angle was clearly on his level. Raw may have been boring as shit at that time but at least we had that awesome feud on Smackdown.
>>143081 Underrated gimmick
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Back when Lance Archer was allowed to scare kids
Isn't Bray Wyatt a child predator now? The way he tells boys and girls to "let me in". Maybe he should start carrying pizza to the ring…

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