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King of Shitposting

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G1 CLIMAX THREAD 2 Boliever 07/20/2019 (Sat) 09:52:23 Id: 67f156 No. 145560
For when the other one gets full. Marked out the dates already done.
Let's go Sanada!
oh btw, in post match interviews ibushi said that sanada should leave LIJ and join main unit
this is just gachi porn in slow motion
>>145654 fujoshi already wet as a river
Sanada kami goye god damn
That moonsault wouldn't have hit even if ibushi remained where he was
I still thing B block has better matches tbh.
>>145658 They do, highlight of A block is Archer imo.
>Okada vs Ospreay I think this is their 3rd match only but for some reason I feel like I've seen this match a lot of times already.
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>>145661 their score is 3-0 okada
>>145663 >>145661 so it's their 4th singles
Gedo has a huge hard on for both of these guys, wonder if this will be the time ospreay finally beats okada. Seems unlikely, dont think the Jr. Champ ever beat the Heavy champ but Gedo's strapped a rocket on Ospreay pushin him so much.
Also was watching their post match interview and in the comments some guys were saying Ospreay is the best wrestler on the planet and that he is on the level of Okada and Omega now, that Ospreay is wreslter of the year. Personally I dont agree, though there is merit in the latter, he's had a stellar year, probably made more impact than anyone else
>>145666 Kento Miyahara has a argument with that.
>>145667 Sorry but I dont watch AJPW. Well at least ospreay made the most impact in NJPW so far.
>>145667 tried watching an AJPW match on goytube. pace was too slow for my liking.
>>145669 A lot more technical and big beefy dudes.
>>145669 After watching an NJPW show I checked out the AJPW show going on via taima and the first thing I saw was two people doing some gay dance shit or something. Turned it off right away.
>>145670 just didnt seem to have the explosive energy of good njpw matches
>>145671 Probably just Kento and Yoshi Tatsu dancing to his fed music lol.
>>145672 nah, it's just way more technical.
but I still I think Okada, Tana, and Miyahara are the top 3.
God Okada is the BOSS of climaxes in matches.
Based GOATkada does it again. Osplay so close so far again. Anyway MOTN for me was Tana vs Archer.
i still prefer b block
is translator anon here?
Whenever Okiedoke shouts in that high pitched voice it always makes me chuckle
>>145679 that'd be me but i didnt pay attention after the match
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Is it real love fellas?
G1's B Block has been pure fun so far, or at least it looks much more unpredictable than the other. >KENTA steamrolling everything for no reason aside from being the new guy, the audience doesn't even like him despite being Shibata's proxy >Archer somehow is much more over to the point he gets dueling chants with fucking Tana, a new finisher which is ass, he should chokeslam with the claw on and then turn it into a pin and still gets run over by KENTA and Tana, eventually Okada, basically not a good start for his new run but hopefully Gedo protects him a bit >Ibussi keeps getting wrecked by everything >EVIL will more than likely pull one or two upsets but not much else >Cosplay will probably end up injuring himself along the way >SANADA will be runner-up if Okada and/or KENTA let him >hopefully ZSJ is the first to bite it >Fale is just there, for some reason he's playing along with Chase with the retarded Area 51 meme >Tana's injuries keep stacking so he won't be getting many wins >>145683 Shooter's doing great after getting adopted, hopefully we'll see him change more.
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>>145684 I don't get why KENTA is getting pushed so fucking much. It's kinda jarring especially when his "fang" is so dull after years in the west. Archer's been insane this whole tour to the point i dont want him to do KES stuff again just so he has more singles. Ibushi's doing that weird shit where he's jobbing where i dont expect him to and winning where i expect him to job. EVIL ditto Ospray's been a good show as always. My boy SANADA being done dirty by gedo again ZSJ should die of malnutrition I wish Fale wouldn't go with Chase's stupid meme shit Poor Tana is so banged up he can only win through roll ups. B Block is definitely where the money's at. >>145685 fuck off with your facebook meme shit rin
Some thoughts because I'm gay and no one else will listen to me >Sanada vs Ibushi was brillaint. Seeing Red Shoes decipher the crowd noise when both guys were posing was unreal >Okada is a fag and Ospreay bothers me >Naito and Ishii look to be in constant pain >Jeff Cobb aka Samoan Elgin has tears in his eyes every time he comes out >KENTA and Moxley shooting on the E is amazing, also loved that little Ishii promo before the Moxley match "you can't do what you want over there" >Really pisses me off that Taichi and Fale are still around. >ZSJ needs to tone up, no reason we should see his entire protruding sternum >Lance Archer is a fucking top level talent who needs a sexy gold belt
>>145687 >>145684 Korakuen is insane, loved hearing them boo KENTA. After the booing he started to go so hard and they still booed his ass. NOAH is waiting for you little man
>>145689 faggot
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next day of Based block action
I'm weird on KENTA. I expect the wheels to fall off soon though, and him to just lose repeatedly. That being said, his hire is somewhat like having Shibata, but you actually don't have Shibata. I expect him to be kinda like an uppermidcard, maybe get a title shot at a top 3 belt once or twice a year, lose, and do it again. Maybe he could have an okay run with the US Belt.
>>145730 Not sure but I've also heard that Kenta hasn't fully signed with NJPW yet and thag he might do the G1 and then see how it goes from there
>>145733 well i doubt noah would accept him with open arms. they're really salty that he went to new japan.
>>145734 In an interview with njpw1972 he stated that his base is still in USA. When he left WWE I heard he was going to AEW, wouldn't be surprised to see him there since he isn't satisfied with his time in WWE and would want to make a better mark on America.
>>145736 There's also the <5% chance that KENTA could be working with ROH, but you're right, he's probably thinking of AEW. It might just turn the US Belt into 'hey, we don't have you for long before you go to AEW, so here's something you can do.' That or maybe they should give the belt to Lance Archer and let him go on a tear.
>>145737 Moxley has the belt now, wonder how long he'll hold onto it and who could take it from him. Though if they are really serious about building it, now is the perfect chance and putting up great matches like Juice/Mox and having top guys like them to hold the belt is key, Juice particularly could be to the US title the same way Nakamura was for the IC title so he'll be centered around the belt a lot I'm sure. Archer's been good but still needs a little more buildup a surprise win over Okada and then challenging him for the belt at Destruction could be good, so I see him holding the belt next year, though not a long reign I think. Right now whatever Kenta is planning to do, I'd preferably keep him away from the US title, there are other more interesting challengers for it than him.
>>145738 To add, I guess the NEVER title is the one I see most suitable for Kenta, since he's been like a Shibata stand in, he can have those tough matches the belt is known for. Plus the openweight aspect fits him too.
>>145739 NEVER is a weird belt for me. You have guys like Ishii, Cobb, and Goto involved and then you have someone like Taichi. I mean, don't get me wrong., Taichi has stepped up his game a lot since going heavyweight, but he's not like the other three, you know?
>>145740 Yeah the past year especially the NEVER scene has been shit. Too many title switches with short reigns particularly. Those guys you mentioned are all tough men, which is what the title has been established about now. Taichi is a different type, same way Ospreay was a different type. Taichi could've been a good champ with a unique reign like Ospreay but he got jipped both times he had the belt, losing it in his first defense both times. Personally speaking I like the NEVER Championship, it's a little special for me. The first time I saw it was Naito (c) vs Yujiro at KOPW 2013, which I enjoyed but then Naito (c) vs Ishii at New Beginning in Osaka 2014 was awesome, one of the most memorable matches in NJPW for me (it was also the match where the Osaka crowd first loudly booed Naito). Since then particularly Ishii, Shibata and Goto have established it well but the problem even back then was these guys would lose it to some new challenger but then regain it a month later.
>>145741 I liked the small Goto/Taichi feud over the NEVER belt.
>>145742 It was nice only the first time Taichi won it but the second time they faced each other for Goto to win back the belt, that match only happened because Ospreay was supposed to challenge Taichi for it but the dumb bong got injured again and Goto had to take his place, which itself was disappointing since Goto said he would leave the NEVER belt into Ospreay's hands when he challenged Taichi for it at KOPW 2018.
>>145743 Oh and yeah they were feuding even before that, before G1, that was good too.
>>145744 I honestly hope Taichi gets a good reign next time, I'd be interested in seeing how that'd go.
>>145745 I hope taichi gets a good reign with any belt really. He pinned Naito, give him an IC reign.
>>145686 I'm going to have to pay more attention to those segments…
>>145747 I admit, I'd be all for Taichi beating Naito to take the IC Belt and freeing Naito for another IWGP Title reign.
>>145749 when all naito's doing is playing hot potato with the IC belt and jobbing to most people then all his talk about holding both belts ends up being emptier than the heads of bushi fans.
real Based block hours who up
Naito vs Ishii match YEAAAAH
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Based Block Bois who up
it's still better than his actual theme
>>145767 late ass nigger
>>145769 nah the buttrock was nice
Kojima on commentary
holy shit is uemura on ALL the steroids
also an update on tama
>>145775 wha happen?
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>>145776 some roh shit i think
>>145777 >nobody gives a shit about no roh >proceeds to keep fighting in roh
Falr better get his NJC revenge on osplay
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eye candy
wait what? new suzuki gun theme?
oh nvm it's just playing twice or some shit
Wow no young lion for them to beat up
>>145783 we getting b show level acoustics
>>145784 bushi's right there
>>145784 what >>145786 said
>suzuki chugged bushi out the ring like he was a sack of potatoes lmao
>Suzuki prepares to attack Bushi >Camera cuts away Fuck Japanese Kevin Dunn
>>145790 Japanese Kevin Dunnis better than Kevin Dunn at least
>>145791 He makes these bad cuts quite often in other shows too. At least no zoomshit.
You guys think Suzuki asked not to be in the G1 shoot wise so he can take it easy? >>145792 That's what I mean.
Who kept Tsuki out there RIP
>>145794 Tsuji* >>145793 Probably.
Reminder that Ishii is outshining Ibushi this year
>>145793 they probably shoot asked him to move over for new stars this G1
>Tana vs Ibushi Whoever loses is basically out I'd say. Likely Tana loses, he already moved over the golden star last year.
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tfw no big titty milf gf to go watch njpw with
>>145799 holy fug
>>145800 look at all the taguchi japan merch she has, it's basically your dream wife.
>>145801 nah my dream wife is from a vidya, but she's cool
first fem douki, now tagujapan milf. what other magical things will the japanese crowd give to us?
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>>145802 I can guess who.
>>145804 not persona related

I've been avoiding talking about it for a while because imo he still has the psychology behind him but who will replace Tana?
>>145807 Shota
>>145808 I can see that tbh. Was afraid someone would come in and answer Ibushi for some reason.
>>145808 or Sanada full face turn. It'd make sense seeing how they're both mutoh disciples and they both fight dragon style.
>>145810 I feel Sanada is a better replacement for Naito since Naito is closer to the age of Tana…
>>145809 im with what Naito says on ibushi. Ibushi the wrestler is great, but fuck Ibushi the person. that and im predisposed to hating rich brats
>>145811 >sanada for naito no way dude. sanada doesnt have cocky or smug attitude that carries naito. if anyone can replace Naito it'd be someone like Taichi or Hiromu please come back we miss you
>>145812 I like Ibushi even the person because he's an adorable autist, but I don't think he could update his style when he gets older if you know what I mean. >>145813 k yeah should be Hiromu
>>145806 Why this reaction to the waifu? I gave no other hints.
>>145808 Shota is replacing Okada brother
>>145815 from how much you post purse owner i just assumed that annoying thot was your waifu
Hope Kenta loses else likely rematch for the title at KOPW
>>145816 Okada will still have a place in the Top 4 like Tana has now, we're talking when Tana's age starts showing and needs a replacement. >>145817 She's not a thot you, nigger.
>>145819 if she breathe she a thot.
>>145820 She's 2D nigger, therefore doesn't breathe, therefore not a THOT
>>145821 she breathes 2D oxygen.
>>145822 2D oxygen is not breathable
Yoshi Hashi is almost 40. Who will replace him? Hopefully no one, for their own good.
>>145824 then why does she have breathing problems when getting choked in doujins? checkmate atheists.
>>145825 Tsuji
>>145826 doujins ain't canon
>>145827 Tsuji is good though, he has a Kobashi mixed with Takayama deal about him.
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>>145828 you know what is canon? a good waifu
>>145830 Yuko is a NIG
>>145829 but nowhere near enough to either of those explosiveness. dont forget he was jobbing to uemura for a good amount of time. he's easily the weakest young lion right now while also being the one that's the oldest in age
Yoshi Hashi finally has something to beat up, gaijin Young Lions
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>>145832 idk imo he's pretty good
>>145832 >oldest in age He's about as old as Sho/Yoh were when they were young lions
>>145835 i just cant see him growing up to be someone big.
time for yano to BREAK juice's spirit with another grand theft climax
Yano spoil pls
Juice looking like a pimp
reminder that Yano was once a top tier heavy like Ishii is for Chaos
>>145841 >once >implying he's not a top tier now he's beaten both favourites of the b block you know :^)
wew nice match
>>145842 He's more of a spoiler like Fale is now.
all yano matches this g1 have been great fun.
>>145844 and yes I knew that was a joke
>>145844 spoiler?
Based Juice high 5'd big titty milf
>>145847 someone who ruins someone's run
>>145849 im okay with that as long as the matches are good. and yano's been great fun.
>>145850 I know, same with Fale with the right opponent imo.
>taichi also wants a La Dojo t-shirt
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>>145853 i feel like i've seen this fight way more than 3 times
taichi's beating up the la young lions more than goto lol
nice transition there to the fireman's carry
RIP Goto's G1
yeah we can proclaim goto's g1 to be over now
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next up: moxley vs shingo my dick is diamonds
Lol probably but again fucking Jay White is in the same position practically
>>145860 yeah but the knife pervert can always win through cheating, goto doesnt cheat.
I'm disappointed I'm not interested in this match since Shingo will lose most likely.
>>145862 i think this will be a splendid brawl regardless of outcome. no matter who loses we win.
moxley paying respects to his son's former father
Rather one sided
Goddamn shingo's knee is fucked. Mox gone hard at it.
what a fucking brawl. god damn i love moxley matches.
Damn. First time Shingo tapped out. Not bad but surprisingly one sided.
>>145870 next up we have jeff cobbuta vs knife pervert. time for jay's 1st win?
>>145871 Yep and he'll be in the same position as Goto and Cobb
>>145871 Yeah, Cobb's been the weakest in the B block i think
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>take look at my steam friends >see this he's everywhere
Is it okay to like Jay White now?
>>145875 no it puts you on the same level as rin
>>145876 just asking nigger damn, Rin is all gay towards him
>>145877 iz joke you dun hav to b so mad
k time for main event!
>>145878 I'm a bit tsun sorry.
>>145879 well it's hiroshima so naito is winning. if they leave here without a LIJ rollcall there's gonna be riottttttttts in the street. >>145881 that's pretty gay onii-fam
>>145882 no nigger yandere is gay
For Jay to win B block he needs to win all his remaining matches plus hope Moxley loses to 2 other people too. I think Naito can be one and Juice too on the last day to create the drama for the final Naito vs Jay White
>>145883 liking yandere yeah but so is BEING tsundere.
>>145885 Naito is tsundere
>>145884 alternatively moxley and juice finish with 1-2 loss each and they're the actual conteders for b block winner to raise heat for their rematch.
wait Naito is the champ why is he coming out first?
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>>145886 no naito is smug forehead except his bangs hide his forehead
>>145889 smug foreheads are tsundere as fug
>>145890 there is nothing tsundere about takagi nigga you high.
>>145888 Ishii is also a champ. Also heels seem to enter first in NJPW.
>>145892 Still Naito is bigger on the pecking order imo.
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>tfw missing the main event cause my stream turned into a buffer buffet
reminder everyone should be roating for Naito
>>145894 sorry dude
>>145895 roating :^)
>>145897 fug me
>>145898 so much for being a tsundere. you're going straight to the point
that headbutt
Adopted hometown favourite wins
and grass is green and water is wet
it's been a while since the last LIJ roll call. let's hear it naito
fucking finally we get to here buenas noches again
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bae gets more screen time than young lions
Oh damn naito's ear is bleeding.
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>>145912 is that ray william johnson
>>145912 TJP vs SHO in chiptune entrance showdown
Show begins in 1 hour.
>>145916 Don't worry people will show
>>145916 >>145917 i'm already here brother
>>145917 >>145918 Yeah, just starts half an hour earlier than normal. 5mins
>Taichi casually taking a fan's umbrella to attack Cobb extreme
shit accidentally closed the window
>>145921 accidentaly missed 1st match
based pieter
>>145922 no I didn't missed part but reopened it a min later
Juice vs Jay White, their rematch from last year when Juice beat Jay for the US belt. That match was good, when Jay was still new, this one should be better since both guiys have improved a lot since then.
>>145925 Juice is still the same tho I feel he was good then. Jay back then I felt was the one who needed growing.
>>145926 I feel that Juice has been better since his match with Moxley, more aggressive.
>>145924 no, i did
>>145927 I can kinda see that, I just feel that Jay made the most progress over this year
>>145929 he did but jay has finished evolving for now. he's found his groove, he's got the bullet club, his character is established now. On the other hand Juice has just recently entered a new story arc for his revenge against moxley.
>>145929 True, then again Jay was newer last year and had more room for improvement, and managed it. Being put in big matches against guys like Tana, Okada, Omega must've helped.
where is shingo he injured?
>>145932 He's in the fourth match with Naito, against Shota and Moxley
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reminder for today's block matches
>>145931 You mean Okada and Tana, because he faced Omega when he was still green, hell same as Tana, but to be fair Tana in early 2018 needed a BREAK.
>>145934 stormBREAKer on fale gonna be great
>Sanada vs Tana huh, tana vs ibushi had a tag match last time, thought they were up today, oh well. Ibushi vs Lance should be good too. Hope Fale gets his NJC revenge on Ospreay. >EVIL vs ZSJ Hope Evil can beat the bong for once
seems like A block has the same amount of matches every time. 2 good ones, 2 maybe bad ones, and 1 that's up for debate
>>145937 i've seen evil vs zsj one too many a time the last 12 months to care about it happening again. i sleep.
>>145934 >>145937 >>145935 True but that win over Omega certainly was the first step in the right direction for Jay. But yeah facing those other two repeatedly helped more.
CHAOS battle
>chaos coming out to yano's theme yano winning b block brother
>>145937 Again, they probably don't want to split up Sanada and Evil as a tag during the tourney since the only other tag partner is fucking Bushi. So they change the match tags up I think.
>>145943 tbh have sanada join main unit and evil's new partner be shingo or O Kharn
>>145943 Sanada and Evil have decent singles runs all year round but then World Tag league comes, they win that, then the belts at WK and are stuck as a tag team for a few months. Hope that trend ends.
>>145945 do they even ever succeed in defending the tag belts? we really need some other tag teams to step up as G.O.D.'s challengers
>>145944 >>145945 I meant if they BREAK them up for this tourney one wouldn't have a tag partner from there faction.
>>145946 They had a good 6 month reign the first time and bolieve it or not, defended the belt more times than GOD successfully did in all their reigns until recently.
>>145948 i still feel that they both perform better in singles than in tag matches.
shota so proud of his new dad's new belt
i like shota making funny faces as he raises up the belt
>>145951 he's popping off you goof
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>>145947 here's your next IWGP Tag champs
>>145953 it would switch up the tag division and make it interesting
naito should just say "no hablo ingles"
>>145954 Okada and Tana to win World Tag League and become tag champs when? Maybe next year. Tana and Nakamura held the tag titles for a year once.
tab moxley should be in tag league with his son shooter. not like yoshida will show up again anyways.
>>145956 Maybe when Naito or White becomes champ
>>145956 okada's said his tag partner will always be yoshihashi
why is shota's arm that banged up anyways? was he doing arm wrestling with his new dad?
Naito the first guy to get to Moxley, likely will be the first to beat him I think
Is that kanemaru i hear on commentary?
kota ibotchi
yoooo archer with the flippy shit
it was ok
lol liked Lance no selling the knee
both of archer's loses so far have left me flacid
>>145967 He's had 3 in a row, Tana, Kenta and now Ibushi
>>145968 like in all 3, he's dominant and one-sided for most of the match, but then he gets by like 5 moves and magically dies. shit booking like this kills the illusion gedo you rat.
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>>145970 >tfw dub too soft so you have to INCREASE THE VOLUME OF DUBBED
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>>145969 >he's dominant and one-sided for most of the match, but then he gets by like 5 moves and magically dies What's wrong with that? This gedo guy isn't half bad!
>>145972 i know it's a joke but western wrestling is a plague to strong style
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>>145973 >strong style It's dead, at least in NJPW, just a meme at this point
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>>145974 i know
wtf red shoes
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>zsj vs evil meh
>>145978 eat shit and die bc fag lol
always racist against the guygins
Piss BREAK Jr.
Evil with 2 other clones could be a good team
ZSJ is getting nothing wow
Sanada vs Tanahashi should be good, most anticipated match today.
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>everyone left
>>145987 im back. oh neat evil won.
>>145988 It was a nice shock, ZSJ going down a downward spiral is funny.
>>145987 It ook a rest during that zsj vs evil match and am back now but I feel sleepy
More Sanada chants, inb4 mad Tana wrestles heel style because of it
…I think we might've found Tana's replacement
>>145992 at least for a little while
>>145992 called it.
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>>145992 No, you can't replace a once in a century talent
oh I missed that test of power spot. >>145995 true
>>145992 >Tana's replacement Yes as the man that keeps losing to Okada now
waahh Ace in Paradise lock
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>stream buffering for a full minute
>Sanada is replacement for Tana Move over new star
Tana's first high fly flow win this G1
>>146000 shit sorry dude, nice trips tho
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>>146004 fucking hell that sucks
>>146004 just ignore the thread if it's that bad
well NOW that the match is over i can refresh and have it be closer to live
inb4 time limit to make japanese cm punk look strong
okay Kenta is playing it up now
>Takeover lock
>running knee stealing daniel bryan moves now
wtf was that kick kekta
>>146012 I think he just woofed it or he missed on purpose, can't tell.
about fucking time kenta lost. i still dont like kenta's matches. okada had to carry this.
okidoke ends kenta's reign of terror, good it was ok
anyways that was nice, Okada climaxes again
Okada loses to Archer and Ibushi, calling it now
the B in B block is for Better.
translation time: My 5th win! For the first time in a while i have 3 things to say. 1, nothing in particular 2, nothing in particular 3, thanks for coming to see us even during a typhoon I think it's raining outside so be careful going home Thank you very much for today The next time we come in nagoya… wait that's tomorrow The next time we come in nagoya after tomorrow… who's gonna win the G1? I think Okada will win but what do you think?
>>146019 cont. Then for Aichi prefecture, I'll work hard and win G1 then come back here. And when I come back in nagoya, i'll make it rain money!
>>146019 >>146020 thanks translationanon
>>146021 download my gccx subs off of nyaa nerds. next month im uploading the super contra episode.
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The absolute state of Bullet Club. >be a superheavyweight and the one original member of the stable left, need to rely on a Jr and a part-timer/semi retired wrestler for a 1v1 match, in fact said junior seems to be more effective in matches than you even when doing shitty facebook memes >be current stable leader after three previous failed ones, need to carry another part-timer to get yourself wins >your most recent adquisition leaves almost immediately after BOSJ is over How come the most self-sustaining members are the tag champs on both divisions? Also what's the deal with CHAOS? Why is it so big? Why does it look like the members have almost no relation with each other? I'm kind of a newfag to NJPW, started with G1 Supercard but did do a bit of lurking. As for Day 9: <Archer magically dies again, at least this time he didn't just eat one finisher, he still deserves better <Tana is still winning for some reason >EVIL overpowerering commie noodle man was entertaining enough, last match I bothered watching in full >KENTA finally loses <at the cost of Okada winning his block with a perfect score (doubt either EVIL or SANADA, much less Archer, can get a win on him for anyone to catch up on him) As for today, Naito might be the first to beat Moxley, probably mindgaming him into a countout or something to keep him strong, and playing into his short fuse. Juice beats Ishii, maybe Cobb beats Taichi but won't beat anyone else after that, Goto beats Yano so we can keep the illusion that Goto has a chance.
>>145875 I like him just because I like seeing his shit get slapped. Yano's knuckles couldn't have happened to more deserving balls.
>>146023 Giving Fale so much help just makes him look like a weak bitch. I understand that some heels are cheating fucks, but illegal help from TWO guys is excessive. Fale should be a monster heel who doesn't need that shit.
>>146023 fale isnt the only OG member, so is Tama Tonga. Besides that's how BC has always done things, they'd only win big ones with a lot of help. chase is leftover cancer from the elite see everyone takes in parttimers that aint the problem, the problem was they took MLP with his shitty dubstep and clown antics. CHAOS is big because half of them are vets and the other vets are younger fighters. Originally CHAOS formed a bit like LIJ, a rule BREAKing stable where everyone does whatever they want but they've just become faces over the years.
Reminder to everyone that today's event is 2 hours earlier than usual, that is to say it starts right now.
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here's today's block matches
>>146023 >>your most recent adquisition leaves almost immediately after BOSJ is over Just for the G1, most of the other jrs aren't there either, even Ishimori from BC. They'll be back after the G1
>>146029 I should've been more specific, I meant Robbie Eagles who left for CHAOS.
>>146030 Well, Eagles was there since last year so it's ok, he was a parttimer anyway
>>146030 he'll be back for jr tag league to tag with bongspray.
is no one watching right now?
>bong vs bong maybe zack beats ospreay and challenges him for the Jr. Belt at Royal Quest
>>146034 zack pretends he's not a junior. it's more likely bongspray beats zack and challenges for british belt. though okada can challenge too, and everyone else that beat zero saber jr. lmao
The friends of Shibata vs LIJ
>>146036 La Dojo, but read in spanish
Karl's physique and hairstyle reminds me a lot of Shibata
wtf why early start
>>146039 it's sunday
>>146040 oh, guess the japs need to get to work early tomorrow
wtf did I fucking miss?
>>146042 Narita vs Yuya BC beating up jobbers Suzuki gun wrecking shit And now LA Dojo vs LIJ
>>146039 >>146042 niggums whomst've don't check the schedule
>>146044 fuck off
>>146045 dont be a nignog
well that's over.
Goto's first win since Jay White at the start I think
>>146049 Yano with this loss still has a better record than ZSJ
are they making time for the naito moxley tie
gonna be a brawl
juice finds out why ishii is the STONE pitbull with his head.
bah gawd makabe's king kong knee
this is a good match.
what a match
Damn, Juice lost. Well an Ishii win is never bad. Good match, kept getting better as it went on.
>>146058 reminder Juice still has a better record than ZSJ
>>146059 almost everyone does. all is right in the world.
taichi keeps shittalking cobb calling him a fatass lmao
>I can hear Miho
fatty rage
>>146062 all she's saying is things like "be careful" and "oh no"
the state of jeff knob trying to do strong man moves on superheavyweight taichi
>>146065 well it worked
it was ok cobb really seems like the oddest one out of all the G1 competitors. His first match against Ishii was the only really good one he's had.
>>146067 i still dont get why we got him instead of RUSH
>>146068 Well I guess Rush hasn't appeared much recently on NJPW while Cobb's been here and there since last year, even winning the NEVER belt at MSG so he gets to go in.
Based block with the better matches as always
the absolute state of BC leader losing to a junior heavyweight
bloody sunday huh
damn. shame that shingo lost but i guess they have to build up jay after all those loses. good match anyways.
>>146073 Yeah, Jay's likely going to win all the matches till the final day
>>146074 i wonder how he'll beat juice or moxley, or if he'll even beat them
>>146075 >White losing to Juice huh?
based jay using bloody sunday r e a l
So Goto vs Yano ended fast to make up time for Naito's long ass entrance
>>146076 it's happened before it can happen again
>>146079 not in the G1
that fucking lariat
yooo what's that
told ya moxley's winning this block
Holy shit he did it, who the hell is gonna beat him now and Naito 3 losses
oh shid dean going all the way
Dean is the HBK of The Shield confirmed
>>146084 Jay, Juice and Yano
even if jay beats moxley, that's only 1 loss for moxley, he can easily win this block im calling grand finals now to be okada vs moxley.
>>146086 Seff on suicide watch
>>146089 SEETHE Rollins
10 points straight. He's going to pull an MLP and lose 3 on the trot now.
>>146091 >pull an MLP you shut your mouth
only yano can stop him
reminder ZSJ was in this exact position in his first G1 too
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>>146094 >>146091 >comparing a clown and a commie vegan to a fighter
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Moxley steamrolling it. Juice and Ishii the only ones close to him, 4 points though Juice winning B Block?
>>146096 moxley brother
>>146095 Or maybe pulls a Shingo and wins all his group matches but loses the finals to Kota Ibushi (who's basically comparable to Ospreay)
>>146103 nah i think okada is winning a block.
>>146104 Doubt, since its been ages since the champ won his block, but I guess you never know. Okada was in the same position before and still ended up losing the block. Omega last year too.
>>146089 >>146086 >>146090 Taking lots of food off Seff's table
this day is the exact opposite of the last time, so be wary
>>146109 Meanwhile bork is murdering seff
>>146119 Based Bork
who is wrasslin today
makabe eating is always kino btw
brb gonna go use the restroom
show's on
B block winner coming through make way
Moxley Yano preview!
he took the money too
what the hell is going on
first time juice vs naito since he challenged for the IC belt over 2 years ago, should be interesting to see this considering how much juice has grown since then
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So Fale, ZSJ and Sanada too are out.
>>146131 Evil is the heavy of LIJ tbh, he's always shown up way better than Sanada in the G1.
>>146132 inb4 Evil loses to Okada but Sanada beats Okada and gets another title shot
Shingo is officially a heavyq now
>>146132 Heck EVIL even has more points than Naito Aand EVIL was supposed to be the one LIJ guy doing poorly before the tournament
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post yfw juice beats naito
>>146136 Tetsuya Never 2 beltsaito
>>146136 not happening
>>146138 tagujapan anon doesnt trust his tagujapan face smh
is this any good, I'm not exactly watching this, busy with something
>>146140 it was fine
>>146140 speaking of matches not to watch >bongspray vs <zero socialism jr.
osplay probably thinking if he was 1 inch taller like Zack is then he would be an heavyweight too
bah gawd its da battel of da bongs
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today really seems like an off day, don't particularly care about these matches, well only want Archer to beat Okada and that's it
>>146145 I wanna see Tana and Evil
>>146145 okada archer and tana evil are the only matches im looking forward to. even poor old bongspray cant save a zero socialism jr match. A block just doesnt have the spark that B block has.
>>146146 >>146147 kinda i guess but i think super tana will overcome the evil odds again, well been a while since we saw a tana concert so that would be worth watching
osplay beating zsjw to put him in his place as a jr. heavyweight would be a good end
>tried to pull the Bret spot >Marty didn't know wtf it was lol
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Wait what, in NJPW profiles it says that Ospreay is 185cm tall and is 86kg but ZSJ is 183cm and is 85kg. How is ZSJ a heavyweight but Ospreay isn't? Also how did Zack look taller than Ospreay here?
fuck off gedo
cosplay fails to humble zsjw
let's go MOTN
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>American Psycho Need archer check em image
>>146155 lol nice dubs get
making kids cry lol
Archer on a war path, scaring the nips and kid, also constantly punching Shota in front of his Red Shoes
>>146157 Archer is making it his life goal to 1-up MLP at everything
huh old school moonsault, that's new
ugh fuck you gedo fuck this day
>>146161 And double fuck you if Sanada beats Okada and gets another fucking title shot
>>146163 hoes mad my boy sanada showing up
>bushit on commentary i see the lucha hispter is doing a job that suits him more.
>>146164 im just tired at seeing sanada vs okada
>>146166 it only happened twice lol
>>146167 tbh getting 3 heavyq championship matches in a year is actually pretty high
>>146168 or facing Okada 3 times I mean
>>146168 >>146169 sure it is but Sanada vs Okada is a good match between 2 cool motherfuckers. why would i not want to see it 3 times in a year? It sure beats getting shit ones like Jericho or ZSJ.
good job Sanada
Oh looks like KENTA is the one to pull an MLP and lose back to back after an undefeated streak.
>>146170 Yeah I feel, just saying it gets kinda annoying for some. I felt the same with how Cody kept getting championship matches last year.
rip Evil's fans aren't in the arena
oh wait nevermind I hear a few EVIRUs out in the crowd
>>146173 well the main difference here is cody matches are forgettable as hell
>>146176 This is true too, but still people don't like seeing things over and over again. Unless it's Okada vs Tana, because that's been done to death but everyone loves it still
this is pretty good
I know bias might play a role with me being a fan of both tho
>This is ACE lol
motn imo, again bias might play into it
good fight.
>>146181 nah easily, nothing else was as good move over evil star
tanahashi making a g1 victory declaration but to win his block he needs to win all his remaining matches and okada needs to lose all of his and kenta and ibushi need to lose at least one more
>>146184 Okada faces Evil and Sanada next, good chance he could lose to both of them I wouldn'[t really mind a triple threat between them for the belt
>>146185 triple threat matches are pretty shit tbh
>>146187 Yeah I know, the one Omega, Ibushi and Cody had last year at KOPW was boring. However at least there's a proper story between Sanada, Evil and Okada if it were to happen and I bolieve all 3 can pull it off, unlike last year where Cody wrongly squeezed himself in the title scene, performed the worst of the three and Omega kept letting out his gay feelings for Ibushi in the match.
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What's up with this? I don't want suzuki to lose, but I also want archer to just fucking kill stick boy.
>>146203 kanemaru probably taking the pin
show's on
Suzuki vs gun
damn i cant bolieve suzuki gun got the jump on suzuki gun
they should BREAK up suzuki gun tbh. archer can go be a BC member since they desperately need serious wrestlers as opposed to jobbers and gimmick characters. taichi could make his own stable or join LIJ. ZSJW can sod off back to england.
>>146215 Whenever suzuki retires tho a few years at least
>>146216 nah im talking now. i think suzuki would be better as his own wild card especially since he just murders his own dudes for fun.
>>146215 >>146216 They could just pull another takeover, remember this was originally Kojima Gun
>>146218 dont you mean seigi gun?
>>146220 didnt suzukigun form from nagata's seigigun?
>>146221 no it formed from Kojima-Gun
>>146222 huh. i didnt even know there was a kojima gun at one point
based yoshi tapping out bushit
Sucks that Shingo lost but good match. Cobb's best match since his first against Ishii.
first loss for Mox incoming
lowblow rollup
based shooter
Mox getting WWE flashbacks of vince burial
Jay white will be the first to pin mox
yano now has an IC and us title shot lmao
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championship material folks
Yano MVP of G1. He beat all 3 favourites of the block.
>>146236 the absolute unit the absolute mad lad
>>146237 >>146236 Also that's been his only wins. He's only beat the favourites and no one else lol.
>it's an undressing slowly match
Good match. But with that and likely losing to Jay too, Juice's G1 might as well be over. Good run though.
>Jay white vs Taichi after Naito vs Juice Guess this is a bigger match. Big match Taichi.
[rolls out of the ring at the start of the match] ya seethin yet?
my stream is lagging and buffering like mad
a gathering of villains
kanemaru aint doing shit i swear man
>>146245 nvm good job kanemaru
now for the main event
>red shoes not calling it a no contest as both sides were cheating Not based
based jay
>>146249 eat shit and die
>>146250 B Block Winner
>>146251 if jay white wins b block i will nuke every residence gedo has ever stepped in
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>>146252 u on the left
Gonna be a bonafide slobber knocker
Great as usual between these two.
good shit goto
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in other news
>>146258 yay spics and nips
>Suzuki vs Gun was batshit, hopefully they remember Archer's supposed to be a monster and actually wins this time promo related, ZSJW literally calling himself a soy boy >Yano/Moxley was bretty gud, the spots in this and the tag match show how flexible he can get, Mox actually surviving the first nutpunch is cool >Juice can't catch a BREAK >neither can Taichi, not even with Kanemaru and his sanic shoes >much less Shingo but at this point it was to be expected >now everybody but Taichi and Shingo has a chance at winning most likely either Naito, White or Moxley >>146258 >the thought of Gooch having matches with The Botchmaker and peenoise dab man I'm not sure if to be excited or frightened.
show is on in a bit
>>146289 forgot my flag reset cookies
I predict Ibushi to win this one tho.
>>146291 all i care for in results today is archer over zsjw and sanada over okada
>>146292 I'm hoping for Archer but it seems like the vegan might slime away with the win…
oh boy Juice gets to squash Young Lions
I love t-shirts in New Japan equate to the lazy version of the wrestler
>>146296 Notice anytime a wrestlers goes in with a shirt it means the match is basically nothing.
>>146297 so bushi is always nothing i see
>>146298 lol yeah
Was that a fucking PUBG shirt?
>Gedo in a match Get pinned bitch!
no wait nevermind a young lion is in the match too
>>146303 >a young lion That's Moxley's son, touching him means you'll lose the match.
wait why is Jay trying to pull off the Dutch Van Der Linde look?
Jay white's pirate get up is awesome >>146306 >I just need you to have some god damn faith, gedo
>>146301 chase streams pubg on twitch
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Based masked Gedo punishing Kenta for bringing gaijin into G1.
>>146308 Huh, that's kind of expected and unexpected at the same time.
>>146310 *Jado
>>146312 Jado is just Gedo with a mask and a weaboo practice sword.
kenta btfo
>trying to go against a meat eater Low IQ soy boy BTFO.
>going for submission against the ubermensch that can reach the ropes from anywhere inside the ring
i miss ospreay's old theme
>>146317 gedo needs to pay for his sins of underbooking actually good wrestlers over garbage brits bongspray is an honorary nip now he lives there
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>6'8 lad smashed this guy off the ground so hard he bounced up half his height >probs has more mass in his thighs alone then Zacks entire body making him practically immovable for him >is literally sand bagged around for that entire time before >Zack does 1 reversal and suddenly the ref remembers how to count faster then a retarded 4 year old and it's instantly over Actually fucking mad, how can you people stomach shit performances like that where it's clearly so one sided but for no fucking reason at the end the clearly winning dude sand bags and just loses.
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>>146320 we can't. we hate it. we want to stab the booker.
Ospreay is just an anime character with his reactions lol
>>146319 >bongspray is an honorary nip now he lives there I thought everyone did since NJPW does events all year round.
>>146323 Some take BREAKs of certain tours dude
>>146323 no? most of the gaijins live abroad. zsjw lives in bongland as does MLP. archer lives in the us. etc. etc.
this match though
Why is the commentator so worried? Ospreay artificial neck is working as intended.
Fucking awesome. Nice match to lead into my fav being eliminated from the G1 :^(
>>146324 >>146325 Oh yeah, I'm retarded. I just remembered Omega's hotel vids. >zsjw lives in bongland Surprising they didn't kick him out for doing dangerous child-killing atrocities such as fighting yet.
>>146330 he's zero socialism jr they cant kick him out
>>146330 Omega became a citizen of Japan don't know why he did that if he ditched New Japan for AEW
>>146331 >zero socialism Sounds antisemitic to me.
>>146333 (((they))) (checked) this
>>146332 when you're such a retarded weeb that you make spontaneous decisions like a retard.
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ibushi got bitchslapped a bit too hard
Great as fuck match though
K gimme happy ending Sanada
>>146342 I want sanada to win this
>>146343 Everyone does. Except Gedo.
>Osaka Gee I wonder if an upset will happen
I wonder if the match will ever pick up or if it'll be a slow Okada killing Sanada all the way through.
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>tfw Okada will never be your cool senpai wingman
>>146348 cool calm sanada always starts this way
>>146349 >tfw Sanada will never be your cool rival
I swear if this ends in a draw
holy shit
that was down to the FUCKING WIRE
sanada beat him with less than 20 seconds left on the clock god damn
NICE Kinda shit Sanada match TBH, only the end was cool.
I kinda wish they would cut the pre-show matches to just two matches per day. The tournament is long enough without four opening matches each time. And the results are nearly always the same, so that shit is just getting old. Other than those gripes, G1 has been a great show.
overslept lol
>Evil is still in the G1 while Tana and Kenta are eliminated fug
why isn't anyone else here?
wtf is this match
why is Yano having a top tier match unironically?
let's go Goto!
showed up in time for jeff knob
i dont know how to feel about rocky gachiposting
I'm just happy my guy won dudes, might tune out idk
Jay huwhite is getting the briefcase brother
>>146378 Dutch Jay Der Linde is alright I guess
Osaka likes Naito now
fucking nice match
real gudt
>2:00am(ET)/6:00am(GMT) >I fucking read it as 6:00am(ET) God fucking damn it.
overslept. fuck.
just realised davey boy smith jr is out no longer in suzukigun. is he out of njpw as well?
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so we have fem douki, tagujapan milf and now loli sanada.
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Just in case
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>>146397 that seems like a real hassle just to chat here. and i only chat here, i only go to /v/ for reaction images.
>>146399 >they're using the el paso shooting as an excuse >because some other dude who shot up a mosque happened to make a post on 8ch The fuck? What kind of faggots run cloudflare? Why don't they drop support for all the other sites sites the dude posted on?

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