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World Championship Wrestling Eric Bischoff 04/01/2022 (Fri) 06:09:10 Id: 9181a7 No. 147199
An entire board of WWF threads, and not a single one for the far superior promotion. Everyone here disgusts me, limp wristed faggots tbh. So now we gonna talk about WcW, more specifically starting with 1990 with the tail end of dusty rhodes booking and then moving into the monday night wars in 95 before finally finishing with the last wrestling show I ever saw on march 26th 2001. Join me on this walk down memory lane.
Before we just start autistically watching every PPV before going back for the weekly shows, it's important to make one thing absolutely clear. Goldberg destroyed the company. Oh everyone likes to blame shitty pay choices and bad booking, but the pinnacle of shitty booking was that horrendous excuse for a wrestler that was Goldberg. The man could not wrestle. He knew like two moves. Every match ended in about 60 seconds and in that time Goldberg used all three moves he knew. But they tried to get him over with the fans anyway. They booked this retarded win streak that made for the most god awful matches every single week. It was so fucking embarrassing seeing actually talented stars doing everything they could to sell Goldberg as anything other than a half retarded cocksucking wimp, and still the guy came across as a drunken brain damaged discount steve austin. And yet to this day if you bring up that you like WcW everyone assumes your a Goldberg fan, that he was "big" "scary" and "intimidating" when the man was everything but. God I fucking hate Goldberg so goddamn much.
Still furious about Goldberg and why anyone thought he could wrestle. I turn to wikipedia and it's early life section. >William Scott Goldberg was born into a Reform Jewish family[9] in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on December 27, 1966,[2] the son of classical violinist Ethel and OB-GYN Jed Goldberg I suppose the name and his gigantic schnozz should have tipped me off, but there you go. A Jew was pushed as the new top contender when Hulk (also jew) was getting too old. Ah. Well I had wondered. I suppose that explains pretty much everything.
>>147201 Episode 2 of 83 weeks with Eric Bischoff. Fairly entertaining behind the scenes look at the infamous finger poke of doom. Where Eric not only defends it, but doubles down by saying he'd do it again. Then goes full troll and claims Goldberg was ever a draw and got over on anyone, the host calls him out on that and Eric claims okay the guy was trash outside the ring, but he could cut a promo. When asked to name one single goldberg promo Eric gets quiet for about 2 minutes of dead air. Then angry Eric slashes back by saying "well you've never booked anything so what the hell do you know?" Host does a mini laugh and calmly asks Eric what hes booking these days? Another minute or two of silence. The show finishes with the host describing having never missed a single PPV or episode of Nitro since the start, and then coming out of the stadium that night and driving the 4 hours home. And never watching wrestling again for 20 years. Then asks if Eric has anything to say about that. Being in the exact same boat as the host (I stayed til the last episode) I was very curious what the fearless leader of my childhood promotion had to say to that. "Sorry" And just like that I go back to loving Eric. It's okay bro. We all lost in that war.
>>147201 Typical jewish bullshit. Can't believe anyone jobbed for that sack of shit.
Starrcade 98. First match is a three way Kidman, rey mysterio, juventud matchup for the intercontinental belt. Or was it the cruiserweight? Whatever great match. And immediately followed by eddie guerrero vs Kidman for a second title shot. Fantastic way to start a PPV. Unfortunately the third match on the card are two absolute nobodies who have a shit match that lasts 20 minutes. The announcers don't even cover it. They spend the entire match ignoring the "action" and hyping a flair bischoff match. Jesus that's gonna be a shit match. What a card. All the good shit was in the first 20 minutes. What else is on the card? Nash vs goldberg Oh God that's gonna be a stinker. Neither one knows how to wrestle. Fucksake. Who was the booker in 98? >Vince Russo Oh fucking hell I forgot they hired him for a year.
review more wrestling OP ypu lazy nigger.
>>147240 I cannot fucking stand goldberg. He was just so fucking terrible. I mean the angle was bad. His work was bad. It was just so fucking dumb. I really REALLY dont wanna keep watching this. I mean it was a good wrestling franchise, but towards the end here it just got so bad. Not that anyhing that came after from any other company was better. This is the death of wrestling, and it hurts more to watch this than the decline that followed it. And I dont wanna watch that either.
>>147241 So watch the shit before Goldberg. Moron.

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