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King of Shitposting

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TNA Anonymous 01/20/2017 (Fri) 08:47:44 Id: b172f1 No. 44102
S-so you guy watch TNA? It's quite good I'd say.
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Aron Rex triggers me
that segment was actually pretty enjoyable for what it was Eli's reactions are golden even if he doesnt say a word
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I love tits and asses!
that whole segment was golden. TNA has a way of bringing out good acting in people.
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I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as TNA, is in fact, IMPACT wrestling, or as I've recently taken to calling it, IMPACT plus ANTHEM.
>>44136 >ANTHEM backwards is MEHTNA
>Don West is back >To shill shit >Not back on commentary
>tfw you'll never break Allie's heart Why live?
>>44365 LOLTNA
>>44136 That's a good one, Anon. Haven't heard that one before.
>>44136 >Wrestling You mean SPORTS plus ENTERTAINMENT
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That latest episode was pretty good, the main event actually got a crowd reaction which is pretty rare in TNA. theyre also bringing in an AJ styles impersonator which is nice
>>44737 Damn right >mfw based lashlay is the champ again i bet vince still misses him
>>44738 I forgot to spoiler that shit.
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Why is she so perfect
>>44777 hnnggg
>>44777 Jokes aside she's really one of best things women wrestling (at least the western part for sure) has going on right now. Her extreme rules match on last impact was way better than botch in a cell banks and charlotte produced
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>>44936 And will be better than roman rumble!
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>>44366 >WWE does cuck storylines >TNA does cuckquean storylines
>>46328 Shit, you're right.
>>46328 we actually have a lovely board for /cuckquean/ shiz, you could go there and make a thread about the storyline, maybe some of the girlcucks will start coming over here
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>>46331 >women on my /woo/
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>>46332 Wrong image.
>>46332 >>46333 If you're a BIG SWEATY MAN then maybe you can fuck the dogshit out of them.
>>46334 I'm literally tall as jushin liger. but the D is big at least
Why is wrestling so fucking un-cool nowadays? Just compare the wrestlers to the swagger they had back in the Attitude Era. The only cool ones i can find nowadays are E-Li Drake and EC3.
>>46390 Too much scripting and wellness policies
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>>46390 >muh attitude era
>>46390 whadda we got here? a cuppa hatersh?!
>>46390 On WWE, the notorious 'creative team' don't know how to write and book shit and Vince is too out of touch with things, ignoring the fanbase completely at times, like with Roman Reigns' endless push. TNA is always on the verge of death so popular wrestlers, like Matt Hardy, seem to get more freedom with their characters and as a result, are just better. Though TNA still aren't there yet despite some good shows.
>>46398 Oh, plus wreslters nowadays are flippy, manlet faggots who can't talk at all. The barrier for entry is super low since wrestling itself is at its lowest point compared to over 15 years ago and before, where it was big enough such that the Big Guys were attracted to join in.
>>46390 WWE isn't the only wrestling out there.
>>46390 Those who nostalgia hard for the AA clearly didn't live through it or wasn't paying attention. It wasn't the flawless booking dream so many people seem to think it was. For every Stone Cold there was a (naked) Mideon. For every Rock, there was a Crash Holly. for every Edge and Christian there was a fucking KAIENTAI and don't even get me started on WCW during the period.
(58.56 KB 275x375 zzzza3_CrashScale_L[1].gif)

>>46402 >hating Crash "Super Heavyweight" Holly what are you, a pleb?
>>46402 >shitting on Crash and KAIENTAI
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>>46402 I don't even like memetude era but fuck you for shittin on crash and kaientai.
>>46428 >There exist Crash Holly marks Wrestling is dead and you killed it.
https://twitter.com/noah_ghc/status/828887316680761345 So TNA is partnering with NOAH now. Nakajima vs EC3 when?
>>46682 So two companies that are barely alive are partnering together. Maybe it'll delay NOAH getting bought out by another company.
>>46390 Attitude era best era, cucks BTFO.
>>46390 All the tough guys are in UFC. Also pro sports minor leagues and semi-pro leagues are much bigger than ever before. Only wrestling nerds become wrestlers now. Also there's zero money in it, because the territories are gone.
Good episode this week. Lashley vs Edwards was a great match again. Can't wait to see next week when the Hardys takeover Tijuana.
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>>47098 >Big Moose and mini moose >Josh Matthews: Cody will be texting Moose saying "thanks bud". Cody cucked Black man stealing a black wife from a white guy. It's still cuckshit but like the total opposite of louis ck cuckshit, almost feels right on some weird level.
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>>47099 When will this cuck meme die, it should be used only againt sjw cunts and some other faggots. Sage cause off-topic
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>>47101 >sage >doesnt sage
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>TNA tv has been solid for a while now >TNA making connections with mexican and japanese promotions to swap talent around >Jarret and Dutch back in charge of booking >DIXIE IS FINALLY FUCKING OUT >new owners >Hardys doing their thing >Its still probably never going to be profitable because it was run like absolute shit forever >It wont get the proper burial it deserves and just chugs along hoping to finally make some fucking money and compete with WWE I really do enjoy the show but sometimes it feels like Dixie was the mother of a stillborn baby and now that shes moved on it feels like they should just start under a new name and distance themselves from the past possibly even getting out of Orlando altogether.
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Why is TNA so comfy, bros? Its the best promotion to watch in bed and enjoy the hokey shit going on.
>>48577 Because it has the best play by play announcer in the world, Josh Matthews.
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>>48578 Perfect edit.
>tfw TNA is unnironically awesome again since almost a year
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Hey bro, TNA is on

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Best girl.
>>48585 Wrong
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THE MADMEN DID IT also Josh Barnett cuts a better promo than most wrestlers
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>>48591 His voice is really soft though, which doesn't sound that commanding. Thought it would have been deeper. >>48585 >>48587 Both wrong
>>46402 So? WCW Nitro shows, even the fucking 2000-01 years were way better than what has been shown the last 5 years.
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>>47099 Cody cuck confirmed
>>48604 It sure was.
>>44102 TNA is unwatchable, no matter who they put in charge.
>>44934 and she was practically fed to Brandi Rhodes
>>47112 Why does that picture make me hungry!?
>>48699 Why did she decide to wrestle and who thought it was good to keep encouraging her to continue? She would have been better as a manager, in the ring, I can't name someone worse I've ever seen. Honestly surprised how bad she is.
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I'm a bit out of the loop with TNA but I'm here with the most important question; has Allie snapped yet? Is she going to go full Cherry Bomb any time soon?
>>48974 She wrestled a few matches still being portrayed as a novice being coached by Braxton Sutter but now, because of some Maria bullshit, Braxton had to cut ties with Allie and now, Braxton has his wedding with Laurel Van Ness tomorrow.
>>48974 wtf these shops, allie is pure!
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Hey bro, TNA is on!
>Jade Second best TNA girl
>allie had enough of it
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>>49289 That entire wedding segment turned out to be a lot better than I thought. Best girl finally won.
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>Allie >best girl
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>>49306 This, here's the true best girl.
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Usual modern American pro wrestling goofiness aside, I'm looking forward to next week's Bobby Lashley/Josh Barnett match. I think it's really cool to see Barnett have a moment in an American promotion, even if it's just a one-off thing.
>>49322 Spud is like a fucking cartoon character, i love this guy.
>>49286 >>49308 >Jade >Obviously plastic breasts >Unfeminine body with broad shoulders and a long torso >Average gook face >best girl She's shit tier. Maybe 6/10 AT BEST.
>>49325 b-but when she tilts her body and positions her camera at the perfect angle shes so hot bro!!1
>>49325 >>49326 >hurr durr she's ugly xDDD >but Jane Ellsworth is best girl :DD
>>49308 Best girl was always Marti, and now that she's gone there is no best girl.
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>>49327 atleast Allie can wrestle
>>49327 >>49353 Stop fighting! They're both the best girls! If sienna didn't exist
>>49405 >hardys going back to wwe to turn into midcard jobbers like the dudleys
>>49405 New management and same ol backstage shit. TNA will never gain any new ground no katter how good impact is because of this crap. >>49413 >Shattered Matt Hardy returns to the WWE!
>>49460 God i hope bobby leaves this shitshow.
Jade, maria and bennett left this sinking boat too.
>>50188 >One of the two best girls left >Josh still there
>>50189 Galloway left earlier too for those who don't know.
>>50190 I just realized Drew looks like a giant Adam Cole
Jarrett got a plan with this.
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>>50193 Yeah, and it clearly doesn't include pic.
>>50192 He just needs a lump
>>50195 Drew is kinda prettier, no homo.
>>50194 t. Mike Graham Jade and Drew will never draw dimes. Women's wrestling sucks, and having a women's wrestler whose only gimmick is that she's a women's wrestler is killing the ratings (along with tons of other things). And the same thing goes with Drew, he's a complete bore. Even though he was given main-event-exposure since he debuted he did nothing note-worthy and he has been there for 2 years. Wrestling-fans won't admit it but the first name-last name great wrestler-gimmick absolutely sucks, it's a bore and wrestling as a whole is a dog and pony-show. It the things around the matches, the gimmicks, the flair, the characters and personalities, the fueds etc that drives the business. Not the fucking bore-fests of false-finishes and video-game-moves. Nobody gives a shit about that, except for boring faggots.
>>50195 whats up with the lump anyways? I wanna squeeze it
>>50197 t. Jeff Jarrett
>>50197 Other than Broken Matt now even he's gone, i don't know who draws in TNA. Even matt couldn't constantly keep ratings any much higher than they were before becoming BROKEN.
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RIP TNA. >Dixie Carter finally gets booted from TNA >Matt Hardy leaves 2 months later You people asked for this
>>50208 Dixie Carter is the main reason why I watched TNA.
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>>50208 >Dixie will never be your mom Why live
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>>50230 now theres a fucking spoiler
>>50211 Dixie is easily the hottest woman on TNA.
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>>50241 >was fify
Del Rio debuted for TNA and a new game-changing debut is rumoured at tonights taping, who could it be?
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>>50251 Paige? JACK SWAGGER Im hoping they bring in somebody from their partnership with NOAH maybe Nakajima or Suguira but its probably gonna be Marufuji
Alberto debuts and gets the title Fuck this company
>>50242 She's still attractive to me.
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TNA is keeping heel Josh Mathews right? His play by play is shit but him being a heel made laugh especially when he calls all the wrestlers his friends.
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Karen Jarrett came out for a promo. She said [blah blah blah]. The audience chants for Josh Mathews to be fired. Ethan Carter III [blah blah blah]. Mathews interrupts and goes on a rant, saying the fans were too cheap to buy a ticket to NXT.
>>50259 I meant she isn't there anymore, i think she's hot as fuck too. >>50261 Yes
So did you guys hear about Jim Ross teasing that he'll go to impact?
>>50230 >>50254 Last week after that wedding segment, I was still excited to watch the following week's episode of TNA. Then they screw up negotiations with the Hardys, some other wrestlers also leave and now Alberto beats Lashley on his first day? Screw this, in one week they managed to make me go from really wanting to watch the show to me thinking of dropping it.
>>50262 Josh doesnt deserve to be alive. I dont care if hes just playing a heel gimmick hes a shit announcer and a detriment to the show. It sucks when youre watching wrestling and the fucking play by play guy is going on about how much of a cocksucker he is. I hope somebody puts this cunt out of his misery. >>50261 dont worry his schtick will get old real quick and you'll realize the product will be more shit because of it
jeff's tna is such a trainwreck…
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>making your ace job to a mexican geek
>bring out ex WWE guys >talk about WWE for half the show >dude who just got out of WWE wins your world title So Jeff's idea to make Impact great is to make it like RAW. n e v e r d r e w a d i m e
>>51596 >>51601 >Executive Producer/Consultant Don't think he has much creative input, seems that he's there just in name only What a shit show, why were they bringing up WWE so much? >Matt Hardy's broken brilliance ends in this abruptly shitty manner FUCK THIS COMPANY. TNA was good for about 2 years but looks like it's heading down the gutter again. I'm out.
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They kept saying that TNA is shit and that it was great and their mission now was to make TNA great but they didn't include the 'again' part. >implying TNA was never great I liked that they referenced that Lashley fought for The President of USA, too bad they didn't namedrop Trump but good enough I guess.
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>>51605 Matt's current state as a wrestler and about a WWE return.
>>51605 He's too good for them, i hope lashley quits too.
i think i have some kind of mancrush on dutch mantel's voice so i kinda want impact to succeed at any rate, i can't actually watch impact wrestling until they change the commentary altogether
Anyone else find it strange that they namedropped the fuck out of WWE last night? IIRC they used to just refer to it vaguely as some other promotion.
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>>51626 Holy shit Reby went ham. TNA IMPACT BTFO. Also ROH tonight baybay.
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>>51626 >MFers triyng to come at señor benjamin kek, also looks like jarrett is really in the mid of all this shit.
hardys are gone its go back to sucking
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I hope this company dies soon and jarrett kills himself for not making any dimes.
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>Oi! gimmick in 2017 Oh boy.
>>52002 >Underage b.. Actually I have n idea that applies to /wooo/ I will say this however, they've got Dutch and Bruce running creative now, so who knows how it's going to go? I'll be tuning in either way to fawn over based Sienna.
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>>52016 >Sienna >Not Rosemary
What the hell happened? It was good for 2 months straight. When Billy was running things. What the fuck happened? How did they go so shit so quick? The only thing worth watching now is Galloway and the Gran…neverfuckingmind
>>51643 no fuck you WWE needs the competition what little it is ROH isnt gonna be on a major network any time soon.
>>52079 Corgan got kicked out, then Dixie got kicked out, then the Hardys left.
>>52203 Well it was worth watching those few weeks Corgan was running it.
>>52203 wait Hardys aren't gonna be on it anymore? its off my DVR
>>51606 >Zeb Coulter >TNA BETRAYAL
>>51606 Sometimes in order to create, you must bury. I saw this as an official cutting of ties with the old guard. I'm going to keep watching to see where they go from here. I'm impressed with the decent up and coming talent TNA has and let's face it, their ringwork has never been in question. They need to pad out the tag and knockout divisions (which they already seem to be aiming for with the new introductions) and they seem to be cross promoting associated companies. I think if given the chance, they might just be okay.
>>52263 Not really, Corgan's "vision" sucked. He was a cheap Vince Russo.
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>>52320 go to bed corny
when the fuck are they bringing in the NOAH guys? I know theyre bringing over Garza jr from The Crash
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at least homicide is coming back…
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Big return of Karen Jarrett tonight!
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>>52367 STOP
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Does Josh get fired tonight? Is this shit even worth watching anymore without Broken Hardys?
>>52392 No No
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It was awful, i wanna kill myself.
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I miss Billy… Why did he have to jew Dixie Carter?
>>52321 No way, Russo is good, Russo is life.
>Faggot Josh making fun of the pale jobber >She looks like Bella Swan from Twilight >Implying there's anything wrong with that REEEEE YOU FUCKING FAGGOT JOSH GO FUCK YOURSELF KRISTEN STEWART IS LITERAL PERFECTION
Saw parts of the show, they took half an hour to show one wrestling match and that tuned out to be the only match in the first hour. There was so many promotional stuff in there, took up majority of the first hour. I lost interest in TNA, but I still care for some of the talent such as Lashley, Eli Drake, Allie and Rosemary. Guess I'll catch their segments here and there.
Hopefully this whole josh mathews angle leads to him leaving tna
>>52082 >competition >against WWE
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Y'all folks who's the man behind this right?
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The Lashley interview this week was great, worth watching even if youre not a weekly viewer or a fan of impact.
What the fuck was this?
>>54028 Did you enjoy it, bro?
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>>53993 Agreed but do they draw on his eyebrows? They shoudl let him embrace his hairless-ness Also, Conor McGregor vs Bobby Lashley UFC anyweight match when? Interview aside, I thought the episode had good matches in general. The newcomers are great. LAX be ballin'. Also some fun spots. Still pisses me off that they fucked over the Hardys and are now trying to claim TNA created the Broken gimmick when it was Matt's idea. If anyone missed it, they can watch it on http://watchwrestling.tc/watch-tna-impact-wrestling-32317/
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>>54047 >but do they draw on his eyebrows? Holy shit thats hilarious, I didn't even notice. I thought something looked funny but they drew his shit like he was some basic bitch. LAX is good for TNA, a lot of new talent and Konnan is excellent on the mic alongside being able to bring in even more young Crash talent.
>>54028 ODB is still great though.
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It's getting bad.
>>55211 karen looks like a used up trans pornstar.
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>>56002 It was way better than wrasslemania. but the allie match sucked hard
>>55231 yeah, looks like…
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So who'sever team loses, be it Borash's or Matthews', will have to leave TNA, is that right? If this means Josh is finally getting the boot then TNA will take a step in the right direction in being watchable again.
>>56432 its all a way of phasing out Josh Matthews (and a pretty good way at that)
>>56439 He will come back as EC3's manager and they will draw massive heat for years to come.
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>>57712 just what TNA needs: an old fuck who wasn't good even in his prime
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>>57722 Are underages allowed here?
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>>57712 FAT FUCKS WATCH OUT strange choice for a return though, not that I'm not happy seeing poppa pump back on tv
>>57723 yes, judging by how many Steiner fans are here people like me who are old enough to remember Steiner in the 90s know he was always shit
>>57725 >pre fucked up back steiner >shit do you have brrain problems
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>>57727 Nicely done, anon.
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>>57725 >he was always shit no, he was awesome at one point
(708.36 KB 267x200 Best Tenchi Girl.gif)

>>57733 This was the best steiner, kobashi going apeshit is gold.
>>57712 Looking like this will air on the May 25th episode. I don't know why I'm excited to see Scott Steiner again, but I am. I honestly couldn't remember who their Heavyweight champion was at this point (or at least, whatever the payoff to the Del Rio stuff was) so I had to look it up, and in the process I noticed that today is the 10 year anniversary of NWA severing its ties to TNA. Sacrifice aired on May 13, 2007 and was the last NWA title defense on TNA programming. Typical shitty finish to a TNA PPV main event. Especially love the referee collapsing at about 15:34. The more things change…
>Scott Steiner returns >Absolutely no reaction from the crowd He didn't even say anything, should've cut a promo calling out the shit impact audience.
>>61821 at least there's some justice still left in this world
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5 star match incoming get ready bois
>>61842 who & who vs Steiner & who?
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>>61845 park is abyss
>>61842 I can't imagine how much they're paying Steiner to be in such an abysmal match.
>>61864 You mean an abyssmal match
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>James storms titantron is just him singing
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>>57727 >>61847 I like that the TNA thread is also the unofficial Kornheiser thread.
>>62196 >Kornheiser get a load of this oldfag
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>>61864 >Not knowing the Greatest Announcer of All Time >Not knowing the man who invented the X-division >Not knowing the man who beat AJ Styles several times >Not knowing the man, the myth, the absolute GOAT of a legend, the Heel-master himself Josh Mathews Josh Mathews is a fucking star as a heel. Everybody hates him, but he's a such a loveable douche.
>>61842 the only way this works is if they're setting up for scott steiner on commentary
>it's already been a year since the legendary contract signing
>>62511 >the gimmick is already dead with little hope of resurrection UNWONDERFUL!
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my fucking dick holy shit
>>62537 Lorde got ripped!
>>62537 Bitch needs to do some squats
>>62537 She could be Impact's version of Alexa Bliss, doesn't seem on her level yet but she could turn out well for them.
>>63314 Decent promo
Fun heel EC3 antics are back. However, I think he's done this before as well, like two years ago and it was better back then too.
Scott Steiner sure doesn't give a shit, and not in a good way. Well it wasn't really a wrestling promo so maybe he'll deliver his classic style promo in front of an audience. >All those ya knows It's like I'm listening to a shoot interview of his.
>>63315 Decent if her character is supposed to have Asperger's.
I haven't watched in months. When is Big Poppa Pump having his match?
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>>63614 Slammiversary XV, catch it live on PPV on July 2nd. Remember to buy the PPV to watch it.
>Sonjay Dutt returns >Jinder becomes WWE champion >Impact shoots two shows in India India wrestling on the rise. Jinder Mahal vs Mahabali Shera dream match, new Indian wrestling boom soon. WWE also won't have to listen to indyfags or sheeplefags, the true fans in India will be their target market.
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>>63673 >wrestling in india >no jhon vs goldberg
So I haven't watched TNA in years. What the fuck is going on with there being 2 or every belt?
>>63700 No dimes guitar man started a promotion called GFW, it fell flat on it's ass so he went back to tna and brought his usuless titles with him.
Who are the Mumbai Cats?
>>63673 i like the fact that innocent marks still exist. it puts a smile on my face.
>>63708 I thought he turned GFW into a gold-selling pyramid scheme or something
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>>63788 He did, but the leafs who bought tna and kicked out dixie brought him aboard.
>>63788 It was a money making scheme from the beginning. He hired his friends and some cheap talent to do shows in baseball-parks for cheap, since he promised them that they would tape it for television. Probably made a nice sum on that. Jarrett isn't dumb, he has been around forever and knows how to make money. It's a business first and foremost.
>>63673 >india wrestling >ring, ramp, and fan seating are all covered in poo >there is no loo
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Wtf this actually turned out to be a fun match and was not terrible at all.
>>66438 And nobody watched it because G1 was on instead.
>>66440 >Pleb didn't watch the MOTY >Pleb instead watched "Muh realism" G1-tournament >Pleb missed the greatness of the 4-way tag-team-match >Pleb missed when the great EC3 and Storm had the best hardcore-match (strap-match) in recent memory. >Pleb missed the greatness that was the Steiner+Goat vs JB and Joseph Park >Pleb missed James Mitchell's return >Pleb actually chose sweaty midget japs pretending to themselves it's real over probably the most legit main-event put on this year besides Goldberg vs Lesnar, in Del Rio and Lashley >Pleb also missed probably the best and most methodically paced match of the year with Low Ki vs Sonjay Dutt >Pleb finally missed out on the greatness of Rosemary Get some taste faggot, stop follow the current of the internet wrestling-fanbase they are all a bunch of cancerous twats that gave birth to shit like Whatculture.
>>66450 Could you be any more ass blasted?
>>66450 T. Jeff jarrett
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>>66450 >>Pleb didn't watch the MOTY You mean Ishii vs Omega?
>>66450 NO DIMES
>Triggers faggots by liking TNA Like fishing with dynamite.
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>>66746 Good attempt at damage control anon.
>>66746 .5 response rate is a pretty shit k/d ratio bro. Remember Min input for max output.
>>66746 Go away Jeff Jarrett. You ain't getting any dimes.
(17.54 KB 696x392 jeff-jarrett-f.jpg)

>Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer was at last night's GFW Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando and declared July 5th "Impact Wrestling Day in Orlando." Dyer also said that Impact "is the best sports-entertainment in Orlando," which also hosts NXT. http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2017/0706/627820/orlando-mayor-says-gfw-impact-wrestling-is-the-best-sports/ Haha wow
(21.51 KB 550x364 moments_before_the_end.jpg)

>Buddy Dyer >Budd Dyyer >Budd Dwyer
>>66924 how will NXT ever recover
>Are you even here legally? >We'll build a wall and keep you back at mexico WEW Based Lashley goes full Trump
>>66993 Webms
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As much as I don't like Karen Jarrett, Nia Jax, or the Usos, there's nothing worse in televised wrestling right now than an LAX backstage segment. Pictures unrelated.
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>>69217 That hairstyle makes me hard.
>>69218 This gif makes me hard.
(7.20 MB 1220x680 GFW 2017.07.20 iMPACT.webm)

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>Taima doesn't stream Swole-Mates >Instead puts on shitty NJPW on AXS
>>69233 >shitty NJPW wew have fun with Alberto as champ
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>>69242 >Ignores the AXS part I don't want Alberto el Wife Beater either
>>69244 >>Ignores the AXS part Oh shit never mind me.
>>69233 真日本 Is the shit now, dude, even lesser shows.
>>69244 It's the opposite mate, paige is being charged with battery.
(1.83 MB 200x200 nash.gif)

>>69252 >mfw it's true
>>69232 I'm starting to have trouble complaining about the state of the WWE when this is their biggest competitor.
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>>72179 >it's Curtis fucking Hawkins >from 2 years ago He never should have left TNA/GFW, he had to have had a better job than "heel promo, try to throw a punch, get squashed" there.
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>being so desperate to hold onto something you don't own you place ™ symbols next to the names that the Hardys own the rights to
>>72179 I had no ideia why you were posting this until I saw the date. Loltna.
>>72192 >BROKEN Matt™ >Brother Nero™
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> It's quite good I'd say.
>TNA <TNA Are you serious?
>>73061 >"Gee Eff Dubya Gee Eff Dubya Gee Eff Dubya""
>>73069 I honestly can't tell if this is a shot at the thread title or the current product.
>>72179 >Promoting the Bollywood Boyz It's a part of this AMPEDAnthology PPV which is apparently about the origins of GFW. I don't know who is going to buy this, so far it's just confused people that they're promoting current WWE guys over their own wrestlers.
hey bro destination x
(890.44 KB 540x304 Impact Johnny.mp4)

Zack Ryder cucked
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>>74063 >Johnny Impact Terrible name
HOLY SHIT ELI DRAKE WON IT >Cornette running things >Great Gauntlet for the Gold match >Eli champion wtf i like GFW now Th- thanks Jarret.
>>75421 cornette is only really doing shit as a television character but he does a great job GFW is pretty enjoyable the match quality isnt great though
>>75421 >ELI DRAKE who?
>>75425 Dummy
(1.60 MB 870x490 DUMMY OF THE WEEK.jpg)

>>75421 >no interesting moves >closest thing to a move is some shitty fireman's carry turned drop >production value is so bad the camera has chromatic aberration on the sides Is this shit even on a channel most people get? Is it on spiketv anymore?
(32.64 KB 852x104 GFW Zero dimes.jpg)

>>75488 It's on Pop TV, whatever that is, and it averages between 200k-300k viewers every week. A youtube channel only posts snippets of Jim Cornette's ramblings on his podcast gets more views each week than GFW.
>>75496 Good thing they won't say anything negative about Joseph Bernstein. Bigger shows have been canceled for that.
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What the fuck kinda names are these
>Jeff Jarret out of GFW >Jim Cornette out too, barely lasted a month LOLGFW
>>78055 GFW is back to being just impact again.
>>76212 >>78055 >>78056 Don't miss Drq'vil & aRi vs. Khranoque & Mc7QQ';T8'89 on next week's TNA GFW IMPACT Wrestling… Impact show thing! Who will be BTFO'd'dsed'ded'd? Holy hell, what is happening in Orlando?
>>63779 the ding dongs with a new gimmick
(2.28 MB 712x400 GFW 2017.09.21.webm)

Laurel Van Ness making this guy uncomfortable is the best part of this week's Impact.
(482.13 KB 712x400 GFW_2017.09.28_iMPACT.webm)

I'm so used to WWE running mediocre Sunday shows every two weeks I have no qualms with watching BFG tonight.
>>83509 Kind of a shit card. Heck the match I want to see the most is Abyss vs Grado even though the feud was stupid. Might be something like Steiner & Matthews vs Park & JB at Slammiversary so maybe it might be fun. The main event between Eli Drake vs Johnny Impact doesn't really have that main event feel to it. Eli Drake is great but him winning the title came outta nowhere. Basically doing nothing or was having boring feuds then suddenly he wins the title in a battle royale, no buildup. His reigns also has been kinda ok, promos are still good and matches aren't bad. But Impact just doesn't have any excitement to it, so i can't get excited about anything, even the main event even though Eli is in it. Hope he retains, I'd rather not see Johnny win it but he probably will.
>>83511 Yeah, your post reads about the same as anything I would have written about the show. The only episode of Impact from the last 2+ months of tapings I watched live and in its entirety was the 2nd episode - the one with the gauntlet match where Eli Drake won the title. Since then, I've downloaded most episodes of Impact on the weekend after and skip around, watching whatever catches my eye. As you said, there's no excitement to any of it. Sometimes the Grado/Park stuff has shades of the BROKEN Matt stuff and elicits a chuckle. The Cornette authority stuff was fun at first but got old. I know some of the dirtsheet guys have (lightly) praised the MMA vs wrestling stuff but I personally think its all been pretty cringeworthy. I really don't care one way or the other about the Mexican guys, but the Noah crossover is a nice addition (so of course there's no Japanese guys on tonight's card). But like I said, I've watched all these mediocre multi-woman title matches and Bray/Balor and Enzo's championship 'run' and Jinder Mahal and it's just like… whatever… it's a Sunday evening and it's something to watch. Maybe something will surprise me.
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What's Sami Callihan doing in the Impact Zone?!
>No Taya/Rosemary
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>that giant IMPACT sticker
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>Nobody here watching BFG
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>Abyss vs. Grado
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>>83512 >Noah crossover is a nice addition (so of course there's no Japanese guys on tonight's card). Based Anthem bringing in Taiji Ishimori and proving me wrong.
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>All those botches
That might've been the worst match I've seen this year.
FROM . . .
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Hour 1 was horrible, but hour 2 had some fun stuff.
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>mma vs wrestling time
I respect Colby Covington's hustle
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Woke the crowd up and almost got on track… only to LOLTNA across the finish line. Not a problem though: if I thought it would be different, I wouldn't have watched.
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I thought to myself, "wasn't there a Bound For Glory where TNA let fans eat the wrestlers' food before the show?" And it looks like that did in fact happen.
>nobody made any webms
>>83539 Which was that?
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>No Tito Ortiz return
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https://twitter.com/smythcasting/status/927672413567012865 WEW
>>83559 That was in response to Grado/Abyss [webm is the final 2 minutes or so of the match]. In retrospect, I think I was mostly just reacting to the especially awful final 45 seconds. Don't get me wrong, it was a bad match, but having watched the entire show now (and this match again) I think the 6-man tag that followed might've been worse, and the cage match with the MMA guys was also really embarrassing in its own unique way. Honestly, nothing on this show touched the Torneo TripleMania clusterfuck where, among other things, a drunken Jeff Jarrett staggered around the aisles tossing tortillas at the crowd. So my money's still on something from TripleMania (I didn't personally see the Sexy Star incident) taking worst match of the year from most outlets.
>>83596 Probably going to work an angle or backstage-segment it sounds like.
>>83598 >main competition doesn't do real hardcore matches anymore >overcompensate by pouring shit all over the place and beating the shit out of your talent
>people always cry about WWE "collapsing" when all they've done is gotten rid of fan favorite pyro and told their official podcast hosts to tell their listeners pyro is "no loss" >GFW needs volunteers to set up the ring and lost all their refs
>tfw Impact booking crushes your soul
>>83598 >Taya Valkyrie pulls out of BFG a day before the show for "personal reasons" >Rosemary gets dumped in Grado vs Abyss for some reason >Gets chokeslammed on tacks for no reason <Few months ago Sexy Star BROKE her arm for no good reason Terrible for Rosemary. She should have been thrown into the Womens title match and make it a fatal 4 way, she deserved better. Easily the female wrestler of the year for me.
>>83831 >Rosemary gets dumped in Grado vs Abyss for some reason She was the leader of the Decay where Abyss was in.
>>83854 Decay disbanded months ago. All this time she never met with Joseph Parks to get Abyss back and neither did she meet Abyss at Slammiversary, the other time he returned since Decay decayed. Came into this grado match out of the blue, because she suddenly had no match on the card. On another note, I would be interested to see Rosemary and Father James Mitchel do a segment, maybe even feud over who can control Abyss better.
Worked strikes by shoot fighters.
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>>84176 Oh my god that's so bad. Nothing changed did it? After all that happened tna is still the time old tna.
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>>84176 Those kicks look like the type you'd use to wake someone up without hurting them
>Garza Jr wrestling with one arm. (Apparently he's working through the tapings as well, and is part of a 6-man tag on tonight's show)
>>84176 That's fucking terrible. That's "kids play pretend wrestling" level.
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>>84176 I came here to laugh at this and beat Debra oh hell yeah
James Storm finally left Impact. Last of the old guard finally gone.
>>84242 Who?
>>84243 Bobby roo's tag partner.
>>84242 >He could have gone to NXT before all the other popular non WWE guys now did, but he chose to sign with TNA because they offered him more money and he wanted to reform Beer Money with Roode. >Roode would then leave TNA soon after. >Storm always had a depressed look on TNA whenever he was there as if he didn't want to be there. Sucks for him. He is 40 years old now and not as popular as the other now successful NXTNA guys. At the very least, I want to see him and Stone Cold share a beer, maybe even argue over what's better, drinking from a can or drinking from a bottle.
>>84243 one half of The Un-Americans
>>84277 Immediately after this horrific display of refereeing the next thing I watched in this pack of AJ Styles matches was of course AAA totally outdoing TNA in the shit department a la what I said in >>83598
>>84277 Lmao that was great
(15.27 MB 512x384 Hard Justice 15.05.05.webm)

>>84281 I love how he pockets a few more bills after the three count. webm unrelated
>>84279 Is that Samoa Joe? Also what the fuck happened?
>>84283 Monty Brown is serious non NXT Big E done right.
>>84242 Again? He left before. >>84253 He was in Nxt before Roode. Then he came back and reformed a shitty version of Beer Money. >>84280 >Bring back Russo Let's face it, the show was more fun.
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>>83598 >You will never give her the D Why live?
>Jerry Tuite was on this week's Impact
>>84293 That's Hawaii Dan
>>87005 Having a 2-hour show entirely focused on the Turkey Bowl and it's history is so brazen I kinda respect it. Interesting that they avoided the one with Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin and AJ Styles. >embed tangentially related
(7.78 MB 704x400 iMPACT 2017.11.30.webm)

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I see the carnage that NAFTA has caused, I see the carnage. It’s been horrible.
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>>90587 Been coming sadly. Admittedly we've always held TNA a bit closer to our hearts this side of the pond due to their appreciation for and interaction with UK Wrestling fans. (our scene was mostly dead/in a slump at TNA's height so they tapped into a needy audience that WWE had mostly neglected) and even at their worst they were still getting eyes on the box due to the deal with Challenge TV keeping them on a family relevant channel here. If they survive much longer after this then I'll be amazed.
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Now that TNA GFW Impact lets people take ownership of their gimmicks, can Eli Drake take his elsewhere? I feel like his golden mic skills are wasted by being in Impact.
>>90819 >Wanting Eli and his Rock circa 2000 impression anywhere near WWE
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>>92663 🍕
>>92668 Just checked, Richards doesn't have a wife nor any kids, so what do you think they're going to try and do to him instead?
>>92677 Kinda predictable but not a bad choice. Hope he at least waits until after the last night of this set of tapings before he starts burning the bridges.
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>>62537 >>69217 >best girl is back
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>>92682 >absolute state of my dick A legit 10/10
>>92682 >not going to WWE for a possibly better paycheck and a chance to be buried and made irrelevant immediately or get injured/retired by botcha who will see no consequence for her actions as always
I agree, we should totally post about WWE some more because the other 13 topics on page 1 aren't enough.
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Bullet Club Sandwich
>>92839 >being this butthurt >not getting the obvious joke and the obvious >implication that she's going to probably do better at least booking-wise in TNA >being this butthurt
>>92862 >being this butthurt >not getting the obvious joke and the obvious >implication that you're going to probably get more responses by not even mentioning to TNA >being this butthurt
(1.73 MB 240x240 internet arguments.gif)

Scott Steiner is backstage and will return to Impact Wrestling tonight at their sixth day of TV tapings at Universal Studios. https://www.pwinsider.com/article/114804/backstage-notes-from-tonights-impact-wrestling-taping.html?p=1
Here's the empty arena match between Tim Storm and Jocephus for an NWA title shot filmed a few days back before an Impact taping.
>>92870 >Eli Drake and Scott Steiner are getting a tag team title shot at the April PPV https://twitter.com/MrJacobCohen/status/953061891466842112
>>93052 >Jacob (((Cohen)))
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>Jacob (((Cohen)))
>>93488 >having a promo that's such a failure you have to make your employees murder each other on live television to strive for relevance
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>>93488 The wooden skewers was the only violent part of that "massacre" match. It was PG as fuck. Barely any blood. They even blurred out middle fingers.
Just noticed it's the one year anniversary of the TNA thread. Fun fact: Of the 20 people that competed on the January 19, 2017 episode of Impact (source of OP image), only five are still with the company: Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett, Eli Drake, Moose & Tyrus (who also left but returned last week). Just as many are currently employed by WWE: The Hardys, Mike Bennett, Rockstar Spud & Drew Galloway. And the other ten… well… they help illuminate how Matt Hardy managed to hijack the entire promotion to begin with: Shera, Jessie Godders, Crazzy Steve, Bram, Eddie Kingston, Brooke Adams, Deonna Purrazzo, Aron Rex, Robbie E & Swoggle.
>>93493 Stabbing someone in the head with spikes is pretty violent, cartoon blood or not.
>>96876 Could say the exact same thing about WWE.
>>96876 The thing is though, TNA is more entertaining of a show. It's just that the bar is so fucking low it's not hard to do so, it's just about caring.
>>96876 >2010
>>96876 What happened on TNA 8 years ago that pissed off seffer? Was it just LOLTNA or something specific?
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>>96917 This review probably does as good a job as any other free option I see: http://archive.is/ZBonS It's a cherry-picked tweet in a sense, as what it says could be said about most any random 2010 Impact. But it's interesting to see an FCW guy talking shit about the competition like that.
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>old ass hogan >big ass stables
(4.34 MB 624x352 heel juff.webm)

>heel jeff
So TNA has a twitch channel now. Seem to be just showing off their old episodes for now. It's gonna be funny to see them pull less viewers than some e-celeb. Link for anyone who cares: https://www.twitch.tv/impactwrestling
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When does REAL best girl come back
>>96933 >internet broadcasting Either taking a smart business move, or they're about to lose their irrelevant poptv license and no other network will pick up the show. Ready for Impact commentators to start reading off cheers and tips on live stream?
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>it's actually pulling in fewer than DarkSydePhil of all people >it has a MATURE CONTENT warning but bleeps out words that are considered ok for even fucking PG ratings like "bitch" and "ass" while playing some really gay soycuck song So much for the fucking "hardcore" wrestling league. Makes PG era WWE and its rarity of cursing to the point someone like Cena saying "bitch" is an "oh shit" moment look less pathetic. >bleep the "ass" when he says it >don't bleep "asshole" when the crowd chants it >don't bleep "asshole" What a shitshow, this is public access editing-tier.
Ok, I watched for like 20 minutes and it's nothing but a series of badly edited promos from people that can't even hit the "quality" of WWE2k18 promos that don't match the characters at all. Jeff Hardy shows up, but is boring. "Mister Anderson" is a fucking gimmick with a theme that makes cheapfo$ sound exciting and is as boring on the mic as can be, and that's all it is, him talking and bullying Jeff. Someone thought this was worth putting together and airing?
>>96917 He had a try-out with TNA and didn't get signed.
>>96951 He should be grateful for that >>96936 Hopefully never, she has to go back hombre
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>AJ Styles vs who in hardcore match with guest referee DSP
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>>96964 Deport her to my bed
(657.57 KB 1294x560 Screenshot (1027).png)

>dev q&a for a 10+ year old game draws more than TNA
>>97721 Fucking spic women are so hot, we should deport white women instead.
>>97742 >soycuck >faggot >homo >fat soon-to-be-tranny >soycuck soon-to-be-tranny with GRIDS >>97744 Kill yourself.
>>97742 >>97745 >tfw even runescape is cucked At least the community isn't
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>>97757 The jews won
(117.30 KB 1299x735 real mastodon hours.jpg)

>>97745 >Calling Archie a homo wew laddy Far right is the only shoot homo, fuck him he's a condescending asshole >>97757 Homo shit got removed brother Now if only they can remove the crazy and smooth dance.
(58.13 KB 600x791 DO IT.jpg)

>>97745 Just don't go crying about your loved white roasties getting blacked then.
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>>97762 >racemixing is good goy
(1005.36 KB 1280x720 Size of AJ's Head.webm)

>>97758 >that huge hood to fit ajs huge head
(6.56 MB 256x200 2guys1cup.gif)

>when the contract is almost up
http://www.wwe.com/shows/wwenxt/article/indian-wrestler-amanpreet-singh-reports-to-wwe-performance-center SHERA SHAKE
>>98537 >a third Singh brother
(3.86 MB 704x400 iMPACT 2018.02.15.webm)

>>99515 Jesus, looks like 80s JCP-owned WCW and not in a good way either. Low budget, effort and energy as fuck. When the fuck can this company die already? Outside of Grandpa Steroiner and Alberto, they have no one left. Aries will probably vanish off to the Indies once he realizes there's no room for cruiserweights where the big boys play. Lashley left two weeks ago. EC3 went to NXT. Double J stepped down and just got put in the WWE HOF. A purchase from Vinny K would be a mercy kill at this point in time, and there wouldn't even need to be an invasion, because they have nothing of worth to offer to them outside of their video archive from around 2004 - 2010 plus the BROKEN Saga.
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>IMPACT Wrestling will send its biggest stars to compete on April 6, including reigning IMPACT World Champion Austin Aries, Alberto El Patron, Eli Drake, Moose, Eddie Edwards, LAX, oVe and Sami Callihan, Trevor Lee and “The Machine” Brian Cage, plus the Knockouts will be represented by Allie, Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie. “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner will also be in the house, live and uncensored. Lucha Underground stars include Pentagon, Fenix, King Cuerno, Drago, Aerostar, Killshot, Matanza, The Mack, Jack Evans and many other Lucha Libre sensations. Matches for the show will be announced in the coming weeks.
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>>100651 >No Sexy Star
>>100651 i stopped watching wrestling 6 months ago and this shit is happening now do you guys think its gonna be worth watching? Feels like theyre a bit late on this anyways, they could have had Mysterio at one point
>>93488 that matched sucked ass
>>100657 >live on twitch I see no reason not to. Free stream, devoid of taima malware.
>>100651 >selling so few tickets to your show you have to add on a different shows roster to recoup your losses >Can't sell out a small ass convention center on WRESTLEMANIA WEEKEND >the absolute STATE of impact Lmao I may as well go to this now tickets can't be too pricy I guess
(3.21 MB 1280x720 back and to the left.webm)

did someone ask for IMPACT?
>>100664 I thought impact pays people to be in attendance
>>100678 Why though? Just why?
>>100678 I don't even fucking understand what they were trying to do here with that chair.
>>100690 Obviously for the purpose of noise and making it seem like the bat hit his head. Though I can't see why you'd actually need an IMPACT sound when plain old selling would have worked just as well without it.
>>100690 i bolieve that the spot was sami zaynaghan was trying to hit the top of the chair but the maleBooley moved it and sami's stubby arms coulnt make it and it ricochet'd into his eye.
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>>100695 Damn that's brutal, hope he won't lose vision in that eye.
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>>100701 Nice link.
>>100695 >heartbeat fucking sensor and all that tubing >only an eye injury
(102.53 KB 505x554 jc.jpg)

>>100701 >>100702 Edwards is one of the few guys Cornette has only good things to say about him, I can imagine him seething as he saw Sami hit Eddie. Can't wait for his rant on his podcast.
(167.82 KB 468x495 OhNo.png)

>>100704 >caring what perma-NXT fatguy thinks
>>100719 >TFW >Not skinny enough to be considered buff >Not fat enough to use your fatness as a gimmick
(36.26 KB 526x623 JUFF'D.png)

>>100704 HERE IT IS >17min rant Wew lad
>>61821 current year Impact crowds suck. if I seen Scott Steiner IRL I would mark the fuck out.
>>102595 >being a mark
>>102801 hahahaha i too love womens wrestling and meltzer stars
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Russo tier
>>102803 >being a mark >marking out so hard you sage the thread
>>102966 Nice account picture. Charge your phone.
>>102803 >>103046 Not that guy but you seem retarded. How do people like you even enjoy wrestling?
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>>103050 >getting worked into a shoot
https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/impact-wrestling-news-alberto-el-patron-no-shows-impact-vs-lucha-underground-main-event >Alberto el no show
TNA no longer exists also Impact became absolute dogshit >>105832 holy fuck i hate that dude. notice how hard impact declined with him there. >>103046 t. mark
>>105832 >People are still booking del rio
>>105855 he is like a black hole of failure. just look at what happened to paige and the current state if impact.
I watched a decent chunk of last night's LUTNA geekfest and I don't blame Del Rio one bit for no-showing that shit. It was honestly almost as bad as these indie shows that 'feature' an NWA Billy match. ADR ain't that great but he's certainly above that level in the wrestling hierarchy.
>>105862 >almost as bad as these indie shows that 'feature' an NWA Billy match DELETE YOURSELF
>>105862 t. ADR
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They literally promoted ADR vs AA between every match last night.
>>106013 >austin 'vegan popcorn' aries
>yfw Del Cucko goes back to WWE
>>106058 He's braun's partner
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>>106058 Del Cucko would be a shameless whore if so
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I think the episode where Lashley leaves Impact hasn't aired yet because this last episode he is just losing to Brian Cage again, with no mention of him leaving, unless that is how they want to let it happen. Would be funny to see him on impact this week if he does appear.
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>Eli Drake reveals his tag team partner >It's a 10 year old kid's ENGLISH TEACHER >Dead reaction again
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>I’ve wrestled a lot of fat-asses, and you’d be surprised about how tough some of these guys are. Stealing sugar from a fat man is pretty hard to do, you know. So they have definitely a tolerance to — you can’t push a fat guy away from a TV with his banquet dinner, you know. So it’s hard. These fat-asses are pretty tough, because they’re used to being physically and mentally abused, because they’re fat. >bolieve it or not, as crazy as it sounds, most fat guys don’t like to be called fat-asses. Are you kidding me? How can you not call a fat guy a fat-asses? So you call a guy a fat-ass, and he immediately gets upset, which therefore makes it much harder for you to beat him. But there ain’t no fat-ass that’s ever going to hang with the Genetic Freak. https://youtu.be/duQdjlbZWXs?t=17m50s
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>>112570 >namer of dummies teaming with the hater of fatties
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Redemption tonight, for anyone that cares.
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>new belts >again
>Production botch already Off to a good start
Bushi 1 defeats Bushi 2
>Tessa Blanchard
>dreamer referencing MLK of all people
Wore 6000 belts, NEVER DREW A DIME
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>>105862 I went to that show live it was a lot of fun. The action in person was some of the best all weekend too. I bet the production value was shit though that place wasn't lit or mic'd for TV
More math lessons from the best teacher ever
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>>112588 OHH NO NO
>>116468 Thank God Swann didn't retire, he was easily one of the best out of the Cruiser-weight Classic. I hope he gets a contract with Impact.
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I wish they were on a normie streaming service like WWE is
>>116485 Whats Loaded Geese doing in the Impact Zone?
>>116826 Predicted back in February he'd be going to TNA, let's see if that's where he ends up. Certainly isn't going back to the E any time soon if ever, they thoroughly benoited him from the second the accusations were made. We have always been at war with Eastasia. Big Cass was always a singles wrestler.
>>116864 Enzo as Big Cass' manager was always the best for both of them, too bad that didn't happen.
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DIMESworth is Impacts only chance now
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What kinda cut you want fam?
>>118543 <What kinda cut you want fam? >My life has be JUST and I want to show it.
>>118543 Almost thought that was Jay Lethal
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>>118543 >Give me the baron corbin
>>118556 >Serious version of Hardy Compound matches Not too bad. Though the end part, that whole webm you uploaded, was a bit ridiculous.
>being the demon & bunny
>>44102 Man so much changed since this post was made, I'm surprised this thread even still exists. Anyway, Impact posted a neat match from when they were still good.
>>44102 Even two years ago, TNA represented lost hopes and dreams.
>>146288 Did it die yet?
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>>146617 >impact >dying Impact is still kicking. They now air on Tuesdays at 8pm ET on AXS and free on Twitch where during commercial BREAKs, a coked up Melissa Santos recaps what was literally just shown. They usually have good shows though. They have some great characters/angles, usually good matches, and some retarded but fun backstage bits. Check it out and make sure to root for MOOSE.

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