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King of Shitposting

New RAM/SD GMs Boliever 10/17/2017 (Tue) 02:21:02 Id: f3547c No. 80633
Kurt's gotten some heat for being boring and his only story angle so far, the bastard mulatto mutt son, falling flat on its face. Daniel Bryan has been pretty useless since Miz was moved out of SD and couldn't feud with him, and may be leaving for something that lets him wrestle. Who should replace them as brand GMs?
Wwe has them as gm so they cant do indies anymore
>>80678 Watch them make Kenny a GM if he ever joins.
Bring back Bischoff for RAW and let him be heel.
Need heel Angle GM. But WWE creative don't kow how to write fun segments so we won't get the same thing. All Angle wanted was one last match at Wrestlemania, he really deserves that. WM33 was stacked so I can see why they didn't want to have him there but no reason why he shouldn't be there at WM34.
Angle was good in the raw after mania. Ever since then he looks like an animatronic with a text to speech program. The only exception was the jason jordan reveal, he was really good in that too but it seems like that angle was completely dropped and jason is dead in the water.
Jesus Christ man. David has seen some shit with those eyes.
>>80746 >Ring ring >David here >What's that? >My father killed his wife, my autistic half brother and himself? >Oh you're right it's all over the news >I look like him too, can't wait to get to school, I'm sure that will be fun
man Benoit's kid, wew I'm not gonna lie he looks like a hot version of his father if WWE had any balls they should hire him, train the shit out of him in secret then have him debut with vid related as some deranged avenger who wants to take down the company that ruined his father's life and ended up costing the lives of his loved ones, he could fit the role of "troubled soul with a horrific past" that they kept trying to peg on Ambrose >"oh no my daddy hit me or something and i got in trouble in skool I'm so lunatic friiiinge" >"my dad was forced to do dangerous moves that ultimately ended up giving him severe brain damage, leading him to murder my step-mom, little brother and finally killing himself." tell me that shit doesn't write itself
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>>80740 >Kurt Angle comes put to his entrance song >Plays to the crowd's YOU SUCK CHANT' >Confronts wrestler >Talks some scripted promo with far less energy than when he used to talk when he wrestled >Someone else comes out >Confronts wrestler >They talk and forget about Angle >Angle stares at them with a blank and confused look >Wrestlers get hot and start to fight >Angle BREAKs them up >Makes a match between them at upcoming PPV or later in the night >OH IT'S TRUE, IT'S DAMN TRUE >Entrance Song plays again
>>80749 Chris was pretty hot back in the day imo.
>>80749 Make him debut as part of the Wyatt Family, those empty seat will fill right back up in no time
>>80756 >>80749 >Chris Benoit >Hot
>>80756 >>80749 >hot You two had better be women.
>yfw his theme is either this or a CFO$ instrumental of it
>>80633 That look on his face, I can't tell if he's disappointed or if he's smirking, or both
>>80776 I am. Not too sure on the other anon.
>>80782 The Benoits aren't known for their ability to express emotion.
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>>80792 >>80795 tits or gtfo
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>>80922 Because you asked nicely.
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>>80922 (Check'd) I'm not a slut but since you got dubs…
This thread got pretty gay pretty quick
>>80932 where do you think we are?
>>80933 >the anger community
>>80934 >>80933 The only good videos of UpUpDownDown are when AJ loses and ragequits.
>>80923 >>80931 A) stop being a larping gaywad B) post ur tits plez choose
Should we try memeing David into debuting at NXT War Games?
>>80975 Pretty sure he said he lost interest in wrestling a while ago. So good luck with that.
>>80977 Gonna need a source on that.
>>80980 >2015 >most photos of him backstage are more recent
This would be welcoming, idk how it would workout you know because of chris.
>>81020 I think it would be dependent on the gimmick and angle he starts off with, a man trying to redeem his family name and rebuild its legacy would work for a face angle. The only way they could do a heel angle that gets over is if it's related to the Wyatt family in some way
>>80633 Bring Sting as RAW GM, he was pretty good in TNA when he did that. As for SmackDown, Hulk Hogan or Eric Bischoff.
It doesn't matter who the GM is, when both are given shitty segments to work with. Bryan and Miz were an exception, they always brought in the heat all the way since Bryan's NXT debut when The Miz was his mentor. Also, both seemed like straight shooters in their feud, creative definitely trusts The Miz with that and Bryan played it off well too, doubt he cares much if he goes off script since he himself said on Talking Smack that sometimes he says things the person behind his earpiece doesn't want him to say.
>>80935 >>80933 >>80934 I'd be angry and BREAK shit too if I had to play Infinite.
>>81200 True, the first bioshock was better.
>>80781 I actually wanted to listen to this video.
>>129439 >bumping this one year old thread Why >>80633 >bastard mulatto mutt Is Ja[LOUD BOOING]an really out for good? Last I heard he was an agent for some match and was taking up some backstage role because his injury may have been too bad. Sucks if he really is out for good, still way too young.
>>129443 to test my abilities

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