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King of Shitposting

(12.38 KB 233x241 okada laugh2.jpg)

>/wew/ Dean Mark 11/29/2017 (Wed) 09:26:19 Id: fdcbd9 No. 87729
Ding-dong diddly CRINGE!
(58.74 KB 960x540 Hirmou - Meowb.jpg)

(3.60 MB 600x336 ryback.webm)

>>87740 >Getting worked into a shoot
omg i lov cringe lelelel my favrit subreddit is /r/cringe/ it is si cringey and everything is cringe because im a fucking faggot who can't process slightly different or potentially uncomfortable situations/events
(33.52 KB 500x500 SEES RAWR.jpg)

hello is this the shitpost thread
(4.12 MB 320x240 WEEEEEEEELL.webm)

(409.79 KB 296x394 self_high_five.mp4)

(6.00 MB 640x360 AJ titantron.mp4)

>Cyclical BO approves of this quality thread now /wooo/ will show its best quality content itt
(23.31 KB 386x452 image71.jpg)

>>87869 When was noam dar in wcw?
(3.59 MB 1280x720 fddfsfd.mp4)

>>87885 >Watching Being the Reddite >Not watching Thrill of the Chase
(3.05 MB 1280x720 Sign Dick WIth Dick.webm)

>>87898 t. kevin owens brother chase
>>87885 >>87898 Fale Productions is the best.
Speaking of cringe, this entire account: https://twitter.com/SamiZayn
>>88127 t. Shane McMahon
>>88127 Wow that's bad. >Retweeting Shaun King
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(234.49 KB 1024x978 Screenshot_20171205-154505.jpg)

(119.51 KB 1024x576 muhslims.jpg)

Didn-t know where else to put this so it might as well go here. This is what they had to wear in abu dabi, we don-t want to trigger the religion of peace.
(65.52 KB 675x720 56cd6b152ed49.jpeg)

>>88517 >not making them wear masks Absolutely haram
>>88517 >Covering up Bliss's Body Islam is truly the religion of the Devil.
(99.86 KB 582x618 hssnsns.png)

(15.86 KB 185x243 homer laugh.jpg)

>>88526 What a heel
(61.22 KB 519x402 1509588647404.jpg)

>>88517 Call me a sandniggger but I actually think they look nicer like that. Wrestling needs to be more MODEST.
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>>88529 >Leftys in wrestling Why and when did this happen?
(353.44 KB 686x943 not an argument close-up.png)

>>88529 intellectual giants >>88536 When WWE started letting in lanky, short and fat wrestlers those nu-males could relate to.
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(22.80 KB 651x555 spicy_meatball.jpg)

>WWE shitposting
(89.82 KB 300x357 Holy Shit.png)

>>88637 >this was uploaded by the WWE official youtube account
(4.82 MB 1280x720 I AM MEEKMAHANS BOSS.webm)

https://twitter.com/BeckyLynchWWE/status/942836134652104704 Bliss 2.0 BTFO'D
(34.76 KB 628x256 ClipboardImage.png)

(997.19 KB 704x628 demon kang.png)

>>90299 Nothing gay about looking up pictures of Finn Balor
>>90313 >Bliss is the thumbnail WWE knows how to click bait.
>>90314 How many views would it get with Booley or Jewby riottt in the thumbnail?
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(37.50 KB 594x361 a.jpg)

(28.25 KB 859x201 Screenshot (979).png)

>muh nakamura
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>>90883 >t. gedo
>>88528 You sandnigger…
>>90884 Nakamura is mediocre trash you wwe drone
(1.02 MB 827x495 tfw shitty booking.png)

>>90904 >being so envious of a guy that went to make more money
>being butthurt that alexa loses a videogame sim >being butthurt Braun Strowman becomes the universal champion in a videogame sim >being butthurt that AJ beats up a meme in a videogame sim >being butthurt that roman noodles beat finn boreler in a videogame sim
(1.01 MB 749x857 ClipboardImage.png)

>WWE's on there twice
>>91963 >communism >John Deere >Cracker Barrel Not entirely certain what this is intended to convey
(57.25 KB 553x960 Okada laughs at WWE.jpg)

>>90920 >make more money
>tfw feeling BROKEN tonight
Nice audio WWE
(7.86 MB 1280x720 Across the Nation 2017.webm)

>>91969 >Okada laughs at WWE >It's a TNA ring
(142.72 KB 1280x720 handicap match.jpg)

>mfw the chanettys are still 'at war' with each other They're philosophically the same website you simps Get a clue
(271.36 KB 878x206 Screenshot (991).png)

Hey guys what did the joshi think about Will Ospreay going to WWE? Nobody is ready for the Asukutter
(7.49 KB 154x200 17359623.jpg)

>>90300 Booley wants Balor to FINNish her with a bronco buster
(114.89 KB 553x960 okada ded.jpg)

(1.37 MB 1920x1080 Better luck next time WWE.png)

(1.14 MB 1920x1080 Cost Cutting Measures.png)

(1.10 MB 1920x1080 Vince Fears Okada.png)

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>>92140 >Actually giving your 9.99 to japanese sports entertainment
(293.19 KB 479x447 1446221760901.png)

>>92139 >blocks out the upper middle deck on the left side
>Assuming it's gender
(18.15 KB 472x204 Screenshot (997).png)

(689.14 KB 400x300 El Risitas.webm)

>>92760 >Kanellis Oh hey, it's those literal nobodies that premiered on SmackDown to huge fanfare and a rivalry with Sami Zayn of all people then disappeared without a trace.
>>92836 Imagine how over their theme could have got in NXT
>>92836 He only got hired because he's a package deal with his wife and wwe wanted her. Now she's preggo, he's a recovering druggie and the wwe is going to be paying them for doing nothing. They played the system and won.
(54.60 KB 600x899 Kazuchika_Okada_LOL_3.jpg)

>Okada just deprived a gorillion neets of their waifu
>have rock band >your music video production value is so bad the WWE may as well have produced it
>maggle does in-ring shit >Brock gets to talk instead of having a fat jew do it for him <video uploader calls it "cringe" because he says "thank the lord" and talks like a normal person and triggers fedorafaggots
>>93469 >my favorite wrestler is chris benoit Foreshadowing?
(133.91 KB 500x522 big boy season.png)

>people unironically enjoy manlet brit wrestling
(122.55 KB 800x600 1470953473_1470945799_1.jpg)

>>93489 >people unironically enjoy manlet jap wrestling
>>93490 don't bully dragon gate fags
(264.36 KB 900x1200 DT_8kqFVMAA0P-B.jpg)

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(2.18 MB 1920x1080 jay leno vomits.png)

>>93510 >ywn hide your Cummy in Alicia Fox >WHY THE FUCK IS BOOLEV WITH THESE JOBBERS shes in good company
(13.92 MB 640x360 Omegayer.webm)

>>93699 DELETE
(65.07 KB 752x654 ClipboardImage.png)

quick, see how easily you can get banned from faggotweedchan
(95.45 KB 1614x245 ClipboardImage.png)

Admit it: Which one of you is this?
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(167.82 KB 468x495 OhNo.png)

>Site going to shit again
>>93463 That was a pretty cringy promo
>>98712 CTE brother HH
>>98068 >>98067 'Fess up brother, you'll get bullied less for being a ponyfag than being a booleyfag.
>>98786 >>98068 >>98067 dead meme 0/10
(1.07 MB 440x248 may-lol.gif)

>>99190 >$14k per month That's almost as bad as being an unfaithful oil driller.
(143.43 KB 250x299 notbad.png)

>>99526 >talk shit >get bit >bite infects you with multiple STDs Pretty good threat honestly
>>90299 russo working cornetty into shoots never gets old
>>99526 >that skin >that terrible lipstick finna cringe hard
>>99526 That is Paige? Man, when taimafags were saying she looked like she was getting fat they weren't kidding. She's going to be a Nia before long.
>>99526 Would still pound her ass and contract AIDS/10
>>100647 this tbh
>>100647 >>100653 She might let you prep her bull.
OP is the cringiest faggot on the board.
(1.93 MB 200x150 1489186724398.gif)

>>100677 Because he's OP. :^)
Not sure where to post this but whatever I'll do it here. >mfw I just found out Roddy Piper was Canadian
>>100729 So is Santino Marella.
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(1.46 MB 673x5226 wrestling isnt wrestling.png)

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>required: WWE Network Subscription This professor is a very smart person.
(353.71 KB 480x360 fat people spotted.png)

>>101347 where do i kingkongbundly sign up? >also you have to make a CAW and do promos
(1.87 MB 200x150 andre2.gif)

(272.06 KB 622x975 20180403_212042.jpg)

>Cucky trashing on WCW Legend Disco Inferno
>>105261 What a fucking child. Even if you disagree with Disco, there is no point in completely shitting on a man who's saying something in an effort to help other's heath.
>>105261 wtf i love cody now
im finna go ham tbh fams
>>105261 for real, i miss cody rhodes and hardcore holly tag team. fucking G.O.A.T. gotta do some more research into both. i know holly faced ec3 last year too at HOH.
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>>105295 Plus Disco Inferno's tweet was reply to this one of Cody getting a 'slight' cut. He was looking out for him out of concern, and Cody just shat on him.
(31.08 KB 456x367 1373385864756.jpg)

>people think heel tweets are a shoot
Not really cringe but not sure where else to post this. The Legendary Ho Bag Hall of Famer Missy Hyatt on leaks and Paige. >Nowadays with social media, don't take anything that you don't want to get out As whorish she has been, she still seems to have more sense than the sluts of today who get their nudes leaked. Though if the internet and technology of today existed in her time, there'd probably be enough content to fill up the whole fap thread with just her content.
(548.51 KB 482x750 hyatt.png)

(46.96 KB 520x572 sunny.jpg)

(40.54 KB 554x312 paige.jpg)

>>105476 On another note, there's always talk about generational successors, like Hogan, Austin, Cena, Roman being the aces of WWE in their respective time and passing of the torch etc. In that sense, Missy Hyatt, Sunny and Paige are the Ace Sluts of the wrestling world of their time. Not sure about the 2000s, maybe Kelly Kelly? She slept around but isn't as notorious as these 3 I posted, so doesn't totally fit the bill.
>>105403 Go listen to XPac's podcast from yesterday. He had Cody on and they did the promotional shit for a while and XPac fluffed him like a tiajanna prostitute then they stat talking and Cody felt bad for burying Disco Inferno like that then they started to shoot on Cornette telling fans what they are and aren't allowed to like. It was pretty good and Cody made no attempt to hide his contempt for Corny.
>>105487 jim cornette fucking sucks >stop cheering the heels REEEEEEE dude literally got worked into a shoot over Shark Boy
>>105487 >Cody made no attempt to hide his contempt for Corny. Kek, Corny's never had anything bad to say about Cody and supported him when he got released from WWE. There's only a few people Jim's got no hate for, so Cody to possibly incite Jim's hate voluntarily sure is something.
Please for the love of god someone tell me they captured that Impact wrestling twitch stream. I need to shitpost that at the husband.
>>105510 what in the literal fuck are you talking about?
i will fight everyone on this website though
(137.49 KB 1200x1200 angery midget.jpg)

>>105517 thems fighting words
(33.55 KB 600x366 ScottSteiner-600x366.jpg)

>>105520 more like fighting HERDS
Premium cringe.
But wait, there's more.
It only gets worse.
(137.27 KB 348x368 no.png)

>>105526 boi fuck off
(246.96 KB 1089x1073 cody reddit.jpg)

Cody plebbitor confirmed. Not surprised, reddit is his biggest fanbase I'm going to take a guess.
>>105809 Can we just nuke that fucking site already? There was a post I got linked to by some spineless cucks about a couple weeks ago wherein a Booker T botch nearly paralyzed Benoit in 2005 and 90% of the comments were about how "good" it would have been had he actually BROKE his neck. Not even joking, legitimate malice in the name of free thumbs. Yeah, because he was totally planning to murder his family the next night. And Booker totally wouldn't have felt regret over ending the career of the world's best worker from the year prior, nor would Vince have punished him at all.
>>105811 What the fuck seriously? I figured even in reddit there would be benoit sympathizers, honestly haven't seen people wishing malice on benoit and if I did, the benoit fans would pounce on that guy. Link?
>>105812 >be redditor >get downboats for having a different opinion >get banned for having a different opinion
>>105812 Had to comb through my history and throw it through archive so they wouldn't flag up the referrals, but sure, here you go: http://archive.is/XNA66 I'm kinda both angry and relieved I got shown this, angry because these people are literally bottom-of-the-pile, but relieved in the sense that I no longer have to take any shit they say seriously.
>>105809 Jesus, is Cody working marks so hard that they called in threats?
>>105828 how in the FUCK can people use that site? i got a headache reading through it.
(300.82 KB 1659x1644 ZuRNFt3.png)

>>105809 >>105829 >Police escort to the ring for his entrance He's stealing Goldberg's entrance?
(325.86 KB 681x335 Which one is paige.png)

I wonder who is typecast as Xavier and Brad Maddox
(217.35 KB 596x444 paigeface.png)

>>110090 Would you?
>>110090 >>110099 Please spoiler every image Paige is in, I get completely repulsed just looking at her, like my eyes are going to catch AIDs, she's a walking cokeheaded, STD.
>>110090 Idris Elba
>>110099 I would indeed watch the movie. Torrent ed of course. The girl who plays payge is qute and selina vega is aj lee
>>110103 >Not including the part where Paige shills the movie as the camera focuses on her hideous face
Man, it honestly been awhile since I've looked at WWE stuff more closely. Can someone explain to me why they changed the names on the old PPVs like Velocity, Armageddon and Vengeance?
>>110110 And they dumped the World Heavyweight belt for this WWE Universal one? Don't get that either.
>>110110 >Velocity, Armageddon and Vengeance That's almost 10 years old stuff, shit changes, things get rebranded. >>110112 They unified the WWE and World Heavyweight title in 2013, then retired the world heavyweight belt in 2014 and just kept the WWE Championship. They started the brand split again in 2016, SD got the WWE Championship while RAW created a new title, the Universal championship.
>>110103 Zelina is tiny, Merchant is kneeling and he is still taller than her
>>110113 Ah, okay. Thanks.
(139.71 KB 502x497 Eat Balls.png)

>>110113 Yes, they all made way for the best new 1st annual Great Balls of Fire. Can't wait for GBoF 2018
>>110120 It was ok last year. Joe vs lesnar was good for the most part.
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>>111490 [watches ronda once]
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(1.83 MB 200x200 quad man.gif)

>>111743 Archive that shit. http://archive.is/rorJ5 Anyway, wew, who didn't see this coming.
>>111743 Brock's title reign lasted more than cena's engagement.
>Decided to look up Redditzer ratings for WM Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle vs. Stephanie McMahon & Triple H – 4.25 4.25 It's official, Dave's lost it hasn't he?
>>111750 Pretty much everyone are raving about that match, even veterans like Steve Austin, Edge, Christian and even Jim Cornette of all people. Honestly, on a technical level it was a good tag team match, the heels played their role especially Steph and her heel tactics, and built up things well foe the babyfaces. A few false finishes and BREAKups by the tag partners too all done well. There were a few stupid moments but overall, everyone did their part well. Ronda garnered a lot of praise and she did do well but the match was carried by two veterans in HHH & Angle. Once she has her first singles match then I'll properly say how good she really is.
>>111751 Vids like this make me think John maybe an autist…
>>111753 Have you seen his IG? He might be.. https://www.instagram.com/johncena/
(114.58 KB 783x579 cena okada.jpg)

(109.88 KB 913x439 cena hardy.jpg)

(87.16 KB 911x445 cena sheev.jpg)

>>111754 >Just posts images without any description or much context >Makes the user think up of the reason behind it based of the current events behind it Kino IGposting? All those Stone Cold edits are autistic as heck though. >Posted a pic of okada Oh shit, what did he mean by this? >Posted a pic of BROKEN Matt Hardy Woken John Hardy soon bois >Sheevposted /ourguy/ confirmed
(74.97 KB 567x641 cena dead eyes.jpg)

(33.28 KB 383x418 cena dead eyes1.jpg)

>>111753 The Miz's portrayal of Cena wasn't too off the mark. Cena's dead, 1000 mile stare always speaks autism to me.
(548.25 KB 2047x1126 Cinderella18.jpg)

>Brandi shitting up stardom
>>112525 better http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=iWfwQxvPvWA#/3;4 Kinda sounds like "hey chan" after a while…
(67.07 KB 1080x662 Benwah.jpg)

>>112528 >mfw I actually know that @BarackSays guy online He's a teacher from Minnesota whose wife left him, is depressed, very leftist and has an Indian brother in law.
>>111760 He looks like he's realized that his entire career has just been turned into a living meme. He will never escape the Cena memes for the rest of his life.
>>111725 This wouldn't be as cringey if the tats were actually high quality, those look blurry as hell and some barely legible. Still, that's a dedicated superfan there
>>112552 >Inb4 he replaces corey and the ram commentary team becomes booker, maggle and coach
(71.96 KB 615x300 wrestlemania-31.jpg)

>>112536 The logo of WM31 on her arm is totally wrong though.
>>112552 >>112553 It's apparently just for the week while Coach does some shit for the golf channel.
(3.03 MB 446x375 Zebra.gif)

What's something that's black and white and looks like a horse?
>>112840 I still would
>>112911 >even listing to this guy
>kicked out of cena's house >has to move in with sister >"gained a few pounds, been snacking lately" JUST
>Brock wasn't at Blacklash >Won't be at MITB Nice
>>116102 >WWE Championship still won't main event MiTB
>>116106 Roman conquering the odds and becoming mr money in the bank will main event yessir bbygrll.
>Randy Boreton >Alexa Piss >Booman Lames this has to be the worst Why do wrestling fans resort to such childish name calling? Then they get mad when they say that WWE doesn't take them seriously. When you say hit like this who can?
(824.14 KB 300x170 AJ Styles.gif)

>>116107 How can anyone cash in on Lesnar if he's never there?
>>116109 They're going to remake the austin pillman home invasion angle. Sable is going to interfere and roman will be powerless while she kicks his ass (men fight back against women) until ronda (the new roman) saves him.
(92.92 KB 595x767 ClipboardImage.png)

Horsefaced cunt Charlotte is getting surgery to repair a ruptured implant lmao her tits are going to be fucked up now
(19.04 KB 369x309 blisslaugh.jpg)

>>116115 >Charlottefag has been making fun of bliss for having implants
>>116115 Fuck off with his horse meme >Hurr durr she doesn't look like she came straigt out of blacked.com such a horse hehehe Based charlotte working through injury.
>>116115 >>116117 >ruptured implant injury This is Eva Marie tier
(24.87 KB 452x678 images.jpg)

>>116113 >Better to ask forgiveness than permission Cass really acting like Nash now. Cirbin & Cass should team up and get managed by Nash.
>>116115 >horsefaced I'll show you some horses if you really want. They're some really nice horses.
>>116117 >hurr durr Oh shit that completely changed my opinion on Charlotte wtf she's not a horse now. Neither is Booley. Neither is Sasha. Ruby isn't even a bird anymore. lol jk they're all ugly as shit
>>116129 You keep talking about horses and I'll show you some real horses. bolieve that.
(2.14 MB 448x364 kris.gif)

>>116129 Horse is a buzzword for female wrestler I don't like. You're right they aren't horses, they're beautiful!
(2.92 MB 446x375 sasha.gif)

>>116132 No, horsefaces just have long, horse-like faces. Often masculine as well. Examples are Booley, Sasha, and Charlotte. Examples of ugly ones who aren't horsefaces are Ruby and Billie Kay.
>>116139 >>116135 >>116132 Since y'all kept talking about horses.
>>116139 >>116140 >literal zoophile among us >but I'll still be le ebin board autist for having different tastes in women
(71.28 KB 4005x3612 DisgustJack.png)

>>116141 Yes you will, booleyfag. Yes, you will.
>>116214 >I had my heat BROKEN out of nowhere Damn, it's all an elaborate buildup for another Cena/Orton feud where Orton might kiss Nikki right in front of Cena, like he did with Steph/HHH.
>>116417 >heat Heart*
(9.51 KB 189x292 1517192654327.jpg)

wwe women division has a lot of talent and they're all attractive
(597.44 KB 1495x430 Image.png)

>>116119 >>116113 >Vince: A lot of these new guys are scared to grab the brass ring. They have no initiative. >Guy takes initiative: SHOVELED Fuck sake. I didnt see Smack, thought he mightve called him a midget and triggered the snowflakes or something. WWE is like one big schizo basket case sometime. Like theyre actively working against their own interests.
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(99.11 KB 520x293 murr-6.png)

>>116828 imagine having these ugly bitches tatted on your body until you die
>>116828 Bailey's shirt looks like it says 'I'm a nigger' or nugger
(117.98 KB 1001x1001 that font.jpg)

State of this shirt
(76.04 KB 1325x355 1526769646258.png)

>>117024 Tell him to do it on this /wooo/ as well
>>117029 this is the janetty wooo tho
Someone webm this shit!
(94.11 KB 640x621 old man yells at cloud.png)

>>117572 K'edgy Omega
>>117568 >Someone webm this shit!
(173.23 KB 569x291 Cody Roads.png)

>Watching Stardom >fucking Cody is there There's no escaping the royal sleepaid
>>117599 His autism is the cody of stardom.
(273.28 KB 1001x1001 7V1004.jpg)

>>117600 Cody not nearly as awkward as Brandi, she just kinda stands there and doesn't even do the dance.
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>>117610 Yeah I know. Cody is actually not nearly as bad as he was when he left the wwe. >>117609
>>117614 >>117609 Perfeccione
(642.73 KB 787x655 big crash 01.png)

(45.70 KB 775x573 big crash 02.png)

>>87729 >If it is indeed legitimate, this would follow an 8-month recovery from a torn ACL in his left knee that required surgery. >follow an 8-month recovery Nash says hi
>>117627 What a fucking failure
>>117627 So Cass is "No Dimes Nash" now?
>>117629 Nash is already no dimes nash
(236.64 KB 2048x1536 aos.jpg)

>Junglenettys finally win something
>>117630 He drew in dubyaseadubya, but I guess WCW never drew any dimes…
>>117635 They drew the most dimes for a few years before things got too bad
(82.97 KB 1048x577 CONFIRMED.jpg)

https://www.f4wonline.com/wwe-news/io-shirai-departing-stardom-headed-wwe-258556 Hope she's ready for retarded floridaniggers to chant racist shit at her
smarks btfo'd
Zack calling out /wooo/
>>118016 Nobody here cares about britwres thoug
(274.45 KB 831x1200 DbRSViZXcAAmRHr.jpg)

>UFC 225 next week >CM Punk's 2nd UFC fight Well we had a thread for his first trainwreck of a fight two years ago, would have another one next week.
(969.72 KB 749x821 ClipboardImage.png)

>Breathe With Switchblade I don't get it. Nowhere near as good as Walk With Elias.
>>118244 nobody knows what it means but its provocative
>>118244 You either breathe with him or you dont breathe at all
(157.96 KB 768x1024 De6M7C_V4AEv6qk.jpeg)

(107.88 KB 768x1024 De6M9F0VMAA18Bt.jpeg)

>ywn be arrested by Io
>>118248 Is that the set from the Freak on a Leash music video?
(108.34 KB 720x960 BY GAWD THAT'S SEXY STAR.jpg)

>Absolute state of reddit wrestling ""fans"" http://archive.is/iUoDb
>>118574 >Go on reddit >It's reddit What a scoop.
Corey is having a fit on twitter. https://twitter.com/WWEGraves
>Featuring free WiFi, Hotel Roman Reigns offers accommodations in Duff Dunbar. >All rooms include a flat-screen TV. Certain rooms have a sitting area to relax in after a busy day. Certain rooms feature views of the mountains or garden. Every room comes with a private bathroom. >There is a 24-hour front desk at the property. >The nearest airport is Gaggal Airport, 54 miles from Hotel Roman Reigns. https://www.booking.com/hotel/in/roman-reigns-manali-hp.html
(143.21 KB 549x655 roman hotel.jpg)

(99.54 KB 762x1120 IMG-20180620-WA0001.jpg)

I wonder who actually thinks this way. The one about Jericho sure is wrong
https://www.wwe.com/shows/wwenxt/article/wwe-signs-io-shirai?sf192907796=1 Looking forward to her losing to Bliss in 1 years time !
>>>/b/8192928 https://archive.fo/2AnhB A WILD BOOLEYFAG HAS BEEN SPOTTED
>>123530 Shut up ponyfucker
>In an excerpt from his new book, transcribed by Redditor nivid, Nakamura was very candid about working with a young Lesnar. >You had no choice but to do what the company wanted. But then Kazuyuki Fujita refused to accept a match with Brock Lesnar for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship which was scheduled to be the main event. Given your previous track record, you were selected to take his place and be the challenger. “Part of that was luck. But that match was seriously rough. First, Lesnar was saying all this stuff about how he respected New Japan, but it felt to me like that was just for show, that he didn’t really respect the promotion. Like, somewhere, he was looking down on Japanese people. I lost the match, and that was the first time I cried at pro wrestling after a match.” A follow-up excerpt from the book >Why did you cry? “It was the main event at Tokyo Dome. This was a pretty hallowed stage, and I knew I hadn’t fought the way I imagined I would. And there was, like, this temperature difference between me and Lesnar. I didn’t get the sense he had any love for pro wrestling. It felt like he was just doing his job.” https://www .cagesideseats.com/wwe/2018/8/2/17644930/shinsuke-nakamura-cried-after-losing-brock-lesnar-wwe-njpw
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Whoever the fuck made this ad, especially if it was Kevin Dunn, needs to be brutally maimed and disposed off.
>>124162 Probably the same people that were putting text on screen during promos. Still I think this is a new low when it comes to wwe being out of touch.
>>124162 Oh that's nothing
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>>124160 >lesnar says one thing but he "felt" like he didnt respect the promotion My god, is lesnar the ultimate alpha? His literal pressence is making cucks scared they have to cry as emotional outlet after fake fighting him. Fucking japs and their overly emotional behavior.
>>124357 t. bork's ballwasher
>>124357 I honestly think Brock is the best businessman in the whole industry. It took him just 18 months to go from OVW immediately out of college to debuting on the main roster. In that first year alone, he won KOTR, the main championship twice (at the two biggest PPVs of the year no less, and as the main event) and established himself as the face of Smackdown. Then he stuck around for another year before realizing that at his current workrate, he'd cripple himself in a matter of years. So he left, to NFL at first which didn't work out before going to NJPW on a reduced schedule. Then he found his niche in MMA for 5 years, beating fucking Randy Couture on his first try. Then he came back. He got himself back over with a crowd that had changed a lot since he left 8 years prior. He BROKE Undertaker's streak. And although he didn't do much thereafter, he still put on a clinic with AJ Styles late last year. Brock has the eternal envy of all the indie darlings out there. The ones that'll never make it to The E. The ones that'll BREAK their necks, backs and cracks before they turn 30. The ones that'll job out to the stars. If he went to the Kevin Nash School of Smart Working, he'd graduate with flying colors. He's taken the "work smart, not hard" ethos as something he lives by, and time has rewarded him for it.
>>124368 He's an unlikable dick but he knows how to play the game and reaped the rewards from wherever he went without killing himself in the process. At 41 he's still as fit as ever. Easily one of the GOATs of wrestling history, not just in the ring but his life out of it is fantastic, even successful guys like Hogan had problems outside wrestling but Brock is one of the few guys that's thriving and still gets people talking.
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>>124368 It's pretty obvious that this push on Brock's apathy is just so the fans will take ANYONE else as Champion. The worrying part is I can see it working, which means Reigns is probably finally getting cheered as champion at Summerslam.
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>Randy Orton apparently joked about some of the recent allegations against him during the dark main event at Tuesday's WWE TV tapings in Greenville, South Carolina. That match saw Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and WWE Champion AJ Styles defeat Orton, Samoa Joe and WWE United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura. >Orton approached some of the WWE staffers at ringside before the match and offered his hand for a shake, shaking the hand of one guy while laughing. The whole group then BROKE out in laughter. >This appeared to be a crack at the recent sexual harassment allegations against the WWE veteran. Former WWE writer Court Bauer noted in an older MLW Podcast that Orton would greet new WWE creative writers by putting his hand down his pants, pulling out his penis, touching himself and then introducing himself. Bauer said, "For every new writer that would show up, he'd come in the room, put his hand down his pants, pull out his dick, touch himself, then say 'I'm Randy Orton, shake my hand… oh you don't want to shake my hand? You're big leaguing me? That's f–ked up man. Should I tell Vince and Steph you won't shake Randy Orton's hand?'" http://www .wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2018/0816/644862/randy-orton-and-wwe-crew-members-apparently-joke-about-recent/
No trump thread but whatever I'll post it here. Saw this again and it's still incredible that Vince Mcmahon fired the current president of the USA off from his own show live on TV.
>>126374 Old but damn brutal. >Fractured skull I bolieve. 6 months later he performed this move again, albeit successfully. Damn.
>>126694 >kicking out of a skull fracture What a champ
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>Jim Cornette's Talking Sense channel got shut down Dang, there was some good stuff on there amid all of Jim's rants.
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>>127911 In before they Big Cass him.
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How hard will this not fail?
>>131539 >People think this shit can compete with WWE wew
>>131542 Well, the guy funding it is worth more than Vince, but WWE will probably try it's best to lock up more talent.
>>131543 >funded by a rich paki >saudi heavily investing in wwe Muslims are taking over wrestling.
>>131539 >The group has said they want to stay together and during a recent interview with Chris Jericho announced The Elite is no longer affiliated with Bullet Club. Tama Tonga and BCOG were right. But too bad they never bothered to officially say it on NJPW or have a proper BCOG vs Elite match to properly pass the message on huh? Still time for a big match at Wrestle Kingdom so, here's to that. Also wonder if Kenny will go along with them, if so then likely that Tana's gonna win!
>>105403 Christy, turned his eyelid into meat curtains.
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>>131719 Why is he angry with Cody ?
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>>131772 >haha i watched a video that was intended to be 50% relatable to the most surface-level dipshits and 50% wrong to make people comment and share the video and it was surface-level and wrong can you bolieve it
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>Dynamite Kid died >Pic releated is fucking real WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?
>>131975 "Dynamite Kid? What is he, a muslim?" - Roman 'Deus Vult' Reigns
>>131975 >Another Hart family member dead Jesus Christ is Bret the only one left now?
>>131905 Ideal format to get the most comments would be everything up to #2 is sensible and then #1 is some bullshit.
>>131986 Mr. Perfect too? :(
>>132001 Perfect died in 2003, anon.
>>131986 >posting this in the shitposting thread
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Reminds me of those jason momoa pics of him cucking other guys
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Nobody mentioned it here, and plebbit/cuckchan seem to be on the fence. For the past several years, this trans-looking faggot named Simon has been consistently sat on the right side of the front row at every goddamn PPV. At the Royal Rumble however, he seemingly wasn't. Instead, sat in almost the exact same place, was this red-haired trans-looking emo/goth that constantly had their head buried in their phone. My question is: >Was this Simon? >If it is, has he trapped himself? Guess we'll know for sure come next PPV.
>>134422 It doesn't look like him, doubly so when you see it in motion. Whatever that red haired thing is I strongly doubt it's Simon unless he also got facial reconstruction surgery.
>>134740 They look like the same , i mean someone post a pictur of him , and See it
>>134422 >>134743 Also s(he) lookz cute , any info ?
>>134743 They really don't look the same in motion to me at all. Here is a picture of him for you to compare yourself but his chin is wider and his eyes look drastically different, also the mouth isn't the same. Not to mention the lack of tattoos on his arm and how his arms are much thicker. The only thing they share is a similar jank nose. It's a funny thought but the evidence isn't there for anyone who's been paying attention to the guy. I could tell even before comparing photos just from observing her during my rewatch of the rumble with a friend, and the friend also agrees it isn't him.
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Gay community BTFO
>>135247 I hate to push the bullshit of "people who hate gays secretly are gay" but fuck is that green shirt guy's voice ever faggy. Also, context?
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>>135286 I was expecting that guy with his slightly high pitched voice to be gay too but I guess not. Don't know any context, I just got it form /sp/.
>>135309 Cool. Appreciate the responce.
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>>135247 >sucker punch >can't even knock out the faggot weak
>>134422 S(he) cute would cum right on her soles and toes
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Seriously, why did she niggerfy herself?
>>136923 Based off WM35, I could almost imagine it, huh.
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>>136923 You hate me 'cause I'm white? That's reverse discrimination. I hate you for two words ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION

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