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King of Shitposting

Tale of Hideo Itami Boliever 12/27/2017 (Wed) 11:11:51 Id: bf0d31 No. 90730
"Hideo, be another indy darling on nxt!" >Hideo is another indy darling on nxt >softened up wwe style which makes him look like Nakamura in wwe aka dogshit >Hideo's nxt time is 95% injured, 5% wrestling "God dang Hideo, come to flippyshit'o'5- I MEAN MAIN ROSTER, yeah main roster!" >Hideo goes to main roster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWiRuIoH42Q happens, "God dang Hideo you can't use that finisher of yours that's your only trademark point, here have this instead!" https://streamable.com/pd8mt >some fucking wacky ass submission The results: >Hideo whines about HIS gts on twitter >injures Kendrick >no gts >he's now discount Neville replacement >mfw He should leave at this point, he fucked up everything he could, wonder how many KENTA marks hanged themselves once they took gts away lel
Poor guy had such bad luck, went to nxt just before they started letting people use their names, got injured, came back, some guy injured him again, got overshadowed by nakamura, people think the finisher he invented is a rip off of punk etc. I bet he's counting the days till his contract ends so he can go back to noah.
>>90730 >He should leave at this point Yeah, being well known on the indies isn't enough to automatically win the crowd anymore due to sheer number of indy names going to WWE and >softened up wwe style which makes him look like Nakamura in wwe aka dogshit Even if he wasn't overshadowed by Nakamura the transistion to safer style surely fucked him up the most of all people who went to nxt. If he only knew how shit will pan out he'd never go to WWE unless the paycheck is really worth it. Any info on how much 205 live vanilla midgets make?
>injures Kendrick you'd think the guy who invented it would know how to do it safely unless he wanted to be strong style evolved and injure on purpose >Corey's commentary "fractured orbital or BROKEN nose" i-is this a work brother hh?
>>90739 oh fuck that looks evil, kendrick should have turned his head to hideo at the last second or something, iirc punk just let people fall on his knee with minimum leg movement while kenta delivers full strike
>>90739 Kendrick calls for help right away and barely even sells, it's real.
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>>90730 >injures THE Brian Kendrick I guess he didn't plan on that. >PM Cunk steals the finisher and uses it for years, only stops because he left >ONE thing happens to a loserweight a.k.a. "half the roster is in active at any given time" division >ban the move like every head-targeting move in your fake wrestling promo because the narrative surrounding Benoit created a muh concussion hysteria >>90741 Do these fucks even practice in the performance center anymore? Sad.
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>>90730 And it's all his own fault.
>>90752 His fault was going to WWE without doing reconnaissance how WWE treats hard hitting guys who got nothing else going for them
What a bum, he can't even make a fake wrestling-move right.
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why do chinks have such a shit time with injuries? pic related got injured a lot more than he wrestled in nxt as well and ended up retiring because of it
>>90870 When is Nakamura and Asuka getting injured then
>>90872 >Asska I can't say for certain since I stopped watching NXT around the time Bray went to the main roster, but didn't she have to relinquish her title due to injury, or was that just a work? I don't follow wymin's shit.
>>90873 It wasn't a work.

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