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King of Shitposting

Daily reminder Boliever 01/06/2018 (Sat) 10:18:01 Id: 2416cc No. 92110
Reminder that booley is OFFICIAL GEEK OF THE YEAR
>>92113 That kendo stick match was certainly he burial of the year.
(881.83 KB 1280x720 shhh.webm)

>Bryan Alvarez and Tom Ostarine anointing someone else Geek of the Year.
>>92110 Listen here you fucking hillbilly dumb motherfucker! If I was down there I'd bash your fucking skull in! Don't you call her "booley" anymore alright?
>>92118 Listen here: you're a giant faggot.
>>92119 Fuck you, I don't even like you!
(7.77 MB 1280x720 cross asuka can.webm)

>>92115 As great as it was seeing Booley get fucking destroyed, Asuka vs. Nikki Cross was better
(490.09 KB 449x401 Girlslaughing.png)

>>92121 Cry me a river, bitch.
>>92127 You need to quit acting like a fucking two year-old.
(480.46 KB 492x431 bootboot.png)

>>92129 You need to get better taste.
>>92129 >Screams at anyone who says Booley sucks <Tells them to stop acting like 2 year-olds. Ok, faggot.
>>92129 So is this guy going to kill himself when Booley gets released?
booleyfag is a work brother hh
>>92133 Fuck, she looks like a whitch.
>Finn asked who he wants to partner with in the Mixed Match Challenge™ >doesn't even consider Booley, while she stands in the back desperate to hear her name >Finn ends up getting paired with Sasha JUST
>>92147 >getting netorare'd by a HORSE
>>92147 So whose going to be her partner (if she even makes our in)? Curt Hawkins would be a good match up combining the two jobbers of each gender.
I'm tired of all you rednecks making fun of Bayley.
(34.73 KB 451x387 formerly_big_in_japan.jpg)

>>92150 We're not tired of seeing being a sperg faggot over a loser like Booley.
>>92149 THAT IS AN INSULT to Curt Hawkins
>>92149 Since they've been teasing Goldust and Asuka since they announced the thing, the only remaining options for her are either Miz or whoever wins the fan vote between Jason Jordan, Elias and Samoa Joe. I figure it'll be Samoa Joe, they'll do a corny backstage segment where he doesn't reciprocate her hug, and she eats the pin in the first round or however this thing is supposed to work
>>92156 Jordan and Booley could work because both are hated by the fans.
>>92153 >seeing being Go back to school you dumb motherfucking hillbilly.
>>92158 I think you used it incorrectly, but whatever. Stay mad.
>>92159 You know something, why don't you go back to third grade and learn how to use the computer.
>>92162 I'll do that when you reflect on the bad choice of liking Booley.
>>92163 First of all, her names not "booley" and second of all, I don't know whether you're stupid or not.
(163.83 KB 325x315 wut.png)

(36.99 KB 600x314 a3Cx_Viz.jpg)

(41.04 KB 600x314 pp4FeE5o.jpg)

>>92156 Well, I was wrong about Asuka, but it looks like it's Booley + fan vote guy.
>>92168 Your autism over a horrible wrestler like Booley never gets old. >>92185 I pity whoever has Booley as his partner >>92185 Spoiler: Asuka wins
>>92185 Golddust got DENIED and has to be with the furry lmao we all know whoses winnin' they got a 141 and 2/3 perchance of winnin' shame for booley and hawkins or whoever tho…
(24.74 KB 417x417 1444728315374.jpg)

(264.16 KB 500x478 1470463690053.png)

>>92185 >asska does the Pepe pose <GoldJUST is stuck with a loser whose only saving grace was being allowed to have almost a real match with asska instead of what Dana JUSTke and Emma had
>>92172 And you're asshole of the year >>92194 Hey fuck you, you cunt. She's a great wrestler that became a victim to WWE's """"creative"""" team.
>>92201 >great wrestler hahahahahahaha nigga did you see OP's gif?
>has to have a partner voted on because nobody will willingly partner with her
(40.81 KB 613x350 kurt.jpg)

(48.00 KB 605x381 shoa.jpg)

(32.87 KB 608x317 kurt2.jpg)

>>92200 At least Alicis has wins she actually gained, and can pull off a move unlike Booley >>92504 So much for that "voting" option. They can't even do that right.
>>92503 >>92504 >Joe gets injured on raw <not one single second of last night's match showed a spot where even a kayfabe injury would have taken place >the runner-up is Elias <they're burying Elias now
>>92503 He for sure pulled out of that death trap of a tagteam to save his career. Welp guess Elias Samosa is getting the burial effect.
(640.67 KB 1280x720 Booley 2K18.png)

>>92523 Someone actually made Booley uglier. I don't know how, but good job.
>>92523 She reminds me of this one ugly girl in high school no one wanted to date, but were secretly boning.
>>92523 The piercings look good, at least.
>>92539 No they don't. Not on Booley.
(15.58 MB 1280x720 Booley Entrance 2K18.webm)

>>92550 0/10 it's missing the booing
>>92575 I set it to boo, the game is just retarded. Maybe I'll re record it in the NXT stadium.
2K18 is BROKEN and won't let me get heat on her entrance, but fuck it have some Booley decimation
>>92640 >the crowd is chanting "RKO RKO RKO" kek
>>92640 >that commentary Literally shittier than mid-late 90s technology.
>>92647 It's good when it wants to be, and can sound almost like an actual show's commentary, minus plugs for the WWE network and the fact this commentary team is a mishmash of people that are never actually together. When is Byron Saxton ever with Maggle and Corey as if he's on RAW instead of Booker? The problem is pretty much every single move has a commentary trigger on it and there's nothing there to make sure only extreme situations like a crazy table spot or a finisher/signature can interrupt ongoing dialogue.
>>92656 > can sound almost like an actual show's commentary So even when its good its shit
(15.69 MB 1280x720 Original Booley.webm)

>original Booley gets more heat than my custom emo Booley
Do you guys get off on calling her "booley" or what? You people need help.
(1.58 MB 320x180 YEP! YEP! YEP!.gif)

(3.36 MB 549x268 Buryley.gif)

>>92694 >Do you guys get off on calling her "booley YEP!
>>92503 >>92504 Looking for two years in a row I see. >>92640 >terrible, self destructive booking making one of your top stars a geek >horrific commentary >crowd shitchanting Technology is incredible, it's like I'm really watching WWE. If only it wasn't Asuka going over, it'd be perfect. She wasn't beaten up nearly enough to be realistic.
(31.08 KB 456x367 1373385864756.jpg)

>>92700 >Booley >top star
>>92701 She was over as fuck and it's WWE Women's Division, there's not a lot of choice.
>>92699 You need some help you sick hillbilly bastard.
(4.02 MB 890x496 Booley.webm)

I'm pretty sure Booleyfag is a work, but either way the responses he gives are great.
(4.33 MB 267x200 brody.gif)

>>92710 Motherfucker, only thing I'm working is defending ベイリー from you knuckle draggers who can't seem to understand that she's a victim of bad booking. She's also the cutest girl on raw, the midget can go to hell.
(246.79 KB 1920x1080 1rge54aw1haw.jpg)

>>92700 You want bad crowd chants, watch one of the 2k18 promo segments. Does any crowd ever chant "WE WANT MORE"? >>92713 >t. Maharajapiller
>>92713 >She's also the cutest girl on raw, Your taste in women sucks.
>>92713 >ブーレイ >being a cuck
>Booley given open ended question to cut any promo she wants >stalls for time >painfully fails at improvising anything decent >"take 2 Booley" >"cmon keed you can do better than that" >booker redoes the promo for her Why didn't she mention that she was going to debut a devastating new finisher: The bottom rope springboard high-five? (as seen in OP's gif)
>>92747 And she still sucks at cutting promos.She'd probably make a bad pornstar too.
>>92736 I don't care what you think. Taste is subjective. >>92747 >Kikelexa Piss gives the worst segment of 2017 >I-It wasn't her fault.. That botch still looks more devastating than the 40 lb midget jumping on you >>92758 You're a sick person.
>>92764 >u-uh, um, uh c-charlotte, I, um, I wou-would like to uh, um, uhhh t-t-title sh-sh-shot
>>92766 She sounds cute, nothing wrong with that.
(383.12 KB 878x630 1462319780005.jpg)

>>92778 >sounding retarded and showing how much you should never have been promoted out of NXT is "cute"
Booley should join absolution >>92575 How's this for booing?
>>92787 With Paige's in-ring career dead, Booley might as well.
(196.47 KB 896x1199 Blissfags.jpg)

>>92784 >Making retarded faces is "good facial expressions" >Enunciating every word is "good promo skills" >>92787 Aliyah will be the new leader of Absolution brother hh
>>92787 That's a proper level of booing.
>>92787 >>92813 Needs more BOOing to be more accurate to the real life counterpart.
>>92844 vid source?
(2.96 MB 1280x720 BEAT BOOLEY.webm)

(71.25 KB 960x714 DTNgj_dW4AIB3vj.jpg)

>>93176 >booley >wwe official
Not even Elias wants to get near that walking burial mound of a woman.
>>93370 Aww, poor Elias
>>93370 Are they really trying to bury her? I feel bad for Elias, but it seems like Vince and Stephanie are pissing on her.
>>93388 >trying to bury her >trying to uh.. she got buried *AJ Styles voice* A LOONG TIME ago
(3.18 MB 640x800 BAYLEY christmas guitar.mp4)

>>93370 She plays better than that bum >>93388 Build up for her comeback storyline, she's gonna the HISTORIC WOMENS ROYAL RUMBLE
(24.88 KB 512x512 tfw comped.jpg)

>>93370 more elias brushing off bayleno
>>98062 >Show an awkward photos of floods to promote your mixed tag team <Both of them look uncomfortable Even when the awkwardness is supposed to be the gimmick it's so awkward and unnatural. Who thought images of flloods would help these guys?
>>98065 its the charity they represent. Booley fixing disasters with hugs. they are gonna win the mixed match challenge and have an inring jam session!
(15.56 MB 1280x720 BEAT_BOOLEY.webm)

(6.78 MB 852x480 1517641364663.webm)

(553.94 KB 1313x410 ClipboardImage.png)

>>98484 Webm or gtfo
(115.93 KB 545x322 ClipboardImage.png)

>>98493 >booleyfag is pretending he didn't just see it and mark out
>one year agotoday wins and devalues the championship >today jobs to a jobber and is lana's first win THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF BOOLEY
>>98497 Devaluing the title would be putting it on an anorexic kike that never defends it
(3.69 KB 67x80 booley.jpg)

>>98500 Dubs confirm… your butthurt.
>>98371 >Austin tired because he's gone 60 seconds without a beer.
How long until booley is officially the female Curt Hawkins or gets sent back to NXT/future endeavor'd?
(1.80 MB 164x200 1468445504760.gif)

>>92110 I'd still bury my face in her ass
(277.24 KB 585x617 ClipboardImage.png)

>>98523 This is you.
>>98496 I missed the match, but the only thing I want to see is how Booley lost to Lana.
(15.26 MB 1280x720 Booley Fuckign Dies.webm)

>>98536 made dis for u happy ravishing rusev day
(15.29 MB 1280x720 Booley Fuckign Dies 2.webm)

>>98538 >>98540 If this wasn't already stickied, it would be stickied anew.
>>98484 >Give Booley a win on Raw in a pointless match and rivalry that's going nowhere <Only to get BTFO by a fat Samoan Tumblrwhale, ruining the win and any credibility she had <Now she lost the Mixed Match What are they even trying to do with Booley at this point? Even her hometown hardly cheers for her out of sjw soyboys, and even they're turning on Booley.
(14.60 MB 1280x720 LANA IS THE BESSSST.webm)

>>98549 >What are they even trying to do with Booley at this point everyone wants to be the winner but someone has to take the pin. she is a high-end jobber now. >she lost the Mixed Match dont worry, since she is with Elias she will most likely win the 2nd chance fanvote then get pinned by alexa
>>98550 >dont worry, since she is with Elias she will most likely win the 2nd chance fanvote No that's going to be the gingers.
(3.73 MB 1080x748 Becky CORPSING.webm)

(627.07 KB 1280x720 Sami FUCK.webm)

>>98553 >The Ginger Snaps maybe, they had a good showing and are a fairly good team but I personally dislike their gimmick "SAMI BE GOOD LIKE OLD TIMES" and "BECKY BE BAD LIKE OLD TIMES"
>>98538 >gets pinned due to hitting the padded top turnbuckle WOW O W
>>98538 >Didn't even yano the turnbuckle Oh wow.
>>98538 Obligatory version with Frankie laughing at Booley
I just realized I actually fucking hate Booley now. I could be out driving, remember how easily Booley got BTFO by Lana, then die after crashing the car due to laughter. Booley is literally putting my life in danger.
>>98572 Exactly
>>98568 I hope you DO die, you fucking cunt.
(129.33 KB 1021x945 imustdie.jpg)

>>98586 It's okay, Booley actually helps me desire death.
(432.49 KB 547x340 sam hyde laugh.png)

We might get a Booley heel turn around the end of the month with the PPV or the next mixed match (Booley and Elias are supposed to wrestle Cena and his slut fiance, aka Team Shovel). I'll bolieve it when I see it, but Booley will probably make a bad heel anyway (She can't sell promos). >>98550 So she's Dolph with boobs? >>98553 Actually, her next mixed match is rumored to be against Team Shovel (Cena and his slut fiance Nikki).
>>98538 God damn she'd be a 10/10 if it wasn't for that unfortunate fucking face.
(39.75 KB 600x600 Surprised Ruru.jpg)

(100.24 KB 750x737 Lana Acolade.jpg)

>>98598 you better not be talking about mommylana
>>98601 Of course not. Lana's body is nothing special. At least she finally got implants to fix those flapjack tits of hers.
>>98602 Fuck off booleyfag. I will DELETE you.
>>98608 I don't even like booley, lad. Just think she has a rockin bod.
(28.74 KB 718x490 zHWfN4U.jpg)

>>98609 >even booley fags don't like booley
>>98602 Lana is a generic looking high maintenance bitch, fuck her, she shouldn't be wrestling on SD, send her ass to NXT >>98609 >>98613 Fuck off
>>98615 >rage-saging a pinned topic How mad are you right now?
>>98615 >booleyfag is THIS mad
>>98613 >booley fag cut that shit out right now
>>98621 b o o l e y f a g
>>98633 faggot
(79.64 KB 545x296 bay leno.jpg)

>>98635 Booley Failey Bay Leno Chinley The Chin Who Eats the Pin Creative's Chinside Joke The chin who got pinned by a non-move because she would have died if she took Lana's excellent finisher
>>98637 >The chin who got pinned by a non-move because she would have died if she took Lana's excellent finisher 10/10 >>98640 Look >>98621 at all >>98635 this salt
If Bliss wasn't jewish I would allow her to be impregnated by me.
(711.31 KB 1010x682 Kikelexa Piss.png)

>>98648 b-but she's a pure aryan
>>98654 (((Alexis Kaufman)))
>>98656 >not knowing kaufmans are honorary aryans in the biz thanks to andy
(63.22 KB 622x557 asuka w.jpg)

(110.29 KB 605x793 hair.jpg)

>Asuka cringes at Booley white knighting Sasha Booley absolutely Sad!
(45.00 KB 491x350 1460124142240.jpg)

>>98648 >>98654 >>98656 >>98658 >implying implications
>>98662 >betrayed relentlessly by the ugly mutt >still white knights here The absolute state of booley.
>>98645 t. vertically challenged dweeb
(100.87 KB 279x293 1464642359547.png)

>>98675 don't arino post me soyboy
(142.08 KB 976x773 booley released.jpg)

(507.07 KB 1262x582 wew lad.png)

>>98688 They sure do post some raunchy shit on wwe.com these days.
>>98674 I would bet $1000 that I'm taller than you huggercuck.
(128.51 KB 724x611 smug wojak.png)

>>98683 >being suck a beta you go for booley the pathetic >try to call anyone else "soy"
>>98691 You're probably wider than me, that's for sure. >>98696 >Wanting to fuck one of the only women on the roster with a body that doesn't resemble a prepubescent boy makes me soy Nah, fag. Go back to wanking it to your botching mare, potato fucker or David Flair in drag.
>>98700 >You're probably wider than me, that's for sure. So you admit you're a soyboy twig?
>>98674 >dweeb What are you? Some 12 year-old faggot from the 80s?
>>98700 Are you projecting? What makes your brain immediately go to that when thinking of non-booley women? Do you have something to confess?
(80.28 KB 710x350 aspeak.png)

>>98704 <not knowing dweeb
>>98710 based
Daily reminder she lives inside your head, rent free. Screw you all.
>>98713 >shitty 'rent free' meme from /tv/ Now I know you're pathetic >saging a sticky lmao basically using it as a downvote. Upboat!
(2.05 MB 783x1799 ClipboardImage.png)

>>98713 Nah bro she gives me head, rent free. While wearing a paper bag of course.
>>98713 >he's still saging a pinned topic We're living in your head faggot.
>>98714 >Making a thread about someone you dont like Now that's pathetic Eat shit, I sage what I want. >>98715 How about I whip your ass, rent free motherfucker. >>98718 Don't get too cozy, you homo.
(127.52 KB 260x255 bo chuckle.png)

>>98719 Don't worry booleyfag, we all secretly love you and your reactions
(32.46 KB 640x480 1455478361692.jpg)

>>99008 cringe
(30.54 KB 600x450 1446965935384.jpg)

>>99124 super cringe
(256.47 KB 430x307 costanza.png)

>>99127 wincing hard over here lad
>>99132 nice selfie
>>99120 >>99130 >>99133 Why are you so desperate for attention?
>>99134 Why are you such a cunt?
>>99136 >>99136 >>99133 >>99130 >>99126 >>99120 >booleyfag has multiple IDs
>>99139 Probably phoneposting like a true pleb
(2.94 MB 220x129 gotw001.gif)

>>99139 or maybe the other guy isn't me?
>>99142 >implying there's more than one booleyfag
(537.13 KB 1200x849 mandy.png)

Pic related is the hottest female talent in the WWE by a large margin.
>>99189 She's pretty good
>>99192 >Feet-231….jpg)
>>99146 Not technically a booleyfag. Just want to shove my schnoz so far up her shitter I'll inhale her lunch >>99197 Generic high maintenance blonde #3682 Disgusting
>>99352 >Just want to shove my schnoz so far up her shitter I'll inhale her lunch You're fucking disgusting.
(163.91 KB 720x1280 Amanda-Saccomanno-Feet-2709140.jpg)

(41.72 KB 320x283 full mast.jpg)

>>99197 >▶Rin 02/22/18 >Implying she doesn't know about the footfriend community >>99352 You disgusting little redneck
>>99356 >Footqueer >Calling anyone else disgusting
(180.85 KB 460x558 disgust.png)

>>99356 Feet are not attractive. They are some of the least sexual parts of the human body. You disgusting little autist.
(2.58 MB 1598x878 ClipboardImage.png)

>booley has been getting BTFO for this long
Is she the icon for wwe bugmen worldwide?
>lost the elimination chamber
(222.51 KB 180x180 945.gif)

>>99358 >not liking feet >ever
>>100079 No nigger. You don't get to just greentext people as though they're the odd one when you're literally autistic and love feat. Stop even trying to defend this trash you fucking degenerate.
(15.51 MB 960x540 Booley Goes Full Retard.webm)

>>99539 She also got btfo in her debut match by Alicia Fox after cutting the most autistic promo of all time
>>92550 Punished Booley A women denied dimes
>>98710 you worked into a ding-dong diddly seething shoot tbh fam
>>100095 She's gone from having a terrible character in NXT, to having a good character for nxt. to having literally no character on the main roster. Seriously what traits does the Booley "character" even have right now? She's nice? She likes to hug? It's a fucking disgrace.
>>100477 Her gimmick is working my cock into a shoot
>>100483 pathetic
(1.14 MB 1952x3264 t. (You).jpg)

>>100489 Is that a picture of you? Where is your hugger shirt?
Booley finally stood up for herself by trying to fuck over BLM-Botcha Banks. Too bad it meant nothing CUZ ASSKAWINSLOL, BLM-Botcha Banks didn't get screwed over by Booley, and the Booley-Botcha feud is going to be poorly done by bad booking. God damn, Booley even sucks at screwing others over.
(13.69 MB 1920x1080 Booley Wrestling.webm)

>>92110 Made an HD version of this trainwreck gif.
>>100668 >better quality All gifs should be replaced with webms or mp4s.
(43.05 KB 600x298 frankie.jpg)

>>100668 well done lad
>Get on Ram about standing up to the BLM-leftist bitch who keeps backstabbing you <Stutter on the mic, failing to sell youself <Fans are booing you because you suck on the mic and in the ring <Queue in Jobsolution and Jobber Rose to stop the torture while Dunn goes all out on editing >Get Blm-Botcha to help Booley after Jobsolution beats her up <Throw away a fucking heel opportunity by making Booley and Blm-Botcha do nothing afterwards I'm at a loss for words from Monday's Ram. It has to be painful to be a Booleyfag.
(15.55 MB 1280x720 Bayley Boss Action.webm)

>>101302 Booley going full monster thotty heel with her hair down and wearing black lingerie is the only way to save her.
(15.67 MB 1280x720 Bayley Not A Pro.webm)

(124.89 KB 1200x799 yoshiko-chan.jpg)

>yoshiko-chan vs Booley >yoshiko-chan vs sasha When?
>>101707 Never because that fat ugly hothead will never be booked anywhere decent ever again
(9.53 MB 1280x720 Booley Matt.webm)

>>101707 booley getting her face Act'd might be a good thing. would be an improvement >>101708 >fat ugly hothead yeah, we already have an asuka
(2.69 MB 320x240 BEAT ACT.gif)

>>101707 >Yoshiko chan vs Jewlexa when?
>>101706 As much as I think Booley sucks at wrestling (and maybe life), I don't get why telling a Leftist-BLM bitch deserves any kind of heel stuff when said BLM bitch is a selfish, backstabbing ass-hole with everyone (I get it, bad booking yet still…).
>>101706 >>101705 >heel booley I want to boolieve
(13.36 MB 1280x720 Booley Hurt Me.webm)

>>102237 only way to save her
>booley is on raw >all she does is stand there, pout, and walk away
(55.97 KB 1014x570 Ignorance is.jpg)

>>92133 You know your face busted as fuck when you make Becky Lynch look like she not look like completely shit
(5.01 MB 1280x720 Booley Jacks Off Elias.webm)

>>102822 I have no idea what you are trying to say, but it sounds antibooley… so I agree!
(93.70 KB 470x370 shane ded.png)

>>102822 >when you make Becky Lynch look like she not look like
(232.59 KB 600x517 absolutely disgusting.png)

>>102822 You're the one to talk, Schlomo
>>102945 >saging the thread >on a board this small Are you just constantly angry when you come on this board booleyfag?
Last year, Booley walked into WM as champ and was on top of RAW after ending Charles , booley was so happy she cried This year Booley is on pre-show and girl who ended her -Bliss is the top woman of the division. It makes me rock hard imagining Booley trying to fake smile backstage as she sees Bliss as the champion, she will be dead inside. Poor pathetic Booley.
(642.84 KB 595x448 ClipboardImage.png)

>>103032 It's crazy that they actually put the strap on Booley in the first place.
>>103032 Hey blissfags did you know about this rare bliss?
>>103034 Why is this so hot?
(263.94 KB 2789x2155 aj wp.jpg)

>>103034 Nice find
(87.19 KB 612x612 abs_bliss.jpg)

(273.32 KB 600x517 Nia Jax Fat.png)

>>102945 Woah is that Nia Jax?
(1.87 MB 333x179 kris out.gif)

>>102947 >Saging means I'm angry No it means I'm tired of seeing this thread, its cute seeing you think you get under my skin. >>103032 Go see a psychiatrist.
>>103042 >I-I'm n-not angry I'm j-just t-tired of s-seeing the th-thread Sure booleyfag, whatever you say.
>>101706 >vid 2 >>102243 >vid What is this, 2007? >>103042 Bump. :^)
(15.40 MB 1280x720 Language Barrier Things.webm)

>>103034 CUTE >>103048 Yep, it is now 2007 again and ytp are prime comedy again. Get with the times ya pinhead
(121.46 KB 1280x720 my nigga.jpg)

>>103052 >ytp are prime comedy again Heck yes
(12.10 MB 1280x720 Booley Rejected.webm)

(104.08 KB 1080x958 wwe--1520727885064.jpg)

Ronda is ruling RAW for 1 year Asuka gets SD Rondas MMA friends gets NXT Sasha is off to SD to job to Asuka But it is OK because WWE is giving Booley her own show - MAIN EVENT Congrats Booley. YOU DESERVE IT
(245.46 KB 1536x2048 Legit Goddess.jpg)

>>103063 Ronda will probably be the one to beat Alexa unless she dips after Mania. I doubt she will stick around for House Shows and even RAW, however. I'll miss the Sasha/Alexa feud if the legit horse leaves for smackdown since we'll probably get Natalya or something.
(19.08 KB 308x291 ew.jpg)

>>103161 poor Booley…
>>103161 Why is alexa wearing an overshirt?
>>103163 Speaking of Booley >>103168 Big Match Belly only comes out for PPV brother hh only 9.99
(79.54 KB 1200x675 Alexawinslol Checkem.jpg)

(6.29 MB 640x360 Booley Fuckign Dies Dood.webm)

>>103333 >3333 chickitty check myself
(28.70 KB 396x467 bo laughs.jpg)

>>103333 (checked) >>103334 >Booley Fuckign Dies Dood.webm Top tier webm my nigga
>Get boo'd the fuck out in Dallas Dunn had to edit the boos <Get btfo by Jobsolution and Botcha screwing you over <Maggle calls you a heel despite Botcha is a backstabbing, blm-leftist bitch You can't make this shit up.
(150.29 KB 1200x1200 11.jpg)

I would pay 9.99 just to watch Sasha hatefuck Alexa, Botcha is obsessed with her
(11.46 MB 1920x1080 Alexa Buttsecks.webm)

>>103788 but thats every sasha/alexa match
This thread sucks.
>>103801 >This board sucks. FTFY.
>>103801 >>103803 Booleyfags suck
(1.18 MB 512x512 xia sucks.gif)

>>103804 Saying "booley" isn't as clever as you think it is.
(105.38 KB 512x288 71984_howdareyouconan.jpg)

>>103804 >implying I like Booley
>>103806 "What's a word filter?" - you, 2018
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>>103808 I know it's a meme filter, you doink.
>>103806 It triggers the fuck out of you tho booleyfag
Booley is unironically the best looking gril in wwe
>>103811 Funny way of spelling Saori, Charly Caruso, Mandy Rose, or most of the women from NXT.
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>>103810 Except it doesn't >>103813 >Charly "Same dress" Caruso
>>103814 >Except it doesn't You can't work me brother -HH
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>>103817 >>103816 >hurr ur triggered if you dont bump thred
>>103818 I didn't say anything close to that, but now that you mention it…
bump for Booley
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>>103815 >>103814 Not my fault you have shit taste in women. Not a Charly fag btw
>>103834 >im just pretending to be straight
>Nwa fag is also the booley fag Do you go out of your way to have shit taste in everything?
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Sometimes i see the Booleyfag saging or shitposting or trying his best to derail the thread. I think of stepping in but i always stop. Because i know that booley is finished. ALEXA ended her. Booley will never be champion again. With Ronda, Asuka, Sasha ,Charlotte & NXT call ups now, the roster is very loaded. Booley is just a joke now. The dream that Booley had is over. She is a BROKEN pathetic woman who dreams of 5 feet cute girls and hears the sound of kendo sticks in the wind. She knows deep down that her WWE career is effectively finished. The Booleyfag also knows this but is in denial. I dont mock him or argue with him. I pity the Booleyfag. And his sad miserable existence.
>>103835 >im just pretending to be butthurt when someone says i have bad taste in women
>>103834 >Worst interviewer And I'M the one with shit taste? >>103836 >Implying That guy isn't me, I don't like the flags. >>103837 >He's still holding on to a shitty match that happened over a year ago The only thing Alexa has "defeated" is anorexia, just look at that doughy belly she's been rocking recently You wanna talk about pathetic, look in the mirror. Baileys career is far from over, there's no denial in that, you monkey.
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>>103841 >You wanna talk about pathetic, look in the mirror
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>>103841 >Baileys career is far from over
Hey Booleyfag, how asshurt are you that she's engaged now?
>>103841 Booley is so bad not even Toys R Us can sell her merchandise with store closing sales. >>103910 Booley fag must be crying now.
>>103910 To still be a Booleyfag, you have to be mentally deficient virgin. So the Booleyfag will continue to love her and will white knight her, especially on Reddit where he will get upvotes.
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>>103928 Who cares about toys r us? >crying Headcanon. >>104410 Mentally deficient, huh? Whatever you say. Damn right I'll continue to defend her from you barbarians, not on reddit though, screw that place.
>>92113 Booley is gonna do C4S spanking videos after she gets cut
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>>103161 tfw auntie mickie will never diddle you
>>104416 The fact you know that site enough to call it by its initials tells me you're one big degenerate.
Booley haters worked
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>>104417 iktf, milfs are my thing. I don't even care about muh arbys. I'd facefuck the shit out of her Tom Philips style.
>>104425 enjoy getting beat the fuck up by nick aldis
>>104427 >The Worlds Heavyweight Champion will never beat you to death for cucking him
>>104412 She will suck your dick even in your headcanon. >>104417 No thanks. I don't want old roast beef that is Big Slow with tits (buries newer talent to get more screen time).
>>104553 will not
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this thread need a bum p
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Never gets old watching Booley job to Bliss
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i like how this thread became a blisskike circle jerk lamo
>>116442 Daily reminder hippophiles are better than booleyfags.
>make a meme nerdfilter to filter pony to booley as a joke for a short while >it turns out booleyfag actually "used to" watch mlp
>>116805 Booley is the MLP of wrestling, people who like Booley are the same type of people that like MLP, not surprising. Both are supposed to be directed to little girls but adult males are they're biggest fans.
>>116818 Well there are things in MLP that are genuinely good and interesting for the people outside the target demographic, and I don't just mean the sexy poners.
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>>116823 >and I don't just mean the sexy poners. Get help.
>>116458 >everyone i dont like is Booleyfag >being a mark for any woman in the wwe
>>116827 >>116824 >Getting worked by a man with superior taste
>>116836 So which is it, a work or do you have "superior taste"? You can't have it both ways autistic ponyfag.
LISTEN UP BASTARD BOOLEYFAG Read it bitch - https://www.myjoyonline.com/sports/2018/may-16th/former-wwe-winner-Booley-to-return-to-school.php Booley career is over - she was a female Eugene, should never have been champion. THANK GOD FOR CUTIE ALEXA BLISS who ended this pathetic ugly cunt and threw her out of WWE. So happy right now. Booley quitting WWE, Botcha probably leaving next year, Toni Storm coming to WWE. The beautiful blond girls are rising again. YES!
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>>116844 You sound like you haven't taken your meds today, remember meds are good. >Implying I hate blondes I just hate jewesses >Toni in THE wwe I wouldn't be too mad, it would expose how much of a hack jewlexa is. Would show everyone what a real blonde beauty looks like.
>>116844 >>116845 >this faggot complains about Alexa being a jew when Booley's real last name is fucking Martinez.
>>116844 what a shame. she was great at taking pins hopefully booley has one more run as a jobber before being forgotten
>>116842 >getting worked into a shoot
>>116845 >still pushing the jewlexa meme when she has said in an interview she's not a jew >posting footfag pics
>>116852 >I don't know what worked means so I'll just substitute it with "u mad" like an adult. kys booleyfag.

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