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Jordan's the New Ramen or Cena? Boliever 01/08/2018 (Mon) 02:57:26 Id: d0e139 No. 92160
>Get a single push out of nowhere >Get thrown into a story about being Kurt's kid >Get title shots out of nowhere, burying other wrestlers >Cry like a bitch when you don't get your way <Get hated and boo'd by the audience <Be shit in the ring, and shit on the mic So is Jordan the new Ramen or Cena, someone the WWE is forcing down everyone's throats, but no matter how hard they try he'll be hated, causing ratings to go down? Will be take the shovel from Ramen?
>>92160 It depends on what his character turns out to be. Also, I think this is just a conspiracy to get the fans less angry at Roman.
>>92160 >ratings go down Marks and smarks getting worked by a work, sad!
>>92164 Your conspiracy isn't far off because now the WWE is trying the, "JOKES ON THE SMARKS! WE WANT JORDAN TO BE HATED, DAMN IT!" trick. The problem with this is they're still treating him like a face even when he acts like a heel. Corey, Booker, and Cole being mixed on Jordan isn't helping his career. >>92170 It's not gonna die anytime soon, but I wouldn't call the viewership stellar.
>>92193 If the conspiracy is true, I'm gonna try and CHEER for Jordan in spite of them.
I figured it's a slow build to a reveal that Jordan faked the DNA tests.
They are trying to make him a top heel in the future and for sure, everything is there, he can talk, he can wrestle etc. WWE is smart though, they are doing the exact same fault they did with Roman and Cena but now they are very well aware of what they are doing, he's not supposed to be liked.
>>92193 >Corey, Booker, and Cole being mixed on Jordan isn't helping his career. That's just the announcers different "opinions". Like how Bobby Heenan never liked Hogan or Jerry Lawler being down on HBK when he was champ in 96.
>>92199 Your angle would be great, but we all know the WWE is booked by chimps in suits.
I actually like ja[LOUD BOOING]an's character now that they gave up on trying to make him sympathetic and steered towards the hatred. Imagine if they did this with the [LOUD BOOING] years ago.
He's not as important as Reigns or Cena, and I doubt he'll get their sort of push at any point. The next guy to play the generic whitemeat hero character has probably not yet been signed.
>>96872 >The next guy to play the generic whitemeat hero character
Kinda sucks that he will miss WM34 because he's injured, I imagine they must've planned a match for him to cap off his big push. Angle himself said he hopes this storyline ends up i a match between the two. Wouldn't have been surprised if Angle vs Jordan would have happened at WM34, and maybe this father-son joke would end already. Well, Angle is stuck with rousey and mcmahons now. Wonder how that feels. Also, all 3 matches Angle will now have since his return were tag team matches. Wonder if WWE/Vince don't think Angle is fit enough for a singles match or don't want to risk him getting injured. In his past two matches he seemed a lot worse than ever, honestly even I wonder if he can give a good singles match now.
>>101316 Apparently Jordan has a serious neck injury pottery and will be out for a year. Damn, that sure sucks for him.
>>101317 Scratch that, he will return after WM34 but won't be out for a year.
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>>92203 >WWE is smart though t. WWE """creative"""

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