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King of Shitposting

NJPW+CMLL FANTASTICA MANIA THREAD Boliever 01/15/2018 (Mon) 12:53:27 Id: 10cf63 No. 92849
It's a couple days till the first live show but better early than late. This tour has a good little lineup of matches with the big attractions being rush joining LIJ for tag matches, a couple of CMLL titles on the line the first two nights, and a quick 4 team tag tournament the last 2 nights. However the biggest event to me is obviously the HIRAI KAWATO EXCURSION FAREWELL MATCH Which is going to be bittersweet as all hell, but definitely something to watch. START TIMES >Jan 19th at 1:30 pst/3:30 cst/ 4:30 est >Jan 21st at 1:30 pst/3:30 cst/4:30 est >Jan 22nd at 1:30 pst/3:30 cst/4:30 est with option for spanish commentary
>rush joining LIJ for tag matches I hope he brings his theme. Kitamura is also doing a series of 7 matches. I wonder if this means he won't go on excursion and they're using this as his transition into the main roster.
(3.59 MB 854x480 Flying Kawa.webm)

(5.05 MB 640x360 Viva Meh He Co.mp4)

Kawato excursion time, huh. So this is how it feels for parents to see their children go off to college ;_; >Kawato’s Farewell Match is against Gedo <not a rematch against Kitamura WHO BOOKED THI- oh… Schedule says that he is tagging with Dragon Lee throughout the events, should be nice for him to learn more lucha shit. My boi is going far. inb4 the put him in a full face sincara mask
>>92852 Don't be sour, if his match is against gedo that means he's winning.
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>Sin Cara knock off
>>92851 This theme sounds really familiar but I can't put my finger on it. It's like a whole section of my mind has been redacted or something
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>>92854 see >>92851 for a [REDACTED] rip off
I've been legit missing njpw shows gonna be good to get back into it
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>>93322 (checked) These dubs forgive you.
>>93365 Why would I need forgiveness?
>>93366 (checked) For not watching, unless you have a good reason, which would be fine.
>>93368 I have been watching, It's just been like 2 weeks & I've just been missing having stuff to watch
>>93369 Oh same. I hope my fav can actually take a rest for once.
>>93371 >hope my fav can actually take a rest YOSHI-HASHI isnt booked to work this tour, so your fav will return on the 27th of Jan at SAPPORO. should be well rested by then
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>>93372 Oh come on I was clearly talking about Cheeseburger.
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>>93373 oh, my misunderstanding
>>93373 Tanahashi also isn't on these CMLL shows, and I'm gonna guess he's dropping the belt to suzuki at new beginning on the 27th, so he'll pry be resting until the g1
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>His favorite isn't Chase Owens lmaoing @ your life
>>93392 >chase owens still hasnt gotten banned for shilling himself MODZ PLS
>>93391 >so he'll pry be resting until the g1 Good, he needs it. Hopefully he'll face Suzuki next year at WK. >>93405 Chasefag is better than most of the waifufags in the other threads.
>>93407 Chase owens IS the waifufags, he's doing it to deliberately sabotage wwe threads so people post about the company he's the ace of.
Show is tonight btw.
>>93412 Wish I could stay up but I got work in the morning. Have fun guys! I'll watch the replay tomorrow on BREAK
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I sure hope there will be others to watch with me…
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It's just me, isn't it?
>>93416 Fuck it I'll stay up for a bit. I can work tired
>>93417 You sure?
>>93412 reporting in for some kawato match then probably gonna dip out not interested in the other ingoberanles wetbacks tbh it was hard enough learing all the nips names not gonna start with the mexicants
>>93418 Yeah for an hour or so, I doubt the show will be that long tbh maybe 2 and a half hours max. I bet the title matches later tonight are gonna be fun, but this show feels like a warmup compared to the next two ones
>>93420 Yeah, I hear ya. >>93419 So what about the others? Will Kitamura go excursion somewhere?
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>>93416 Nope.
>>93423 Ok good.
>>93422 Maybe Toa Henare since he got a gimmick change but I think Kitamura is going back to the retirement home.
oh god I forgot about this weird ass intro.
>>93425 >>93424 Kitamura has this best of seven series over the next month, which if he wins I assume he will graduate out of being a young lion, but if he loses I think that's a great way to send him off on a very brief excursion
Jap Intro guy and Spic Intro woman need to fucc and make the greatest voice in the world.
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>>93428 I'd watch it.
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>that fucking honking
>the fucking airhorns God this is giving me world cup flashbacks
>>93431 VUVUZELA
>randy savage knockoff
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>>93434 STOP IT
Okay this is WAAAY different from normal njpw, You can see the choreography more. Not bad though just not what I was expecting
(136.71 KB 276x183 [HONKING INTENSIFIES].gif)

okumura looked pretty shit tbh, fuego was litty though
Kawato gonna become the leader of the original Ingobernales tonight boyos.
Oh shit I heard a second of that music njpw is gonnga get in trouble.
(134.19 KB 436x436 Makabe.png)

>muting all the music
I was just kidding I didn't think they'd actually come out to benoit's theme.
listening to beniots theme on yt as they came out and Los Horribles would be epic with that theme and not Face Naito stardust crap…
>Bullying milano This is rush's fault.
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(33.31 KB 458x257 Daniel Bryan released.jpg)

oh shit naito getting fired bros
d-did they just play hacky-sack with that guy's identity?
I heard rumors about Dragon Lee moving to WWE, I hope it ain't true.
>>93452 205 live already has two bushis they don't use.
>chase owens of lij wins
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>more muting
Star Jr.'s flippy thing was fucking insane. Checking out for the night I'll watch the rest tomorrow.
>>93458 Yeah, there's not much New Japan after this. I might check out too.
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>CMLL referees are manlets
The Luchas actually got over, that's nice.
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>Kalisto knock-off
>>93462 as much as the new japan ones tbh
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>Rush >Has no AGS
>>93474 The New Japan ones are taller tho.
Another show soon if some of you guys wanna watch. I'll probably skip for personal reasons tho.
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>honking god dammit
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>no taima streams welp
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>>93536 >not having NJPW world
>>93533 I'm gonna be watching, hope your personal stuff goes okay!
>>93536 I'll let you bum off my njpwworld if you want, email me and I'll give you the details
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>>93537 <not freebooting njpw off of shitty laggy virus streams guess i aint watching spics tonite
Holy shit puma is great
>honks still here
>these botches Mistico would be proud.
This match was 100% lucha, try crazier shit than anyone else mess it up half the time
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>>93545 Mine has changed music actually
>>93546 Same, just keeping up with the meme.
>it's the same replacement music for every entrance regardless of heel or face >the loop ran out This is literally the worst part of NJPW
Taguchi teaming with macho man knockoff
>sho and yoh coming out with their old CMLL masks this is actually pretty cool
>>93539 Sugoi as the nipps say I guess, sent you a mail
>>93551 sent you the deets
taguchi is the best
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>>93552 Noice I'm in, thanks! Funny how the first thing I see on NJPWorld is Taguchi's ass in close up Alos just in time to see my boi kawato get pinned again ;_:
>>93554 It's okay, kawato is going over tomorrow brother
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>>93555 (checked) trips confirm
>>93555 >a young lion going over
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>more shitty dubs
the way the announcer says kawato is actually pretty cool, slurring the first half so it's just kwato or quato I guess?
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>Los took so long to come out the dub song had to reloop
OBLIGATORY KAWATO SCREENCAP (Now in freeboot HD quality) >>93555 Kawa gonna get humbled tonite then go over the booker tomorrow brother hh >>93559 Like this kawato hiiiEEEERAIIIIIiIiIIiIiIIiI
Rush should be the one to beat okada for the IWGP belt at arena mexico sometime this summer
>Not getting jr to commentate bushimania. C'mon new japan.
>>93564 I bet AXS will have an episode on fantasticamania in like a month, so your wish will be granted
>>93563 Rush's heat would be NUCLEAR especially if he used cheap mexican tactics.
>kawato tagged in oh no
>kawato slapped raw hiromu slapu need to be banned
>Heels get super hot win >generic baby face music plays
Why don't they just play naito's theme?
kawato fuckign dies part 2739 rip my lil lion boy
k gonna go now. Again personal stuff.
Poor rush doesnt have many friends back in mexico anymore, he needs to milk this for all it's worth.
>>93572 They're playing the OG Los Ingobernables theme instead since Rush is here. I think naito prefers it probably.
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>>93577 >tfw if he's still champ by april I'll suzuki live in New orleans Fuck yeah
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>>93575 Just the Ingobernable now… should go to nxt and face la sombra whats HURRY doing the HHH Zone?
and we are back
wow who would have thought that mexican wrestlers would be really good at luchaflippy shit. impressed
I wish more wrestlers would wear ponchos, they always look cool
>>93583 Thought exactly this too. This is the brothers tag team tournament so those guys are siblings apparently
Volador jr looks like a mini bret hart
wtf why was caveman's corner guy pulling up caveman's jocks and putting his hand down his crotch? Why was that on camera?
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>NJPW too poor to afford music rights and railguards
(206.30 KB 1080x1274 NJPW - #njcmll (Jan 21, 2018).jpg)

Last show of the tour tonight guys, Really wanna stay up to watch but I may not cause I got work early tomorrow
>>93611 I'm gonna stay up but I still have personal issues and shit.
>>93612 hope everything is going okay anon
>>93613 Immediate fam member is in the hospital is all I'll say.
>>93614 Sorry to hear that, hope all goes well for them!
>>93615 Thanks, all my friends, who are online only, have told me to do stuff to keep me distracted.
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Anyways these fucking sombreros. Jesus Christ.
>this fucking dub music
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>dubbing good licensed music
>>93619 It's better than last night when we just had the one song the whole time, or the night before that when we had literally nothing. Maybe if they had a fourth night we'd get the actual themes
>>93621 >It's better than last night when we just had the one song the whole time I remember listening to babyface lucha music when LIJ was beating down the babyfaces. It was good in that department.
>>93622 It was pretty funny yeah, it was the theme for the tour that was used in the OP video I think
>spic commentators
>dbz shirt gets no pop weebs lmao
>>93625 You're probably watching the spanish stream
>>93627 There's like only one stream on njpw world right now.
>>93628 https://njpwworld.com/lp/l_live_131_3 not sure if this link will work
>>93629 Found it, but I had to switch the language to nip for the whole site. That's weird as fug. Never happened before.
>>93630 Okay cool, also for anyone else needing help, If you look on the main page under new arrivals there's two videos with live under them the one with kojima and rush facing off is the jap stream.
>>93631 Huh? I just look at the links at the top and there was only one this time.
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Dang almost forgot about tonite, was tired and had a nap. Almost missed my boi's farewell show!
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>liger's here
>>93632 Yeah they changed things up tonight I guess, if you scroll down on the main page there's both stream links as videos though
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>>93636 wtf I was in other tabs, was that tonight?
>>93637 Yes lmao
>Njpw too poor to afford cfo$
>>93639 >NJPW too poor to afford repeating 30 sec songs
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>>93637 yeah but i dont know the significance of the helmet maybe i should looks like a watch or something
Question, were Sho, Yoh, and Kushida excursions in mexico? >>93641 It's clearly a mask so it's Bushi.
>>93641 It's because kushida is the timesplitter so he has a stopwatch mask because it's time related
>>93642 Yes to sho and yoh, unsure about kushida
>>93644 I already kinda knew about 3K. Was just wondering because the first exchange between Yoh and Kushida seemed Lucha esque.
>>93642 Sho and yoh were there for around six months before going to roh.
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>abusing women is normal in mexico
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>Woman illegally interferes in the match >Attacks someone >He fights back >Boooooo
Move over new stars.
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Hey, just noticed Roppongo KKK got new outfits, the gold guy looks nice. Not too fond of the silver guy's fit, tho…
>>93651 Gold guy always looks doper than silver guy
(134.19 KB 436x436 Makabe.png)

>this bootleg pokemon music dub
>>93651 Did fale lose weight?
>16 bit walker texas ranger theme
>>93654 I thought the same too.
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>>93655 I knew it sounded familiar.
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>this dubstep dubbed theme
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That handless handspring looks cool af
Holy shit it is Walker Texas Ranger
You guys think Gedo is humble enough to put over a young lion?
Is gedo going on excursion too?
I'm gonna miss kawato
>licensed kawato music
yall know the drill
Honk honk vs beachball once in a lifetime.
every time he tope I fear for his long ass legs man, pray for hirai
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See ya kawaiito. Looking forward to kawato gun in a couple of years.
See you for wrestle kingdom 14 kawa
Volado jnr and Soberano Jr are basically Okada and Ospreay of Mexico
lol Naito talking shit to the announcer.
Soberano Jr. is pretty good.
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(12.38 KB 233x241 okada_laugh2.jpg)

>>93677 >A developmental wrestler with no gimmick is more over than Reigns
>Head chair shots
I gotta say Rush is alright.
When rush started running my heart skipped a beat.
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(1.48 MB 1294x603 Los Horribles.png)

that was cute
>Sin cara rip offs
>>93683 Pretty sure those are Kalisto rip offs
>>93683 Sin Cara is the rip off
>that heavy breathing
>Eddie rip offs win
D-Did he just kill Gran Guerrero?
>KAWATO PROMO fuck i dont understand chinese tho were are the subtitles
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bye Kawato
>>93689 Kawato : Im going over seas to come back in the future, thank you for today. Guerrero: Thank you for today look forward to fantastica mania next year.
>>93691 And Big Dick Dave Meltzer's HOF still won't vote him in…
>>93693 >Please do something
(144.03 KB 401x438 Face Bliss Feels.jpg)

>ywn catch kawato's shirt
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goodguy kawa didnt take revenge on caveman guy
goodbye next ace return soon
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>New Japan Pro Wrestling has announced that former IWGP Heavyweight Champion and tag team legend Satoshi Kojima has suffered a ruptured ACL in his left knee. The injury occurred during Kojima’s 1/22 match with CMLL‘s Rush in Korakuen Hall. There is no timetable for the 47-year old’s return, but at his age it will likely be a long and arduous recovery process. F
>>94442 I'm just suprised it was his knee that got injured and not his head that exploded. Get well soon cozy bread man.
>>94442 This keeps happening…
>>93438 NJPW and especially CMLL need a Women's Revolution™.
New thread for the new beginning shows is here >>94459 Remember, shows are this weekend!

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