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King of Shitposting

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Tribute to Booley Boliever 01/29/2018 (Mon) 05:26:47 Id: ce51bb No. 96280
BO EDIT: Remember to globally report asshurt fag spamming cp. Today we remember the utter BTFOing of booley from the wymyn's royal rumble.
(22.74 KB 360x670 Never.jpg)

>entered 29th <still couldn't win The absolute state of booley.
(1.18 MB 209x180 1438838432752-1.gif)

>Get a life he tells people <Makes a thread about booley Really gets the ole noggin joggin
Also clean the board up BO, ban that fucking pedo.
>>96329 He's been banned multiple times, nigger.
>>96329 Use the global report function.
(1.80 MB 540x340 Smug Bliss (2).gif)

>booleyfag so mad he is posting cp
(15.23 KB 114x85 lecriticface.png)

>>96333 Yeah and tell these ingrates that it's not me spamming that degenerate shit. Hell I don't even care that much that she got eliminated, apparently they do.
>>96343 Good choice. Anyways I'll leave you fuys alone. Fun board.
>>96343 This is obnoxious hope it gets turned off by raw tomorrow
Sorry guys but the geek of the night is ziggler. After all that he came back at number 30 and did fuck all.
>>96359 We'll see him in the G1 soon
(483.48 KB 500x700 The Real Winner.png)

Nice of you all to make yet another thread about her, she was the real winner in my heart.
>>96361 >booleyfag is this delusional
Per-post captcha disabled now. >click on RB on 96344 the first time >it fucking hits my own post instead
(1.16 MB 1080x1080 Stone Cold Hugger.jpg)

>>96376 She did her best and that's all that matters.
>>96393 More like she did the job LOL
(3.23 MB 1280x720 Bad Luck Booley.webm)

>#29 Booley >eliminated in 5:04 blisslaugh.png
Booley was downgraded to main event. JUST
(83.93 KB 1275x683 booley JUST.jpg)

(676.47 KB 900x506 Dolph_Ziggler_bio.png)

She wasn't even geek of the night
>>96646 Ziggler did nothing wrong. He's just riding out the end of his contract.
(658.06 KB 1280x720 Stephanie McRan.webm)

>>96646 She was the FEMALE geek of the night you misogynist
>>96635 She still can't sell herself.
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>>96655 Until he resigns with them for whatever reason be it money or what.
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i still want her to sit on my face
>>96836 She'd probably botch it and somehow end up pinned under you for the 3 count
>>96836 Too much ass
(6.41 MB 1920x1080 reverse cowgirl hold.webm)

Why did Booley stopped using this finisher?
Baelaey is for hugs, not fugs
>>96865 i'd suck on her toes
>>96280 >Booleyfag Jewbyfag FeetFag Babymetalfag is now posting CP Not surprised at all, what a fucking subhuman piece of trash, nedds to be banned from breathing, not just /wooo/.
>>96889 *needs
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(657.71 KB 1280x720 Alexa Laff.webm)

>>96641 the absolute state of booley
(167.65 KB 1080x1350 Hugger Boss.jpg)

>>96889 >Thinking that was me BO already proved it wasn't me you inbred redneck. >banned from breathing Would love to see you try >>96895 At least she's doing something, unlike Alexa "Never defend the title" Piss
(4.81 MB 400x399 TinyPepperyAiredale.gif)

I'd stick my face up her crack
>>96895 >i-it's good I'm downgraded to the hulu-exclusive show that shows 1.5 shows i-it's at least not a dark match
Booley cracks lmao Heeley soon?? they face RUSEV DAYYYYY in the MMC which means feel sorry for Elias, being stuck with booley have a 144 perscents chance of losing.
>BO posting shoops i made on /asp/ in november im finna seethe hard fam

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