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King of Shitposting

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wrestlers Boliever 02/25/2018 (Sun) 14:01:55 Id: 54eb89 No. 99519
Is this correct?
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(573.96 KB 1366x528 The True Ace.png)

>>99519 >>99520 >Forgetting the true Ace
>>99519 Based >>99520 >>99521 Cringe
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>>99519 You all don't know shit.
literal shitposting
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(204.31 KB 1325x593 smart marks.png)

>open this thread >feel like i have to fart >turns out to be a massive shart >boxers ruined and had to be trashed I blame this thread
If anyone wants to take a crack at making the full image for this, go ahead: >somethingawful X-Pac. Everyone used to think it was awesome before rightly telling it to fuck off. >tumblr Nia Jax. Need I say more? >facebook John Cena. Shoved down everyone's throats, consistently most popular year after year, and appeals to the kids. >youtube Triple H. Worked hard to make it to the top then stayed there and buried any site that had a chance of competing against it whilst making changes that nobody liked. Controlled by a woman. >reddit Kenny Omega. Think of themselves highly and best in the world whilst being giant faggots about it. >the_donald Steve Austin. Rebels against common authority but tolerates fags and niggers. >4ch Y2J. Insanely popular, got under your skin and used to have a good thing going with similar site ED before distancing itself away and trying to appeal to a newer generation. >ED Chris Benoit. Dead for 10 years and they tried to erase it out of the history books. Still one of the standout acts of the Web 2.0 era and even now causes butthurt. >420 RVD. Literally dude weed lmao the wrestler. >8ch Hulk Hogan. Fought against Gawker, tolerates no motherfucker and shits on everybody else.
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please dont respond
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>>100109 That's pretty hurtful, Anon.
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damn fucking right nigger >>99520 >>99521 >>99774 get those fucking nobody jobbers out of my thread
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>>100115 >Post the preshow wonder Bore Dallas Chase is the Ace
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>>100120 More like the GAYce
Perhaps it's too on the nose, but I'd have said RVD for 420chan.
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>>100124 >>100101 >RVD >Not Matt Sydal
>>100125 >Getting thrown out of the biggest company in asian sports entertainment because you cant go without weed for a couple of weeks Yep, I agree.
>>100084 My personal favorite
>>100120 >bland, manlet, soyboi, nobody indy schmuck that will never draw a dime doing the dead-meme Kliq fingers posing with some kiddie belt >good >the best NXT champ in history, guy with the most charming smile in pro-wrestling, the biggest well of untapped potential of the last 20 years, someone who made RAM bearable and gave us all hope despite how much WWE tried to ruin him >boring you on some freaky drugs, dude. /wooo/ is a bo-posting board, I think you're looking for r/SquaredCircle/
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like 2 people on /asp/ like punk and they're all nu-jap cucks or fat shit skin autism faggots.
>>100101 >halfchan >Jericho Don't be so hard on Chris, anon
>>100273 they only started liking him again because njpw >dude muh meltzer lmao
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>>100089 As someone who contributed to this thread, I feel proud.
>>100101 Nah, 8ch is more accurate as Michael Elgin. Politically incorrect. Beats women. Nobody has actually fucking heard of him/it. >>99774 Michael Elgin.
>>100439 >most 8ch posters have ever even seen a woman
>>100439 >Politically incorrect. Beats women. So, Steve Austin?
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>>100144 >mongoloid smiled geek that plays second fiddle to an MTV reject >good wew >best NXT champ that's Andrade >Comparing BOOO Dallas to this fine Tongan boy that just main evented korakuen hall and will lead Team Bullet Club into a new golden age
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>>100447 -t. VKM
>>100449 >filename
>>100446 based comfy man

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