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I litterally almost lost my soul for this. Please don't let my old thread from the previous board die! Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 19:51:23 No. 25 [Reply]
https://8kun.top/fringe/res/141265.html#q141265 May someone please make me at least 6 feet and 5 inches tall as soon as possible by any means necessary and at any price please? Do it! Thank you in advance. Okay, l'll try something. By the way, since this project is providing me so much good experimental data, I'm nullifying the end-manifestation soul payment. I've already gotten enough value out of it to constitute a fair trade. In terms of progress I'm working now on refining the sympathetic link I'm using. Using internet posts as a witness is always tricky but after some rework I managed to get some sort of astral representation of you that I'm going to try to invoke into instead of the previous one I was using Sure okay. Payment is your soul. I receive all excess spiritual, vital, mental, and emotional energy that you produce. After your death you will become absorbed into my spirit and become fuel. You will submit to this with zero resistance. Contract of payment is to be considered cemented after you physical body reaches a height of 6 foot 5 inches. Reply with your agreement to these terms and I will begin the working. OP here again. I understand and accept these terms. You will make my physical height be 6’5” not including hair or shoes or anything else like that.

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5 posts omitted.
>>25 I just got some money emailed to me and I just used it to buy a cheap smartphone on amazon that should arrive in a few days. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
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>>32 https://anonymfile.com/yZRg/img-20230915193510.jpg. I just got my phone I am op here is a picture of my leg i am white and american!! I still want to be at least 6 feet and 5 inches tall!!!

Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 20:44:04 No. 3 [Reply]
The fuck? This very board existed on this very site and it had a few dozen posts. What happened?
6 posts omitted.
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Posting custom spoiler for the board
>Level 10 weird Don't know if /x/ tier weird: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/440200548 >media will push fake news event >online reactions/opinions to fake event will be monitered and categorised: >right way to think about it >wrong way to think about it >undecided >op will last 6 months+ Supposed to be happening this Friday, 8th September. >op gets date wrong Corrects himself in thread. Could be a heads-up for a later date. >It's a very big experiment. Do not get sucked into it by reacting to it >That's the whole point of the "thing" happening, they WANT to see your reaction and which camp you'll fall into. >it will be a thing that will be widely reported that is designed to solicit a strong reaction from you. It's not "good" or "bad", but it will be level 10 "weird" and you'll WANT to engage about it, but don't. At least not on any digital format that can be tracked to you. LARP or see what happens on Friday.
>>23 Added Cheers!

Anonymous 07/30/2023 (Sun) 11:30:07 No. 14 [Reply]
I'm giving up ownership of >>>/x/ Does any other anon want it? I remember last thread someone seemed interested in reviving it, I can't be arsed because of my day job.

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Old /x/ shit Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 01:55:53 No. 9 [Reply]
Repost old shit from when /x/ was good because everyone knows nobody is going to make anything new of value for this board.
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>>9 Will have a dig through some old drives and folders - got some stuff somewhere, but it's all unsorted.
>>9 >wassup fellow originalfags post memes! <posts post-cancer post-2014 post-collapse forced pisscord tranny dilateworm meme shite wow! what a massive faggot!

I’ll give you whatever you want Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 23:54:35 No. 5 [Reply]
I’ll tell you on one condition…. You can give yourself whatever things you want but you must give me what I want with it too. Give me what I want before this Saturday please Here is the method and what you owe me (it’s easy don’t worry) pastebin.com/0v2Pf0EE Here is my wish you must grant me using the same method you’ll grant yourself wishes (except me instead of you that one time) (still do it from your first person) as in (loahelpmeplzthanku is sitting in a car he owns and is getting it washed by a woman in a bikini he just beat in a game of volleyball he looks so happy) Here please grant a wish of mine? I’ll try and grant it myself with loa but if you could help I’d appreciate it. Advice for Exactly how to (no offense) beyond just SATS (state akin to sleep meditation on a scene) or believe it’s already done would be appreciated. I’d like to make a bet with a woman( at least 19 years old and no older than 25 years old and no bmi over 24 and a bmi of at least 19 and cisgendered) that I could beat her in a 1v1 game of volleyball(in real life not a video game or tv show). Then I’d like to play the game of volleyball against her. Winner of the game gets there ca r clea ned by the loser. Loser must also wear a skim py swi msuit while they cle an/det ail the winners c ar. If you can please make it so I win the game I’d appreciate that. If you want to leave it up to chance/skill so she has a chance of winning that’s okay too. I don’t own a ca r right now so I guess I would need one first. Along with a gf/fwb/female friend who I can make said bet against and play with(have her keep her word if/when she loses). It’s cold now so if I have to wait a while(1-10 months?)that’s okay as long as I know it’s coming. Thank you in advance. I really want this. Like I said I’m trying to make it happen in my head but if you could help that would be awesome. Should I start practicing? I don’t have a volleyball around but there are some balls I could drill with? I haven’t touched one since high school and I barely even know the rules of volleyball soo….

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