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/sg/ - Satanism General Spook 02/14/2024 (Wed) 09:13:33 No. 222
LaVey "Satanists" not welcome. >What is Satanism? Satanism is an eclectic mix of beliefs, each of which aim to define and understand our metaphysical reality. It is not a “religion”. There is no central authority, there are no “leaders” and there is no dogma or core text which a Satanist must follow. Esoteric orders that tread the Luciferian path are varied in their philosophies. Who or what Satan is can be interpreted differently depending on the order or individual. For some, Satan is indeed a singular deity with a clearly defined goal. For others, Satan is a representative of multiple deities, and others yet will claim that Satan is simply an ideal. Regardless of what Satan is or isn't, there is one thing that all Satanists have in common; they seek to tap into that primordial, acausal energy that created the cosmos, what the ancient Greeks called “chaos”. By tapping into the void, the raw essence of reality itself, the Satanist can overcome his limitations as a mere mortal man and use this power to grant him esoteric knowledge and paranormal powers, far beyond what blind worship of established politico-religious figures can offer. >But the elites dabble in Satanism! By default it's bad The elites also use guns via the armed forces to quell and subdue human populations. By this logic, guns are by default bad. Power is power. What you choose to do with it is far more consequential than it simply existing. >A few recommend books Apotheosis Luciferian Witchcraft Qabalah, Qlipoth and Goetic Magic The Cult of the Black Cube The Ophidian Essence - Seeking A Return to Origin
LaVey states in his books that the rituals are hermetic, gnostic and freemasonic etc and in private he told people that he is a theistic satanist. i wonder why he peddled the atheistic version to the masses tho.
>>223 Can you link where he says that? Out of curiosity. As to why he peddled the atheist crap to the masses I have no idea but it is certainly lame.
These ideas are rather similar to gnosticism and draconian mysticism
>>225 Indeed, however only one flavour of Satanism is explicitly gnostic - the aptly called chaos-gnosticism (anti-cosmic Satanism). In my experience Draconians do not call themselves Satanic though they certainly engage in praxis and write theory that is in line with other forms of devil worship.

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