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New WebM Thread Anonymous 12/08/2022 (Thu) 11:01:04 No. 1436
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>>3736 I was never able to get into one piece. Crazy how long it is now.
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>>3740 You got stuff like one pace now that cuts off overdrawn scenes and the ridiculous recap times.
>>3749 One Pace is cancer, they literally do shit like cut out animation frames, and remove anything that isn't 100% canon (as in the aforementioned frames), they also have a habit of removing a lot of fun things I used them for watching Thriller Bark, and that was a massive mistake, there were hilarious and great episodes and scenes I missed, and scenes and animations which were literally shaved off and changed for no good reason at all, plus doing that can fuck with things like the music. One example is the Franky mecha transformation sequence for Pirates Docking 6, which was a reference/homage to transforming super robot mecha, and they cut out a ton of it like absolute faggots and defeats a lot of the point of it. Plus the whole Pirates Docking 3 scene never existed in the manga so they cut it, even though it was funny. I only found this out after the fact when I went back to watch certain scenes and noticed they were different from One Pace, and better in the original anime. For recaps you can just skip it, it takes 2 seconds, its not worth it unless you're an actual retard who trusts autistic faggots on the internet. If you don't like the anime, just read the manga. Don't do this kind of bullshit where you try to turn an anime into the manga and remove actual good bits of it and remove the animation.
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>>3751 I never understood this modern concept of watching chopped up shows and watching things at x/times speed to coast thru them. If you watched just 2 episodes a day you could catch up on one piece in 2 years without sacrificing anything in your life or with the show. If you are speeding thru something at a speed faster than normal how can you even call that "watching" it? Treating anime like its a chore to get thru how could you ever possibly enjoy it.
>>3751 Sometimes filler is good, and people who can't understand that are fucking stupid. The example I always use, because it's (at least one of) the most casual anime and everyone is familiar with it, is the Saiyan arc of Dragon Ball Z, or rather, everything that happens between Raditz and Nappa. I love Dragon Ball, and I think Toriyama did have some pretty thoughtful ideas and themes in the story that deserve more credit, but the fact that he thought it was acceptable to just skip over all the actual bonding between Piccolo and Gohan is retarded. Yeah, the story flows, but the anime filler adds so, so much more to it. By comparison, the manga, and Dragon Ball Kai, essentially just tells you're that the two characters have a relationship now, but the anime actually makes you feel like it's earned. Hell, it's also basically your introduction to Gohan as a character. Maybe that's why Toriyama and Japanese fans don't seem to care about Gohan. The arc that made us attached to him is anime only, and just skipped over in the manga. In Japan, maybe a lot of fans only read the manga, and Toriyama obviously doesn't care about the anime, but outside Japan, nobody read the manga without watching the anime first. Yes, that's backwards, but in some cases, the anime did it better. Now, is there other filler that just pads things for no good reason? Yes, but it's less than you'd expect. Dragon Ball Kai, up to the end of the Cell arc, is half the length of Z. But how much of that is pointless padding, and how much is actual story that adds to the characters or world, or might be at least some fun stuff to watch? If you add back in all the filler arcs and episodes, you add back almost all the runtime that Kai cut. People think they're skipping long powerup sequences, but what they're really skipping is the episode where Goku and Piccolo learn to drive, and that's the best one. THE BEST ONE. And you know what? I'm gonna go a step further. I like the movies. I don't give a fuck. Are they great? No. Most of them are barely movies at all, they're basically just special episodes that don't fit into continuity properly. But can I enjoy them anyway? Yes. Garlic Jr is a cool idea for a villain, and his story rises logically from the lore, even if it doesn't fit quite perfectly in the timeline (though it gets pretty close. Its problems are a lot more minimal than most of the movies). Dr. Wheelo's plot was likewise a clever one that would be done a couple times later in "more canon" parts of the story. And you know what else? If you just watch the movies at certain points in the timeline, and squint just a little, they fit well enough that it is easy to overlook the ways they don't fit in the timeline. In fact, while I'm being autistic, I'll explain how, for fun. This is how I watched them when I marathoned the series a while back, and it was fun. >Garlic Jr Happens before the first episode of Z. Everyone seems to understand this. It does contradict the fact that the other characters act like they're meeting Gohan for the first time in the first episode of Z, and Goku shouldn't have his nyoi-bo ever since he got to Kami's lookout, but whatever man, I can overlook these little bits for what is otherwise a pretty fun movie with a pretty neat villain. >Dr. Wheelo Well Goku is dead after Raditz, then everyone goes to space, then Goku is in space for a year, so this can only take place all the way after Trunks arrives for the first time and warns everyone about the androids. Way later than release date, and Goku should be able to become Super Saiyan, but he doesn't do that in the movie. But whatever. Gohan looks a bit younger than he should, but that's mostly shown with his haircut. So okay, Chi Chi gave him a haircut, and it slowly grows back over the next few movies. Then he gets it cut again when they are getting ready to head out and fight the androids. >Tullece Again, over the three years waiting for the Androids. Gohan's hair is growing back. The problem, other than implied ages (mostly by Gohan's hair) and Goku not going Super Saiyan, is that Gohan's pet dragon is introduced here, but then he appears in the anime filler after Gohan comes back from Namek, but before Trunks arrives. In this viewing order, you'd see that episode first, before the character is introduced. Since he's a pretty minor character, I can squint hard enough to overlook these two appearances being slightly swapped. >Lord Slug Still those three years. That weird red Super Saiyan thing is here. Whatever man. The fun fan idea here is to say that Goku didn't master Super Saiyan after that first time, and it took him more time to do it properly at will, hence this form, where he almost got it, but not quite. In fact, Goku does say it took him time to master it. However, he says that he did master it over the one year he was in space after Frieza. Look man, I can squint hard enough to say he didn't actually quite master it and was still working on it by this point during the next three years, when Lord Slug showed up. >Cooler And here is where Goku actually did master Super Saiyan. Actually, this movie fits in the timeline pretty decently. >Cooler 2, Android 13, Broly, Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, that one Telebikko anime game All happen during the ten day wait for the Cell games. Actually, less than that, because a little bit of time passes in the manga, and then more time passes in the anime filler where Tao shows up again (again, pretty cool, because I liked seeing that guy come back), before these can take place. So that was a busy week for our heroes. The problem with all these movies is that Goku and Gohan are supposed to be in their Super Saiyan forms for this entire period, but they don't do this in these movies. Again, a problem, but I can overlook it for the sake of enjoying the movies. >Bojak After Cell. This actually fits in the timeline pretty well. >Broly 2 There is a specific moment when this would take place, during the period when Gohan is training Videl. Right before they head out to the tournament, I think. There probably was a problem or two, but small enough that I can't remember at the moment. Maybe Videl's hair is wrong in relation to how well she knows Goten or something. >Bio-Broly When everyone was waiting on the lookout, scared to death of Buu, a couple characters snuck off to have this adventure. Stupid, but it kind of works. >Janemba I remember this one bugged me the most. It almost works, but in order to line up with the time when Vegeta is dead and Goku would be available, it should take place during a period when everyone on Earth thinks Gohan is dead, but they don't think that here. I'd argue this is the biggest timeline problem with any of these movies, because you can't shift it to elsewhere in the timeline, and it's a pretty major plot point in the main series, not just a throwaway line of dialogue or whatever. But again, nothing that stops me from enjoying the movie. >Hirudegarn This one fits pretty well in the timeline. After they beat Buu. No big deal. Now, the original Dragon Ball movies are mostly alternate retellings of the main series, so they don't fit at all, but I'm pretty sure there's a line somewhere in the filler where they call Chaozu a prince, like he is in the third movie. So I also still watch them, but I just watch those in release order with whatever episodes they came out around. They don't fit in the timeline at all, but look man, does it really matter? I like getting caught up in continuity, it can be fun, it can be cool when the writer does something clever with continuity, but you shouldn't let it hinder your enjoyment of something. Just enjoy the ride.
>>3752 It's a bunch of retards who don't understand things like the difference between story and plot. They might as well read a synopsis on Wikipedia and think it's the same as watching the series. In fact, I bet a lot of them do. It's especially stupid in One Piece, where it's incredibly obvious that it's an actual theme of the work that it's the journey that's important, not the destination. But then they don't watch or read the series, they read a plot synopsis, or try their best to quickly skim over the work instead of actually enjoying it, so of course they can't absorb this most basic of themes. I have a friend who knows I like Dragon Ball, and he recently told me he doesn't need to watch the anime or read the manga, because he played the video game, Dragon Ball: Kakarot. It has the same story, right? Well what he really means is plot, and it probably does. There are like a hundred Dragon Ball games that all have the same plot as the manga and anime. But it's obviously not the fucking same as actually enjoying the story in a story-based form. And yes, this same argument can be used to say that watching the anime is no substitute for reading the manga. I'd agree, they're different. But of course there are degrees of difference. And fucking obviously the video games are more different. But if you're not trying to enjoy the story, and you're just trying to learn the plot beats, then sure, it's all exactly the same. If you have no care for artistry at all, then sure, it's exactly the same. You can play a video game, or watch an edited anime, or watch it on double speed, or read a synopsis on Wikipedia, or read the back cover of each volume while browsing your local bookstore. It's all the same story, right? Well no, it's the same plot, not the same story. But that's just as good, right? These fucking retards are one step away from saying there's no point in reading The Lord of the Rings because they played Lego: The Lord of the Rings on DS. And if you confront them on it, they'll say that more people watched the movies than read the books, and this is no different.
>>3752 >I never understood this modern concept of watching chopped up shows and watching things at x/times speed to coast thru them. For the same reason why retards binge watch a regular TV show. Because they want to be a part of a discussion rather than actually enjoying whatever it is that they're watching. >>3756 >These fucking retards are one step away from saying there's no point in reading The Lord of the Rings because they played Lego: The Lord of the Rings on DS. And if you confront them on it, they'll say that more people watched the movies than read the books, and this is no different. That's ultimately why I try to go to the source material from the start. Because, if I want to experience the work, I want to experience the work the way the original creator intended it. NOT someone's intepretation of what the creator meant, nor someone "fixing" any mistakes that they think the creator made. Your example with Gohan actually drives me up the walls because he was setup as a replacement for Goku in the manga (As I actually read it). There was enough material built up that he should have take Goku's place. And the series actually "returned to form" when Gohan was the protag, until Majin Bu showed. But, for reasons who knows why, people kept latching into Goku because he was the original protaginst of the series for the previous nine years, so you cannot replace him. Kind of like people endlessly bitching about how they killed off Optimus in The Transformers Movie and rerplaced him with Rodimus, and being loud enough to the point that they finally revived Optimus at the end of season 3 just to shut people up.
>>3758 >For the same reason why retards binge watch a regular TV show. Because they want to be a part of a discussion rather than actually enjoying whatever it is that they're watching. I do binge watch series, and binge read serialized books (manga, comics, etc.), but it's not because I want to be part of a discussion. Usually it's stuff I can't find anyone else to discuss with anyway. I just like it and get into it and then waste too much time on it at once. Depends on the thing, though. Some series I do enjoy more if I only watch a little at a time. Some I enjoy more if I marathon them. Some shows I watched when they were originally airing, and the time between episodes was fun anticipation as I reflected on what happened before and wondered what would happen next. Other shows were way more enjoyable on a later rewatch, when I wouldn't have to wait a week for a good episode to come out, because the last one was pretty lame. Shows with slower paces, or that expect you to care about the overarching plot, but dole it out very slowly, are usually more like this. Or shows that just have rough patches here and there but are overall pretty good. I'll stop watching entirely if there's a rough patch that lasts months. If I can binge it all in a day, though, then it's a lot more enjoyable. Less time between the good episodes, so you don't get as sick of the show during the less good ones. >I want to experience the work the way the original creator intended it. NOT someone's intepretation of what the creator meant, nor someone "fixing" any mistakes that they think the creator made. Very good point. I agree entirely. I did watch Dragon Ball's anime before reading the manga, because that's what I had access to when I was a kid. So maybe that colors my view of it a bit. But what I like about Dragon Ball and certain other anime is that they're pretty faithful to the manga overall, and the stuff they change is usually just addition, not changing what's already there. And usually, I can enjoy that new stuff. But when it's something that actually changes what was already there, that's more of a problem, and usually doesn't work as well. Same goes for things like Lord of the Rings. Those movies are great, but they're greatly abridged, so of course the book is better. What I find interesting is the difference between adaptations of western comics and adaptations of anime. Of course many anime adaptations do significantly change things from the manga they're based on, but many are quite faithful, or are mostly faithful but then add filler, while keeping the adapted material quite faithful. But no adaptations of western comics ever do that. Part of that is probably due to the length, but there are definitely series out there that could be adapted faithfully. You could make a pretty faithful adaptation of Watchmen in 12 hour long (42 minutes with commercials) episodes. It's the most acclaimed comic of all time. It has those text bits at the end of issues, but if fitting those into a tv format is the biggest difficulty with the adaptation, that's not too bad. It can be done. But it hasn't been. Zack Snyder tried to do a faithful movie, but he's a retard who doesn't understand tone, and also even the four hour cut has to be severely abridged. Ultimate Spider-Man has just over 100 issues. It was an acclaimed series with a proper ending. It's long enough you could get a few seasons out of it, with overarching continuity broken into mostly discrete arcs, not unlike popular anime. There are crossovers with other comics, but really not much, and pretty much all of it is just other characters making guest appearances in Ultimate Spider-Man, so it's nothing hard to adapt. But they won't do it. Why? Are they just fucking stupid? I mean I understand why no company wants to faithfully adapt Amazing Spider-Man, with over 1000 issues and tight crossover continuity. That Spider-Man cartoon from the '90s was pretty decent, but it was done by severely cutting up and rearranging select characters and story arcs. But they could easily faithfully adapt Ultimate Spider-Man, but they just don't. Why has Japan figured this out, but America can't? Actually, Marvel did do a pretty faithful adaptation of some comics in the '60s, when they would basically use the comics as storyboards in shows for Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor. But those got cancelled, and Spider-Man was successful. A couple episodes of that were faithful. Others were literally episodes of Rocket Robin Hood with Robin Hood removed from the scene and replaced with Spider-Man. I guess maybe the success of that is why they don't care about being that faithful. Then again, Spidey did get cancelled after that season, so maybe they should have learned a different lesson. >Your example with Gohan actually drives me up the walls because he was setup as a replacement for Goku in the manga He clearly was in the anime, too. In fact, I'd argue he was set up even harder in the anime, because there was already so much filler that focused on him as the protagonist rather than Goku. Are you saying you think the anime is part of the reason Goku came back? If so, I'd like to hear the reasoning. >Kind of like people endlessly bitching about how they killed off Optimus in The Transformers Movie and rerplaced him with Rodimus, and being loud enough to the point that they finally revived Optimus at the end of season 3 just to shut people up. Transformers is kind of an adaptation of the comics, now that you're mentioning it. Well of course they're all adaptations of the toys, but the characters and backstory were created by the Marvel Comics people and then put on the toy packaging at the same time the comics came out, and the cartoon followed shortly after. And the comics are way fucking better, by the way. They succeed in killing off Optimus Prime for a lot longer. He does eventually come back, but in the meantime you get Grimlock leading the Autobots, but Blaster has to try to take him down because Grimlock is a crazy asshole. The movie is sort of canon to both the comics and the cartoons, but it takes place in the future, so the comics continue and you just figure the movie will happen eventually. But the interesting bit with Transformers comics is that when Marvel published them in the UK, they needed to create filler, because UK comics traditionally come out twice per month, instead of once per month. The filler was actually fucking awesome. It does a better job tying in the movie to continuity too, due to copious use of time travel. Anyway, it was so good the guy from the UK comics, Simon Furman, got promoted from doing "filler" to doing the main comic, and is still basically the main Transformers writer to this day. Yet Hasbro is still too stupid to just make a cartoon that faithfully adapts the original Transformers comics. Which, by the way, were what Beast Wars was a sequel to. (Well mostly. It has some cartoon references, but mostly comics.) Anyway I like later comics (and some prose stories) where Optimus comes back but Rodimus is still around. Eventually Optimus dies for real anyway. There's a cool prose story from some obscure convention exclusive magazine that takes place after Beast Machines, where Cheetor and the gang are working with all the Transformers they rescued on Cybertron, and characters like Rodimus and Arcee show up. It was cool. Well, it was a bit weird that Arcee became an emo and turned herself into a spider (because remember they all changed forms in the backstory to Beast Wars) after Daniel Witwicky died, but I never liked that little fucker anyway. Seeing Rodimus work with Cheetor was cool.
>>3759 >I do binge watch series, and binge read serialized books (manga, comics, etc.), but it's not because I want to be part of a discussion. Usually it's stuff I can't find anyone else to discuss with anyway. I just like it and get into it and then waste too much time on it at once. The problem I found whenever I binge something is that it actually burns me out and leaves me physically exhausted afterwards, even when it's something I'm enjoying. > Are you saying you think the anime is part of the reason Goku came back? No.
>>3760 >The problem I found whenever I binge something is that it actually burns me out and leaves me physically exhausted afterwards, even when it's something I'm enjoying. Sometimes, but I also don't mind taking extended breaks. Sometimes I'm really into something for a little bit, and I want a lot of it at once. Sometimes if I go too slow, I get bored and forget to continue. I'm definitely like that with video games. If I don't beat a video game all in one go, if I try to play just a little bit regularly, I frequently fall out of the habit and just stop playing. With anime and other TV shows, as well as manga and other comics, I usually binge a whole lot at once for this reason. Maybe I'll get a bit burned out, but I'll come back to it later. I can watch like a hundred episodes of One Piece at a time, then I'll take a break. But if I try to watch just one every few days or whatever, it's likely I'll fall out of the habit. I did pretty much binge all of Dragon Ball plus movies and sequels when Super was ending, and that's gotta be like 700 episodes or something, but that's just because I'm particularly autistic for Dragon Ball.
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Ded af around here.
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>>4183 Unfortunately yes.
>>2839 The interlacing in that WebM bothers me.
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