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Banners welcome! Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 00:34:53 No. 804
Hi, I asked Codexx to apply this CSS that you can see in effort to bring our /a/ back to life. However, this board also needs banners of which we don't have none yet, so if you got any post 'em here so the BO can see them (or I can inform him about them) and add them. thoughts on the new CSS? Please help me with some activity, anything ¬¬
Edited last time by pururin on 06/23/2022 (Thu) 04:43:04.
>>2606 Added, thank you anon >>2599 Good luck to you too, you're welcome and thanks for the gift!
(25.25 KB 300x100 GIft.gif)

>>2611 Thanks from av, we also need banners so im gonna grab one from here Here is another one as a gift
(25.98 KB 300x100 caroll_quote.png)

(103.81 KB 850x400 I'm going to Alice.png)

(201.90 KB 300x100 Miria_swimsuit.gif)

(1.04 MB 640x480 Miria swimsuit.gif)

>>2614 Feel free to, and thanks again >>2616 Added, thank you >>2619 Added >one piece swimsuits I am very weak to these, thank you anon
(47.89 KB 300x100 Baka Banner.gif)

(91.74 KB 300x100 Nep Banner.gif)

>>2626 >>2628 Sweet, love me some Cirno and Nep, added Thanks!
>>2567 Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. The >>>/sm/ thread is to blocks down. Got anymore?
>>2653 I did one for /sm/ and someone made a variant with both boys. I'd like to make some more banners both for here and there.
(193.23 KB 300x100 Ed Wobble Banner.gif)

I made so many animated banners for /v/ that they don't need any more banners so I guess I'll make some for /a/ or /av/ or whoever wants to use them. My methods are getting more convoluted. I put a smaller version of this GIF inside the 8 because I could.
>>2666 Thanks anon, these will be helpfull for /av/ (Also you can do vydia banners for there too)
(140.11 KB 300x100 Hakase Banner.gif)

(184.89 KB 300x100 GxS Wendy Bikini Banner.gif)

Need to sleep. I might make more new banners tomorrow.
>>2666 Sweet, I appreciate it very much anon, all these banners are great. >I put a smaller version of this GIF inside the 8 because I could. Now that's style. >>2668 >>2669 Added all 3 of 'em!
(95.40 KB 300x100 8-Squish Banner 1.gif)

(92.29 KB 300x100 8-Squish Banner 2.gif)

(496.57 KB 1280x500 8-Squish.gif)

(966.92 KB 1280x720 Original.gif)

Okay, I slept. Here's another banner. This one was more involved. Wanted to replace the object pressing into her crotch with an 8 logo so I had to paint out the object frame by frame then add the 8 logo frame by frame mimicking the motion of the object. Reduced the height from the original so I could more easily fit it into a banner, but it still wasn't short or wide enough to fit perfectly. First banner is zoomed a bit so you can see closer and the logo is bigger, while the second banner tries to force everything into 300x100, but it makes the 8 look squashed since the aspect ratio had to be tweaked too much.
(129.84 KB 300x100 Lewd Banner.gif)

(143.02 KB 300x100 Lewd Banner 2.gif)

(140.47 KB 300x100 Lewd Banner 3.gif)

I think the first one matches the color scheme best.
(615.15 KB 300x100 Headpats Banner.gif)

>>2671 This is great, thanks anon. >Reduced the height from the original so I could more easily fit it into a banner, but it still wasn't short or wide enough to fit perfectly. >First banner is zoomed a bit so you can see closer and the logo is bigger, while the second banner tries to force everything into 300x100, but it makes the 8 look squashed since the aspect ratio had to be tweaked too much. >Fit into a banner Keep in mind there are no actual resolution restrictions anymore, but if its too big that it looks awkward on the page, I would probably try to resize it I'll probably use the first one. >>2673 I'll use the second one because its the easiest to tell what's going on >>2674 Thanks anon! Added all 3 of these.
>>2671 This is really well made. How did you shoop out the wood part?
(665.85 KB 640x360 ika ingurishu.mp4)

Glad to see that this board is starting to gain some traction, in that it can actually sit on the top board list without falling off. Hope to see that this board continues to grow.
>>2735 Thanks anon, I agree on all counts.
(21.62 KB 300x100 lookin.jpg)

(220.72 KB 300x100 Mallow.gif)

(507.81 KB 300x100 roshipan.gif)

>>3173 >>3183 Thanks anon, always appreciated Added
Please change the CSS to Yotsuba B.
>>3183 Source of the images?
>>3282 I don't know who the woman is but it's probably in Dragon ball.
(353.58 KB 1280x535 cum.png)

Board dead can we make board not dead
(67.44 KB 389x158 cumbanner.png)

>>3830 Fuck my retarded ass, I forgot to properly size it. Here's a better version
(125.34 KB 731x939 IMG_20240404_093644.jpg)

(66.59 KB 736x552 IMG_20240404_101341.jpg)

(79.78 KB 381x600 IMG_20240404_102217.jpg)

(494.17 KB 1080x1513 IMG_20240404_102626.png)

(261.42 KB 1011x1500 IMG_20240404_103132.jpg)

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