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Hypno Thread #2 Baby 06/13/2023 (Tue) 05:34:36 No. 26509
Previous thread >>559 Here's a new file to get started: Bathroom Amnesia (Curse) A brainwashing session that removes the subject's ability to use the bathroom. https://mega.nz/file/M9ZFlZIR#bpn318uPIH0ZLcY_Al9eRyv1W7Y3sJ1vULc7dd14wyQ Posting a couple of things to keep things moving. Nothing new though. https://archive.org/details/ABDL-Hypnosis Assorted files: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkVnB0YkhOYVV6VndZbms1V2xwSGVHcE1NbEoyWkRJMWMySXlSbXRNTUhBelZERkdTRlZZVGxOTlJrWkdUWGM5UFE9PQ== n1c0l3/_/d0s31: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU1FcFhZbnBrY21JeVkzZFRWMmhaWTFFOVBRPT0= ///BO EDIT\\\ Fixed the OP and added text from the other, duplicated, thread >>26510 (deleted). Learn how to properly link threads/posts and double check your text before posting. Use a text editor and copy/paste.
Edited last time by abdl on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 12:21:14.
>>37904 It's shame I think. I bought a lot of her files but had to cut back lately. The files were fun (even if sometimes there was too much filler). Everytime an abdl producer goes away it tells other audio ladies it's not worth it. So it is always bad.
>>37902 Is she associated with the store on Clips4Sale? Looks like it has some recent uploads so maybe she migrated there. Link for that: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/108116/time-to-be-little/ Either way, going to Patreon after their big ABDL purge was probably not the best idea.
>>37931 Oh that's definitely her for sure.
>>37916 Can you upload what you have? I loved her voice. You know, no one even thanked the last uploader. Thank you
>>37904 I disagree, she had plenty that do make you feel small. Some were quick money grabs, but some were really good. Doctor mommy was very hypnotic, and the classroom one was too. And her voice is very loving.
any similar sites to warpmymind you can get files from?
Any Li8rar1an content?
>>38095 Seeing a lot of stuff that'll open up in a new tab and such but never downloads. Am I doing something wrong or is anyone else seeing the same?
Would anyone be so kind to share and diaper dependence related hypnosis by mistress katelyn? I have yet to actually test drive a file to see if I want to buy her stuff.
anyone have hypno mommy
>>38113 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRseVdsY3hkbUp0T0hWak0xVjJZMGRHTUdOdFZuWmlhVGt4WXpKV2VVeDZTWHBQVkVWNVRtcHJOQT09 You will have to sort through the posts to find which ones actually have files in them though. To be honest, after Arkadia/CharlotteGray and MyLittleLullabye, I feel that Hypno Mommy/Mommy Victoria is the most decent one left nowadays. I find her voice soothing, alluring but it does not send me straight into arousal enough to make me snap out of trance.
Does anyone have Gradual Bowel Incontinence Training- Part 1 by hypno mommy?
What are the best success files with female voices or robot voices or whatever, just not male voices. I so so so badly want a regression audio that gets me feeling little, even if temporary. Wetting makes you feel little when combined with regression but I've never been able to wet from any title. I've gotten close where it feels like I am, but I never do. I really want to be age regressed. Not a sissy though. I wish there were more unexplored audios in here. Thank you all for the shares
>>38134 only files that managed to make me feel, even for a tiny moment I was regressed/shrinking was a combination of the SocalAB files and the "complete incontinence" but I think they were both male voices, also, the sensation of shrinking+baby feelings felt so intense it woke me up from trance, it was extremely bizarre, part of me woke scared thinking I was actually shrinking, this shit happened over ten years ago and I have been half-chasing that high eve since.
>>38143 Is someone able to repost elsewhere? It's age restricted and I don't want that on my account.
>>38148 >not having a fap gmail account are you for real dude?
Hey guys I have a few that I can share that I don't believe have been shared, but I'm really looking for the mistress Kaitlyn stuff for the diaper training, diaper dependence for wetting. Apparently she's a licensed hypnosis and I really want to get behind that to see if it works. I might buy some stuff in the future but just want to see if anyone else has any. I'll definitely leave some goodies here if if you guys can. Tha k you guys so much for keeping the thread going :)
>>38151 you dont need to get me shit, just sharing what I have WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU0wNU9UWHBhTVZrd1ZqUmtWbEo0WWtFOVBRPT0=
>>38159 >deleted
Yeah unfortunately deleted. Also I appreciate you not needing something but I'd still like to contribute. There just hasn't been anything new. Like I said I have some stuff that hasn't been posted I will post some things if I can get some mistress Kaitlyn or even I can get some some diaper dependence training hypnosis from abdl sissy shop. I have a hour hypnosis file from hypnosis mommy I had custom made for me awhile back! Cost me $250!!! It is very good and very effective. It's called (bladder curse)
>>38159 no longer works
>>38170 This one was also deleted
Might be auto deleted. Perhaps use different service?
>>38172 >>38173 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsc1dWaE9OV1JZUW5OaU1rWnJURzFzZGt3eU1IWk5XRmt4WVROT2NRPT0= differente service this time, this is silly, they are not even good files imho
I'm sorry to say that none of these are ones that I ask for. Not trying to be a picky bustard but the one that is mistress Kaitlyn is a sample, not even the full file
>>38167 $250? For an audio recording? I'm in the wrong business
This has already been posted...
>be me >struggle for years without landing a decent job, get super depressed because cannot enjoy ABDL like I want to >recently (3 months ago) get a job that allows me to live by myself and indulge in many hobbies >decide to splurge and buy some onesies, toys, plushies, bottles and pacis >get 3 cases of plastic cover, medical with decent ml >go to bed every night in full little attire, already wet and wet during the night a bit more >decide fuck it, lets add some MindMaster - baby training tracks to the mix since I am wetting more easily while lying in bed, semi-awake >notice that I am starting to enjoy more my little side, and feel happier and more content with accepting myself as a little >peeing starts to feel amazing, like a soothing and more relaxed almost-orgasm >started watching videos of milky breasts to condition myself to wet on demand replacing the arousal response >I notice that sometimes I do get stronger spurts when looking at breasts and I am definitely invaded by strong urges to suck on something, not drooling yet though >feelsgoodman.jpg >eventually looking at breasts to induce peeing and while sucking my thumb or pacifier is a way I can achieve pleasure without actually masturbating and I am loving it >this goes on for a while >last week, family dinner, my brother announces his wife's pregnant >baby is due for end of this year >MFW I gotta stop all my routine and start trying to stay away from those files or shit is going to get weird when I go visit and my sister-in-law eventually feeds her baby in front of me *FML.*
>>38199 >started watching videos of milky breasts What?
>>38202 tits lactating? https://thisvid.com/videos/milky-squirter/ (this one's audio is kinda cringy, I will sometimes add lullabyes as background and mute the original audio)
>>38203 Thanks, Also, kind of jelous of you due to havin success with mm files. I have been unable to get pass bladder retraining

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