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ABDL games #4 Baby 03/24/2024 (Sun) 08:36:23 No. 35612
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>26209 Popular games: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University Patreon is dead, search in the last thread for any link of the game Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel Diaper Quest https://www.diaperquest.com Roguelike, text based with illustrations Omogatari おもがたり https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/7751-omogatari-%E3%81%8A%E3%82%82%E3%81%8C%E3%81%9F%E3%82%8A/ RPG maker, 日本語 Sunny Paws Daycare https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/sunny-paws-daycare-a-baby-fur-text-adventure-t746.html Furry content (but you can play as a human), text based. Femdom University https://www.femdom-university.com/ As the name implies, it's about femdom, but has some baby role-play content with the character Ronda. List of other games https://itch.io/blog/468573/list-of-18-nsfw-abdl-adult-diaper-games My own Drive with the Free ABDL Games in the net. It only has free games because of reasons. Some games are not updated, but it works as a list. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10N-0offFgSypGhN0GkBueAx89Den_3Gs?usp=sharing
>>37304 some guy posted a fast forward mod in the last thread, could check that out
Does someone have the last LaaB update? https://life-as-a-boy.fanbox.cc/posts/7993715 It hasn't been updated for months in Kemono Party
Anyone recently played Barkston City Blues and know how to end the bar hopping event on Day 12? I see the quest icon thing but there's no interaction I can do.
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Soap hasn't worked on The Hive for over a month now, I'm worried.
>>37428 Hardly anything abdl related has on kemono though is this even an abdl related game?
>>37496 fuckin barely, i want my 1000 yen back from this faggot >>37428 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTVTRnBxTVZsblFTTmFZa3hqU21NelNWTnVlbWgwV0daaE1XZzFlR3Ru
Diaper Dimension got a new update recently does any one have it
>>37540 Oh boy oh boy, 10 second of gameplay. Exactly what I expect from Mia. They're a scam developer.
>>37540 Wow, how much did you pay for this OP, its literally nothing but AI generated imagery. We can ignore Mia as she's nothing but a scam dev
It was literally free to be fair
>>37565 even then this is shit even by Mia_ABDL standards
I found another game DAC: Decked (and diapered) Apocalypse Colony/ Mr Pops Alot one of those are the name not sure yet It a Post-apocalyptic world with random-generated girls and modular images. Download link: https://gitgud.io/mrpopsalot/abdl-games/-/tree/master/E?ref_type=heads discord link: https://discord.gg/QwBMCSpa
>>37565 If someone kicks you in the nuts, do you say "Well at least it was free"?
Their kicking my nuts for FREE normally I have to pay them. this is a hell of a deal. Sign me up also I found a third new game called Laab / Life as a Boy Here’s a link: https://www.deviantart.com/agentorange-laab/art/How-to-Download-Life-as-a-Boy-978268052
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Whatever happened with MiniBoss? the game with art by RFswatched The mot recent demo is from the last december, anyone has anything newer?
>>37571 To be fair some people are into being kicked in the nuts? >>37572 This was brought up earlier. How is this abdl related? >>37586 I think they gave up on it.
Diaper Dimension Escape v0.15 https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/diaper-dimension-escape-06-04-2024-early-alpha-v0--t1166.html Seems like they're making all releases public almost immediately rn
>>37619 I might be colorblind or retarded but does anyone else have a problem telling color and gray squares apart after they've been correctly clicked?
>>37647 Well one is grey and the other has color, so no... easy to tell the difference.
>>36755 For anyone who's interested, I'm this anon and spent this last month (literally, apparently! Didn't realize I was posting on the same exact day!) sorting out some life stuff and then coming up with the base game design. Due to a lot more responses on halfchan and elsewhere that seemed positive about story, and some of my own gameplay ideas that I've been working on in the interim, I've decided I'm initially going to focus on the storygame. HOWEVER, know that I am not actually abandoning the trainer idea. Instead, I've realized I'm just going to work on storygame *first*, until the initial demo and super early parts of the first planned area (and possibly a teaser of the 3rd area) are done. After that, while I'm not gonna make promises about what I will or won't do in likely several months or half a year or more, it already appears like it won't be nearly as much workload as I expected to make a prototype version of the trainer game IF I make it visually barren and placeholdery until if it proves itself popular (aka financially worth it to me). So in other words, if you want the trainer game you're in for a long wait, but not an endless one.
>>37733 What would the plot of the story game be about anyway?
>>37735 Sorry but for the actual plot you'll just have to wait for whenever I've got a demo out + make a proper page for it somewhere. I wish I could discuss more specifics, since I know what you mean by your question and I actually have much of it already written, but because of practical reasons of not just revealing everything for someone else to copy + personal preference to just make the game and show rather than tell, I'm not gonna say much yet. Just know there'll be a heavy mix of mechanical gameplay and story, some of which is more like being a prisoner and some of which is more like being free. And know that areas are designed to be semi looping / indefinite slightly like a much deeper form of how in diaperquest you tend to wind up staying in a given area for a little while at a time before completely moving on, and could always just sorta stay and survive without moving the plot (if you can call it that for DQ) forward. The ending isn't even really going to be a thing outside some fluff, as you'd technically just be able to stay in the ending area a little like how in Fallout New Vegas you can just avoid taking the final mission until you feel like it. I imagine most people will be playing each zone to completion and moving on for a first playthrough, but if they're just purely in it for a quick fap, ultimately picking their favorite zone and just staying around there until it gets old to them. I'm even likely to add a "fap mode" that just lets you disable parts of the gameplay and all of the story to let you just explore simplified versions of some of the hubs purpose built to satisfy a few common favorite settings/scenarios. Just picking an area and some settings and immediately being there, albeit unable to advance anything or use all the mechanics since it'd just be meant to let people go to their favorite fantasy, crank one out, and leave.
>>37619 This one seems promising, hopefully the dev doesn’t bail after a year.
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>>37719 Whatever setting my monitor was on made 1 and 2 look almost the same. Guess I'm just stupid.
Anyone got links to the new Happy Heart Panic build? Kemono only has Doggie Bones patreon and it's out of date.
>>37843 if someone gets this for a dollar i'll get the HHP build and post it
>>37843 >>37846 Patreon version has no ABDL stuff anyway
>>37619 Thanks for posting, this is actually really promising. I like the gameplay and world. Has potential to be really great. Building blocks are all there.
Would anybody be willing to share the newest wet dream diary 4.2 version please I’d be eternally grateful
If someone has the new DD Escape that would be very cool ;)
Can someone share The Hard Reset from gigaQ?

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