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ABDL Games #3 Baby 06/04/2023 (Sun) 18:20:55 No. 26209
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>16530 Popular games so far: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University https://www.patreon.com/ABDLCheeks Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel Diaper Quest https://www.diaperquest.com Roguelike, text based with illustrations Omogatari おもがたり https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/7751-omogatari-%E3%81%8A%E3%82%82%E3%81%8C%E3%81%9F%E3%82%8A/ RPG maker, 日本語 Sunny Paws Daycare https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/sunny-paws-daycare-a-baby-fur-text-adventure-t746.html Furry content (but you can play as a human), text based. Femdom University https://www.femdom-university.com/ As the name implies, it's about femdom, but has some baby role-play content with the character Ronda. List of other games https://itch.io/blog/468573/list-of-18-nsfw-abdl-adult-diaper-games ///BO EDIT\\\ Added the suggestion >>26211
Edited last time by abdl on 06/04/2023 (Sun) 21:29:25.
>>26209 You can add https://itch.io/blog/468573/list-of-18-nsfw-abdl-adult-diaper-games The most complete list to date of ABDL Games.
>>26211 Link added in the OP.
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There is this game, Alisa, it's an indie RE clone and at the start the main character is dressed like a loli. I really want an RE clone where the main character is a girl in diapers and a cute dress but I know I'm asking for too much.
I know new diaperquest isn't out but hers the alpha debug. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvdUEwaGhZWkMjRXlMMnJvWldwb3NNUmFKTk9PTVk4ZlE4d0pnbmhDV2d5dkl3QVVSc3BWUQ== -Var
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>>26221 lmao, lol even
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Just a demo but it was fun ( https://zindrt.itch.io/balife )
Does anyone have the pacifier project update
>>26459 ehh ppl haven't shared anything in a while. except that var guy what a legend I bet he has the poofiest diapers! -Var
It’s true that it’s a little bit slow nowadays.LU should get an update soon,I’ll share it as soon as I get it.
Pacifier project got a update if anyone is willing to share it
>>26550 Thanks a lot fren! Can't play it now, but I appreciate you taking the time to upload it.
Thanks a lot for posting the update but I don't know if this is just a problem on my end but is the debug console not working for anyone else in this update? I have cheats enabled and I'm hitting the right key (`) but nothing is happening
Just press F12, i think he changed that on this update
I asked in the last thread, but I think it got buried. Does anyone have any of this person's games? https://itch.io/profile/jennad They're RPGmaker games, more interactive novels than anything, but they look neat. They have them paywalled, and the demos don't show too much. I looked into the demo files and saw that the full games' contents are in there, and that the demos are just edited versions of the full games, but I'm not familiar enough with the program to know if there's any way to bypass the demo and break into the game proper. If anyone has a copy of any of the games or knows how to break through the demo cutoff please share.
does anyone have updated sunnyvalley
>>26566 I'm gonna look if I have some saved somewhere, but honestly don't bother searching this too much. It barely qualify as a game, it's short (barely more than a few minutes), overpiced, and use only stock RPGM asset. It's your typical low-effort game made to milk out money and it's not even pretending to be anything else.
>>26558 Oh I didn't know about that thank you
>>26570 Well damn. Thanks for the warning. I'd be pissed if I actually paid for one of those. Then again, I probably shouldn't be surprised that the person who spams the shit out of their games on FTT makes quick cashgrabs.
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PieceOfSoap has also completely finished "Perpetual Change" as well as started on a new game called "The Hive": https://www.patreon.com/PieceofSoap Perpetual Change is an RPG-maker-style game where your character is a teen on a mysterious high tech island with an ABDL-themed mystery to uncover. The Hive is in early stages but seems to be in the style of a visual novel.
>>26585 Yeah shills are usually a big red flag. I was pretty pissed to have lost 10 bucks to a "game" like this, I'm sorry I don't find it anymore. I might have deleted it out of spite. Here, have the new LU update instead. https://mega.nz/file/XrAAmRCK#FWXLjEx2ufx7b5HDdvHNl83BLsoJhLuN4vibauOVYws
>>26586 There's a demo out and it gives you pretty much all the good bits: https://hodgepodgedl.itch.io/soggy-horror-demo All you're missing out on is a really short unfinished level with not much to do and the test room. 1.2 should be coming out soon. Hopefully it isn't as laggy as the tech demo a few months back.
Does anyone know where to find remi at the end of the new littleington update?
>>26603 I did, but all he talked about was the same quest text from before you went into the cave... He was in the residential road area.
>>26607 Can you show me a picture of where? I apparently got no clue where you mean
>>26594 thankyou legend
Been playing Fallout 3 with some mods lately and was curious if there was any diaper ones and saw one for New Vegas. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43681/ I think I would rather just play a great game than have a diaper gimmick in there but just curious if anyone has tried it out? Wonder why there hasn't been more ABDL mods for larger games rather than building everything themselves. Probably hard to totally convert something into something purely ABDL I'm guessing.
>>26627 Whoops it's for Fallout 4.
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Not video-game related but still ABDL game. Found this while browsing twitter and I find the concept interesting. I'd love to see more of this kind of tabletop rules to have fun while wearing.
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>>26272 He released an english version of the latest update. It's literally a google translate job, but better than nothing I suppose. https://files.catbox.moe/9ekjrm.7z The only actual content involves the cat statue outside, which leads to quite a long dialogue segment. Press Q to open the debug menu, which you can use to wet/mess yourself quickly. Originally it was packed into a single executable, but I unpacked it before recompressing it. It makes it easier to run on non-windows by just dropping nw.js into it.
>>26735 >Q W I mean. Q just changes the zoom.
I tried the new LU update and immediately tested out the backpacks. First thing I did was place the backpack inside of itself, which made it cease to exist. It's really easy to it accidentally too, since opening the backpack keeps the backpack itself selected and it can be swapped with items inside the backpack. lmao how is that not the first thing he checked for before releasing them
>>26746 How do i get to equip different styles of diapers in omogatari + ? I've tried the pharamacy but i cant interact with anyone.
anyone have the most recent version of a whole week in diapers?
Anyone have 7 Days In My Brother's House it was on itch io but I can’t find it on the website anymore RAWR link: https://rawg.io/games/7-days-in-my-brothers-house
For something very different, there's an ABDL TCG called "Little Troubles" in development: https://twitter.com/LilTroublesTCG
Littleington is unplayable for me, as if my game just got a soft lock, I was in the part where the doctor asks you to go to a portal to her lighthouse lab, the portal just teleported me to the middle of the coean, there is no way to go back and the bug menu does nothing
>>26805 Thanks! Always wanted to try that one out.
>>26870 Yeah sadly it's quite bugged.Guess he'll hotfix some of the most criticals ones soon.
there's this game called Fall 4 Love which has just received an (subscribestar locked) update that involves ABDL, there's also an ageplayer stat in the public version... Wondering if anyone has it...
>>26588 Any update to the last demo that was in the previous thread? That one ended at finding the pacifier. >>26594 Ooo Thanks anon.
>>26912 > Fall 4 Love which user made this
Surprised no one mentioned it here but there's a yuri mecha VN called Coquette Dragoon that apparently has some minor ABDL themes. A couple girls wear because space pilots and one of them has a little-big relationship, carries a stuffy. I haven't played it, just seen screenshots.
>>26952 I see there's a onesie in this game, and you can wet the bed/yourself and talking to people while wet gives special dialog. But are there actual diapers or anything else if you get your ageplay score higher? (Besides the "age play" search on the phone. )
>>26985 apparently, if you keep talking to Anne in room 1, you'll end up in diapers, I ran out of game time on my save and only got to wet ourselves (in normal clothes) in front of each other, but I suppose if you talk to her every day from the beginning you'll get to the good stuff before the game ends
>>26988 Yup, I was able to get her gift of diapers on the end of the last day. They aren't anything too spectacular but you can get them.
>>26987 Miniboss has amazing art but in the story department it's totally WTF. It's about a society where there's an underclass of super manlets known as "runts". Until recently (and it's not totally gone) they were all treated as infants due to bizarre societal expectations and indoctrinated into a learned helpless state. Why would you put that in your funny diaper game? Why would you want to make the player feel guilty for indulging in babyish stuff? It's not a little thing you can ignore, it constantly comes up in the plot!
>>27008 Same with Messy academy, half of the girls have mental disabilities, like Miki is cute in an endearing sense, but her mental state is too underdeveloped and it gets depressing to see her get harassed for it constantly.
>>27008 >>27010 Yeah, I dont get this need to add such "deep lore" to some diaper games. Just give me a generic fantasy plot rpg with a diaper wearing protag and companions like a mommy mage or a bratty brawler that I can have lewd abdl scenes with but overall just work with me normally (like in Wetters Quest or Adventurers of Lieve's Inn but diaper focused instead of just piss focused) or just a generic romance vn with characters like bully with a bedwetting secret, imouto more competent than mc, ara ara teacher, etc and not just hyper femdom or humiliation things like its so common. Sometimes keeping things simple is nice and could help a lot of these projects to actually get released instead of getting stuck in development hell.
New game apparently coming out later this week on the 30th in the style of Sunny Paws Daycare sounds interesting to say the least https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/witch-s-regression-manor-abdl-game-t1109-s30.html
>>26977 I didn't play it but from what I've heard about it, it's a very heavy-narrative game with a lot of dark stuff, with probably tons of hours of reading, and in all of that only a few lines involving regression. It's apparently very good, but don't play this just for ABDL elements, you're gonna get disappointed.
>>26987 That was amazingly hot, I love Kylie now and want to be her daddy. Too bad there isn't much game here, on the 2-3 hours I spend with the game I think I only had like 3 moments of interactivity. I do hope the project moves further on, I need more Kylie, I want her sitting on my lap right now. Also the game runs like fucking shit and for a VN that's an accomplishment, dunno who's fault would that be.
I wish a place like LU was real. Maybe then i would want to go to college lol
>>27104 Only started playing it for a fap game but the story is actually pretty fun and interesting lol. Definitely didn't expect that much thought to be put into it for some reason but it's honestly a great game. Keeping attention after a fap is a mark of accomplishment lol
>>27008 Maybe it turns them on?
im dumb. how do i get back into the university in LU after escaping the lab. they are everywhere and no invisible things showed up. i didnt get into that pink area either
>>27175 Go through the caves.
>>27061 Tapatalk is being a pain in the butt. Can anyone download the .quest files and host them on anon file or something?
>>27234 Sure, I guess. I still have an account on FTT, but that place is usually dead anyways. https://anonfiles.com/86m7Iez9ze/Witchs_Regression_Manor_BETA_00_01_04_quest
Does anyone have a whole week in diapers by ABDLMiah
>>27179 >>27175 i beat it. bit underwhelmed. the excuse plot has to be there, i guess. cannot get off to it though
>>27266 Is most of the game out? Last I played it you could get into the test facility and unlock the train but couldn't ride it or go past that point.
I remember seeing a guy on Twitter making a diaperfur mod for Wind Waker, I think Link was changed into a black wolf. I think he was also working on his on diaperfur game, I remember there being a like, hotel bellhop dragon in a diaper, and there being a mini game for diaper changes where you had remove all 4 tapes. Can't find him anymore, and I probably can't search too much more with the Tweet limit thing.
>>27277 the narrative concludes and you beat an evil scientist, after which you're free to do anything else in the game like the relationship quests with people. I'm not sure how fleshed out those are, forgot how to unlock the nursery in the library.
>>27287 Crackajackin or cj is the one making it
>>27266 I'm assuming more can/will be added in the future. I feel the story can be a bit longer, but I also understand not wanting to drag it out too much. helpfully the side stuff being added next will be good.
Does anyone have the ABDLMilah games? Hypnosis, A Whole Week in Diapers etc? Would be much appreciated
>>26987 Do you have a link to the new build? It just came out. >>27017 I'm fine with original lore. Just don't put me off! Also, you're right. there's a serious lack of mommy scenes in games... If I were to do a mommy mage though. I'd want her to be able to use babification magic on both you and the enemies. This would put debuffs on you but have some sort of obviosu benefit despite it. No benefit for the enemies though. Like, you couldn't stand without holding her hand but you'd be shielded against enemy attacks. That sort of magical dependence is something that I've wanted to explore for a while.
>>27315 check kemenofox that's were i got the first link. ( https://kemono.party/patreon/user/2869707 )
>>27299 Yep, that's him, thanks!
Anybody know what's been going on with Messy Academy? I remember them promising chapter 5 a year or so ago. Everything I'm supporting is in between releases, aside from Paci Project that just got a new public release.
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>>27305 >ABDLMiah I don't think you don't want those games. They're made using pieceofsoap's tileset and other basic RPGmaker assets. On top of that, it's incredibly hard to make compelling fetish gameplay with RPGmaker, and I've head nothing special about the content. She wants $5/month for updates to this stuff, which seems excessive given that A Whole Week in Diapers hasn't been updated since December AFAIK. I advise you look elsewhere, or download Quest5/RenPy and make your own diaper filling simulator. At least then, the fap material will be individually catered to you.
So on the public release they say you can go back into the hospital wards after you beat the level and if not you can use a debug command to make it happen but I can't seem to figure that out. Anyone know what it is?
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>>27434 Knowing which game you're asking about would help.
>>27436 pacifier project
messed up the reply number but yeah
Anyone have Depravity quest
>>27426 I’ll add that her brand new game,hypnosis,is basically just a start menu at this point. Stay away from that thing,it give way too much milking money with low effort vibes.
Does anyone remember the commands to set incontinence in littleington, there used to be a command like SetAccidents 0-1 and setting like 0.5 would change it to more likely to have accidents.
>>27464 You almost got it right. It is setaccident 0~1 0: no accidents 1: instant voiding Another useful command is give <ITEM> Use give doom for an item that can kill any enemie in one hit
>>27464 >>27466 Just tested this command on a newer save and looks like it affects nothing. Maybe in older versions it did something? I can tell the continence is tied to the main quest progression. As you defeat bosses, you loose continence. Same as levels, you only level up after defeating bosses.
>>27471 Yeah I think you're right, its tied by levels.
Does anyone have 7 Days In My Brother's House I can’t find the original download anywhere Rawg up link: https://rawg.io/games/7-days-in-my-brothers-house
>>27466 >>27471 Do you guys also feel you have way more continence if you wear underwear compared to diapers or pullups ?
>>27571 why the fuck does this game need a vulkan graphics card
>>27539 I've played a run where I try and stay in normal underwear for as long as I can, and I managed to get to the point where my MC didn't even bed wet anymore. However I did hit a point in the story where I couldn't make it on time anymore if I had a full bladder/bowels too far away from a potty. I also noticed if you wear pull-ups during the day and you have even a little bit in your bladder gauge filled you'll wet yourself without notice. You don't even get the normal animation you get when you wet yourself. it's as if your character didn't know they did it. This does not happen with the diapers from what I can tell. IF it's a bug it should stay in since I find the idea of not knowing when you wet yourself great. whatever does this I think it should also happen with the diapers
>>27571 Game has potential it's set in my favorite world so I am looking forward to more. Dunno if I posted but Link: https://xey.itch.io/patreon-access-only-tlgg0520 Password: holdshield -Var
>>27587 I was doing a run like that as well. Lost progress after a corrupted save sadly but I will start playing again soon. Dumb question why doesn't using the toilet get rid of the need to wet or mess on the bars? I would just go in the stall and then take off my pants and go on the floor lol. What am I missing?
>>27602 its a bug rn if you reload or sleep it will reset it.
>>27587 >you'll wet yourself without notice There is one hidden trigger that makes your character wet regardless of continence level of bladder fullness if they're wearing diaper/pullup in the dormitory. See video. Doesn't look like an intended mechanic since it doesn't make sense if your character have perfect bladder control but suddenly loses it when wearing a diaper. There may be similar triggers elsewhere. I didn't look.
>>27616 I've never had it trigger at random when diapered. Only with the pull-up on. I will point out again that I want it to be a feature with low/no continence and not a random bug.
>>27631 It would be quite neat to have games that instead of doing an accident based incontinence would try to simulate a constant dribble once a certain level of incon is reached. Not sure how it would be translated gameplay wise thought.
>>27616 Be nice if they had a waterlogged mode where diaper grows to the floor and you fore to crawl with the exta baggage
>>27633 You can keep eating and shitting and the diaper will grow larger. But it won't force you to crawl.
>>27633 The hyper fantasy.
>>27631 >trigger at random when diapered The video shows it triggering with the character wearing a diaper and it's not random, that's the point. The trigger at that spot works every time, you can keep wearing cleans diapers and all of them will get wet when the character walks over the trigger, regardless of continence or bladder fullness. It's a bug because in this game the character is supposed to show some animation when wetting/messing. Probably, the developer placed that trigger to test something and forgot it there. It's not new, it has been there for a very long time. If someone here is patreon, can you ask the developer about it?
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Am I doing it right?
>>27637 >Bandicam Lol.
>>27657 Not really, go to the daycare in the beach area. In an older version, the developer forgot an NPC in that area that did a lot of interaction animations with the player. >>27663 He wants to show us all of his games
>>26234 What is this? an RE mod?
>>27668 i think that is AI art of dark and darker loading screen with some character on it... maybe Alice in wonderland?
>>27679 So this is not an ingame model?
Is https://www.patreon.com/ABDLMiah/posts games worth pledging to? I saw their whole week in diapers posts but not enough about it. Has anyone tried the games? just looking to see if you recommend it
>>27695 No way its really bad
>>27695 Don’t do it,you’re up for a disappointment. It’s not worth a cent.
>>27695 All of her stuff is stuck in the 'progress the story by 2 minutes per update' phase right now, and the actual diaper mechanics are barely alright. It's partially an engine limitation, but her design philosophy doesn't help at all. Spend your money somewhere else if you want a decent game in the next 10 years, or just check in on other projects that kind people are making for free. Sunny Paws Daycare is probably my favorite diaper game and it was just made by someone and helped along by modders, no years of patreon required.
>>27695 Absolutely not, both that game and SunnyValley have "shameless cash grab" written all over them. You'll be better off playing literally anything else
What ABDL games currently in development do you guys think are the most worth supporting?
>>27736 I wanna see the hive from piece of soap. I think it will be worth. maybe soggy horror. yeah IDK most games lose the creative progression and go for slow development instead.
>>27666 How do I get there? I just got into the laboratory.
>>27736 I would say Second Chance Academy Yet again, another RPGmaker game, but one of the best made yet. It goes forward to the theme and doesnt waste time making uploads about buying food or side quests that are just, talk with npc and talk with another, to get some money that you cant even use to buy usefull things. Basically the exception to the normal rule of RPGmaker games that are being developed recently. IDK if you can pay to him... but you can support him in his discord. Danganrompa Pampered Panic is also looking nice, but there wasnt an update in a big time.
>>27740 hmm thank you for saying this I haven't played either! I am off to try these
>>27740 >NVM on Danganrompa Pampered Panic I need to get a role on the discord server but the main mod in the server isn't there anymore guess I can't try it out
Pacifier project got an update if anyone has it
>>27736 Babymaker by Baboon. It's buggy and a bit scattered, but the base is solid and the patreon system is pretty fair (free updates get released every few months that are up to date). Baboon has got a solid enough record, especially if you take the game more as a sandbox. Happy Heart Panic is decent too, kinda furry shit and strapped to a normal degen game -though the abdl stuff is well sectioned off - but the price is cheap and the updates when they come out are pretty good. Maybe one to stop in at when a relevant update comes rather than support full time. There's still good japanese stuff releasing like omogatari (though it looks like it's mostly restarting from scratch, unfortunately, and the translation is a little spotty). Always worth checking in on but their dev cycles tend to be less focused on patreon-type support. There are others I support but don't feel as strongly about, and still more that I supported that had development stall, so I paused to see if they pick back up in the future (LU, the repurposing center, etc). >>27740 Last I saw of second chance it was pretty barebones and not to my liking. Good to hear it's moving along at least. The Danganronpa game seemed like they bit off more than they could chew, last I checked it was mostly just a series of VN events fluctuating in quality. I'll see if I can dig up my burner discord I used to get it for >>27743 I've found myself going back to older games I saved more often than not.
>>27804 It's a bit early to say but DD Adventure by MaybeMee will probably evolve into a great game given enough time. What's there is a solid foundation and it's made in an actual game engine, Godot, so nothing is off the table mechanically. Check it out if you just want to see what's there. It's short, but it doesn't waste much time.
>>27836 Does DD Adventure currently have any substance to it? I really enjoyed the premise, but so far it seems like all you can do is try to solve (what I can only guess to be deliberate) impossible Picross and have a functioning toileting system. I tried talking to the boss in wet clothing but she didn't say anything about it.
>>27837 It's not impossible. You're just not good at it. https://fedimser.github.io/nonogram.html
>>27837 Not much yet, although the dev is adding to it relatively quickly. Since the first release they've added some more random flavor text for when you're moving from place to place and a scene for when you're messy in front of your boss where she changes you. It's not really substantive yet but it's about as solid as a foundation gets. It's on my radar for sure.
does anyone have the pacifier project update yet?
Is there anyway I can play DD Adventure without using a vulkan video driver
>>27872 Why would that be a problem? Support for Vulkan is near universal.
>>27881 I keep getting an error that states it cant initialize Vulkan Video Driver
>>27872 pass --rendering-driver opengl3 either on the command line or through a shortcut file
>>27837 >>27838 holy fuck lol, I remember thinking "bold choice of this dev to make what is essentially an IQ test for the player a core mechanic as to whether or not you get infantilized"
>>28045 Damn am I too smart to get babied? I had to try to lose to see if there was any content but sadly, I didn't see any.
I Might need to go to cryosleep just to see some updates or good ABDL games. I might have to make my own but assets cost so much money granted could start with unity but I wanna work on unreal! Does anyone have a mechanic for wet/messing in unreal?
>>28051 Is there a specific reason for wanting to go unreal? Unless you are really knowledgeable about unreal and C++, Unity will be easier to take on,have more documentation and user base (hence easier troubleshooting) and a much more filled asset store. On a technical standpoint,there’s nothing you can do in unreal that you can’t do on Unity(and vice versa).
>>28053 I see more potential in learning and advancement in unreal than if I practiced in unity. just like if I was to make the game in java or rpgmaker. I like the look and I see more rewards in the future I guess? I know it's a porn game ima make but IDK it seems like a better investment in a skill.
>>28056 You should do some research on the topic. Unreal vs Unity have nothing in common with comparing something like Java vs RPGMaker. Both are full fledged engines,capable of making AAA games and both take years to master. The learning curve being steeper for unreal doesn’t mean it’s the most professional and best engine between the two. The « unreal » look that you’re talking about can be easily be achieved in the exact same way in unity. I don’t want to discourage you to learn unreal,far from it,but do it for good reason. Learning an engine is already a tremendous task so if you volontary make things harder,you better have a good motivation for it.
>>27837 The puzzle game is neat, but past that I didn't much much too it. Even after buying diapers the boss seems to say nothing about them.
>>28056 >>28058 To add on to this, Godot might be what you're after. Yeah, it's a linux based open source poncy version of Unity in essence, but it's also got a lot more of that future learning and advancement that you want from Unreal.
still no pacifier project?
>>28105 I guess not... I would love more but diaper quest and TLGG is already a lot for a porn game
>>28105 Damn yeah I guess people don't like sharing
I hate to be a beggar. But does anyone have the new "Diaper destiny" game from Girl Bullies Universe?
>>28301 I’m interested by this game too. Do you know if the engine is rpgmaker or renpy? I still like to play well made ABDL rpgmaker games 😀
>>28105 https://anonfiles.com/f2EfN05ez4/The_pacifier_project_r09_1a_rar here you go! -Var >>28350 is this the December one or a new one?
>>28350 it's a new one!
Does anyone have New Life in Sunny Valley
I'm trying to remember the name of a game from like 10 years ago. I think it was made in RPG maker and it involved a kid going to college and accidentally wetting his bed on the first night. Sound familiar to anyone?
>>28637 Weston Academy?
>>28643 It ashamed It not moving forward after Decades It rare to have finish abdl game like PC form piece of soap
Can we get New Life in Sunny Valley please, I wanna see what's in the new updates
>>28350 I finally played the new demo of The Hive, a lot has been added thankfully, I enjoyed hanging out with Maddie and I it saddens me it'll take another 3 years to be done like perpetual change was. Maddie also mention that boys get sent to a different hive, I'd love to see a game in the boys hive or an integrated hive.
>>28356 Looks like anonfiles is now a dead host
I'm currently in the process of making a text-based ABDL game from scratch, trying to replicate the Quest format without actually using that godforsaken program. It's going pretty well, as I'm ironing out how the game will handle rooms, objects, and the like and working on how the game parses input. It'll be entirely command line based, as that makes it both easier to run and actually create. The general "premise" is just my take on the Sunny Paws formula, but removing the physical regression in favor of mental regression, as that's just what I like more and it avoids certain weird implications. It'll be familiar for fans of the Quest diaper games, but hopefully it'll stand out enough for people to enjoy it. I plan on including more debuffs and effects, stuff that can shake up the formula a bit, among other things. Here's why I'm posting so early on in development: Do you guys have any ideas for stuff you want to see? Scenerios, rooms, items, characters, anything. I'm open to basically anything as long as it isn't gross. Also, I'm not sure if I will be adding Quest-like combat, as I dislike how it can break the flow of the game. Should I add it, should I not, or do you guys have any ideas for a new system? Let me know. In regards to release, here's the deal: I'll do my best to finish the project, but I'll eventually release what I have no matter what just so everybody has something at the end of all this. I want to make something good for the "community" to enjoy, if even just a little.
Some of these ideas are probably too ambitious - some kind of mini map - procedurally generated map - randomly generated NPC characteristics (for example an NPC that is friendly during one playthrough might betray you on another) - NPCs that are affected by most of the same game mechanics as the player - hypnosis with post hypnotic triggers - wetting and messing - humiliation - booby traps - loot that can be enchanted / cursed
>>28813 I've played pretty much every abdl game out there, SunnyPaws included. Some of the things that I personall didn't like in SP was the bladder and bowel filling too fast and too often, making it frustrating and forcing you in diapers pretty much, defeating the purpose of "roleplaying" as an accident prone character that still wants to stay in pullups or underwear. One thing that might be cool to add is lots of cursed items that force you to fulfill some actions to be freed, and maybe normal equipment being tranformed into its babyish version. Also baby themed traps and other npcs that actually have some kind of quest. I have many ideas that would be hard to articulate in a single post. Also, if you were thinking of adding drawings like in SP, I would be glad to help!
>>28816 Isn't that just diaperquest
>>28816 For clarity, I'm planning on a fixed map like in Sunny Paws, and for exploration to at least play a part. I will be adding some hypnosis stuff, too, and wetting and messing were two of the first things I got working. >>28826 Yeah, I always thought that the pullup/underwear stage should have more content to it, so I'll probably add a more robust training system, or at least try to stretch how long you can choose to stay in pullups or underwear. I do like the idea of cursed items needing certain actions to be completed before you can take them off, so that's on the list. If you feel like giving any more ideas feel free to type out a fucking essay. The more complicated ideas are what will probably make this game more interesting. In regards to images, the game is, at least right now, a command line program, so images aren't really that easy to do. Thanks, though, for the offer.
>>28833 You're welcome, I am always happy to help for abdl projects. I am not sure how the programming stuff works with images and all, but if that becomes an option I am always up for it, I think it adds ad incredible amount of immersion to the game. As for ideas, I'd be happy to make a list as soon as i have some free time. I have always wanted to make an abdl game as well, but I have very specific ideas and I don't know how they could fit in your game, a little more info on it would help a lot!
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Can anyone please leak the new update for MiniBoss? https://kemono.party/patreon/user/2869707
>>28813 >>28816 This is indeed ambitious. What engine/languages are you planning to use? I've tried my own hand at smut text adventures™ using Quest and RenPy, and I think both of those are viable options. If you are looking for recommendations, I would push you towards RenPy not because of any image/visual options, but because the Python scripting is a lot more extensible and user-friendly than Quest's JS bullshit.
As of right now I'm using bare Python, just outputting to text using print statements. I've successfully emulated Quest's general structure of rooms with objects in them, an inventory and so on. It's a lot of different Classes, but I have a framework down right now. Currently you can walk around a few test rooms, interact with and/or pick up objects in the rooms, talk to an NPC, and I have methods running every turn for the usual stuff, like accidents, thirst, hunger, and potty stats. You can use items in your inventory, too, and equip certain items. Basically, I have core functionality down right now. A new system I'm using is called the Sammi System in-game (Yes this is a reference to Sunny Paws). It uses an item called the Sammi Watch to track your uses of the potty and your accidents and attach them to a virtual potty chart, and you can be demoted or promoted through potty training ranks based on your chart. Your rank determines what kind of underwear you can wear, and other characters can see your rank. I think this is a good way to not immediately punish accidents with a demotion to diapers or pullups while still having the eventual threat be a demotion. Also, it lets me use the ranks and the potty chart in unique ways, like having a character try and hack your chart, or something. It's another thing to play with, and it fills the same role as the Sammy Plush did in Sunny Paws, in a lot of ways. The watch even has flavor text for certain actions. Other than that stuff, there isn't much set in stone. The game takes place in a massive "Daycare" filled with people who don't know how they got there, and those people play various roles. Some act as helpers or caretakers, while others are in a similar situation to you. I think that this kind of setting lets a lot of interesting ideas thrive, which is why I'm keeping some things vague. Anything ABDL related could probably happen in a setting like this, which is the point. The "Daycare" is big, and more of a massive maze with various places to explore, people to meet, and items to get. Honestly, let your mind go wild with ideas. As long as they can translate to some kind of gameplay concept, like changing your stats or giving a debuff or something, it's effectively on the table. Even if it's just an item in the world with flavor text that's more content added. If you need any more specifics just ask, I'm probably forgetting to mention something important. Also, Python really is a godsend for this project. I know Java and a bit of C#, too, but I feel like either of those would have been a nightmare to work with in comparison, especially because of how many resources there are for simple Python problems, and how often solutions to problems are just an import away. I'm not even going to touch on JavaScript. Whenever I release the project I hope that people mod it like they did Sunny Paws, because my Class structure for making new Rooms and stuff is, in my opinion, pretty easy to get a grip on. Basically, without getting too technical, every object, for example a Rattle in your inventory or a Kitchen room, is its own Class which is the child of some generic Class. This lets me add more complex functionality to specific items while repeating as little code as possible. It's a lot like making an item in Quest, except without all the messing with the UI, which is what turned me off of it in the first place. I love the "genre" of games that Quest allows you to make, it's just that the engine itself is weird, complicated, and slow, and the editor glitches a lot.
>>28816 For anyone in the thread who was confused, this post isn't me, just someone giving ideas. I think some people got mixed up there. For clarity, from now on I will try and sign posts or something. I go by AcoDev, so if you see that assume it's me. -AcoDev
>>28860 I have never seen such a massive wall of text written by someone so damn proud that they have no idea what they're doing. You went full pajeet, grats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9pEzgHorH0
>>28862 Cool video. It makes some good points--although I always find dissing classes ironic in a language where literally everything is a class. Let's try telling the anon who wants to provide us free fap material something useful in addition to that. Keeping your classes focused and narrow in scope is probably a good idea in all cases. >>28861 >>28860 On a related note, do you have a development or adjacent background? It's fine if not, but it would help contextualize how to answer any questions you have. Either way, I urge you to start simple and build up based on a clear vision of what features you are confident you can implement. Trying to have well-composed patterns for every possible scenario in your diaperfaggotry game from the outset is likely to explode into time you don't want to spend.
>>28862 Thanks for the feedback. I understand that the overuse of Classes where they aren't necessary isn't great. I've seen videos other than the one you posted on the subject, and I agree that it can really overcomplicate simple problems. Answering the other anon's question will probably explain why I write code the way I do. >>28864 I'll be honest here, most of my knowledge with programming is hobbyist-level. I took CS in high school, and my teacher was very into the OOP side of Java, so that's why I'm so quick to use Classes. It's a bad habit, but it stems from my only real standardized instruction on the topic being flawed. Call me a dumbass, but writing Classes to use once just seems like the most straightforward way to replicate the general structure of a Quest game, which is what I want to do. It could probably be totally refactored and work without Classes, but I'm doing my best. I won't say how I write code uses best practices, but if it works for the fetish game then it works. You mentioned starting simple, but the reason I didn't really do that is because I know the scale of a project like this and that I really don't want to have to write and rewrite code as the scope expands. Honestly, as far as I can tell so far, the way I'm currently implementing features is fine time-wise, and most of the actual time spent implementing something is writing the dialogue for everything. If I'm proven wrong I'm proven wrong, though. If everything spirals out of control tell me you told me so. Sorry for the wall of text, I just want to be thorough. :) -AcoDev
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Anyone got this Resident Evil 2 mod backed up? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86518775 Phlog completely nuked their media presence, no archives or drives - nothing. Hope someone in this thread has it collecting dust somewhere.
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>>28872 Oh, thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'll update the link with a non broken one.
>>28849 Seconded. Ps. I kinda hate the ingame music so I just mute it and play the soundtrack to Snatcher
>>28876 Are you Phlog? Why do you keep trying to disappear from the internet?
>>26209 >>28866 >why I write code the way I do. Why are you phrasing it as if you know any other way? This is the same sort of "muh style" cope all god-awful artists in this fetish all have. If they could draw like Mikuni Atsuko they wouldn't be drawing like themselves, but they can't so they don't. Same here. Stop trying to save face like there's any dispute you don't know what you're doing.
>>28864 >free fap material If that comes with the stipulation that they're above criticism, that is a cost, the cost of what you're not aloud to say - and so you're paying the cost and aloud to say it, duh.
>>28866 Okay. Since your background is--as you said--"hobbyist level," I would advise you to start small. Take your prototype and turn it into multiple "mini" games implementing the features you'd like to see, starting from the most basic. Like I said on classes, if you keep your scope focused you'll get more done by virtue of having fewer distractions. If you moderate your expectations of what you can achieve, you'll be less likely to feel overwhelmed. I highly recommend posting questions and/or progress as you see fit. And (this goes without saying) read/watch tutorials on coding best practices. Write simple programs to test your knowledge, etc. There are literally 1.4 billion pajeets who can help you there. >>28890 >>28892 Nobody said you weren't allowed to criticize; you were told to be helpful with your criticism. There's no need for a temper-tantrum, so let us know when you're done being a fussy baby.
>>28890 >"I write code the way I do because I am a hobbyist and my only formal education on the subject was flawed. It's how I was taught." = "I can write better code, I just choose to write it poorly. It's a choice." >"Here's why I talk the way I do." -> "Why are you phrasing it as if you know how to talk any other way?" >>28892 >"This guy is trying to make us something for free, maybe say something useful in addition to telling him he doesn't know what he's doing and sending a YouTube link." = "This person is above criticism." Here's your (you), man, you earned it.
>>28897 Thanks for the advice. I actually just got a lot of stuff done, basically by doing what you said to do before you said it. I've focused on a smaller area of just a few rooms, basically the intro/tutorial of the game, implementing different objects and items until this one vertical slice of the game is done. Nothing is too complicated, but it all works. I only have a few more small things to add, but after that and some testing I'll probably post a prototype here. It'll have the player moving, picking up, using, and interacting with different items while introducing concepts to be expanded on later, like the Sammi System I mentioned before. I'm still tweaking the numbers on the potty system a bit, too, as that takes testing to balance. I'm hoping to have a proof of concept posted in the coming days, probably just containing the intro. I have actually been reading a lot of stuff on Python as I've been working on this. Mostly a lot of specific Stack Overflow questions to solve problems I run into, but also casually watching guides and the like. >>28898 Whoops, forgot to sign this post. This was me, too. :) -AcoDev
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>>28883 I am. I'm not.
>>28900 >signing posts on a anon board might as well become a namefag
Damn anonfiles went down I am big sad. anyone got the https://www.patreon.com/ABDLMiah. I know it's not worth but I just wanna play more ABDL games
>>28935 second this there is always some dude her saying its not worth it, but brother, we're down bad okay? I just need new content.
>>28935 Third, I really wanna see what the game is about
>>28935 Its one of those games with little to no content that use some tricks to make the "Gameplay" longer. I can resume the first day/demo in this: Wake up in diapers, didnt pee, if you keep up you will be able to leave them Change into some undies and day clothes Get down and talk with mom, then breakfast Get up to search your backup Get down and out, go to school, one map to the left. In school go to the first class, you can copy homework from a friend or dont do it, it doesnt do anything yet. You can ask to go to the bathroom midclass, if you do, they tell you to wait, if you dont, nothing happens. You go to the second classroom, with an optional toilet stop. If you do, class goes normal, if you dont, you pee in class and go with the school nurse, who puts you in normal undies and nobody tells your mother, so that accident doesnt count for the plot. Get home and leave backpack Eat Do homework (5 questions about school related things) Get out and talk with your friend Go back and eat Take a bath Change into nightime clothes, pajama and diaper Sleep, and have an accident because of a dream You didnt see wrong, 90% of that was filler. And thats the main story, the thing that should be the core of the game, and it has... well... nothing. You can say that the first day has nothing and you would be absolutely right. The gameplay is go from place A to B with nothing really insteresting happening in any time. It trys to be "realistic" but it doesnt deliver well.
Does anyone know the cheat code for sunny paws daycare?
>>29026 Put Chronus in instead of your name to activate special options at the start. Type Cheat Mode to get the cheat item, unless you're in Unfair mode.
I created a mod for Perpetual Change that allows for faster sprint speed and faster dialogue boxes. Hopefully it helps for people that want to replay the game with different choices but don't want to sit through the same conversations over and over. https://mega.nz/file/c2kTyQgZ#cen8cDJutFVTSLG4Dif2Ze4xPKt3KPIWpQNDqctpPtI
>>29113 thank fuck everything in that game moves so slowly the menus, the characters, the dialog... still a good game but I have to clear my weekend to play it
So I had an idea for a game, I'd probably be able to figure out the coding, it's like one of those things you might be assigned in coding class this this old ass game everyone knows of and recode it. The idea is essentially you play mine sweeper, and in doing so, infantilize the girls next to the board. Like huniepop with diapers and minesweeper than match three. Only problem is obliviously the sprites and possibly backgrounds (Though stock images could probably be put in...) Their costly and take up way too much time compared to anything else in the project. Oh any any CG's of your mind controlled friends fully embracing their new infantile existence.
Would love an abdl game that you play and in the background (visual and in the audio) of the game it has hypnosis to slowly hypnotize the player.
I finished my little vertical slice of my yet unnamed game project a few days ago, and was going to release it through AnonFiles before it died. I'm just going to keep working on it for now and make the finished chunk bigger. Right now I'm working on an area with a defined 'classroom' space (think preschool/kindergarten) and a defined 'playroom' space (think a daycare). Any ideas for things to do/see/interact with here? I have a few ideas, like being encouraged to skip out on the potty in the playroom through various means and having the toys you play with have nice flavor text and stat changes attached to them. Let me know of any ideas you want to throw out! -AcoDev
>>29160 the only problem is that minesweeper fucking sucks
>>29165 >skip out the potty in the playroom Please don’t. Make that interactable, if humiliating to use.
>>29211 Oh don't worry, it'll be fully interactive. It's just that certain things in the playroom might 'distract' you from using it one way or another. Sometimes you're having so much fun with your toys that you don't wanna get up just to go pee. I will take note of the humiliation aspect though. I can certainly work that in. Being treated as weird for trying to potty train gets the cogs turning. -AcoDev
>>26209 Another interesting alternative to create a video game with an AB/DL theme would be a point and click game made directly in power point, it would only be a question of knowing how to use the hyperlinks of the slides correctly. I came up with this idea because I saw that there is an interesting horror game called Roche limit that was made in that software.
does anyone have any of jennaD/nbdl-industry games? the only one thats public and free is "wish of a babysitter"
Since there's not much going on I'll drop some games I found that got published recently and that I didn't saw here; https://codababy.itch.io/abdl-visual-novel-test-run New game that just got published. Extremely short and rough but you never know, might turn out okay in the future? For now, it's pretty bad. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/witch-s-regression-manor-abdl-game-t1109.html?sid=5ffbba1ffa56ce7c44ffa31d498ab5f8 Text based game like diaper quest, not bad if text games are your things. Otherwise, not so much...New content is scarce theses days.
There was a new Pacifier Project build released on the 15th, version 0.9.3. Anybody have it?
Anyone heard of omoTheWorld? Saw this game released a couple of weeks ago, decided to play it for a bit and it seems promising. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/omotheworld-2023-09-02-t1137.html
>>29768 I get crashes any time any time something fun happens, wouldn't reccommend
>>29768 There was another version of this before, this is the version edited to comply with omoorg guidelines. Here's the version with more content, for those who'd prefer it: https://gitgud.io/mrpopsalot/pops-tw
>>29768 This would be great if I... knew what anything meant. Looks like it's drenched in Japanese culture and spirits and stuff. Super strange. And the random Japanese appearing every so often is... a little disheartening.
>>29768 very buggy and very repetitive
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I want to make a completely vanilla video game and have diapers/baby clothes as a well hidden unlockable costume.
Shame Onirism doesn't have an abdl mod.
>>30054 I think there’s a cosmetic diaper mod that you can find on a certain forum related to Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms.
>>30055 when website is it call
does anyone know how to get the secret ending in wish of a babysitter?
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>>30066 Don’t want to gatekeep here,but if you don’t know which site this is about,you may be better not knowing at all.
>>30079 OOOOH, different user here, didn't catch the alcohol,tobacco... part at first, went on with my day, and then realized lol
>>30078 And yet there's hardly any videos on what it plays like.
>>30128 It plays pretty good. It's still the Sims 4, so your enjoyment may depend on how much you like the base game. I'd say it's very well integrated so far, and the dev is moving fast to expand the stuff you can do, like interacting with more pieces of baby furniture and the like. The RP element is neat, too, with how much control you have over the characters you create. Give it a shot, the base game is free so there's no risk with trying it out.
>>30132 My point stands. As little I've seen of these mods in action, I would expect there to be more showcasing it.
>>30132 make sure you download the sims 4 updater by anadius so EA doesn't get your money
>>30078 this is down
https://gigaq.fanbox.cc/posts/6774237 new visual novel game but it's locked behind paywall
New game I found called Life as a boy has some diaper content and I am sure there will be more.
>>30235 link?
real big slowdown on games diaperquest is just like a new school lesson which is just text and -continence and most creators just seem to drag things out. I wonder if it's due to a lack of ideas or hard to code?
Heck, I'd settle for an update to New Life in Sunny Valley.
Anyone here a game dev? Would you be interested in collabing?
>>30362 I'm open to it, I can't draw for shit but I've got plenty of experience finding a problem and slamming my head into it till it's fixed. I also have a bit of 3d molding experience, and a bit of experience in... unity, hopefully that can translate to godot or something else...
>>30364 Interesting, I can do 2d art and music, I can code but never used a game engine. Seems we can work something out.
>>30365 What kinda things were you thinking of trying out? Or would you want me to start spitballing ideas?
>>30367 I don't know too much about resitant evil, there's the ammo rationing, and hordes to get though What would be the driving force of the fetish content?
level of diaper mess as the health bar
>>30368 >I don't know too much about resitant evil, there's the ammo rationing, and hordes to get though me neither, we can play RE and similar games "for research" >What would be the driving force of the fetish content? Beside the main character being dressed like a baby I have no idea. This'll require more planning and brainstorming.
>>28897 > you were told to... Lol. Lmao. > ...be helpful with your criticism Constructive criticism is for people who are actually trying to do things the right way to begin with and just need a few pointers letting them know what they need to work on in particular. Something already has to be mostly right for constructive criticism to even be possible to begin with. When it's not particulars but EVERYTHING that is mistaken and the person doesn't even have the basics down yet there's nothing to say other than "start over from the beginning, actually take the time to learn what you need to instead of rushing into things with only naive understanding, we don't need another fucking Yandere-dev" That's the difference between the role of an instructor at an art school and a kindergarten teacher: with the former, there's some expectation of an already established knowledge base and some assumption that there's an intended goal to your work that it either meets or strays from. Hope you can see it isn't an instructor's fault they're unable to criticize a 5yo from finger painting to masterwork oil painting because they just aren't being "constructive" enough. In the words of Richard Williams: "You don't know what you don't know"
>>30370 > for research Uh... if you've never played why do you want one like it? >Besides the main chracter being dressed like a baby... I'm not sure if it's just me, but just having someone dressed as a baby doesn't seem like something you need to make a new game for, the starbaron abdl mod was just putting yoru chracter in a diaper, and I'm sure someone could proably try and mod any pc based RE game to put a woman in diapers in instead of the protaganists. There might be some merit in diaper as health bar, or someone trying to get out of a scary situation without using their diaper, but that goes back to the problem, the content should be the reward, not the punishment, The various gameplay loops should proably all be focused on infantlizing someone, or getting to view someone diapered up, Like you're the zombie in the situation and you get other diapered zombies on your side, or you're investigating something and get abdl themed upgrades morphe ball tunnel? just crawl like the baby you are~
>>30373 >Uh... if you've never played why do you want one like it? Because I played Alisa, the game from that gif and I felt the only thing missing was being openly kinky. You're right about everything else and I should had put down more ideas on my comments. Yes fetish content should be a reward and not a punishment, for a survival horror game I imagine a dirty diaper will slow you down or even make you lose health so getting changed and therefore babied is a mechanic to not lose.
>>30081 could you say the name of the forum? (or give a little hint) trying to find the mod but didn't found yet
>>30379 nvmd, found it
Anyone got the resident evil 2 remake diaper mod? The good saggy one, I can't find it anywhere.
>>30389 You're probably talking Phlog's mods (+ likely the first). https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86518775 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95050532

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>>30389 https://litter.catbox.moe/q5e3a4.zip currently only works on the no raytracing patch. im remastering the diaper model with 3D scans I've done still got the SF6 mod to go through though so it might be a while
>>30430 Is that a future RE4R diaper mod? It look insanely good.
>>30432 it just a port of claire's legs and diaper onto ashley but thanks
Anyone got the password for the most recent To Love A Goo Girl update?
>>30444 Did someone ask for Var? https://xey.itch.io/patreon-access-only-tlgg0550 p: diapersloot
Can someone post https://www.patreon.com/ABDLSparrow new updoot?!
Someone here has the last update of the pacifier proyect?
>>30638 horrible punctuation Filesanon isn't working anyone. Anyone happen to have a random mega account I can throw games in to share? I'll share the rest of the games that happen to have no one sharing them because no one seems to be able to share. -Var
>>30627 Yeah the Pacifier Project got a new version I won't even bother with asking other *chan because they never deliver this place is slower but comfier and some anons actually do deliver have some random pics
>>30657 It’s just weird that a few months ago everything got shared like crazy then suddenly it got very slow with barely any content sharing. Maybe it’s just that there’s less content made,idk. Or just that chans get slower over time.
>>30667 >Or just that chans get slower over time I suspect it's this Chans in general are getting slower. The demographic is changing but i won't go in details 4chins has a lot of traffic but I'm sure it's most bots, just take a look at /v/'s catalog Other than that, the recent Unity fiasco is culprit too Littleington, The Pacifier Project and many other niche porn games use Unity Of course developers would be affected and slow down their output
what other chan is posting? I am new to the chan sites. I said I got it was hoping for a recommendation to a site or a mega account so I could upload faster but I made one just to share games when no one wants to. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvY1JNV25EVFIjWVk1b2xyUDFLTGJUSGNra2EwdXVYVldTa2ZXOWVCXy1RV1lwU3gtLWQyTQ== -Var
>>30672 Thanks for sharing! >what other chan is posting I was referring to abdl threads on 4chan's /aco/ People share some good stuff but don't expect good conversation, too much bitching If you're going there, be careful because you can't post loli/shota and mentioning other chans, like 8chan may result in ban
>>30675 Ahh that's okay I honestly don't like the lol/shota. I understand some people do but just not for me. I like 8chan's post's tho. hard to find an active conversation or abdl share location since 8kun. I was hoping there was another board running to see even more content but 4chan's aco looks a bit bare *sigh*
>>30683 This place is like the last chan 100% related to ABDL. The /aco/ and /d/ threads on half chan are just repost on repost and worthless dramas over the smallest shit.
>>30694 Ah, but have you tried the /trash/ diaper threads? They tend to be better, if not a bit more furry.
Sorry to be so "new", but what what website are the files hosted on? >>30672
>>30711 Mega
>>30712 I tried to replace the url for a download but it just goes resets to the homepage, once again sorry for being a dunce.
>>30713 Dude, just use j downloader.
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I hate forced stealth missions in normal games why would I enjoy them in s fetish game? Why add this when the camera is so annoying to use.
>>30768 pacifier project
>>30767 It’s an endless talk we can have. Should fetish games still have more usual gameplay sequences at all or just focus on the fetish aspect? In the case of ABDL games,I think it’s very hard to do the latter because pissing your pants isn’t a compelling gameplay. Not saying that this game,or LU does it right,but they try to tackle the matter in their own way. Curious about what you guys think about it.
>>30770 I get that, but I simply hate being forced to stealth, and more so when I need to fight the controls.
>>30770 Erowitch sort of solves this, albeit only for the length of a single small dungeon. It's a shame, because it's the only game I've seen that gets it right. The dungeon has a lot of enemies with high attack power but letting them diaper you boosts your defense. But the thicker your diaper is, the lower your move speed and the more vulnerable you are to getting cursed gear.
>>30770 I had a wonderful idea when the Mario and Luigi beta got dumped. Bros. Attacks but it's caregiver and little. >>30704 Those are almost totally fucking dead air. It sucks because they used to be amazing but then everyone slowly left and now they're kept alive by dedicated bots.
Someone got The automated asylum?
>>30767 one day I will stop smoking weed and make an actual quality abdl roguelike regression game
>>30873 'quality abdl game' is an oxymoron
>>30782 Huh linky or explanation where to find Erowitch, abit too generic for me to lookup.
>>30865 >>30865 Will need to look through what io have lyinbg around.
>>30885 The only "good" ones may as well just be an image gallery
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Anyone buy the latest soggy horror? I can't tell if there's actually new content, or if he just added some new models.
>>31017 it's just a couple of empty levels with no interaction plus the same kind of "here's what we can do with the engine" demo. No real gameplay.
>>30999 Do you not enjoy Diaper Quest? I think it's pretty good as a game.
>>31032 It's kind of ok, but it's a mediocre dungeon crawl with sex tacked on
>>31032 Speaking of which, anyone got the unlock for the new update?
>>31017 >A bunch of objectiveless maps demonstrating the amazing power of Unreal 3 >Also, various basic features don't work The free demo is unironically the best thing that's been released. I had tons of fun exploring that giant island map and trying to parkour/glitch enemy ai to get into hard to access rooms in the first mansion map.
That's what I was afraid of. I loved the demo, wish he focused more on adding more gameplay, and less so on the furry models. Just enough gameplay to feel like a real game. Thanks, I'll hold off on my purchase.
>>31037 Honestly, it's going to fall on someone else this month bois -Var
>>31101 You,sir, are a gentleman and a scholar
>>31101 It's a shame that most of that is RPG Maker garbage
Is there a way to try the Soggy Horror with a demo?
I don’t know why everyone hates RPG maker games some are not great but most of them are the best abdl and even sometimes the best nonporn games out there. Look at yume nikki, Omori, Ib, The Witch's House. If your only talking about abdl games then try Rileys Magic Swap series, Spank Quest 2 mod (SQ2 Mod Build), Addler Dreams, and Wet Travelers / Child Story. RPGs maker games are really great and I don't get the hate for them.
>>31115 It's not that RPG maker games are inherently bad. Like you said, some of them are okay, and even really good. However, the hate is often deserved.RPG maker is great at building turn based classic RPG, but everything other than that is just outside the bound of the engine, and a lot of people have absolutely no clues on how making games work and just turn toward RPG maker by default,trying to fit whatever their idea is into something that's not made for that. Renpy is also a good candidate for shitty games that are fitted into a visual novel framework because, it's quick,easy and don't require any particular skill.
Can anyone explain how to do the Caregiver Stuff in Pacifier Project? I know I'm supposed to trick the girl looking for the ABDL Club and the girl outside the arcade, but no idea how to go about it.
>>31101 Wow the automated asylum game is REALLY good. I thought i played all the good ABDL games like perpetual change, messy academy, littelington, etc but this is one of my favorites now. Does anyone know if its still getting updated? Creator's patreon is doing great but i didnt see any updates for this game on there...
dpr800900 is working on a new game, has a 2-5 minute demo out https://dpr800900.itch.io/the-haunted-asylum
>>31136 Nevermind. I figured it out. My character was wearing PullUps, and that's why the dialog wouldn't trigger.
>>31190 good point but the game is already at version 0.19 here is V 0.13 https://mega.nz/file/G7wTxYKb#SNrGBIwhmjjk8fMw2jf1_cNqsFgwFB27c7HMhZ8E48A -Var
Does anyone have the new Messy Academy? v0.20 was dropped 2 days ago.
>>31136 I'm having the problem where I can't find the second person to join the Diaper Club. I found the girl, but the guy seems to be nowhere.
>>31253 He's on the roof of the school. Gotta use a Fart Bomb to distract the the construction guy blocking the science room.
>>31139 I'm glad he's still developing, I wish he would work harder on the games he already has out though.
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Can anyone add girlbulliesuniverse at P/Kemono? Seems promising...
>>31191 This game is ugly and terrible.
>>31486 one: it's free two: you haven't made a game yet three: I didn't make it four: shame on your cow
>>31493 >one: it's free so? >two: you haven't made a game yet so? >three: I didn't make it didnt ask >four: shame on your cow ok?
>>31261 I can't find how you get in the school. I was only able to enter at night for the story.
>>31504 In new build you can access school in daytime after you complate night story in school
Anyone have [The Hive] Demo 1.2?
Gosh I was nearly willing to get one month sub to get sunny valley but the patreon tiers are so obnoxious and obviously aimed at milking cash that I'm not so sure anymore. Does anyone already have a recent build?
Pacifier project got an update though i don't know what's been added
>>31433 oOo looks interesting! Man not one other person gunna share a game?
man I guess I am the only one sharing https://xey.itch.io/patreon-access-only-tlgg0560 diapergobrrrr
>>31756 >>31725 >people aren't sharing Nothing worth sharing
>>31763 You prob right I think I'll unsub the games to way later I might keep to love a goo girl but yall gunna have to update the rest ima even unsub to diaperquest. Honestly there have been no real gameplay changes just school lessions that effect nothing else.
arent you all afraid of getting a virus? bad idea running rando files from this site
>>31789 Meh,just run it into windows sandbox if you’re doubtful.
Does anyone have the new pacifier project update?
Anyone know how to get to the ABDL content / daycare in Riley's Magic Swap 2?
>>31433 I looked into grabbing it but the only membership tiers are $10 and $20 with 10 being sold out.
>>31787 its absolutely aweful, completely barebones with no content/story. those so called "relationships"/stories are worse then just aweful - every low budget porn has more story depth.
>>31845 Yeah,I can’t believe I paid 10 bucks for this shit. At least I can share it so you won’t get scammed. Kinda impressive how there’s litteraly no content for a one year old game.
Hopefully someone can get the pacifier project update here before the patreon is potentially nuked thanks to the BS that patreon is doing now to abdl artists
Littleington guy survived the nuke but declared himself in infinite hiatus,probably stopping the game at this point. This is very sad.
Man I hope it's not permanent that would really suck to see all these years of work that he put into the game just disappear. Hopefully he can find another platform or something
>>31933 He nuked his patreon himself after saying it's the end. RIP.
>>32001 Holy shit that's the worst case scenario At least he managed to finish the main story if you think about it but he had so much stuff prepared...
Hopefully the same won't happen to the pacifier project patreon. That's why I'm hoping someone can snag the most recent update and share it here before something happens to it
>>32008 Pacifier Project is safe because is on Itch Littleington get nuked by dev because he was about to abandon project before, patreon nuke give them a good reason to just end it now
Is Spanquest 1 even worth trying for abdl content? I just did spanquest 2...all the spankings were a black screen with just the sound of the spanking and the daycare in iron city was very meh.
>>31824 Choose Alex, play until you can be little (after you rescue Riley and get her in the house with you.) Talk to the teddy to enter little mode, leave the house with Riley carrying you and choose daycare. There's only 2 days of daycare at the moment (idk if I was playing the most recent version.) They just loop over and over.
>>32018 Oh didn't know he was planning to abandon littleington for awhile now
>>32041 Why advertise a planned cancellation if people are paying you monthly for nothing?
>>32041 He did not announce it but you can feel that he was about to do it, Patreon did him good excuse to do it and still have open gate for resuming work/milking people later
>>32038 There was a mod for this somewhere that expanded the daycare quite a bit. Can't remember who made it though.
>>32085 Yeah, I used this one. It has a lot of pre saved files if you want to just skip around some, or you can do a new game. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lg-LHBDskymxIdJyNGHQ6SdBmIdAKsfw I was able to get to punishment level 4 in the daycare...but you couldn't play with any of the toys and all the scenes you'd want to see were just a black screen. So you didn't get to see any diaper changes or spankings. Only heard the sounds. Even the timeout parts were a black screen. Pretty underwhelming. But, I had played a previous version of spanquest 2, where you could only do the 1st town and it was way more interactive. They had a whole section where goblins took over the town and you hunted them down and spanked them. You could see the spankings and the butts would redden up as you kept spanking them. You could also change your pace, what you used to spank with, and how strong you were spanking. So it seems like the earlier version was more filled out than this version. >>31824 Actually really enjoyed the Riley games. I hope they continue to update 2. For a smut RPGmaker game it was pretty decent and had good elements.
>>32087 I guess I should add that there was a difference between the 2 different versions I tried? One title screen has like a sea dragon a village/volcano and a big lighthouse. That's the version with the daycare and other towns. The one I linked in my previous post. The version where you spank loads of goblins and stuff Just has the title of the game with a pretty neutral background and is the "Prepare to Cry Edition" Which I got out of >>31101 This google doc.
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Im making a platforming game in GB Studio called "Brown Note". You have a short jump, but you shoot out bells that trigger messing causing you to shoot up in the air similar to Bomb-Jumping in Metroid. Here's just a image of the main character, her name is "Notee", i plan to upload a demo soonish.
>>32110 She looks cute.
>>32110 Looking forward to another game joining the ABDL catalogue, even if it is a furry one which i am not usually into
seems all of jennaD/nbdl industry's games have been lost due to the patreon nuke as well unless someone has backups
>>32124 I was debating just making the sprites be Kemono/Mouse girl. But i like the idea of have a smaller character platform around a house. Maybe i could just a opinion between "furry" and "mousegirl" later, but i right now im going to focus more on tweaking the her movement and making a proper level. Here's just the testing stage i slap together.
...I need a walkthru for Tales of a Diapered Adventurer. Unless you just solo grind forever until you're strong enough to beat the assassin...
the pacifier project dev is planning on nuking his patreon in january though he intends to keep developing the game and keep his itch page up. hes also aware of the other alternatives so he's considering his options
>>31932 >>32001 What did he say in his last posts?
anyone know of a godot tutorial for a game close to trapquest im trying to find then make a game like it for abdl purposes. My experience is non so I really need a tutorial on something simular hell i'd do it on unity or unreal
>>32199 Even if the Unity company is a piece of shit,the engine is not and is the most widely used. You’ll find a million more tutorials for Unity than for Godot,and higher quality too. Godot is…fine I guess,but nowhere near the point of Unity and the scripting language is very specific, meaning that you’ll have trouble switching if you want to. Meanwhile,Unity use C#, which is a pretty widespread and solid language that derive from unreal C++. So,save yourself and headache and go for Unity. It will be far easier to switch to Godot later on when you know better and be able to make an educated guess yourself.
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>>32201 Headline: Man Discovers Game Development Is Hard, Finds Way Out Of It
>>32202 The scope of single devs is always too wide. You end up with a game like LU being cobbled together out of assets that don't match with holes in the world and a UI that doesn't function half the time. Holding out for the day when there's a good physics solution for diapers.
>>32200 me working on godot trying to figure out how to make cursed items =( alright i'll try unity
>>32200 Ima be honest after looking at the unity webpage not even opening it. I already started to lose hope on making the game not even hope but like ambition. wow I died out just trying different game engines? fuck I am weak
>>32225 Yeah dude to be honest that’s weak as fuck. Learning something new is hard but it’s expected,why are you trying in the first place if you’re not ready to face some challenge?
>>32229 I threw myself back at it learning how to make a small game about sliding a box around and dodging squares. I think I might be getting side tracked.
>>32231 That’s the way. Go for very small things at start and don’t get overwhelmed.
>>32225 Totally get it. It sucks starting something brand new. I'm that way about learning piano...I'd like to do it, but fuck, it sucks to suck at something. So I'd get frustrated and go play a game or do something I'm good at. Then after awhile I go back and learn some more piano. Start easy and lower your own expectations of what you can or "should" be able to do. You gotta learn at your own pace.
>>32110 Demo Drop for "Mercury Bells" ( https://mercury-bells.itch.io/mercury-bells ) I tested the ROM on Mednafen. As far as i know it should work an GBC emulator.
Anyone have the pacifier project update yet
>>32247 Hey, that's pretty good. It was super finicky, and the text bubble kept interrupting me, but it was cute. I'd play more.
>>32247 I got stuck behind the wine bottle and the game can't stop repeating the same warning about the bells This is obscure and nonsensical
Anyone have a safe download for Littleington Uni now that his Patreon got nuked?
>>32349 Without being insanely familiar with platforming mechanics and toying around with the demo released, it's tough. Once you pass the little sub area, you're supposed to ring the bell with A and use the extra bounce to get to the top left. That's where the demo ends anyway.
>>32417 I plan to set so it displays only if you press up. I though i should add a small about holding A to get height from the bell. I assume certain things are intuitive, so i'll keep that in mind. I though i players would learn how to use the bells work in a few minutes after burp prompt. Get "punished" by the bell text was unintended, but probably made the process of learning the bell more tedious.
the pacifier project dev decided to make a subscribestar and as for his patreon page, he's planning to delete it by the end of january
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Screaming into the void with this one. Don't know if this even qualifies as game or not. Anyone got Assorted Lemondrop thingy? It was more like an interactive gallery of comics and drawings, made by lmndrp (who is no longer part of abdl) There where a few other games, like 3d lmndrp 64 (https://mega.nz/folder/ytVkkZLZ#grQfoyb62nMHGzqNq8GwsQ), 3d lmndrp 64 demo (lost media), and an unnamed band practice game (lost media) - wonder if anyone got any of them too.
Doubling down on a research for a lost media, anyone happen to have the last version of proxi rapture? All the link pointing to it have been deleted by his creator. Here's the link to the FTT thread. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/it-39-s-almost-been-two-years-2017-t96.html It was an huge part of the early abdl games and it would be a shame if it was lost forever.
>>32518 Holy shit I remember buying this. One of the few artists I actually gave money to. I loved the art lmndrp used to make. I lost this when I changed computers so I'm glad you posted a copy. Might try it out again.
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>>32520 Dude had a fit in the discord and then disappeared entirely. I think CS Fox still has the files that were hosted. I'd reach out to him over there.
>>32536 YOOOOOO, greatly appreciated!
>>32518 Iirc the demo has no exclusive art and was just the bear shitting in the woods chapter. That's why it's the only chapter that uses icons on the left side of the screen. Also I'm really pissed off that the Widna DLC was never finished.
>>32520 I've got it still, I think. Haven't opened it in a long time. https://files.catbox.moe/6kq44h.7z
>>32598 Thank you anon, you're the best.
>>32602 wait is this the new one from subscribestar cuz the date title says the older one but surprisingly the new one just came out yesterday!
>>32602 NVM I saw the diaper dimension escape trailer and got excited for a update. I am actually a huge fan of the DD world story. I am actually really excited. I will be checking it but if a new game or update comes out ima sub to it.
>>32604 They said it was a link to the old one. I'm trying to figure out how to run it.
>>32606 Did you figure it out? It's just godot I don't think you need a certain player to run it or anything. maybe only windows
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Sweet, The Hive is still being developed. Wish somebody could share these devlogs.
>>32629 What's the current version available?
Can someone please snag the most recent pacifier project update before the patreon goes under next month?
>>32657 Publicly available is >>31535 And there is a new one on substar.
>>32605 What trailer?
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>>32659 >>32670 https://subscribestar.adult/maybemee they are making a new ABDL game. "Diaper dimension escape". I keep getting poked. Also Akira is gunna do a multiplayer ABDL game sounds cool.
>>32602 when does this start getting interesting? So far I'm just going to work, getting paid, going home, eating, shitting, sleeping, repeat. This is just real life but with more overheard conversations about slavery.
>>32677 not much to it. They haven't put many spontaneous stuff in yet. Also anyone ever try to replicate trapquest's like ui? I wanna just add more like backgrounds and stuff. I like the movement... I can't picture making the game like wasd controlled at least. I feel like I'm just making a dating sim. I don't even know how to make NPC's walk around the rooms I will make man. there doesn't seem to be a good tutorial to what I am trying to do.
>>32677 I couldn't tell you since I can't figure out how to open the game. I get told I don't have a driver type when I do.
>>32688 Try with the windows run command, click browse in it, go to where the .exe is located, and add --rendering-driver opengl3 to the end of it. That's how I got it to run. So the full string would look something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\DD Text Adventure 07-23-2023.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3
>>32680 So I basically need to throw the game by peeing my pants or being unable to pay rent? Those seem like the only two failure states so far
>>32671 Its not new, They show/announce it on august. but im not gona pay for acces to trailer
>>32720 Edit demo is free since july
anyone got the new dq unlock?
Still no pacifier project update? The most recent one on the patreon i mean
any of you kings got the newest pacifier/the hive update? and merry christmas
Anyone have the last update for LU before the purge. Hoping for a Christmas miracle.
>>32765 Yea someone put it up here https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/10774-littleington-university/ This game just came out and looks promising if it gets updates and stays on track, hopefully someone posts but I'm not paying for an intro https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/the-other-side-jennad-t1150.html#p40019830
>>32773 Bless you anon. On Christmas day too.
>>32773 Jenna D is literally just copying old 2005 fanfictions and putting them in rpg maker with less text and no mechanics. Every single one of their projects are scam and never come to completion.
>>32778 >Jenna D is literally just copying old 2005 fanfictions and putting them in rpg maker with less text and no mechanics. Every single one of their projects are scam and never come to completion. Ripping morons off is based as fuck, I support this endeavor.
Pacifier project update would be a nice Christmas gift if anyone wants to contribute
>>32773 Can anyone put LU on mega/gdrive? The omorashi aprove/dowload process is trash....
Not much of fap material, but there is a new game by carotte (ThePaddedRoom) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54936369/ Genuinely pretty fun. Vampire survivors, diapers edition.
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leaks please
>>32779 we're the morons, you moron!
any good games to throw money at? no littleington university, no text based shit no piece of soap sht.
>>32858 He just finished the art for a add/cartoon and finished a conversation you'll have with the mom before going to bed (just after the end of the last demo) and said he would have a new demo out for mid january
>>32895 okay then...
>>32916 Thank you 😭 Thank you 😭 I never expected such kindness
Today is the last day that the pacifier project patreon is going to be up so this is the last chance to grab the most recent update before the developer closes the patreon (he still has the subscribe star and itch.io but still)
Mercury bells update 0.2 ( https://mercury-bells.itch.io/mercury-bells )
>>33027 This is really cool although it's a little cryptic. Also the second level appears to be a bit laggy but I'm not sure if there's much you can do to fix that without ASM hackery. Also, I wish the cooldown between jumps was shorter.
>>33113 Im using GB studio, im rather mid level in programing, but i chould see what i can do optimize it. The issue is that level 2 has too many objects, so i considering ways to maybe kill an objects after it's used. The knob is a object, im considering just killing it once it falls and updating the collision.
Anyone have the new Repurposing Center patreon build?
Has anyone gotten the most recent pacifier project update yet?
If you have update 18/ r9.5a there isn't anything different. Most recent update only added a moddable diaper that you can put your own textures on.
Could have sworn the most recent update includes the new area as well
Somebody please share the link for the latest version of The Hive.
>>33414 PLEASE
>33520 reminder to ignore soapfags
It's the new to love a Googirl update out yet?
>>33540 Patreon removed Xey's page, but the public version available is a little ahead of where they were when the page removed... 0.56.8, https://xey.itch.io/to-love-a-googirl Not sure if that counts as an update to you, it's been a bit since I checked myself, so it was several releases ahead from what I remembered...
Anyone heard anything from 'Gauche Cheeks' the maker of "Littleington University" since the patreon purge?
Redsparrow said that he's going to try to get the next update of pacifier project released on his subscribestar before the end of January or at least that's what he's going to try to do
>>33545 he took the patreon purge as an excuse to stop developing this game all together. no more updates for this game.
>>33545 Guy's vanished. He could comeback, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Anyone has [The Hive] Demo 1. 3? Please!
>>33655 https://mega.nz/file/p2AziYLS M31TIvF5gXERqljthWyLwErFofnPFEX16Jjp3jay15A anyone got claire's nursery?
>>33659 Ooh, thank you so much.
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>>33659 Oh this was so much fun, love interacting with Maddie. I'm sad the game will probably take years to finish but damn it'll be good.
Did anybody get the Diaper Dimension Escape .6 by Maybemee?
>>33655 Is there a way for June to have more than one accident yet or no?
>>33747 Not enough room in the plot for that.
can anyone post the new pacifier project update once it comes out please? thanks
Anyone got CrackaJackin's game? It just got a huge update, locked away behind his subscribestar.
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>>33863 Vaguely named file What's in it?
>>33879 It's a game, the name is vague to avoid it being targeted for a takedown. The name is pretty descriptive if that helps.
>>33863 damn nigga did u really need 6 layers of encryption
>>33863 please keep throwing newfags for a loop, loving it
>>33846 Probably the project I'm looking forward to the most, I played the first demo when it was still on Patreon and the animation and whatnot.. It's got the most potential.
new pacifier project update dropped today. could someone share it if they have it?
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Does anyone here knows of games with good diaper mods? Besides the sims, fallout and skyrim it looks like there is not much more.
>>33961 It's garbage. They are all garbage
>>34037 Personally i've never found any diaper mod good because theres no reactivity to it, you can walk around in a messy diaper and nobody acknowledges it Now obviously i know getting voice acting would be way beyond the scope of the mod, but it is what it is really
>>33863 How the fuck do you do the jack off minigame?
>>34037 Stardew Valley and Starbound have abdl mods that are pretty good imo
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>>33682 Replayed the game and took the route of being mean to Maddie, putting her on the high chair and teasing her about sucking her thumb after a nap. This game is so damn fun, wish it was finished already.
anyone have the pacifier project update yet? just wondering since its been awhile since a new update was posted here and a new one came out a few days ago
>>34119 >Finished They are never finished
>>34122 Soap finished perpetual change,. I have faith he'll finish the hive. Soap has better work ethic than other abdl artists.
>>34121 >>34011 >>33837 Game is bad please stop begging. Just buy the damm patreon/wtv it is now if you REALLY want it
>>34277 The characters look so bad, the story is bad, the setting is bad, the only thing it has going for it is that it's not another RPGMaker game. The game had no chance because it was tailored to the fetishes and interests of the creator and that's where most ABDL "Games" fail.
>>34277 i don't know why you think saying something is bad will make someone stop asking for it for free and go and buy it seems like they'd be even more determined to get it for free
Can anybody get this? Diaper Dimension Escape ALPHA v0. 07 Sneak Build
>>34440 From? If going to beg at least let us know where its from.
>>34448 Thats robonanny. Robonursery is from the other perspective
>>34470 People pay for this shite? Most of these awful games are just bad visual novels, this isn't even that.
>>34481 the game has been under development(abandoned) for so long I tried making more rooms and inputting images to no avail. Didn't know how it worked or how far along it is when you buy it.
>>34481 Come on, it's not gonna be my favorite game either, but someone worked on it, and they just want a little compensation for it. And it is good to know that there are so many different types of games in the topic. Come on, don't be like that.
>>34491 I work on taking a shit. Doesn't mean I deserve compensation. It's not a game.
>>34502 it means you deserve more fiber
So how come we never got a BG3 diaper mod
>>34582 The only guy who was making mods is Phlog and he's MIA at the minute. Hopefully he comes back, but his Pixiv was either deleted or taken down recently so he could be gone for good.
>>34583 Funny I was just thinking how hard it would be to port over the padded claire models. I hope he comes back
>>34583 So Phlog is actually still active on Living Infinite's discord. Tldr, his Pixiv was deleted when they banned "realistic renders".
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i'm still alive been working on sf6 a lot; if anyone can think of alternate colour palettes for manon that they'd like to see i'm all ears. i'll tighten up the diaper not being seamless with the mesh when i add collision bones to the padding also this footage better not end up on thisvid or i will send dumpsterhuggies wearing a yellowcaked diaper to whoever uploads it on that site
>>34635 These look great, glad you're not leaving. Do you have anywhere you plan to share your mods once they're done?
Does anyone have The Hard Reset? I don't have money for substar :(
>>34469 I second this, anyone got the Robo-Nursery game? robo-nanny is way too short to be fun.
>>33596 He never did release a free demo he promised. Think this is the latest version: https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/10774-littleington-university/
>>34873 okay I'll post it ... do you mean robo-nanny. I already posted robo nursery. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmJGWjBWRzVhY0VRamIxWlNOSEZtTWtjMU5qZDFZWGxXYVZoZlJteHNhRU4wYVRJemFEWjRSbXByYm5aT1NGSmhaRFF6Y3c9PQ== now lets see if the sharing continues. anyone got https://subscribestar.adult/maybemee
>>34890 >okay I'll post it ... do you mean robo-nanny. I already posted robo nursery. ah crap, you are right, I meant robo-nanny. whatever, thanks anyway.
>>34908 here let me upload robo nanny. you should totally upload some maybee me. *Shoulder nudge**Shoulder nudge*.
>>34908 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQmNVbmdLN1EjX3BWbEJ3TFh6UTRDVVR2ZjRCRy1Ccm5Ec3ZVQ0VqcV9TM0pjeGZDRGpLUQ== here you go
Has anyone the Resident Evil Village Diaper Mod and the One Piece Odyssey Diaper Mod? RE: https://subscribestar.adult/dxmods OP: https://www.patreon.com/DiaperMods
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>>34657 The only place I can think of is omo org
https://gigaq.itch.io/the-hard-reset-chapter-1 Found this while browsing. Does anyone tried it? I'm hesitant to spend 5 bucks over this.
>>35030 Don't buy it from that website bc it censored version. Better get it from subscribestar. And game have only one chapter
Pacifier project update anyone?
Does anyone here have the latest version of the Starbound diaper mod (I think it's called DiaperBound), that it's used in the DitzyDaycare discord. I've been trying to access the discord but I haven't been able to get verified. The latest version I got in another public post was the 0.1, but it's a 2020 file.
>>35198 Thank you very much.
>>35198 thanks for uploading, I was looking into this a while back and didn't want to deal with their discord.
>>35198 Are there any prerequisites for this mod?
Does anyone have the new To love a googirl update?

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>>35199 No Problem >>35204 Here's a link to their full mod pack. I've only used like the species mods in it. I don't want to deal with the whole FU mod stuff. https://mega.nz/file/VJVTUTzK#SOK10U3kQijTa3qnFcEcjdZuHSfI5qqPT1be__lQHAI The version of the mod I uploaded earlier is more updated than the one in the full pack. >>35205 I've used it on it's own so should be fine.
>>35247 damn, this is fun actually. is there a downloadable version of this? I'd hate to lose access to it.
>>35314 Not as far as I know, but it's been around for a couple years now with monthly updates, it's as reliable as you can get with abdl games.
https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94921-8efc-40fb-8cab-7827a010e467/econo_cm3d2/182/%E6%96%B0%E8%B5%A4%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94973-a5d8-4b68-846a-7822a010e467/dororo_28/2/D-1.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94975-98ac-4502-98d3-785ba010e467/dororo_28/3/D-3.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94978-73d8-4062-8d5e-789da010e467/dororo_28/5/d_pac1.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94979-dfd0-4f85-8770-7812a010e467/dororo_28/6/D-4.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94982-b0a8-4c56-8eef-781ea010e467/dororo_28/16/D-4pre.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94983-da00-481a-83ed-7892a010e467/dororo_28/19/D-4ha.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94987-1ac8-4dd1-87d1-7832a010e467/dororo_28/28/%E3%81%A9%E3%82%8D%E5%BC%8F_%E5%B8%83%E3%81%8A%E3%82%80%E3%81%A4%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94989-3458-4e23-96b4-782ea010e467/dororo_28/31/D-5%E3%81%8A%E8%A9%A6%E3%81%97%E7%89%88.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94dd2-4ad4-4aa3-8b91-77f9a010e467/dororo_28/32/%E3%81%A9%E3%82%8D%E5%BC%8F_%E3%81%8A%E3%82%80%E3%81%A4%E8%A9%B0%E3%82%81%E5%90%88%E3%82%8F%E3%81%9B%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88Ver.3.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94de9-1bdc-43a3-aa07-7858a010e467/dororo_28/33/%E3%81%A9%E3%82%8D%E5%BC%8F_%E3%81%8A%E3%82%80%E3%81%A4%E8%A9%B0%E3%82%81%E5%90%88%E3%82%8F%E3%81%9B%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88Ver.3_bis.zip https://downloadx.getuploader.com/g/65f94df9-21c8-414d-8f59-7889a010e467/dororo_28/27/%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%83%84%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%97%E7%B4%99%E3%81%8A%E3%82%80%E3%81%A4%E8%A9%B0%E3%82%81%E5%90%88%E3%82%8F%E3%81%9B.zip
Label your shit
>>35469 half ur shit isn't actually live even logged in, tf?
Any description on what these link provide ?
I think this thread has reached the bump limit we might have to make another one
Anyone got the new messy academy release? Did it finally get the female player?
The full version of pacifier project got released on subscribestar if anyone wants to share it

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