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ABDL games #4 Baby 03/24/2024 (Sun) 08:36:23 No. 35612
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>26209 Popular games: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University Patreon is dead, search in the last thread for any link of the game Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel Diaper Quest https://www.diaperquest.com Roguelike, text based with illustrations Omogatari おもがたり https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/7751-omogatari-%E3%81%8A%E3%82%82%E3%81%8C%E3%81%9F%E3%82%8A/ RPG maker, 日本語 Sunny Paws Daycare https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/sunny-paws-daycare-a-baby-fur-text-adventure-t746.html Furry content (but you can play as a human), text based. Femdom University https://www.femdom-university.com/ As the name implies, it's about femdom, but has some baby role-play content with the character Ronda. List of other games https://itch.io/blog/468573/list-of-18-nsfw-abdl-adult-diaper-games My own Drive with the Free ABDL Games in the net. It only has free games because of reasons. Some games are not updated, but it works as a list. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10N-0offFgSypGhN0GkBueAx89Den_3Gs?usp=sharing
>>35612 I wonder if there will be games this time instead of interactive galleries
Anyone got the latest DQ unlock?
>>35784 kemono party, use the Trap Quest unlock file, the file is identical. I'm teaching you this now rather than give you the file, because this will keep working for future updates as well (and I can't be bothered uploading it)
>>35793 You’re a legend, thanks for this info!
>>35849 Did someone buy this?
the full version of pacifier project was released on subscribestar
Any good games with diaper mods? Not skins but full-on mechanics like accidents and swelling
>>35896 Starbound has a decent one. Can be found here >>35198 and here >>35240
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>>35793 sorry to ask this, anon. I'm not able to access the DQ debugger unlock at all... Can anybaby fill me in on what I might be doing wrong? (I have the latest DQ update and the TQ unlock file from kemono)
>>35903 >>35793 I got it. Sorry, I regressed too hard.
>>35903 "Help me step sitter, i'm stuck"
Any of these games about DL Or are they all AB only? I just want cute girls enjoying their diapers. No regression, no sissy, no humiliation, no enbarassment. Just people happy to use their diapers.
Not sure if anyone has checked itch.io but here is a some stuff: https://itch.io/c/592284/padded-fun-18-nsfw-abdl-adult-diaper-games
Does anybody have the latest version of Littleington University?
For thoses of you that can't stand the random combat encounters in littleington, I crafted a very simple mod that should disable all this shit. No more Ghosts. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scHdZa2RWZGs0elNqTlNWVkpEWTBaSmFsRnRkRWxPVld3d1dURlNjRlJ1YURSaU1HUm1WbFJDV2t4WGNETk5iV3hNVmtaR2VFMUZXWGxQV0ZaSVVtcFZNMkZWZERCT2F6UXpXbmM5UFE9PQ== This is a bepinex mod so you just have to install bepinex in your game folder and drop the file in plugins. I didn't test it very extensively but it's simple enough that it shouldn't bug too much.
Anyone have the pacifier project full version yet?
>>35993 That's really cool! Has there been a new version put out or should it work on the older versions too?
>>36001 I worked on the last version I found,from September 2023,but I have no reason to believe it won’t work on earlier versions too.
>>35849 >>35884 Bought it, and it's about 4-5 minutes of game play. It feels more like a walk home simulator.
>>36072 Worth the price or nah?
>>36191 Not at all. Spent maybe 5 minutes on it. Very shallow experience.
Anyone have the Paci Project release?
anyone have the new release of the hive?
>>36394 Came here to ask the same thing
>>36394 Yeah, if someone could share The Hive that would be awesome
>>36394 is there a new demo?
Scratch that. They didn't have it. Sorry about that.
Found this "game" on F95. It is more a novel, since it only has two different endings, triggered by ONE choice you can make. Still a nice one to read through. https://f95zone.to/threads/can-i-call-you-mommy-till-i-become-your-baby-final-kumitate-tusnoryu.203599/ https://mega.nz/file/8L0FnYwB#XKxq2YV2FIOSFscuLztOYzCIjUNv6dUwhgM8z6d-FYU
>>36461 Why, are they not subscribed to soap anymore?
No promises or anything, but I've getting back into hobbyist gamedev lately - would anyone be interested in a virtual pet game about unpotty training girls? Something like SA2's chao garden, but with diapers.
>>36502 I don't like unpotty training but a relationship sim/caregiver-little sim will be up my alley.
>>36502 I would
>>36502 Doesn't sound interesting. What about a "special" fork of an existing TV series, where the player is introduced into the TV universe and there is some diaper interplay? For instance, one of the TV show characters ends up befriending the player. You already have the fictional universe and everything set up.
>>36510 That is oddly specific
>>36502 I like the idea, reminds me a bit of Silkfang Respite. https://godspeak.itch.io/the-silkfang-respite An option in that is to diaper the slaves to make them submit over time.
>>36508 Sorry anon - I like too many slave training games too much. Maybe you can pretend like it was consensual all along once you get to end game or something >>36512 Haven't heard of this one, I'll check it out.
>>36534 Consent is not my issue and I do like slave training games, you just need to lure me in with other activities beside unpotty training.
>>36508 >>36534 Never really understood puritanical focus on consent and "everyone is at least eighteen" that happens so much in for porn in the past decade. It's weird people seem to care more about age and consent of fictional characters than they do real people. Seems a lot like "I need to feel like a moral person while jerking off." The fact that rape porn or porn involving dubious consent is still popular suggests there's a lot of people who do not give a shit about that.
>>36540 We just don't want to give sex-negative people ammo for their arguments. We pretend to care about age of consent and they stay away, it's a fragile but effective treaty
>>36538 Well, "unpotty training" was the conceit of the game in my mind. Thinking of the actual game play loop that I'm considering implementing is something like: The girl(s) you're training are wandering around in the daycare, doing different activities and using their diapers at different rates, depending on stats (bowel/bladder control, bowel/bladder fullness, shame, and obedience, awareness, arousal, entertainment). The player would be alerted when they've entered a room with a girl who's had a "potty event" and would have to check them to confirm, then would either be able to lead them to a changing table for a changing, or disallow a changing. I'd also probably implement a changing mini-game as a minimum viable release. The game would be framed through a fixed camera angle, and would be framed as "you're streaming this to weridos on the internet" or something akin, and thus the player would accrue money for playing to the viewers tastes (letting them watch diaper changes, delaying changes, checking girls to increase embarrassment, letting them watch girls do things etc.) Money would be spent on items to tinker with stats, costumes, other areas with different effects (more shame gain for accidents in the mall instead of the daycare etc.), and maybe each area has a mini-game associated. Goal of development isn't really to make the best diaper game out there, but to learn 3D because I want to make an actual game and just figured some fap fuel would be good practice, and would actually inspire me to get better at 3D asset creation.
wish someone would update POS on kemono, yearn for The Hive update...
>>36547 I'm all in except for the 3d, a project like this should be done with advanced 3d skills, if you're just starting it'll be really off >>36548 Kemono is broken, we won't have any free stuff anymore.
>>36550 oh noez
>>36540 Yeah, I think it's gay as fuck honestly. But Tumblr broke containment, and now we have to deal with the consequences of people divining the age and willingness of pixels. >>36550 I mean, I have an art style in mind - Anime PS1 ala Megaman Legends. Something that's vaguely achievable, and still looks decent.
>>36553 yeah the megaman legends still is good but still will require talent and experience.
>>36545 Is it though? Not really seeing why people so opposed to porn should be appeased at this point considering shit like the patreon purge or payment processors trying to force morals on places like pixiv. These people are enemies at best. May they burn and rot.
>>36555 True, but it takes practice to get to that talent and experience, and I won't get it by pushing it off because I "need talent and experience to make something" >>36556 It's not - the same "sex negative" people who insist on policing the levels of consent and age of drawings at the moment, were the "sex positive" people back in the tumblr hayday. All that's happened is a shift in moral supremacy. Prior to the current crusade, there was an approximant 10 year power vacuum where the Christian moralism of old didn't hold any sway, but the current moralism we see nowadays was in a nascent stage as 2010s era feminism. Which had enough cultural sway to change centralized points of cultural distribution (read - basically just online media), but not effect policy. Now that 10 years have passed though, the people who were in their 20s and swayed by places like vice news back in the day are the middle managers setting policy in the work force, including in credit card companies. Thus, they have the power to enact their personal moralistic power grab on the culture in the same way the Christians of yore could. Basically they're "sex positive" but only so long as the kink's being portrayed are "safe edgy" or "safe horny".
>>36556 Because we don't really have how to counter attack. Like after the patreon purge and payment processors blocking nsfw creators what is there to do? Not much, just lay low and pretend you're a law abiding citizen. >>36557 Yes, then this game may be a good project but you should brace for a negative response as the development goes on.
>>36548 The Hive update is trash. It adds twenty minutes of content, half of which isn't even outlined. you really aren't missing anything.
Public version of pacifier project has come out
>>36576 20 minutes is still a lot plus we mostly want to see the new character art and scenes
Anyone have Maybemee Diaper Dimension
>>36629 if no one posts it I'll get it for the next update
>>36629 Current update has some new graphics but since everything crashes and it's all been reworked there's nothing to do in the game anymore. I do enjoy the direction that it's going in though, so I think it's worth the wait till it's playable again, it's just not in such a state at the moment.
>>36576 Would you mind posting it if you ahve it?
wondering if anyone happens to have the latest build of five nights at cjs
>>36662 Yeah it’s not like we have a dedicated video game thread,just create another one.
Anything on The Hive update?
>>35612 Working on a game soon. This could easily be the millionth post by some nobody just saying this. Humor me. It'll be in Godot, it'll be 2D (sorry, not sorry). I eventually hope to support myself off of this or at least make the time-sink worth it, and to do so with people paying to support & influence development rather than by gatekeeping access that we always find ways around anyway. This means I need to pick a core design that'll appeal to the most people and unfulfilled niche(s), and I can't make up my mind! So... Would YOU, yes YOU the reader, prefer: >A trainer game, a little like a mix between Free Cities, DoL, and The Sims, in which YOU are NOT the characters being babied. Updates would likely be more frequent and large, and it'd have several paths/builds you could attempt to mold your future littles down and likely some options to customize specific scenarios / settings. It would likely be less visual though, with most of your screen just being the interface and dialogues by default. You WOULD get to do a lot of talking and interaction with the little(s), but it'd be mostly sandboxy. Early versions may not even have a viewport, that's how unnecessary the visuals would be for actually playing any time soon. >A story-focused game, a little more like Perpetual Change, in which YOU are DEFINITELY the one being babied. It'd attempt to be more gameplay focused and less of a walking sim than PC. I have ideas for puzzle and mystery aspects. I'm VERY against games that make being babied a purely bad ending or something you have to practically cause yourself; it's a thing that'll mostly just happen to you against your will... or in ways that are hard to realize how you influenced or triggered them. You're probably accumulating a lot of babying and a system of "grounded" hypno no matter what and at times WILL benefit for acting the part really well / playing along. In a sense you're the one being trained, and there's no Bad End for being too babmode.
>>36755 Good luck anon. I think the first one would be more unique that the millionth top down 2D RPG story based game.
>>36755 Definitely, DEFINITELY the first one. Enough limited ass story focused games. Sandbox-ish makes it better for replayability for wanking.
>>36756 >>36761 Amusingly on halfchan /aco/ it's been split but mostly pro story game, so I'm still trying to fully decide. FWIW even if it's a 2d story game, it wouldn't be just another walking sim like Perpetual Change mostly is. The concept is very much designed around having actual gameplay and interactivity and choice, just with the scope kept a bit restrained by having hubs you'd tend to stick in for a while in between advancing the story. (Noting this for the bit one of you said about sandbox-ish for wanking replayability, as you'd have plenty of ability to just immediately be in the thick of the fun/action) Also, regarding >2D RPG story based game Do consider that most such games haven't been actual RPGs, or are like sunny paws and just have pointless and unchallenging systems with no real actual decisions or cleverness. Still, I totally agree with the two of you about how Sandbox-ish stuff could be better in a simple way. That's why it's been tough to choose, because I feel Story games haven't been done well yet ever, with Perpetual Change at least getting closer to doing it interestingly but being kinda too boring, slow, confused, wandering, and not really that engaging in between a few major scenes. Meanwhile a Trainer game is simple and probably reliable, but it necessarily means not really being able to self-insert + makes it hard to imagine people sticking with it once it's good-enough, since eventually past a point it's just adding more clothes, dialogue lines, furniture, tools, etc. and more "paths" that ultimately might not even be used much if people just turn it on, fap immediately with little "foreplay" or warmup so to speak, and then close it. I do kinda want something that'll captivate people for a while and leave them wanting to actually support me to make more and/or continue a saved game, after all...
>>36776 I'll throw my hat. Sandbox games offer more replayability. I still play DoL and have fun with it, there's a water sports mod that has diapers but it's very superficial. The downside is that if there isn't enough content it can get repetitive. Story oriented games are usually intriguing all the way through but there's little reason to revisit. IMO, I prefer a sandbox game with strong foundations and content that can be replayed often specially for fapping. If you pull that off, you already have a framework to develop a story focused game later. Developing a game is not easy stuff, I tried myself a long time ago using Java. Today there's plenty of engines and resources but it still is hard. I wish you luck and keep us updated.
>>36776 Consider the following : if stories games up until now haven't been done well yet, why would you be the one that will make things different? Do you have any groundbreaking concepts that will bring it to a new height? Not saying you're bad or anything, but there's probably a fundamental reason at why it doesn't work, and I'm keen to thing it's because pron games aren't suited for story based, linear games. If I want a story, I can read a fap fic.
>>36777 >I wish you luck and keep us updated. Thanks! <3 I'll try to do just that >If you pull that off, you already have a framework to develop a story focused game later. I guess, though the issue to me was that a lot of what sets up a trainer just has nothing to do with a story focused game. Sure there'd be some underlying systems, but nothing that hard to just redo anyway. >>36792 Well sure, but then I could say there haven't really been great diaper / abdl games at all and so none will ever work. I think most of them have just failed because the average developer is: - inexperienced - lazy - gets bored of their project and doesn't stay committed. I mean look at how many little barely-a-demo RPG maker games exist on random forums that never even *tried* adding content -- I'd say they're failing before they actually begin, rather than failing due to story games inherently being flawed. (Still, it's an overall good point and why I'm trying to get opinions and arguments on both sides to guide me to the best choice)
I agree there hasn't been much story based ABDL games that have been good. Perpetual Change was pretty decent but some of the gameplay was just annoying which caused me to stop playing in the middle of it. The art was nice though and the part where the bully changes your messy diaper was very good lol. Littleington University was getting pretty damn close to an ideal game with interesting gameplay and a story that was pretty unique. It's a shame that is done now as they were just getting to the good parts. There is totally potential for something really good that blends gameplay, story and fap material but really the resources just aren't there it seems. Tons of potential if you can somehow crack it though. I like your concept on the story based one though with choice and hub worlds, so that's what I would personally prefer. I wish you luck though whatever you decide!
>>36821 Imo, Littleington work not because of the story, which is pretty cringe, but because it offer an interesting framework with a world that react (if only a bit) to what you do. >>36817 Anyway,whatever you choose, good luck, and I hope you will be able to do your vision. We're not lacking devs, we're lacking, as you pointed out, devs able to commit until they're done.
>>35612 https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/10774-littleington-university/ Here is last version of LU that is available currently. Download work if you have new account as well
Does anyone have the latest Repurposing Center update? Most recent build I can find is from December on Patreon.
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>>36821 For what it is I liked LU. I enjoy it more than a lot of games we see. I'd like if he came back to finish the game, but I won't hold my breath. The story is fine, but I liked how npcs would react to me and how the diapers would look depending on use.
>>36859 speaking of LU - Does anyone know how to change the incontinence off the save files. They're all in JSON but I think you have to have the story entries for you to be able to level up. If anyone has a level 8 savefile I'd love to look at it. I changed hard drive and I cant be bothered. Save should be in %appdata%
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Finally played the new demo of The Hive, I'm really happy but waiting for more is going to be really hard, really want to interact more with some of these characters.
>>36854 https://mega.nz/file/8ZkWCAAB#hfF8S6oW2vc6GohoUG5mAuG2xjaRdSm_5arAScDyxJA Here's the latest public build. Recent Repurposing Center updates haven't been focused on ABDL content for a while though.
>>36883 If you check your FileX_Game.json,you will notice an mCont and wCont value that handle a part of the continence value of your save. As you said, it's not really initialized until a certain part on the story, more or less after the bedwetting dream and the tram incident at night. Furthermore, some places in the story are supposed to force your continence down (like after a boss) but some are broken.There's also a way to handle it directly using the debug console, but it's a bit buggy. I'm the one who posted a mod for LU earlier, I'm nowhere near an expert but I think I have a somewhat good picture of how this game work on the inside so if you need something just ask.
>>36916 Is there a way to edit the text from the mean and nice comments?
>>36917 Not out of the box. You can find the csv that the game load in the game folder "Streaming assets", but it is already compiled so even if you change it it does nothing. It would need a mod.
>>36916 Could you send any console commands you found?
>>36928 There's a lot but most of theses are not useful except if you want to work on the game (things like creating NPCs, triggering a debug event, being send to a mockup turn based combat...) The only usable ones are give + itemname and setaccident + value to tweak your continence. Also doompunch give you the doompunch ability that one shot all enemies in the game. There should be a way to add more commands if needed but that would need some work.
>>36916 Do you plan on more mod work or did you edit as much as you wanted? I don't know anything about working in Unity to know if someone can just pick up where he left off. Assuming the games abandoned now.
>>36938 I don’t have anything planned right now but I don’t mind working on another mod if someone got an idea, given that it’s not too complex.
>>36929 How would you apply those control commands to the game
>>36941 Would you be willing to make Hypermess mod or a mod that would make the diaper more saggier
>>36941 I would just like to have some sort of continence slider to basically play around with different levels, hence why I wanted to get the save from level 8. Id like to potentially randomize the continence system or adjust it. IE: Having the water/food meter fill up gradually overtime would be AMAZING.
>>36945 You can open the debug console with whatever key you binded it. Check the launcher when you start the game to see which key is assigned. >>36946 Nah, sorry. This kind of shit is far too bothersome, I don't want to mess with modeling stuff on top of the coding. There's already an hypermess mode if you fill your diaper a lot of time. >>36949 Why not,I'll check how this could work. You want the food/drink to fill up gradually without eating or drinking,am I understanding it well?
>>36950 Yeah generally the idea is that your body will create piss overtime and not INSTANTLY as soon as you drink. I do have a bit of c# experience and if I had access to the source code I could probably manage it... I just have very little experience modding.
>>36946 If you eat the muffins from the last levels you get that effect to begin with.
>>36698 this is definitely not the latest version, the latest version they were talking about was uploaded only to substar this january.
>>36952 Without the source code modding is nearly impossible. I'm decompiling the whole game so I could access it, but for now I'm still cleaning up things. Maybe I'll share the whole decompiled project when I'll finish cleaning it so others can have fun too. As for the food and drink, I've looked it up and it's gladly pretty straightforward. For now the game is immediately adding the food value to the meter when you use it, but it would be really simple to replace this by a co-routine to delay it or make it happen over a period of time. I'll try to do something really quick today.
>>36952 Turn out it was really simple, here's your mod https://mega.nz/file/WvAhSSLC#jw3UXd5RAtv38HrWXbM1V3oq2y-WJZesocLEnWeYE28 You can adjust the overtime value of the food and drink in the config file. I did that a bit quick and didn't do extensive testing, so it might give unwanted effect if you chain food or drink.
>>36963 Just downloaded this works great- probably going to double or triple the config file. Yeah Im assuming it was basically just basically going to the foodManager or wtv the function name is and to call its value increase to happen over time called by the Json variable in seconds. The real questions is how much more work would it be to add that same value overtime just by itself. Meaning that lets say you get +1 value per X frame tic. This would make it more likely the player would have accidents by just walking around, dont know about you but when im out and about for 2 hours ill still have to take a piss at a certain point. Great work! I really should look into how to mod through bepinx I'm sure it would be a cool project to take.
>>37008 I'll check if this is doable but I'm generally wary about making something that can run every frame as it can potentially fuck with a lot of other systems. BePinEx is not too bad to work around if you have a bit of C# and unity background. As I said before, the real hassle is decompiling the game then study how it work to see how you can mod it.
>>36893 I'm playing 1.4 now...I feel so bad for the main character. It makes me not want to play to be honest.
>>37041 Why? You don't like the forced regression aspect?
>>37047 I guess it's something like that. I'm not opposed to forced regression when it's deserved or justified. I often do forced regression with AI bots. This just seems so unfair, the character seems so nice and relatable. I find myself getting angry at the "adults" and the whole system for forcing this on her. I hope there's a way to avoid the regression or to escape because I don't want to see her regressed.
>>37050 Plus there are things the "adults" won't/aren't telling her. They also give sadistic smiles and give her tiny tastes of independence before they yank it away forever. It just makes me angry at them.
>>37050 >>37051 So you feel that June (the MC) doesn't deserve the punishment?
>>37053 Well it's more than just that. I also don't like how they essentially torture the MC. They regress them in such a way they KNOW they're losing abilities plus they're surrounded by others who are living models of what awaits the MC. The whole system makes me mad, the adults basically lord over the MC "we're the adults and we get the privilege to watch you slowly lose any sense of your former self and we take joy in doing this to you because we deem you to be unworthy of living as your former self." Is basically the vibe I get from everyone in the hive.
>>37054 If I were in that scenario I would commit unalive as soon as possible ngl.
>>37054 okay I get it now. Would you dig it if it was more consensual?
>>37054 Welcome to Personalias writing style. Well written content that has a pervasive habit of delivering a tragic liver punch sporadically only to give you time to recover. His story Unfair is written in a similar fashion. In game though, I felt for the juvies under Ms. Topaz the most thus far. I'm also well onto the caregivers putting up a practiced front, especially after the quip about June's grace period ending soon.
>>37058 Maybe..I think I'd like it more if the MC didn't retain their memories of being able to control themselves and being an adult. Like if they just thought their accidents were normal. But even the real young juvies I feel retain some of their former mind and are just trapped inside a body that isn't capable of expressing their true feelings. It's so sad! >>37060 I used to really enjoy their stories and unfair endings, this just hits different for some reason. Maybe I'm just getting older haha.
>>37047 I hate forced regression, I don't really see it any differently to giving someone a lobotomy. I had to stop playing Perpetual Change because I just felt sorry for Eclair, absolute turnoff.
>>37069 Agreed, any forced permanent change is where I draw a line
>>37054 I don't mind forced regression when the plot isn't taking itself seriously. In real life it would be a nightmare regardless of my diaper fetish. Losing who I am is my worst fear. Honestly a few things I like about this fetish would be a nightmare in real life. I'd probably have a panic attack if I out of the blue lost all control of my body.
Forced regression is a major turn off for me either. I get that the whole baby part is probably an important thing for a lot of us but I’d love to have games focusing more on the diaper aspect,without all the baby fluff if you don’t choose to.
>>37069 Maybe if there was a regression mechanism in the game similar to perpetual change it would be better. I'd probably play of I could somehow keep this MC from regressing. >>37088 I probably wouldn't mind gradually losing some aspects of control so long as it was my choice. I already wear 24/7 and have made decent strides in unpotty training. But these characters don't want that. I'd probably feel better if some of the characters wanted the transformation. As it is with all the torture and the lies and hidden aspects I probably won't play the game. Despite me enjoying some of the scenario.
anyone know the password for the latest To Love A Googirl update?
>>37050 there definitely will be without spoiling, perpetual change had a way to avoid the regression, and one of the characters in The Hive seems to be working in that direction as well. Choosing who to spend your time with will dictate what happens to you
>>37168 Password: booobs?
still hoping for some games with just people enjoying their diapers, and not being forced into humiliation or regression or forced into baby play eihter. can't people just enjoy diapers.
>>37191 >"where's the gameplay?" >*press X to enjoy diaper* >"I'm just stuck in a room with nothing to do?"
>>37192 or could just be a story with people living lives who just happen to wear diaper and enjoy using them? Is it really that hard to understand the idea of 2 people having sex who just happen to wear and use diapers?
>>37199 that sounds just like a mundane story and not much potential for a game -- you just want a mod for a normal sex game that just adds a diaper prop for clothing.
>>37199 >could just be a story so why does it need to be a game? a game inherently implies a challenge to overcome
>>37169 That's good. I hope it's more than halting the regression. I'd love to see the MC be able to regain independence and their memories/ability to cuss again. The whole "it's the first day here so you're forced to ask for help to remove clothing and you're forced to wet the bed" thing is unfair to me. But obviously my own personal preference and feelings on this.
You wouldn’t happen to have the link for the newest update for to love a goo girl would you if so please would you mind sharing it
>>37199 >>37235 >>37239 even if its "just a story, there needs to be SOME sort of conflict to resolve or there is no plot, nowhere for the narrative to go.
>>37252 The game I want to see is a roguelike where you start as a baby and the goal is to get to the end without growing up, despite all the various adult authority figures trying to age-up and potty train you. Getting tagged by one of them will make getting to the end easier in some way (the opposite of most of these regress games), but... well, you grew up a bit, and that's what you don't want. In a perfect run, you get to the end without growing up at all.
>>37191 >>37192 >>37199 Sounds like maybe you're describing something like Baby Hands but with diaper play and story? Could be boring, but I dunno, I've had some decent fetish times just walking around in Sunny Paws with full regression on easy it so could work who knows.
>>37255 >Sunny Paws That's fair, and i'm sure it's great, but i am not a big fan of furry in general. Or like at all. But you do you. I have recently tried the sadly abandoned game change my diaper or something like that. Decent VN with 4 days with 2 actualy pretty good DL scenes in it. Sad it was abandoned.
Does anyone know how to quickly see the differences in Perpetual Change? I’ve supported Soap for a few years now, but it’s sort of annoying to only be able to see the differences in each episode after 30 minutes of walking simulator. I want to see all 3 ends of Ep 1, all 4 of Ep 2, etc, without having to WASD through all of them. Is there any collection of the differences of choices?
>>37265 Wasn't there a Sunny paws version that was defurried?
>>37326 I was not made aware of this, no. Could you link me?
>>37326 pants labyrinth, been on omo for about 2 years
>>37094 >I probably wouldn't mind gradually losing some aspects of control so long as it was my choice. That's no longer being forced then. I think I follow what you mean though. A best case scenario would be some Star Trek type holodeck where you can just live out whatever you wanted. Program a CG to "force" you into diapers with the ability to turn it off when you want.
>>37353 I was thinking more along the lines of signing a contract or voluntarily going into a facility or world etc. that forcefully does things and removes your ability to resist. So you choose to go into a place or scene that will remove your choice from that point on, I guess it's similar to CnC scenes.
>>37265 sunny paws character selection does let you choose human...
>>37386 But every other character is a furry, and the game focuses very heavily on being treated like a baby. Literaly all i said i wanted a game where you just wear/use diapers for fun, with no regression or bondage or whatever. This very clearly isn't it.
>>37395 >Literaly all i said i wanted a game where you just wear/use diapers for fun, with no regression or bondage or whatever. Be the change you want to see in the world, anon. Game dev has never been more accessible.
>>37304 some guy posted a fast forward mod in the last thread, could check that out
Does someone have the last LaaB update? https://life-as-a-boy.fanbox.cc/posts/7993715 It hasn't been updated for months in Kemono Party
Anyone recently played Barkston City Blues and know how to end the bar hopping event on Day 12? I see the quest icon thing but there's no interaction I can do.
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Soap hasn't worked on The Hive for over a month now, I'm worried.
>>37428 Hardly anything abdl related has on kemono though is this even an abdl related game?
>>37496 fuckin barely, i want my 1000 yen back from this faggot >>37428 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTVTRnBxTVZsblFTTmFZa3hqU21NelNWTnVlbWgwV0daaE1XZzFlR3Ru
Diaper Dimension got a new update recently does any one have it
>>37540 Oh boy oh boy, 10 second of gameplay. Exactly what I expect from Mia. They're a scam developer.
>>37540 Wow, how much did you pay for this OP, its literally nothing but AI generated imagery. We can ignore Mia as she's nothing but a scam dev
It was literally free to be fair
>>37565 even then this is shit even by Mia_ABDL standards
I found another game DAC: Decked (and diapered) Apocalypse Colony/ Mr Pops Alot one of those are the name not sure yet It a Post-apocalyptic world with random-generated girls and modular images. Download link: https://gitgud.io/mrpopsalot/abdl-games/-/tree/master/E?ref_type=heads discord link: https://discord.gg/QwBMCSpa
>>37565 If someone kicks you in the nuts, do you say "Well at least it was free"?
Their kicking my nuts for FREE normally I have to pay them. this is a hell of a deal. Sign me up also I found a third new game called Laab / Life as a Boy Here’s a link: https://www.deviantart.com/agentorange-laab/art/How-to-Download-Life-as-a-Boy-978268052
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Whatever happened with MiniBoss? the game with art by RFswatched The mot recent demo is from the last december, anyone has anything newer?
>>37571 To be fair some people are into being kicked in the nuts? >>37572 This was brought up earlier. How is this abdl related? >>37586 I think they gave up on it.
Diaper Dimension Escape v0.15 https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/diaper-dimension-escape-06-04-2024-early-alpha-v0--t1166.html Seems like they're making all releases public almost immediately rn
>>37619 I might be colorblind or retarded but does anyone else have a problem telling color and gray squares apart after they've been correctly clicked?
>>37647 Well one is grey and the other has color, so no... easy to tell the difference.
>>36755 For anyone who's interested, I'm this anon and spent this last month (literally, apparently! Didn't realize I was posting on the same exact day!) sorting out some life stuff and then coming up with the base game design. Due to a lot more responses on halfchan and elsewhere that seemed positive about story, and some of my own gameplay ideas that I've been working on in the interim, I've decided I'm initially going to focus on the storygame. HOWEVER, know that I am not actually abandoning the trainer idea. Instead, I've realized I'm just going to work on storygame *first*, until the initial demo and super early parts of the first planned area (and possibly a teaser of the 3rd area) are done. After that, while I'm not gonna make promises about what I will or won't do in likely several months or half a year or more, it already appears like it won't be nearly as much workload as I expected to make a prototype version of the trainer game IF I make it visually barren and placeholdery until if it proves itself popular (aka financially worth it to me). So in other words, if you want the trainer game you're in for a long wait, but not an endless one.
>>37733 What would the plot of the story game be about anyway?
>>37735 Sorry but for the actual plot you'll just have to wait for whenever I've got a demo out + make a proper page for it somewhere. I wish I could discuss more specifics, since I know what you mean by your question and I actually have much of it already written, but because of practical reasons of not just revealing everything for someone else to copy + personal preference to just make the game and show rather than tell, I'm not gonna say much yet. Just know there'll be a heavy mix of mechanical gameplay and story, some of which is more like being a prisoner and some of which is more like being free. And know that areas are designed to be semi looping / indefinite slightly like a much deeper form of how in diaperquest you tend to wind up staying in a given area for a little while at a time before completely moving on, and could always just sorta stay and survive without moving the plot (if you can call it that for DQ) forward. The ending isn't even really going to be a thing outside some fluff, as you'd technically just be able to stay in the ending area a little like how in Fallout New Vegas you can just avoid taking the final mission until you feel like it. I imagine most people will be playing each zone to completion and moving on for a first playthrough, but if they're just purely in it for a quick fap, ultimately picking their favorite zone and just staying around there until it gets old to them. I'm even likely to add a "fap mode" that just lets you disable parts of the gameplay and all of the story to let you just explore simplified versions of some of the hubs purpose built to satisfy a few common favorite settings/scenarios. Just picking an area and some settings and immediately being there, albeit unable to advance anything or use all the mechanics since it'd just be meant to let people go to their favorite fantasy, crank one out, and leave.
>>37619 This one seems promising, hopefully the dev doesn’t bail after a year.
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>>37719 Whatever setting my monitor was on made 1 and 2 look almost the same. Guess I'm just stupid.
Anyone got links to the new Happy Heart Panic build? Kemono only has Doggie Bones patreon and it's out of date.
>>37843 if someone gets this for a dollar i'll get the HHP build and post it
>>37843 >>37846 Patreon version has no ABDL stuff anyway
>>37619 Thanks for posting, this is actually really promising. I like the gameplay and world. Has potential to be really great. Building blocks are all there.
Would anybody be willing to share the newest wet dream diary 4.2 version please I’d be eternally grateful
If someone has the new DD Escape that would be very cool ;)
Can someone share The Hard Reset from gigaQ?

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