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Big Guy 08/19/2018 (Sun) 11:14:09 No. 141874
Bane cuck Batman so badly he became an atheist Not even kidding. Also slade now Damian real father.
>>141874 Huh? How the furry from the end credits scene matters to us?
>gets cucked >stops believing in invisible sky daddies >drops the no-kill rule >kills every villain >villains worldwide fear Batman >Gotham becomes 100% safe, crimes drops to 0% >Batman gets an infinite harem Was getting enlightened part of your plan?
I saw this on /tv/ but I still don't understand any of it. How did Bane cuck Batman? How did Batman become an atheist? How is Slade Damian's real father?
>>141879 >Hears mention of God >Doritos encrusted fingers begin to shake >Becomes so agitated he closes the tabs of gay porn and BLACKED.com >Tips fedora >Drops the good posting rule >Outs himself as pent up faggot >100% of /bane/ now disdains/pities him, respect drops to 0 >Still a gay nerd and hothead Was growing a neckbeard part of your plan?
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>>141884 >believe in Semitic sky daddy >quote Semitic scripture written by rabbis >worship dead kike on a stick >get told you're inherently worthless and filthy by faggot pedophile in a dress >be a good passive goy and give all your money to the (((church))) for fear of going to hell >shrug off decades and decades of child abuse by the clergy >mock the millennia-old religions of your ancestors as dumb cavemen worshipping rocks >tolerate the unmaking of the natural world because lol who cares big mansion in heaven >defend Israel's because the scriptures say it's the (((Chosen))) people's right >also they gotta play a key role in the end of the world (not even kidding about this last part) >smugly call the people rejecting the Semitic indoctrination and harkening back to the White man's true culture "LARPers" >pat yourself in the back for being such a good goy Was being a spiritual semite part of your plan?
>>141874 >>141879 >caring about (((Marvel)))'s latest turd
>>141887 >posts a criminal to try and make a point why Christianity is bad. Reminder that Varg killed a man and then tried to pass it off as a victory because he found out after the fact that his victim was a communist.
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>>141884 >all these baseless insults and assumptions just because someone doesn't believe in a religion literally made by jews What happened with "turning the other cheek", christcuck?
>>141888 Batman a dc character
>>141891 >>141887 Not to mention varg doesn’t care if all the kids are his as long they are white.
>>141880 >How did Bane cuck Batman? >How did Batman become an atheist? Batman wedding was apart of bane master plan to hurt his feelings. Bane was fucking Catwoman behind Batman back while they were engaged. >>141880 >How is Slade Damian's real father? Talia was fucking Deathstroke on the side as plan B. To find a new leader of the league of shadow( which is a better name for the league of assassins )
>>141880 Almost forgot. Batman Still salty over Catwoman leaving him. He started lashing at friends. Told a woman at a jury he stopped believing god.
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>>141887 >Writing a post when Varg is against writing >Believing in obviously fictional sky daddies and mommies solely because >muh ancestors used to believe it, despite the fact that your ancestors believing something isn't reason to believe said thing, despite the fact that your ancestors did not even take those beliefs that seriously since most of them were peacefully assimilated by Christianity >denying that neopagans are "LARPers" >get told you're useful only as a tool for some semen-drinking cyclopes to fight a war he'll lose anyway and to behave like a nigger until someone kills you instead of dying old age or sickness, which will get you sent to hel >shrug off millennia of human sacrifice, the murder, theft, and rape of fellow white and general niggery by the vikings which is encouraged by their "millennia-old" religions >shrug off the fact that the "millennia-old" religions of your ancestors were dumb cavemen worshipping rocks >shrug off the fact that these religions supported faggotry >Unironically believes Christianity is a "jewish scheme" despite centuries of conflict between jewish and Christians and decades upon decades of anti-Christian propaganda by the left and jews >shrugging off the fact that neopagan hippies started the movement away from conservative Christian values that has produced the leftist shitshow of today >Tolerate left-wing environmentalism halting the technological advancement of mankind because lol big mansion in Valhalla >Not harkening back to the far older white man's culture of the stone age Was being a hypocrite part of your plan
>>141909 >>141910 Absolute cuckino
>>141884 >OP sees something about atheism and gets triggered >Big Guy responds >you become a hothead and pretend the Big Guy was triggered because he responded to someone else being triggered Also, who's Batman?
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>>141874 I don't get it. This pic doesn't show any of the stuff you say. Just writing on top of it with MS Paint doesn't mean that the things you wrote in are evidenced in the page. >>141914 >Christians can't be a form of jew because christians and other jews fight sometimes >Protestants/catholics can't be forms of christianity because protestant/catholics fight other christians sometimes. Christianity is to the post-credit scenes as Judaism is to The Plane Scene. Only The Plane Scene is much more well written and realistic. Batman was a cuck the entire time anyway because he raised so many kids that weren't biologically his. And it makes sense for Batman to be atheist considering he's personal friends with pretty much every god in the DCU, and also friends with plenty of other people who don't claim to be gods but are more powerful than those that are called gods. If Superman and Martian Manhunter and The Flash aren't gods, then why would Orion and Darkseid and Zeus be? The Monitors and The Empty Hand aren't gods, but Phantom Stranger's boss is. But what's the difference at that point? (((Ragman))) has a cloak made of souls, but are souls not just a form of psychic energy? People have their minds removed from their bodies all the time in DC. And plenty of characters can make psychic energy tangible. Sufficiently advanced aliens are absolutely commonplace in the DCU, and they are frequently explicitly not gods. Unless you're counting The Fifth World, in which case Batman is the godliest god of all, since he's apparently the Fifth World version of both Orion and Metron. >tl;dr: Batman is best friends with Superman, who is the most powerful cosmic being in the omniverse when push comes to shove, but he isn't a god. Batman also killed Darkseid, who is a god. Batman is the reincarnation of two different gods anyway. "God" is a moot term in the DCU. On topic, it's been well established that William "Slade" Wilson is the Nolanverse version of Deathstroke. You're surprised that the bat-furry from the post credit scenes gets cucked by CIA? We've been calling that for six and a half years at this point. Of course Bane and CIA can beat Bateman. What I'm more surprised about is that CIA would sleep with Miranda Tate and cuck Bateman in the first place. You'd think since he and Bateman are both enemies of Bane, they would be on the same side. But here it seems like CIA and Bane are putting aside their differences to both fight Bateman from different angles. It's probably DC trying to set up for the next Justice League movie. The post-credit scene of the last one had CIA team up with Lex Luthor for what will presumably be the Legion of Doom or the Secret Society of Supervillains which will fight the Justice League, including Batman, and it would make sense for Bane to be part of that group as well.
>>141991 >Christianity is to the post-credit scenes as Judaism is to The Plane Scene >The Plane Scene is much more well written and realistic. You just outted yourself
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Batman always enjoyed exploiting his Capatalist roots
>>141885 >>141888 LOL butthurt *slap slap*
>>142001 Outed yourself? As gay? As not jewish? If you're straight or have any allegiance to another religion, you have no place in our homosexual death cult.
>>142055 You just outted yourself as a jew >homosexual deathcult >he says this when pagans approve of homosexuality >he says this when Odin literally demands his followers to die in battle in order to go to Valhalla The “ancient white religions” were literally homosexual death cults But since white people believed them in the past that makes them legitimate, I suppose we should use poop to glue our houses together and trap cats in our walls,because our white ancestors used to do those things. I suppose we should trade with muslims because our white ancestors did that
>>142067 >outed yourself as jew >by saying The Plane Scene is better written and more realistic than judaism I worship the holy trinity. In the name of the Big Guy, the Bane, and the Masketta Man. For you. I didn't say anything about pagans. I said this board is a homosexual death cult. Learn to read. But I know reading isn't conductive to believing in sandnigger religions. You've been exposed to the word of the Prophet Nolan (bravo be upon him), and you have no excuse for being such a hotheaded small guy.
>>142067 your newfag is showing. go back to your hugbox >>>/pol/ >>>/christian/
>>142104 Uh, you don't get to bring bragging about being a certified OG oldfag to an anonymous imageboard dumb faggot >>141874 >Make a post pointing out that atheists are hotheaded manlet spergs >The little guys' craniums overheat so badly that they prove me right by sperging out for the entire thread about how the figure by far most hated by global jewry is really a two-thousand years running kike psy-op, because he said love thy neighbour, don't be a retarded criminal nigger, etc. r/atheism, I'm XPI. Was getting cucked part of your plan?
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>being a christcuck >worshipping the demiurge >not being gnostic instead Have fun being stuck in an endless cycle of death and rebirth, faggots.
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>>142146 >gnostisism Truly the "fuck you mom and dad" of religions
>>142146 >>142155 lol, I thought i was back on /christian/ for a moment
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>believing in any religion other than meme magick >calls others jews for not worshipping jews >calls others hotheads for pointing this out Why are small guys always so hotheaded?
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>not worshipping Banebdjedet Hotheads, all of you.
>not affiliating yourself with the master plan or flight plan >fighting over religion on /bane/ Guaranteed hothead.
>>141879 Found the hothead cuck
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>>142099 >derailing the thread >being gay I don't know which is worse. >>143500 >Banebdjedet >not the only Bane that matters Hothead plz.
>>141887 muh ancestors

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