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Banner Thread 10/01/2020 (Thu) 14:33:00 Id: d34bdf No. 1723 [Reply] [Last]
Let's spruce this place up. Here's a dump of some old banners, just to get things started.
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Anyone here got the 8chan logos used for banners? I have only a small handful and I'm searching for the 8chan seal logo, 8chan flower logo and the 8chan paintsplat logo.
I propose that we work on getting more population in here.

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/pol/ Meta thread Anonymous Board owner 07/11/2020 (Sat) 02:11:05 Id: b0ca41 No. 1063 [Reply] [Last]
Seeing as how the board is getting more active, figured it was about time to actual discus what's going on in regards to how the board should operate.
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>>20363 shit, what happened? >>20364 ok I'll look over it.
Minimum world limit for OP (around 50) and phone poster bans. Then advertise the site as being phone poster free. It will be like pre 2012 pol in no time.

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Dig the Swamp Anonymous 01/03/2022 (Mon) 21:15:13 Id: 060130 No. 13445 [Reply] [Last]
Post what you got on these motherfuckers.
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>>19851 Go ahead
>>13445 mild-rel >>>/b/453655 Learn how to crosspost, newfag
Edited last time by Shellen on 12/26/2023 (Tue) 06:02:47.

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/pol/'s News Thread II Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:43:29 Id: ac4fe6 No. 20559 [Reply]
Previous thread >>10568 Archive: https://archive.ph/D1r26 This thread is for sharing news of all kinds that /pol/ users find relevant. The purpose of this is to encourage activity on the board by creating a source of constant topics that can be discussed and new threads created if they are "big" enough, as well as serving as a place where less "important" news can be shared without fear of "wasting" a thread on them. As with the rest of the board, it is a requirement to include an archive of the news article in question. Social media screenshots of "literal who" are discouraged unless they are a part of a major event. It is recommended that topics that have generated a lot of discussion in the thread have separate threads, in order to avoid derailing this thread.
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>>20718 "Eugenics" is just a fancy word that means "breeding". Humans have been breeding animals and plants for thousands of years going back into pre-history, and we still do so today. Breeding was even practised on humans too, just not explicitly; we know that in ancient times the Germanics and Greeks exposed their new-borns, for example. You've been duped by some kosher "intellectual" about what Eugenics is. You probably don't understand what "socialism" is either. In this jew-run world, countries are practising dysgenics, not eugenics, by promoting the scum of lower-class Whites and non-Whites like rappers, monkey athletes, freaks like Lizzo and "Rachel" Levine, etc.. You also have things like a tax system that penalizes responsible middle- and upper- class Whites, and funds niggers and spics and jews. Universities that severely restrict the enrolment of White males, and admit more jews that are under-qualified. And so on and so on. The result is the deterioration of the gene pool, i.e. dysgenics, and not Eugenics. If you're interested, here's a list of books you can read: https://third-reich-books()com/ Some of these are available on the Internet Archive https://archive()org/
https://gab()com/Unakceptabke_views/posts/112702876848368652 >Britain drafted the declaration of war against Germany a full week before the German invasion of Poland. >"ADOLF HITLER sent the armed forces of Great Germany into Poland on 1 September 1939. Thereupon Britain and France declared war on Germany." >Simplistic history says that it was Hitler’s fault that Britain and France declared war on Germany, since it was he who made the decision to violate Polish territory. >The people who say this show little knowledge of the circumstances that impelled Hitler to make this decision. >The fact is that Britain was trying to start a war with Germany. From the German perspective, Britain was engaged in saber-rattling against Germany throughout 1939, with a belligerent Poland, encouraged by Britain, posing the threat of a two-front war. >The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 was a response to a menace deliberately created by Britain. The fact that Hitler had not wanted war with Britain and France is evident in his peace-offer following the conquest of Poland, which included the proposal to restore a reduced Polish state. >Britain and France undertook that war expecting that Germany could easily be contained on land and starved with a naval blockade. >Because they did not expect to have to wage a real war, the decision was made lightly. There was even talk of how the war would help with unemployment in Britain. >Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said to U.S. ambassador Joseph Kennedy that the reason why he had made war against Germany was that “America and the World Jews” had pressured him. >Kennedy later told this to Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, who recorded it in his diary; “neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington,” is how Forrestal summarized Kennedy’s recollection (The Forrestal Diaries, entry of 27 December 1945).

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>>20722 Cont. <“Our ideal is to round Poland off with frontiers on the Oder in the West and the Neisse in Lausatia, and to reincorporate Prussia, from the Pregel to the Spree. In this war no prisoners will be taken, there will be no room for humanitarian feelings. We shall surprise the whole world in our war with Germany.” >Polish newspaper Mosarstwowiecz (1930), three years before Hitler’s rise to power. <“On May 2, broke the withdrawn from Korfanty third uprising in Upper Silesia. It started a terrible reign of terror. The killings multiplied. The Germans were tortured, mutilated, tortured to death, their bodies desecrated. Villages and castles were robbed, burned, blown up in the air. In the image in the official publication of the German government exceed 1921 held incidents of cruelty the worst events that one can imagine. ” >~ Prof. Dr. René Martel in his book “Les frontiers de l’Allemagne Orientals”(Paris 1930) on the Polish raids in Upper Silesia in 1921 >The historical record, as represented by the German government at the time, on Bromberg “Bloody Sunday” and related incidents — 58,000 claimed dead or missing by Feb 1940. >The German invasion was Sep 1939, but it’s important to understand that many of the outrages had preceded the German invasion. This was proved by the amount of decomposition of the bodies. >Thus, these atrocities cannot be excused simply as reprisals for the German invasion (which would be wrong anyway). >They included 19 year-old girls with their faces smashed, amputations, disembowelments, shot through the eye, death-trauma births, you name it. >Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to the close of WW I — you haven’t been told that by the Mass Media, or the fact that these atrocities were one of the main causes for the German invasion of Poland, something that was meant by the Germans to be a local solution to a local problem. >Germany had already done the “right thing” by protesting in writing to the League of Nations literally dozens of times. The League of Nations did nothing, yet the problem had to be solved.” https://forgottentruthhistory()wordpress()com/2017/12/31/poland-waanted-war-and-was-the-aggressor-in-ww2/

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A video on the demographic crisis Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 17:59:22 Id: c41681 No. 20720 [Reply]
This video goes over many reasons why people aren't having children. In short, it is not due to wages or inflation. Ultimately, it is modern lifestyle. Countries with high degrees of traditionalism like China, Japan, or Thailand are experiencing the same degree of child collapse as Poland or France. It's not even feminism per-se which is the problem. It is simple economics. Studies show that families with fewer children do better than families with more children. In the modern world, most people do not farm and thus most people do not need many children to help them. Maybe the issue can be solved by removing females from the work force. Yet how can this even be realistically accomplished? It's easy to say, >Oh yeah, we're totally going to just take power and say "No more women in work." But I think you know this is unrealistic. Am I wrong? How do we realistically raise the birthrate? https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/5TgABxa-S2A

Found the guy behind the 15 minute cities Anonymous 04/25/2023 (Tue) 23:33:01 Id: 80c55b No. 19196 [Reply]
(((Ivan Illich))) Get a load of this: https://infogalactic(Please use archive.today)/info/Tools_for_Conviviality >The idea of the 'radical monopoly' is also applied to the effects of cars on the urban form, as "speedy vehicles of all kinds render space scarce." Ivan Illich contributes to a radical critique of modern urbanism: "this monopoly over land turns space into car fodder. It destroys the environment for feet and bicycles. Even if planes and buses could run as nonpolluting, nondepleting public services, their inhuman velocities would degrade man's innate mobility and force him to spend more time for the sake of travel." So, to put it simply, the reason why we need to destroy the concept of the automobile (And ANY form of travel by extension, which includes planes,trains, and ships) is because said vehicles "dehumanize" society.
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>>19931 Driving is a relaxing experience. It's dealing with other drivers that is stressful.
>>19367 >HOWEVER, I don't trust '15 minute cities' because the (they) support it. European cities were naturally built over hundreds of years, American 15 minute cities will be built for maximum surveillance and control. This. I do want walkable cities however I DO NOT WANT CONTROLLED CITIES. Let's go back to what people used to behave. Capitalism can grow in walkable cities, as controlled cities will bring communism over the LT.
>>19196 Diversity leads to less social engagement and nigger rioting destroys community centers, destroys "stocking up" stores, destroys public parks, and also leads to White people being forced to play the knockout game with niggers. Increased diversity leads to less community engagement and lower levels of social trust. It leads to more isolation, more violence, and more social alienation.

Documentary thread Anonymous 09/12/2022 (Mon) 04:25:53 Id: 4069e8 No. 16745 [Reply] [Last]
The thread for posting long form video essays on people and subjects. Remember to preferably link to these sites: >>>/t/5546
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How I Became and Anti-Semite: and the Jews who Radicalized Me 38m https://www.bitchute()com/video/r1edTgnuRjIn/
Putin and the Death of the Far Right in Russia 14m How Putin has destroyed nationalism in Russia. https://www.bitchute()com/video/n6NL1Z8wVuKM
How Israel Hijacked the US to Fight It's Wars 28m https://www.bitchute()com/video/Ytt02IT846Xc https://odysee()com/@reynolds1778:9/twittervid(Please use archive.today)_DarumaIkyu_5efc87:7

QTDDTOT Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 18:41:09 Id: 000000 No. 9936 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for asking and answering questions that aren't important enough to make an entire thread for them.
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Does anyone have the statistics on faggots being child molesters?
>>20440 There might be something in Joel F. Carberry's If You Give a Gay Their Way https://archive()org/details/iygagtw-ebook-review-copy
I used to hate on doomers, but I have become extremely blackpilled recently. Every single social media site I go to is just non-stop, wall to wall political meming. Yet almost no one believes in any of it. It's depressing to watch conservatives spam anti-Biden memes accusing him of doing everything from wanting to commit genocide on Americans to abortion holocaust to starting WW3 to initiating a communist dictatorship. Yet not a single one of them is serious. It's all just empty accusations and empty threats of revolt. Everyone who actually does something like organize or fight back is called a fed. There is no escape from this. There is no way out of the death spiral and it is entirely due to conservatives. Worst of all, I am part of the problem. I cannot get organized because I am a cowardly piece of shit who cares more about my relationship than the values I thought I believed in for years. Everyone who is as much of a cowardly piece of shit as I am has some other lame excuse that no one else would accept as valid, yet we are all held back from doing what we know is right by these lame excuses. To those few men who are doing IRL activism against White genocide, you are objectively superior to me and to 99% of the rest of humanity. I will never denounce you. But the problem is that the rest of the cowards, traitors, and retards on the pseudo-right denounce those few men among us as feds. There is so much anger from the right but almost no one is sincere. It's all just facebook posturing.

Election 2024 thread Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:21:43 Id: e1bd00 No. 20539 [Reply] [Last]
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>>20692 Anon their ONLY goal is beating Trump. They'd put a chimp on the ticket if they thought he'd win.
>>20694 >They'd put a chimp on the ticket if they thought he'd win. Maxine Walters is running?!
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>>20693 >>20694 Yes I get it, my bewilderment is more being tired of the whole performance we've been living for so long

Covid General 2 09/28/2023 (Thu) 06:36:16 Id: 025494 No. 19365 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>89 Archived: https://archive.ph/uxzYm The scam rumbles on.
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Media Tried To Discredit A Study Showing Masks Don’t Work https://www.outkick_com/analysis/media-tried-discredit-study-showing-masks-dont-work-failed >When the gold standard of evidence reviews, the Cochrane Library examination, was published in early 2023, it provided the definitive, comprehensive scientific study showing that masks were ineffective against respiratory viruses. It's not the gold standard. Dr Peter Goetzsche, one of its' founders, was kicked out because he criticized the organizations sloppy work and for his criticisms of the pharmaceutical industry. https://www.deadlymedicines_dk/ The point is that even if a corrupt and pro-pharma organization like Cochrane says masks are ineffective, then obviously they are; and that was already known before 2020. >Given the reputations of those involved --world renowned experts in evidence-based medicine--, the thoroughness of the review, and the confirmation it provided after years of observational data [that] decisively supported the evidence that masks failed to stop the spread of respiratory viruses, you'd have expected that it would garner attention. Maybe even enough to stop masking policies permanently. >Instead, however, most media outlets dismissed it entirely, refusing to deal with the ramifications of a definitive scientific resource contradicting their advocacy since the start of the pandemic. Except, of course, for The New York Times. >The Times, thanks to its anti-science opinion writer Zeynep Tufecki [turkroach], last seen influencing the CDC to recommend universal masking in defiance of actual science, worked to undermine the Cochrane Review by appealing to the political ideology of its editor. >The Editor-in-chief of the Cochrane Library, Karla Soares-Weiser, spoke to Tufecki and desperately tried to distance herself and the Library from the results of the review. Karla appears to be a mestizo married to a jew https://www.cochrane_org/news/introducing-karla-soares-weiser-editor-chief-cochrane-library >In the process, [Soares-Weiser] inaccurately characterized the studies that the researchers examined, and undermined their results by collaborating with Tufecki to defend their misconceptions.

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You can have a look yourself at some of the videos on the vaccines being a bioweapon https://www.bitchute()com/search/?query=vaccine%20ashkenazi&kind=video&sort=new A mistake most of the videos make is only referencing the one paper that showed that Mormons were also immune, but other papers showed it was jews and Chinese that were immune. >>19416 is the only article I know of that discusses this, but it's behind a paywall unfortunately. It's obvious jews are just hiding behind the Chinese, and getting them to do their dirty work. Jews have chosen the Chinese to be their goyim-slaves, once they've killed all the other non-jews, starting with Whites. We already know jews took control of China with their communist revolution; do you think it's just a coincidence that jews lead the development of all the vaccines, and that the vaccines just happen to have no negative effects on jews and Chinese?
https://www.bitchute()com/video/HU8RewUJ3TBR/ >Update: TMPRSS2 as it relates to Ashkenazis and others is relevant as well: https://www.medrxiv()org/content/10.1101/2021.03.04.21252931v1.full.pdf >It looks like they've applied genetics research to target certain groups while privileging others. It's most unlikely a coincidence the injections, if they function as we are told, are by far least an issue for Ashkenazis. >As I'm posting this I haven't listened to the video I've uploaded. I've only listened to this one: https://www.francesoir()fr/videos-videos-english/stephanie-seneff (recommended) >"Over the past year, Dr. Seneff has conducted research into Sars-CoV-2 and more especially on the mRNA and ADN vaccine technologies. In her view these injections are extremely dangerous and may lead to an explosion of auto-immune pathologies such as Parkinson's or multiple sclerosis. In her interview to France Soir she explains how the Spike protein causes the cells to “burst into flame” as it were, and to produce antibodies in massive numbers. These antibodies will likely attack vital organs such as the heart, liver, brain, ovaries and spleen, drawing a host of degenerative diseases in their wake." >"I'm shocked. Why would our country want to go out of its way to harm its population? There is tremendous censorship." >She touches on the prion issue as well, as Dr. Day and others have warned about. >It does look like this series of injections will maim and kill many people in a variety of ways. She refers to it as a toxic mix. "I would not get these injections myself." >She says the spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor. This is least an issue in Ashkenazis, and is much more an issue for many Europeans.

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Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 01:12:47 Id: bbb315 No. 20572 [Reply]
Ever wondered why cities are making pride sidewalk around, and are putting people in jail when making skidmark on it? Well there's the Municipality Equality Index. DEI but for cities. Here is a thread talking more in detail about it. https://archive.ph/MI6qv Short example of cities that have 100% Globalist Index https://archive.ph/9joFd This website list all cities and their score https://www.hrc(Please use archive.today)/resources/mei-2023-see-your-cities-scores Along with a short example of what it looks like
>Can't repost same file multiple times

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Assange out of prison on plea deal Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 05:56:40 Id: b31245 No. 20560 [Reply]
>White wizard released How did that happen. Did he get his hands on some good blackmail or did they buy him to fuck the elections?
>>20560 Assange and the NWO had a staring competition into the Abyss. > The NWO blinked first
> I want to believe. I want it to be true so very bad. I can't help but thinking it's foul play leading up to the burger election

WW3 in progress GENERAL WW3 in progress GENERAL 05/26/2022 (Thu) 11:47:27 Id: 4b3041 No. 15637 [Reply]
JR Nyquist has held a theory for decades which is not mainstream. It is based upon the testimonies of defectors from the Soviet Union and Communist China. This is the theory: >China is about to invade the conterminous United States. >Probably before November 1st 2022, which is when the Democrats will lose BADLY because the economy is doing shit. >The Russian "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine started on 24th Feb 2022 is not just full of bluff moves, feints, and ruses, but the whole Special Military Op. is one BIG fake move >The aim is to trick the collective West into pour all their tanks, armored vehicles, military arms, rocket launchers, etc. war materiel into the Ukraine where it will disappear >Leaving the West semi-DISARMED after a biological attack in 2020, a binary weapon, the virus AND the mRNA injections, the clot-shots. > The WEF, the globalists are on board with this war plan. They are descended from European Aristocrats who are into Satanism and have always hated the United States, a free Christian country founded by Freemasons, Deists and Dissenter Christians. Just look up Ursula von der Leyen for instance. >Also the pre-war actions of the ChiComs have already started, arsonists are attacking America's major food processing plants. There's been an unusually high number of Food Processing Plant accidents (not accidents) this year > This would explain why Russia is taking so long to conquer Ukraine, Russia could simply nuke Ukraine for quick victory but instead they sent only 10% of their standing army and did not even take the capital city yet, it's a bluff move to trick Germany into sending all their tanks and armor and wasting them in Ukraine. >Next thing is China using their March 2022 (THIS YEAR) huge 11 million people Lockdown Monday to Friday in the major cities of Southern China. There's no virus, this is fake >They are going through secret HUGE switch over of their factories from Peacetime to WARTIME economy, they are going to be making Uniforms and Weapons instead of Twinkies and Plushies for sale in Warmart in the West >That's the true purpose of this current March 2022 Lockdown of 11 million people >Possible schedule: around Nov 1st 2022 in China there will be an internal CCP re-election of Xi Jingping to a 3rd term, with the economy doing badly he is having to use the WW3 card to make sure he secures his legacy and stays in power >The Soviet Union war with China in 1969 was faked

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>>16733 >the outcome is the same in either case and we are watching it happen. And what outcome was that? I bet you thought russia was somehow going to win.
>>15637 counterpoint: i don't care. my people have never been nice to me, so what the fuck do i care what happens with the world? the average dickbag out there is a total fucking asshole, they're definitely not worth fighting for. even less dying for. the average asshole is rude, endlessly demanding, has a potty mouth, a way too large ego, and is just a pain to be around in general. also, i was bulied all my school years, so that makes me care even less. i'm just a fat, stupid slow, useless, loser, according to my people. so what the fuck do i care what china does? death would be a sweet relief at this point anyways.
>>15637 It looks like some of this theory is correct but with China wanting to conquer Taiwan instead.

WEBM THREAD Anonymous 12/07/2021 (Tue) 14:57:51 Id: 5b9bd0 No. 13222 [Reply] [Last]
Post videos here
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LOST MEDIA OF THE BUFFALO SHOOTING Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 04:59:20 Id: 6d5311 No. 20537 [Reply]
I KNOW one of you fags have it. Why? Because he literally namedropped 8chan.moe in his shitty discord diary. The "full" livestream cuts off after he says sorry to the white guy, but there is a version where there's more to it. I know one of you fags have the full vid, POST IT.
>>20537 I don't have it on me since I'm not a fed. Sorry
>posting .webp files
>>20537 Investigate the convention known as EVO, that happened in Las Vegas. The organizers are pedophiles and trannies who prey on children and are exactly this kind of mentally ill abominations who do mass shootings. The convention is a central for their plans and funding.

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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 01:10:22 Id: 49699d No. 20543 [Reply]
The number of libertarians among (Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me)s/young people has dropped significantly it seems. There aren't that many libertarians on /pol/ or other imageboard spaces as of 3 years ago maybe. They were most popular in the early 2000s and 2010s. 2020 was perhaps their climax because a lot of them were still active on altchans (see /liberty/), but today it seems they're nowhere to be found, even on (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) platforms like tiktok or instagram. The political right has largely shifted in a more authoritarian direction in the past few years. Right wing (Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me)s tend to be more attracted to various strands of fascism/NS, monarchy, or national conservatism as opposed to something more anti-statist. What happened?
>>20543 >(Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me)s Fuck. I didn't know this board censored the word "z00mer."
OP. two things. First, realize that you're not on cuckchan. Second, part of the problem is that many of the so-called "Libertarians" were never such in the first place. In fact, it's become very apparent over the past several years that you had groups using such labels as nothing more than fronts or honeypots towards advancing the Socialist revolution. Even the so called "Authoritarian Right" you see recently from the Christian Nationalists and Project 2025 is nothing more than a psy-op designed to cause more trouble. So as far as why people are so silent lately outside of the extremists, it's because people don't know who to trust.

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